Nuclear energy system presentation. Nuclear power plants (NPP). Operating principle of nuclear power plants

Nuclear power plants (NPP)State University of Management
Institute of Management in Industry and Energy
and construction
Nuclear power plants
(nuclear power plant)
Fayustov Anatoly Afanasyevich
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Innovation Management
in the real sector of the economy
2013 Nuclear power plants (NPP)
Classification of nuclear power plants by type
released energy
Classification of nuclear power plants by reactor type
Operating principle of nuclear power plants
Characteristics of VVER-1000
NPP of Russia
Floating nuclear power plant
Sources of information

Nuclear power plants (NPP)

power plants
designed to produce
electrical energy by
use of energy released during
controlled nuclear reaction.
Types of nuclear power plants:
Nuclear power plants using fission reactions
Nuclear power plants using thermonuclear reactions
synthesis (do not exist yet)

Advantages of nuclear power plants:
- No harmful emissions
- Releases of radioactive substances several times
lower than TPP
- Small amount of fuel used,
possibility of using it after processing
-High power: 1000-1600 MW per one
power unit
- The cost of energy is lower than that of thermal power plants

NPP problems:
- Fuel is dangerous, requires complex and expensive
processing and storage measures
- NPP operating life is low (30-35 years)
- There is a possibility of accidents and their
severe consequences
- High cost of installation of a nuclear power plant and its
infrastructure, as well as its dismantling
- Difficulty choosing a site for construction
(not everywhere you can build)
- The problem of burial
radioactive waste continues
stay relevant

Classification of nuclear power plants by type of energy generated

Nuclear power plants by type
generated energy can be divided
Nuclear power plants (NPP),
intended for production only
Nuclear combined heat and power plants (CHPP),
generating both electricity and
thermal energy
Nuclear heat supply stations (AST),
producing only thermal energy
To contents

Classification of nuclear power plants by reactor type

Nuclear power plants are classified into
in accordance with the reactors installed on them:
Thermal neutron reactors using
special retarders to increase
probability of neutron absorption by atomic nuclei
Light water reactors (VVER)
Graphite reactors (RMBK)
Heavy water reactors
Fast neutron reactors (BN)
Subcritical reactors using external
neutron sources
Fusion reactors (does not exist)
To contents

Producing electricity at nuclear power plants

Electricity is generated at nuclear power plants
through electric machine generators,
driven by steam turbines.
Steam is produced by fission of isotopes
uranium or plutonium during a controlled chain
reaction occurring in a nuclear reactor.
Coolant circulating through
cooling path of the reactor core,
removes the released heat of reaction and
directly or through heat exchangers
used to produce steam, which
supplied to the turbines.

Operating principle of nuclear power plants

Energy released in the core
reactor, is transferred to the coolant of the first
contour. Next, the coolant is supplied
pumps to the heat exchanger (steam generator),
where it heats water to a boil for the second
contour. The resulting steam enters
into turbines that rotate electric generators.
At the exit of the turbines, steam enters
condenser where it is cooled by a large
amount of water coming from

Scheme of operation of nuclear power plants with (VVER)

To contents

Characteristics of VVER-1000 (Water-Water Power Reactor)

Reactor thermal power - 1000 MW
Efficiency, 33.0%
Steam pressure in front of the turbine - 60.0 atm
Pressure in the primary circuit - 160.0 atm
Water temperature:
- at the entrance to the reactor - 289 °C
- at the reactor outlet - 324 °C
Core diameter - 3.12 m
Core height - 3.50 m
Fuel rod diameter - 9.1 mm
Number of fuel rods in the cassette - 312
Uranium loading - 66 t
Average uranium enrichment - 3.3 - 4.4%
Average fuel burnup – 40 MW/kg

Operating nuclear power plants in Russia

Names of atomic
power, MW
Quantity and type
Kola NPP
Leningrad NPP
Kalinin NPP
Smolensk NPP
Kursk NPP
Novovoronezh NPP
Balakovo NPP
Volgodonsk NPP
Beloyarsk NPP
Bilibino NPP

The largest nuclear power plants in Russia
-Leningradskaya (power
4000 MW)
-Kalininskaya (power
3000 MW)
- Kursk (power 4000 MW)
- Smolenskaya
(power 3000 MW)

Designed nuclear power plants

Nizhny Novgorod

Nuclear power plant turbine room


Machine room


Central hall of the nuclear power plant


Reactor hall of the nuclear power plant


Loading fuel elements


Fuel assembly


Cooling towers (Novovoronezh NPP)


Cooling towers




Floating Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP) (Project)

Floating nuclear power plant
low power (ASMM) consists of
smooth-deck non-self-propelled vessel
icebreaker type with two reactors
KLT-40S installations. Vessel length - 144
meters, width - 30 meters.
Displacement - 21.5 thousand tons.
Floating station can be used
to obtain electrical and thermal
energy, as well as for desalination of sea
water. It can give out from 100 to
400 thousand tons of fresh water.

