Features of the organization of the educational process of persons with disabilities. Education of children with disabilities in non-profit settings System of education for persons with disabilities

The humanization processes taking place in society and associated with changes in the regulatory and legal field highlight in a special way the problems of creating a barrier-free educational environment for all categories of citizens. Various aspects of preparing young people with mental disabilities for professional activities are of particular relevance. For them, obtaining a vocational education is one of the main and integral conditions for their successful socialization, full participation in the life of society, and effective self-realization in various types of professional and social activities. This is determined by the fact that for most graduates of special (correctional) general education schools or boarding schools, only labor training aimed at vocational training provides correction and compensation for their psychophysical development and the possibility of employment in the field of material production in modern conditions of economic development of society (G.V. . Vasenkov).

Professional and labor socialization of persons with mental disorders is a set of pedagogical means aimed at developing:

basic learning activities in various educational areas and academic subjects;

readiness for an informed professional choice, taking into account cognitive and personal abilities and capabilities in the conditions of specially organized career guidance work;

a wide field of activities in the field of future professional activity through the use of potential opportunities for additional education;

a holistic understanding of professional work, including knowledge about the content of work, the conditions for its implementation and experience of social interaction in the work team.

Various authors, considering the issues of professional and labor socialization of persons with disabilities, note four significant features of professional and labor socialization. First feature. Socialization is considered as the leading goal, the main process and the key result of educational and professional work. Second feature. The limited opportunities for health and social development of students, pupils with mental disorders, give the teacher the right in his practical activities to determine the extent to which schoolchildren are included in mastering the profession. Third feature. Professional and labor socialization of persons with mental disorders is carried out in specially created conditions in which students are constantly expanding and expedient activity. At the same time, the teacher’s work in the direction of maximizing the development of the labor skills and inclinations of young people is recorded in a special way. Fourth feature. The organization of educational and professional training for persons with intellectual disabilities is of a deliberate nature, which ensures the future labor success of students. Intentionality sets the direction of the educational and labor process, consolidating the organizing role of the teacher in understanding the features of modern production and social life in general.

The tasks of labor training for students with disabilities are: nurturing a motivated, life-interested attitude towards work and the formation of appropriate personality qualities (the ability to work in a team, a sense of independence, self-affirmation, responsibility; correction and compensation by means of labor training for deficiencies in physical and mental development; professional preparation for productive a pile that allows those who graduate from school to work in production). These tasks are fundamental for all categories of children with disorders of psychophysical development. They are of particular importance in relation to students with intellectual disabilities, for whom the role of vocational training is associated with the need to gain experience in a range of vocational training profiles while still at school. This creates the basis for motivation for work training, contributes to the formation of the foundations of work skills and, ultimately, lays the foundation for successful socialization.

As practice shows, solving the problems of labor training and providing employment for people with mental disabilities should be carried out in the educational, adaptation and rehabilitation environment of educational organizations that implement adapted educational programs for people with mental retardation. Communication with practicing teachers and our experience prove that the conditions created in them and the content of vocational training, designed adequately to the cognitive capabilities, physical status of students and their labor needs, are capable of ensuring the student masters labor skills, professional programs, and the formation of a general culture personality, solving multi-dimensional development problems. This environment, if possible, compensates for the limitations in the life of a mentally retarded child, allowing him, after graduating from school, to enter the labor market in areas accessible to him and achieve a certain level of socialization.

At the school level, the problems of organizing vocational training for people with intellectual disabilities are related to the existing system of their vocational training and modern market socio-economic conditions that make it difficult for them to find employment; are determined by increased qualification requirements for the training of specialists and the characteristics of the mental and physical development of students, which complicate their mastery of even professions accessible to their capabilities; are associated with a limited number of professions in which persons with mental retardation can be employed, and an even smaller number in which vocational training for students in correctional schools and boarding schools can be carried out (G.V. Vasenkov, A.N. Graborov, G.M. Dulnev, V.Yu. Karvyalis, L.S. Mirsky and others).

