It all starts with working on it. Typical management mistakes and ways to eliminate them. Typical traits of a weak leader

The question was asked about how to find your mission and determine the direction of changes in life. In this article, I would like to answer this question and recommend some simple techniques that you can try immediately after reading.

Why do we want change?

If you think that you need to change something in this life, then you don’t think so.

Rinat Valiullin

I'm the first step to conscious changes in life is planning. However, I did not specify what exactly makes us start planning, looking for sources of motivation and working with our resources.

It's very simple - it's a rejection of reality.

We begin to think about change when the desire arises in us to say: “Something is wrong in my life. I do not like it!". This happens when something makes us question our standards in life.

I recently read the story of a girl who lost 20 kilograms. I'll give it as an example.

“I was on the subway when all the seats were taken. My grandmother sat in front of me and looked at me carefully for the first few minutes. Then she stood up and with the words: “Sit down, daughter, you and your child are not supposed to stand,” she gave me her seat. I, burning with shame and holding my “baby,” sat down. It was at that moment that I realized that this could not continue.”

The first thing you must understand when you embark on the path of change is that the new standards you are striving for do not correspond to what you have at this stage. But not everyone has the opportunity to experience a moment of extreme clarity, see themselves from the outside and rethink their habits, like the above-mentioned girl. So what to do?

1. What do I want to change?

There's not much point in climbing a ladder if it's not against the right wall.

Stephen Covey

This is the main question that worries most people who have received a boost of motivation, but do not know where to direct their energy.

There are many ways to identify problem areas, but the simplest and most effective way is to competent assessment. To do this, you need to separately consider the main areas of your life, which, as a rule, include:

  • Love;
  • friendship;
  • welfare;
  • health;
  • Job;
  • hobby.

This classification was proposed by Russian business coach Radislav Gandapas. You can use your own division, revealing individual directions in more detail.

Now we need to evaluate each of them according to ten point scale. This way you will decide which areas need your attention first. If you have opposite scores (for example, 3 and 10), then you should think about redirecting your efforts to an area that needs it more.

If all the numbers are approximately the same, then start with health and love, since their development most of all trains the will and gives motivation for self-improvement.

2. How to force yourself to act?

To change something, a person needs to survive a catastrophe, poverty or near death.

Erich Maria Remarque

Once you have decided what to work on, you must put yourself in a state of rejection of reality. Your desire to raise existing standards must overcome your fear, which is guaranteed to make you want to leave things as they are. What is needed for this?

Take a piece of paper and write down a goal in the chosen area. For example: “I want to develop strong relationships.” Now divide the sheet into two columns with the following names:

  1. Old standards. What will happen in five years if I leave everything as it is?
  2. New standards. What will happen in five years if I start working on myself in this area?

Now try to be as honest as possible and write down detailed answers to these questions. In our example of a strong relationship, the old standards would include loneliness, lack of understanding, emotional instability, and so on. For new ones - emotional support, a pleasant pastime, a happy marriage.

So what standards do you want to live by?

3. Live by new standards. Today!

There is no balance in life. Every moment is either a movement towards perfection or degradation.

Andrew Matthews

Now you know which direction you need to move and what results await you in the end. At this stage, overwhelmed with emotions, we first begin to make plans to change the chosen area, but our enthusiasm quickly disappears.

To prove to yourself that your standards are truly a thing of the past, start changing your chosen area today, right now. The picture below will serve as an excellent example of motivation for you.

To see multiple changes in a year, it is enough to change just 1% today. Write to an old friend you haven’t talked to for a long time, do some exercise, find out about career opportunities at work. Every day, do at least something that will bring you closer to your goal, even if just one step.

Start working on yourself and change your life for the better!

« - Where does the first step towards God begin?
- I would say from honesty, from honesty with oneself. That’s when a person asks himself the question “Who am I?”, honestly, and begins to look at what he is for, what he is? Just a bunch of different molecules and everything else? Such a complex machine, what is it for? When he starts again: “why am I here?”, “for what, and who am I?” From the first question “Who am I?” and the path to God begins. Well, or vice versa in the other direction, depending on what answer he chooses for himself and who will control him at the moment.”