Geography of the planned deployment of floating nuclear power plants in Russia


The Chernobyl accident is the largest
from accidents at nuclear power plants
Occurred on April 26, 1986
at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant,
located on the territory
Ukraine (Pripyat)
Destroyed 4th power unit (view from a helicopter)

Radioactive cloud from the accident
above the European
part of the USSR,
Great Britain
and eastern
part of the USA

Consequences of the accident:
- 30 km
exclusion zone
- mutation of the living
- catastrophic

Sources of information

Wikipedia (
To the beginning

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Assess the positive and negative aspects of the use of nuclear energy in modern society. Generate ideas related to the threat to peace and humanity when using nuclear energy.

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Application of nuclear energy

Energy is the foundation. All the benefits of civilization, all material spheres of human activity - from washing clothes to exploring the Moon and Mars - require energy consumption. And the further, the more. Today, atomic energy is widely used in many sectors of the economy. Powerful submarines and surface ships with nuclear power plants are being built. The peaceful atom is used to search for minerals. Radioactive isotopes have found widespread use in biology, agriculture, medicine, and space exploration.

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Energy: “FOR”

a) Nuclear energy is by far the best form of energy production. Economical, high power, environmentally friendly when used correctly. b) Nuclear power plants, compared to traditional thermal power plants, have an advantage in fuel costs, which is especially evident in those regions where there are difficulties in providing fuel and energy resources, as well as a steady upward trend in the cost of fossil fuel production. c) Nuclear power plants are also not prone to polluting the natural environment with ash, flue gases with CO2, NOx, SOx, and waste water containing petroleum products.

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Nuclear power plant, thermal power plant, hydroelectric power station - modern civilization

Modern civilization is unthinkable without electrical energy. The production and use of electricity is increasing every year, but the specter of a future energy famine is already looming before humanity due to the depletion of fossil fuel deposits and increasing environmental losses when obtaining electricity. The energy released in nuclear reactions is millions of times higher than that produced by conventional chemical reactions (for example, combustion reactions), so that the calorific value of nuclear fuel is immeasurably greater than that of conventional fuel. Using nuclear fuel to generate electricity is an extremely tempting idea. The advantages of nuclear power plants (NPP) over thermal power plants (CHP) and hydroelectric power plants (HPP) are obvious: there is no waste, no gas emissions, there is no need to carry out huge volumes of construction, build dams and bury fertile land on bottom of reservoirs. Perhaps the only more environmentally friendly than nuclear power plants are power plants that use solar or wind energy. But both wind turbines and solar power stations are still low-power and cannot meet people’s needs for cheap electricity - and this need is growing faster and faster. And yet, the feasibility of constructing and operating nuclear power plants is often questioned due to the harmful effects of radioactive substances on the environment and humans.

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Prospects for nuclear energy

After a good start, our country has fallen behind the leading countries of the world in the field of nuclear energy development in all respects. Of course, nuclear energy can be abandoned altogether. This will completely eliminate the risk of human exposure and the threat of nuclear accidents. But then, to meet energy needs, it will be necessary to increase the construction of thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants. And this will inevitably lead to large pollution of the atmosphere with harmful substances, to the accumulation of excess amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, changes in the Earth’s climate and disruption of the thermal balance on a planetary scale. Meanwhile, the specter of energy starvation is beginning to really threaten humanity. Radiation is a formidable and dangerous force, but with the right attitude, it is quite possible to work with it. It is typical that those who are least afraid of radiation are those who constantly deal with it and are well aware of all the dangers associated with it. In this sense, it is interesting to compare statistics and intuitive assessments of the degree of danger of various factors in everyday life. Thus, it has been established that the largest number of human lives are claimed by smoking, alcohol and cars. Meanwhile, according to people from population groups of different ages and education, the greatest danger to life is posed by nuclear energy and firearms (the damage caused to humanity by smoking and alcohol is clearly underestimated). Specialists who can most qualifiedly assess the advantages and possibilities of using nuclear Energy experts believe that humanity can no longer do without atomic energy. Nuclear energy is one of the most promising ways to satisfy humanity's energy hunger in the face of energy problems associated with the use of fossil fuels.

