I swam in the water and stayed dry. Olympiad assignments on the surrounding world Olympiad assignments on the surrounding world (grades 2,3,4) on the topic. Educational field "Health"

Olesya Drozdenko
Lesson notes on cognitive development“I swam in the water and remained dry”

Abstract on cognitive development V middle group Subject "IN bathed in water - remained dry» The tasks of the teacher, taking into account the integration of educational regions:develop cognitive children’s activity in the process of experimentation; develop children's speech; improve the clarity of answers to questions posed; cultivate caution when working with water. Equipment: basins of water, goose feathers, baby cream, goose fat. Preliminary Job: - didactic games for classification birds: wintering, migratory, domestic, waterfowl. --dramatization of a fairy tale "Geese-swans".

Methodical techniques: 1. Organizational moment.

2. Opening remarks.

3. Making riddles.

4. Conversation with children "Why doesn't the pen get wet".

5. Playing with feathers in basins.

6. Game "Why don't your hands get wet" 7. Summary classes. 8. Song "Geese".

Move classes. - Guys, now I’ll tell you very interesting story. Just recently I was visiting my grandmother. My grandmother lives in the village and she has a large poultry yard. -Guys, who do you think lives in my grandmother’s poultry yard? Answers children: hens, geese, ducks, cockerels, chicks, turkeys. Yes, guys, my grandmother has chickens and geese and a rooster and a turkey and ducks. I'm not an alarm clock, but I wake you up with a beard and spurs. I walk with great importance and have a temper like gunpowder. (Rooster) I'll eat a worm, drink some water, look for bread crumbs, and then lay an egg and treat the kids. (Chicken)- Now guys, listen carefully. Sleeping or bathes Still don’t take off your shoes Day and night on your feet red boots. (Goose)- Yes guys, that’s right, it’s a goose. Look how handsome and important he is. -Guys, who knows why the goose is in bathes in water and stays dry? I'll open one for you now little secret. Tell me, what kind of clothes does the goose wear? That's right, feathers. Look how light and beautiful they are. Why does a goose come out of the water dry? Why don't feathers get wet? To find out we will have to experiment a little. We will need water and feathers. (The teacher divides the children into three groups, there are bowls of water and goose feathers on the tables) - Guys, look at how dry our feather is now, but now put it in the water, lift it and see how droplets of water roll down the feather and the feather becomes dry again. Now put the pen aside. Dip your fingers into the water. What are your fingers like? (wet)-Who knows how to prevent our hands from getting wet? water? (children's answers) This is all true, but I know another way to prevent your hands from getting wet. water they can be greased with goose fat (there are plates with fat on the tables, children grease their fingertips in it and dip their fingers in the water) Look, guys, the water rolls off your fingers. This is precisely why water drips from goose feathers. Feathers are covered with fat. -What are goose feathers covered with? (children's answers)- Guys, what new did you learn today? What should you do to prevent your hands from getting wet? Well done, now let’s sing a song together about these wonderful birds.

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 53 “Sun”


directly- educational activities

on cognitive development

“I swam in water, but remained dry”

in the preparatory school group



Nikolaeva N. A.

Novoaleksandrovsk 2015-2016 academic year year

Program content:

Educational area "Cognition"

Introduce children to waterfowl.

To consolidate knowledge about migratory and wintering birds.

To develop children’s cognitive activity in the process of experimentation, encourage the formulation of hypotheses, and lead them to planning their activities.

Educational field "Communication"

To develop the ability to communicate with adults and children in the process of joint activities.

Develop the ability to answer questions in detail and construct complex sentences.

Educational field "Socialization"

Develop the ability to perform game actions.

Develop the ability to respond to offers of communication.

Generate interest in joint activities.

Educational field "Health"

Formation healthy image life (lighting, posture, exercise time, rational installation of multimedia equipment).

