The Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks and the Moscow Regional Diocese held a seminar on the social service of the Cossacks. The Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks and the Moscow Regional Diocese held a seminar dedicated to

On a clear sunny day, May 14, 2016, in the Church of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, on Ivanovskaya Street 3, an event took place that will be remembered for a long time by the parishioners present here. There was a prayer service, the bass voice of Fr. Vladimir - the rector of the Temple, with a figure and appearance similar to the epic hero who came out of Vasnetsov’s paintings. He was echoed by a choir of extraordinary purity and strength. Unlike what sometimes happens during prayer services, all the Cossacks who arrived at the Temple that day did not crowd near the fence, smoking and lazily exchanging unhurried words among themselves, but stood throughout the prayer service as it should be in the right vestibule of the Temple, earnestly listening to the words of prayers, imprinting them in their hearts.

And on this day the Cossacks arrived at the Temple from Prisud, the very heart of the Cossack region, led by Ataman Donskoy Cossack army Union of Cossacks Skabelin Vladimir Vasilyevich, accompanied by the Cossacks of the troops of Andrei Muravyov, Sergei Tugolukov, Viktor Sivogrivov and wife Svetlana, and the Cossacks of the Moscow Regional Cossack District of the Cossack Union led by Ataman Kriulin Viktor Alexandrovich, and the Cossacks of the Babushkinsky Cossack farm of the NEAD mountains. Moscow, led by Ataman Turchenko Arkady Valerievich, accompanied by Ozerov Boris Evgenievich and his Cossack son Miron. General of the Main Directorate of the General Staff, Hero of Russia Vadim Vilyevich Makarov, also arrived. And the receiving party were Cossacks: Mikhail Dmitrievich Pankratov, Sergey Smirnov, Igor Bobrik-Zubchenko, Igor Shumilov and many others. And the event was the holding of an organizational circle for the creation of a winter village in the Moscow region of the Don Cossack Army of the Cossack Union and, accordingly, the election of an Ataman. After the prayer service, the Cossacks gathered in an organized manner under the shade of linden and elm trees in the courtyard of the Temple. The “12 Holidays” icon was introduced. Under the command “Attention” and “Checkers-Out” the banner of the Don Cossack Army of the Cossack Union was met. Then there was prayer.

The first to speak was Ataman of the Don Cossack Army of the Union of Cossacks Vladimir Vasilyevich Skabelin, who briefly conveyed to those present the Order on the creation of a winter village, the need to create a village, its tasks and goals. The Cossacks enthusiastically received this news with shouts of “Lyubo.”

Then there were elections for Ataman of the village. The first and last was the proposal to nominate the Cossack Mikhail Dmitrievich Pankratov to the position of Ataman. Cossack, who stood at the origins of the revival of the Cossack movement in Russia. A person deeply knowledgeable of Cossack customs and traditions, a true connoisseur and collector of Cossack ammunition and edged weapons. A man sincerely devoted to the Cossack cause. Three times Mikhail Dmitrievich refused the honor of being elected Ataman. And three times the Cossacks asked him to accept this difficult Ataman’s cross and carry it with honor as long as he had enough strength and health. Next there were questions for Pankratov. The Cossacks were meticulous and wanted to know what and how he was going to do as ataman, they gave him orders and wishes. In accordance with Cossack customs, Mikhail Dmitrievich took the Oath. A pectoral cross was shown. “Orthodox!” Then the Ataman said: “……….On Holy Scripture I swear:...To serve faithfully.... not sparing your life and belly (property)……”. The Cossacks greeted their Ataman while standing. Then there was tea and intimate conversations continued with the hospitable Fr. Vladimir in his cozy refectory.

Advisor to the Supreme Ataman of the Union of Cossacks of Russia
public relations and media,
Victor Lyadov

On July 11, 2012, on the eve of the feast of the Holy Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul, a delegation of the Klin city Cossack department, consisting of Ataman of the department, under-slave O.V. Zemskov, Comrade Ataman, sergeant-major Olipir N.V., centurion Nozdrin G.A., with their families, arrived at Belgorod land, to participate in events dedicated to the 69th anniversary of the tank battle near Prokhorovka. It should be noted that the arrival was not spontaneous. An invitation from the Cossacks of the Belgorod department and personally from the Ataman of the department, Colonel E.I. Kostyukov. was received at the 8th Grand Circle of the TFR, held in Tyumen in April-May 2012. At this important event for the Cossacks, the first personal acquaintance with the Belgorod Cossacks took place.

Upon the arrival of the Klin Cossacks, work began to settle them and their families on the territory of the Atamanskaya village: tents were quickly pitched, the minimum necessary facilities were arranged (table, benches, etc.), and an appropriate banner was erected, indicating the presence of the Klin Cossacks.

It is necessary to say specially about the place where the Cossacks who arrived for the event were located - the village of Atamanskaya. The pasture area designated for the Cossack village, at first it was limited by pillars - piles of a protective palisade and entrance gate, but then began to quickly transform. Literally in a day or two, two external hitching posts appeared, and on the very territory of the future estate, away from the gate, the basis of the summer refectory ( Cossacks, about a hundred), two watchtowers and a cannon platform raised to the required height and a log house of a well, an alarm place. A little later, in the center of the construction site, the Cossacks dug sixteen oak piles, on which, in a record time - in just over a week, a spacious refectory for a good hundred Cossacks was erected. A chapel was erected. So, literally in two working weeks, a Cossack guard village arose in the village of Prelestnoye, Prokhorovsky district, on land generously watered with the blood of Russian soldiers during the Prokhorovsky tank battle, also called the Third Military Field of Russia. Everything was built in it, by the way, with funds and donations from the Cossacks of the Belgorod department and their own personal efforts.

