I don't like being bored or being scolded. Homogeneous members of the sentence. Stylistic features of sentences with homogeneous members

A small monument dedicated to the sad defeat of the Russians in the campaign against the Polovtsians in 1185 turned out to be one of the greatest and most joyful victories of the Russian word.

People of impeccable taste were intoxicated by the beauty of the “Word”: Zhukovsky, Belinsky, Gogol, and in the 20th century - Blok, Bunin and many Soviet poets and writers.

The power of love for the homeland, for the Russian land, captivates the readers of the Lay. This feeling permeates the entire work, appears in every line. It fills the reader’s heart with burning grief when describing the defeat of the Russian army, pride for their homeland when describing the strength and courage of its princes, acute hatred for its enemies in the story of the devastation of the Russian land. love for the homeland and the Russian people determined the choice artistic means in the Lay, close to folk art, strengthened the observation of its author, breathed into him genuine poetic animation, and gave high ideological value to his work.

This is why the significance of the “Word” has increased so immensely in our time. That is why it finds such a warm response in the hearts of all people who are selflessly devoted to their homeland.

(217 words) (According to D. S. Likhachev)

2. creative work“stylistic training” (in pairs)

♦ Find errors and shortcomings in the use of homogeneous terms

New Make stylistic edits.

1) Parents care and worry even about adult children. 2) I understand and sympathize with the author’s desire to comprehensively cover this complex problem. 3) Everywhere: on the streets, squares, parks and gardens - you can feel the proximity of spring. 4) a. S. Griboyedov was not only an outstanding playwright, but also a brilliant diplomat. 5) Moscow is the city that was the birthplace of Pushkin and described in detail by him. 6) This play is modern and topical. 7) I’m not so much against the rain as I am against the dirt. For complete happiness I lack good studies, discipline and a grandfather. 9) Marina has a slim figure and a cheerful mood. 10) Dobrynya plays the harp and chess very well. 11) Chekhov ridiculed those who were chameleons and vain. 12) No cheerful childish voices or bright wall newspapers were heard. 13) I was filled with curiosity and joy. 14) I would like to get a dog for fun and fun. 15) I don’t like getting sick and mustard plasters. 16) Walking from morning to evening and if you don’t study, you won’t pass the exam. 17) Pushkin is a national poet, and we cannot help but love and admire him.

♦ Compose sentences with homogeneous members according to the diagrams below and write them in the following order: a) with homogeneous members expressing connecting (numerical) meanings; b) with homogeneous members expressing dividing (mutual exclusion, alternation) meanings; c) with homogeneous members expressing adversative (contrast, comparison) meanings.

1) [\-), \U, h_].

2) [O, V-) and \~)].

3) [(-), but h_].

4) [O or h_].

5) [Not only O, but also h_].

3. free dictation

♦ Underline the homogeneous parts in the written sentences.

The wind rushed over the meadow - as if it stirred up a green pond with ripples, rushed over the field - wheat waves cleared up, like a sea-ocean! This is wind dancing.

And listen to his songs! He sings them everywhere in different ways: in the forest - drawn-out and echoing, and in houses where he bursts into attic windows, then into the cracks of walls - sad and annoying. Just look at how he chases the clouds across the sky, like a dog chasing a flock of sheep! and now listen to how he whistles at the gate, like a watchman blowing a horn!

How alarmingly the chimney hums, how the fireplace howls! The logs crackle, bright sparks fly in all directions; the reflections of the flame highlight even the farthest corners of the room; how warm, how comfortable it is to sit by the fire and listen. Listen to the stories of the wind. He alone knows far more stories than all of us combined. Do you hear? He begins his story.

(According to H. K. Andersen)

4. “Just a minute for a joke”

♦ Who will answer the question faster: Are homogeneous words, expressing incompatible concepts? in sentences.

1) He ate pies with peas and with pleasure (From a magazine). 2) Dmitry Alekseevich walked next to him and asked the multiplication table separately and in a row. 3) We reached “nine nine” and the gymnasium at the same time (L. Kassil).

♦ Come up with your own humorous sentences with incompatible concepts.

