Alexander Chizhevsky paintings. Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky - biography, information, personal life. Program of the 2nd international conference dedicated to the development of the ideas of A.L. Chizhevsky

Did you know What is a thought experiment, gedanken experiment?
This is a non-existent practice, an otherworldly experience, an imagination of something that does not actually exist. Thought experiments are like waking dreams. They give birth to monsters. Unlike a physical experiment, which is an experimental test of hypotheses, a “thought experiment” magically replaces experimental testing with desired conclusions that have not been tested in practice, manipulating logical constructions that actually violate logic itself by using unproven premises as proven ones, that is, by substitution. Thus, the main goal of the applicants of “thought experiments” is to deceive the listener or reader by replacing a real physical experiment with its “doll” - fictitious reasoning under honestly without the physical test itself.
Filling physics with imaginary, “thought experiments” has led to the emergence of an absurd, surreal, confused picture of the world. A real researcher must distinguish such “candy wrappers” from real values.

Relativists and positivists argue that “thought experiments” are a very useful tool for testing theories (also arising in our minds) for consistency. In this they deceive people, since any verification can only be carried out by a source independent of the object of verification. The applicant of the hypothesis himself cannot be a test of his own statement, since the reason for this statement itself is the absence of contradictions in the statement visible to the applicant.

We see this in the example of SRT and GTR, which have turned into a kind of religion that governs science and public opinion. No amount of facts that contradict them can overcome Einstein’s formula: “If a fact does not correspond to the theory, change the fact” (In another version, “Does the fact not correspond to the theory? - So much the worse for the fact”).

The maximum that a “thought experiment” can claim is only the internal consistency of the hypothesis within the framework of the applicant’s own, often by no means true, logic. This does not check compliance with practice. Real verification can only take place in an actual physical experiment.

An experiment is an experiment because it is not a refinement of thought, but a test of thought. A thought that is self-consistent cannot verify itself. This was proven by Kurt Gödel.

The multifaceted talent of Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky also manifested itself in painting.
Chizhevsky created about 2,000 paintings (mostly landscapes) in a wide variety of techniques: from oil and tempera to gouache, colored pencil drawings, pastels, and watercolors.
Only a small part of his paintings has survived - about 400 watercolors and colored pencil drawings, mostly from the 40s - 50s.
The earliest oil paintings on canvas date back to 1914 and were painted in the vicinity of Alexandrovka, the estate of A.P.’s grandmother. Neviandt in the Bryansk region.
Several paintings also painted oil paints, dated 1937 and 1939, during his holiday at the Kratovo dacha near Moscow.
The next series (eleven) of watercolor drawings was made by Chizhevsky in the summer of 1941 in Shchelykovo, Kostroma Region, in the Maly Theater Actors' Holiday House.
The main part of the watercolors (more than 150 of them) was painted by Chizhevsky during his imprisonment and stay in Ivdellag Sverdlovsk region, in Kuchino near Moscow, in the Dolinsky and Spassky branches of Karlag, as well as during exile in Karaganda. The last painting is dated 1957.

A.L. Chizhevsky at his easel. Kaluga. 1915

A.L. Chizhevsky near the painting "Kaluga Bazaar". Kaluga. 1915

A.L. Chizhevsky at his easel. Kratovo. Moscow region. 1939

A.L. Chizhevsky against the background of his paintings in his apartment on Zvezdny Boulevard. 1960

A.L. Chizhevsky against the background of his paintings. Karaganda.

Rainy day. Akv., 1947

Menacing sky. Aqu. 1946

Evening. Karaganda. Aqu. 1952

The element of autumn. Aqu. 1945

It's melting. Aqua, white 1946

Cold sun. Aqu. 1948

Evening after the rain. Aqua, color kar. 1945

The cranes fly away. Aqu. 1941

Spring extravaganza. Aqu. 1945

Forest Lake. Aqu. 1953

December 21, 2019 at the A.L. House-Museum Chizhevsky an evening was held in memory of Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky, the uncle of the scientist Arkady Vasilyevich Chizhevsky and the daughter of K. E. Tsiolkovsky Maria Konstantinovna. In the evening, in addition to the employees of the house-museum L.T. Engelhardt (in the photo - third from the right) and L.N. Morozova (far right), attended by the great-granddaughter of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, head of the Memorial House-Museum of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Elena Alekseevna ...