From the program “Coming Cataclysms. About relationships between people. Revival of humanity. The truth is the same for everyone"

Cognizing his inner world, a person transforms himself inside, and then the outside is transformed in accordance with his inside. You don't need to change anything around you, just start with yourself. When a person’s personality begins to feel the Spiritual World, it rejoices, but consciousness at that moment goes berserk. A person always faces the choice of two roads, and in order to choose one of them, you need to feel which of them is true and which is a lie. The road to God is felt, but to the Devil is shown! Not everything you look at is Truth, but feelings never betray. To live in this world, to vegetate in matter, or to choose the Spiritual world, which arises here, and there, and there it just begins - the path to Eternity.

Spiritual work on oneself is the firmness of Choice

Inner Choice. And as soon as you choose this path, you lose nothing, but before that, your consciousness whispered that you could lose everything. On the Path to God nothing is lost, only gained there. But consciousness still does not lag behind, because for it Your Choice to God becomes death. If a voice in your head says: “you can lose a lot of things”, “you won’t go there yet”, “better start tomorrow, today is not that day”, “this world is better, look for yourself, here everything is real, but there is no telling what will happen there” " This is all the consciousness says, its task is to distract. It gets the job done. Strengthening Personality in Choice. After all, it is known that consciousness matures than the Personality, it develops faster than the Personality.

Body, consciousness, brain are tools of the material world, and to understand this, you must first “wake up”, and once you have caught the thread of contact with the Spiritual world, do not let it go. Do not follow the lead of consciousness, even though it always screams loudly. You just need to listen to what the silence says. The personality knows that her Home is there, where she came from and where she must return. Only the enemy, the catcher of Souls, does not sleep, he is constantly on the alert: he abandons his thoughts, does everything just to attract attention to himself.

Where does the first step towards God begin?

Understanding these moments and observing what is happening in my head (“Is it my desire that this is boiling in my head?”, “Is there at least one thought of mine that I created for myself?”), allows the Personality to look around, think a little, force your consciousness to answer these questions. This is where the first step towards God begins! Consciousness comes to a dead end from such “tricks” of the Personality.

“Personality is just the embryo of an individual Consciousness of a possible future Spiritual Being. By itself, it does not represent anything spiritually. The soul contains great potential. But without the merging of the Soul with the Personality, this potential can be wasted. And only when, relatively speaking, a resonance of vibrations occurs, a kind of merging, “fertilization” of the Soul by the Personality, only then is a new, immortal Spiritual Being with individual consciousness and great spiritual potential born. This is the meaning of human existence: either victory by Life or defeat by Death.”

From the book "AllatRa" (Article 149)

Consciousness knows what will happen when the Personality becomes a Spiritual Being. It will serve Him. And consciousness tries in every possible way to distract the Personality, to cloud it, so that it does not know what chance it has, and what “Position” it can occupy. While the Personality gives its attention to consciousness, it feeds, grows, and rejoices, but as soon as the Personality understands what is hidden from it, consciousness will have to serve and carry out the tasks of the Personality.

“Therefore, when there are obvious confrontations in the form of laziness, reluctance, excuses, you need to doubly gather your strength and begin to spiritually work on yourself. It is necessary, on the contrary, to increase the time of meditation, to dive even deeper into feelings no matter what, to knock even more persistently on the spiritual world and restore your saving, sincere Dialogue with God. You need to do spiritual practices at least twice a day, and during the day do not lose touch with your inner world, with the Soul, with the feeling of the presence of God. And then it will become not just a way of life, it will become that spiritual path that with every step will bring you closer to Eternity.”

From the book "AllatRa" (Article 778)

Every day you need to strengthen yourself in the Spiritual formation of your Personality. It’s hard at first, because it’s dark, you go by touch, but then it becomes lighter and you see the path, achievements, internal and external changes around you. The main thing is to start and not think about what will happen, to know that this thread already exists. The silver thread is a navigator to the Spiritual world. Deep feelings are not false, they are full and real. And there is no illusion in achieving happiness, it already exists - inside, the Gate to the Spiritual Home World.