After the placement, live communication between the Cossacks and their families immediately began. Cossacks and Cossack girls rode horses. Communication seemed to be about various issues in the life of the Cossacks and continued over the meal, which was organized by the Cossacks of the Belgorod Cossack Department. Field kitchen did not stop her work for a minute.

At the end of the first day of the stay, the Cossack ensemble “Bogatitsa” performed with a concert. Like a Cossack, the Cossack song flowed dashingly and sincerely from the lips of this talented group.

The next day, July 12, is the day of the Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul. 69 years ago on this day, near Prokhorovka, the greatest tank battle, the likes of which has never been seen, took place. Then in 1943 the troops Soviet army captured by the troops of Nazi Germany in a mortal battle, in one of the decisive battles of the Great Patriotic War.

Under the scorching sun, and the temperature at its apogee reached + 38, the Cossacks, after formation, moved to the Belfry - the site of festive events dedicated to the battle of Prokhorovka. In Cossack law, with banners, pulled up, the Cossacks arrived in formation and in an organized manner to a certain place.

The ceremonial events in Prokhorovka began in the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, where the Divine Liturgy was celebrated by the head of the Belgorod Metropolis, Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol. Next, officials and delegations laid flowers at the Victory Monument - Belfry and busts of the great commanders of the three military fields of Russia - Dmitry Donskoy, Mikhail Kutuzov and Georgy Zhukov.

At the appointed time, the official part of the event began. It was attended by the Acting Governor Belgorod region Evgeny Savchenko, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation Nikolai Ryzhkov, chief federal inspector in the Belgorod region Alexander Zakorzhevsky, chairman of the Belgorod regional Duma Ivan Kulabukhov, head of the Belgorod Metropolitanate, Archbishop of Belgorod and Stary Oskol Ioann, chairman of the Council of the All-Russian Veterans Organization Dmitry Karabanov, members of the government of the Belgorod region, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, delegations of federal government bodies in the region, representatives of public associations.

Then a memorial meeting was held at the Belfry, at which Evgeniy Savchenko, Bishop John and Dmitry Karabanov addressed Belgorod residents and guests.

In his speech, the acting head of the region, in particular, said: “Here, in the battle of Prokhorovka, thousands Soviet soldiers took the last step - towards immortality. They saved the lives of all generations who came to this land after them and did not hear the roar of shells, did not know the troubles of such large-scale wars. ... Dear veterans! On behalf of all Belgorod residents, allow me to express to you words of deep gratitude for your perseverance and courage, for the Life you have won. A low bow to your comrades in arms who laid down their lives for the sake of a free Motherland!” With a minute of silence, those present honored the memory of the heroes of the Battle of Kursk and the Battle of Prokhorov.

On the day of the 69th anniversary of the Battle of Prokhorov, a grand opening and consecration of the bell organ - carillon, which, on the initiative of Evgeny Savchenko, was specially made for the Belgorod region by masters from Holland, took place at the Belgorod. Unique musical instrument consecrated by the head of the Belgorod Metropolis, Archbishop of Belgorod and Stary Oskol John. Belgorod residents and guests of the Prokhorov land were able to appreciate the majestic sound of the carillon by listening to fragments from famous musical works.

The festive events continued with the thematic concert “Battle Field – Victory Field” by the vocal and choreographic ensemble “Belogorye”.

Then the reenactors delighted everyone present at the celebration with a historical reconstruction of the battle that took place in 1943. Participants in the reconstruction, dressed in the uniform of Soviet and German troops and having weapons of that time, showed a fragment of the battle that was introduced at that time. There were shots, explosions of mines and shells (of course not real ones), etc. A remarkable fact is that during the preparation of the reconstruction and development of the land plot, the remains of a soldier and an unexploded grenade were discovered, which was most likely clutched in the hand of a dead soldier. This once again confirms the ferocity and intensity of the battle near Prokhorovka. According to the testimony of residents, the land still abundantly produces evidence of that time (cases, weapons, ammunition, etc.).

The main thing at this holiday were, of course, veterans. The Cossacks managed to communicate with one of these veterans, the legendary intelligence officer Antonina Vladimirovna Efremova (by the way, a resident of Serpukhov, Moscow Region) in an informal setting. Maria Mikhailovna is a person of amazing destiny. At the age of 14 she went to the front. I got involved in reconnaissance. And then, on one of the reconnaissance missions, she alone encountered a group of German intelligence officers. In hand-to-hand combat, wielding only one knife, she defeated two Fritzes, and our scouts, who had arrived by that time, helped deal with the third.

At the end of the Holiday, the Cossacks returned to the village, where they were waiting important event- consecration of the chapel. The chapel in the name of the Don Icon of the Mother of God was consecrated by the head of the Belgorod metropolis, Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol. Witnesses and participants of this important Union of Cossacks of Russia for the entire Belgorod Cossacks were not only the Cossacks, Cossack women and Cossacks of the BKO, but their guests from the Moscow, Moscow regional and North Don Cossack districts, Cossack brothers from neighboring Ukraine. Also participating in the consecration ceremony were members of the Ataman Board of the TFR, including the Deputy Supreme Ataman, the marching Ataman of the TFR, Cossack Colonel K. N. Golovanov, the head of the administration of the Prokhorovsky district S. M. Kanishchev, and other officials representing the legislative and representative branches of government of the region and the municipality.

The head of the Belgorod metropolis, Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol, having performed the rite of consecration of the Cossack marching chapel of the Cossack guard village “Atamanskaya”, addressed the Word of God to the Cossacks and all other participants in the ceremony. In this address, he highly appreciated the work of the Cossacks of the BKO in its construction, emphasizing the enduring significance of the event itself both for the Cossacks and Cossack women of the Belgorod Cossack department, and for believers of the entire Belgorod metropolis. As Bishop John emphasized, the event itself and the attitude of the BKO Cossacks towards the Orthodox Faith convinced him that he had someone to rely on in his service to God. Equally high were the assessments of the work done by the Cossacks of the Belgorod Cossack Department on the construction of the camp chapel and all other objects of the guard Cossack village in Prelestnoye. And now it will become the center of development and strengthening not of the Belgorod Cossacks, but of all nearby departments and districts of the TFR.

