Read the school director's magazine online. Diary of a school principal. Teacher is the name of God

"School Principal" - the first professional publication for managers educational institutions. The main volume of materials is devoted to main topic magazine - management in education. In addition, we try to help our readers solve other issues that they encounter every day in the process of work. In each issue you can find interviews, articles, analytics about the organization educational process, educational work, additional education, level of teacher training, certification and advanced training, etc.

The magazine does not limit its mission only to information and analytical activities. One of the projects of the School Director magazine - All-Russian competition“School Principal”, covering most schools in Russian regions and identifying management experience in solving various problem situations in schools.

Published since 1993.

Published 10 times a year.

Distributed by subscription in all regions of Russia and CIS countries. Since 2011, the magazine has offered design electronic subscription. Subscribers of the electronic version receive the magazine in any format convenient for them - for reading on a computer, using e-book, smartphone and even iPhone and iPad!

Magazine headings

  • Editor's letter
    Does not always define the theme of the issue or relate to any specific material. Rather, it is an invitation to an informal dialogue with the reader, an invitation to reflect together on some significant details of the life of the school.
  • Educational policy
    Rubric about the interests of the school within the state. Improving the quality of education, NSET, bills and amendments to the Federal Law “On Education”, advanced training teaching staff, organization of the Unified State Exam, autonomy of schools and much more
  • The Art of Management
    Ways to effectively manage the teaching staff, intra-school organizations and processes, routines and personal time: from the basics to complex management decisions.
  • Organization of the educational process
    How to organize an online seminar at school? Should we finally abandon the paper journal in favor of an electronic one? What you need to start a new one educational project? In this section you will find answers to these and many other questions related to the educational process.
  • Education and additional education
    What kind of education is actually considered basic: basic or additional? What is more important - to learn the rules from a textbook or to be able to navigate in society? What and how does additional education teach today?
  • School and parents
    The relationship between school and parents is not easy. Parents are always on the side of the children, and sometimes the school has to prove that it is on the side of the student. The materials in the section help to understand each other and find the right ways of communication between the school principal and parents, children, and teachers.
  • Economics and law
    Professional lawyers and economists help resolve problematic situations and prevent possible legal errors in the work.
  • Persona grata
    Interviews with significant people who are not indifferent to the problems of schools, whose opinions are considered authoritative not only in the educational community, but also in many areas close to education: science, culture, economics, politics.
  • Health Lessons
    Preserving and strengthening the health of students is an integral task of the school. To help directors, there are materials from doctors and representatives of medical departments about health-saving measures and technologies.

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Illustrations for the book – Andrey Razgildyaev

Teacher is the name of God

Lyricist, as you know, can be a physicist. Or a mathematician. Or a biologist. He cannot only be a school director. Because the school principal has no time for poetry these days. Moreover, it’s no laughing matter. As in the song: different times, different things.

The diary, as you know, is kept by students. Or writers. Or just people. Again, lyrical physicists. Only the school principal does not keep a diary. Fora) not by status; b) no time; c) a real diary should contain daily assessments of oneself, but the director has outgrown this matter. He gives ratings to others - from the other end of the massive table. And at the same time he makes a smart face.

Reader! This is a unique book. There is no such book in Russia anymore, because there is no such school director in Russia anymore. His name is Alexander Popov, and he lives in Chelyabinsk. I know him personally. I give you my teeth.

Popov doesn't put on a smart face. This is what makes it so dear. He laughs and cries at the same time, clowns and is sad. Reading his diary, out of habit, it may seem like he is acting like a fool. But here in Russia people always acted like fools out of pain. But Popov has only one pain: school, around which the ring of “hell of reality” is compressed.

It’s hard to call it a society – everything is much more global. Read it, you will find out for yourself how life turns out to be for the director of a secondary educational institution. But Popov does not play pathetic-tragic chords - he whistles on a reckless trumpet, jokes, “plays around and plays tricks.” Although he does not clown around and, most importantly, does not fall into cynicism, because for a true teacher this is like death. At the same time, we feel that in his buffoonery, with some deepest part of his heart, the author remains serious, even tragic.