Previous work- implementation of the project “Birds”

Equipment: chicken feathers, goose feathers, cream, basins of water, pictures: sun, snowflake, migratory, wintering and waterfowl, blue circle, presentation, multimedia projector, screen, laptop.

Progress and methodology

I see in a wide circle

All my friends got up, we'll go left now,

And then we'll go right

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we'll all return to our place

Let's smile, wink

And let's start playing again.

Oh look, we were all walking along the path

And they found a bag on the way

But the bag is not simple

He's magical, that's what he is.

What's in the bag? Letter, shall we read it? (reading a letter)

I'm an invitation card

Everyone, everyone, everyone

I invite you to a meeting scientific department!

So, guys, do we accept the invitation? To start the meeting, we all need to give smart answers. Do you agree? Then troubles from the barrel. (Children take out leaves of paper with a question from the barrel and give an answer to it)

What seasons do you know?

What bird grabs insects on the fly?

How are animals different from birds?

Why is a bear called a “connecting rod”

The dog has a kennel, and the wolf?

Name the animals that live in Africa?

We received smart answers, and we can open the meeting.

Today we will study a group of animals whose representatives we need to guess:

Mystery. A spider dreams at night

Miracle Yudo on a bitch

Long beak and 2 wings

Arrives - things are bad.

Who is the spider afraid of?

Did you guess it? This is..... (Birds).

Yes, these are birds. Today we will talk about our younger brothers - birds. Please look at the screen and name the birds you know.

Try to define what birds are.

Birds are... (feathered animals)

Birds are animals distinctive feature which is the feather cover.

Birds are one of the most numerous and interesting inhabitants of our planet.

Guys, you know that the class of birds includes about 9000 species. The ability to fly allowed birds to spread throughout to the globe. Birds make up the bulk of the fauna of the Arctic and Antarctic. A constant temperature (41-43 degrees Celsius) allows birds to exist in cold conditions.

What groups can birds be divided into?

Why do birds fly to warmer regions?

How can we help wintering birds?

Guys, your comrades will speak at our meeting. Listen to them carefully and recognize the bird by its description.

This is a motley bird with a red spot on its head in the form of a red cap with a long sharp beak. They call her a forest nurse. She also flies into gardens to save trees from insect pests.

Slide Woodpecker

The migratory bird is black in color and has a thin, long beak. Famous for his singing. People build birdhouses for them.

Slide Starling-

Poultry cannot fly or swim at all. Without her help it is impossible to cook scrambled eggs.

Slide- Chicken

This bird is easily recognized by its long, sharp wings and long forked tail. This bird of air. She rarely and reluctantly falls to the ground, and sits on the wires to rest. He even drinks water and bathes on the fly. People call it the killer whale.


(this is how children describe a bullfinch, a cuckoo, a tit, a rook. After the children recognize and name the bird, a slide with this bird appears)

Guys, today I will introduce you to waterfowl (presentation show)

Why do you think they are waterfowl?

Why are waterfowl the last to fly to warmer climates?

Now guys, go to scientific laboratory and help each bird find its place: place migratory birds near the sun, winter birds where there is a snowflake, and waterfowl on the blue circle - lake.

In order to continue our meeting, we must go to the experimental laboratory.

Guess the riddle: “I swam in water, but remained dry.”

Why does a goose come out of the water dry?

Don't know?

Let's do some experiments.

What do we need to know?

Child: Why don’t a goose’s feathers get wet?

What do we need for this?

Water and feathers.

Dip the pen into the water, and now take it out, what do you see?

Children: the feather is dry, it is covered with droplets.

If you shake, the droplets will fall and the pen will become dry.

What are your hands like?

Children: wet

Maybe someone knows how to prevent our hands from getting wet in the water?

Child: Can I wrap them in cloth?

Or wear rubber gloves?

Let's try to lubricate our hands with cream and then wet them.

What did you notice?

Child: hands lubricated with cream do not get wet.

Now, guys, have you guessed why goose feathers don’t get wet in water?