When students with mental retardation move to the next stage of education, systemic problems of their professional training are highlighted, related to the design and systematization of organizational and pedagogical conditions in institutions of various types and departmental subordination (professional rehabilitation and educational institutions, educational institutions of secondary vocational education, psychoneurological boarding schools, alternative forms of vocational training, etc.). The main set of problems is associated with the unpreparedness of engineering and teaching staff for psychological and pedagogical support for persons with disabilities, given the high level of their professional skills. A mini-questioning, carried out in February-May 2016 as part of a series of scientific and practical seminars on the issues of vocational training of persons with disabilities, showed insufficient readiness of vocational training masters to identify the characteristics of the psychophysical development of adolescents and youth with disabilities, ignorance of the basics of special psychology and pedagogy, difficulties in implementing vocational education technologies and psychological and pedagogical support for students with disabilities; difficulties in the design and implementation of adapted educational programs and educational and methodological complexes, in the implementation of ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students with atypical development. The lack of competence of an adult who organizes vocational training complicates the process of socialization of students with disabilities.

A way out of this situation could be a mandatory requirement for vocational training masters to acquire additional special competencies for working with persons with disabilities in the process of advanced training or professional retraining; inclusion in the staffing table of a teacher-coordinator for working with persons with disabilities from among specialized defectologists, etc. Only in this case, the processes of intellectual, personal and social advancement of students with disabilities in professional development can be considered as a process of their socialization.


  1. Vasenkov G.V. Vocational and labor training of mentally retarded schoolchildren: dissertation. ... Doctor of Ped.Sc. – Moscow, 2006. – 422 p.
  2. Dubrova T.I. Development of the integration potential of vocational education institutions // Secondary vocational education. - 2011. - Issue No. 11. – P. 55-58.
  3. Vocational guidance, vocational training and employment for mental retardation: method, manual / Ed. E.M. Starobina - M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2007. - 304 p.
  4. Stepanova O.A. Comprehensive rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in institutions of secondary vocational education // Innovations in professional school. - 2012. - No. 8. – 60 s.

On secondary and higher vocational education for persons with disabilities

The capital's system of secondary vocational education is multi-level, continuous, open and accessible to different segments of the Moscow population. The training of qualified workers and specialists for the main sectors of the urban economy is carried out by 75 specialized and 13 pedagogical colleges subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education.

Education in colleges is conducted in:

  • 100 professions of primary vocational education;
  • 133 specialties of secondary vocational education;
  • 157 vocational training professions;
  • more than 200 programs of additional professional education for adults (advanced training, retraining) for all key areas of the economy and social sphere of Moscow.

Vocational education

A large number of colleges included in the system of the Moscow Department of Education create special educational conditions for the education of persons with disabilities.

Obtaining higher professional education for persons with disabilities is possible in various forms, including distance learning. A list of institutions, recommendations and Internet resources for the implementation of distance learning is presented in the Distance Learning directory.

Faculties are developing programs to help students quickly adapt to new conditions, allowing them to cope with the most common problems. More information about the training program for students with disabilities at the Faculty of Distance Learning of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University" can be found.

Higher education institutions

  • Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University (MGPPU)

(using the example of GAPOU SO "Ekaterinburg Industrial and Technological College named after V.M. Kurochkin")

The topic of vocational training for children with disabilities is extremely relevant. According to the Ministry of Social Policy, in the Sverdlovsk region the number of children with disabilities under the age of 18 has reached 17,340 people. This circumstance determined one of the priority areas of the main provisions of the implementation of the regional target program “Development of Education in the Sverdlovsk Region (Our New School)” for 2011-2015. Within the framework of this program, work is being carried out to organize vocational education for children with disabilities in the Sverdlovsk region using modern educational technologies.

Traditionally, vocational education of adolescents with disabilities is considered as a means of their social and labor rehabilitation, promoting rational employment, achieving economic independence and independence. Social and labor rehabilitation of adolescents with disabilities forms psychological and practical readiness for work, a stable psychological state that characterizes a positive attitude towards work, positive motivation, a system of knowledge, labor skills and abilities necessary in a wide variety of types of work.