This is probably how you have to survive in modern world- wisely, sadly laughing and playing with the impenetrable stupidity of bureaucrats and auditors, thrifty economists, education idiots. Yeah! Do you feel it? We are ready to fall into Popov’s mischievous, laconic style, into the heresy of his fugitive puns. Why do we give in so easily? Someone said that this is what determines a real personality, a true talent: you yourself don’t notice how you begin to speak in his voice, smile with his smile, run with his gait.

What is missing in our education today? Money doesn't count. Uma? Wisdom? Hearts? Lungs? All this is still there, but not the same person. Individuality. A teacher who does not teach, but infects and captivates.

´Whom you want to imitate with your mouth open. To catch his every word, every paradox, every impromptu, to discover a parable in every action, to comprehend the world’s sadness in every smile. Where can I get these? Popov is the only troublemaker in all of Russia, while others have forgotten that Teacher is the name of God, and not an audio appendage to a textbook. “Faceless schools” - how well and sadly the author said it. In others there are European panels, and fountains with distilled water, and marble stairs, and computers almost in the toilets, and the sign at the entrance is lit with gold leaf - but there is no face. Because the face is not there. In Popov’s office, of all the attributes of a modern director’s office, there are only blinds. The rest is all human: a dish of caramels, a battered tape recorder, thick literary magazines.

What kind of director is this? He plays pranks on the teacher, plays hooligans at meetings, throws snow off the school roof himself in winter, writes “I love you” on the outbuilding in the school yard, and writes poems in his notebook. It’s not for nothing that one of the high-ranking heroes of the “Diary” answered the question “how are you?” replies: “Everything is fine, if not for this Popov.” Of course! Popov is inconvenient.

Even reading it is somehow awkward, because suddenly you seem to touch the exposed wire of truth - all the glamorous plaster falls away. And you understand uncompromisingly and clearly: this is how, only this, a real teacher should be (the mechanically bitter “unfortunately” begs to be heard).

Popov doesn’t need to write an exciting novel - he’s one of those who turns life itself into a novel. His lyceum is a kind of “incubator” of brilliant children, whose physical and mathematical achievements and victories at world Olympiads are known throughout the country. But in this school they educate people not so much with formulas as with creative provocation. They teach you to think paradoxically and boldly. And our author had the first hand in this.

“Leave only a line from a real verse - the breath of poetry will not stop. Same with school. What kind of things do they do to us? We are and will be!”

Because a school is not a building with bulging windows the world around us. The school is the teacher. A school can be bankrupted, broken, its very idea can be violated (Beslan), and, in the end, blown up. And a real teacher, if he survives, will come to the ruins, whistle on his wise pipe, children will come running from everywhere and sit in a circle. And this will be a school. A pipe and a smile are enough, but “the rest is the soul.”

Popov came up with his own school - in all meanings of the word. And we wish all his endeavors only patience. And the diaries will have long continuations. And for their readers - thoughtful truthfulness before themselves.

...The school principal cannot be a lyricist!

But, glory public education, we still have a lyricist who can remain a school principal. An isolated, unthinkable case, some kind of mistake, but we have not yet been deprived of this wonderful mistake.

Popov, diary on the table!

Konstantin Rubinsky, poet, playwright


September 1

In the morning the caretaker right from the doorstep:

- Director, give me money for an abortion.

– Who did you manage to do so cleverly from?

“It’s not me, it’s not me, Raya got pregnant.” She can't handle a third.

- What do I have to do with it?

- I didn’t look, so you pay.

I have visors at the ends of the school. Under them he illegally built two two-room apartments. The cleaner's salary is two and a half times less than the pension, so they don't work. You have to violate and pay fines to disgruntled officials.


September 2

When teachers leave school, I don’t say goodbye.

The past cannot be forgiven.

I say two words:

- Come tomorrow.


September 3

An investigator complained about missing student cell phones. He asked about the level of education, inquired about his nationality, wrote down his home address and disappeared. The police have long taken over the functions of statistical bureaus.


September 4

I taught my parents to write a complaint against themselves to the education authorities because I thoughtlessly wanted to cut the staffing table. Taught. I was punished. The staff was retained.