International conference in memory of A.L. Chizhevsky began with laying flowers at the monument to the scientist

Preservation of the creative heritage of Alexander Chizhevsky and the development of his ideas - these topics are discussed on November 20 in Kaluga. The regional center is hosting the second international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the great scientist. It began with a flower-laying ceremony at the Chizhevsky monument. IZMIRAN employee, one of the founders of the Helios Foundation, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Olga Valerievna Khabarova at a conference in Kaluga. Read more…

PROGRAM OF THE II INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE dedicated to the development of the ideas of A.L. CHIZHEVSKY

On November 20-21, 2019, the II International Scientific and Practical Conference will be held in Kaluga, dedicated to the preservation of the creative heritage and development of the ideas of A.L. Chizhevsky. The opening of the forum will take place on November 20 at 11.00 in the A.L. House-Museum. Chizhevsky (Kaluga, Moskovskaya St., 62). Read more… Conference program

Chizhevsky Alexander Leonidovich

Outstanding Russian scientist A.L. Chizhevsky was an extremely multifaceted and encyclopedically educated person. In science, his interests covered biology, geophysics, astronomy, chemistry, electrophysiology, epidemiology, hematology, history, and sociology.
IN recent years Many art lovers discovered in Chizhevsky an extraordinary poet-philosopher, writer-stylist, sophisticated artist, connoisseur and connoisseur of music.
Scientific research did not weaken him artistic creativity, but, on the contrary, contributed to his poetry and landscapes to reflect his philosophical views on the world, and his poetic gift - more successful work in the field of natural science. The physicist and the lyricist, therefore, were inseparable in him. “From early childhood,” Chizhevsky recalled, “I passionately fell in love with music, poetry, painting, and over time this love not only did not decrease, but took on an increasingly passionate character, even when the ship of my main aspirations went along the fairway of science.”
Extraordinary efficiency, emotionality, constant connection with the creative power of nature - all this contributed to his poetic creativity.
Already in early childhood, Chizhevsky had a passionate imagination, which grew into that inner fire, about which he would later write: “And I always burned inside! A passionate feeling of fire - not figurative, but true heat was in my chest. In moments of special states, which Since ancient times, poets have called inspiration, it seems to me that my heart is spewing out a flame that is about to burst out. I felt and always feel this wonderful fire when thoughts overshadow me or a feeling speaks.”
Chizhevsky's lyrics reflect his rich spiritual world; by nature he was endowed with an exceptional sense of beauty, proportion, and harmony. His lyrical works most fully convey the state of mind, the subtlest shades of the author’s experiences. Here the image of the poet himself, whose lyrical world is unusually diverse and multifaceted, clearly emerges.
Particularly noteworthy landscape lyrics scientist It was about her that A. Tolstoy wrote: “Your poems are the fruit of a great soul and a great artistic flair, and therefore their significance in Russian literature is very great... None of our contemporary poets conveys better than you the subtlest moods caused by natural phenomena. Tyutchev’s time in this area is a big gap. Your works should fill it.”
Chizhevsky, like Tyutchev, can be called an inspired singer of nature. Nature in his poems is captured in movement, change of phenomena, landscapes in his poems are imbued with tension and drama. Chizhevsky's poems reflect his desire to understand the confrontation between life and death, the contradiction between the limiting and the infinite, the collision of the finite and the infinite in man, nature, and the universe.
All aspects of the influence of space, and in particular the Sun, on the Earth and humanity are reflected by Chizhevsky in the poem “Galileo”. Assessing the poetic work of A.L. Chizhevsky, A. Tolstoy said about these poems: “I will not touch on your other poems, which are more than amazing in content and masterly execution... Their assessment can only be given in the future.”
During his life, Chizhevsky wrote several hundred poems and more than a thousand paintings in a wide variety of techniques: from oil and tempera to gouache, drawings with colored pencils, pastels, and watercolors. Only a small part of his paintings has survived - about 400 watercolors and colored pencil drawings, mostly from the 40s - 50s. They are located in different cities our country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Tambov, Karaganda, Chelyabinsk, Kaluga. Alexander Leonidovich and Nina Vadimovna used to give paintings to friends, good acquaintances, and scientists. The bulk of today's collection of Chizhevsky's paintings is stored in the funds State Museum history of cosmonautics named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga.
The earliest oil paintings on canvas date back to 1914 and were painted in the vicinity of Alexandrovka, the estate of A.P.’s grandmother. Neviandt in the Bryansk region. Several paintings, also painted in oils, are dated 1937 and 1939, during his holiday at the Kratovo dacha near Moscow. The next series (eleven) of watercolor drawings was made by Chizhevsky in the summer of 1941 in Shchelykovo, Kostroma Region, in the Maly Theater Actors' Holiday House. The main part of the watercolors (there are more than 150 of them) was painted by Chizhevsky during the period of his imprisonment and stay in the Ivdellag of the Sverdlovsk region, in Kuchino near Moscow, in the Dolinsky and Spassky branches of Karlag. and also during exile in Karaganda. The last painting is dated 1957.
Chizhevsky’s paintings and drawings, especially from the camp period, are small, most often made on waste paper, but what strength and beauty they contain!
M. Voloshin said that “the artist is the eyes of humanity.” Really,
Chizhevsky's landscapes make us see the diversity of Nature. His
paintings evoke in us a feeling of joy of life, beauty and greatness
the world around us. Painting and poetry are inextricably linked with each other,
form an organic unity in Chizhevsky’s work.
The organic need to cognize and depict the world in poetry and color helped Chizhevsky to withstand the inhuman conditions in which he found himself in the 40s and 50s. It is no coincidence that between the lines of his poem “To Hippocrates” the following entry appeared: “5.1.43 Cold + 5С in the cell, the wind blows through. We tremble terribly. They don’t give us boiling water.”
Poems and landscapes warmed his soul and helped him escape from the gloomy reality. The work of his soul and brain continued, no matter what. And he survived, and with honor carried the high dignity of the Russian intellectual through all the trials.
A man of a large and generous soul, who firmly believed in the victory of the Sun over Darkness, Good over Evil, A.L. Chizhevsky left us a wonderful spiritual heritage that teaches us to appreciate the Beautiful, to love Life and Man.
L.T. Engelhardt
Some information about Chizhevsky:


