Conditions for receiving a silver medal at school. Receiving a silver medal at school. Video: Presentation of gold medals to school graduates of the Vyborg region

Just recently, graduating from school with a gold medal opened the door to any university for an applicant, giving him considerable benefits upon admission. Judge for yourself - the owner of the coveted award could enter any educational institution out of competition. The most prestigious universities readily opened their doors to gold and gold medalists. But this also gave rise to rich soil for abuse, because it was very tempting to enter college without problems and exams. Now times have changed, benefits are a thing of the past and the gold medalist will have to participate in entrance examinations on a general basis. Why is a gold medal needed now, what does it give? Although it does not exempt its holder from having to take exams, it does give him priority for admission if several applicants score the same number of points. In addition, there are a considerable number of private universities, the management of which grants gold medalists the right to become students without any entrance exams. Another incentive to graduate from school with a gold medal can be the fact that city authorities very often reward graduates who distinguish themselves in this way with cash payments or valuable gifts. And, of course, we should not forget that such an award becomes a worthy reward for especially diligent students.

Conditions for receiving a gold medal at school

How to get a gold medal? A gold medal for graduating from school, or, more precisely, a medal “For special achievements in learning” is awarded to those students in grades 11 (12) who have semi-annual, annual and final grades of “five” (in Ukraine, respectively, “ten”, “ eleven", "twelve") in all subjects included in the curriculum, and who received the same marks at the state (final) certification. Students who are studying externally or who received excellent grades as a result of re-certification carried out to improve their scores cannot receive a gold medal. The decision to award a gold medal is made by the pedagogical council of a comprehensive educational institution, agreed with the local education authority and approved by order of the school director.

Thus, to become the rightful owner of the coveted award, you need to make a lot of effort. In fact, to receive only excellent grades in all subjects included in the school curriculum during two very difficult years of study (grades 10 and 11) is not at all easy. But if a student is firmly convinced of his desire to become a gold medalist, his path to this award should begin with a conversation with the school principal. Having declared his intentions, the future medalist has every chance of receiving additional support from the school administration in the form of the necessary teaching aids, literature, consultations with teachers outside of school hours. An additional advantage in determining a candidate for a medal will also be an active social life student: participation in olympiads, conferences, competitions and even KVN.

As can be seen from the above, obtaining the highest school award is a very labor-intensive task that requires full dedication educational process for at least two years. The aspiration is, without a doubt, honorable, but does not bring significant benefits. That is why it would be much more advisable not to chase after getting a medal, but to direct your efforts towards adequate preparation for passing the unified exam. state exam and admission to university.


In the 10th grade in the first half of the year there are two 4s, in the second half of the year there are four 4s, in the year there are two 4s. In the 11th grade both in the first half of the year and in the second half of the year there are all 5s, in the year there are all 5s. Can I get a silver medal?



By order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated September 18, 2013 No. 1074, the previously issued order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2010 No. 140 “On approval of the Regulations on medals “For special achievements in learning” was declared invalid.

Currently, according to the provisions of Part 10 of Art. 34 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, persons who have completed mastering educational programs secondary general education, having successfully passed the state final certification and having final grades of academic performance “excellent” in all academic subjects studied in accordance with the curriculum, the educational organization, simultaneously with the issuance of the corresponding document on education, awards the medal “For special achievements in learning.”

As far as I understand, the procedure for awarding silver medals is not provided for by federal legislation.

However, in accordance with clause 26, part 1, art. 34 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” the academic right of students to encouragement for success in academic, physical education, sports, social, scientific, scientific and technical, creative, experimental and innovation activity is implemented through the establishment of such incentives at the level of educational organizations by relevant local regulations. This type of encouragement could include awarding a medal. educational organization for success in learning.

In addition, various measures to encourage students can be provided at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities, including within the framework of the implementation of the provisions provided for in Part 4 of Art. 77 Federal Law No. 273-FZ the rights of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments to establish special monetary incentives for persons who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, and other incentive measures for these persons.

Read the order of the Ministry of Education and Science on the approval of the procedure for issuing medals “for special achievements in teaching” http://minobnauki.rf/%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0 %B8/4301/%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB/3242/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%B7%20 %E2%84%96%20685%20%D0%BE%D1%82%2023.06.2014.pdf


Good afternoon

From 2014, school graduates will no longer be awarded medals. In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2013 No. 1074, instead, the Ministry of Education will issue graduates with a certificate with honors. It will be available to 11th grade students who have successfully passed their final exams and received final A grades in all subjects.

However, don't despair!!!

Federal government bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments have the right to establish special bonuses and other types of incentives for distinguished graduates. This norm is prescribed in the Law “On Education”. And many regions have already announced that they intend to maintain the abolished federal level the tradition of awarding gold and silver medals to school graduates.