“Spiritual work on yourself is multifaceted every day. It involves not only work with the help of spiritual tools, but also the development of purity of thoughts, deeds and actions worthy of the title of Man.”

From the book "AllatRa" (Article 705)

“A real sacrifice to God is when a person sacrifices his Animal nature on the altar of his life, that is, he renounces many of his desires, thoughts, fleeting and temporary illusions, thereby revealing to himself spiritual path to true Eternity - to the World of God."

From the AllatRa book (p. 713)

The basis of Real Spiritual work on yourself is Attention.

“It is important for people to remember that in their Everyday life the key point is attention. What a person pays and gives attention to in his life (what thoughts, preferences, desires) is what he receives. Life in its present manifestation is an information exchange that is far from being limited to the narrow spectrum of visible and audible frequencies that a person partially perceives in the three-dimensional world. I have already told you, using the figurative example of information bricks, that information is everywhere and it is present in everything. It exists outside of time and space, for it forms everything, including time and space. Information constantly influences the individual. But only when he begins to pay attention to it, that is, makes his choice, the information begins to fully work in him, according to its program. That is, there is an involvement of human structures associated not only with three-dimensional world(for example, consciousness, subconscious), but also with its general energy structure. A person, unnoticed by himself, begins to live with this information; it becomes part of his reality. Therefore, a person, through his choice, creates his subsequent destiny, paying attention to this or that information. By endowing it with the power of his attention, in essence, he gives life to the program contained in it, which transforms his life into one reality or another.”

Any work on color correction of an image (as well as work on the entire project - which will include these images) begins with clarifying the terms of the publication. Regardless of the form in which you submit your publication to the printing house, all the parameters listed below are necessary for high-quality image processing. If for vector objects it is quite easy to make changes related to other printing conditions, then any introduction of even small corrections to a raster image only worsens it. What exactly you need to find out for high-quality image preparation:

  • at the customer:
    • -Objective;
    • - publication format; (format agreed upon with the printing house, where it will be this work printed)
    • - characteristics of the paper used.
  • from the printing technologist:

    • -printing machine (rotary or sheet-fed, how many sections);
    • - dot gain for each ink by 40% and 80% for a given paper and lineature;
    • -maximum amount of colors;
    • -maximum percentage of black paint;
    • -recommended black generation mode;
    • -minimum percentage value of the white point;
    • -percentage value of gray balance;
    • or instead of all these points - ICC printing profile, but both are better. (high-quality profiles from the printing house are still rare; more often they give a “surrogate”)

    • - print lineature;
    • -recommendations related to imposition of stripes.
  • from the layout designer (or from yourself):

    • What will be on one descent sheet.

Let's look at some points in more detail:

Goal of the work important for image processing - to highlight significant elements of the image and suppress secondary ones (place accents). I will give slightly exaggerated examples of processing options:

Publication format- i.e. the required physical dimensions of the images, as a rule, the designer works with low-resolution “preview” files and only after preliminary approval of the sketch, work begins on scanning and processing images with the required resolution and dimensions. Avoid resizing in your layout program by more than 10%.

Print lineature - necessary to select parameters when sharpening. The value of the lineature depends on the size of the stable minimum printing point that a particular printing process can provide
Lineature = 1/(5*dt.min) lines/cm). The image resolution value depends on the selected lineature.

Imposition of stripes- if on one printed sheet you have images with delicate pastel colors and a 100% spot fill of one of the primary colors - be prepared that there will be 5%, 10% more of this color in the first image than you expect. And if, for example, there is dense text on the back of a light stretch of sky, the sky will be “striped” with lines of translucent text.

I advise you to receive data from the printing house in writing (for example, by fax); in the future, this piece of paper can save you money.

