RSFSR transcript when it was named. Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. RSFSR in the friendly family of the USSR

Name RSFSR appeared in 1918, and was used for the first proletarian state formed after October Revolution 1917. This formation existed until December 1991, after which it was renamed the Russian Federation. What is the meaning of the abbreviation? What were the stages of formation of the largest republic of the USSR?

A new state in the vastness of the former Russian Empire

The result of the October Revolution, which, according to some historians, was nothing more than a coup, was the emergence of the Republic. In January 1918. The Third Congress of Soviets approved the Declaration, which proclaimed the rights of “the working and exploited people.” The Declaration, in particular, stated that the new state was federal. After some time, the abbreviation RSFSR was introduced, which should stand for Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. The decryption is already known. At that time, the republic did not yet have its own symbols and a strong government that could control the vast territory of modern Russia.

History (before USSR)

From February to March 1918. in many former provinces Russian Empire Soviet power was established, and Moscow became the capital instead of Petrograd. In July, the family of Nicholas II was shot by the Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg. Almost the next day after that tragic event The first Constitution of the RSFSR came into force. Thus ended the period of uncertainty, when the cordons of the subjects of the federation were drawn on maps “by eye,” and 2-3 councils of “workers’,” “peasants,” and “soldiers” deputies could operate in one territory at the same time. So, the RSFSR at that time was the first state on Earth of an exploited people in which they intended to build communism.

Civil war

From the time of its inception until 1923. The RSFSR was in a state Civil War and fought with the Entente invaders. Also new government made efforts to suppress the White Czech uprising and prevent the occupation Far East. Incredible efforts and hundreds of thousands of victims did their job - the workers' and peasants' state coped with pockets of resistance, and in the summer of 1923 peace came to its territory.

Republic in the early years of the USSR

The Bolshevik Party discussed several options for creating a single multinational state; in the end, the group supporting V.I. Lenin won. Thus, on December 29, 1922, the USSR appeared, whose republics were considered equal in rights and had the right to secede from the Union. The RSFSR then included:

  • Bashkir ASSR (formed in 1919).
  • Tatar ASSR (1920).
  • Crimean, Mountain and Dagestan ASSR (1921).
  • Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1922).
  • Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and others.

At the same time, in 1923, an administrative-territorial reform began, which led to a serious reduction in the area of ​​the RSFSR.

RSFSR before the Great Patriotic War

Soviet Russia repeatedly changed the contour of its borders. In particular, in 1923, the village of Lugansk, Don region of the RSFSR, became the center of the new district of the Lugansk district of the Ukrainian SSR. More significant transformations took place in the fall of 1924, when the southern regions of the Turkestan ASSR were divided between the Uzbek SSR, which included the Tajik ASSR, and the Turkmen SSR.

By the beginning of 1930, the RSFSR included 11 republics with great autonomy, although the right to resolve issues locally was only nominal.

Further redrawing of the borders of the RSFSR as part of the Union was outlined in the new constitution of the USSR, adopted in 1936. According to the document, from the composition federal republic The Kirghiz, Kazakh and Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics emerged. In 1940, the Karelian ASSR also followed in their footsteps. By the way, the constitution is still considered one of the most democratic main laws that have ever been adopted in the world.

Territorial transformations after the Second World War

After the end of the Great Patriotic War The territory of the RSFSR has undergone the following changes:

  • In 1945, according to the Potsdam Agreement, the Koenigsberg Special Military District became part of the USSR and the RSFSR. Later this important part East Prussia was renamed to Kaliningrad region. Thanks to this act, the state's borders seriously advanced in a western direction.
  • In 1954, the Crimean region of the RSFSR became part of the Ukrainian SSR. However, the status of Sevastopol was not indicated, and at the time of the transfer of the peninsula it was a city of republican subordination to the RSFSR.
  • In July 1956, the composition Soviet Russia The Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic re-entered.

Composition of the RSFSR at the time of the formation of the Russian Federation

  • Ingush Republic;
  • Chechen;
  • Karachay-Cherkessia;
  • Chuvash;
  • Udmurt;
  • Kabardino-Balkarian;
  • Bashkortostan;
  • Dagestan;
  • Buryatia;
  • Kalmykia;
  • Marie El;
  • Karelia;
  • Tatarstan;
  • Tuva;
  • Adygea;
  • Sakha (Yakutia);
  • Khakassia;
  • Gorny Altai;
  • Komi et al.