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Advantages of nuclear energy

There are so many benefits of nuclear power plants. They are completely independent of uranium mining sites. Nuclear fuel is compact and has a fairly long service life. Nuclear power plants are consumer-oriented and are becoming in demand in places where there is an acute shortage of fossil fuels and the demand for electricity is very high. Another advantage is the low cost of the energy produced and relatively low construction costs. Compared to thermal power plants, nuclear power plants do not emit such a large amount of harmful substances into the atmosphere, and their operation does not lead to an increase in the greenhouse effect. At the moment, scientists are faced with the task of increasing the efficiency of uranium use. It is solved using fast breeder reactors (FBRs). Together with thermal neutron reactors, they increase energy production per ton of natural uranium by 20-30 times. With the full use of natural uranium, its extraction from very poor ores and even its extraction from sea water becomes profitable. The use of nuclear power plants with RBN leads to some technical difficulties, which are currently being solved. Russia can use highly enriched uranium released as a result of the reduction in the number of nuclear warheads as fuel.

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Diagnostic and therapeutic methods have shown to be highly effective. When cancer cells are irradiated with γ-rays, they stop dividing. And if the cancer is at an early stage, then the treatment is successful. Small amounts of radioactive isotopes are used for diagnostic purposes. For example, radioactive barium is used for fluoroscopy of the stomach. Isotopes are successfully used in the study of iodine metabolism in the thyroid gland

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The very best

Kashiwazaki-Kariwa is the largest nuclear power plant in the world in terms of installed capacity (as of 2008) and is located in the Japanese city of Kashiwazaki, Niigata Prefecture. There are five boiling water reactors (BWRs) and two advanced boiling water reactors (ABWRs) in operation, with a combined capacity of 8,212 GigaWatts.

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Zaporozhye NPP

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Alternative replacement for nuclear power plants

Solar energy. The total amount of solar energy reaching the Earth's surface is 6.7 times greater than the global potential of fossil fuel resources. Using just 0.5% of this reserve could completely cover the world's energy needs for millennia. To the North The technical potential of solar energy in Russia (2.3 billion tons of conventional fuel per year) is approximately 2 times higher than today's fuel consumption.

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The warmth of the earth. Geothermal energy - literally translated means: earth's thermal energy. The volume of the Earth is approximately 1085 billion cubic km and all of it, with the exception of a thin layer of the earth's crust, has a very high temperature. If we also take into account the heat capacity of the Earth's rocks, it becomes clear that geothermal heat is undoubtedly the largest source of energy that man currently has at his disposal. Moreover, this is energy in its pure form, since it already exists as heat, and therefore it does not require burning fuel or creating reactors to obtain it.

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Advantages of water-graphite reactors

The advantages of a channel graphite reactor are the possibility of using graphite simultaneously as a moderator and a structural material for the core, which allows the use of process channels in replaceable and non-replaceable versions, the use of fuel rods in a rod or tubular design with one-sided or all-round cooling by their coolant. The design diagram of the reactor and core makes it possible to organize fuel refueling in an operating reactor, to apply the zonal or sectional principle of constructing the core, allowing profiling of energy release and heat removal, the widespread use of standard designs, and the implementation of nuclear superheating of steam, i.e., superheating of steam directly in the core.

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Nuclear Power and the Environment

Today, nuclear energy and its impact on the environment are the most pressing issues at international congresses and meetings. This issue became especially acute after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (ChNPP). At such congresses, issues related to installation work at nuclear power plants are resolved. As well as issues affecting the condition of working equipment at these stations. As you know, the operation of nuclear power plants is based on the splitting of uranium into atoms. Therefore, the extraction of this fuel for stations is also an important issue today. Many issues related to nuclear power plants are related to the environment in one way or another. Although the operation of nuclear power plants brings a large amount of useful energy, unfortunately, all the “pros” in nature are compensated by their “cons”. Nuclear energy is no exception: in the operation of nuclear power plants they face problems of disposal, storage, processing and transportation of waste.

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How dangerous is nuclear power?

Nuclear energy is an actively developing industry. It is obvious that it is destined for a great future, since reserves of oil, gas, and coal are gradually drying up, and uranium is a fairly common element on Earth. But it should be remembered that nuclear energy is associated with increased danger for people, which, in particular, manifests itself in the extremely adverse consequences of accidents with the destruction of nuclear reactors.

