Reveal the meaning of Vvedenskaya’s statement: The richness of a language is determined by the semantic richness of a word (Unified State Examination in Russian). Main sources of linguistic wealth The richness of a language is determined by

The word is one of the main units of language. A word refers to certain objects, processes, actions, and describes their state. All phenomena and objects have their own names in the language. Famous linguist L.A. Vvedenskaya claims that “the richness of a language is determined by the semantic richness of the word,” which is facilitated by the phenomena of polysemy, homonymy, and synonymy. This means that the word contains many meanings and wealth largely depends on its correct use. native language.

The Russian language is not just expressive, it is infinitely rich. There are many synonyms that allow you to diversify speech and reveal different aspects of concepts. Polysemantic words contain a whole world of meanings, since such words also have figurative meanings.

In sentence 19 of the given passage of text, the word “fell” is used in relation to the hand.

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The ambiguous word can be interpreted as “to sink powerlessly” or “to collapse under the weight.” But in this particular case, of course, the first meaning is meant, because the hero’s hand did not fall off. At the same time, in the depths of the reader’s consciousness there remains the idea of ​​something irretrievably lost. Another time, the same word in its previous meaning is mentioned in sentence 51, and again it speaks of a difficult period in the life of Vladimir Mikhailovich. But in the second case, this word also emphasizes the opposition, because once upon a time a hand fell on the head loyal dog, and now - into the void.

When describing the dog’s actions, the author mentions how “sweetly” she stretched (sentence 14). He deliberately chooses this particular name from the possible options, since “sweet” allows the reader to imagine the pleasure with which the dog stretched from the speeches of his daydreaming owner, and at the same time allows him to feel the sweetish taste of the liver in his mouth.

Thanks to the breadth and versatility of the Russian language, writers manage to express many different meanings.

Updated: 2017-02-19

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The richness and diversity, the originality of the speech of a speaker or writer largely depends on how much he realizes what the originality of his native language is, its richness.

The Russian language is one of the most developed and processed languages ​​of the world, with a rich book and written tradition. What is the wealth of the Russian language, what properties of the lexical composition, grammatical structure, and sound side of the language create its positive qualities?

The richness of any language is determined primarily by the richness of its vocabulary. The lexical richness of the Russian language is reflected in various linguistic dictionaries. Thus, the “Dictionary of Church Slavonic and Russian Language,” published in 1847, contains about 115 thousand words. V. I. Dal included more than 200 thousand words in the “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”, D. N. Ushakov included about 90 thousand words in the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language”.

What is a person's vocabulary? It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Some researchers believe that the active dictionary modern man usually does not exceed 7-9 thousand. different words, but others estimate it reaches 11-13 thousand words. Now compare this data with the dictionary of great masters artistic word. For example, A.S. Pushkin used more than 21 thousand words in his works and letters (during the analysis, repeated words were taken as one), and he used half of these words only once or twice. This testifies to the exceptional richness of the vocabulary genius poet. Let's give information about the number of words of some other writers and poets: Yesenin - 18,890 words, Cervantes - about 17 thousand words, Shakespeare - about 15 thousand words (according to other sources - about 20 thousand). Gogol - about 10 thousand words. And some people have an extremely poor vocabulary. No wonder I. Ilf and E. Petrov in the famous “Twelve Chairs” ridiculed Ellochka the “cannibal”, who managed with only thirty words. These words were enough for her to talk with family, friends, acquaintances and strangers. It is not difficult to imagine what this communication was like.

The speaker needs to have a sufficient vocabulary to express his thoughts clearly and clearly. It is important to constantly take care of expanding this stock and try to use the riches of the native language. The richness of a language is also determined by the semantic richness of a word, i.e. its polysemy. What matters is whether the word is chosen to express the thought? Does the listener understand what is being said? we're talking about What does the speaker mean?

Most often, one of the meanings of a polysemantic word is realized in speech. If it were otherwise, people would often not understand each other or misunderstand each other. However, polysemy can be used as a technique to enrich the content of speech.

Of particular interest are cases when the writer, when using a word, takes into account its two meanings and stipulates and emphasizes this, intriguing the reader, forcing him to think about the further content of the text. How to explain what the authors are writing about if the text begins like this: “London was shocked directly and figuratively"," "The ruler cut himself off from his people both figuratively and literally," "The far right were the first to try to pocket the flag. To pocket not only figuratively, but also literally.”

