Extrovert and introvert: distinctive features. Introvert or extrovert - who is it? Introvert or extrovert - how to know who I am? Ethical-intuitive type of introverts

A person's view of the outside world is that an extrovert prefers the social and practical aspects of life to immersion in the world of imagination and reflection. An introvert, on the contrary, prefers thinking and imagination to operations with real external objects.

Psychology knows two fundamental things: different types personalities: extroverts and introverts.

Extroverts are a type of personality (or behavior) that is oriented in its manifestations outward, towards others.

Introverts are a type of personality (or behavior) that is inward or self-oriented.

Extroverts are characterized by behavior in which a person strives to:

  • to communicate with people,
  • attention from others,
  • participation in public speaking,
  • participation in crowded events and parties.

An extrovert can be an excellent toastmaster, organizer (often on a voluntary basis), official, manager of people, artist or entertainer.

Introverts are characterized by behavior that is more related to comfortable solitude, internal reflections and experiences, creativity, or observation of the process. An introvert can be an excellent scientist, researcher, observer, writer, or self-employed entrepreneur. If an extrovert needs the presence of other people for comfort, then an introvert is comfortable working alone.

Over time, Jung significantly revised his views on extraversion-introversion. Firstly, he identified a number of independent factors (psychological functions), which he previously included in the composition of extraversion-introversion: thinking, feeling (experience), sensation, intuition. Secondly, starting with his programmatic work “Psychological Types” (1920), he spoke not about extroverts and introverts, but about extraversion or introversion of the dominant function. That is, he wrote that in the psyche of an individual a person can be dominated by one of the functions - extraverted or introverted thinking, feeling, sensation, intuition, while in the psyche there was a place for other functions that played an auxiliary role or were repressed into the unconscious.

Eysenck, borrowing these concepts from Jung, fills them with a slightly different content - for Eysenck these concepts are the poles of a superfactor - a complex of personality traits that correlate with each other, which is determined genetically. A typical extrovert, according to Eysenck, is sociable, optimistic, impulsive, has a wide circle of acquaintances and poor control over emotions and feelings. On the contrary, a typical introvert is calm, shy, distant from everyone except close people, plans his actions in advance, likes order in everything and keeps his feelings under strict control.

In psychiatry, the typology of Leonhard is widespread, who borrowed the earliest interpretation of this term according to Jung and reinterpreted it: according to Leonhard, an extrovert is a weak-willed person, subject to influence from the outside, an introvert is a strong-willed person. At the same time, Leonhard's typology is psychiatric, not psychological, and relates primarily to pathologies. If we are not talking about pathologies, then close to Leonhard’s (but not Jung’s) interpretation of this term are such psychological terms as locus of control (internal and external), externalism and internalism (Ackoff and Emery), etc.

The terms “extroversion” and “introversion” are also used in the Myers-Briggs typology, in socionics, in psychosophy, in the NEO-PI-R test and a number of others modern questionnaires and diagnostic techniques, where their interpretation has its own specifics.

At its core, introversion is a type of temperament. This is not at all like shyness or aloofness; it is not a pathology. In addition, this personality trait cannot be changed, even if you really want to. But you can teach him to work with him, not against him.

The most important distinguishing feature introverts lies in the source of energy: introverts draw energy from their inner world of ideas, emotions and impressions. They conserve energy. The outside world quickly puts them into a state of overstimulation, and they have an unpleasant feeling when there is “too much” of something. This can manifest itself in twitchiness or, conversely, in apathy. In any case, they need to limit social contacts so as not to be completely devastated. However, introverts need to supplement their alone time with time in the outside world, otherwise they may lose their sense of perspective and connection with others. Introverts who are able to balance their energy needs have resilience and tenacity, can see things independently, focus deeply, and work creatively.

What are the most characteristic qualities of extroverts? They are charged with energy from the outside world - from actions, people, places and things. They are energy wasters. Long periods of inactivity, inner contemplation, or loneliness, or communication with only one person deprive them of a sense of meaning in life. However, extroverts need to supplement the time they spend in action with intervals of just being, otherwise they will get lost in the whirlwind of frantic activity. Extroverts have a lot to offer our society: they express themselves easily, are focused on results, and love crowds and action.