For 20 years, Ekaterinburg Industrial and Technological College named after. V.M. Kurochkina provides professional training for graduates of general education special (correctional) schools of types 1 and 2: the hearing impaired, the hard of hearing and the deaf. During this time, the technical school has created a special educational environment and optimal conditions for the process of vocational education of teenagers of this category in the main professional educational programs “Universal Turner” and “Programmed Controlled Machine Operator.”

It is important to note that the technical school has created the necessary environment for the interaction of teaching staff with these children, based on information and telecommunication technologies.

Taking into account the communication limitations of deaf and hard of hearing children, the possibility of using information and telecommunication technologies in the vocational training system becomes especially important. This factor is strengthened by the fact that, due to the compensatory activation of the intact sense organs in a person with hearing impairment, the visual channel of information perception acquires a leading role, and in the system of information and telecommunication technologies, the visual channel of information transmission occupies a central place.

In the process of professional training, teachers have the opportunity to take into account the individual characteristics of the student’s hearing. Since most of the students are hard of hearing (hard of hearing) children with partial hearing impairment, who distinguish sounds that are less intense and more varied in their frequency characteristics, teachers design theoretical and laboratory-practical classes using audio information.

An interactive classroom has been created for deaf and hard-of-hearing students and is equipped with special equipment for individual correction of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of sound waves that increase the hearing threshold of children. The purpose of creating this audience is to provide the opportunity for deaf and hard of hearing children to communicate with each other and with the teacher.

The interactive audience consists of student workstations equipped with sound-amplifying devices for air and bone conduction and vibrotactile perception - AVKT-D-01 "Globus". The Globus device is a universal hearing-speech device for conducting classes with hard of hearing and deaf children, intended for persons with severe forms of hearing loss (hard of hearing and deafness) and can be used as an individual auditory trainer and as a collective device for group classes (up to 10 students ), connects to a special teacher console.

The device is supplied with headphones and a microphone for connecting television, video and audio equipment to it, which allows you to use the principle of clarity in the process of mastering professional modules and interdisciplinary courses, which helps to strengthen the visual representation of the deaf and hard of hearing about the processes, equipment and technologies being studied. It is impossible not to take into account the fact that the presence of remnants of hearing greatly helps deaf students master words denoting sounding objects, sound phenomena, and correctly apply these words, and auditory perception increases their cognitive activity and accelerates the process of adaptation in the work environment.

The formation of professional competencies of future operators of machine tools with NC is carried out in a simulator laboratory, consisting of workstations equipped with simulators for programming machines with numerical control (CNC). Specialized software made it possible to connect simulators into a local network, while the teacher determines theoretical and practical tasks individually for each student, monitors the actions of students and adjusts the algorithm for performing laboratory and practical work, evaluates the results of mastering professional modules and interdisciplinary courses.

This simulator is intended for gaining skills in programming turning and milling operations on CNC machines. The classic programming language, based on G-, M-codes, is used in almost all modern CNC systems. Functions such as linear and circular interpolation, thread cutting, multi-pass roughing cycles, automatic tool change, and many others are implemented. The student gets the opportunity to independently select the necessary parameters for processing (workpiece size, tool, cutting modes, processing sequence, etc.). The product provides: a holistic perception of the part processing process using control programs; the ability to acquire skills that allow the user to be trained to work on most existing CNC systems; formation of experience in the development of control programs. The software part of the training laboratory is implemented on the Windows platform.

To train professional personnel and develop the technical creativity of students, both in individual and frontal training, a desktop educational lathe with a CNC computer system (PCNC class) and 3D computer simulators of a lathe is used. The use of this machine in the educational process contributes to the effective formation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the processing of parts on NC machines, adjustment of individual components and mechanisms during operation, maintenance of CNC machines and manipulators (robots).

Students using the machine can perform turning operations both manually and automatically in accordance with the control program on workpieces made of wood, plastics and metals. The machine is controlled from a personal computer running Windows. Computer machine simulators and numerical control devices allow you to simulate processing on a machine (perform setup and programming, produce a virtual part using a created control program), and then start the machine to produce a real part.

