Gdz Russian language e a bystrovoy. How productive is its use?

4th ed. - M.: 2015. - Part 1 - 280 p., Part 2 - 288 p.

This textbook is part of the educational and methodological kit in the Russian language for grades 5-9. When creating this textbook, the authors sought to combine traditional approaches to teaching the Russian language at school with new trends in the organization and presentation of educational material. The textbook is distinguished by logical consistency and clarity of presentation of the material; the volume and nature of information on the topic being studied is comprehensive for a given age of students; optimal ratio of theoretical and practical material. The textbook is intended for educational institutions: schools, gymnasiums, lyceums.

Part 1.

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Part 2.

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Part 1.
From the authors 3
Our native Russian language 5
§ 1. Language and speech 8
§ 2. What is communication 13
§ 3. What our speech is like 17
§ 4. Spoken speech and book speech 19
§ 5. Monologue and dialogue 24
§ 6. What is speech etiquette 28
§ 7. What is text 32
§ 8. How the text is constructed 35
§ 9. Text outline 40
§ 10. Types of speech 43
§ 11. Narration 46
§ 12. Description 51
§ 13. Reasoning 57
§ 14. Combination different types speech in text 64
Syntax and punctuation (we repeat what we learned in elementary school)
§ 15. What is syntax and punctuation 69
§ 16. Phrase 72
§ 17. Proposition 81
§ 18. Intonation 84
§ 19. Logical stress 86
§ 20. What kinds of sentences exist according to the purpose of the statement 88
§ 21. Non-exclamation and exclamation sentences 92
§ 22. Main members of proposition 96
§ 23. Dash between subject and predicate 99
§ 24. Common and non-common sentences. Minor members of sentence 101
§ 25. Definition 102
§ 26. Appendix 106
§ 27. Circumstance 107
§ 28. Sentences with homogeneous members 112
§ 29. Generalizing word for homogeneous members offers 116
§ 30. Proposals with appeals 122
§ 31. Offers with introductory words 124
§ 32. Sentences with direct speech 127
§ 33. Parsing simple sentence 132
§ 34. Simple and complex sentence 136
Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphics. Spelling
§ 35. Why you need to study phonetics 142
§ 36. How speech sounds differ from other sounds 143
§ 37. Sounds and letters 146
§ 38. What is phonetic transcription 150
§ 39. How do vowels and consonants differ 153
§ 40. Voiced and voiceless consonants 156
§ 41. Consonants hard and soft 158
§ 42. Indication of softness of consonants using b 160
§ 43. Positional alternations of vowels and consonants 165
§ 44. Syllable. Transferring words into syllables 171
§ 45. Emphasis 173
§ 46. Orthoepy 176
§ 47. Pronunciation of vowel sounds 180
§ 48. Pronunciation of consonants 184
§ 49. Expressive means of phonetics 191
§ 50. Graphics 197
§ 51. Alphabet 199
§ 52. Why spelling is needed 203
§ 53. Spelling of vowels in the root of a word 205
§ 54. Spelling of consonants in the root of a word 210
§ 55. The word and its meanings 217
§ 56. Dictionaries are our friends and helpers 221
§ 57. Word in the dictionary 224
§ 58. Single-valued and polysemantic words 229
§ 59. Direct and figurative meanings of the word 233
§ 60. Homonyms 235
§ 61. Synonyms 239
§ 62. Antonyms 248
§ 63. Words - means of artistic expression 255
Dictionary of spelling and spelling difficulties 264
Pronunciation of words with combinations chn, cht, chsh, schn 267
Pronunciation of consonants before e 267
Soft 267
Solid 268
Explanatory dictionary 269