After a busy day, the Cossacks, Cossack women and Cossack women were treated to a long-awaited and, as always, delicious lunch. But that's it holiday events not finished. On the evening of July 12, the Cossacks advanced to the village. Prokhorovka to participate in the festive concert, at which the Bogatitsa ensemble also performed. It should be noted that this group gave three concerts that day, and the air temperature was already +38!

This is how the day passed on July 12, 2012 in the village of Atamanskaya. The evening came, which was marked by the performance of the ensemble “Bogatitsa”, a demonstration of mastery of a saber and a whip to the song “Oh-sya, you-oh-sya...” by the Cossacks from Novy Oskol, the cutting of vines, bottles by the Cossacks, etc.

July 13, 2012 was the day the Cossacks left for their kurens, farmsteads and villages. The Klin Cossacks and their families, having woken up, prayed in the chapel, put themselves in order, began preparing to go home. Still, there was a long but joyful path to home. How the fees were introduced were not long and, having said goodbye to the Cossacks and atamans, thanking them for the warm and rosy welcome, mounting their “iron” horses, the Cossacks of the KGKO moved towards the house, on the way stopping at a holy spring, where they plunged into the invigorating water on the path, after why we visited the museum of the third military field in the village of Prokhorovka and the magnificent Church of Peter and Paul, located next to the museum.

On behalf of the entire Klin city Cossack department of the Moscow regional Cossack district of the Union of Cossacks of Russia, I would like to thank with great warmth all the Cossacks and atamans of the Belgorod Cossack department, Ataman of the BKO Colonel E.I. Kostyukov, for the reception, for the relaxed Cossack communication and the joyful state that we had us to survive those July days.

Thank God that we are Cossacks!!!

Ataman of the Klin city Cossack department of the MOKO TFR

sub-horuner Zemskov O.V.

Alexey Frolov (BKO)

Materials were used from the official website of the Governor and Government of the Belgorod Region.



































Construction of the village. Celebration on Prokhorovsky field and in the village


The ranks of village and farm Cossack societies within the Belgorod Cossack department of the Union of Cossacks of Russia are visibly growing and expanding. The deeds and services of the Cossacks are multiplying. And this happens not from year to year, not from month to month, but almost weekly, daily.

The events of the first half of this summer confirm this. Their peak should be considered the participation of the Cossacks of the department in the celebrations of the 69th anniversary of the victory in tank battle near Prokhorovka - on the third military field of Russia.

For the celebrations on the occasion of the victory in the largest oncoming tank battle, which is called the culmination of the Battle of Kursk, which decided the outcome of the Second World War, the Cossacks of the BKO SKR prepared with soul, as they say, and heart. Everything is clear here, most of them had fathers and grandfathers killed in the Russian soil in the Battle of Kursk - famous and little-known heroes of the Second World War, defenders of the Fatherland, whose names the current generations of Cossacks bear with pride. The June-July preparation for the celebrations, which coincided with the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, was filled not so much with drill and other training classes, but real work to educate the younger generation in Cossack traditions, and also to strengthen the material base for this.

Words and deeds do not diverge

In the village of Prelestnoye, near Prokhorovka, BKO Cossacks and their families are frequent guests. The village attracts the attention of the Cossacks not only with its bright, joyful name. It houses a mass grave - one of the largest burial places of Soviet soldiers who died in battles with the Nazis on the territory of the Prokhorovskoe Field state military-historical museum-reserve. To bow in honor to his fallen Cossack heroes. And starting this summer, the village of Prelestnoye will be a hundred times more valuable to them. And because this is because with their hands, at the expense of the Belgorod Cossack Department, a special material landmark was created - the Cossack guard village “Atamanskaya”.

This object, which will, without a doubt, have lasting importance for the development and strengthening of the Cossacks in the Belgorod region, has a rather simple and at the same time remarkable history. The idea of ​​reconstructing the Cossack guard villages haunted the ataman of the BKO, Cossack Colonel Kostyukov, for about two years. Evgeniy Ivanovich studied the issue scrupulously and comprehensively. I personally examined several of these objects. I found reconstruction projects. The ataman decided to begin implementing the idea this summer, relying on the support of the Cossacks of the department. The place where the first village was built was the village of Prelestnoye, which has long been both the abode of the Belgorod Cossacks and the site of a great human feat in the summer of 1943.

Without hesitation, the Cossacks got down to business. And their deeds, as you know, do not differ from their words. With God's help, at the end of June, work began in full swing on the pasture, opposite the already existing cultural and health center “Russian Estate”. Cossacks from Belgorodskaya, Novooskolskaya, Chernyanskaya, “Preobrazhenskaya” and other BKO villages began to frequent the village. Work was found here for both skilled village residents and Cossacks who did not know construction professions.

The pasture area designated for the Cossack estate began to quickly transform. At first it was limited by pillars - piles for a protective palisade and entrance gate. In just a day or two, two external hitching posts appeared next to the piles. On the territory of the future village, at a distance from the gate, a summer refectory (for about a hundred Cossacks) and two watchtowers grew up. A cannon platform, also raised on stilts, stood above the ground, and nearby there appeared the frame of an improvised well with a crane and an alarm place. At the same time, in the center of the construction site, the Cossacks dug sixteen oak piles, on which, in a record time - in just seven or eight days, a chapel, large enough for several dozen Cossacks, was built, wooden, like all other objects of the village.

