Day of Russian Science. Day of Russian Science Day of Russian Science

Day Russian science traditionally celebrated on February 8 according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 717 of June 7, 1999 "On the establishment of the Day of Russian Science". The holiday originates from the founding of the Academy of Sciences in 1724. The founder of the Academy was Peter I. In 1991, the Academy was named the Russian Academy of Sciences. The RAS includes 470 institutions employing about 55,000 researchers. It is interesting that in the USSR this significant day was celebrated on the third Sunday of April, which was associated with the work of V.V. Lenin "Outline of the plan of scientific and technical work", recognizing the existence of science in the USSR. And until now, many people of science celebrate this holiday "in the old fashioned way." Russian Science Day is a memorable day for scientists, researchers, and those who are seriously involved in science.

Congratulations on Science Day
I wish you new knowledge
amazing discoveries,
The most interesting events.

More weird facts
There is a lot of happiness in personal life,
Let them always appreciate in work,
Always be respected for everything!

Learning is light, and everyone knows it,
It will lead us all to success!
Let our science flourish
And moving forward with speed!

We thank the scientists for the development,
For the contribution that you brought to the country!
We wish to make new discoveries,
After all, they are very important for all of us!

Let Russian science
Only flourishes day after day!
And let the whole neighborhood know
That we are always moving forward!

I wish you all strength, patience
And fresh, new ideas!
Let Russian creations
Only admire all people!

Today is a special holiday
It's time to glorify science.
We want to congratulate scientists
And shout loudly: "Hurrah!"

Hooray for the day of Russian science!
The state is strong in science.
Proud of both children and grandchildren,
Our whole country is proud.

Scientists, you are our strength,
And we congratulate you all!
Let life be easy and beautiful
Glory and success will come to you!

Happy Russian Science Day, friends,
Happy day of mind, knowledge and strength.
I wish more opening
The scientists came out from under the pen.

Prosperity and goodness to you,
Creative ideas and finds,
Non-standard solutions to problems,
The developments we and the country need.

There is such a day, it is very important
For our Mother - the country.
Everyone loves science
We really need science.

And this day, a wonderful holiday,
Allows us to realize
That the work of scientists is not in vain!
Scientists should be respected!

Happy Russian Science Day
I congratulate you heartily
The path of a scientist is not easy,
It is tortuous, endless.

I wish you victories
New significant achievements,
unexpected discoveries,
Only happy moments.

Congratulations to all scientists!
Illuminated, winged,
Knowing everything about progress
Who gave the world a hundred miracles!
We remember different people:
Archimedes and Galileo
Vernadsky, Lomonosov, Pavlov -
They deserve their laurels!
Let each luminary become science.

Will reveal the potential, does not know boredom!
Scientists, all the cards are in your hands!

Days of science for the country
We definitely need.
I congratulate you cordially
And I wish you happiness forever.

Let dreams come true
Peace, light, kindness to you.
Let health come
Let success not leave!

Different sciences are needed
How important air and water are
We cannot develop without them.
We will not help the sick with treatment,
We can't fly into space
Warm up lunch and dinner
So instead of laziness, evil and boredom
Let's help science!

The work of a scientist is not easy, but interesting. And at all times, from the beginning of the existence of sciences, the activities of chemists, physicists, mathematicians and other fans of complex disciplines have always commanded respect. In gratitude for the dedication of scientists, sometimes working on the same enthusiasm, was established new holiday- Science Day.

Date in 2019

The question of when Science Day is celebrated in Russia in 2019 has a good reason. The fact is that there are several holidays with this - more precisely, similar - name. There are several international versions, there is also our own, Russian holiday in honor of workers in the field of science, in addition, our closest neighbors - Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan - also celebrate their national holidays in honor of scientists.

Let's start with the most important thing for us - Russian holiday.

Russian Science Day is celebrated on February 8th. The date is fixed and does not depend on any factors.