Regions, territories and republics had equal status and rights.

At the end of December 1991, a declaration was adopted in Moscow proclaiming the cessation of the existence of the USSR, the RSFSR was recognized as its legal successor, and took the place of the Union in international organizations.

Soviet Russia was the basis for the remaining 14 republics of the Union. For many residents of that country, it made no difference which republic they were in, because the state policy was aimed at uniting peoples and preserving them cultural heritage, where, of course, there were differences. There was an idea of ​​political and economic unification to confront the West.


From the video you will receive additional information about the RSFSR.

The name RSFSR first appeared in 1918, it was used as the name for the world's first proletarian state, formed after the October Revolution, which occurred in 1917. It existed until the end of December 1991, when a decision was made to rename the country to the Russian Federation. So how did the formation of the RSFSR happen, how does this abbreviation stand for and what are the most significant events that took place on its territory? All this is important to know, if only because it is possible to make a forecast of the future of any country only on the basis of knowledge about its history.

Formation of a new state on the territory of the former Russian Empire

As a result of the October Revolution, which some historians are inclined to consider a coup, the Republic was proclaimed, and in January 1918 the Third Congress of Soviets approved an important document - the Declaration, which proclaimed the rights of “the working and exploited people.” The same document announced that the new state was federal, and after some time they began to use the abbreviation RSFSR to designate it, the decoding of which sounded like the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. However, at that time the country did not yet have either official symbols or a strong government capable of controlling its entire vast territory.

History (before joining the USSR)

Between February and March 1918, council power was established in a significant part of the provinces of the former Russian Empire, and Moscow was proclaimed the capital instead of Petrograd. To strengthen their influence and in order to forever bury the hopes of the monarchists for the revival of autocracy in the country, in July in Yekaterinburg the Bolsheviks shot the family of Nicholas II. Interestingly, almost the next day after this, the first Constitution of the RSFSR came into force. This event meant the end of the period of uncertainty, when the boundaries of the subjects of the federation were literally drawn on maps “by eye,” and two or even three councils, as they were then called, “workers’,” “soldiers,” or “soldiers,” could simultaneously operate on the same territory. peasant" deputies. Thus, at that time, to the question of what the RSFSR was, there was only one correct answer - the world’s first state of an exploited people, where they were going to build communism.

Civil war

Composition of the RSFSR at the time of the formation of the Russian Federation

By December 25, 1993, the RSFSR consisted of the Ingush, Chechen, Karachay-Cherkess, Chuvash, Udmurt, Kabardino-Balkarian republics, as well as the republics of Bashkortostan, Buryatia, Dagestan, Kalmykia, Karelia, Mari El, Tatarstan, Sakha (Yakutia), Tuva, Adygea, Gorny Altai, Khakassia, Komi, etc. Thus, the answer to the question of what the RSFSR is and what subjects it consisted of at the moment sounds like this: it is a federal state consisting of large quantity regions, territories and republics having equal rights and status.

At the end of December 1991, a declaration was adopted in Moscow, which declared the cessation of existence and the Russian Federation (at that time the RSFSR) was recognized as the legal successor of all former USSR and took his place in international organizations.

Now you know that the RSFSR is an abbreviation that was used to designate first the world’s first “state of victorious socialism,” and later one of the republics that were part of the USSR, of which our country is today the legal successor.

The revolution that took place in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century, and the changes that followed, led to the fact that this territory first became known as the RSFSR (with the decoding Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic), and then became part of the USSR, which in the 90s ceded CIS place. Such a rapid change in the names of states often confuses and confuses. However, you just have to understand the terminology and chronology of events, and the differences between the RSFSR and the USSR will become clear.

Revolution in Russia of 1917 and its result

The result of the 1917 February Revolution was the creation of the Provisional Government, as supreme body authorities, and a collegial body with representatives of these classes, the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies . Ascended to the throne after abdication of Nicholas II, Mikhail Romanov transferred all power and authority to the Provisional Government. This meant the end of the monarchical system. The Provisional Council gained full power, and Russia transformed from an Empire into a Republic on September 1, 1917.

It took some more time for the Sovietization of the entire territory of the state and the establishment of Soviet power. These events led to that on June 19, 1918, the Constitution of the RSFSR was put into effect, assigning to it the official status and name of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic.