This is how, in record time, literally two working weeks, in the village of Prelestnoye, on land generously watered with the blood of Russian soldiers, a Cossack guard village grew up. Everything was built in it, we emphasize once again, with funds and donations from the Cossacks of the Belgorod department and their personal labors for the glory of the Russian Cossacks.

On the eve of the feast of Saints Peter and Paul and the celebrations on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of the victory in the tank battle near Prokhorovka, work on the territory of the Cossack guard village "Atamanskaya" became quiet. But the day when they will resume is not far off. By the way, an ataman’s hut will appear in the guard village, and maybe even a real Cossack bathhouse and other buildings necessary for Cossack camp life, life in the field, and also a protective palisade. And may God grant that the ataman of the BKO, the Cossack colonel E.I. Kostyukov, who started the business, and all of us Cossacks, complete it exactly as planned - successfully and without delay!

And now it will become the center of development and strengthening not of the Belgorod Cossacks, but of all nearby departments and districts of the TFR. And in the future, many summer Cossack rallies and festivals of the Cossack culture of the Union will be held there. Also, the village can become an attractive point of interesting excursion and tourist routes of the Prokhorovsky district and the entire Belgorod region. This, in turn, will allow expanding the boundaries of the activities of the BKO ICR in the patriotic, spiritual and cultural education of Cossacks and, in general, the entire younger generation of Belgorod residents in the good traditions of the glorious Russian Cossacks...

In the service of Orthodoxy, Russia and society

The morning of July 12 for three hundred Cossacks of the Belgorod Cossack department of the TFR began with participation in the main celebrations that took place that day on Prokhorovskaya land, dedicated Orthodox holiday in honor of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and, of course, the 69th anniversary of the victory in the tank battle - the culminating one in the Battle of Kursk. In order to cover all their units, the ataman board of the BKO, its ataman, Cossack Colonel E.I. Kostyukov, clearly distributed the department’s forces into several Cossack groups. One of them was made up of the Cossacks of the village community “Chernyanskaya”, led by the village ataman, military foreman A. A. Tobolenko.

The Cossacks of this village, recognized as the most active in the BKO TFR, were entrusted with attending the morning Divine service in memory of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and upon its completion, leading the festive religious procession around the temple grounds. The Cossacks protected order and the safety of citizens during the funeral litany, which was performed by the head of the Belgorod Metropolis, Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol. Its participants were the acting governor of the Belgorod region E. S. Savchenko, member of the Federation Council N. I. Ryzhkov, chairman of the Belgorod regional Duma I. N. Kulabukhov, head of the administration of the Prokhorovsky district S. M. Kanishchev, other federal and regional officials bodies of the representative and legislative branches of government.

At the same time, a larger group of Cossacks from the BKO TFR took part and served in the central location of the third military field of Russia - at the Belfry. The Cossacks of the TFR created a “living corridor” to meet distinguished guests here, and a little later they stood in a cordon and ensured public order and the safety of citizens at the belfry together with law enforcement officers during the official festive ceremony and further during the ceremonial events organized here and the reconstruction of the Prokhorov battle . As in the Church of Peter and Paul, here the Cossacks of the BKO TFR coped with the tasks assigned to them in the best possible way.

Having carried out charitable deeds in the Church of Peter and Paul, at the belfry of the third Battle Field of Russia, the Cossacks of all groups of the BKO gathered at the Storozhevoye farm, which is near Prokhorovka. Here, at the Mass Grave, the largest burial place of Soviet soldiers on Prokhorovskaya land, all of them, as well as representatives of the Cossack delegations who were visiting during the festive celebrations in the Belgorod region at the invitation of the Ataman board of the Belgorod Cossack department of the Union of Cossacks of Russia, took part in the Memorial service, which was celebrated by the Cossack confessor , priest of the BKO, esaul of the TFR Fr. Vladimir.

They did a great job...

At the end of the memorial service in Storozhevoy, the Cossacks of the department arrived in Prelestnoye, where, in fact, the main events for them took place on the extremely eventful holiday day of July 12th. The central place in them was, of course, occupied by the consecration by the head of the Belgorod Metropolis, the Archbishop of Belgorod and Stary Oskol, of the most important object for the Cossacks and dear to them, the Cossack guard village “Atamanskaya” - the chapel in the name of the Don Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Not only themselves, the Cossacks and Cossacks of the department, but also guests from the Moscow, North-Don Cossack districts, and Ukraine became participants and witnesses of this important case for the Cossacks of the BKO ICR. Also participating in the consecration ceremony were members of the ataman board of the TFR, including the deputy supreme ataman, marching ataman of the TFR K. N. Golovanov, the appointed ataman of the North Don Cossack district, the head of the administration of the Prokhorovsky district S. M. Kanishchev, and other officials representing the authorities legislative and representative branches of government of the region and municipality, public organizations.

The head of the Belgorod metropolis, Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol, having performed the rite of consecration of the chapel in the name of the Donskaya Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of the guard Cossack village “Atamanskaya”, addressed God’s word to the Cossacks and all other participants in the ceremony. In this address, he highly appreciated the work of the Cossacks of the BKO in its construction, emphasizing the enduring significance of the event itself both for the Cossacks, Cossacks and Cossacks of the Belgorod Cossack department, and for believers of the entire Belgorod metropolis. As Bishop John emphasized, the event itself and the attitude of the BKO Cossacks towards the Orthodox faith convinced him that he had someone to rely on in his service to God.