If you have prepared an image using the CMYK settings that Photoshop offers by default (that is, for a printing process that does not exist in nature, and in Russia in particular), then without completely redoing the entire work, the print run will be of obviously low quality, - the printer will bring the print into a more or less divine appearance, try to raise the contrast of the image, make cleaner colors- changing the paint density, pressure, which will inevitably lead to a significant narrowing of the effective tonal range with loss of detail in highlights and shadows, and there can be no talk of color predictability. Do you need linear correction during printing?

The preparatory stage is over, we move directly to work on the project

So you have decided on the profile and set it in the Color Settings dialog, decided on the required resolution and, bringing the images to the required size, are ready to set it. Before layout begins, all images are cropped along the edges of the image (if necessary, the horizon or object is leveled, the geometry is straightened), brought, without interpolation, to the required resolution (many layout designers are accustomed to assessing the suitability of the existing image sizes by scale, although in my opinion it is enough to monitor in InDesign "e behind the parameter Effective ppi in the palette Info

. Images are saved in TIF format. Next comes the layout process, when the images are arranged and the layout is approved, work on color correction begins, do not try to do color correction and layout in parallel - the layout is constantly changing - the “ways and thoughts” of the designer are inscrutable and you will spend a lot of time on the basket (from selected illustrations, usually in the publication includes no more than 40%), and due to the changes in size, it will have to be redone again (especially if there are slides that can be rescanned in a larger size - therefore, for layout it is better to provide pre-scanned files in low resolution, sufficient to determine the plot , and when the structure of the publication becomes clear, you can start scanning with dimensions no larger than the book format and only after approving the layout, scan the slides from which fragments will be cut out). Actually, we have reached the moment when you opened the image for color correction. Processing begins with bringing the image to the dimensions required for the publication, if “shifts” are possible in the layout (and they are possible up to
In the correction examples posted on this site, I deliberately did not select “impact” pictures, as is customary in specialized literature. Take your image and go through all the steps of the example - this will allow you to understand which images from your “circle” this or that technique works on, what image problem this technique solves. Good luck!


The process of creating an information article consists of several stages: collecting and processing information, drawing up a plan, writing a draft. Proofreading and editing of text. Today I propose to talk about the first, very important stage, the quality of which will largely determine the quality of the article - working with the material.

Unfortunately, many authors do not attach due importance to working with the material. Having received an order to write an article, say, about air purifiers, they, without thinking twice, enter the phrase “air purifier articles” into the search and receive a list of articles written by their predecessors. Read and write their own free version of these texts. The situation repeats itself over and over again. Subject to endless rewriting, the source text multiplies and spreads across the Internet, but its quality does not improve. Quite the contrary.

But where is the way out, you ask? After all, one person cannot understand all topics? Okay, you can write about cooking and raising children based on personal experience. And what if you don’t think twice about the same air purifiers?

I don’t encourage you to write from your head, invent and fantasize. I encourage you to do a little investigative journalism and follow the tips that help me write informative articles on various topics.

1. Look for primary sources

Once and for all, forget about the phrase “your topic + articles.” The articles of your colleagues can at most be the source code for rewriting. Articles by successful colleagues can be a model and an example, but nothing more. Look for primary sources: definitions and articles from encyclopedic dictionaries, opinions of scientists and experts in the field, instructions and technical descriptions, user reviews, photos and videos.

2. Draw your own conclusions

Based on the received material. You found a lot of flattering reviews about the “A” air purifier model. And model "B" is too noisy. But model “B” has an ergonomic design. All these conclusions can be drawn only by looking at several pages with descriptions of models and reviews of them on the M-video website. Share your observations with readers.

3. Provide numbers and facts

So that your conclusions are not unfounded, and the article does not seem like a pouring from empty to empty, do not hesitate to add numbers to the article. These could be the technical characteristics of the item, price range, statistics. “Model A has an attractive price and will cost you 2,999 rubles. Model B will save you a thousand rubles on your purchase, but its 2000W power consumption will significantly increase your electricity bills.”

Hints, tips, and examples will help make your article specific and useful.

Where to look for information?