Territorial structure of the RSFSR

The issue of redistributing borders within the state was raised before the 1917 revolution. The need to create new provinces from Siberia and central Russia was discussed. When the Provisional Government came to power, it was decided to move from words to deeds. In Siberia from Tomsk province Altai was separated, Bukeevskaya was separated from Astrakhan province.

In parallel with the process of Sovietization, there was a wave of creation of Soviet republics and non-Soviet autonomies on the territory of the RSFSR. In addition, some territories completely separated from the country, forming their own states.

Autonomous republics on the territory of the RSFSR

The first autonomies within the RSFSR formed in territories opposed to the Soviets, as one might think. The Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic primarily formed territories with a predominant Muslim population. Thus, the state began to include regions that were not actually its subjects. The autonomies had their own authorities, constitutions, and representatives in the union parliament.

During the entire period of streamlining power by the Council on the territory of the state from 1918 to 1922, eight autonomous republics arose within the RSFSR:

If you pay attention to the map of the RSFSR of that period, you can note that the hierarchy of state subjects was not limited only to the autonomous republics within its composition. The autonomous regions also stood apart, although with less independence. Initially there were 12 of them, however, the process did not stop . At the same time, the region could later “grow” into a republic, and vice versa. An illustrative example is Kyrgyzstan, which emerged as an autonomous region within the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, then turned into the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and later, along with Kazakhstan, acquired the status of a union republic.

One more autonomous entity There were national labor communes on the map of the RSFSR, however, all of them were later reorganized into autonomous republics or regions. Other territories were divided into provinces.

Territorial reforms of the subjects of the RSFSR

Later, after the reform of the administrative-territorial division, in 1929, a decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was published, completely abolishing the provinces and dictating the need for the formation of regions and territories in these territories. Thus, provinces, volosts, and districts were liquidated. Among the subjects of the RSFSR, large territorial units (6 regions and 7 territories), as well as the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, autonomous regions, and national districts, which violated the uniform division of territories, were highlighted on the map.

Time has shown that such large entities are quite cumbersome to manage due to large areas and population size. Therefore, subsequent reforms were aimed at disaggregation and fragmentation of territories . The first period came for 1930–1939, and then the process continued after the war until 1954. New territories that became part of the USSR and the RSFSR were also subject to reform.

Further changes were no longer so large-scale, and the map of the RSFSR from 1958, for example, is in many ways similar to the modern map Russian Federation by composition of subjects. During the period of perestroika, changes were made to the names of some cities and the status of some autonomous entities was changed. The Act of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated July 3, 1991 consolidated the latest changes in the territorial composition of the RSFSR.

The end date of the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics considered December 30, 1922. It was then that a declaration on its creation was adopted at the First Congress of Soviets of the USSR. By this time the following socialist republics already existed:

  • Russian (RSFSR).
  • Ukrainian.
  • Belarusian.
  • Azerbaijani.
  • Armenian.
  • Georgian.

Their representatives had the opportunity to decide in what form the union would be formed. The idea of ​​creating a union of Soviet republics, with a vector towards a centralized unification, won.

Later joined the USSR included such republics as:

  • Turkmen.
  • Uzbek.
  • Tajik.
  • Azerbaijani.
  • Kyrgyz.
  • Kazakh.
  • Moldavian.
  • Lithuanian.
  • Latvian.
  • Estonian.
  • Karelo-Finnish.

The Union existed in this form until its collapse in 1991.

The fate of the RSFSR after the USSR

Collapse of the USSR

The Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR, adopted in 1990, marked the beginning of a conflict between the Union and Russian legislation, which became known as the “war of sovereignties.” In 1991, instead of the post of Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, as the highest official, the post of President of the RSFSR was introduced, to which B.N. was elected. Yeltsin.

At the same time politics USSR President Gorbachev, who embarked on the course of perestroika, caused dissatisfaction. They are trying to deprive him of power during August putsch August 19–21, 1991

These events lead to the fact that on December 8, 1991 in Belarus, the heads of the RSFSR (Russia), the BSSR (Belarus) and the Ukrainian SSR (Ukraine) signed the “Agreement on the Creation of the Commonwealth Independent States", also called the "Beloverzh Agreement". According to this document, the USSR ceased to exist. The RSFSR actually became the successor of the Union in international law and geopolitical reality. In the same year, the RSFSR changed its name to the Russian Federation.