"Manager's Handbook" educational institution» - specialized electronic magazine for the school principal, which presents popular and useful information on issues of conducting administrative, organizational, economic, personnel work. IN directory magazine solutions to typical problems that remain relevant for school principal regardless of the level of his qualifications and work experience, - control of budget revenues and expenses, cooperation with personnel, interaction with representatives of inspection bodies, management of the development of an educational organization, in particular within the framework of the introduction of innovative pedagogical and information technology, providing legal support for the target activities of the educational institution.

In every room magazine for school leaders Expert materials developed by leading experts in the field of education are presented. In addition, the “Directory of the Head of an Educational Institution” contains up-to-date information about opportunities for improvement professional level, qualification retraining and successful certification. The value of published materials lies not only in their relevance and strict compliance with industry regulations, but also in their focus on different types educational organizations taking into account their organizational, legal and regional status.

Featured in magazine for the school principal algorithms of actions in key areas of activity - administrative, analytical, personnel - will facilitate the process of implementing management projects.

Step-by-step instructions tailored to your needs educational environment, will help to significantly save time when solving problems of a methodological and practical nature, and will allow you to avoid mistakes in your professional activities.

The magazine you are holding in your hands has an electronic version - From this article you will learn how to search for information in an electronic magazine, how an electronic magazine differs from a website portal, and what bonuses you can get by subscribing to the “Print + Electronic Magazines” package.

Labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing standards labor law, or the constituent documents of the organization may establish procedures preceding the conclusion of an employment contract with the head of the organization: holding a competition, election or appointment to a position, etc. This is stated in Part 2 of Article 275 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Evgenievich Popov

School Principal's Diary

Illustrations for the book – Andrey Razgildyaev

Teacher is the name of God

Lyricist, as you know, can be a physicist. Or a mathematician. Or a biologist. He cannot only be a school director. Because the school principal has no time for poetry these days. Moreover, it’s no laughing matter. As in the song: different times, different things.

The diary, as you know, is kept by students. Or writers. Or just people. Again, lyrical physicists. Only the school principal does not keep a diary. Fora) not by status; b) no time; c) a real diary should contain daily assessments of oneself, but the director has outgrown this matter. He gives ratings to others - from the other end of the massive table. And at the same time he makes a smart face.

Reader! This is a unique book. There is no such book in Russia anymore, because there is no such school director in Russia anymore. His name is Alexander Popov, and he lives in Chelyabinsk. I know him personally. I give you my teeth.

Popov doesn't put on a smart face. This is what makes it so dear. He laughs and cries at the same time, clowns and is sad. Reading his diary, out of habit, it may seem like he is acting like a fool. But here in Russia people always acted like fools out of pain. But Popov has only one pain: school, around which the ring of “hell of reality” is compressed.

It’s hard to call it a society – everything is much more global. Read it and find out for yourself what life is like for the director of a secondary educational institution. But Popov does not play pathetic-tragic chords - he whistles on a reckless trumpet, jokes, “plays around and plays tricks.” Although he does not clown around and, most importantly, does not fall into cynicism, because for a true teacher this is like death. At the same time, we feel that in his buffoonery, with some deepest part of his heart, the author remains serious, even tragic.

This is probably how we need to survive in the modern world - wisely, sadly laughing and playing with the impenetrable stupidity of bureaucrats and auditors, thrifty economists, education idiots. Yeah! Do you feel it? We are ready to fall into Popov’s mischievous, laconic style, into the heresy of his fugitive puns. Why do we give in so easily? Someone said that this is what determines a real personality, a true talent: you yourself don’t notice how you begin to speak in his voice, smile with his smile, run with his gait.

What is missing in our education today? Money doesn't count. Uma? Wisdom? Hearts? Lungs? All this is still there, but not the same person. Individuality. A teacher who does not teach, but infects and captivates.

´Whom you want to imitate with your mouth open. To catch his every word, every paradox, every impromptu, to discover a parable in every action, to comprehend the world’s sadness in every smile. Where can I get these? Popov is the only troublemaker in all of Russia, while others have forgotten that Teacher is the name of God, and not an audio appendage to a textbook. “Faceless schools” - how well and sadly the author said it. In others there are European panels, and fountains with distilled water, and marble stairs, and computers almost in the toilets, and the sign at the entrance is lit with gold leaf - but there is no face. Because the face is not there. In Popov’s office, of all the attributes of a modern director’s office, there are only blinds. The rest is all human: a dish of caramels, a battered tape recorder, thick literary magazines.