5. work with textbook exercises (at the teacher’s choice)

VI. Reflection. Summing up the lesson

♦ For what purpose are distant and incompatible concepts used in one series of homogeneous members? Give examples.

♦ What is gradation? Give examples of ascending and descending gradation.

♦ For what purpose are homogeneous terms used in artistic speech? Give examples.

VII. Homework

1. Learn theoretical material textbook on the topic of the lesson.

2. Complete (in writing) the teacher’s choice.

3. creative (for students high level educational achievements): write a miniature essay (8–10 sentences) on one of the topics: “During the school break”; "On a rainy day from the bus window." In your work, to more accurately describe the situation, mood, and actions, use constructions with homogeneous members of the sentence.

“Sentences with homogeneous members”

· Notes on the topic “Propositions with homogeneous members”

1. Homogeneous members of the sentence are:

a) words repeated for greater expressiveness;

b) words that answer the same question and relate to the same

member of the proposal;

c) words related to the same member of the sentence, but answering different questions.

2. In which sentence are the definitions homogeneous (no commas):

a) Let's buy a comfortable wide table.

b) Let's buy a comfortable desk.

3. Find a sentence with homogeneous members:

a) The sea catches the arrows of lightning and extinguishes them in its abyss.

b) The moon was behind the clouds, and the snowdrifts seemed blue.

c) It was raining in the morning and the sky was overcast.

4. Is a comma placed between homogeneous members connected by conjunctions in stable combinations?:

5. A colon is placed in generalizing words:

a) if the generalizing word comes in front of homogeneous members;

b) if the generalizing word comes after homogeneous members.

6. Find a sentence that matches the pattern: O: O, O, O -…

(no commas included).

a) The basket contained various fruits: apples, pears, grapes, peaches.

b) Many delicious dishes can be prepared from sea fish, cod, herring, halibut.

c) Morning dispels all fear, fatigue and excitement.

· Exercise. Find errors and shortcomings in the use of homogeneous members. Correct the sentences. Justify your answer.

1. Parents care and worry even about adult children. 2. I understand and sympathize with the author’s desire to comprehensively cover this complex problem. 3. Everywhere: on the streets, squares, parks and gardens - you can feel the proximity of spring. 4. The director relied on and developed Stanislavsky’s system in his work. 5. Prefabricated brick panels are not inferior to reinforced concrete ones either in strength, frost resistance, or other indicators. 6. was not only an outstanding playwright, but also a brilliant diplomat. 7. In the Raevsky family, the disgraced poet found friendship and warmth at home. 8. The atmosphere of the era in comedy is created as characters, as well as off-stage characters. 9. All his life Mayakovsky disliked and disdained philistinism. 10. Based on this novel, not only films were created, but also wonderful performances were staged. 11. Moscow is the city that was the birthplace of Pushkin and described in detail by him. 12. This play is modern and topical. 13. I am not so much against the rain as I am against the dirt. 14. Alexey was surprised by her eyes, modesty and gullibility. 15. For complete happiness, I lack good studies, discipline and a grandfather. 16. Marina has a slim figure and a cheerful mood. 17. Dobrynya plays the harp and chess very well. 18. When the owner was drunk, he beat the dishes and the boy. 19. Chekhov ridiculed those who were chameleons and vain. 20. No cheerful childish voices or bright wall newspapers were heard. 21. I was filled with curiosity and joy. 22. Sophia, in order to annoy and insult Chatsky, spreads gossip about him. 23. Pushkin’s poems sound confidence and love for the future of Russia. 24. The author speaks not only about her external beauty, but about her internal one. 25. I would like to get a dog for fun and fun. 26. I don’t like getting sick and mustard plasters. 27. I don’t like being bored or being scolded. 28. In the story “ Captain's daughter» Pushkin showed people with different characters, but who know what honor is. 29. Now Pugachev was a king, and not that tramp who met Peter during a snowstorm and whom Peter thanked with a glass of wine. 30. Walking from morning to evening and if you don’t study, you won’t pass the exam. 31. Only in the sixties were we able to read and enjoy Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”. 32. Chekhov’s words are spoken not with a grin, but with his head held high. 33. Pushkin is a national poet, and we cannot help but love and admire him.