Child: because the goose constantly greases its feathers.

Who else does this?

Waterfowl and polar bear.

Why does a polar bear lubricate its body with fat?

Guys, a man learned this trick and became everything metal objects, lubricate machine parts with grease so that they do not get wet in water and do not rust.

Now look at these three pictures - how are they similar?

Slide- Duck, goose, chicken

What's missing here? (chicken - she lives on land, cannot swim)

Let's go to the research laboratory and try to distinguish goose feathers from chicken feathers.

How can we tell them apart? (geese do not get wet)

Or maybe chicken ones don’t get wet either, let’s check.

What conclusion can we draw? (the goose feathers are dry or with droplets, they are not wet, they are greased, the chicken feathers are all stuck together, they look like a strip, water flows from them.)

You see, guys, it’s not for nothing that they say: “You’re like a wet chicken.”

Every living creature has its own habitat and adapts to it. The goose is adapted to live on water, so its feathers do not get wet, but the chicken lives on land and when it rains, it hides in the barn.

Guys, if you enjoyed attending a meeting of the scientific department, wear a cheerful face, no, a sad one.

Our meeting has come to an end and I would like to end it with your favorite song:

And we have things to do in the garden

Experiments again

The wizard himself never

Didn't do that

Then we’ll melt the snow and ice, then we’ll mix paints

Changing the taste of water, as in fairy tale

Either there will be more, or there will be more, or there will be more oh.. oh.. oh.

How are you? Good? Good mood We are ending our meeting.

Answers to Olympiad tasks on the surrounding world for 2nd grade

2011 – 2012 academic year

Task No. 1 (1 point for correct answer)

Answer the questions:

  1. The name of this tree comes from the word “leaf,” but there are no leaves on it.(larch)
  2. Can a spider be called an insect? Why?(no, he has 8 legs)
  3. What is the name of the star closest to earth?(Sun)
  4. Where is the grasshopper's ear?(on the paw)
  5. (tit)

Task No. 2 (1 point for correct answer)

Choose the correct answer:

  1. What is nature?

3. Animals are:
a) birds, animals, insects, fish, turtles, worms.

Task No. 3 (1 point for correct answer)

Add a word:

  1. The hedgehog has grown ten times, it turned out(porcupine)
  2. He is faithful to the sea, like a sailor, the harbinger of a storm(albotross)

Task No. 4 (1 point for correct answer)






Task No. 5 (1 point for correct answer)

Characteristic signs

Group name






Task No. 6 (1 point for correct answer)

trees oak



clover bushes


Rose hip

plantain herbs

Task No. 7 (1 point for correct answer)

Solve the puzzles.

  1. crow
  1. oriole
  1. sparrow
  1. blizzard
  1. cherry
  1. knapweed

Task No. 8 (5 points)

1. Seed.

5. An adult plant with fruits and seeds.

2. A sprout with a root.

4. An adult plant with flowers.

3. A sprout with a root and several leaves.

Task No. 9 (1 point for correct answer)


Olympiad tasks on the surrounding world for 2nd grade

2011 – 2012 academic year

Full name of the participant ______________________________

Class: 2 “____” Date: _____________________

Task No. 1

Answer the questions:

  1. The name of this tree comes from the word “leaf,” but there are no leaves on it.
  2. Can a spider be called an insect? Why?
  3. What is the name of the star closest to earth?
  4. Where is the grasshopper's ear?
  5. For which bird is lard a delicacy?


Task No. 2

Choose the correct answer:

  1. What is nature?
    a) pencil, notebooks, house, city, region in which you live.
    b) humans, plants, animals, spaceships, steamships.
    c) the sun, Earth, air, water, humans, plants, animals, mushrooms, microbes.

2.K inanimate nature include:
a) humans, animals, plants, mushrooms.
b) sun, Earth, air, clouds, water, man.
c) sun, sky, clouds, earth, stones, water.