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Energy: “against”

“against” nuclear power plants: a) The terrible consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants. b) Local mechanical impact on the relief - during construction. c) Damage to individuals in technological systems - during operation. d) Runoff of surface and groundwater containing chemical and radioactive components. e) Changes in the nature of land use and metabolic processes in the immediate vicinity of the nuclear power plant. f) Changes in microclimatic characteristics of adjacent areas.

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Not just radiation

The operation of nuclear power plants is accompanied not only by the danger of radiation contamination, but also by other types of environmental impacts. The main effect is thermal effect. It is one and a half to two times higher than from thermal power plants. During the operation of a nuclear power plant, there is a need to cool the waste water vapor. The simplest way is cooling with water from a river, lake, sea or specially constructed pools. Water heated by 5-15 °C returns to the same source. But this method carries with it the danger of deteriorating the environmental situation in the aquatic environment at the locations of nuclear power plants. A water supply system using cooling towers, in which water is cooled due to its partial evaporation and cooling, is more widely used. Small losses are replenished by constant replenishment of fresh water. With such a cooling system, a huge amount of water vapor and droplet moisture is released into the atmosphere. This can lead to an increase in the amount of precipitation, the frequency of fog formation, and cloudiness. In recent years, an air-cooling system for water vapor has begun to be used. In this case, there is no loss of water, and it is most environmentally friendly. However, such a system does not work at high average ambient temperatures. In addition, the cost of electricity increases significantly.

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Invisible Enemy

Three radioactive elements are primarily responsible for natural earth radiation - uranium, thorium and actinium. These chemical elements are unstable; When they decay, they release energy or become sources of ionizing radiation. As a rule, the decay produces an invisible, tasteless and odorless heavy gas, radon. It exists as two isotopes: radon-222, a member of the radioactive series formed by the decay products of uranium-238, and radon-220 (also called thoron), a member of the radioactive series thorium-232. Radon is constantly formed in the depths of the Earth, accumulates in rocks, and then gradually moves through cracks to the surface of the Earth. A person very often receives radiation from radon while at home or at work and is unaware of the danger - in a closed, unventilated room , where its concentration of this gas, a source of radiation, is increased. Radon penetrates into a house from the ground - through cracks in the foundation and through the floor - and accumulates mainly on the lower floors of residential and industrial buildings. But there are also cases where residential buildings and industrial buildings are built directly on old dumps of mining enterprises, where radioactive elements are present in significant quantities. If materials such as granite, pumice, alumina, phosphogypsum, red brick, calcium silicate slag are used in construction production, the wall material becomes a source of radon radiation. Natural gas used in gas stoves (especially liquefied propane in cylinders) is also a potential source radon And if water for domestic needs is pumped out of deep-lying water layers saturated with radon, then there is a high concentration of radon in the air even when washing clothes! By the way, it was found that the average concentration of radon in the bathroom is usually 40 times higher than in living rooms and several times higher than in the kitchen.

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Radioactive "garbage"

Even if a nuclear power plant operates perfectly and without the slightest failure, its operation inevitably leads to the accumulation of radioactive substances. Therefore, people have to solve a very serious problem, the name of which is safe waste storage. Waste from any industry with the huge scale of production of energy, various products and materials creates a huge problem. Environmental and atmospheric pollution in many areas of our planet is causing concern and concern. We are talking about the possibility of preserving flora and fauna not in their original form, but at least within the limits of minimum environmental standards. Radioactive waste is generated at almost all stages of the nuclear cycle. They accumulate in the form of liquid, solid and gaseous substances with varying levels of activity and concentration. Most waste is low-level: water used to clean reactor gases and surfaces, gloves and shoes, contaminated tools and burnt-out light bulbs from radioactive rooms, spent equipment, dust, gas filters and much more.

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Fighting radioactive waste

Gases and contaminated water are passed through special filters until they reach the purity of atmospheric air and drinking water. Filters that have become radioactive are recycled along with solid waste. They are mixed with cement and turned into blocks or poured into steel containers together with hot bitumen. High-level waste is the most difficult to prepare for long-term storage. It is best to turn such “garbage” into glass and ceramics. To do this, the waste is calcined and fused with substances that form a glass-ceramic mass. It is calculated that it will take at least 100 years to dissolve 1 mm of the surface layer of such a mass in water. Unlike many chemical wastes, the danger of radioactive waste decreases over time. Most radioactive isotopes have a half-life of about 30 years, so within 300 years they will almost completely disappear. So, for the final disposal of radioactive waste, it is necessary to build such long-term storage facilities that would reliably isolate the waste from its penetration into the environment until the complete decay of radionuclides. Such storage facilities are called burial grounds.