This professional holiday appeared not so long ago - less than twenty years ago, in 1999. By a special Decree of the President, the new solemn day was included in the number of professional dates of the Russian Federation. The date on which this day is celebrated was chosen not by chance, but with a legitimate reason: it was on this day, February 8, that the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded almost three hundred years ago.

The initiative to create your own scientific academy belonged to Peter I, and the very first institution was opened under the sign "Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg." The name changed several times, the academy bore the name of the city, the title of imperial, then, in 1917, it became all-Union, and only in 1991 did its historical name return to the institution, by which we know it today - Russian Academy Sciences. Today, the Russian Academy of Sciences is the largest scientific center in the country, the base for natural-technical, social, humanities. The goal of the Academy is to provide an opportunity to work in the field of various scientific branches for the good of the country.

The history of the holiday

The ancestor of the Russian holiday can be safely called the Day of Soviet Science. It was celebrated on the third Sunday in April. The date was chosen in honor of the work "Outline of the plan of scientific and technical work", written by V.I. Lenin in the period from April 18 to 25. "Sketch" was the first indication of the existence of its own science in the Union. Many institutes in Russia still hold various events dedicated to the popularization of science “the old fashioned way” in April - this holiday has become so traditional and familiar. Science Day "according to the old style" in 2019 falls on April 21.

Science 0+

A large number of scientific centers, universities and even individual schools of the country celebrate their own Science Day, choosing a date that is closest to their profile - the founding day of the institute, the birthday of an outstanding scientist, the Day of a physicist or chemist, if the school or university is different in-depth study certain discipline. A striking example of this is the Moscow State University Science Festival.

The main slogan of the event is NAUKA 0+, that is, “science for everyone”. The Festival is held in October, the main operating venue is Moscow State University, however, performances are also held on the territory of other universities in Moscow and the Expocentre. Within the framework of the event, as a rule, there are public lectures given by outstanding scientists, including even Nobel laureates; interactive exhibitions; scientific and popular science films are shown; field trips and much more. In 2017, the VII Festival of Sciences NAUKA 0+ was held.

Holiday under the auspices of the UN

In addition to the national, Russian Day of Science, our country also celebrates the international version of the holiday. Its full name is World Science Day for Peace and Development. The date of celebration is November 10th. The goal is to promote science as a block of disciplines for everyone. UNESCO initiated the emergence of a special holiday for scientists. The idea of ​​​​appearing a new celebration in honor of scientific achievement was first performed in 1999 at the World scientific conference in Budapest. Two years later, in 2001, the holiday was officially declared by the organization, and since 2002 World Science Day has been celebrated all over the world. In 2019 international holiday Science Day will be celebrated on Sunday, November 10th.

international holiday

Apart from world day there is another interstate version of the holiday - the International Day of Science and Humanism or Darwin's Day. In the English-speaking segment of the Internet, this holiday is better known as Darwin Day. It is celebrated, as expected, on the birthday of the great scientist, in 2019 this day - February 12 - falls on Tuesday. Darwin Day appeared in the USA in 2001 and, thanks to active support, quickly became popular all over the world, receiving the title of international. By the way, in our country this holiday is celebrated in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, annually holding various events in honor of the English naturalist and founder of the theory of evolution.

See video about the history of Russian Science Day:

And discoveries. Scientists such as Mikhail Lomonosov, Ivan Pavlov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Eduard Tsiolkovsky, Pyotr Kapitsa, Lev Landau, Igor Kurchatov, Anatoly Alexandrov, Sergei Korolev, Nikolai Dollezhal and many others are known all over the world. Thanks to their efforts, the country became the birthplace of outstanding discoveries and inventions. human civilization. Russia became the first state where the doctrine of the biosphere was developed, the first in the world to launch into space artificial satellite Land, put into operation the first Nuclear Power Plant.

IN last years in Russia, one of which was the Russian Ebola vaccine, which shows higher efficiency compared to other drugs designed to combat this disease.

In 2016, 14 Russian scientists from the creators of the Web of Science database, which is one of the leading catalogs of scientific publications and patents in the world and on the global network. Its developer is Thomson Reuters.