The assessments of the work done by the Cossacks of the BKO in the construction of the camp chapel and other buildings of the guard village, voiced in other speeches, were just as high. It was especially pleasant to listen to the Cossacks with gratitude from the Deputy Supreme Ataman, marching Ataman of the Union of Cossacks of Russia, Cossack Colonel of the TFR K.N. Golovanov and Ataman of the North Don Cossack District, Cossack Colonel of the TFR V.I. Galushkin. In both speeches they emphasized special role Belgorod Cossack department (practically the youngest Cossack formation in the structure of the Union of Cossacks of Russia) in serving the Cossacks. And also in the work on the patriotic education of youth and in all other godly deeds accomplished by the Cossacks of the BKO, to which the events of July 12, 2012, first of all, the opening of the Cossack guard village “Atamanskaya” in the village of Prelestnoye, are direct confirmation. All speeches were accepted by the people present at the consecration ceremony, and the Cossacks, of course, loudly “Lyubo!”...

And chop with a saber, play the button accordion, sing songs - the Cossack can do everything...

Before and after the consecration ceremony, the time of the Cossacks and guests of the department, who stayed in the village of Atamanskaya on July 12, was also filled to the limit with important matters. A special moment in their chain was the presentation of letters and the promulgation of orders from the Supreme Ataman of the TFR on the assignment of extraordinary ranks of the TFR to the Cossacks, who distinguished themselves mainly in the construction of the first guard Cossack village in the Belgorod region. Among those who were honored on this day by the Supreme Ataman and the Ataman of the BKO were Cossack officers and lower ranks. And in the list of those who especially distinguished themselves, the names of the brothers Anatoly and Alexander Kiselyov from the Stanitsa community “Chernyanskaya” appeared several times, who distinguished themselves during the construction of the main facility of the guard village in Prelestnoye.

Upon completion of this important and pleasant task, the Cossacks and guests were invited to a festive meal, which included absolutely no alcoholic beverages. But even without them, everyone with great appetite and pleasure ate Cossack borscht and field porridge, as well as tea brewed with herbs, with the addition of fruits, prepared in the camp kitchen by Cossack cooks. Having satisfied their hunger and being satisfied with what the Lord God had sent, the BKO Cossacks and guests were included in the cultural and entertainment program of the holiday that unfolded in the village.

First in one place, then in another, the air suddenly exploded with Cossack songs accompanied by a button accordion, performed by groups of Cossacks and Cossack women. And on a specially prepared site, the performances of young Cossacks - fighters of the Shkval hand-to-hand combat sports club from the city of Stary Oskol - began, attracting everyone's attention and causing storms of applause. At another site, the Cossacks began to show their skills and techniques in using Cossack edged weapons - a saber, a whip, a knife. As it became clear during these speeches, most of the Cossacks of the TFR are great virtuosos in this matter. At the same venues, guests saw demonstration performances imitating ancient Cossack battles with swords, shields and bows. The delight of what he saw was written, as they say, on their faces...

The Cossacks, guests and villagers present at the festival received great pleasure from the Cossack songs and dances performed by the vocal and dance Cossack folk ensemble “Bagatitsa” from Rossosh, the Cossack song choir of the Novooskol Cossack village community of the Belgorod Cossack department of the TFR “Pole”. God did not offend the Cossacks with their skill and talents, as was clear during these performances. However, as well as responsibility for the revival, preservation and enhancement of true Cossack culture and traditions. And such recognition is expensive.


Based on materials from the speech of Ataman of the Moscow Regional Cossack District of the Cossack Union Viktor Kriulin at a training seminar of the Diocesan Department on interaction with the Cossacks on September 19, 2016.

Problems, experience and interaction with the Moscow diocese, using the example of the Klin city Cossack department of the Moscow Cossack Union.

First of all, about the district. Not wanting to bother respected persons extra numbers I'll say one thing. Moscow regional regional office All-Russian public organization“Union of Cossacks” - “Moscow Regional Cossack District” of the “Union of Cossacks” (MOKO SK) (hereinafter referred to as MOKO) was created on October 17, 2009 on St. Prophet Hosea.

IN present moment in the district there are more than 40 city and other Cossack departments, villages, farmsteads, individual hundreds, capable at their base of replenishing the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, both peacefully and in wartime, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Last week, two more Cossack units from the registry expressed their desire to join us.

The most capable of carrying out the tasks of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, in accordance with the Directives of the General Staff and GOMU, are the divisions of the Atamans of Podolinsky, Vlasov, Olipir, Selin, Bezuglova, Zemskov, Tsarenko, Bondarenko. I would especially like to note the units headed by Yun V.B. and Chaus. I.E., Baklanova I.B.

I would like to note the hundreds of our Cossacks who selflessly work to fulfill our tasks, winning honorary and prize-winning places in Cossack competitions. They are all encouraged, and I will not waste your precious time by listing these names. You already know them all. Their achievements have been recognized with awards and prizes at Inter-Republican and other competitions. As they say, the Lord tests with patience, but also rewards generously.

Thanks to our spiritual mentors, first of all Fr. Oleg Denisyuk, Fr. Gennady Bylba, Fr. Michael, Hieromonk Dorotheus, we began our journey in Christ and of course, Fr. Mark, from the beginning of whose leadership a true turn towards the unification of the Cossacks began. He started simple: he simply suggested that we study one member of the Creed per month.

At first it seemed funny: think about filling out a few lines a month. But having understood their meaning, perceiving them not with the mind, but with the heart, it turned out to be much more difficult.

It's the same with our kleynods. Some are here, others are elsewhere. The Ataman board of the district decided that the kleinods should gather in one place during especially significant events. We describe the solemnity of layout. But I'll talk about this later. Our Kleinods: Kleinods MOKO - Banner, icon of the Mother of God "Recovery of the Lost", Cross, Pernach. In accordance with the decision of the ataman board of the district, the following are stored:

The banner with the face of Christ the Savior - a symbol of MOKO and separate divisions of MOKO, in accordance with the decision of the Ataman Board of MOKO, is kept in the Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Demyanovo, Klin, Moscow region and was taken out on especially important occasions (especially significant holidays of Klin (liberation from fascist invaders, recruiting of the Cossacks, meeting of the Ataman of the Cossack Union, hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, funeral of the Ataman). The colors of the flag have deep roots. Black color (the color of the Russian double-headed eagle) is a symbol of sovereignty, state stability and strength, and the inviolability of historical borders. Golden (yellow) color is the color of the banner of Orthodox Byzantium - a symbol of spirituality, aspirations for moral improvement, and fortitude.