The range of your searches will greatly depend on the topic of the article. The author of this guide would advise you the following:

A) Articles about tourism, cities and countries

On major travel websites you can find a lot of reviews and detailed reports from tourists., Vinsky forum, Mile Travel and many other sites for the queries “tourist sites”, “travel sites”, “tourist reviews”, etc. to help you.

If you are preparing material about a city or landmark, dig up the history and look for a video about the country on the Internet. A copywriter will find it very useful to subscribe to publications like GEO, GEO Traveler, Golden Globe, Heritage of Humanity, etc.

B) Articles about real estate

They are written based on numbers and facts. Large real estate portals keep statistics by city, month, secondary and primary market. On these same sites you can find forecasts and expert conclusions. Don't forget that market fluctuations are often associated with economic and political events. Try to track the connection and make your own recommendations to the buyer.

B) Articles about new technologies

It’s best to start working on a review of a new phone model or food processor by studying it technical characteristics. Imagine the process of using the model. This processor has low power, which means it will be able to mix dough, but will not be able to chop meat. And this phone has only touch controls, which means it’s hardly worth giving it to elderly parents. And so on for each characteristic. Again, don’t forget about user reviews. Online stores of large chains - M-video, Eldorado, Tekhnosila, etc. they will help you.

When selecting and studying material, keep paper and pen nearby and write down the thoughts that come to mind. They will then form the basis of a future article. Drawing up a plan will help you structure the material. And remember that each article must be read at least twice, preferably once out loud, so you will hear possible speech flaws in your text.

This is the first spring post, so I want to wish you spring inspiration. And for students of the course, I remind you that on March 12 you will have a webinar, where we will learn in practice how to work with the material for the article.

Dear blog readers! If you liked the article, click on any of the buttons below to share it on in social networks. This will be your best “thank you” for the material. Did you like the article? Share with others!

Self-improvement and self-development are driving forces improving yourself, your life, and society as a whole. Every person should realize that everything starts with himself, and only he alone is capable of making his life interesting and exciting.

Self-development is a way to improve the quality of your life

There are many areas in which you can work on yourself. Psychologists recommend first making a detailed plan and following it.

Setting goals

Before you engage in self-development, you need to decide which areas of your life should be given special attention. Without a plan, it will be almost impossible to achieve the desired results.

In psychology, the creation of a “Wheel of Life” is practiced to determine goals and ways to achieve them. This method is quite simple, and anyone can use it. To do this, draw a circle on a sheet of paper. It is divided into 8 parts, each of which must be assessed on a ten-point scale:

  • family (love) – harmony in relationships with loved ones, the desire to return home after a hard day, as well as home comfort;
  • health (sports) – presence of chronic diseases, excess weight, achievements in sports and healthy eating;
  • leisure – rest, travel, hobbies, etc.;
  • personal growth – education, new knowledge or skills;
  • brightness of life – memorable moments, satisfaction with one’s life;
  • financial condition – financial independence, satisfaction with salary, availability of a cash cushion;
  • friends - communication, spending time together, help in self-realization;
  • career is an opportunity professional growth, pleasure from performing work tasks.

Each sector of the “Wheel of Life” is divided into 10 equal parts from its center to its edge. Depending on the score assigned to each section, the same number of divisions are shaded.

Ideally, there should be a completely shaded circle inside the circle. It is an indicator of harmony between all aspects of life. Thanks to this technique, it becomes immediately clear what needs primary work, what a person lacks for the development and harmonization of life.


In order to achieve certain success in this field, you need a strong incentive, or as it is commonly called in psychology - motivation. This is something for which a person is ready to move forward, which gives him strength to work on himself.

The most common way to motivate yourself is to visualize what you are striving for. This can be a photo or a symbolic image. Such an object should be located in a place where it will constantly catch the eye.

Often loved ones act as motivation. These could be children, parents or simply people in need. Sometimes even a corrosive feeling of envy can become a good motivation for self-development.

Visualization is a great way to motivate

Let's start self-improvement

Working on yourself is very hard and long work. Regardless of what social class a person belongs to, he can improve himself and his life as soon as he takes action. It is better to start self-development by reading specialized literature.


