Chemistry amino acids chemical properties. Chemical properties. Physical properties of amino acids

Lecture No. 1765


  • Receipt methods.
  • Chemical properties.
  • Peptides

  • Lecture No. 16


    1. Receipt methods.
    2. Chemical properties.
    3. Amino acids that make up proteins.
    4. Peptides

    Amino acids are heterofunctional compounds containing
    carboxyl and amino groups. According to the relative position of functional groups
    distinguish a -, b -, g - etc. amino acids.
    Amino acids containing an amino group at the end of the chain are called
    w -amino acids.

    1. Methods of obtaining

    !) Ammonolysis of halogenated acids.

    a -amino acids available a -halogenated acids.

    2) Stecker-Zelinsky method

    Includes the stages of aminonitrile formation at
    interaction of aldehyde with HCN and NH 3 followed by hydrolysis into amino acid. As
    the reagent is a mixture of NaCN and NH
    4 Cl.

    The method is applicable for the synthesis only a-amino acids.

    3) Reductive amination

    4) Addition of ammonia to a ,b -unsaturated carboxylic acids.

    The method is applicable for synthesis b-amino acids.

    5) From oximes of cyclic ketones
    Beckmann's rearrangement.

    Method used for synthesis w-amino acids.

    2. Chemical

    Amino acids give reactions characteristic of carboxyl
    and amino groups, and, in addition, exhibit specific properties that
    determined by the presence of two functional groups and their mutual

    2.1. Acid-base

    Amino acids contain acidic and basic
    centers are amphoteric compounds. In a crystalline state they
    exist in the form of internal salts (bipolar ions), which are formed in
    as a result of intramolecular proton transfer from a weaker base
    center (SOO — ) to stronger
    main center (NH

    The ionic structure of amino acids is confirmed by their
    physical properties. Amino acids are non-volatile crystalline substances with
    high melting temperatures. They are insoluble in non-polar organic
    solvents and soluble in water. Their molecules have large dipoles

    Form of existence of amino acids in water
    solutions depends on pH. In acidic solutions, amino acids add a proton and
    exist predominantly in the form of cations. In an alkaline environment, a bipolar ion
    donates a proton and becomes an anion.

    At a certain pH value, strictly defined
    for each amino acid, it exists predominantly as a bipolar ion.
    This pH value is called isoelectric point (pI). IN
    at the isoelectric point, an amino acid has no charge and has the smallest
    solubility in water. The cationic form of an amino acid contains two acidic
    center (COOH and NH
    3 + ) And
    characterized by two dissociation constants pK a1 and pK a2.
    The pI value is determined by the equation:

    2.2. Reactions by
    amino group


    Amino acids contain a primary amino group and, like primary amines,
    react with nitrous acid to release nitrogen. This happens
    replacement of an amino group with a hydroxyl group.

    RCH(NH 2)COOH + HNO 2 ® RCH(OH)COOH + N 2 + H 2 O

    The reaction is used for quantitative
    determination of amino acids by the volume of released nitrogen (Van-Slyke method).

    Alkylation and

    When amino acids interact with excess
    alkyl halide, exhaustive alkylation of the amino group occurs and the formation
    internal salts.

    Amino acids are arylated with 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene
    (DNFB) in an alkaline environment. The reaction proceeds as a nucleophilic substitution in
    activated aromatic ring.

    The reaction is used to establish
    amino acid sequence in peptides.


    Amino acids react with anhydrides and
    acid chlorides to form N-acyl derivatives.

    The reaction is used to protect the amino group in
    peptide synthesis. Such protection should be easily removed, and amides, as is known,
    hydrolyze under harsh conditions. When developing methods for the synthesis of peptides there were
    Protecting groups have been found that are easily removed by hydrolysis or

    Carbobenzoxy protection:

    tert-Butoxycarbonyl protection
    (BOK protection).

    Ease of removal of protection due to stability
    benzyl- and rubs-butyl cations, which are formed as

    2.3. Reactions at carboxyl


    During dry distillation in the presence of hydroxide
    Barium amino acids are decarboxylated to form amines.


    Amino acids react with alcohols in the presence of gaseous HCl as
    catalyst to form esters.

    Unlike amino acids themselves, their esters
    – highly volatile compounds and can be separated by distillation or
    gas-liquid chromatography, which is used for the analysis and separation of mixtures
    amino acids obtained from the hydrolysis of proteins.

    Preparation of acid halides and

    When acting on those protected by the amino group
    Amino acids of phosphorus or sulfur halides form acid chlorides.