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Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky. Born on January 26 (February 7), 1897 in Ciechanowiec, Grodno province (now Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland) - died on December 20, 1964 in Moscow. Soviet scientist, biophysicist, one of the founders of heliobiology, aeroionification, electrohemodynamics, inventor (electrocoloring), philosopher, poet, artist. Honorary President of the First International Congress on Biophysics (1939), full member of 18 academies around the world, honorary professor at universities in Europe, America, and Asia.

Chizhevsky was born on January 26 (February 7), 1897, in the family of military artilleryman Leonid Vasilyevich Chizhevsky (1861-1929), the inventor of a commander's inclinometer for firing from closed positions and a device for destroying wire barriers.

The scientist’s mother Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Chizhevskaya (ur. Neviandt) (1875-1898) died when the boy was 1 year and 1 month. The future scientist was raised by his aunt, his father’s sister, Olga Vasilievna Chizhevskaya-Leslie (1863-1927), and his grandmother, his father’s mother, Elizaveta Semyonovna Chizhevskaya (ur. Oblachinskaya) (1828-1908), a cousin of P. S. Nakhimov.

Received a comprehensive home education (studied foreign languages, history, studied music). At the age of 7, he took painting lessons at the Paris Academy of Arts from a student of the famous impressionist E. Degas, Nodier Gustave. He began his studies in 1907 at the Bielsk Men's Gymnasium (Poland), but due to his father's appointment to the Zegrz Fortress (Poland) he switched to home schooling.

He received his secondary education in Kaluga at the private real school of F. M. Shakhmagonov (in January 1914 he entered the 6th grade of the private real school and in April 1915 he graduated from the 7th (additional) grade). He knew French, German, English, Italian well.

In July 1915, he was accepted as a full student at the Moscow Commercial Institute (MKI), and in September of the same year as a volunteer student at the Moscow Archaeological Institute.

Chizhevsky volunteered for the front: in the second half of 1916 and May-September 1917, he took part in battles in Galicia, was wounded, received a shell shock and was demobilized. Was awarded St. George's Cross IV degree (soldier).

In 1917 he brilliantly graduated from the Moscow Archaeological Institute. In May of the same year he defended his dissertation on the topic “Russian lyrics of the 18th century” (M. V. Lomonosov), and in December he defended his dissertation “The Evolution of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in ancient world» for a master's degree general history.