Exercise 1.

Correct the error in the agreement of homogeneous members and generalizing words.

1) I love different types arts: music, theater, painting. 2) My brother plays the following instruments: violin, piano, guitar.

Exercise 2.

Here are sentences with speech errors. Explain what the mistakes are and correct them.

1) The program for the evening included Russian and funny songs. 2) Words can be precise or foreign. 3) Forests can be coniferous or damp.

Exercise 3.

Find and correct, explaining, errors in sentences.

1) Satirists expose the ignorant, rudeness, greed, and selfishness. 2) Voters know and trust their candidate for deputy well 3) Lenochka met and told Masha about a trip to the forest. 4) The language of the play is short but colorful. 5) Father loves chess competitions and fishing.

Exercise 4.

Determine the nature of the speech errors made in them and explain how sentences should be constructed correctly. Write down the sentences in corrected form.

1) If you go deep into the forest in spring, you can hear the buds bursting and the joyful chirping of birds.

2) I really love fishing and do it not only in summer, but also in winter.

3) In Pugachev’s detachments there were many Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvash and Ural workers.

5) In our store you can buy stationery, pencils, paper.

6) Orders are accepted for sewing men's, ladies' and military dresses.

7) He lost the coin and his hope for new shoes.

8) We love and are passionate about figure skating.

9) On weekends in winter, I usually read, but I also choose time to play hockey and various games with friends.

Exercise 5.

Explain the errors in combinations of homogeneous terms. Make stylistic edits.

1) Sevastopolsky LLC invites vegetable processing foreman and single workers (men and women) for permanent employment. 2) The work must include as many people and horses as possible to handle the potato harvesting. 3) The bus has high steps and low dynamic performance. 4) The youth came to the camp site with songs and fun. 5) Thousands of new machines, equipment, devices, mechanization and automation equipment have come into operation. 6) Citizens passengers! When entering the escalator, do not place things, suitcases and bags on the steps. 7) The store needs sellers of vegetables and potatoes. 8) Factory workers support and vote for the candidates nominated by the rally participants.

Exercise 6.

Find errors and shortcomings in the use of homogeneous members. Correct the sentences. Justify your answer.

1) Parents care and worry even about adult children. 2) I understand and sympathize with the author’s desire to comprehensively cover this complex problem. 3) Everywhere: on the streets, squares, parks and gardens - you can feel the proximity of spring. 4) The director relied on and developed Stanislavsky’s system in his work. 5) Prefabricated brick panels are not inferior to reinforced concrete ones either in strength, frost resistance, or other indicators. 6) A.S. Griboyedov was not only an outstanding playwright, but also a brilliant diplomat. 7) In the Raevsky family, the disgraced poet found friendship and warmth at home. 8) The atmosphere of the era in comedy is created by both the characters and off-stage characters. 9) All his life Mayakovsky disliked and disdained philistinism. 10) Based on this novel, not only films were created, but also wonderful performances were staged. 11) Moscow is the city that was the birthplace of Pushkin and described in detail by him. 12) This play is modern and topical. 13) I am not so much against the rain as I am against the dirt. 14) Alexey was surprised by her eyes, modesty and gullibility. 15) For complete happiness, I lack good studies, discipline and a grandfather. 16) Marina has a slim figure and a cheerful mood. 17) Dobrynya plays the harp and chess very well. 18) When the owner was drunk, he beat the dishes and the boy. 19) Chekhov ridiculed those who were chameleons and vain. 20) No cheerful childish voices or bright wall newspapers were heard. 21) Only in the sixties were we able to read and enjoy Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”. 22) Chekhov’s words are spoken not with a grin, but with his head held high. 23) Pushkin is a national poet, and we cannot help but love and admire him. 24) I was filled with curiosity and joy. 25) Sophia, in order to annoy and insult Chatsky, spreads gossip about him. 26) Pushkin’s poems sound confidence and love for the future of Russia. 27) The author speaks not only about her external beauty, but about her internal beauty. 28) I don’t like boredom and being scolded. 29) In the story “The Captain's Daughter” Pushkin showed people with different characters, but who know what honor is. 30) Now Pugachev was a king, and not that tramp who met Peter during a snowstorm and whom Peter thanked with a glass of wine. 30) Walking from morning to evening and if you don’t study, you won’t pass the exam.