    The reaction is used to activate the carboxyl
    groups upon nucleophilic substitution. More often for this purpose mixed
    anhydrides, which are more selective acylating reagents.

    The reaction is used to activate the amino group in
    peptide synthesis.

    2.4. Specific reactions
    amino acids

    Reactions with the simultaneous participation of carboxyl and
    amino groups usually lead to the formation of products containing
    thermodynamically stable 5- and 6-membered heterocycles.


    a -Amino acids
    form strong chelate complexes with transition metal ions (Cu, Ni, Co, Cr

    Ratio of amino acids to

    Transformations of amino acids when heated depend on the relative position
    carboxyl and amino groups and are determined by the possibility of formation
    thermodynamically stable 5-6-membered rings

    a -Amino acids
    enter into an intermolecular self-acylation reaction. In this case,
    cyclic amides – diketopiperazines.

    b -Amino acids at
    when heated they move
    a ,b -unsaturated acids.

    g - and d -Amino acids undergo
    intramolecular acylation with the formation of cyclic amides – lactams

    Ninhydrin reaction

    When interacting a -amino acids with triketone – ninhydrin there is a simultaneous oxidative
    deamination and decarboxylation to form aldehyde and colored
    condensation product.

    The reaction is used for quantitative analysis
    amino acids by photometry.

    1. a -Amino acids,
      constituents of proteins

    3.1. Structure and

    Natural amino acids correspond to the general formula RCH(NH 2 )COOH and differ in the structure of the radical R. Formulas and
    the trivial names of the most important amino acids are given in the table. For
    biological functioning of amino acids in proteins is decisive
    is the polarity of the radical R. On this basis, amino acids are divided into
    the following main groups (see table).

    Table. The most important a -amino acids





    Amino acids containing
    non-polar radical R





























    (Cys) 2


    nonionic radical R















    Amino acids containing polar
    positively charged radical R












    Amino acids containing polar
    negatively charged radical R













    Amino acids containing a non-polar radical
    Such groups
    located inside
    protein molecules and cause hydrophobic interactions.

    Amino acids containing polar
    nonionic radical R.
    Amino acids of this type have polar groups in the side radical, not
    capable of ionization in an aqueous environment (alcoholic hydroxyl, amide group).
    Such groups can be located both inside and on the surface of the molecule.
    squirrel. They participate in the formation of hydrogen bonds with other polar
    in groups.

    Amino acids containing radical R, capable of
    to ionization in an aqueous environment with the formation of positive or negative
    charged groups.
    Such amino acids contain a side radical
    additional basic or acidic center, which in aqueous solution can
    add or donate a proton, respectively.

    In proteins, the ionogenic groups of these amino acids
    are located, as a rule, on the surface of the molecule and determine
    electrostatic interactions.


    All natural a -amino acids (except glycine)
    are chiral compounds. According to the configuration of the chiral center in position
    2 amino acids belong to the D- or L-series.

    Natural amino acids are

    Most amino acids contain one chiral
    center and have two stereoisomers. Amino acids isoleucine, threonine,
    hydroxyproline, 5-hydroxylysine and cystine contain two chiral centers and have
    (except cystine) 4 stereoisomers, of which only one is found in the composition

    Thus, of the 4 stereoisomers of threonine in
    Only (2S,3R)-2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid occurs in nature.

    Use for building proteins only
    one type of stereoisomer is important for their formation
    spatial structure and ensuring biological activity.

    a -Amino acids,
    obtained synthetically are racemic mixtures, which
    needs to be separated. The most preferred is the enzymatic method
    separation using acylase enzymes capable of hydrolyzing N-acetyl
    derivatives only L-
    a -amino acids. Enzymatic digestion is carried out using
    the following diagram.

    First, the racemic amino acid is acylated
    acetic anhydride:

    Then a racemic mixture of acetyl derivatives
    subjected to enzymatic treatment. This hydrolyzes the acetyl
    L-amino acid derivative only:

    The mixture obtained after the enzymatic process is easily
    is separated, since the free L-amino acid dissolves in both acids and
    alkalis, and acylated - only in alkalis.

    3.3. Acid-base

    According to the acid-base properties of amino acids
    divided into three groups.

    Neutral amino acids do not contain
    radical R additional acidic or basic sites capable of ionization
    in an aquatic environment. In an acidic environment they exist as a singly charged cation and
    are dibasic acids according to Brønsted. As can be seen with alanine,
    the isoelectric point of neutral amino acids is not equal to 7, but lies in the range
    5,5 – 6,3.