Introverts are like an electric battery that needs to be recharged. They need to periodically stop, stop wasting energy and rest in order to recharge again. It is the opportunity to recharge that provides introverts with a less stimulating environment. In it they restore energy. This is their natural ecological niche.

Extroverts are like solar panels. For them, being alone or being inside is like being under heavy, dense clouds. Solar panels need the sun to recharge - extroverts need to be in public for this. Like introversion, extroversion is a temperament with a constant pattern of action. It cannot be changed. You can work with it, but not against it.

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    - [English] extravert facing outward] psychol. the type of individual (INDIVIDUALS) who strives to constantly communicate and expand contacts; for e. characterized by expansiveness. The term was introduced by C. Jung in the book “Psychological Types”. Opposite INTROVERT. Dictionary… … Dictionary foreign words Russian language

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According to their desire to communicate and be in society, people are divided into two large groups: . The reason for this difference lies in the organization nervous system and energy potential. Extraversion and introversion refer to the innate qualities of a person, which cannot be changed in any way, but can be slightly adjusted with the help of education or self-education.

Who is an extrovert?

Psychologists, answering the question of what an extrovert means, pay main attention to a person’s internal need to interact with people around him. From a psychological point of view, an extrovert is a person aimed at communication and various contacts with other people. It is very important for him to have people around him with whom he can share his experiences and spend free time. Such a person cannot work alone because he needs the constant presence of other people. It is important for him to consult with someone, discuss his plans, talk about what is happening. However, this absolutely does not mean that he needs someone’s advice or cannot decide for himself how to live further. For an extrovert, the result of communication is not as important as the process itself.

In esotericism there is a slightly different understanding of what an extrovert means. According to this science, a person produces energy for life either during sleep, or receives it in the process of communicating with other people. Introverts produce a sufficient amount of energy during the night, so during the day they do not need recharge from others. Introverts feel great alone, both during work and during leisure. Extroverts, in contrast to introverts, do not produce the required amount of energy during sleep, so they seek to get it from the outside. It turns out that from an esoteric point of view, an extrovert is a person who receives most of the necessary energy from interacting with other people.

How to understand - an extrovert or an introvert?

A person is an extrovert if he has the following characteristics:

  1. Likes to work in a team. Moreover, sometimes it may seem that he is not very concerned about what is happening around him. However, for an extrovert, the main thing is that there are people around with whom he could contact if desired.
  2. Finds every opportunity for communication and easily makes contact with strangers.
  3. Becomes lethargic and passive when used for a long time.
  4. Likes to perform in public, loves noisy parties, discos, and holidays.
  5. Feels comfortable in a crowd.
  6. An extrovert always has a lot of friends.
  7. Receives energy not only from positive communication, but also from negative communication. Therefore, it can mobilize in difficult situations and solve the problems that arise.
  8. They tell their experiences to others.
  9. By the reaction of an extrovert you can always determine how he feels.
  10. Since internal self-esteem is difficult for extroverts, it is very important to them what others think about them.

Can an extrovert and an introvert be friends?

Since an extrovert is very sociable by nature, he may find common language with almost any person, including introverts. These two personality types can have meaningful and rich interactions. An extrovert will be happy to share his experiences and impressions with an introvert, and an introvert will be happy to listen. However, since an extrovert is not capable long time maintain friendly relations with one person, and the introvert quickly becomes fed up with communication; long-term contacts between them are rare. Friendship between an extrovert and an introvert is possible only if they take into account each other's characteristics.

An introvert is a person whose energy is directed inward. He is not bored with himself. He is calm and reasonable, attentive to details and careful in decisions.

Introverts sometimes seem gloomy, withdrawn and completely antisocial. But at heart they are sweethearts. Social contacts simply take away their energy.

In the inner circle of an introvert there are two or three people. Reticent with strangers, he is ready to discuss for hours interesting topics with those he loves.