What kind of director is this? He plays pranks on the teacher, plays hooligans at meetings, throws snow off the school roof himself in winter, writes “I love you” on the outbuilding in the school yard, and writes poems in his notebook. It’s not for nothing that one of the high-ranking heroes of the “Diary” answered the question “how are you?” replies: “Everything is fine, if not for this Popov.” Of course! Popov is inconvenient.

Even reading it is somehow awkward, because suddenly you seem to touch the exposed wire of truth - all the glamorous plaster falls away. And you understand uncompromisingly and clearly: this is how, only this, a real teacher should be (the mechanically bitter “unfortunately” begs to be heard).

Popov doesn’t need to write an exciting novel - he’s one of those who turns life itself into a novel. His lyceum is a kind of “incubator” of brilliant children, whose physical and mathematical achievements and victories at world Olympiads are known throughout the country. But in this school they educate people not so much with formulas as with creative provocation. They teach you to think paradoxically and boldly. And our author had the first hand in this.

“Leave only a line from a real verse - the breath of poetry will not stop. Same with school. What kind of things do they do to us? We are and will be!”

Because a school is not a building with windows looking out into the outside world. The school is the teacher. A school can be bankrupted, broken, its very idea can be violated (Beslan), and, in the end, blown up. And a real teacher, if he survives, will come to the ruins, whistle on his wise pipe, children will come running from everywhere and sit in a circle. And this will be a school. A pipe and a smile are enough, but “the rest is the soul.”

Popov came up with his own school - in all meanings of the word. And we wish all his endeavors only patience. And the diaries will have long continuations. And for their readers - thoughtful truthfulness before themselves.

...The school principal cannot be a lyricist!

But, thank goodness for public education, in our country a lyricist can still remain a school director. An isolated, unthinkable case, some kind of mistake, but we have not yet been deprived of this wonderful mistake.

Popov, diary on the table!

Konstantin Rubinsky, poet, playwright

In the morning the caretaker right from the doorstep:

- Director, give me money for an abortion.

– Who did you manage to do so cleverly from?

“It’s not me, it’s not me, Raya got pregnant.” She can't handle a third.

- What do I have to do with it?

- I didn’t look, so you pay.

I have visors at the ends of the school. Under them he illegally built two two-room apartments. The cleaner's salary is two and a half times less than the pension, so they don't work. You have to violate and pay fines to disgruntled officials.


When teachers leave school, I don’t say goodbye.

The past cannot be forgiven.

I say two words:

- Come tomorrow.


An investigator complained about missing student cell phones. He asked about the level of education, inquired about his nationality, wrote down his home address and disappeared. The police have long taken over the functions of statistical bureaus.


I taught my parents to write a complaint against themselves to the education authorities because I thoughtlessly wanted to cut the staffing table. Taught. I was punished. The staff was retained.


When asked:

– Which party are you a member of? – I answer proudly:

- Atheist.

I secretly hope: an atheist from a stork - party members from other birds.


I caught a student in the toilet. He set fire to the garbage behind the radiator.

- Well, Artyom, everything is clear with you.

- I? I didn't do anything.

– Did you burn down the Ostankino TV tower?

Honestly, it's someone else. And here it’s my fault, I didn’t think.

- Well, think about it, and I’ll go look.

- Who set the tower on fire?


I reprimanded the teacher for being late for class, and she responded to me:

- Yesterday I came earlier - so you didn’t even notice.


I have a strange secretary. Teachers come in to ask for copier paper, but she insists on giving toilet paper. They are shy, take it and immediately leave.


Accounting is the belly of the school. They eat without stopping, they don’t even have time to smile.


1 °September

Today I saw the cleaning lady’s child running around in a shirt without buttons. I called him over and said:

- Raya, can you sew on buttons?

- Buttons, buttons... There are no needles.


They came to turn off the electricity for non-payment. The municipality pays, but the schools suffer. It’s good for the northerners, at least there’s no headache about it for six months.

There is no payment for solid waste. Access to the trash heap is closed. I burn garbage on Saturdays and Sundays. These days there is no one for the locals to complain to. But on Monday there is no point: the wind carries away the ashes and ash.