In 1918, he presented to the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University and defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of World History, “Study of the periodicity of the world- historical process”, which 6 years later was outlined in the book “Physical Factors of the Historical Process”. Chizhevsky's theory was expressed as follows: he noticed that cycles solar activity manifest themselves in the biosphere, changing all life processes, from productivity to morbidity and the mental state of humanity. As a result, this is reflected in specific historical events- political and economic crises, wars, uprisings, revolutions, etc.

Thus, Chizhevsky became a doctor of history at the age of 21.

After defending his dissertation from 1917 to 1922, Chizhevsky was a senior researcher, full member Institute and professor (1921) of the Moscow Archaeological Institute.

Chizhevsky studied in physics and mathematics (in the natural and mathematical department) and medical faculties Moscow University as a volunteer, attended lectures at the Shanyavsky People's University.

From 1922 to 1923 he was a freelance scientific consultant at the Institute of Physics and Biophysics of the People's Commissariat of Health of the USSR, where he met S.I. Vavilov. From 1923 to 1926 - chief expert on medicine and biology and member of the technical council of the Association of Inventors. He was familiar with famous writers: L. N. Andreev, A. N. Tolstoy, I. Severyanin, V. V. Mayakovsky, V. Ya. Bryusov, and was friends with the composer N. P. Rakov.

In his father's house since 1915, he was engaged in innovative research in the field of heliobiology; from 1918, for 3 years, he conducted the first experiments on the effects of negatively ionized air on living organisms (aeroionification).

According to Chizhevsky, his experimental research gave a clear result: positively charged air ions have a negative effect on living organisms, while negatively charged ones, on the contrary, produce a beneficial effect. Chizhevsky subsequently managed to obtain an author's certificate for his air ionizer for producing light air ions, which is widely known as "Chizhevsky's chandelier".

In December 1921, Chizhevsky wrote a philosophical work “The fundamental beginning of the universe. Space system. Problems".

In 1924, one of his main works on heliobiology and historiography was published in the 1st Gostipolitografiya in Kaluga. "Physical factors of the historical process".

Chizhevsky was also an outstanding landscape artist. It is known that in Kaluga he painted more than 100 paintings, which he sold, and the proceeds from the sale were used to conduct scientific experiments.

Chizhevsky taught in 1918-1920 at the Kaluga command infantry courses (courses of red commanders), the creator and first head of which was his father L.V. Chizhevsky, in 1920-1921 at the 4th Soviet unified labor school.

Since childhood I wrote poetry. The first collections (and the only lifetime ones) of Chizhevsky’s poems were published in Kaluga (1915, 1919), project "Academy of Poetry" (1918).

The next collection of poetry was published more than 20 years after the scientist’s death - in 1987, then in 1992, 1996, 1998, 2013. As in the lifetime editions, among Chizhevsky’s original poems there are poetic translations. For example, already in the first book there are translations by Ludwig Uhland.

In the early 1920s, on the recommendation of A.V. Lunacharsky, he was appointed instructor in the literary department of the People's Commissariat for Education, then elected chairman of the Kaluga Provincial Union of Poets. He attended the literary salon of A. I. Holmberg (granddaughter of L. N. Tolstoy) and the musical evenings of T. F. Dostoevskaya (great-niece of F. M. Dostoevsky).

In Kaluga in 1914, Chizhevsky became closely acquainted with K. E. Tsiolkovsky, who played a large role in the development of the young scientist and in the development of his worldview. The friendship of scientists lasted more than 20 years. Tsiolkovsky supported the ideas of his younger friend in heliobiology and experiments on aeroionification. In turn, Chizhevsky contributed to the establishment of world priority in the field of cosmonautics and rocket dynamics, reprinting his work in 1924 “Exploration of world spaces using jet instruments”(under the new name “Rocket in Outer Space”) and sending it to foreign scientists and scientific societies. Chizhevsky helped Tsiolkovsky in publishing his articles in Moscow magazines and central newspapers.

In March 1926, Chizhevsky finally moved to Moscow, but until the mid-1930s he periodically came to Kaluga to visit his relatives and Tsiolkovsky.

From 1924 to 1931, Chizhevsky was a senior researcher (with the rank of professor) in the practical laboratory of zoopsychology of the Main Science of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, the chairman of the scientific council of which was V. L. Durov. Here Chizhevsky conducted experiments in biological and physiological effects air ions on animals.