    Essential amino acids contain in
    radical R has an additional basic center. These include lysine, histidine and
    arginine In an acidic environment they exist as a dication and are tribasic
    acids. Isoelectric point of basic amino acids, as seen in the example
    lysine, lies in the pH region above 7.

    pI= 1/2(9.0+10.05)=9.74

    Acidic amino acids contain in
    the R radical has an additional acid center. These include aspartic acid and
    glutamic acid. In an acidic environment they exist as a cation and are
    tribasic acids. The isoelectric point of these amino acids lies in the region
    pH is much lower than 7.

    pI= 1/2(2.09+3.86)=2.77

    Tyrosine and cysteine ​​are contained in side radicals
    weak acid sites capable of ionization at high pH values.

    It is important that when
    physiological pH value (~7), not a single amino acid is in
    isoelectric point. In the body, all amino acids are ionized, which
    provides them with good solubility in water.

    Difference in acid-base properties
    used for the separation of amino acids by electrophoresis and ion exchange
    chromatography. At a given pH value, different amino acids may have different
    magnitude and sign of the electric charge. For example, at pH6, lysine has a charge of +1 and
    moves towards the cathode, aspartic acid has a charge of –1 and moves towards the anode, and
    Alanine is at the isoelectric point and does not move to electric field. Thus, at pH6 they can be
    separated by electrophoresis.

    For the separation of amino acids by ion exchange
    chromatography uses cation exchange resins (sulfonated polystyrene).
    The process is carried out in an acidic environment when the amino acids are cationic

    The rate of movement of amino acids through
    chromatographic column depends on the strength of their electrostatic and hydrophobic
    interactions with resin. The main ones bind most firmly to the resin.
    amino acids that have the greatest positive charge are the least strongly acidic
    amino acids. Amino acids have the greatest hydrophobic binding to the resin
    with non-polar side radicals, especially aromatic ones. Thus,
    The order of elution of amino acids is as follows. Acidic acids elute more easily than others.
    amino acids (Asp and Glu), followed by amino acids containing polar
    nonionic groups (Ser, Thr, Asn, Gln), then washed out of the column
    amino acids with non-polar side radicals (Phe, Trp, Ile, etc.) and in
    Basic amino acids (His, Lys, Arg) are eluted last.

      3.4. Amino acid reactions in

    Reductive amination – method
    synthesis a-amino acids from a -oxoacids with the participation of the coenzyme NADN as
    reducing reagent.

    Trasamination basic
    amino acid biosynthesis pathway. During transamination, there is an interchange of two
    functional groups - amine and carbonyl between amino acid and keto acid.
    In this case, amino acid 1, necessary for the body, is synthesized from amino acid 2,
    available in cells in excess. The reaction is carried out with the participation
    transaminase enzymes and coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate.


    Amino acids are decarboxylated by
    decarboxylase enzymes with the participation of the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate. At the same time
    biogenic amines are formed.

    Biogenic amines have a pronounced
    biological activity. The most important of them are colamine (precursor
    in the synthesis of choline and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine), histamine (provides
    allergic reactions of the body), g -aminobutyric acid (neurotransmitter), adrenaline
    (adrenal hormone, neurotransmitter)


    Nonoxidative deamination occurs by
    elimination of ammonia under the action of enzymes to form a ,b -unsaturated acids.

    Oxidative deamination is happening
    with the participation of oxidase enzymes and coenzyme NAD + , which acts as an oxidizing agent. As a result
    ammonia is released and the corresponding keto acid is formed.

    With the help of deamination reactions it is reduced
    excess amino acids in the body.

    4. Peptides

    Peptides are polyamides made from a -amino acids. According to the number of amino acid residues in
    peptide molecule is distinguished dipeptides, tripeptides, tetrapeptides etc.
    Peptides containing up to 10 amino acid residues are called oligopeptides, more than 10 amino acid residues – polypeptides.
    Natural polypeptides containing more than 100 amino acid residues are called proteins

    4.1. Structure

    Formally, peptides can be considered as polycondensation products
    amino acids.

    Amino acid residues in a peptide are linked
    amide ( peptide) connections. One end of the chain, which is
    an amino acid with a free amino group is called N-end. The other end
    on which there is an amino acid with a free carboxyl group is called C-end. Peptides are usually written and named starting with

    The name of the peptide is based on trivial
    the names of the amino acid residues included in its composition, which list,
    starting from the N-terminus. Moreover, in the names of all amino acids with the exception of
    The C-terminal suffix “in” is replaced with the suffix “il”. For shorthand notation
    peptides use three-letter designations for their constituents
    amino acids.