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Explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986.

On April 25, the 4th power unit was shut down for scheduled maintenance, during which several equipment tests were planned. In accordance with the program, the reactor power was reduced, and then problems began related to the phenomenon of “xenon poisoning” (the accumulation of the xenon isotope in a reactor operating at reduced power, further inhibiting the operation of the reactor). To compensate for the poisoning, the absorbing rods were raised and power began to increase. What happened next is not exactly clear. The report of the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group noted: “It is not known with certainty what started the power surge that led to the destruction of the reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.” They tried to suppress this sudden jump by lowering the absorbing rods, but due to their poor design, it was not possible to slow down the reaction, and an explosion occurred.

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Analysis of the Chernobyl accident convincingly confirms that radioactive pollution of the environment is the most important environmental consequence of radiation accidents with releases of radionuclides, the main factor influencing the health and living conditions of people in areas exposed to radioactive contamination.

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Japanese Chernobyl

Recently there was an explosion at the Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant (Japan) due to a strong earthquake. The accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant was the first disaster at a nuclear facility caused by the impact, albeit indirect, of natural disasters. Until now, the largest accidents have been “internal” in nature: they were caused by a combination of unsuccessful design elements and human factors.

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Explosion in Japan

At the Fukushima-1 station, located in the prefecture of the same name, on March 14, hydrogen that had accumulated under the roof of the third reactor exploded. According to Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), the operator of the nuclear power plant. Japan informed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that as a result of the explosion at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, background radiation in the area of ​​the accident exceeded the permissible limit.

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Consequences of radiation:

Mutations Cancer diseases (thyroid gland, leukemia, breast, lung, stomach, intestines) Hereditary disorders Sterility of the ovaries in women. Dementia

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Tissue sensitivity coefficient at equivalent radiation dose

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    Radiation results

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    Factors “Pro” of nuclear power plants: 1. Nuclear energy is by far the best form of energy production. Economical, high power, environmentally friendly when used correctly. 2. Nuclear power plants, compared to traditional thermal power plants, have an advantage in fuel costs, which is especially evident in those regions where there are difficulties in providing fuel and energy resources, as well as a steady upward trend in the cost of fossil fuel production. 3. Nuclear power plants are also not prone to polluting the natural environment with ash, flue gases with CO2, NOx, SOx, and waste water containing petroleum products. Factors “against” nuclear power plants: 1. Terrible consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants. 2. Local mechanical impact on the terrain - during construction. 3. Damage to individuals in technological systems - during operation. 4. Runoff of surface and groundwater containing chemical and radioactive components. 5. Changes in the nature of land use and metabolic processes in the immediate vicinity of the nuclear power plant. 6. Changes in microclimatic characteristics of adjacent areas.

    View all slides

    Nuclear energy is a field of technology based on the use of the fission reaction of atomic nuclei to generate heat and generate electricity. In 1990, nuclear power plants (NPPs) produced 16% of the world's electricity. Such power plants operated in 31 countries and were built in 6 more countries. The nuclear energy sector is most significant in France, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Bulgaria and Switzerland, i.e. in those industrialized countries where natural energy resources are insufficient. These countries generate between a quarter and half of their electricity from nuclear power plants. The United States produces only an eighth of its electricity from nuclear power plants, but that is about one-fifth of global output.

    With the development of human society, energy consumption has continuously increased. So. if a million years ago it was approximately 0.1 kW per capita per year, and 100 thousand years ago - 0.3 kW, then in the 15th century. - 1.4 kW, at the beginning of the 20th century. -3.9 kW, and by the end of the 20th century. - already 10 kW. Although almost half of the world's energy supply is now fossil fuels, it is clear that its reserves will soon be depleted. Other sources are needed, and one of the most realistic ones is nuclear fuel.

    Modern nuclear power plant 0.3 g nuclear fuel ton coal

    What is a nuclear reactor? A nuclear reactor is a device in which a controlled nuclear chain reaction occurs, accompanied by the release of energy. A nuclear reactor is a device in which a controlled nuclear chain reaction occurs, accompanied by the release of energy.