White color is a symbol of eternity and purity, a symbol of great, selfless and joyful sacrifice for the Fatherland. This is our point of serving the Fatherland.

As you have already noticed, representatives of such a glorious assembly that the MOKO of the Cossack Union are by no means ancient representatives of the Cossack family, by no means gray-bearded grandfathers (and just as there are not enough of them as the original guardians of Cossack traditions), as some gentlemen tried to imagine us.

Since the beginning of the replenishment of the MOKO (the first division within the MOCO was the Volokolamsk city Cossack department), the Ataman board of the MOCO TFR adopted the fundamental principles of churching of the Cossacks and members of their families, which correspond to the basic principles now adopted by the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks:

1. Every Cossack and members of his family are called upon to visit God's Temple, as a rule, on Sundays and holidays.
2. Every Cossack is called to live in a married life.
3. Every child in a Cossack family must be baptized.
4. A Cossack, if he wants to live the fullness of church life, is obliged to regularly participate in the Sacrament of Confession and the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

In 2015, to implement the above principles, a tool such as a Cossack typesetting card was developed and put into operation. In accordance with this card, those recruited to become Cossacks are required to pass a test on the basics of the Orthodox religion, customs, traditions of the Cossacks, the history of the Fatherland and their region. It is obvious that a Cossack must live in accordance with the traditions and customs of the Cossacks, but if this is not possible today to the full extent as it was before, then at least he must be guided by this and have a clear understanding of this issue. Regarding prayers, the minimum that a Cossack needs to know is: Our Father, Hymn to the Mother of God, Creed. This card is not a dogma. We are trying different approaches on the issue of churching the Cossacks.

Already in 2011, we introduced the Concept of Patriotic (military-patriotic education of Cossack youth) for the Cossacks of the district.

In general, if I speak for the district, I simply do not have enough time, so with your permission I will move directly to the Klin Cossack community, the experience of churching the Cossacks in it and the interaction of the community with the Moscow diocese.

1. PARISH - COMMUNITY. The Klin Cossack community was created in 2010 by an initiative group of people who are parishioners of the Assumption Church in Demyanovo, Klin, as a self-organization of citizens. The backbone of the community was made up of already churched people.

The creation of the community was preceded by a prayer service and a religious procession with the Don Icon of the Mother of God, delivered by the Cossacks from Moscow, which took place at the Council of the Archangel Michael on November 21. In 2011, a circle of Cossacks decided to join the Cossack Union, one of its regional branches - the Moscow Regional Cossack District. Ataman of the district, Colonel Kriulin Viktor Aleksandrovich.

Initially and now, the parish is the center and main place of activity of the community:

On the initiative and at the expense of the Cossacks, the parish acquired its own website, which the parish did not have before; the Cossacks became the owners of their own shrines (made at their own expense) (the Don Icon of the Mother of God, Cossack banners). The shrines of the community are also the shrines of the parish.

Starting from 2010 and to this day, in the period May - September inclusive, as well as during night services (EASTER, NATIVITY OF CHRIST, EPTICAL BATHING), the Cossacks, together with the police, organized the provision of public order at the temple and the territory adjacent to it (the territory is a place of historical and cultural significance and a branch of the P.I. Tchaikovsky Museum), as well as in other churches of the city in these holidays. It should be noted that the area near the temple in Demyanovo, at the beginning of the vigil, presented a sad sight: syringes were found near the Worship Cross, there were countless gatherings of drinkers, bonfires were often burning, loud music was playing from cars. But over time, everything changed. Thanks to regular duty, the contingent of people walking there changed from drinkers to... mothers with strollers, etc. We work closely with the police on this issue and enter into appropriate agreements.

The activities of the parish have become an integral part of the life of the community: Cossacks participate in the parish's patronal holidays, traditional festivities on the Holidays - Maslenitsa, Trinity, New Year's Eve, which were held before the revolution and have now been revived in the parish. The festivities are held with the active participation of the Cossacks: a kuren is broken up, kulesh and shish kebab are offered... We maintain order in the territory (we mow the grass, remove garbage, help with landscaping).

Cossack weddings were repeatedly held in the temple, Cossacks were sworn in, traditional Cossack weapons were consecrated, and the banner of the community and district, which are kept in the altar of the temple, was consecrated.

The fifth anniversary of the community in 2015 was celebrated not with a traditional feast with praise and dithyrambs, but with a trip of Cossacks with their wives and children to the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery (both spiritually beneficial and educational). A pilgrimage trip is also planned for 2016 - to Butovo, one of the sites of the Russian Calvary.

2. DEUNITY - PARISH - COMMUNITY. The activities of the community in the parish were almost immediately reflected in the life of the deanery, and this is natural and obvious.

It is no longer possible to imagine the Annual Easter religious procession on the day of the Myrrh-Bearing Wives without the Cossacks. In addition to the shrines that the Cossacks carry on their shoulders, the Cossacks ensure the procession of the cross (proper order in the columns, safe crossing of roads and highways, sometimes without the participation of the police). For example, in 2016, a corresponding notification about the Procession of the Cross was submitted to the City Administration, but the authorities simply forgot about it (May holidays, what can you do). We took everything into our own hands, because previously we had also managed to do it on our own, and carried out the procession of the Cross on Easter with dignity. During the march, the convoy crossed the Leningradskoye Highway twice, not to mention other roads in the city.