3. Animals are:
a) birds, animals, insects, fish, turtles, worms.
b) birds, animals, fish, mushrooms, microbes.
c) birds, animals, humans, insects, plants.

Task No. 3

Add a word:

  1. The hedgehog has grown ten times, it turned out to be ____________________________
  2. He is faithful to the sea, like a sailor, the harbinger of a storm ___________________

Task No. 4

Find out the mysterious animals and highlight the correct answer

1) Which of these animals glows in the dark?


2) Which of these animals is poisonous?


3) Which bird is the smallest?


4) What bird breeds chicks in our forests in winter?


5) Which of these animals is not a step away from its own home?


Task No. 5

Fill out the table. Write the name of a group of animals based on the set of characteristics characteristic of it.

Characteristic signs

Group name

Aquatic animals with streamlined shape bodies covered with scales. They move with the help of fins. They breathe using gills. They lay eggs in large quantities.

Animals live in water and on land. Their skin is bare and slimy. Breathe through the lungs and the entire surface of the skin. They lay eggs.

Most animals live on land. Their body is dry and covered with scales. They breathe using their lungs. They lay eggs.

Most animals live on land. The body is covered with fur. Give birth to live babies

Flying animals covered with feathers. Lay a small number of eggs

Task No. 6

Match and connect the correct answers with an arrow.

trees oak



clover bushes


Rose hip

plantain herbs

Task No. 7

Solve the puzzles.

Task No. 8

Indicate with numbers in a certain order the stages of plant development:


An adult plant with fruits and seeds.

A sprout with a root.

Mature plant with flowers.

A sprout with a root and several leaves.

Task No. 9

What is the meaning of the saying: “Mow while there is dew; away with the dew and we're home":

A) when there is dew, then it is cool and easier to mow;

B) the grass becomes elastic from dew and is easier to mow;

C) in the morning a person has more strength;

D) in the morning there are fewer mosquitoes and other midges;

D) in the morning the scythe is sharper, and as you mow it becomes duller.


Olympiad tasks on the surrounding world for 3rd grade

2011 – 2012 academic year

Class: 3 “____” Date: _____________________

Task No. 1

Answer the questions:

  1. Organisms consisting mainly of a cap and a stalk belong to which kingdom?____________________________________________________________
  2. There is a popular saying: “I swam in water, but remained dry.” Who do they say this about and why? ___________________________________________________


  1. Name the “colored seas”_________________________________________________


  1. _____________________________________________________________________
  2. Frosts often occur in May, which is popularly associated with the name of this plant, since it blooms in May? _________________________

Task No. 2

  1. Ear, tongue, leg, eye, nose.
  2. Thermometer, scissors, weather vane, microscope.
  3. Pine, fir, alder, larch.
  4. Moon, Earth, Sun, Columbus.
  5. Russia, France, St. Petersburg, Germany.
  6. Lucina, TV, bast shoes, carriage.
  7. Penguin, whale, ostrich, stork.
  8. Geyser, compass, barometer, thermometer.
  9. Aspen, alder, larch, birch.
  10. Blizzard, dew, snowman, snowdrift.

Task No. 3

Emphasize natural phenomena:Sun, rain, frog, snow, tide, mushrooms, earthquake, leaves, hurricane, dress, rainbow.

Task No. 4


Flora - ___________________________________________________________________

Fauna - ___________________________________________________________________

Globe - ___________________________________________________________________

Task No. 5

New Year, Christmas, Victory Day, Valentine's Day, Day Defender of the Fatherland, Tatyana's Day, Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.

