The path of development is evolutionary advantages and disadvantages. Evolutionary path of development of technological processes. There are three main forms of selection

New large firms most often appear in new industries or sub-industries, and on an international scale - in new, dynamically developing countries. The creation of a violent requires large-scale investments. This is exactly how many large organizations appeared in a number of industries a century ago, violents were formed in industrial countries (for example, in Japan, South Korea), and they appeared in the newest industries (computer, biotechnology). To succeed in the market, a large corporation must make interrelated investments in three areas:

  • - creation of large-scale production;
  • - creation of a national and then international sales and marketing network;
  • - creation of an effective management apparatus.

Russia is known in the world as a supplier of all kinds of new ideas and inventions. But it is also known for the fact that, due to a lack of timely investment, it very rarely takes these ideas to large-scale production. The first steam locomotive, which remained in the Urals, the invention of radio is a priority for A. Popov, and throughout the world it is considered the brainchild of the manufacturer G. Marconi; “dry” technology for cement production, continuous casting of steel, TV, radar, etc.

Violents are acquiring the features of “proud lions” - companies with a clear production profile and low diversification (does not penetrate into related industries and has grown smaller). However, in the production of “their” mass goods, “lions” are technological leaders. Features of their market positions: technical and organizational advantages in an important and promising market segment. For example, the Philips concern dominated the production of lamps, Toyota dominated compact cars, and the Khrunichev-Lockheed joint venture dominated launch vehicles for heavy commercial satellites.

The strength of the “lions” is their concentration on a narrow, but massive and promising range of goods; large expenditures on R&D and the creation of powerful research structures, which, as the core of the organization, do not disappear under any circumstances.

The “Proud Lion” launches a self-accelerating growth mechanism that is extremely beneficial for it. It begins with a massive invasion of the market with a new quality product at affordable prices. This happened, for example, with Microsoft's Windows program, which is the most common operating system for personal computers. Soon the first millions of users appeared.

Further, it became profitable to write specific applications for an already well-known operating system, which thousands of programming firms immediately began to do. This became an additional argument for consumers in favor of purchasing the Windows program, through which they gained access to a host of other programs compatible with it.

Sales increased, the number of users increased, costs per copy decreased, prices decreased, which again fueled the interest of programming firms, etc. With each round of self-accelerating growth, the “lion” company breaks away further and further from its competitors. Dynamic lions are the most aggressive in competition in the upper echelon of the corporate pyramid.

The growth potential of the market segment in which the “lion” is dynamically developing sooner or later dries up. The active evolution of the violent ends, and it moves into the position of a “mighty elephant,” when the violent company loses its dynamism, but in return gains increased stability. In this state, it can exist for a number of decades. Stability is ensured mainly by three factors: large size; diversification; presence of a wide international network of branches.

The “mighty elephant” in conditions of stable existence is characterized by the effective tactics of the “clever second”. It is impossible to be the first to release new products all the time in the face of fierce competition. The first mover's risk is high, but large-scale production cannot take risks.

Often “elephants” avoid being the first when a new product appears on the market, but they are nearby, in secondary roles. Traveling corporations begin to act only when the success of a new product is noticeable. They highlight the innovator company and come to the fore. The essence of the "clever second" tactic is that a firm does not have to be first to get the greatest benefit from an innovation. A discovery or invention is mainly of scientific and technical significance. It becomes commercially profitable only with mass replication and application in different areas, i.e. with deep diffusion. This is where the advantages of the violent - the “elephant” - appear. Thanks to its widely diversified and mass production, it is the “elephant” that benefits most from the application of new products in a wide variety of areas.

“In IBM's history, success has often not been driven by technological innovation. Unfortunately, in too many cases we were second to implement them. But technology turned out to be less important than marketing and sales methods... We systematically sold more than those who had better technology, because we knew how to explain the business to the client, how to help with the introduction of machines and how to stick with the client after the purchase. The secret to our approach to sales: “systems knowledge” T. Watson Jr., CEO of IBM

To implement this approach, the “elephant” violent creates special structural units of strategic intelligence that monitor the promotion and commercialization of other people’s inventions, which ensures the rapid creation of analogues that are, if possible, superior to the original. The overall goal of the follow-the-leader method is to reduce the risk of innovation and reduce R&D costs by replacing free search with imitation, proven models.