What could shake London literally and figuratively? It turns out one of the skyscrapers collapsed. How could a ruler isolate himself from the people in the literal sense? He “barricaded his residence like a fortress.” IN explanatory dictionaries In the Russian language, the word prikarmanit has only one figurative meaning - “to take possession of something alien, to appropriate.” The word has no other meaning. How can a party literally pocket the flag? The following text resolves the confusion. It turns out that party members wear scarves made of stars and stripes in the breast pockets of their coats. The author expanded the semantic scope of the word, gave it a new meaning, fully motivated by its word-formation structure.

Anyone who is interested in improving their speech should perfectly know the entire semantic scope of a word, all its meanings. Must be able to correlate and contrast not only words related to each other by various semantic, thematic, associative relationships, but also different meanings one word.

Our language is very rich in synonyms, i.e. words that are similar in meaning. Each of the synonyms, differing in the shade of meaning, highlights one particular feature of the quality of an object, phenomenon or some sign of action, and together the synonyms contribute to a deeper, more comprehensive description of the phenomena of reality.

Synonyms make speech more colorful, more varied, help avoid repetition of the same words, and allow you to express thoughts figuratively. For example, the concept of large quantities something is conveyed by words: a lot (of apples), darkness (of books), an abyss (of work), a gap (of affairs), a cloud (of mosquitoes), a swarm of (thoughts), an ocean (of smiles), a sea (of flags), a forest (of pipes) . All of the above words, with the exception of the word many, create a figurative idea of ​​a large quantity.

There are many words in the Russian language that convey the speaker’s positive or negative attitude towards the subject of thought, i.e. have expression. Thus, the words bliss, luxurious, magnificent, fearless, charm contain positive expression, and the words chatterbox, klutz, stupidity, daub are characterized by negative expression.

Richness, flexibility and expressiveness are also distinguished by grammatical structure language. Let's take the species category as an example. Unlike the category of time, which indicates the relationship of the action to the moment of speech, the category of type indicates the manner in which the action occurs. So, in the aspect pair read - read the verbs characterize the action in different ways. The verb read (perfect form) indicates an action that has exhausted itself and cannot continue. Verb read ( imperfect look) indicates an action that is not limited.

It should be remembered: gray speech filled with verbal cliches does not evoke the necessary associations in the minds of those listening. It is unlikely that a person who abuses standard expressions can excite listeners, convince them of something, or influence them. A template, hackneyed phrase bounces off listeners and does not give them the opportunity to understand the essence of the statement.

In addition, poor, linguistically poor speech is perceived as a negative characteristic of a person, indicating his superficial knowledge, low speech culture, about an insufficient vocabulary. But the main thing: poverty, dullness, monotony of language are associated with poverty, dullness and unoriginality of thought.

The richness of speech testifies to the speaker’s erudition and high intelligence. The richness of individual language makes it possible to diversify speech, give it precision and clarity, and avoid repetitions, both lexical and syntactic.

What determines the richness of a language, including the language of an individual?

The richness and diversity of a speaker’s or writer’s speech largely depend on how much he is aware of the originality of his native language and its richness.

The richness of any language lies in the richness of its vocabulary. Some researchers believe that the active vocabulary of a modern person does not exceed 7-8 thousand different words; according to others, it reaches 11-13 thousand words. People in linguistically intensive professions, for example, teachers, politicians, lawyers, doctors, managers, need to have as much larger stock words and constantly take care of its replenishment.

The richest source of replenishment of individual vocabulary is synonymy. Synonyms attract the writer or speaker because they, differing in shades of meaning or stylistic coloring, allow one to formulate a thought with extreme precision, give speech a conversational or bookish character, and express positive or negative expression. For example, the word "brave" has the following synonyms: brave, courageous, courageous, daring, fearless, fearless, undaunted, valiant, heroic; heroic (colloquial); daring, fearless (high); impudent (set high); decisive (in making a decision); not timid (or not a cowardly) dozen, with two heads. There are many words in the Russian language that convey the speaker’s positive or negative attitude towards the subject of thought, i.e. have expression. So the words bliss, luxurious, magnificent, undaunted, enchant contain positive expression, and the words moretun, klutz, stupidity, daub characterized by negative expression.

The Russian language is unusually rich in figurative phraseology.