Loneliness for an introvert is a lack of involvement in someone's life. He can feel lonely even in a crowd. An evening out or a contemplative walk is the best way for an introvert to recuperate.

Who are extroverts?

An extrovert is a person whose energy is directed towards the outside world. He is sociable, open and active. He looks at everything with optimism. Not afraid to take initiative and be a leader.

Because of their impulsiveness, extroverts sometimes seem like dummies. But don't confuse emotionality with superficiality.

Extroverts find energy in communication. Loneliness for an extrovert is when there is not a soul around, no one to exchange a word with. They have many friends and acquaintances.

Extroverts are fun to be around. In order not to get bogged down in routine and to rekindle their inner fire, they will go to a club or invite guests.

What does Carl Gustav Jung have to do with it?

In 1921, Carl Gustav Jung's book Psychological Types was published. In it he introduced the concepts of extraversion and introversion. Jung viewed extroverts and introverts through the prism of the predominant mental function - thinking or feeling, sensation or intuition.

Many scientists have turned and still turn to the fundamental work of Carl Jung. The extroverted-introverted typology formed the basis of the Myers-Briggs theory, the Big Five personality model and the Raymond Cattell 16-factor questionnaire.

In the 1960s, Jung's ideas were taken up by British psychologist Hans Eysenck. He interpreted extraversion and introversion through the processes of excitation and inhibition. Introverts are uncomfortable in noisy, crowded places, as their brain processes more information per unit of time.

Are introverts really smarter?

Many psychologists, sociologists and neuroscientists around the world are trying to figure this out. So far no success. But the more research is done, the more it becomes clear that extroverts and introverts work differently.

The dividing line is dopamine. This is a neurotransmitter produced in the brain and is responsible for the feeling of satisfaction. During a scientific experiment, it was found that extroverts in a state of excitement exhibit strong activity in the tonsils and nucleus accumbens. The former are responsible for the process of emotional stimulation, and the nucleus is part of the dopamine system (pleasure center).

Extroverts and introverts produce dopamine in the same way, but the reward system responds to it differently. For extroverts, the process of processing stimuli takes less time. They are less sensitive to dopamine. To get their “dose of happiness”, they need it along with adrenaline.

Introverts, on the other hand, are overly sensitive to dopamine. Their stimuli travel a long and complex path through areas of the brain. In their reward system main role another neurotransmitter plays - acetylcholine. It helps you reflect, concentrate on the task at hand, work productively for a long time and feel good during internal dialogue.

How to understand who I am - an introvert or an extrovert?

To determine Jung's type, Gray-Wheelwright tests and the Jung Type Index (JTI) questionnaire are usually used. Psychologists also use personality questionnaire Eysenck. At the everyday level, you can go through more or analyze your behavior.

Neither one nor the other suits me. Who am I?

According to Carl Jung, introversion and extroversion do not exist in their pure form. “Such a person would be in a madhouse,” he said. The author of the popular book "" Susan Cain agrees with him.

Every person has traits of an extrovert and an introvert. Signs of one or the other may predominate depending on age, environment and even mood.

People who are in the middle of the introversion-extroversion scale most of the time are called ambiverts (or diverts).

Ambiverts are not the leaders, but can enthusiastically participate in what they enjoy. Activity gives way to passivity and vice versa: the soul of the company can easily become a shy quiet person. In some situations, ambiverts chatter uncontrollably, in others they have to drag words out of them with pincers. Sometimes they work well in a team, but they prefer to solve some problems alone.

How can introverts and extroverts interact?

The first step to effective interaction is respecting individual differences.
If your friend is an introvert If your friend is an extrovert
  • Don't expect an immediate reaction. Introverts need time to process information.
  • To bring something important to his attention, write him a letter or message.
  • At a party, don’t pester him with questions: “Why are you silent? Are you bored? Let him get comfortable.
  • Don't invade his personal space. Let him be alone if he wants. Never take an introvert's quietness and withdrawal personally.
  • Be patient - let him talk. The more attentively you listen, the faster you will find a rational grain.
  • Don't be offended that he ignores written messages. If you expect action from him, call. In between, be sure to ask how things are going.
  • At the party, do not leave him unattended; direct his energy in a constructive direction.
  • To please an extrovert, just agree to his next adventure.