In 1927, an electroeffluvial chandelier was tested in the laboratory.

By the early 1930s, Chizhevsky had extensive connections with prominent scientists of the world (S. A. Arrhenius, F. Nansen, C. Richet, A. d'Arsonval, etc.), he was invited to give lectures in Paris and New York , were nominated as honorary academicians abroad, where his work in the field of heliobiology and aeroionization was given great value, offered to buy a patent for his work on aeroionification, but the scientist resolutely refused the latter, placing his invention “at the full disposal of the USSR Government.”

From 1930 to 1936, the scientist was the director of the established Central Scientific Research Laboratory of Ionification (TsNILI) of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after. V.I. Lenin. 50 researchers participated in the research of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory; its works (1933, 1934), published in Voronezh, amounted to 2 volumes (1st and 3rd), which were translated into a number of foreign languages.

Based on the first results of the work of the Central Research Institute in 1931, 2 resolutions were issued on the work of Professor Chizhevsky (People's Commissariat of the USSR and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR), the scientist received awards, and 7 branches were soon established. However, the experiments of the TsNILI were criticized: a role in this was played by the director of the All-Union Institute of Animal Husbandry, B. M. Zavadovsky, who, from the moment the TsNILI was organized, created various commissions, whose activities literally ended in pogroms.

B. M. Zavadovsky published articles in the Pravda newspaper discrediting Chizhevsky’s ideas (for example, in 1935, in the article “The Enemy in the Mask of a Scientist,” the author directly accused Chizhevsky of counter-revolution, the scientist was called “a bearer of anti-Soviet ideas” and “an enemy in the guise of a scientist "), as a result, in January 1935, the publication and distribution of works edited by Chizhevsky were banned.

After 1.5 years - in July 1936, TsNILI was dissolved.

Only at the end of 1938 Chizhevsky was again invited to work as a scientific director for aerial ionization of the Palace of Soviets. In 1939-1941, Chizhevsky headed 2 laboratories on aeroionification (one at the Department of General and Experimental Hygiene in the 3rd Moscow State medical institute, the other - at the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute) under the Construction Directorate of the Palace of Soviets of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.

In September 1939, the First International Congress on Biological Physics and Space Biology was held in New York, at which Chizhevsky was elected honorary president and for his multifaceted scientific, artistic and literary activities he was called “Leonardo da Vinci of the 20th century.” Chizhevsky is invited to America, but he is denied a trip abroad. A memorandum was sent about scientific works Chizhevsky on behalf of the Congress to the Nobel Committee, but the situation in the country and the attitude of the authorities towards him were such that Chizhevsky could not receive this prize.

In 1941, at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Chizhevsky and his family left for Chelyabinsk, where On January 22, 1942 he was convicted under Article 58, paragraph 10. He served 8 years of imprisonment in the Northern Urals (Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk region (Ivdellag), in the Moscow region (Kuchino), in Kazakhstan (Karlag: Dolinskoye, Spasskoye, Steplag).

And in the camp Chizhevsky remained a scientist, finding salvation in science, poetry, and painting. Over the years, he wrote more than 100 poems. In Karlag, Chizhevsky was allowed to create an aeroionization office and deal with electrical problems of the blood.

Under his leadership, prominent scientist-prisoners (including G.N. Perlatov) worked on mathematical calculations for blood research. In Karlag Chizhevsky made a fundamental discovery - the structural and systemic organization of moving blood. The scientist was released in January 1950, but remained in the camp for another month to complete experiments on blood.

After his release in January 1950, he was sent to a settlement in Karaganda (Kazakh SSR), in June 1954 he was released from the settlement, continuing to live in Karaganda. In Karaganda he worked as a consultant on aeroion therapy and head. Laboratory of structural analysis of blood and dynamic hematology in the Karaganda Regional Clinical Hospital, in the laboratory of the Karaganda Regional Blood Transfusion Station, until 1955 he was the head. clinical laboratory of the Karaganda Regional Oncology Dispensary, scientific consultant at the Karaganda Research Coal Institute.

Returning to Moscow, Chizhevsky worked at Soyuzsantekhnika from 1958 to 1961: in 1958-1960 (State Union Technical Office) as a consultant on aeroion therapy and scientific director of the laboratory.

In 1960-1961 (research laboratory for ionization and air conditioning) - deputy. head in the field of air ionization. Chizhevsky's works on aeroionification and structural analysis of moving blood, on which the scientist worked in Karlag and Karaganda, were published.