Task No. 6


Task No. 7

  1. The change of seasons occurs because

Task No. 8

Find out the mysterious animals and highlight the correct answer






Task No. 9







Answers to Olympiad taskson the surrounding world for 3rd grade

2011 – 2012 academic year

Answer the questions:(1 point for correct answer)

  1. Organisms consisting primarily of a cap and a stalk belong to which kingdom?(mushrooms)
  2. There is a popular saying: “I swam in water, but remained dry.” Who do they say this about and why?(goose)
  3. Name the "colored seas"(Black, Red, Yellow, White)
  4. Can a polar bear and a penguin meet in nature? Why?
    (no, bears – the north, penguins – Antarctica)
  5. Frosts often occur in May, which is popularly associated with the name of this plant, since it blooms in May?(bird cherry)

Task No. 2 (1 point for correct answer)

Find the extra word in each line

  1. Ear, tongue, leg, eye, nose.
  2. Thermometer, scissors , weather vane, microscope.
  3. Pine, fir, alder, larch.
  4. Moon, Earth, Sun, Columbus.
  5. Russia, France, St. Petersburg, Germany.
  6. Lucina, TV, bast shoes, carriage.
  7. Penguin, whale, ostrich, stork.
  8. Geyser, compass, barometer, thermometer.
  9. Aspen, alder, larch, birch.
  10. Blizzard, dew, snowman, snowdrift.

Task No. 3 (1 point for correct answer)

Emphasize natural phenomena: Sun, rain, frog, snow, tide, mushrooms, earthquake, leaves, hurricane, dress, rainbow.

Task No. 4 (1 point for correct answer)

Write definitions for the indicated concepts

A reserve is a place where hunting of rare animals is prohibited.

Flora is the plant world.

Fauna is the animal world.

Globe - a reduced model of the earth.

Task No. 5 (1 point for correct answer)

Just underline public holidays Russia:

New Year, Christmas, Victory Day, Valentine's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Tatyana's day, Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.

Task No. 6 (1 point for correct answer)

Collect as many names of Russian rivers as possible from letters (letters can be

use several times). Write down these names.


Amur, Neva, Yenisei, Volga, Lena, Ob

Task No. 7 (1 point for correct answer)

Answer whether the statements are true (Write in the table: yes or no)

  1. Migratory birds (swallows, storks) fly south to breed there.
  2. Nature can do without man, but man cannot do without nature.
  3. Russia is located on the Eurasian continent.
  4. Woody and herbaceous plants grow in the forest.
  5. In winter, the mole hibernates because it cannot find food during this period.







Task No. 8 (1 point for correct answer)

Find out the mysterious animals and highlight the correct answer

1) Which animal can lift a load almost 100 times its own weight?


2) What bird runs underwater along the bottom of streams and rivers in search of food?


3) What animal can live without food for seven years?


4) Which animal can jump a distance 100 times its own length?


5) Which of these animals has a brain similar to a human?


Task No. 9 (1 point for correct answer)

Connect the words in the right and left columns with lines







Olympiad tasks on the surrounding world for 4th grade

2011 – 2012 academic year

Participant's FI ____________________________________________________________________

Class: 4 “____” Date: _____________________

Task No. 1

  1. What group of plants (trees, shrubs, herbs) does banana belong to?
  2. What divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
  3. Who was called the “baked nightingale” in the old days in Rus'? _______________________________________________________________
  4. 336 rivers flow into this lake, and only one flows out - the Angara. What kind of lake is this? ______________________________________________________________
  5. Who sings underwater? _________________________________________________

Task No. 2

  1. Russia ___________________________________
  2. Ukraine _________________________________
  3. France_________________________________
  4. Germany________________________________
  5. England__________________________________
  6. USA___________________________________

Task No. 3

Answer whether the statements are true (Write in the table: yes or no)

  1. The Earth is larger than the Sun.
  2. The sun is a planet
  3. The Earth has an axis.
  4. This axis is imaginary.
  5. The earth rotates around its axis.

Task No. 4

" Peat is used at thermal power plants and used to heat stoves in homes. IN agriculture it is used as fertilizer. In places where peat is mined, long underground corridors are made. Places where peat is extracted are called “mines”. ___________________________________________

Task No. 5



  1. A leader elected by ancient warriors for the duration of the war.
  2. The first metal that people used to make tools.