Regional gold and silver medals for school graduates will be established in the Ulyanovsk region - you can read more about this on the official website of the Governor and Government of the ULYANOVSK REGION

All the best!

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ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 01/09/2007 1 ON APPROVAL OF THE REGULATIONS ON FORMS OF RECEIPT BY GRADUATES OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS... Relevant in 2018


1. Gold and silver medals “For special achievements in learning” are awarded to graduates of grades XI (XII), regardless of the form of education. in general educational institutions who have a certificate of state accreditation, as well as, regardless of the form of education, graduates of primary institutions vocational education who have a certificate of state accreditation, have received the appropriate level of qualification and secondary (full) general education.

2. The gold medal “For special achievements in learning” (in the form according to the appendix to these Regulations) is awarded to:

graduates of XI (XII) classes of general education institutions with semi-annual (trimester), annual and final grades of “5” in all subjects and in full curriculum for the third stage of general education and who received marks “5” at the state (final) certification;

graduates of institutions of primary vocational education, certified for the appropriate level of qualifications in the profession, with simultaneous receipt of secondary (complete) general education, having semi-annual, annual and final marks of “5” in all subjects for the entire course of study and having passed final exams with a mark of “5” .

3. The silver medal “For special achievements in learning” (in the form according to the appendix to these Regulations) is awarded to:

graduates of the XI (XII) classes of general education institutions, having in the following subjects: in the X grade according to the results of the first half of the year (trimester) grades “5” and “4”; based on the results of the second half of the year (second and third trimesters) marks “5” and no more than two marks “4”, annual and final marks “5” and no more than two marks “4”; in grades XI (XII) based on the results of each half-year (trimester) and annual grades of “5” and no more than two grades of “4”; at the state (final) certification and in the certificate of secondary (complete) general education, final marks “5” and no more than two marks “4”;

graduates of institutions of primary vocational education who have received the appropriate level of qualifications and secondary (complete) general education, who have received semi-annual, annual and final grades of “5” during their studies in all courses and a grade of “4” in no more than two subjects, who have received final exams marks "5" and no more than two marks "4".

4. The decision to award graduates of general education institutions and institutions of primary vocational education with gold and silver medals “For special achievements in learning” is made, respectively, by the pedagogical council of the general education institution and the council of the institution of primary vocational education.

5. The decision of the pedagogical council of a general education institution to award graduates of grades XI (XII) with gold medals is approved government agency education management of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on awarding silver medals - by the municipal education management body.

6. The decision of the council of an institution of primary vocational education to award graduates with gold or silver medals is approved by the state educational authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

7. The decision to award medals to graduates of educational institutions under the jurisdiction of federal executive bodies is made in accordance with these Regulations and the procedure for considering materials for awarding, established for them by these bodies.

8. Graduates awarded gold or silver medals “For special achievements in learning” are issued state-issued documents on the appropriate level of education on forms, respectively, with gold or silver embossing.

9. Gold and silver medals “For special achievements in learning” are awarded to graduates of educational institutions in a ceremonial atmosphere along with a state-issued document on the appropriate level of education.

On June 24, the best Vladimir graduates received the first serious awards in their lives. At the city palace of culture they were presented with medals “For special academic achievements” by the head of the city, Sergei Sakharov, and the head of the administration of Vladimir, Andrei Shokhin.

By the way, this year there was no division into “gold” and “silver” medals. The arithmetic mean of all grades for grades 10 and 11 was taken into account. If the score was more than 4.5 points, the graduate qualified for a medal. And she, in turn, adds an additional 5 points to the sum of the Unified State Examination results. This means that the medalist has a greater chance of entering the higher educational institution of which he dreams! In total, 91 Vladimir graduates became medalists at the end of school in 2015. Last year there were more medalists - 121 people. There were no significant changes in the ranking of educational institutions. The leaders in medal winners are schools No. 25, 23, 35, 3, as well as the industrial and commercial lyceum.

Komsomolskaya Pravda attended the medal ceremony and asked graduates about their plans and goals.

Pavel Azarenkov, school No. 15.

I won’t say that getting straight A’s was so easy; I had to discipline myself all the time in order to study all the subjects. My favorite subject is mathematics, so I plan to connect my life with this science. Now I will submit the document to Moscow universities. My mother and grandmother are proud of me and today they came to be happy for me and see with their own eyes how I am being awarded!

Alina Antonova, school No. 15.

It’s not difficult to get a medal and graduate with straight A’s if you get used to always studying well from the 1st grade. My dad is strict, he forced me to study all my lessons when I was sometimes lazy. I still remember how offended I was when in the fourth grade I received a “4” for a quarter only because I stuck my tongue out at the teacher in an argument! After all, before that moment and after it, I didn’t have a single “B” in a quarter or a year! I finished both 9th and 10th grades as an external student, two in one year. In the future I want to become a teacher of Russian and literature because I really like to read. Favorite books: Doctor Zhivago and The Master and Margarita.