In 1962, Chizhevsky was partially rehabilitated (completely posthumously).

In the last years of his life he worked on memories of the years of friendship with K. E. Tsiolkovsky. In the early 1960s, he visited Tsiolkovsky’s daughter, Maria Konstantinovna Tsiolkovskaya-Kostina, in Kaluga several times, and there was correspondence between them.

Died in 1964. He was buried at the Pyatnitskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Chizhevsky family:

The first wife was Chizhevskaya (ur. Samsonova) Irina Aleksandrovna. From this marriage he had a daughter, Chizhevskaya Irina Aleksandrovna (1928-1958). The scientist did not communicate with the first family. The grandson of A. L. Chizhevsky - the son of I. A. Chizhevskaya and Ivan Sergeevich Kuskov (1927-1997) - Sergei Ivanovich Kuskov (1956-2008) - a famous Russian curator and art critic.

Chizhevsky's second wife in 1931 was the secretary of the Durova Corner, Tatyana Sergeevna Roshchina (1900-1964). A.L. Chizhevsky adopted her child from her first marriage - Marina (1922-1996); there were no joint children in this marriage. They officially divorced in 1951.

The third wife is Taranets Anna Mikhailovna. Nothing is known about her, except for one entry, which almost all researchers of Alexander Leonidovich’s work who work with his archive in the archive come across Russian Academy Sciences (correspondence on housing and everyday issues “Certificate-application for an apartment” dated February 1, 1960): “I ask for the provision of me and my family separate apartment in three rooms in one of the central districts of Moscow.” This certificate-questionnaire consists of 8 points, in paragraph 5 it is written: “I have a separate two-room apartment of 55 m² in the city of Karaganda, where my wife currently lives and scientific archive, manuscripts and library". The answer to point 6 (obviously marital status) says: “I and my wife Taranets Anna Mikhailovna, 48 years old.”

The last wife is Chizhevskaya (ur. Engelhardt) Nina Vadimovna (1903-1982). Came from noble family Engelhardtov, her brother - Engelhardt, Boris Vadimovich. In 1924, she was arrested while trying to illegally leave the USSR. Spent many years in the Gulag. While in exile in Kazakhstan, she met Chizhevsky and became his wife.

Works of Chizhevsky:

Chizhevsky A. L. Poems
Chizhevsky A.L. Notebook of poems. 1914-1918
Chizhevsky A. L. Physical factors of the historical process
Chizhevsky A. L. Epidemiological disasters and periodic activity of the Sun
Problems of ionification: Proceedings of TsNILI. T. 1 / Ed. A. L. Chizhevsky
Aeroionization in medicine: Proceedings of TsNILI. T. 3 / Ed. A. L. Chizhevsky and G. A. Lapidus
Works published by Chizhevsky after returning from exile Chizhevsky A. L. Guide to the use of ionized air in industry, agriculture and in medicine
Chizhevsky A. L. Structural analysis moving blood
Chizhevsky A. L. Aeroionification in the national economy
Chizhevsky A. L. Electrical and magnetic properties red blood cells
Chizhevsky A. L. All life
Chizhevsky A. L. Terrestrial echo of solar storms
Chizhevsky A. L. Theory of heliotaraxy
Chizhevsky A. L. Biophysical mechanisms of the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction
Chizhevsky A. L. Earth echoes from the solar storm
Chizhevsky A. L. Poems
Chizhevsky A. L. Aeroions and life. Conversations with Tsiolkovsky
Chizhevsky A.L. On the shores of the Universe: Years of friendship with Tsiolkovsky. Memories
Chizhevsky A.L. Cosmic pulse of life: the Earth in the embrace of the Sun. Heliotaraxy
Chizhevsky A. L. “In science I am known as a poet” (Collection of poems)
Chizhevsky A. L. Poetry of painting
Chizhevsky A. L. The Earth in the Embrace of the Sun
Chizhevsky A.L. On the shore of the Universe. Memories of K. E. Tsiolkovsky
Chizhevsky A. L. K. E. Tsiolkovsky, A. L. Chizhevsky. Kaluga pages of Russian cosmists
Chizhevsky A.L. Basic beginning. of the universe. Space system. Problems
Chizhevsky A. Music of the finest chiaroscuro: poems.

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