Task No. 6

Arrangement order natural areas Russia from south to north (circle the letter):


























Task No. 7

b) slugs - cabbage - toad;


Task No. 8

B __ __ __

B __ __ __ __
B __ __ __ __ __
B __ __ __ __ __ __
B __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Task No. 9 Who was called the “baked nightingale” in the old days in Rus'? (cricket)

  • 336 rivers flow into this lake, and only one flows out - the Angara. What kind of lake is this?(Baikal)
  • Who sings underwater?(whale)
  • Task No. 2 (1 point for the correct answer)

    Do you know the capitals of these countries? Write down the name:

    1. Russia - Moscow
    2. Ukraine - Kyiv
    3. France - Paris
    4. Germany - Berlin
    5. England - London
    6. USA - Washington

    Task No. 3 (1 point for correct answer)

    Answer whether the statements are true (Write in the table: yes or no)

    1. We live on a star called Earth.
    2. The Earth is larger than the Sun.
    3. The sun is a planet
    4. The Earth has an axis.
    5. This axis is imaginary.
    6. The earth rotates around its axis.
    7. Night falls on the side of the Earth that faces the Sun.
    1. The Earth makes one revolution around its axis in 365 days.
    2. Our country is located on the Eurasian continent.
    3. The main law of the country is called the Constitution.











    Task No. 4 (1 point for the correct answer)

    Indicate the number of factual errors and underline them in the text:" Peat is used at thermal power plants and used to heat stoves in homes. In agriculture it is used as fertilizer.In places where peat is mined, long underground corridors are made.Places where peat is extracted are called “mines”.(2 errors)

    Task No. 5 (1 point for the correct answer. If the entire task is completed + 3 points.)


    1. One of the first human dwellings.(cave)
    2. The name of the first human collective.(herd)
    3. A period of time equal to 100 years.(century)
    4. Tool of the ancient hunter.(spear)


    1. Tools used by farmers 6-5 thousand years ago.(plow)
    2. One of the first stone tools.(scraper)
    3. Ancient tools made of stone or metal 13-7 thousand years ago. steppe















      Task No. 7 (2 points for the correct answer)

      Which power circuit is indicated correctly?
      a) pine – woodpecker – bark beetle;
      b) slugs - cabbage - toad;
      c) rye – mouse – snakes – eagles.

      What will happen if in the food chain “rye – mouse – foxes” people destroy foxes?

      Task No. 8 (1 point for the correct answer. If the entire task is completed + 3 points.)

      Write the names of different animals.

      B arr (leopard)

      B-tree (ram, bison)
      B uyvol (golden eagle)
      B ehemoth (butterfly)
      B urunduk

      Task No. 9 (1 point for the correct answer. If the entire task is completed + 3 points)

      Determine which grain is used to produce the following cereals. Connect with arrows.

      Cereal Groats

      Wheat Millet
      Buckwheat Pearl
      Millet Manna
      Barley Rice
      Buckwheat rice

      “I swam in water, but remained dry” (riddle)

      Alternative descriptions

      Large wild and domestic waterfowl with a long neck

      Our geese: gray, bean goose, white-fronted, white-necked, barnacle goose, white, mountain, Canada goose, red-breasted goose, swan-nosed goose, lesser white-fronted goose, brent goose

      Tributary of the Oka

      Pig enemy

      A bird that doesn't care about water

      Panikovsky's bird

      The bird whose liver is used to make the “king of pates”

      Which animal was sacred to the Roman goddess Juno, whose temple was located on the Capitol?

      This poultry has the highest calorie meat

      Nils' vehicle from Selma Lagerlöf's fairy tale

      Who was Martin, saved by the boy Nils in Selma Lagerlöf's fairy tale?