In the process of using an interactive classroom and a training laboratory, students with disabilities achieve good results in mastering the profession. This makes it possible for students in this category to become scholarship holders of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region “For success in mastering a working profession”, and after graduating from the technical school to compete highly with graduates of other professional educational organizations of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Thus, designing the educational process using information and telecommunication technologies will ensure high-quality professional training for students with disabilities (deaf and hard of hearing) and will accelerate the process of their social and labor adaptation.

N.A. Babkin Director

O.V. Kislinskaya Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work

According to statistics, in the modern world the number of people of working age with certain health conditions is increasing by 2% per year. As the number of disabled people of working age grows, employers need, instead of a policy of avoiding workers with disabilities, to develop new standards for selecting applicants for vacancies. And psychologists should prepare for the fact that at any moment they may be tasked with career guidance for this category of people. There are 10 million people with disabilities in Russia. And only a small part of them are socially adapted and employed, so the problem is widespread.

When providing career guidance to disabled children, a pedagogical focus on rehabilitation measures is recommended. Work with this group begins as early as possible and is carried out during the training process. It is important to work not only with the child, but with the family of the disabled person. The main principle of vocational guidance for children with disabilities of the second and third groups is occupational therapy in workshops of various profiles, which helps to instill practical skills in simple types of work. Career guidance for citizens with mental retardation has its own specifics. The learning process is accompanied by psychotherapeutic and psychocorrectional work. The main issue for disabled people since childhood is the primary choice of profession.

A fundamentally different situation arises for persons with acquired disabilities. They previously received vocational education and mastered certain skills, but due to illness they cannot continue to work in their existing specialty. In this case, we are talking about rational employment (the recommended job must be adequate to the capabilities of the sick person, consistent with his personal motives and professional training). Often, training in skilled professions takes place directly on the job – in the form of retraining workers. When choosing a new profession, it is necessary to take into account the capabilities, inclinations and previous activities, as well as pay attention to issues of psychological support, since the trauma that has occurred and the acquired disability change the usual way of life of the sick person, complex rehabilitation is required.

When providing assistance to disabled people, the severity of disability is taken into account. Thus, persons with the first disability group are in the most severe condition in terms of physical health status, dysfunction of higher nervous activity and, as a consequence, from the standpoint of social adaptation and labor rehabilitation. At the same time, persons with the second and third groups of disabilities have impairments of moderate and mild severity, respectively, and may well succeed professionally. In 2011, the Center for Testing and Development “Humanitarian Technologies”, commissioned by the Moscow Department of Labor and Employment, developed modern Lists of recommended professions for citizens with different types of disabilities (see Appendix EP-14-8). This list contains quite a few professions that require higher professional education, and not just primary and secondary vocational education, as was previously customary.

When organizing assistance to the professional self-determination of persons with disabilities (PWD), it is necessary to take into account that the course of the disease, as a rule, differs in that a certain personal deformation of the PWD occurs.

Such deformation creates additional difficulties when conducting professional counseling, since people with disabilities often have inadequate methods of professional self-determination.

First of all, we can talk about the following problems affecting the process of professional counseling for persons with disabilities:

they do not know their capabilities and limitations, they evaluate themselves inadequately;

do not realize their strengths and weaknesses;

do not have sufficient information about real production, professions and their requirements for workers;

do not have information about professional training opportunities, the procedure and employment opportunities, and the most in-demand professions;

Afraid of discovering the true extent of their disability;

socially poorly adapted, the necessary social skills have not been formed;

readiness for work and work attitude are not formed, they are infantile.

The presence of these features should be taken into account when conducting a professional consultation conversation. If necessary, the conversation should be aimed at correcting the inadequate ideas of the PWD and his parents.

During the consultation process, the results of the diagnosis and the possibility of training PWDs in primary or secondary vocational education institutions should be discussed.

When discussing options for professional choice, the consultant finds out how well the consulted PWD understands the content of professional activity and the conditions for its implementation in specific workplaces. If the person being consulted does not have such ideas or they do not correspond to reality, the consultant provides the necessary information. Professional counseling should help develop the life perspective of the person being counseled. To do this, you should help the person being consulted in forming realistic plans regarding the professional sphere of his life.

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