Test on the topic “Use of homogeneous members of a sentence”

1. Find the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) My father knew well the habits not only of animals, but also the voices of birds.

2) Pushkin describes the Pugachev uprising and speaks critically about it.

3) The dash is placed not only before the generalizing word, but also between the subject and the predicate.

4) Either thoughts, or memories, or dreams wandered through Olenin’s head.

2. Find the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) I respect and admire my parents.

2) At the exhibition children's creativity You can see the works of both very young artists and those who are 13-15 years old.

3) The term “women’s prose” can be used in relation to the work of such writers as V. Tokareva, T. Tolstaya, L. Ulitskaya.

4) Artists admire nature and spiritualize it.

3. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) According to the rules introductory words are highlighted in writing with commas.

2) Residents of this area paid special attention to the development of gardening.

3) Due to the complexity of the route, it was decided not to include small children in the tourist group.

4) The international community understands and is concerned about the problems of the economies of developing countries.

4. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) For short term in the satellite city was built not only new school, a hospital, as well as a drama theater and library.

2) I.S. Turgenev said that Russia can do without any of us, but none of us can live without it.

3) Due to the characteristics of the soil, almost half of all known wild flowers can be found on this mountain slope.

4) The basis of the poem by V.A. Zhukovsky's "Singer" is based on well-known symbolic images - the lyre and the crown.

5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical (syntax) error.

1) This act caused not only a storm of indignation, but also surprise.

2) Those who love the sky came to meet the pilot.

3) This artist is one of the recognized ideologists of the movement and played an important role in public life.

4) In the novel “Oblomov” there are several main characters.

6. Indicate the sentence without a grammatical (syntax) error.

1) Bazarov tells Arkady that your father is a retired man.

2) Delegates from the following countries took part in the meeting: England, France, Italy.

3) Check out the list of students who took the biology exam.

4) The trust organized and manages the enterprise.

7. Provide a sentence without grammatical errors (correctly constructed).

2) On the table there were not only textbooks, but also lecture notes.

3) We get carried away and watch programs about sports.

4) The teacher led diploma work groups of students interested in modern literature.

8. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical (syntax) error.

1) In “The Cherry Orchard” there is sad, funny, and tragic.

2) Journalists received answers to all their questions.

3) We are keen and love visiting philatelic exhibitions.

4) The plot of the story is interesting in many respects.

9. Indicate the sentence without a grammatical (syntax) error.

1) The government has repeatedly noted the economic danger of non-payments.

2) Grandmother loved and was proud of her only grandson.

3) In both “Hot Snow” and “The Shore”, Yu. Bondarev is most interested in one theme: man at war.

4) The paintings of this artist were exhibited in large halls, modest clubs, and open areas.

10. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical (syntax) error.

1) Interesting articles are published in Rovesnik.

2) Communication with the child, which captivated me completely, allowed me to look at familiar things differently.

3) The interlocutor turned out to be a cheerful and cheerful person.

4) Both children’s and adult footprints were clearly visible in the sand.

11. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm)

1) She listened to him with fear and greedily.

2) On the other bank, a willow tree, a young oak tree and a small birch tree were curling up merrily.

3) He walked to the threshing floor, cattle and horse yards.

4) Raskolnikov not only killed the old pawnbroker, but also her sister.

12.Indicate the sentence with a grammatical (syntax) error.

1) Boris understands that he deceived the expectations of Katerina and who believed him.

2) He remembered their faces, but where can you find them!

3) Everyone who has ever visited Crimea will never forget it.

4) One of our students, who defended his diploma with honors, went to work in the North.

Card with exercises on the topic “Using homogeneous members of a sentence”
Exercise 1.
Correct the error in the agreement of homogeneous members and generalizing words.
1) I love different types of art: music, theater, painting. 2) My brother plays the following instruments: violin, piano, guitar.