    The peptide is characterized amino acid
    And amino acid sequence.

    The amino acid composition of the peptide can be
    established by complete hydrolysis of the peptide (cleavage to amino acids) with
    subsequent qualitative and quantitative analysis of the resulting amino acids
    by ion exchange chromatography or GLC analysis of amino acid esters.
    Complete hydrolysis of peptides is carried out in an acidic environment by boiling them with 6N.

    Same amino acid composition
    several peptides respond. So, from 2 different amino acids it can be built
    2 dipeptides, from three different amino acids – 6 tripeptides, from n different amino acids
    n! peptides of the same composition. For example, the composition Gly:Ala:Val=1:1:1 corresponds to
    the following 6 tripeptides.

    Gly-Ala-Val Gly-Val-Ala Val-Gly-Ala Val-Ala-Gly Ala-Gly-Val

    Thus, to fully characterize the peptide
    it is necessary to know its amino acid composition and amino acid

    4.2. Determination of amino acid

    To determine amino acid
    sequences use a combination of two methods: terminal detection
    amino acids and partial hydrolysis.

    Determination of N-terminal
    amino acids.

    Segner method. The peptide is treated with 2,4-dinitrophrobenzene (DNPB), and
    then completely hydrolyzed. Isolate and identify from hydrolyzate
    DNP is a derivative of the N-terminal amino acid.

    Edman method consists of
    interaction of the N-terminal amino acid with phenyl isothiocyanate in an alkaline environment.
    Upon further treatment with a weak acid without heating, separation occurs from
    a chain of “labeled” terminal amino acid in the form of phenylhydantoin (PHG)

    The advantage of this method is that when
    cleavage of the N-terminal amino acid does not destroy the peptide and the operation
    cleavage can be repeated. The Edman method is used in an automatic device -
    a sequencer, with the help of which 40–50 stages of cleavage can be carried out,
    identifying the FTG derivatives obtained at each stage using the gas-liquid method

    Partial hydrolysis of polypeptides

    During partial hydrolysis, peptides are broken down
    the formation of shorter chains. Partial hydrolysis is carried out using
    enzymes that hydrolyze peptide bonds selectively, for example, only with
    N-terminal ( aminopeptidases) or only from the C-terminus ( carboxypeptidases).
    There are enzymes that cleave peptide bonds only between certain
    amino acids. By changing the hydrolysis conditions, it is possible to break the peptide into different
    fragments that overlap in their constituent amino acid residues.
    Analysis of partial hydrolysis products makes it possible to reconstruct the structure of the original
    peptide. Let's consider the simplest example of establishing the structure of a tripeptide.
    Partial hydrolysis in two different directions of a tripeptide of unknown structure
    gives the products shown in the diagram.

    The only tripeptide whose structure is not
    contradicts the products of partial hydrolysis - Gly-Ala-Phe.

    Establishing the amino acid sequence
    peptides containing several dozen amino acid residues are more complex
    a task that requires a combination of different methods.

    4.3. Synthesis

    Synthesis of a peptide with a given amino acid
    consistency is an extremely difficult task. In the simplest case of synthesis
    dipeptide from 2 different amino acids, it is possible to form 4 different

    A synthesis strategy has now been developed
    peptides based on the use of methods activation And protection functional groups at the appropriate stages of synthesis. Synthesis process
    dipeptide includes the following stages:

      1. protection of amino group N-terminal
        amino acids;
      2. activation of the N-terminal carboxyl group
        amino acids;
      3. condensation of modified
        amino acids
      4. deprotection

    Thus, sequentially connecting
    amino acids build up the polypeptide chain step by step. This synthesis is very
    long, labor-intensive and gives a low yield of the final product. Major losses
    are associated with the need to isolate and purify products at each stage.

    The currently used
    time solid phase peptide synthesis. At the first stage, protected by
    amino group, the C-terminal amino acid is fixed to a solid polymer carrier
    (polystyrene modified by introducing –CH groups 2 Cl). After deprotection, acylation is carried out
    amino group of an amino acid attached to the carrier by another amino acid that
    contains an activated carboxyl and protected amino group. After removal
    protection, the next acylation step is carried out. Washing the product from impurities
    carried out directly on the carrier and only after completion of synthesis the polypeptide is removed from
    carrier by the action of hydrobromic acid. Solid phase synthesis
    automated and carried out using devices - automatic


    Using the solid-phase synthesis method, a large amount of
    number of peptides containing 50 or more amino acid residues, including
    insulin (51 amino acid residues) and ribonuclease (124 amino acid residues)

    The chemical behavior of amino acids is determined by two functional groups -NH 2 and –COOH. Amino acids are characterized by reactions at the amino group, carboxyl group and at the radical part, and depending on the reagent, the interaction of substances can occur through one or more reaction centers.