The phraseology of the Russian language is diverse in its composition and has great stylistic possibilities. Phraseologisms help to say a lot in a few words, since they define not only an object, but also its attribute, not only an action, but also its circumstances. The complexity of the semantics of phraseological units distinguishes them from one-word synonyms. So, a stable combination on Shirocut my leg means not just “richly”, but “richly, luxuriously, without stinting on funds.” Phraseologism sweep up afteryes means not just “to destroy, eliminate something,” but “to eliminate, destroy something that can serve as evidence of something.”

Phraseologism is a stable expression with independent meaning.

Phraseology attracts with its expressiveness, the potential ability to positively or negatively evaluate a phenomenon, express approval or condemnation, ironic, mocking or other attitude towards him. Especially bright this is manifested in the so-called phraseological units-characteristics. For example: man with a capital letter, milk on his lipsnot dry, telegraph pole, jack of all trades, butabsolute zero, wind in the head, bright personality, mindward, white crow, prodigal son, not timid, personalaka in the hay, a berry of one field.

The richness of the vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian language allows you to avoid oral and writing repeating the same words, phrases, diversifying speech, making it richer.

In literary criticism there is a term "periphrase" or " peripheryfor". It means replacing the one-word name of an object or phenomenon with a descriptive phrase indicating one or more essential features of what is called. Over time, some of the periphrases, becoming widespread in the language, become stable combinations. For example, St. Petersburg, in addition to the actual names Petrograd, St. Petersburg, Petersburg, Leningrad called Northern Palmyra, a city on the Neva, the northern capital, the city (city) of Peter, a window to Europe. ABOUT The richness of speech is evidenced by the presence of proverbs and sayings in it. Proverbs and sayings are clots of folk wisdom; they express the truth, verified by the centuries-old history of the people, the experience of many generations. “It’s not without reason that the proverb is said,” says popular wisdom. They express joy and grief, anger and sadness, love and hatred, irony and humor. They summarize various phenomena of the reality around us and help us understand the history of our people. Therefore, in texts, proverbs and sayings acquire special meaning. They not only enhance the expressiveness of speech, add spice, deepen the content, but also help to find a way to the heart of the listener, reader, and win their respect and affection.

A proverb is a short folk saying with edifying content, a folk aphorism.

A proverb is a short, stable expression, mostly figurative, which, unlike a proverb, does not constitute a complete statement.

The success of using proverbs in speech depends on how well they are chosen. No wonder they say: “A good proverb goes well.”

Today we have at our disposal a significant number of collections of folk sayings. Among them is the collection of V. I. Dahl “Proverbs of the Russian People”. Of particular interest are modern thematic collections of proverbs and sayings. Thus, the Shkola-Press publishing house released an educational dictionary “Russian Proverbs and Sayings.” Folk sayings in it are united by topics: “Man”, “Life”, “Love, friendship, family”, “Prosperity”, “Trade”, etc. The dictionary “Russian proverbs, sayings and catchphrases"V. P. Felitsyna, Yu. E. Prokhorova. It contains 450 of the most commonly used proverbs, sayings and popular expressions in the modern Russian language.

Winged words are figurative, apt expressions, sayings that have come into general use.

Along with proverbs and sayings, winged words testify to the richness of speech - these are apt, figurative expressions that have become widespread and have become commonly used. They were known back in ancient times.

For example, Homer called “winged” words that quickly fall from the speaker’s lips and fly to the listener’s ear. As a rule, popular words and expressions are of book origin. These include famous quotes from fiction, scientific, journalistic literature, statements of famous people of the past and present: "his example is differentgym science"(Pushkin); “there is something to despair about”(Griboyedov); "Judas Golovlev"(Saltykov-Shchedrin); "How nothing would have happened” (Chekhov); "like a squirrel in a wheel"(Krylov); "the best- the enemy of the good"(Voltaire); "science of youths pimelt, they serve joy to the elders"(Lomonosov); "about timenna! oh morals!(Cicero); “choose the lesser of two evils”(Aristotle).

Interesting material about the history of winged expressions and words is contained in the book “Winged Words” by N. S. Ashukin and M. G. Ashukina.

It is impossible to count exactly how many words a language contains. Every day new words associated with new objects or processes come into a person’s life. In Dahl's dictionary, for example, more than 200 thousand words were described, and in the circulation of the classic of Russian literature Pushkin there were more than 20 thousand. It is generally accepted that what more words contains the language, the richer it is. But there are other criteria for determining the richness of speech.