A retired grandmother and a policeman are on duty at night. She is vigilant about budgetary funds, he is vigilant about fees from parents. Early this morning she made an important statement to me:

- Director, I protest.

- What happened, Anna Fedorovna?

I am pleased to welcome respected colleagues, students, school graduates, as well as their parents to the pages of our website. Here you can get acquainted with the latest news, find information about our complex, the structure of the educational institution, the achievements of students, teachers and much more. 11 years have passed since the opening of our school, but despite our small age, we have achieved great success

Briefly formulating the concept of our school, I can name the main thing:

1. In-depth study of at least two (and if desired, which we welcome, more) languages;

2. Raising a future citizen of our country, a leader, regardless of the chosen occupation, a politician, a businessman of the new generation;

3. Development of a personality capable of finding a way out of any situation, negotiating and collaborating with other people, receiving joy and satisfaction from work and creativity;

4.Providing students with modern quality education and creating opportunities for conscious choice future profession upon admission to university.

At all times there were and are no two identical schools, since, despite the uniform programs, requirements and rules, each school lives by its own laws. Like in any other school, we have a lot of good things and what we may not like and irritate, we have achievements and problems, successes and failures. We, just like you, sincerely want and try to work so that the school becomes better, better in literally this word, so that, having finished it, your child could proudly say: “I am a graduate of a good school, high school secondary school No. 2010." We are not able to achieve this alone - we urgently need your help and support, patience and understanding, if not love, then at least friendship!

Please note: we want the same things that you have a right to expect from us for your children. Remember that only your good will in deciding certain school problems can help change something for the better. Your children study here, and only our joint efforts, and not fighting each other, will work for their future. Try to seek advice from a teacher or school administration, do not be afraid to ask tough questions, because calm and patient protection of the child’s legitimate interests is YOUR RIGHT and OUR RESPONSIBILITY! I am convinced that common sense and self-confidence, faith in the professionalism and integrity of a teacher can move mountains. With all my heart I wish you success in this difficult and interesting, nervous and educational task, so important for all of us - the education and upbringing of your children - our students.

Our school is a modern, new education - and old, strong educational positions. We are for democracy, but on the basis of respect not only for teachers for children, but also for children for their teachers.

We will demand composure and seriousness from children.

We are ready and want to live a common life.

We are confident that among our students there will be specialists to work in different countries who will contribute to the development international relations in the field of education, science and culture. And that they will serve the Motherland, peace and friendship between people of different nationalities.

We want our school to remain clean and beautiful.

We want children here to have an easy and calm, difficult and interesting time.

We are always glad to see you.

Works in our complex creative team, in which there are labor veterans and young teachers. Our graduates and parents are always with us in solving many problems.

I thank teaching staff, all employees, students of the school for their work, study, dedication to their work and their beloved school.

Our educational complex is a school of equal but diverse opportunities. We claim that there are no unsuccessful people. Anyone can achieve success if given the right conditions. We try to provide such opportunities to everyone. It's interesting for children to learn and interesting for teachers to work with.

The complex has created a special, emotionally attractive environment. The vibrant atmosphere of school-wide holidays, school trips, newspaper releases, concerts, festivals, creative competitions - this is what our teachers and students live for.

Want to know more? Welcome to our website. We have a lot more to tell about our school. We really wanted the information on our website to always be interesting, relevant and useful for you.

My professional credo as a leader: By developing yourself, keeping up with the times, thinking about the future, creating comfortable conditions for the child and staff, you can develop the team and lead it. It is very important that the manager is experienced and knowledgeable. But life does not stand still, so it is even more important that he constantly wants to learn and learns. Only a person who is sincerely convinced of this himself can convince others. But my main task is to convince, and then, if necessary, to help.

Working as a manager, I am in constant search and adjustment of my own actions. This way of life is not very simple, sometimes from the outside it probably seems that you are being thrown from side to side, from the frying pan into the fire. Maybe, maybe...

Innovation is therefore a difficult process because it requires promotion and support. Here the manager is a revolutionary, and therefore he has to be a herald, a defender, a lawyer, and an attacker at the same time.

THOSE. Bronzes, Director of State Budget Educational Institution Lyceum No. 2010, Honorary Education Worker of the Russian Federation

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