Reading time: 2 min

Introvert and extrovert are fundamentally different psychological personality types. In psychology, there are three psychotypes: introvert, extrovert, ambivert. The terms introvert and extrovert refer to two extremely opposing personality types. An extrovert is a type of personality whose behavior is directed towards the people around him and actively interacts with them. An introvert is a type of personality whose actions are directed inward, that is, towards oneself. An ambivert is a person who combines all the qualities of an extrovert and an introvert.

The definition of an extrovert and an introvert is the following characteristics. Extroverts prefer to communicate with by different people, try to attract the attention of others, so they often participate in public speeches, competitions, and crowded events.

Introverts are not so focused on communication and various activities; they are more comfortable spending time alone with internal thoughts, worries or feelings. Often introverts are creative people; they also prefer to observe from the outside any social processes, but do not take part in them.

For an extrovert to feel comfortable, he needs to have people around him whose help he can also use in a collective matter. On the contrary, an introvert is alien to everything that involves interaction with others; he is comfortable working alone, with his own strength, without expecting or accepting help from anyone.

The concepts of introvert and extrovert are one of the basic characteristics of a person, since they determine the direction of behavior, basic motives and the nature of relationships.

Introvert and extrovert, who is it?

The definition of an extrovert and an introvert lies in the characteristics of their energy. Since all vital processes are energy-consuming, the method of compensating for this energy is very important process for every person. Typically, recuperation occurs through food and sleep; only individuals need additional resources. Thus, extroverts need company; from communication they receive an additional charge of positivity and strength. Without active interaction with other individuals, extroverts begin to “wither” before our eyes. Introverts have enough sleep; they can go through the day without communicating with anyone. From this definition it follows that an extrovert is to some extent an “energy vampire.” An “energy vampire” is a person in need of energy recharging. He replenishes his reserves by absorbing the energy of other people, doing this in a non-constructive manner.

Thus, an energy vampire is an extrovert who gains energy through causing pain to other people (offending, threatening, blackmailing, criticizing).

But if we say that an extrovert is an energy vampire, then we must first indicate that not all extroverts are such. Most extroverts who gain energy from people do so through kindness, benefiting those around them.

To understand the difference between an extrovert and an introvert, you need to observe a person’s behavior. Behavior best expresses the whole essence.

Often, almost all people in friendly companies tell jokes to each other from time to time, but there is a person in the company whose jokes always seem to be the funniest, most cheerful and amusing, and everyone is ready to listen to this person for hours. This person is without a doubt an extrovert who brings pleasure to other people and enjoys it himself.

In every office, every company or factory, you can find an extrovert and an introvert among the workers. And each of them, both extrovert and introvert, has advantages and disadvantages. For effective activity and performance, it is necessary that all the advantages of an extrovert and an introvert are fully used one hundred percent. Disadvantages, in turn, on the contrary, must be tried to be processed in order to turn them into advantages.

We can highlight the main advantages of an introvert in his professional activity. An introvert's tendency to individual work prevents many problems, since all responsibility for implementation lies with him alone and in the event of any misunderstandings, all questions will be posed only to one introvert, and he, in turn, knows well what he is doing and he will have no one to shift the blame to.

Professionally significant advantages of an extrovert: the ease of making new contacts allows an extrovert to conclude successful deals and conduct interviews. Extroverts are so self-confident and sociable that it doesn’t really matter to them who stands in front of them, whether it’s an ambassador or an ordinary worker, they know their job, their work is their life.

Extroverts are sociable among friends and no less sociable at work. Extroverts do not have public speaking; on the contrary, the more they see people in front of them whose eyes are fixed on them, they feel more and more self-confident because they are saturated with the energy of those gathered.