      . “red paws, pinches your heels, run without looking back” (riddle)

      Merry fellow at grandma's


      Bird of the duck family

      The pig is not a friend


      Bird in a dish

      Red paws, pinching the heels

      Important clawed bird

      The rooster crows and he cackles


      Swine uncomrade

      The hen needs a rooster, but what about the goose?

      Who was Martin to Nils?

      cackling bird

      An important bird that is not a friend to a pig

      I swam in the water but stayed dry

      The rooster's neighbor in the poultry house

      Nils' feathered transport

      Claw type


      Grandma's bird

      A pig is no friend, according to the proverb

      Large waterfowl with a long neck


      The bird that saved Rome

      River in the city of Gus-Khrustalny

      Waterfowl of the duck family

      River, tributary of the Oka

      Rogue, swindler

      A bird that doesn't care about water

      . "... a pig is not a friend"

      Which animal was sacred to the Roman goddess Juno, whose temple was located on the Capitol

      Who was Martin to Nils?

      The hen needs a rooster, and the goose needs

      M. gander and goose, southern. goose, sowing goose, app. Gusukhna, a famous courtyard and wild bird Anser; goose, goose, gosling, baby gosling, chick. Chinese goose, dry-nosed goose, with a bump on the nose, cygnoides. Bean goose, dark-feathered segetum, hot beak; gray goose, cinereus, from it Russian, yard geese. Our northern industrialists distinguish seven species: Bean goose, large gray goose, gray goose, motley goose, gabble, squealer and black goose, building a nest together with powder, white owl. Red goose, Phoenicopterus, on the Caspian Sea. sea, long-legged, crooked; flaming or flaming. Goose, one of northern constellations . *Pawed goose, a man with a mind of his own. Just like the gander: the heart is small, but the liver is big! talk about angry. Semka stole the pig and said it to the gosling. Do not catch the goose either in the oven or under the table, but on the table; in the oven: early; under the table: late, only bones. They drag a goose to a wedding, and into cabbage soup. Some you can eat with a bite, but others you can’t even eat with a goose. I would serve the goose, but there is no baking tray! The goose won't come out of the oven! wedding, says the cook, and the groom treats her with wine and shoots a gun into the oven, then the goose is served. Astrich. Our sexton doesn't eat geese; and the sexton doesn’t even know how to pinch them. All goose: if only there were feathers! The seagull is a goose, and the crow is a goose. You'll give a goose for a chicken. Like a cockroach in front of a goose. Would you ask the goose if its feet are cold? Belt your goose for cold weather. That being said, it's a goose's head. it happens that a pig eats a goose. God allows it, and the pig eats the goose. The goose pig is not a friend. A big goose cannot hatch a calf. You can't trample a field with just one goose. We'll kill the geese and plug up the holes (in the garden). We're in trouble like water off a duck's back! Trouble falls like water off a duck's back! Drink, goose, water, not from the boyar family! It's water on a duck's back, but I've had enough of incredible words. Water is off a duck's back, incredible words. Our bride was not herding geese, but shaking a spindle. The goose flew by and didn't hit him with its wing. A goose is flying to Holy Rus', Napoleon. The ducks were flying, the geese were flying, the cows were flying, the goats were flying! a game where, after one thing, everyone raises their hands if something flies, and for a mistake they give a payback. He knows a lot about how a blind man felt for milk, having felt his hand, instead of a goose: the leader boasted that he had taken a sip of milk; and what is it, asked the blind man? "Sweet and white." what is white? "Like a goose." what is a goose? The counselor bent his hand with a crutch: “Like this.” The blind man felt it and realized what kind of milk it was. The goose drinks lard, the eagle. talk if someone does not drink wine after meals. A goose and a duck dive into the rain. The goose presses its paw towards the cold. The goose stands on one leg, facing