Exercise 2.
Here are sentences with speech errors. Explain what the mistakes are and correct them.
1) The program for the evening included Russian and funny songs. 2) Words can be precise or foreign. 3) Forests can be coniferous or damp.

Exercise 3.
Find and correct, explaining, errors in sentences.
1) Satirists expose the ignorant, rudeness, greed, and selfishness. 2) Voters know and trust their candidate for deputy well 3) Lenochka met and told Masha about a trip to the forest. 4) The language of the play is short but colorful. 5) Father loves chess competitions and fishing.

Exercise 4.
Determine the nature of the speech errors made in them and explain how sentences should be constructed correctly. Write down the sentences in corrected form.
1) If you go deep into the forest in spring, you can hear the buds bursting and the joyful chirping of birds.
2) I really love fishing and do it not only in summer, but also in winter.
3) In Pugachev’s detachments there were many Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvash and Ural workers.
4) I like to read a lot: stories, fiction, novels, poetry.
5) In our store you can buy stationery, pencils, paper.
6) Orders are accepted for sewing men's, ladies' and military dresses.
7) He lost the coin and his hope for new shoes.
8) We love and are passionate about figure skating.
9) On weekends in winter, I usually read, but I also choose time to play hockey and various games with friends.

Exercise 5.
Explain the errors in combinations of homogeneous terms. Make stylistic edits.
1) Sevastopolsky LLC invites vegetable processing foreman and single workers (men and women) for permanent employment. 2) The work must include as many people and horses as possible to handle the potato harvesting. 3) The bus has high steps and low dynamic performance. 4) The youth came to the camp site with songs and fun. 5) Thousands of new machines, equipment, devices, mechanization and automation equipment have come into operation. 6) Citizens passengers! When entering the escalator, do not place things, suitcases and bags on the steps. 7) The store needs sellers of vegetables and potatoes. 8) Factory workers support and vote for the candidates nominated by the rally participants.

Exercise 6.
Find errors and shortcomings in the use of homogeneous members. Correct the sentences. Justify your answer.
1) Parents care and worry even about adult children. 2) I understand and sympathize with the author’s desire to comprehensively cover this complex problem. 3) Everywhere: on the streets, squares, parks and gardens - you can feel the proximity of spring. 4) The director relied on and developed Stanislavsky’s system in his work. 5) Prefabricated brick panels are not inferior to reinforced concrete ones either in strength, frost resistance, or other indicators. 6) A.S. Griboyedov was not only an outstanding playwright, but also a brilliant diplomat. 7) In the Raevsky family, the disgraced poet found friendship and warmth at home. 8) The atmosphere of the era in comedy is created by both the characters and off-stage characters. 9) All his life Mayakovsky disliked and disdained philistinism. 10) Based on this novel, not only films were created, but also wonderful performances were staged. 11) Moscow is the city that was the birthplace of Pushkin and described in detail by him. 12) This play is modern and topical. 13) I’m not so much against the rain as I am against the dirt. 14) Alexey was surprised by her eyes, modesty and gullibility. 15) For complete happiness, I lack good studies, discipline and a grandfather. 16) Marina has a slim figure and a cheerful mood. 17) Dobrynya plays the harp and chess very well. 18) When the owner was drunk, he beat the dishes and the boy. 19) Chekhov ridiculed those who were chameleons and vain. 20) No cheerful childish voices or bright wall newspapers were heard. 21) Only in the sixties were we able to read and enjoy Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”. 22) Chekhov’s words are spoken not with a grin, but with his head held high. 23) Pushkin is a national poet, and we cannot help but love and admire him. 24) I was filled with curiosity and joy. 25) Sophia, in order to annoy and insult Chatsky, spreads gossip about him. 26) Pushkin’s poems sound confidence and love for the future of Russia. 27) The author speaks not only about her external beauty, but about her internal beauty. 28) I don’t like boredom and being scolded. 29) In the story “The Captain's Daughter” Pushkin showed people with different characters, but who know what honor is. 30) Now Pugachev was a king, and not that tramp who met Peter during a snowstorm and whom Peter thanked with a glass of wine. 30) Walking from morning to evening and if you don’t study, you won’t pass the exam.

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