The foundations of personal self-development lie in knowledge new information and mastering new skills. A person’s personal growth always begins with increasing his cultural level. Those who read a lot are better able to formulate their thoughts, their speech is beautiful and correct.

Books about the basics of personal self-development are also widely popular. There are a huge number of them, and choosing from this list will be quite easy. Most often, psychologists recommend:

  1. "Be the best version yourself” M.D. Ryan. A book about promises to yourself, good habits and ways to develop them.
  2. “A Whole Life” M. W. Hansen, L. Hewitt, D. Canfield. This raises the question of setting the correct life values and about the importance of self-affirmation.
  3. “Get out of your comfort zone” by B. Tracy. The leading publication covering personal growth in psychology. It discusses a plan to work on yourself by neglecting your life principles.
  4. “This year I...” D. Waldschmidt. Reveals the main ways of development and shows life examples of successful people.

After reading at least one of these books, a person rethinks values ​​and receives motivation for further actions. There is no need to be skeptical of everything that is written there, but you should not follow it blindly either. Any plan must be tailored to the individual.

Quitting habits

Working on yourself requires improvements not only in the intellectual sphere. First of all, a person needs to get rid of bad habits. Some of them take away his health, while others take his time.

The desire for self-development must begin with healthy image life. If you can’t quit smoking right away, then you need to develop willpower and fight your desires. The same goes for alcohol, drugs, love of junk food and a passive lifestyle.

Habits that take away free time, nothing more than the Internet, television, laziness, etc. By giving up one of these items, you can free up several hours to spend time with your family, relax or work.

21 day principle

It is known that it takes 21 days to consolidate a habit. Based on this principle, many methods of self-development and programs for optimizing your life, home or relationships have been created.

The most popular of them are:

  1. “Purple bracelet” - a person must wear a lilac bracelet on one hand for 21 days. But there is one important detail: as soon as the person complains, gets angry, or quarrels with someone, the bracelet is put on the other hand, and the report starts all over again.
  2. “Fly Lady” system – improving your home and creating comfort. For 21 working days, it is suggested to divide housework into small parts and complete them step by step. By the end of the course, most everyday worries become automatic, and a person does them without thinking or forcing himself.

By performing the same action during this period, you can introduce correct, healthy habits into your life. This way you can train yourself to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach or do the necessary work every day.

Reward system

For both men and women, in any path of self-development, not only the final result is important, but also the intermediate one. Moving forward fractionally is much more effective than having one big dream.

To make it easier to complete many segments, you need to develop a reward system for yourself. It can be anything depending on the preferences and capabilities of the person. Some people reward themselves with a new item or a trip abroad, while for others a luxury would be a cup of freshly brewed coffee or chocolate cake.

The main thing is that the encouragement brings physical or moral satisfaction. This becomes a good motivation and opens up a second wind.

Travel is a great reward for success


Quite often, a person gives up self-development only because he suffered an unpleasant defeat at the very beginning of his path. The first failures unsettle you and destroy your faith in your success. Most often this happens due to incorrectly placed values.

First you need to understand that personal self-realization does not imply the pursuit of some mythical result.

It must not only be found, but also correctly designated. Another important part of preparation is splitting the plan into several parts. This will make it easier to complete tasks and help you concentrate on the main thing. Trying to cover everything at once will ultimately lead to nothing. Many impressionable people are led by online advertising, where they are promised help with personal growth in just a couple of sessions. Of course, such a unique technique costs a lot of money, which the uninitiated immediately put into the charlatan’s account. You need to understand what this is hard way

impossible to complete in a couple of days.


The psychology of personal self-development is a complex science. This requires an individual approach to each person, because there is simply no universal way for everyone. Psychologists who conduct trainings and webinars on this topic usually recruit small groups of students in order to be able to pay attention to each of them.

Anyone can take the path of self-development. But it is important not just to want to change something in your life, but to apply the maximum of your strength and capabilities to it. Now there are many sources where you can learn about self-development, but all the information received needs to be filtered, and not just blindly follow the instructions.