The “lion” situation - the entire business is developing rapidly. The “elephant” situation - only some areas of activity are developing successfully, while others are lagging behind. Over time, the dynamism of the “elephant” decreases. His creative ability declines. The “mighty elephant” turns into a “sluggish hippopotamus.” While maintaining a gigantic turnover, the corporation gradually loses the ability to achieve commensurate profits, and even becomes unprofitable. Reasons:

  • - strategic mistakes associated with too wide diversification and the corresponding dispersion of forces;
  • - general decline of the industry, death of capital, lack of production prospects.

The situation in some cases can still be improved through a disinvestment strategy, i.e. getting rid of unprofitable production and reducing costs in preserved organizations.

Why do progressive changes increase rapidly in some societies, while others remain frozen at the same economic, political and spiritual level? Humanity has always wanted to accelerate the development of the economy and society as a whole.

But in different countries they achieved this in different ways - some by waging wars of conquest, others by carrying out progressive reforms aimed at transforming society and the economy. In the course of the history of human development, two paths of development of society have been determined - revolutionary and evolutionary.

The evolutionary path (the word “evolution” comes from the Latin word meaning “unfolding”) - the path of peaceful non-violent transformation of society was to calmly, without jerks and attempts to “jump over time,” to help progress, i.e. to capture its basic directions and fully support them, quickly adopt the best practices of other countries.

Supporters of the revolutionary path believed that for the sake of a good goal, a “bright future” (heaven on earth), all means are good, including violence. At the same time, in their opinion and conviction, everything that stands in the way of progress must be immediately discarded and destroyed. By revolution we generally understand any (usually violent) change in the nature of government of society. A revolution is a total change in all aspects of life that occurs over a certain period of time (usually short), a radical change in the nature of social relations.

Revolution (from the late Latin term meaning “turn”, “revolution”, “breakthrough of gradualism”) is a change in the internal structure of the system, which becomes a connecting link between two evolutionary stages in the development of the system, this is a fundamental qualitative change, i.e.

E. jump. At the same time, reform is part of evolution, its one-time, one-time act. This means that evolution and revolution become necessary components of socio-historical development, forming a contradictory unity. Evolution is usually understood as quantitative changes, and revolution as qualitative.

Each transformer of society understood “progress” in his own way. Accordingly, the “enemies of progress” also changed. These could be kings and presidents, feudal lords and bourgeois (for Peter I these were boyars), but the essence of this direction always remained the same - to act quickly and mercilessly. The violent path, the path of revolution (in Latin - “coup”) was almost certainly associated with destruction and numerous casualties. In the process of development of socio-political thought, the views and practices of supporters of the revolutionary path became increasingly fierce and merciless. But still, until approximately the end of the 18th century, before the French Revolution, the theory and practice of ideological and political trends developed primarily in the spirit of evolutionary views. This was to a certain extent due to the cultural and moral traditions of the Renaissance and humanism, and then the Enlightenment, which rejected violence and cruelty.

They are unique at the end of the 17th – beginning of the 18th centuries. reforms of Peter I, who began with cutting the beards of the boyars and ended with severe punishments against opponents of the reforms. These reforms of the Russian emperor were in the spirit of the revolutionary path of development of society. Ultimately, they contributed to significant progress in the development of Russia, strengthening its position in Europe and the world as a whole for many years to come.

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History of modern times. Cheat sheet Alekseev Viktor Sergeevich


Why do progressive changes grow rapidly in some societies, while others remain frozen at the same economic, political and spiritual level? Humanity has always wanted to accelerate the development of the economy and society as a whole. But in different countries they achieved this in different ways - some by waging wars of conquest, others by carrying out progressive reforms aimed at transforming society and the economy. In the course of the history of human development, two paths of development of society have been determined - revolutionary and evolutionary.