The Cossacks revived the religious procession in the village. Shipulino, Klinsky district, with the Life-giving stone cross, to the place of its discovery. It takes place on the 9th Friday after Easter. The religious procession, with the blessing of the Holy Synod, took place regularly from the beginning of the 19th century until the revolution. Then he interrupted. Now it has been revived, and precisely by the forces of the Cossacks. The Cossacks rightfully consider him theirs.

On the day of family, love and fidelity, the confessor of the community is entrusted with the ministry of performing a prayer service near the monument to Peter and Fevronia in Klin, and the Cossacks also take part in this event.

The Cossacks, with their own efforts and resources, restored the Poklonny Cross in the village of Voronino, which was damaged as a result of an accident and had become inappropriate,

Our community participates (financially and physically) in the restoration of the chapel in the village of Selifonovo, on the site where the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” was found in 1859. So far, only the foundation and cross are on the site of the future chapel. By the way, the central church of the city of Klin, which has never been closed, is named after the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” Is it a coincidence? As they say, Chance is one of the names of God. Nothing happens by chance.

During their stay in the deanery of the Patriarch, the Bishops of the diocese, the Cossacks also participated in Divine services,

The community Cossacks did not ignore the problematic moments in the life of the deanery. So in 2012, in violation of all norms, an open-air restaurant was erected opposite the cathedral that was being restored, with all the appropriate attributes (music, fun...). We supported the public's request for the demolition of such a structure, and by court decision the structure was dismantled. In 2016, the local authorities twice held public events where the so-called festival of colors “Holi” was held, which is essentially a Hindu religious rite (the colors mean the ashes of a demoness) and is actively used by Hare Krishnas to recruit adherents. The corresponding reaction from the community was sent to the administration, the department of culture and the public chamber of the district. Whether we will get an answer - I don’t know, I’m not sure.

All of the above events were not one-time in nature, but were and are being carried out regularly. Thus, I can safely say that a certain way of life has developed for the community in general, and for each Cossack in particular.


When Russian Orthodox Church experienced acts of vandalism (chopped icons, dancing in the temple), the Cossacks of the Klin MOKO community accepted the call of the Patriarch and arrived at a prayer service at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in defense of the desecrated shrines.

Joseph-Volotsky Monastery is a place of special respect for the Union of Cossacks, since the Union of Cossacks actively participated in the restoration of the monastery, during the tenure of Metropolitan of Volokolamsk and Yuryev PITIRIM. Therefore, on the patronal holidays of the monastery, the Cossacks try to come to the monastery for Divine services. On the 500th anniversary of St. Joseph of Volotsk, the Cossacks of the Cossack Union arrived at the Patriarchal service at the monastery.

At the Patriarchal service in honor of the opening of the Nikolo-Peshnoshsky monastery, the Cossacks of the MOKO SKR and the Klin community also arrived, prayed with the Patriarch, and some Cossacks were honored with Holy Communion.

Unforgettable for the Cossacks of MOKO and the Klin community was the procession in honor of the 700th anniversary of St. Sergius of Radonezh, and the procession on the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino,

Regularly, on the Day of the Russian Cossacks on September 1, the Cossacks of MOKO and the Klin community try to celebrate with a divine service in the Donskoy Monastery.

I cannot help but touch upon the problems that undoubtedly exist in the matter of churching the Cossacks.

I would like to outline some problematic issues in the spiritual life of the Cossacks (based on the experience of my unit).

1. Cossacks in cities do not always live compactly. Therefore, arriving at the same temple can be problematic, especially when the Cossacks live not in the city itself, but in the rural areas of the region. Accordingly, there is no stable connection between the confessor of the community and the Cossack. Do the Cossacks visit a closer temple, according to them - not always.

2. Sometimes Cossacks are forced to be at work on weekends and holidays, because... The Cossacks, today, of course, do not bring wealth to the family, and in order to bring wealth to the family, the Cossack is forced to go to work, instead of going to church, especially those Cossacks who work for themselves. And many also have their own farm... In the Cossacks, in overwhelming cases, they do it at their own expense and in their free time from family and everyday affairs (and I don’t remember any other approach. It simply didn’t exist in my practice), which of course is not uncommon displeases the other half. We have to balance.

3. Along with the above-mentioned objective reasons, there are also subjective ones. There is a saying: “Those who want, look for opportunities, those who don’t want, look for reasons.” The inertia of the Cossacks themselves in the matter of churching also takes place. Laziness, lack of desire, excuses, alas, are present. In this regard, with our confessor, we decided to apply this approach - every post, every Cossack must confess and receive communion. To do this, in the altar there is a list of Cossacks presented by the ataman and the priest puts the date and his signature next to the name of the Cossack who received Communion. Total 4 times a year. Does it help? Petrovsky and Dormition fasts in 2016 were disastrous, but the Nativity and Great Lents showed a positive trend. It’s too early to draw conclusions. Only one year has passed. I didn’t want to resort to obligation, but all assurances about at least some kind of churching remained, as a rule, only on paper. Therefore, they were forced to resort to such measures in order to encourage them to join church life. Collect your own spiritual rhythm, so to speak, which is different for everyone. We'll see how it goes further. The only thing that is clear is that it is necessary to be patient and, through your example and enlightenment, create conditions for the Cossacks themselves to come to the Faith, to Christ. I note that if there is a movement of a Cossack towards churching, then this is immediately visible. It is necessary to support him.

4. Now about the education of the Cossacks. Practically, from the very moment the community began to replenish itself, catechetical classes were and are now being held regularly. Issues such as Divine Services, Family and Marriage, and the Sacraments of the Church were discussed in detail. With the blessing of the confessor, a significant number of Cossacks were able to serve at the altar during the Liturgy. This was done for a deeper immersion in the Divine service and its understanding. Today in class we are looking at the Creed.