Winner in the category "Highly cited Science Magazine" became the journal "Advances in Chemistry" of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At the same time, the most highly cited Russian universities in 2016 were the National research university "graduate School economy" and the Siberian federal university, and the most highly cited research institutes are the Institute of Physics high energy, Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute theoretical physics them. Landau RAS.

In December 2016, the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of Russia until 2035 was adopted. According to the document, scientific potential countries in the coming decades will focus on solving a number of problems, including the main risks associated with anthropogenic pressure on nature; exhaustion of economic development opportunities due to extensive exploitation of resources; the need to increase energy capacity.

Among priority areas development of domestic science highlighted digital manufacturing technologies, the creation of new materials, the development of systems capable of processing large amounts of data, artificial intelligence and machine learning, the transition to environmentally friendly and resource-saving energy sources, personalized medicine.

The strategy will be implemented with financial support from the federal budget and various extrabudgetary sources. Research costs and scientific developments will be gradually increased to 2% of the country's GDP, including a proportional increase in private investment. The volume of private investments in science by 2035 should not be lower than the state ones.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

OrBranch of MB OU Uzhovskaya school - Ilyinskaya school

extracurricular activity


Physics teacher:

Golubeva Natalya Viktorovna


to promote the expansion of students' ideas about the history and achievements of Russian science; contribute to the formation of a positive moral assessment of activities in the name of science and progress; to cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of mental labor, a sense of patriotism, pride in their country, their people; encourage participation in circles technical creativity to the acquisition of technical skills.

2016-2017 academic year


Every year on February 8, the domestic scientific community celebrates its professional holiday - the Day of Russian Science, established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1999. The Decree states that the holiday was established " considering the outstanding role of domestic science in the development of the state and society, following historical traditions and in commemoration of the 275th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Sciences in Russia.

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The Day of Russian Science is timed to coincide with the date of the establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences by Peter I on February 8 (January 28 - old style) 1724. In 2017, the Day of Russian Science is celebrated for the 18th time

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In the Soviet Union, the Academy acquired the name of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Russian Academy of Sciences was organized. In 1999 the Academy celebrated its 275th anniversary. Thus, the tradition of celebrating the Day of Science on February 8 was restored. The Russian Academy of Sciences today is the largest research center in our country.

slide number 3

The structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences includes nine departments in areas and areas of science, three departments and fifteen research centers of a regional nature. There are also industry state academies Sciences: "Russian Academy of Education", "Russian Academy of Medical Sciences", "Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences", "Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences", "Russian Academy of Arts". In total, the Academy has 470 scientific institutions, more than 55 thousand researchers, including more than 500 academicians and 800 corresponding members

From the 18th century to the present day, Russia has made an enormous contribution to the development of world science. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, Petr Leonidovich Kapitsa, Lev Davidovich Landau, Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov, 3 Pavel Sergeevich Aleksandrov, Sergey Pavlovich Korolev - these are just a small part of the names of Russian scientists who have contributed to world science . Russia became the first country where the doctrine of the biosphere was developed, the world's first artificial Earth satellite was launched into space, the world's first nuclear power plant was put into operation

The founders of Russian science.

Russian scientists of the XX-XXI centuries. were the successors of the scientific traditions that the scientists of the past laid down.

Schoolchildren talk about them and their contribution to science.

Oral journal pages:

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov- the scientist and inventor left a huge mark in many areas of human activity: literature, physics, chemistry, geography, geology, metallurgy, astronomy, history, etc. Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev is a great Russian encyclopedic scientist, chemist, physicist, technologist, geologist and even a meteorologist. His main discovery is the Periodic system. chemical elements.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov- an outstanding domestic biologist, the first Nobel Prize winner in Russia. He became the founder of the largest Russian physiological school and creator of the doctrine of higher nervous activity. He studied digestion, circulation, higher nervous activity person. His discoveries are still serving medicine today. Pavlov passionately believed in science, believed that it was science that could save "the human race from diseases, from hunger, from enmity, and reduce grief in people's lives." This faith gave him strength and helped him in his work.

Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov- an outstanding Russian microbiologist, physiologist, immunologist, founder of scientific gerontology. Gerontology is a science that studies biological, social and psychological aspects human aging, its causes and ways to combat it (rejuvenation). Mechnikov's numerous works on bacteriology are devoted to the epidemiology of cholera, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases.

Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky- "father" (and sometimes they say "grandfather") of Russian aviation. In 1918, Zhukovsky created the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. Now it is TsAGI, the largest state aviation research center in Russia, which bears the name of its creator. NOT. Zhukovsky believed that a person would definitely fly, relying on the power of his mind.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, "the father of Russian cosmonautics", is a modest self-taught teacher from Kaluga, who developed the theory of interplanetary flights, thanks to which a person was able to penetrate into space. Here is how the scientist explained why he was engaged in science at all: “The main motive of my life is to do something useful for people, not to live life in vain, to move humanity forward at least a little. That is why I was interested in that which gave me neither bread nor strength. But I hope that my works, maybe soon, or maybe in the distant future, will give society mountains of bread and an abyss of power.”

Outstanding domestic scientists and inventors.

Domestic scientists have presented world science with many inventions and have done a lot interesting discoveries in various fields of science and everyday life. Who invented the first parachute?

A safe road from air to earth for pilots was laid in 1911 by a Russian inventor Gleb Evgenievich Kotelnikov, son of a professor of mechanics and higher mathematics. He suggested using a compact folding parachute in such cases. The silk dome was attached to the shoulder girths of the suspension system with the help of slings. The death of pilot L.M. prompted Kotelnikov to create a parachute. Marcievich, which made a very strong impression on him.

A television, without which it is difficult to imagine our life today, was invented at the very beginning of the last century by a domestic scientist Boris Lvovich Rosing. On July 25, 1907, he announced to the whole world about the possibility of transmitting images over a distance using electrical signals, and in 1911 he demonstrated his invention to the Russian technical society. Under the guidance of Professor B.L. Rosing worked for several years as the inventor of kinescopes for black-and-white and color television Vladimir Kozmich Zworykin.

Parachute and gas mask, radio and television, telegraph and astronautics, periodic system chemical elements, photosynthesis, lasers, synthetic rubber, electric welding, vitamins, anesthesia, high-octane gasoline, tankers, tanks, oil pipelines, the best submarines in the world, computed tomography, a three-phase current system - all this was created, discovered and invented by Russian scientists.

It is the 20th century that is called the Golden Age of Russian science. At the very beginning of the last century, such world-famous stars of Russian science as D. Mendeleev, K. Tsiolkovsky, I. Pavlov, I. Mechnikov, V. Bekhterev, N. Zhukovsky shone on the scientific horizon of Russia. Then S. Korolev, A. Tupolev, I. Kurchatov, D. Sakharov, M. Keldysh, L. Landau and others picked up the baton of scientific discoveries. They made Russian science one of the world leaders.

Nobel Prize- the most prestigious award in the field of science. It has been awarded since 1901 for outstanding scientific research, revolutionary inventions, major contributions to culture or society. The prize is named after the famous scientist Alfred Nobel and, in accordance with his will, is awarded to the winner in each of the five scientific fields: physiology and medicine, physics, chemistry, literature (all since 1901) and economics (since 1969). In the event that a team of scientists wins in one field of science, the prize is divided in equal shares between them.

Fifteen Russian and Soviet scientists have been awarded Nobel Prizes. The first of those awarded, in 1904, was Academician I.P. Pavlov for his work on the physiology of digestion, then, in 1908, - I.I. Mechnikov for his work on immunity. ( chemist N. Semenov, physics P. Cherenkov, I. Tamm, I. Frank, L. Landau, N. Basov, P. Kapitsa, A. Prokhorov, J. Alferov). Russian laureate became a physicist K.S. Novoselov, who in 2010 received Nobel Prize for pioneering experiments on the two-dimensional graphene material.