Evolutionary path(the word “evolution” comes from the Latin word meaning “unfolding”) - the path of peaceful non-violent transformation of society was to calmly, without jerks and attempts to “jump over time,” to help progress, i.e. to grasp its main directions and support them in every possible way and quickly adopt the best practices of other states.

Supporters of the revolutionary path believed that for the sake of a good goal, a “bright future” (heaven on earth), all means are good, including violence. At the same time, in their opinion and conviction, everything that stands in the way of progress must be immediately discarded and destroyed. By revolution we generally understand any (usually violent) change in the nature of government of society. A revolution is a total change in all aspects of life that occurs over a certain period of time (usually short), a radical change in the nature of social relations.

Revolution(from the late Latin term meaning “turn”, “revolution”, “breakthrough of gradualism”) - this is a change in the internal structure of the system, which becomes a connecting link between two evolutionary stages in the development of the system, this is a fundamental qualitative change, i.e. a leap. At the same time, reform is part of evolution, its one-time, one-time act. This means that evolution and revolution become necessary components of socio-historical development, forming a contradictory unity. Evolution is usually understood as quantitative changes, and revolution as qualitative.

Each transformer of society understood “progress” in his own way. Accordingly, the “enemies of progress” also changed. These could be kings and presidents, feudal lords and bourgeois (for Peter I these were boyars), but the essence of this direction always remained the same - to act quickly and mercilessly. The violent path, the path of revolution (in Latin - “coup”) was almost certainly associated with destruction and numerous casualties. In the process of development of socio-political thought, the views and practices of supporters of the revolutionary path became increasingly fierce and merciless. But still, until approximately the end of the 18th century, before the French Revolution, the theory and practice of ideological and political trends developed primarily in the spirit of evolutionary views. This was to a certain extent due to the cultural and moral traditions of the Renaissance and humanism, and then the Enlightenment, which rejected violence and cruelty.

They are unique at the end of the 17th – beginning of the 18th centuries. reforms of Peter I, who began with cutting the beards of the boyars and ended with severe punishments against opponents of the reforms. These reforms of the Russian emperor were in the spirit of the revolutionary path of development of society. Ultimately, they contributed to significant progress in the development of Russia, strengthening its position in Europe and the world as a whole for many years to come.

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The role of violents in the economy and the innovation process

Large organizations are constantly criticized for conservatism, bureaucratization, wastefulness, and unmanageability. Moreover, with all their shortcomings, they are the core of any modern developed economy. Of the total number of firms in the USA, Western Europe, and Japan, they make up no more than 1–2%, but they also create from 1/3 to 1/2 of the gross national product (GNP) and produce more than half of all industrial products.

Along with their weaknesses, violents undoubtedly have many advantages.

The area of ​​scientific and technical activity of violents, as well as state-owned companies, is predictable, current, program-targeted scientific and technological progress (risky breakthroughs into the unknown - the chance of experimenters). Basically, violents take part in carrying out planned search and applied research (sometimes fundamental, especially in the pharmaceutical industry), in the creation of new models and modernization (improvement) of previously produced equipment. These are innovative product strategies.

For large firms, continuous cost reduction is vital. An innovative solution to this problem is to switch to new resource-saving technologies that they create themselves or, more often, adopt from developers and early innovators.

Violents do not refuse to join the production of new products at the stage of maturation of their mass market.

New large firms most often appear in new industries or sub-industries, and on an international scale - in new, dynamically developing countries. Creating a violent requires large-scale investment. This is exactly how many large organizations appeared in a number of industries a century ago, violents were formed in industrial countries (for example, in Japan, South Korea), and they also appeared in the newest industries (computer, biotechnology). To succeed in the market, a large corporation must make interrelated investments in three areas:

1) creation of large-scale production;

2) creation of a national and then international sales and marketing network;

3) creation of an effective management apparatus.

Russia is known in the world as a supplier of all kinds of new ideas and inventions. But it is also known for the fact that, due to a lack of timely investment, it very rarely takes these ideas to large-scale production. The first steam locomotive, which remained in the Urals, “dry” technology for cement production, continuous casting of steel, TV, radar, etc.