Changes in the Russian Federation after the collapse of the USSR

The main tasks of the government of the Russian Federation after the liquidation of the USSR it was:

How to distinguish the RSFSR and the USSR?

If it is necessary to highlight the main and main difference, then we can say that these two states were a nesting doll. The USSR, like a big nesting doll, included the RSFSR and a number of other republics. The union was formed with the RSFSR, as the central Republic, and after the collapse it was the RSFSR that took its place on the political map of the world.


abbreviation, i.e. the abbreviated name of our state from January 1918 to December 1991.

In the period from October 1917 to January 1918. in the documents of Soviet authorities one can find the names: Russian Republic, Russian Soviet Republic (Soviet Russian Republic), Russian Socialist Soviet Republic. Russia was declared a federal state III All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies in the Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited People of January 25 (12), 1918 and in the resolution "On federal institutions Russian Republic" dated January 28 (15), 1918. The last document stated: “The Russian Socialist Soviet Republic is established on the basis of a voluntary union of the peoples of Russia as a federation of Soviet republics of these peoples.” Thus, from that time on, the abbreviation RSFSR exists.

Its decoding according to the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918. - Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. The state is also called in the Constitution of the USSR of 1924 and the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1925.

With the adoption of the Constitution of the USSR of 1936 and the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1937, the words “Soviet” and “Socialist” swapped places, and the name of the state became: Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.

In connection with the abolition of the USSR and the rejection of the concept of the Soviet and socialist organization of power in Russia, the Supreme Council of the RSFSR adopted the Law “On changing the name of the state of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic” on December 25, 1991. It became known as “Russian Federation - Russia”. On April 21, 1992, this name was reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and then in the current Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 (S.A.)

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. When it comes to the RSFSR, deciphering the abbreviation causes difficulties.

Vague memories emerge from school course history, but the “legends of deep antiquity” do not bring clarity: the details are safely forgotten.

Let's mentally shake off the dust from the old textbook and find out what is hidden under the letters of the RSFSR - this knowledge will not be superfluous!

RSFSR: decoding and essence

Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic - this is how the concept of “RSFSR” has been deciphered since 1936.

Earlier, in 1917-18, the 4 letters that interest us meant the same thing, only the words “socialist” and “Soviet” swapped places. The “castling” of 1936 gave rise to a version of the decryption that remained until December 1991.

In those pre-New Year days, the RSFSR was replaced by a name familiar to everyone: the Russian Federation, or simply Russia.

Do not confuse the RSFSR and. To clearly understand the difference between these concepts, it is enough to imagine a nesting doll. The RSFSR was part of the USSR in the status of one of the 15 union republics - just like inside a large matryoshka “mother” there are smaller toys.

How the RSFSR was formed

The revolutionary year 1917 became a year of global change for the Russian Empire. After the abdication of Nicholas II, the state ceased to exist in its previous status. At first, from September to November 7, 1917, it was called the Russian Republic.

After the final victory of the Bolsheviks, this name was still used, but during the hot October events of 1917, a different designation was introduced - the Russian Soviet Republic.

The number 1 socialist state in the world began in 1917 international activities. The first “contactor” at the highest government level was the Republic of Finland, the second was Germany.

The beginning of 1918 was characterized by confusion in all areas. In one area, sometimes several different committees, revolutionary military councils and other “management companies” simultaneously ruled. Here and there, provinces and regions, taking advantage of the chaos, declared their independence. The capital of the new state moved from Petrograd to Moscow, but this did not add order.

Constitution of the RSFSR 1918 fixed the abbreviation “RSFSR” as the official name and streamlined the administration of the newly created state.

Flag and coat of arms of the RSFSR

In 1918 coat of arms of the republic depicted as a golden sickle and hammer in the sun's rays. All this splendor, located on a red background, was surrounded by a crown of ears of corn with inscriptions reflecting the decoding of the name of the republic and the slogan “Workers of all countries, unite!”

In 1978, the coat of arms was decorated with a red star. It remained in this form until 1992, when a new inscription appeared - “Russian Federation”. And already in 1993, the coat of arms of Russia was approved in its current form.

Republic flag originally it was a red rectangle with the inscription “RSFSR” in the upper corner near the shaft, placed in a gold frame. The letters were depicted in gold, in the Slavic style. In 1925, the Constitution of the RSFSR added dots between the letters.