Quiz "From the history of discovery"

"Do you know that…?"

Question 1. Alfred Nobel was a famous engineer and inventor, an outstanding entrepreneur and financier. He was fluent in five languages. In 1968 he was awarded a medal from the Swedish Academy of Sciences. By his convictions, he was an ardent pacifist (supporter of peace) and in 1905 wrote: “My discoveries will sooner stop wars than your congresses in defense of peace. When the warring parties discover that they can destroy each other in an instant, people will abandon these horrors and the waging of war.

What discovery did Alfred Nobel make?


Question 2. This scientist became deaf at the age of ten, could not study at school and had to study on his own. At the age of 16, he was fond of astronomy, physics, mechanics and invention. Later he became school teacher.

Who is this famous scientist?

(Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky)

Question 3. In 1909, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to the Italian Guglielmo Marconi for his work on wireless telegraph. In fact, this discovery was first made by another person - a Russian physicist and electrical engineer. We all know his name.

Say his name.

(Alexander Stepanovich Popov)

Question 4. On the eve of the meeting of the New Year 2001, the Russian physicist, Nobel Prize winner in 2000, said the following toast: “I have a wonderful business. It is transforming the world, and I want it to transform our country. I would like to raise a toast to ensure that all the discoveries made by our scientists are needed here, in Russia, and not bought out by the West. So that they can be used by Rubin enterprises. "Svetlana", and only then "Siemens" and "Sony". And so that foreigners stand in line for our discoveries.

(Zhores Ivanovich Alferov)

2000 - J.I. Alferov - a prize for work on obtaining semiconductor structures that can be used for ultra-fast computers. Zh.I. Alferov discovered and created high-speed opto- and microelectronic devices based on semiconductor heterostructures: high-speed transistors, laser diodes for information transmission systems in fiber optic networks, powerful efficient light-emitting diodes that can replace incandescent lamps in the future.

Question 5. This man had an amazing fate. One of the authors of the most terrible weapon - hydrogen bomb won the Nobel Peace Prize!
Above his grave Academician D.S. Likhachev said: “He was a real prophet. A prophet in the ancient, primordial sense of the word, that is, a person who calls his contemporaries to moral renewal for the sake of the future.

Name this scientist.

(Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov)

Question 6. It is said that a scientist discovered this law in a dream. This is one of the fundamental laws of nature. And in 1887, this scientist went up in a balloon to observe a solar eclipse, for which he received a diploma from the French Academy of Meteorological Aeronautics "for courage."

What is the name of the law discovered by this scientist?

(periodic law chemical elements)

Question 7. About him, our great poet A.S. Pushkin said that he created the first university in Russia, that "it is better to say that he himself was the first Russian university."

Who are these words about?

(about M.V. Lomonosov)

Question 8. The experience set by this remarkable Russian scientist became the reason for his tragic death. From the device created by this scientist "came out a pale bluish fiery club with a fist the size of a right to the forehead of Mr. Professor" - described in the "St. Petersburg Vedomosti".

What instrument did the scientist use and what did he study?

(Leyden jar, atmospheric


Question 9. In this dynasty, four generations are associated with the Academy of Sciences: great-grandfather was a corresponding member of the Imperial Russian Academy of Sciences, grandfather, son and younger grandson were academicians. The eldest grandson, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, became an outstanding popularizer of science, the host of a scientific television program. The greatest contribution to science was made by the third representative of the dynasty - a Soviet physicist, academician, Nobel Prize winner, member of many foreign academies Sciences learned societies. His work is dedicated nuclear physics, physics and technology of superstrong magnetic fields, physics and technology low temperatures, physics of high-temperature plasma.

Say his name.

(Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa)

Discoveries have influenced and continue to influence our lives, and without the discoveries of domestic scientists today it would be impossible to use modern gadgets.