Violents acquire the features of “proud lions” - companies with a clear production profile and low diversification (does not penetrate into related industries and sub-sectors). At the same time, in the production of “their” mass goods, the “lions” are among the technological leaders. Features of their market positions: technical or organizational advantages in an important and promising market segment. For example, Philips dominated the production of lamps, Toyota - compact cars, JV Khrunichev-Lockheed – launch vehicles for heavy commercial satellites.

The strength of the “lions” is their concentration on a narrow, but massive and promising range of goods; large expenditures on R&D and the creation of powerful research structures, which, as the core of the organization, do not disappear under any circumstances.

The “Proud Lion” launches a self-accelerating growth mechanism that is extremely beneficial for it. It begins with a massive invasion of the market with a new quality product at affordable prices. This happened, for example, with the program Windows corporations Microsoft, being the most common operating system for personal computers (PCs). Soon the first millions of users appeared.

Further, it became profitable to write specific applications for an already well-known operating system, which thousands of programming firms immediately began to do. This became an additional argument for consumers in favor of purchasing the program Windows through which they gained access to a host of other programs compatible with it.

Sales volume increased, the number of users increased, costs per copy decreased, the price decreased, which again fueled the interest of programming firms, etc. With each round of self-accelerating growth, the “lion firm” breaks away further from its competitors. Dynamic “lions” are most aggressive in competition in the upper echelon of the “corporate pyramid”.

The growth potential of the market segment in which the “lion” was dynamically developing sooner or later dries up. The active evolution of the violent ends, and it moves into the position of a “mighty elephant”, when the violent company loses its dynamism, but in return gains increased stability. In this state it can exist for a number of decades. Stability is ensured mainly by three factors: large size; diversification; presence of a wide international network of branches.

The “mighty elephant” in conditions of stable existence is characterized by the effective tactics of the “clever second”. It is impossible to be the first to release new products all the time in the face of fierce competition. The first mover's risk is high, but large-scale production cannot take risks.

Often “elephants” avoid being the first when a new product appears on the market, but they are nearby, in secondary roles.

Leading corporations begin to act only when the success of a new product is noticeable. Οʜᴎ pushes aside the innovating company and comes to the fore. The essence of the "clever second" tactic is that a firm does not have to be first to get the greatest benefit from an innovation. A discovery or invention is mainly of scientific and technical significance. It becomes commercially profitable only with mass replication and application in different fields, that is, with deep diffusion. This is where the advantages of the “violent - elephant” appear. Thanks to its widely diversified and mass production, it is the “elephant” that benefits most from the application of new products in a wide variety of areas.

"In history IBM success often provided by non-technological innovations. Unfortunately, in too many cases we were second to implement them. But the technology turned out to be less important than the methods of distribution and sales... We systematically sold more than those who had better technology, because we knew how to explain the business to the client, how to help with the introduction of machines and how to bind the client to us after the purchase. The secret of our approach to sales: “system knowledge”. (T. Watson Jr., Chapter IBM).

To implement this approach, the “violent-elephant” creates special structural units of strategic intelligence that monitor the promotion and commercialization of other people’s inventions, which ensures the rapid creation of analogues that are, if possible, superior to the original. The overall goal of the follow-the-leader method is to reduce the risk of innovation and reduce R&D costs by replacing free search with imitation of proven models.

The “lion” situation – the entire business is developing rapidly. The “elephant” situation – only some areas of activity are developing successfully, while others are lagging behind. Over time, the dynamism of the “elephant” decreases. His creative ability declines. The “mighty elephant” turns into a “sluggish hippopotamus.” While maintaining a gigantic turnover, the corporation gradually loses the ability to achieve commensurate profits, and even becomes unprofitable. Reasons:

1) strategic mistakes associated with too broad diversification and the corresponding dispersion of forces;

2) the general decline of the industry, the death of capital, the lack of production prospects.

In some cases, the situation can still be improved through a disinvestment strategy, that is, getting rid of unprofitable production and reducing costs in retained organizations.