    Amphoteric nature of amino acids. Having both an acidic and a basic group in the molecule, amino acids in aqueous solutions behave like typical amphoteric compounds. In acidic solutions they exhibit basic properties, reacting as bases, in alkaline solutions - as acids, respectively forming two groups of salts:

    Due to their amphoteric nature in a living organism, amino acids play the role of buffer substances that maintain a certain concentration of hydrogen ions. Buffer solutions obtained by the interaction of amino acids with strong bases are widely used in bioorganic and chemical practice. Salts of amino acids with mineral acids are more soluble in water than free amino acids. Salts with organic acids are sparingly soluble in water and are used to identify and separate amino acids.

    Reactions caused by the amino group. With the participation of the amino group, amino acids form ammonium salts with acids, are acylated, alkylated , react with nitrous acid and aldehydes according to the following scheme:

    Alkylation is carried out with the participation of R-Ha1 or Ar-Hal:

    In the acylation reaction, acid chlorides or acid anhydrides are used (acetyl chloride, acetic anhydride, benzyloxycarbonyl chloride):

    Acylation and alkylation reactions are used to protect the NH 2 group of amino acids during the synthesis of peptides.

    Reactions caused by a carboxyl group. With the participation of the carboxyl group, amino acids form salts, esters, amides, and acid chlorides in accordance with the scheme presented below:

    If at the -carbon atom in a hydrocarbon radical there is an electron-withdrawing substituent (NO 2, CC1 3, COOH, COR, etc.), polarizing the CCOOH bond, then carboxylic acids easily undergo decarboxylation reactions. Decarboxylation of α-amino acids containing a + NH 3 group as a substituent leads to the formation of biogenic amines. In a living organism, this process occurs under the action of the enzyme decarboxylase and vitamin pyridoxal phosphate.

    In laboratory conditions, the reaction is carried out by heating the α-amino acid in the presence of CO 2 absorbers, for example, Ba(OH) 2.

    Decarboxylation of -phenyl--alanine, lysine, serine and histidine produces phenamine, 1,5-diaminopentane (cadaverine), 2-aminoethanol-1 (colamine) and tryptamine, respectively.

    Reactions of amino acids involving a side group. When the amino acid tyrosine is nitrated with nitric acid, a dinitro derivative compound is formed, colored orange (xanthoprotein test):

    Redox transitions take place in the cysteine–cystine system:



    In some reactions, amino acids react on both functional groups simultaneously.

    Formation of complexes with metals. Almost all α-amino acids form complexes with divalent metal ions. The most stable are complex internal copper salts (chelate compounds), formed as a result of interaction with copper (II) hydroxide and colored blue:

    Action of nitrous acid to aliphatic amino acids leads to the formation of hydroxy acids, and aromatic - diazo compounds.

    Formation of hydroxy acids:

    Diazotization reaction:

      with the release of molecular nitrogen N 2:

    2. without the release of molecular nitrogen N2:

    The chromophore group of azobenzene -N=N in azo compounds causes yellow, yellow, orange or other colors of substances when absorbed in the visible region of light (400-800 nm). Auxochrome group

    COOH changes and enhances the color due to π, π - conjugation with the π - electronic system of the main group of the chromophore.

    Relation of amino acids to heat. When heated, amino acids decompose to form different products depending on their type. When heated -amino acids as a result of intermolecular dehydration, cyclic amides are formed - diketopiperazines :

    valine (Val) diisopropyl derivative


    When heated -amino acids Ammonia is split off from them to form α, β-unsaturated acids with a conjugated system of double bonds:

    β-aminovaleric acid penten-2-oic acid

    (3-aminopentanoic acid)

    Heating - And -amino acids accompanied by intramolecular dehydration and the formation of internal cyclic amides lactams:

    γ-aminoisovaleric acid γ-aminoisovaleric lactam

    (4-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid) acids

    >> Chemistry: Amino acids

    The general formula of the simplest amino acids can be written as follows:


    Because amino acids contain two different functional groups that influence each other, their reactions differ from the characteristic properties of carboxylic acids and amines.