    In Europe, the first nuclear reactor was the F-1 installation. It was launched on December 25, 1946 in Moscow under the leadership of I.V. Kurchatov. In Europe, the first nuclear reactor was the F-1 installation. It was launched on December 25, 1946 in Moscow under the leadership of I.V. Kurchatov

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    Osadchaya E.V.
    Presentation for the lesson "Nuclear Energy" for 9th grade students

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    Why was there a need to use nuclear fuel?
    Increasing growth in energy consumption in the world. Natural reserves of organic fuel are limited. The global chemical industry is increasing the volume of consumption of coal and oil for technological purposes, therefore, despite the discovery of new deposits of organic fuel and the improvement of methods of its extraction, there is a tendency in the world to increase its cost.

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    Why is it necessary to develop nuclear energy?
    The world's energy resources of nuclear fuel exceed the energy resources of natural reserves of organic fuel. This opens up broad prospects for meeting rapidly growing fuel demands. The problem of “energy hunger” cannot be solved by the use of renewable energy sources. There is an obvious need to develop nuclear energy, which occupies a prominent place in the energy balance of a number of industrial countries around the world.

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    Nuclear energy

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    Ernst Rutherford
    In 1937, Lord Ernest Rutherford argued that it would never be possible to produce nuclear energy in more or less significant quantities sufficient for practical use.

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    Enrico Fermi
    In 1942, under the leadership of Enrico Fermi, the first nuclear reactor was built in the USA.

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    On July 16, 1945, at 5:30 a.m. local time, the first atomic bomb was tested in the Alamogordo Desert (New Mexico, USA).

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    In 1946, the first European reactor was created in the USSR under the leadership of I.V. Kurchatov. Under his leadership, a project for the world's first nuclear power plant was developed.
    Kurchatov Igor Vasilievich

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    In January 1954, a new type of submarine, a nuclear submarine, named after its famous predecessor, Nautilus, rolled off the docks of the US Navy in Groton (Connecticut).
    The first Soviet nuclear submarine K-3 "Leninsky Komsomol" 1958
    First submarine

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    On June 27, 1954, the world's first nuclear power plant with a capacity of 5 MW was launched in Obninsk.
    First nuclear power plant

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    Following the first nuclear power plant, the following nuclear power plants were built in the 50s: Calder Hall-1 (1956, UK); Shippingport (1957, USA); Sibirskaya (1958, USSR); G-2, Marcoul (1959, France). After gaining experience in operating the first-born nuclear power plants in the USSR, the USA, and Western European countries, programs for the construction of prototypes of future serial power units were developed.

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    On September 17, 1959, the world's first nuclear-powered icebreaker, Lenin, built at the Leningrad Admiralty Plant and assigned to the Murmansk Shipping Company, set out on its maiden voyage.
    The first nuclear icebreaker

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    Saving organic fuel. Small masses of fuel. Getting a lot of power from one reactor. Low energy cost. No need for atmospheric air.
    Environmentally friendly (if used correctly).

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    Highly qualified and responsible personnel. Open to terrorism and blackmail with catastrophic consequences.
    Reactor safety. Safety of the territories surrounding nuclear power plants. Features of repair. The difficulty of liquidating a nuclear power facility. The need for disposal of radioactive waste.

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    Facts: The structure of the world's fuel and energy balance (FEB) and electric power industry is dominated, respectively, by oil (40%) and coal (38%). In the global fuel and energy balance, gas (22%) ranks third after coal (25%), and in the structure of the electric power industry, gas (16%) is in penultimate place, ahead only of oil (9%) and inferior to all other types of energy carriers, including nuclear energy ( 17%).

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    A unique situation has developed in Russia: gas dominates both in the fuel and energy sector (49%) and in the electric power industry (38%). Russian nuclear energy occupies a relatively modest place (15%) in electricity production compared to the world average (17%).

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    The use of peaceful nuclear energy remains one of the priority areas for the development of Russian energy. Despite its relatively modest place in the country's overall electricity production, the nuclear industry has a huge number of practical applications (creation of weapons with nuclear components, export of technology, space exploration). The number of disruptions in the operation of our nuclear power plants is constantly decreasing: in terms of the number of power unit shutdowns, Russia is today second only to Japan and Germany.

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    In the context of a global energy crisis, when the price of oil has already exceeded $100 per barrel, the development of such promising and high-tech areas as the nuclear industry will allow Russia to maintain and strengthen its influence in the world.

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