Table 3

  • - Evolutionary path of development of domestic and foreign management schools

    Basic concepts of control theory. Object and subject of management, their relationships Chapter 1. Methodological organizational and legal foundations of the management system The eighth chapter discusses the problems of international cooperation in the field of protection... [read more]

  • -

    [read more]

  • - Evolutionary path of development of small firms

    Stage I. Formation. Creating a small company does not pose any particular difficulties. In accordance with the interests and capabilities of the founders, the direction of activity is selected: the scope and type of service, the subject of sub-delivery, the object of imitation. Having appeared, the commutators immediately... [read more]

  • - Evolutionary path of development of specialized companies

    Varieties and innovative role of specialized firms Patient firms (“sly foxes”) can be of different sizes: small, medium and even occasionally large. A patent strategy is a strategy for differentiating products and occupying a niche, a narrow segment...

  • The use of rationalistic solutions in production that improve the auxiliary steps of the technological process represents an evolutionary path of its development. The essence of technical solutions that provide an evolutionary path for the development of technological processes is to replace human movements with similar movements of mechanisms on auxiliary elements of the process. In this case, the working progress of the operation is not affected, but living labor is freed up in auxiliary operations. At the same time, labor productivity increases, since the speed of movement of mechanisms is usually higher than that of a person. At the present stage of technological development, almost any type of movement can be achieved using known mechanisms. Therefore, the task of improving the auxiliary elements of operations lies in their most rational use to replace manual labor and accelerate the movement of elements of devices, mechanisms, tools, etc. That. specific conditions for the implementation of the evolutionary path of development of technological processes are: 1. acceleration of the auxiliary progress; 2.decrease in the share of auxiliary stroke; 3. excluding the auxiliary move or combining it with the working one in time. The main directions of the evolutionary development of technological processes: 1. improvement of tools; 2. growth in the power of machines and units; 3. transition from the creation of individual machines to the development and implementation of their systems; 4. mechanization and automation of labor-intensive types of production; 5. increasing use of instruments and automation equipment, computer technology.

    Revolutionary way of development of technological processes

    The use of heuristic technical solutions in production that improve the working steps of the technological process represents a revolutionary way of its development. A study of options for the dynamics of living and past labor showed that heuristic development is ensured by reducing the costs of both living and past labor. A decrease in the costs of past labor while simultaneously increasing the productivity of the living occurs only if the efficiency of transferring past labor to the object of labor increases, i.e. the level of technology is increasing. That. heuristic development is associated with the transition to a higher level of technology. But the following options are possible. In the first option, upon transition to a higher level of technology, a reduction in the costs of living and past labor per unit of production is immediately realized, i.e. There is a spasmodic revolutionary development of the technological process. In the future, with the evolutionary development of this new technological process, productivity that is economically feasible for this process will be achieved. In the 2nd option, after the transition to a technology with a higher level, there is no simultaneous reduction in the costs of living and past labor per unit of production, but even a temporary increase in them is possible, which would seem to allow us to conclude that there is no development, but if we look Following the further evolutionary development of this new technological process, it is clear that as it improves, it will quickly achieve high performance and reach economically feasible productivity, which will be higher than in the original technological process. In this case, another regularity of the revolutionary path of development appears - the positive effect of such development is fully realized only during the subsequent evolutionary development of a new technological process with a higher level of technology. This circumstance well explains the imperfection and complexity of new progressive technologies and the speed with which they develop and become effective. These processes inherently contain significantly greater potential than the processes they replace. Only a longer or shorter evolutionary development is necessary for these potential capabilities to manifest themselves. The acceleration of the development of social production currently leads to the fact that technological processes will approach the boundaries of their development in shorter and shorter periods of time. Therefore, a situation will arise much more often when the only possible way to develop production will be a revolutionary path. In this case, a necessary condition for the development of the technological process will be a transition to a higher level of technology. As already noted, the revolutionary path of development of a technological process involves improving its working strokes, which in turn can be implemented in two ways - changing the working stroke or replacing it. In general, replacing a technological process can ultimately lead to new working and auxiliary strokes. The fundamental possibilities of working moves depend largely on the properties of the object of labor and its technological capabilities. Due to this, it is possible to achieve faster working strokes. If there is a limit with evolutionary development, then with heuristic development there is no such limit. The role of science is irreplaceable, because it can offer new ways of development.