Part 2.
§ 1. Morpheme - the smallest significant part of a word 3
§ 2. Ending and stem of word 6
§ 3. The root of the word 16
§ 4. Suffix 21
§ 5. Prefix 29
§ 6. Spelling roots 33
§ 7. Spelling of prefixes 42
§ 8. Letters ы-и at the root after prefixes 46
§ 9. Prefixes pre- and pre- 47
§ 10. Letters ииы after ц 52
§ 11. Methods of forming words 53
§ 12. Morphemic parsing words 62
§ 13. The word as part of speech 66
§ 14. Independent and auxiliary parts of speech 69
§ 15. What does a noun mean 75
§ 16. Spelling of the suffixes -chik-, -schik-, -chits(a), -schits(a) 82
§ 17. Spelling of suffixes -ek-, -ik- (-chik-) 85
§ 18. Spelling not with nouns 88
§ 19. Nouns, animate and inanimate 94
§ 20. Common and proper nouns 102
§ 21. Gender of nouns 111
§ 22. Nouns general kind 121
§ 23. Gender of indeclinable nouns 122
§ 24. Declension of nouns 128
§ 25. Number of nouns 132
§ 26. Spelling of unstressed words case endings nouns 138
§ 27. Morphological analysis noun 146
§ 28. What does the adjective mean 151
§ 29. Adjectives are qualitative, relative and possessive 161
§ 30. Agreement of an adjective with a noun 166
§ 31. Full and short adjectives 170
§ 32. Degrees of comparison of adjectives 175
§ 33. Word formation and spelling of adjectives 185
§ 34. Morphological analysis of the adjective 193
§ 35. What does verb 198 mean?
§ 36. Spelling not with verbs 204
§ 37. Infinitive ( indefinite form verb) 208
§ 38. Spelling - tsya and -tsya in verbs 211
§ 39. Kind of verb 215
§ 40. Transitional and intransitive verbs 222
§ 41. Reflexive verbs 224
§ 42. Verb moods 228
§ 43. Verb tenses 236
§ 44. Verb conjugation 245
§ 45. Impersonal verbs 251
§ 46. Morphological analysis of the verb 256
Dictionary of spelling and spelling difficulties 274
Pronunciation of words with combinations chn, cht, chsh, schn 277
Pronunciation of consonants before e 277
Soft 277
Solid 278
Explanatory dictionary 279

The Russian language needs to be carefully studied by everyone who lives in our country. Without this knowledge it is absolutely impossible to be a truly literate person, to navigate our great culture, replenish erudition by reading. In addition, in adult life you will have to communicate with other people. To do this, you need to have good skills in coherent Russian speech. Illiterate people are not respected in society, they will not be able to achieve career heights. You should study well while you have such an opportunity, and the secondary school provides free services of a philologist teacher. Russian is studied in all state secondary schools RF.

Doing extensive homework in a subject takes a lot of time and effort. To simplify the lives of children, Bystrova E.A. and Kibireva L.V. offered a completely new one educational and methodological complex for 5th grade students. It was written with the best in mind. practical experience leading teachers of the country. Publisher as of 2019-2020 academic year stands " Russian word"since 2012. The manual is divided into two parts for ease of use. Having a workbook at hand, you can track your progress and control the correctness of execution.

Why do fifth-graders like GDZ in the Russian language?

This is due to the fact that each exercise is explained in detail and provided with additional comments. A child can always spy the right rule, even if you didn’t listen carefully enough in class. All information provided is presented in accordance with official government regulations.

If you have access to an online manual written by Bystrov, then all you need to know is the number. Then you can study on your own, follow examples, develop written speech, perform creative tasks. GDZ have several important advantages:

  • convenient and useful index;
  • complete and up-to-date versions of manuals;
  • creative tasks develop interest in the subject;
  • accessibility from tablets, phones and laptops.

The textbook motivates teenagers to study independently. With it, it will not be difficult to prepare for tests, tests and verification work. The student will begin to feel more confident in lessons.

How does a fifth grade solution book (authors: Bystrova, Kibireva) help a child?

The authors carefully ensured that their materials complied with federal educational standards(FSES). The book helps to master the morphological and phonetic analysis words, deal with the members of the sentence. Tasks to be solved this year:

  • morphological analysis of the word: prefix, root, suffix, ending, base;
  • spelling of vowels, which are checked through modification;
  • parts of speech;
  • improving spelling literacy.

With the help of GDZ it is very convenient to study and do homework. It never hurts to repeat it again complicated rule spelling or punctuation, analyze the sentence by member.

Russian language 5th grade

Bystrova, Kibireva

Innovation school

Russian word

Over a long period of time, students will have to repeatedly prove that they understand and master the subject being studied. But how to do this if science just doesn’t want to fit into your head? Even hiring a tutor does not guarantee good results. But here workbook for the textbook "Russian language grade 5" Bystrov, Kibireva can give such guarantees, because it contains all the data necessary for excellent study.

Structure of the solution book.

The first section has three hundred and eighty exercises, and the second - three hundred and seventy seven. At the end of each part in GDZ in Russian language grade 5 contained vocabulary dictation. With its help, schoolchildren and their parents can identify real level literacy and what requires further improvement.

How productive is its use?

The feasibility of using additional didactic materials depends mainly on how well or poorly the child masters school curriculum. Of course, sometimes even excellent students need confirmation of their abilities, so it will also be of interest to them to use the textbook’s workbook "Russian language grade 5" Bystrov. There they can find everything they need, which will help them not only confirm that they have completed the test correctly, but also prepare for more difficult testing tests. The same schoolchildren who cannot boast good results on this subject, will find real support. "Russian Word", 2012

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