I would like to give my statistics on the churching of Cossacks.

Of the 20 Cossacks under oath, 100% were baptized, including wives and children, 8 married, 7 registered marriages in the registry office, 1 in adulterous cohabitation, 4 unmarried.

Of the 10 Cossacks of the community, who had not previously led any church life, 5 more or less regularly began to visit the temple, Confess and receive Communion.

Roughly the same statistics apply to the rest of the Cossack units of the district. At the same time, I dare to assure that everything structural divisions Counties are registered with their respective taxing divisions.

I apologize: maybe someone will misunderstand? Why was the order given to revive the Cossacks in the 90s of the 20th century, when in the 19th century, out of 4 million 440 thousand Cossack clan (that’s 440 thousand service Cossacks), from 25 to 75% were destroyed, 10% emigrated, 10% - mimicked the “red devils”. And suddenly in the 20th century, at the behest of officials, as many as 7 million Cossacks appeared.

1. To amuse the oligarchs with songs and dances?

2. To protect the borders of the Russian Federation? That's how professionals must work there.

3. Courts by Cossack CHOPS? So where can you get so many Cossacks?

Our district sees the goal in one thing - to support the Church, which has seen and is fully promoting this most important matter, in the Strategy public policy development of the Cossacks until 2020 - one education of youth in the spirit of the Church, on the basis of that part of the Cossacks in which the foundations and traditions of the Cossacks are still genetically preserved, revive them, embody them in a new generation of people who identify church commandments as the norm, conduct training on this basis With primary classes and create a new man.

ZEMSKOV OLEG VIKTOROVICH — Ataman of the Klin city Cossack department of the Moscow regional Cossack district of the Union of Cossacks of Russia. Born on November 1, 1973, in the city of Klin, Moscow region. 1992-1994 - service in the Armed Forces. Higher legal education: graduated from Moscow State University in 2003 state university Economics of Statistics and Informatics (MESI). Married, two children. He was elected Ataman of the community by the Circle on November 21, 2010, on the day of the Council of the Archangel Michael and other ethereal Heavenly Powers. In 2011, having entered the community into the Moscow regional Cossack district of the Union of Cossacks of Russia, he became an ataman in the newly created Klin city Cossack department.

Createanie Klin city Cossack department in sleave MOKO SKR

September 172011, per day100th anniversary of the lastthe canonization of Saint Joasaph of Belgorod in the Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Demyanovo, Klin, Moscow region, an important event took place - on this day after Divine Liturgy, in the presence of wives, children, mothers, relatives and friends, 12 members of the Cossack community “Demyanovsky Kuren” became Cossacks and the creation of the Klin city Cossack department as part of the Moscow regional Cossack district of the Union of Cossacks of Russia (MOKO SKR).

Admission to the Cossacks is a legal act that gives the person being accepted the rights and responsibilities of a Cossack. A Cossack in a church, in a solemn atmosphere, in the presence of an Orthodox priest, takes an oath of allegiance to the Fatherland, the Cossacks and the Orthodox Faith, kisses the Cross and the Gospel, is sprinkled with holy water, kneels in front of the banner on his left knee and kisses it, then the ataman draws his saber, and Cossacks kiss the blade of a checker. From this moment he is a Cossack and has all the rights and responsibilities of a Cossack. These duties and rights, together with the honorable and worthy title of Cossack, are inherited. The person who has become a Cossack is given a letter signed by the ataman, certified by a seal, indicating the date of enlistment as a Cossack and the name of the Cossack community to which he is assigned. The beginning of the layout, according to the customary order among the Cossacks, was preceded by the formation of candidates in front of the temple for the meeting of Ataman MOKO SKR, Cossack Colonel Viktor Aleksandrovich Kriulin and the marching banner of MOKO SKR. After the meeting of the Ataman and the report of the Ataman of the Cossack community, the future Cossacks marched in formation to the temple, where they lined up in the northern part of the temple (by the way, on this day in our temple the Ataman of the Cossack community from the city of Zaprduny, Taldomsky district and Moscow region took the oath, Parkhalin Yu.A.), and Ataman MOKO SKR and a standard bearer with a banner are in the southern part of the temple. Before the layout began, the rector of the church, Rev. Oleg Denisyuk served a prayer service, after which the layout began. The first to take the oath was the Ataman of the Cossack community O.V. Zemskov, after which the rest of the Cossacks took the oath according to the established procedure. At the moment of taking the oath, a solemn atmosphere reigned in the temple and the importance of the moment was felt. It is necessary to note the overall organization of this event (of course, some “roughness” could not be avoided, given the excitement of the event). After the oath, prayers of thanks were offered to God and upon their completion, the rector of the temple addressed the Cossacks with a congratulatory word, while the importance and responsibility of the chosen path was noted - the path of serving the Orthodox Faith and the Fatherland, after which everyone was invited to a meal to celebrate this event . A lot was said during the meal parting words to the Cossacks. But the events did not end with the meal. Under the leadership of Comrade Ataman Olipir N.V. The Cossacks prepared a small surprise for those present - they showed their skills in using a saber (exercises in cutting vines, etc. were demonstrated), after which the Cossacks were presented with diplomas, certificates and shoulder straps in accordance with the order of the Ataman of the MOKO ICR. The day ended with a fraternal tea party accompanied by Cossack songs. In conclusion, I would like to thank the rector of the church, Archpriest Oleg Denisyuk, for his support and assistance in our endeavors; Barulina Vera Alexandrovna, who, together with her atelier staff, sewed Cossack uniform to the day of layout; wives, children, parents and all those who prayed for our new business and helped us in every possible way. Truly, we have had a difficult lot, but still we are happy people.

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