    The main points of heuristic development: 1. Leap-spewing development – ​​this is when the costs of living and past labor are reduced and in the future there is an increase in labor productivity, because a new technology appears that is associated with replacing the working stroke; 2. transition to waste-free technology; 3. powder technology, i.e. with heuristic development, chemicalization and electrification of technological processes are required to a greater extent. For example, in chemical processes, catalysts are used to intensify the process; 4. Replacing a multi-stage continuous process with a single-stage one is one of the ways to create and develop progressive low-operation technology. In general, the identified characteristic features of the technical development of technological processes make it possible to formulate specific requirements for developers of new technology. There is a way to develop the most effective control actions, taking into account, on the one hand, the objective needs of the technological process, and on the other, the possibilities in the field of research and design activities.

    Options for modifying the worker and auxiliary actions in evol and revol development.

    Evolutionary (change in auxiliary actions): The share of auxiliary actions can be reduced by rational placement of technological equipment (for example, rotor technologies) - they allow increasing spatial compactness and thereby reducing labor costs for the implementation of auxiliary actions. You can increase the technological capabilities of the tool: for example, remove chips from a part not in the first direction, but also in the opposite direction. It is possible to exclude auxiliary actions and costs if the environment acts as a tool. (for example, oxygen contained in the air is a tool for all oxidation processes). You can completely eliminate the costs of auxiliary actions (you need free transport in the form of natural phenomena - to move the load from top to bottom, we use gravity, or maybe the flow of the river). When it is impossible to try on natural processes, a complete exclusion of costs is impossible. But we must strive for this, because This is a profitable way to increase labor production.

    Revolution - reducing labor costs by modifying slave actions.

    Increasing the manufacturability of the subject of labor - because heating the metal before processing pressure increases its effectiveness, then another heating operation appears, the costs will be recouped by less expensive subsequent processing.

    Increasing the technological capabilities of the tool, changing temperature, pressure, etc.

    The path to revolution development is to fundamentally change the type of working stroke. The set of slave actions depends on the properties of the object of labor, and each type of work progress is based on one or more properties of the material, and others are not used. It is these non-uses that become the source of the development of new types of work moves. Example - powder metallurgy (parts are not cut , but sintered)

    37. Time combination of known options for technological development

    The vast majority of modern researchers of the processes of socio-economic development of society believe that a market economy with its competitive basis is the key to the prosperity of our civilization.

    Indeed, the competitive foundations of a market economy are an incentive and a necessary condition for development, but this is far from sufficient. Despite the fact that market relations exist in most countries of the world, only a few of them provide a sufficiently high standard of living for the population, clear organization and stability of society, and social security of its members.

    As noted earlier, in addition to such concepts and systemic manifestations as economics and politics, there is another phenomenal component that significantly influences the state of a person, society, an individual state and the entire civilization. Technology is such a special phenomenon that ensures the development of society and represents a sufficient condition for progress.

    It is technology as such that determines not only the current state of society, its capabilities in mastering the surrounding world, but also the prospects for the development of the state and society.

    The current stage of development of society is characterized by an objective trend of transition to technological forms of organizing social life, and the leading element of this trend is technological development. Moreover, not only technologies as such are developing, but also society through its saturation with various technologies in the sphere of production of both goods and services.

    Thus, we are talking about the realization that technology is the basic link not only of production, but also of social progress, which underlies all socio-economic and cultural-historical processes.

    In order to know what conditions need to be created for the successful development of the state, it is necessary to identify and study the objective patterns of production development, in particular production technologies.

    The patterns of technological development of production are of great practical importance: they make it possible to competently, scientifically, and economically profitably manage the functioning and development of individual enterprises, production associations, regions, which, in turn, meets the fundamental interests of public administration.

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