In addition to the advantages of introverts, they also have disadvantages. Due to their personal characteristics, introverts do not communicate well with their boss or work colleagues if they have to meet. Through too solitary work, introverts' communication skills may become even more difficult, since there is no need for communication, and they do not have to talk to anyone at all at work. Lack of ability becomes a big problem for introverts, but if their work involves solitary activities, then they will do it at a high level.

Although extroverts are loved and accepted by almost everyone in their circle, because they are active, sociable, want to develop, and self-actualize, at first it seems difficult to identify any of their shortcomings. But precisely because extroverts are too active, they are mistaken for irresponsible people, since their mood can change quite often, and this affects their performance. An extrovert in business and personal communication, in most cases, does not worry about the comfort of the interlocutor or client. Even if a person expresses negative reactions, the extrovert also accepts them, because this is also energy. Extroverts have a weakness in public speaking, so if an extrovert gets too carried away with his performance, he can turn it into a farce.

Extroverts and introverts can be given some recommendations, using which they can develop patterns of behavior similar to those of the opposite personality type.

Introverts must learn to communicate with people in such a way that they receive only positive reactions from the interlocutor or from his listener. To do this, they need to be patient and force themselves to communicate with others, especially with those with whom they should bring certain success.

Introverts who do not like to communicate, but must do so, due to business or personal circumstances, can find among people a person who likes to talk a lot, then there will be no need to put much effort on the part of the introvert, since a talkative, especially superficial person will enjoy the company of such a “ active" listener and will talk incessantly, and the introvert, in turn, will receive what he wanted - the necessary connections.

Extroverts may wish to learn to control the communication process in order to be able to stop the moment they see that the interlocutor is tired of their monologue or the expression of any other negative reaction. An extrovert needs to learn to curb his emotions and put the interests of the interlocutor on high place rather than showing dominance of one’s own interests.

In individual psychology, there are three types of personalities: introvert, extrovert, ambivert.

Extrovert and introvert have already been discussed above; it remains to define the type of ambivert. An ambivert is a person who combines the properties of two types: an extrovert and an introvert. That is, an ambivert at times becomes the life of the party, that is, an extrovert, but often he may have a desire to be alone, like an introvert. These are people whom you sometimes don’t immediately notice in a large company, but in a close circle they are quite sociable. An ambivert is capable of speaking publicly in front of people, but may have trouble making new contacts.

How to determine an introvert or an extrovert

You can determine whether you have an introvert or extrovert psychological type using special tests designed to determine your personality type. Here is an example of the most frequently asked questions to determine the psychological type of an extrovert or an introvert: am I comfortable working alone, is it easy for me to communicate with people, especially new ones, do I have a craving for public speaking or a tendency to be in the center of attention, and other similar questions.

To understand the difference between an extrovert and an introvert, you can even just watch any of their public performances. The emotional content of this speech will be completely different for both an extrovert and an introvert. An extrovert will begin his speech with humor, ask the audience how they are doing, and pose some leading questions regarding the topic, which an introvert will never do.

The introvert begins his speech with a measured, calm narrative, gradually increasing the emotionality of his speech.

To determine how an extrovert differs from an introvert, you need to take a good look at the people around you, observe the differences in their behavior and draw conclusions about what type of person you just interacted with.

An introvert likes solitude, self-absorption, during which he dreams, fantasizes or thinks. Introverts, even if they come to some kind of party, try to stay away from others; they like loneliness and tranquility. Introverts can use their characteristics for professional purposes, certain life events that require concentration and planning from a person. An introvert knows well what and why he is doing, he will not make unnecessary movements or interact with the outside world if there is no reason for it. The character of an introvert is calm. He is a reasonable and balanced person. An introvert will not make categorical hasty decisions; he will think through all the options and choose the most effective one from all sides. Often such deliberation borders on indecisiveness and slowness. In their personal lives, introverted women are homemakers and caring mothers. Introverted men are wonderful and faithful husbands, but they can often be taken advantage of by manipulative wives.

Extroverts are distinguished by high activity, courage, and spontaneity. This is both their strength and weakness. Extroverted individuals strive to be leaders in everything and to be publicly recognized. For them, the most important are manifestations of recognition of their merits, rather than the real value of their actions and achievements. They never get tired of the company of people, because communication adds energy to themselves.