the frost. Geese flap their wings to indicate frost; gargle for warmth. A goose (or crow) hides its nose under its wing to indicate the cold. The geese are flying, there will be a lot of water; low, little. Geese and oak socks are flying, saying: so-and-so, so-and-so! threshing. The geese are flying, the oak socks are flying, the geese are saying: chekot, chekot, chekotushka? threshing. Game of geese: the queen drives a flock of geese into the field and calls them: “geese, come home!” For what? "The wolf is behind the mountain!" They run home, and the wolf intercepts and catches them from the side. Goose, gander, liver, heart, root, ox offal, wind vein with lungs, heart and liver, due to the similarity of these offal with a flying goose. Gus sib. Samoyed clothing, parka; in tob The goose is made of thick and woolly reindeer fur, a long shirt, with the wool facing out, with a cap on the collar, and is worn on the road in addition to the malitsa and parka. For the summer they sew a cloth goose. Gusak, old. boiled salt, in the form of sugar loaf. masons jib (see below). Geese pl. Psk. hard pimples, bloody cracks on the legs, from barefoot shoes, dirt, bad weather. Goose, single file adv. single, one after another, in a row, in a row, in a trail, in a thread, not in bulk, not in a bunch, one at a time. Harness a goose, ride a goose, ride as fast as you can, along narrow roads winter roads, in deep snow, harnessing horses one in front of the other, three at a time, up to five. Gusev, Gusakov, Gusynin, Gusenyshev, etc. belong to them. Goosey, goosey, characteristic of geese, related to them, consisting of them, etc. Goose cry. We sell goose feathers. A bunch of goose. The goose step, in the former recruiting school, is training, the longest. Goose memory, chicken memory, turkey memory, unconsciousness. Goose Road, Batyeva, the Milky Way, in the direction of which the geese fly away. Crow's foot, diverging branches of a tunnel. Goose foot, plant. Alchemilla vulgaris, sundew, mantle; Chenopodium, pigweed, winch different types. Goose grass, goose pasture, plant. Potentilla anserina, mighty goose, caterpillar, ringlets, goose's feet, metograss, femur. Goose, single-file path, riding and road by a goose (see also jib). Gander, gander, gander, in various meanings. related to the gander. Gander shop, sale of boiled gander, liver, liver, etc. Gander membrane, also known as gander and gander. diaphragma, blona separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity; very poorly called the chest-abdominal barrier. A gander is a hunter of geese and ganders before fighting, who lets the ganders fight for fun. A vendor selling gander, offal, boiled liver and lungs from a stall. Gusachnikov, belonging to him; gander, belonging to ganders, characteristic of. Gusyatina goose meat. Gusyatnik m. hunter of geese; selling geese; shepherd with geese; with a bird. Eagle, goose grabber. Gosling, September day, also known as hussars, Nikita's flight of goose, gosling, reporez. Festival of goose birds. Sheep are sheared and geese are killed. Departure of geese. Placate the merman by throwing him a goose without a head, which is taken home to count the brownie. Goose barn and goose barn. goose barn, poultry house for geese. Goose eagle. peasant withdrawal guard, for example. to the fair. Gooseberry, plant. Polygonum avicul. knotweed, pork burkun, plantain, trample. Plant. Potentilla anserina, goose grass. Anthriscus sylvestris Gosling, woman with geese, grazing. Gusyatnikov, Gusyatnitsyn, belonging to him, her. Gosling, belonging to or characteristic of goslings. Hussarnya goose barn, goose house, goose barn. Hussar is a nickname for peaceful marauders carrying backyard poultry. Goose hunting, hunting geese, breeding them for sale. Gusek will belittle. gander, breast giblets. A type of game, with checkers in squares, with dice thrown: the checkers go in single file, one after another. Fillet, similar to a goose neck; brick, hewn by selection or angle; a small bracket, a support for a shelf, cut with a rounded slope, etc. Crawling game. jib. Gusyanka w. covered barge along the Oka, Tsna (from the Gus River); more than fathom long; width depth

      Not a pig's friend

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