Derivative morphemes

The richness of a language can also be judged by the number of word-forming morphemes, for example, suffixes. Thus, in the Russian language, the use of suffixes in word formation allows you to give a word a special coloring or meaning. Express disdain - “old lady”, “firebrand”, or point to the diminutive form - “baby”, “stupid”. Using morphemes, the assessment of something is also displayed - “ ”, “old man”, “old man”.

Morphemes make it possible to form a variety of words and parts of speech. They also allow you to specify the meaning of words with the same root.

Synonymous series of words

The richness of the language is also determined by the use of synonyms. Thus, in the Russian language there are very few absolutely unambiguous words. To make speech colorful and bright, a person uses semantic, stylistic or semantic-stylistic. For example, the word “walk” takes on a more precise meaning if you replace it with the verbs “wander”, “wander”. And replacing the adjective “fat” with “fat” gives the meaning of the word a contemptuous connotation.


Another criterion for determining the richness of a language is tropes. These are phrases or individual words that are used figuratively or create a figurative idea of ​​objects. The Russian language uses such tropes as epithets, metaphor, comparison, personification and others. The most commonly used epithets. They make it more specific and enhance its meaning. For example: “blue sea”, “red maiden”.

Personification of objects, often used in literary language, also a type of tropes: “the sea is breathing,” “the birch tree looked into the pond,” “the wind was singing.”


The use of idioms - set expressions, the components of which cannot be separated, makes the language especially colorful, rich and varied. For example, “there is no face on him” sounds more vivid than “he was very scared,” or “put his teeth on the shelf” sounds stronger than “starve.” When translated into another language, such expressions may lose their original meaning or even turn into an absurd set of words.

One can talk about the richness of the Russian language for a very long time, since it is simply inexhaustible. But for some reason, residents of the beautiful country of Russia often don’t even think about how much wealth they have. It seems so familiar, ordinary, that it everyday life They don't even pay attention.

Language as a means of communication between generations

Many people think that in our time there is no need to study Russian, read books, or write correctly. When communicating with each other, people use a huge number foreign words, jargon, some tattered, mutilated, sometimes obscene expressions.

The Russian language cannot be underestimated, since it is still the language of poets and prose writers, a means of transmitting enormous cultural heritage people.

The richness of language is a subject of admiration for almost everyone educated people, Russians and foreigners. After all, such flexibility, diversity of verbal forms and their meanings, subtle shades of meaning, apt and precise expressions are not found in any other language in the world!

The Russian language is so rich and diverse that even a native speaker cannot master even half of it in a lifetime. vocabulary.

Secrets of the Russian language

The secret of the richness of the Russian language lies not so much in the huge number of words recorded in the dictionary. But rather, it is that everyone has incredible number forms that can be formed using all kinds of suffixes, prefixes and endings.

The richness of the language is simply a sea of ​​synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, homonyms. His vocabulary includes words to denote a wide variety of actions, feelings and their shades.

Phonetics is also very multifaceted: sounds are divided into voiced, voiceless, sonorant, vowels, and consonants. There are letters that do not indicate any sound: soft and solid marks; letters denoting several sounds at once: e, yu, i.

Among other things, the richness of language is its polysemy, semantic richness of words, emotional coloring and figurativeness of expressions.

Synonyms - salvation from monotony

The use of synonyms (words that are close in meaning) makes human speech much richer, more colorful, and livelier, helping to more accurately express thoughts while avoiding unnecessary repetition.

Synonyms are words that have similar lexical meaning, with the help of which you can convey the smallest details and shades, a positive or negative attitude towards the subject being described and make the conversation more interesting.

For this fantastic imagery and inexhaustible possibilities, the Russian language is called the greatest treasure of our national culture.

Proverbs and sayings

And the wealth of the language is our apt and precise proverbs, sayings, that is, phraseology. With what subtle humor and irony they were created by our great people!

A proverb is a short, rhythmically organized, figurative saying that is stable in speech. Sayings are one of the most curious genres of folklore, which is carefully studied by literary scholars, but still remains unsolved to the end.

These folk sayings reflect imaginative thinking, the observation ability of the Russian person, his sharp mind, virtuoso command of language and words. Proverbs and sayings were invented for all occasions, they can be funny and sad, but always apt and accurate, without unnecessary words or phrases.

Thus, the rich, diverse, original and original Russian language allows every person to make his speech bright, beautiful, rich in original comparisons and images, you just have to want and work a little: read the classics, remember and apply new words in your speech.

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