Extroverts are very easy-going, proactive and decisive. Sometimes their determination borders on recklessness. They are the soul of the company, they are leaders and chiefs. Using their power, they can become arrogant and selfish. Nothing will stop them on the path to achieving success; they are confident in their actions and don’t need anything else. In romantic relationships, extroverts always take the lead. Therefore, if a couple in love consists of two extroverts, then in the event of a quarrel they will defend their rightness to one another, loudly sorting out the relationship.

It should be noted that there are not so many clearly defined psychotypes. Often an extrovert is simply a person who likes to talk more than others. In fact, every person has qualities of both types, it’s just that their manifestation is different, some traits may be more revealed, others less.

For example, a person can be cheerful, cheerful, smile at everyone and always, but he has periods when he does not want to communicate with anyone, immerses himself in his inner world, and can mask his problems by showing excessive activity and sociability. This kind of extraversion is false. Introverts, who are so slow to react, can make a decision quickly enough at the right moment and then not regret it.

The compatibility of an introvert and an extrovert can be most clearly observed in the relationship between a man and a woman. Such opposite types are examples of fairly strong unions. They complement each other perfectly. At the right moment, they can cheer up or, on the contrary, calm down their partner, and it doesn’t matter at all which of them has which type.

Introverts quickly tire of each other, since none of them is the first to take the initiative and they can remain inactive for a long time, immersing themselves in themselves. A couple of extroverts often conflict, their quarrels can last a very long time, since none of them wants to give in, they feed on each other’s energy, such relationships require strong nerves.

As you can see, the compatibility of an introvert and an extrovert is quite natural, although at first glance it would seem to some that this is far from the case.

Both psychological types have both positive and negative qualities, which is why it is reckless to choose which of them is better. Therefore, both introverts and extroverts must be present in life, as has already been demonstrated in the examples of couples above. It’s just that every person, due to their understanding of their personal characteristics, must be able to adapt to other people in order to ensure a fulfilling life for themselves, good relationship with the surrounding world and people.

How can an introvert become an extrovert?

Surely there are individuals who are concerned about the question: can an introvert become an extrovert? The answer is: “if you really want...”. But it is important to understand that it will be very difficult for a person who has lived his entire adult life as an introvert to rebuild his attitudes, worldview, and behavior.

In fact, why do this at all if a person is comfortable being an introvert and feels comfortable in his body. But, if an introvert personally wants to change his worldview, reconsider his views, transform his personality, because he needs it, then he can try to change.

It is important to understand that the attempts of introverts to become an extroverted person may at first seem clumsy and smack of affected behavior, but gradually the person will acquire new skills and abilities. This is unlikely to greatly affect his personal attitudes, but from the outside an introvert may well appear to be an extrovert. So, can an introvert become an extrovert? Answer: partially. Below are some ways to become an extrovert.

The first piece of advice that will be given to introverts is to find a zone of “productive discomfort” for themselves. This means finding a state that goes beyond the ordinary, in which a person will feel more productive and active. It is this state of discomfort that leads to increased productivity. So, a person finds a new job and feels a certain awkwardness or discomfort, but he gets over himself and tries to work effectively.

You can also go traveling to places where there are no privileges of the material world. Only by leaving the personal comfort zone, opening up to the world, can an introvert experience the feelings that an extrovert feels when enjoying novelty.

You just have to start doing it small. For example, if an introvert always stayed alone in the office during his lunch break, ordering food for delivery, then he needs to go out with his colleagues for lunch at a cafe once.

A useful way to change yourself is to challenge yourself, for example, you need to do something completely out of character once or twice a week, something that you always wanted to do, but your internal complexes did not allow it. Extroverts do not feel prohibitions, they succumb to internal impulses, and it does not matter whether they greatly regret it. You need to push yourself to stop giving in to internal barriers; they need to be destroyed.

Just don’t immediately make plans for Napoleon, you need to gradually enter a new state for yourself. For example, start saying hello to your neighbors, stop to chat with them for a minute, ask people on the street what time it is, sign up for some courses, and much more.