    Amino acids can be obtained from carboxylic acids by replacing the hydrogen atom in their radical with a halogen, and then with an amino group when reacting with ammonia. A mixture of amino acids is usually obtained by acid hydrolysis of proteins.


    The amino group -NH2 determines the basic properties of amino acids, since it is capable of attaching a hydrogen cation to itself via a donor-acceptor mechanism due to the presence of a free electron pair at the nitrogen atom.

    The -COOH group (carboxyl group) determines the acidic properties of these compounds. Therefore, amino acids are amphoteric organic compounds.

    They react with alkalis as acids. With strong acids - like amine bases.

    In addition, the amino group in the amino acid molecule interacts with the carboxyl group included in its composition, forming an internal salt:

    Since amino acids in aqueous solutions behave like typical amphoteric compounds, in living organisms they play the role of buffer substances that maintain a certain concentration of hydrogen ions.

    Amino acids are colorless crystalline substances that melt and decompose at temperatures above 200 °C. They are soluble in water and insoluble in ether. Depending on the composition of the R- radical, they can be sweet, bitter or tasteless.

    Amino acids are optically active because they contain carbon atoms (asymmetric atoms) linked to four different substituents (the exception is amino-acetic acid - glycine). An asymmetric carbon atom is indicated by an asterisk.

    As you already know, optically active substances occur in the form of pairs of antipode-isomers, the physical and chemical properties of which are the same, with the exception of one thing - the ability to rotate the plane of a polarized beam in opposite directions. The direction of rotation of the plane of polarization is indicated by the sign (+) - right rotation, (-) - left rotation.

    There are D-amino acids and L-amino acids. The location of the NH2 amino group in the projection formula on the left corresponds to the L-configuration, and on the right - to the D-configuration. The sign of rotation is not related to whether the connection belongs to the L- or D-series. Thus, L-ce-rin has a rotation sign (-), and L-alanine has a rotation sign (+).

    Amino acids are divided into natural (found in living organisms) and synthetic. Among natural amino acids (about 150), proteinogenic amino acids (about 20) are distinguished, which are part of proteins. They are L-shapes. About half of these amino acids are considered essential, as they are not synthesized in the human body. Essential amino acids are valine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalaline, lysine, threonine, cysteine, methionine, histidine, tryptophan. These substances enter the human body with food (Table 7). If their quantity in food is insufficient, the normal development and functioning of the human body is disrupted. In certain diseases, the body is unable to synthesize some other amino acids. Thus, in phenylketonuria, tyrosine is not synthesized.

    The most important property of amino acids is the ability to enter into molecular condensation with the release of water and the formation of an amide group -NH-CO-, for example:

    H2N-(CH2)5-COOH + H-NH-(CH2)5-COOH ->
    aminocaproic acid

    H2N-(CH2)5-CO-NH-(CH2)5-COOH + H20

    The high-molecular compounds obtained as a result of this reaction contain a large number of amide fragments and are therefore called polyamides.

    These, in addition to the synthetic fiber nylon mentioned above, include, for example, enant, formed during the polycondensation of aminoenanthic acid. Amino acids with amino and carboxyl groups at the ends of the molecules are suitable for producing synthetic fibers (think about why).

    Table 7. Daily requirement of the human body for amino acids

    Polyamides of a-amino acids are called peptides. Depending on the number of amino acid residues, dipeptides, tripeptides, and polypeptides are distinguished. In such compounds, the -NP-CO- groups are called peptide groups.

    Isomerism and nomenclature

    Amino acid isomerism is determined by the different structure of the carbon chain and the position of the amino group. The names of amino acids in which the positions of the amino group are designated by letters of the Greek alphabet are also widespread. Thus, 2-aminobutanoic acid can also be called a-aminobutyric acid:

    20 amino acids are involved in protein biosynthesis in living organisms, for which historical names are often used. These names and the Russian and Latin letter designations adopted for them are given in Table 8.

    1. Write down the equations for the reactions of aminopropionic acid; you with sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide, as well as methyl alcohol. Give all substances names according to the international nomenclature.

    2. Why are amino acids heterofunctional compounds?

    3. What structural features should the amino acids used for the synthesis of fibers and the amino acids involved in the biosynthesis of proteins in the cells of living organisms have?

    4. How do polycondensation reactions differ from polymerization reactions? What are their similarities?

    5. How are amino acids obtained? Write down the reaction equations for producing aminopropionic acid from propane.

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    Among nitrogen-containing organic substances there are compounds with dual functions. Particularly important of them are amino acids.