In 1937, the “Slavic” image of the letters was abandoned, replacing them with regular ones. The gold border and dots are gone.

In 1954, the flag was changed: a blue stripe lay near the line of the flagpole, the letters disappeared - they were replaced by the image of a sickle, a hammer and a star in the upper left corner.

Since 1991, the flag of the RSFSR has become white, azure and scarlet. It remained this way until 1993 - until the “tricolor” was approved in its modern version.

How the RSFSR was governed

In 1918, the main government bodies of the RSFSR were the All-Russian Congress of Soviets (formed on the basis of multi-stage elections, convened at least 2 times a year, since 1921 - at least 1 time), and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, which acted between the Congresses (stands for the All-Russian Central Executive Committee).

The Constitution of 1937 abolished these bodies, they were replaced by the Supreme Council, elected for a 4-year period.

In 1989, another very significant body appeared: the Congress of People's Deputies. It was formed by the people and “ruled in a serious manner”: it elected the Supreme Council, adopted the Constitution, approved the candidacy of the Prosecutor General and resolved many other primary issues at the republican level.

The main executive body was the Government (until 1946 - the Council People's Commissars, then, until 1991 - the Council of Ministers).

Among the “neighbors” in the Union, and even at the USSR level, the Communist Party played the main leading and directing role, but the RSFSR did not have one until 1990, and did not have its first party secretaries.

During its entire stay in the Union, the borders of the largest republic changed many times.

Here are the most significant changes:

  1. In 1924, the Uzbek and Turkmen SSRs were formed (the corresponding territories were transferred from Russia).
  2. In 1936, large parts separated from the RSFSR, becoming the Kazakh and Kyrgyz SSR. The Kara-Kalpak ASSR was transferred to the Uzbek SSR.
  3. In 1940, Karelia became the Karelo-Finnish SSR (and therefore “broke away” from Russia).
  4. In 1944, the Tuva Autonomous Okrug joined.
  5. After the military events of 1941-1945, new additions came to the “friendly family”: the Kuril Islands, South Sakhalin, the region of East Prussia with Koenigsberg.
  6. In 1954, the Crimean region was transferred “from hand to hand” to the Ukrainian SSR. After 2 years, Karelia “returned”, again becoming the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

The internal borders of the republic were not constant either. It consisted of autonomous regions (ASSR), autonomous okrugs(JSC), “simply” regions, territories. Their quantitative ratio changed repeatedly, one after another followed by waves of consolidation and disaggregation.

Thus, in the 1920s, the territories were unified, but managing them turned out to be difficult; in the 30s, everything was disaggregated.

Before the end of its existence, the RSFSR was divided into 16 autonomous republics, 6 territories, 49 regions, 5 autonomous regions, 10 autonomous okrugs and 2 cities of republican significance.

RSFSR in the friendly family of the USSR

In 1922, the RSFSR, “in an uncontrollable single impulse,” united with Transcaucasia, Ukraine and Belarus in the USSR. Until the collapse of the state in 1991, it remained a union republic. It had no competitors in terms of territory, size and national diversity of the population.

In addition to the Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Cossacks, Chuvash, Germans, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Poles, Mari, Uzbeks, Chechens, Karelians, Buryats lived here... This is not a complete list of nationalities inhabiting the RSFSR.

Paradoxically, Russia, in terms of the ratio of indicators of production and consumption of goods, was not among the “prosperous” republics of the Union. Its population (with the exception of capital cities) lived modestly.

And all because it was a priority equalization of the living standards of the republics within the USSR. This became a challenge because it was very different from the start. It was impossible to do without large-scale investments, and the RSFSR became the main “investor”.

During times Soviet Union The RSFSR acted as a donor for other republics—the “rising borderlands,” as they were sometimes called.

It often turned out that, with formal equality, the Soviet periphery lived better than the central regions of the country. In other republics they said that Russians live poorly because they are lazy - they say they don’t know how to work. Local elites tried to “stir up” such opinions, which in the early 90s contributed to the collapse of the state.

When the USSR collapsed, the largest republic became its legal successor. In 1992, the name was renamed to the Russian Federation.


The collapse of the USSR led to the fact that the “brotherly” republics separated from single state. This cup has not passed the RSFSR either: in 1990, the Declaration was approved here, and reform began taking into account new realities.

So one of components the impressive painted “matryoshka doll” called the USSR has turned into a power with generally recognized world authority. And these are not toys!

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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