Ivan Shlykov, school No. 3.

Studying has always been easy for me and I won’t say that I tried very hard to get a medal. Somehow it just happened that way. I want to enter military school St. Petersburg. I will be a military engineer. In general, I really love history. But you don’t always have to do what you love in life. My parents always gave me freedom of action, so I decided for myself that I would connect my life with the army.

Anastasia Luzina, school No. 2.

For grades 10 and 11, I got all A's and earned myself a medal. I’m glad about this, because it will add points for me to enter the university! I will submit documents to become an economist at our VlGU and at Yaroslavl University. Of course, I would prefer to move to Yaroslavl. I hope so! My whole family came with me to rejoice at the medal presentation: my mother, father, grandmother, grandfather and younger sister. Everyone is proud of me, it’s very nice, because in order to graduate from school with “excellent marks” I had to do my homework until 3-4 o’clock in the morning!

Irina Snygina, school No. 16.

A few years ago, I set myself a goal that I would receive a “gold” medal! I want my parents to be proud of me. I plan to enter the Ryazan Military School to become a communications engineer. Mom and dad completely approve of my choice.

The medal “For Special Achievement in Education” is an honorary badge of distinction for graduates of 11th grade who received a final “5” in all subjects school curriculum for the last two years of study. More recently, the gold medal “For special achievements in learning” opened the doors of all universities, however recent years its prestige has lost ground significantly.

What is the essence of the gold award for successful completion of school?

This is what a modern gold medal looks like

The medal for excellent academic achievement has been awarded since 1828. During this period, the award underwent both external and regulatory changes. For modern graduates The medal is issued with the coat of arms of Russia and an enamel ribbon of flowers national flag on the obverse. The reverse indicates that the award was issued “For special achievements in learning.” The medalist's certificate is embossed in gold. Since 2014, the medal has not been awarded at the federal level, but regions retain the right to reward excellent students in this way.

Award conditions

Medalists' Ball

A gold medal at school is probably the first cherished trophy that students dream of. However, over the years of study, some people progressively move towards their goal, while others put up with the fact that stable high marks– not his strong point and is looking for how to express himself in other areas school life. Both have the right to their own path, which by no means guarantees a cloudless future.

This is interesting. According to statistics, the most difficult place to earn a gold medal is in Sakhalin - every 596th student receives a trophy. For comparison: in Stavropol region Every 29th graduate becomes the winner of the award “For Special Achievement in Education”.

So, in what case can a student count on a high reward after completing secondary education?

  • If he has high final grades in all subjects in grades 10 and 11. Previously, the requirement was stricter - a high score was required not only in final grades, but also in semester and annual grades. Therefore, nowadays it is easier to get a gold medal.
  • If the pedagogical council of teachers of the educational institution decided to award the graduate, and on its basis, as well as on the basis of the order of the school director, the administration of the educational institution agreed on the issue with the staff of the local education department.
  • If the candidate is not studying externally.

What additional help will you get a medal?

A gold medal is a worthy reward for work in education

The main condition for receiving a high award for academic success, of course, is a final grade of “five” in all subjects of the school cycle. But there are also a number of requirements that will help schoolchildren become the owner of the coveted trophy at the graduation party:

  1. Active public position in the life of the educational institution. The fact is that the decision on awarding is first made by the school’s pedagogical council on the basis academic work And personal qualities candidate. Therefore, it is very important to practice extracurricular activities(subject Olympiads, conferences, competitions, KVN-mi, etc.).
  2. Over the last two academic year the student did not have recertifications in subjects to improve his score.
  3. The student studied the entire scope of the school curriculum in person. However, exemption is permitted physical culture due to health reasons.
  4. The candidate for the medal was not exempt from the final certification.

Advantages of medalists

Today, medalists participate in the introductory campaign on equal terms

For many years, receiving a gold medal meant benefits when entering a university: an applicant was accepted into any educational institution based on an interview. Since 2009, a law has been adopted on equal conditions for enrollment in universities based on the average score, which is the sum of the certificate score and the points obtained when passing the Unified State Exam. A medal is just an advantage if the average grade is the same for several applicants. Since 2015, this condition has acquired additional value, since enrollment in a university occurs after the applicant has submitted the original documents on graduation. That is, if previously a former student first assessed his place in the ranking of universities, and then determined which of them he would study at, now the graduate is forced to play “blindly.” In this case, of course, having a medal provides a kind of insurance in case the applicants have the same score.

Video: The first gold medalist of the USSR on the value of a school award

The medal “For exceptional achievements in learning” loses its advantages over the years, but in any case remains an important incentive for studying at school. After all, the desire to be the first, the best is laid down in childhood, and this forms ambitions that help to achieve success in adulthood.

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