    About 300 different amino acids are found in the cells and tissues of living organisms, but only 20 ( α-amino acids ) of them serve as units (monomers) from which peptides and proteins of all organisms are built (therefore they are called protein amino acids). The sequence of location of these amino acids in proteins is encoded in the nucleotide sequence of the corresponding genes. The remaining amino acids are found both in the form of free molecules and in bound form. Many of the amino acids are found only in certain organisms, and there are others that are found only in one of the great variety of described organisms. Most microorganisms and plants synthesize the amino acids they need; Animals and humans are not capable of producing the so-called essential amino acids obtained from food. Amino acids are involved in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, in the formation of compounds important for organisms (for example, purine and pyrimidine bases, which are an integral part of nucleic acids), they are part of hormones, vitamins, alkaloids, pigments, toxins, antibiotics, etc.; Some amino acids serve as intermediaries in the transmission of nerve impulses.

    Amino acids- organic amphoteric compounds, which include carboxyl groups - COOH and amino groups -NH 2 .

    Amino acids can be considered as carboxylic acids, in the molecules of which the hydrogen atom in the radical is replaced by an amino group.


    Amino acids are classified according to their structural characteristics.

    1. Depending on the relative position of the amino and carboxyl groups, amino acids are divided into α-, β-, γ-, δ-, ε- etc.

    2. Depending on the number of functional groups, acidic, neutral and basic groups are distinguished.

    3. Based on the nature of the hydrocarbon radical, they distinguish aliphatic(fat), aromatic, sulfur-containing And heterocyclic amino acids. The amino acids listed above belong to the fatty series.

    An example of an aromatic amino acid is para-aminobenzoic acid:

    An example of a heterocyclic amino acid is tryptophan, an essential α-amino acid.


    According to systematic nomenclature, the names of amino acids are formed from the names of the corresponding acids by adding the prefix amino and indicating the location of the amino group in relation to the carboxyl group. Numbering of the carbon chain from the carbon atom of the carboxyl group.

    For example:

    Another method of constructing the names of amino acids is also often used, according to which the prefix is ​​added to the trivial name of the carboxylic acid amino indicating the position of the amino group by a letter of the Greek alphabet.


    For α-amino acidsR-CH(NH2)COOH

    Which play an extremely important role in the life processes of animals and plants, trivial names are used.


    Amino acid



    Structure of the radical (R)





    Ala (Ala)

    CH 3 -



    (CH 3) 2 CH -


    Leu (Lei)

    (CH 3) 2 CH – CH 2 -





    Tyr (Shooting Range)

    HO – C 6 H 4 – CH 2 -

    Aspartic acid

    Asp (Asp)

    HOOC – CH 2 -

    Glutamic acid


    HOOC – CH 2 – CH 2 -


    Cys (Cis)

    HS – CH 2 -


    Asn (Asn)

    O = C – CH 2 –

    NH 2


    Lys (Liz)

    NH 2 – CH 2 - CH 2 – CH 2 -



    C 6 H 5 – CH 2 -

    If an amino acid molecule contains two amino groups, then the prefix is ​​used in its namediamino-, three NH 2 groups – triamino- etc.


    The presence of two or three carboxyl groups is reflected in the name by the suffix –diovy or -triic acid:


    1. Isomerism of the carbon skeleton

    2. Isomerism of the position of functional groups

    3. Optical isomerism

    α-amino acids, except glycine NH 2 -CH 2 -COOH.


    Amino acids are crystalline substances with high (above 250°C) melting points, which differ little among individual amino acids and are therefore uncharacteristic. Melting is accompanied by decomposition of the substance. Amino acids are highly soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents, which makes them similar to inorganic compounds. Many amino acids have a sweet taste.


    3. Microbiological synthesis. Microorganisms are known that during their life processes produce α - amino acids of proteins.


    Amino acids are amphoteric organic compounds; they are characterized by acid-base properties.

    I . General properties

    1. Intramolecular neutralization → a bipolar zwitterion is formed:

    Aqueous solutions are electrically conductive. These properties are explained by the fact that amino acid molecules exist in the form of internal salts, which are formed by the transfer of a proton from the carboxyl to the amino group:


    Aqueous solutions of amino acids have a neutral, acidic or alkaline environment depending on the number of functional groups.