Many of the students can become both scientists and inventors, making a very important discovery for the whole world. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all in which area it will be done, what specialty and profession this or that today’s schoolchild will become, where exactly he will work. The main thing is to get necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, competencies, be able to achieve the goal, and the school and other educational institutions will help you with this.

And who knows, maybe the future Nobel Prize winner grows up in our school! Remember: the greatest victory will come only to those who know how to win over themselves the smallest victories that are invisible to others: “If your work leads to knowledge of the world, no matter how difficult it is, go ahead!”

IN modern world science is not only a way of understanding the surrounding space, but also one of the most powerful factors in the development of society and the state. In the last century, scientific and technological progress has radically changed the face of our civilization, we have come an impressive way from steam locomotives and the first aircraft to interplanetary vehicles and nuclear reactors. Science has fundamentally changed everyday life each of us and continues to do so at an ever-increasing rate.

When is the Day of Russian Science celebrated?

The role of science in the modern world can hardly be overestimated; practical value, the period between the discovery and its implementation has decreased to a minimum. In Russia, unfortunately, science has not been given due attention for several decades. Research funding is carried out on a residual basis, frequent and ill-conceived reorganizations scientific field leads to chaos and confusion.

In our calendar there is a celebration associated with people who are engaged in scientific work is the Day of Russian Science. The question is often asked, when is this date celebrated? The answer is simple: it is celebrated annually on February 8th. On this day, scientists accept congratulations, and high officials discuss the problems that face this area today. In addition, traditionally on this day, events are held that are aimed at popularizing science: higher educational institutions arrange days open doors, interesting reports and performances are held in schools and libraries.


The Day of Russian Science is associated with the date of foundation of the Academy of Sciences of the country. This holiday was established relatively recently - in 1999, but the events to which it is timed took place at the beginning of the 18th century.

At that time Russian emperor Peter the Great carried out rather painful, but very necessary reforms for Russia. He sought to make a modern country out of a backward country. European state. This restless ruler forever changed the face and ways of patriarchal Muscovy, one of the directions of his stormy activity was the development of Russian science.

Peter the Great issued a decree establishing the Russian Academy of Sciences. This happened on February 8, 1724. Since then, the name of this organization has not changed, although, depending on political events, abbreviations of new states were added to the main name: in 1925, the organization received the name of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and in 1991, the prefix "Russian" was added to it. The date of the celebration of the Day of Russian Science demonstrates the continuity between different generations of natural scientists. For almost three centuries, Russian science has given the world a huge number of brilliant scientists. These are Mikhail Lomonosov, who founded Moscow University, and the brilliant chemist Mendeleev, and the biologist Pavlov, who laid the foundations of the physiology of digestion.

Great attention to development scientific research given in the Soviet period. Mathematicians, physicists, chemists and representatives of other exact sciences were especially strong.

The last Russian scientist to receive the Nobel Prize was Konstantin Novoselov. He was honored with this award for his research on graphene. Unfortunately, this scientist has been working and teaching in Europe for a long time.

True, it must be added that scientists of the old (Soviet) generation often celebrate their day on the third Sunday in April.

The structure of Russian science

Today, the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS RF) is a huge organization with numerous regional offices. Few people know that:

  1. The RAS includes 470 different institutions.
  2. More than 55 thousand people work in organizations that are part of the structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  3. The Russian Academy of Sciences has 500 academicians.
  4. The RAS includes fifteen major research centers and three regional departments.

In fact, the number of people involved in the development of science in our country is comparable to the population of a small town. The Russian Academy of Sciences has nine research areas.

How is it celebrated

The Day of Russian Science is annually celebrated in our country on a large scale. It is usually used to popularize science. On this day, exhibitions, presentations, conferences and round tables. It does not do without celebrations and congratulations: it is on February 8 that various awards and awards of scientific titles are most often held.

To attract young talents into the field of scientific research, universities and laboratories often hold open days on February 8, telling visitors about their activities.

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