If an introvert decides to attend some event, a crowded event, he can find others like himself at it. There, often there are always people who do not do what everyone else does, they do not play games, do not take part in competitions, and stand aloof. Perhaps they have a similar situation, maybe they came to such an event in search of new acquaintances, but are afraid to take the first step. In this case, you can be the first to take the initiative, demonstrate your unobtrusive company and begin a good acquaintance.

It might be even better if you use your indecision for your own purposes. For example, start a conversation by saying that you are here for the first time and don’t know anyone, don’t know how to start a conversation with all these strangers. Thus, due to your sincerity, you can win over a person and relieve tension. You just need to think in advance what questions you can ask other people, what exactly to tell about yourself, so that there are no awkward pauses in conversations.

You can use one proven method: simply ask the person how he got to this event, what attitude he has towards it and what he actually does during his usual time. People love to talk about themselves. Thus, it turns out that the introvert doesn’t say much, but he has established contact, and his partner will remember him as a pleasant interlocutor.

If it is not possible to attend some events, then you can organize them at home, this way you can get to know people better, and the atmosphere will help relieve tension.

It is important, after the efforts spent on increasing social activity, to give yourself a restorative rest. Still, an introvert has to spend a lot of moral and physical strength to communicate with people. At home, alone, he can spend time as he feels comfortable, in complete silence.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Introvert, extrovert, who is it?

Everyone has at least once wondered: “Who is an introvert and an extrovert?” or “how to determine who I am - an introvert or an extrovert?”, now we will try to sort everything out for you.


In 1921, a Swiss psychiatrist Charles GustavJung in his work “Psychological Types” he identified two psychotypes that are absolutely opposite to each other and proposed dividing all people into introverts And extroverts, about each, now in more detail.

Let's look at each type separately.

Who is an Introvert?

An introvert is a person whose psychological energy is directed inward. He feels comfortable only alone with himself, or with people very close to him. A way out of the comfort zone for an introvert is any interaction with people unfamiliar to him, any public speaking, all this causes stress for an introvert and thus he spends large quantities your emotional energy.

Therefore, rest for such people is more of a lonely evening with a mug of tea than a noisy party or a trip to any shopping mall, Where large cluster people, in their own words this means a closed, uncommunicative person.

Pros and cons of being an introvert


  • It is very difficult for introverts to make new friends, thereby acquiring useful acquaintances, which greatly helps in life.
  • Each new job, any courses are a huge stress.
  • For an introvert, making phone calls is comparable to live communication; therefore, calling a hairdresser, a restaurant, or a university is torture for them.


  • Introverts feel comfortable alone, which makes them self-sufficient and independent from other people.
  • Often introverts are very smart, well-read people, since they prefer a book to a party, so their introversion does not particularly bother them.

Who is an extrovert?

An extrovert is a person whose psychological energy is directed outward to the outside world. They are comfortable being in society, in a crowd of people, be it a class, a queue, a concert. Alone they feel lonely and sad.

Extroverts usually have many friends and acquaintances, they are very sociable, often they are company leaders. This type of people is always positive and gives it to others.

They prefer to relax - in noisy companies, these are clubs, parties, concerts, for an extrovert, socializing main element rest, because from it he draws his emotional energy.

Pros and cons of being an extrovert


  • Extroverts feel very bad alone; they vitally need communication with other people, which makes them dependent on society.
  • Extroverts are often frivolous and can be led into any adventure, which most likely will lead to problems.


  • Extroverts easily make new acquaintances, which is very helpful both in their personal lives and in their careers.
  • Quickly adapt to new teams.
  • Often they just give public speaking.

How to understand who I am - an introvert or an extrovert?

To get to know yourself better, try to relate yourself to this table.

Which column did you find more matches in? psychological type you are more and relate to whether you are an introverted person or an extroverted one. Pure psychotypes are extremely rare, because at a certain period of life, a person can feel both an introvert and an extrovert, depending on the events that happened in his life.

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