    1) amino acids are widely distributed in nature;

    2) amino acid molecules are the building blocks from which all plant and animal proteins are built; amino acids necessary for building body proteins are obtained by humans and animals as part of food proteins;

    3) amino acids are prescribed for severe exhaustion, after severe operations;

    4) they are used to feed the sick;

    5) amino acids are necessary as a therapeutic agent for certain diseases (for example, glutamic acid is used for nervous diseases, histidine for stomach ulcers);

    6) some amino acids are used in agriculture to feed animals, which has a positive effect on their growth;

    7) have technical significance: aminocaproic and aminoenanthic acids form synthetic fibers - capron and enanth.


    Occurrence in nature and biological role of amino acids

    Finding in nature and the biological role of amino acids

    Amino acids are organic compounds containing functional groups in the molecule: amino and carboxyl.

    Nomenclature of amino acids. According to systematic nomenclature, the names of amino acids are formed from the names of the corresponding carboxylic acids and the addition of the word “amino”. The position of the amino group is indicated by numbers. The counting is from the carbon of the carboxyl group.

    Isomerism of amino acids. Their structural isomerism is determined by the position of the amino group and the structure of the carbon radical. Depending on the position of the NH 2 group, -, - and -amino acids are distinguished.

    Protein molecules are built from α-amino acids.

    They are also characterized by isomerism of the functional group (interclass isomers of amino acids can be esters of amino acids or amides of hydroxy acids). For example, for 2-aminopropanoic acid CH 3 CH(NH) 2 COOH the following isomers are possible

    Physical properties of α-amino acids

    Amino acids are colorless crystalline substances, non-volatile (low saturated vapor pressure), melting with decomposition at high temperatures. Most of them are highly soluble in water and poorly soluble in organic solvents.

    Aqueous solutions of monobasic amino acids have a neutral reaction. -Amino acids can be considered as internal salts (bipolar ions): + NH 3 CH 2 COO  . In an acidic environment they behave like cations, in an alkaline environment they behave like anions. Amino acids are amphoteric compounds that exhibit both acidic and basic properties.

    Methods for obtaining α-amino acids

    1. The effect of ammonia on salts of chlorinated acids.

    Cl CH 2 COONH 4 + NH 3
    NH 2 CH2COOH

    2. The effect of ammonia and hydrocyanic acid on aldehydes.

    3. Protein hydrolysis produces 25 different amino acids. Separating them is not a very easy task.

    Methods for obtaining -amino acids

    1. Addition of ammonia to unsaturated carboxylic acids.

    CH 2 = CH COOH + 2NH 3  NH 2 CH 2 CH 2 COONH 4.

    2. Synthesis based on dibasic malonic acid.

    Chemical properties of amino acids

    1. Reactions on the carboxyl group.

    1.1. Formation of ethers by the action of alcohols.

    2. Reactions at the amino group.

    2.1. Interaction with mineral acids.

    NH 2 CH 2 COOH + HCl  H 3 N + CH 2 COOH + Cl 

    2.2. Interaction with nitrous acid.

    NH 2 CH 2 COOH + HNO 2  HO CH 2 COOH + N 2 + H 2 O

    3. Conversion of amino acids when heated.

    3.1.-amino acids form cyclic amides.

    3.2.-amino acids remove the amino group and the hydrogen atom of the y-carbon atom.

    Individual representatives

    Glycine NH 2 CH 2 COOH (glycocol). One of the most common amino acids found in proteins. Under normal conditions - colorless crystals with Tm = 232236С. Easily soluble in water, insoluble in absolute alcohol and ether. Hydrogen index of aqueous solution6.8; pK a = 1.510  10; рК в = 1.710  12.

    α-alanine – aminopropionic acid

    Widely distributed in nature. It is found free in blood plasma and in most proteins. T pl = 295296С, highly soluble in water, poorly soluble in ethanol, insoluble in ether. pK a (COOH) = 2.34; pK a (NH ) = 9,69.

    -alanine NH 2 CH 2 CH 2 COOH – small crystals with melting temperature = 200°C, highly soluble in water, poorly in ethanol, insoluble in ether and acetone. pK a (COOH) = 3.60; pK a (NH ) = 10.19; absent in proteins.

    Complexons. This term is used to name a series of α-amino acids containing two or three carboxyl groups. The simplest:

    N The most common complexone is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.

    Its disodium salt, Trilon B, is extremely widely used in analytical chemistry.

    The bonds between α-amino acid residues are called peptide bonds, and the resulting compounds themselves are called peptides.

    Two α-amino acid residues form a dipeptide, three - a tripeptide. Many residues form polypeptides. Polypeptides, like amino acids, are amphoteric; each has its own isoelectric point. Proteins are polypeptides.

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