The element with the greatest non-metallic properties. General characteristics of nonmetals. What are metallic and non-metallic properties

The periodic table of Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev is very convenient and universal in its use. From it you can determine some characteristics of elements, and what is most surprising, predict some properties of still undiscovered, not discovered by scientists, chemical elements(for example, we know some of the properties of the putative unbihexium, although it has not yet been discovered or synthesized).

What are metallic and non-metallic properties

These properties depend on the element's ability give or attract electrons. It is important to remember one rule: metals give up electrons, and non-metals accept them. Accordingly, metallic properties are the ability of a certain chemical element to give up its electrons (from the outside electronic cloud) to another chemical element. For non-metals, the opposite is true. The more easily a nonmetal accepts electrons, the higher its nonmetallic properties.

Metals will never accept electrons from another chemical element. This is typical for the following elements;

  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • lithium;
  • France and so on.

The situation is similar with non-metals. Fluorine exhibits its properties more than all other non-metals; it can only attract particles of another element to itself, but under no circumstances will it give up its own. It has the greatest non-metallic properties. Oxygen (according to its characteristics) comes immediately after fluorine. Oxygen can form a compound with fluorine, donating its electrons, but it takes away negative particles from other elements.

List of non-metals with the most pronounced characteristics:

  1. fluorine;
  2. oxygen;
  3. nitrogen;
  4. chlorine;
  5. bromine.

Non-metallic and metallic properties are explained by the fact that all chemicals strive to complete their energy level. To do this, the last electronic level must have 8 electrons. The fluorine atom has 7 electrons in its last electron shell, and in an effort to complete it, it attracts one more electron. The sodium atom has one electron on its outer shell, to get 8, it is easier to give it 1, and at the last level there will be 8 negatively charged particles.

Noble gases do not interact with other substances precisely because their energy level is completed; they do not need to attract or give up electrons.

How metallic properties change in the periodic table

Mendeleev's periodic table consists of groups and periods. The periods are arranged horizontally in such a way that the first period includes: lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and so on. Chemical elements are arranged strictly according to increasing atomic number.

The groups are arranged vertically in such a way that the first group includes: lithium, sodium, potassium, copper, rubidium, silver, and so on. The group number indicates the number of negative particles at the external level of a certain chemical element. While the period number indicates the number of electron clouds.

Metallic properties are enhanced in a row from right to left or, in other words, weaken in the period. That is, magnesium has greater metallic properties than aluminum, but less than sodium. This happens because during a period the number of electrons in the outer shell increases, therefore, it is more difficult for the chemical element to give up its electrons.

In the group, everything is the other way around, the metallic properties increase in the row from top to bottom. For example, potassium appears stronger than copper, but weaker than sodium. The explanation for this is very simple: the number of electronic shells, and the further the electron is from the nucleus, the easier it is for the element to give it away. The force of attraction between the nucleus of an atom and the electron in the first shell is greater than between the nucleus and the electron in the 4th shell.

Let's compare two elements - calcium and barium. Barium in periodic table costs less than calcium. This means that the electrons from the outer shell of calcium are located closer to the nucleus, therefore, they are better attracted than those of barium.

It is more difficult to compare elements that are in different groups and periods. Take calcium and rubidium, for example. Rubidium will give off negative particles better than calcium. Since he stands lower and to the left. But using only the periodic table, it is impossible to unambiguously answer this question by comparing magnesium and scandium (since one element is lower and to the right, and the other is higher and to the left). To compare these elements, you will need special tables (for example, the electrochemical series of metal voltages).

How do nonmetallic properties change in the periodic table?

Non-metallic properties in the periodic table of Mendeleev change exactly the opposite way than metallic ones. Essentially, these two characteristics are antagonists.

They intensify in the period (in a row from right to left). For example, sulfur can attract electrons less than chlorine, but more than phosphorus. The explanation for this phenomenon is the same. The number of negatively charged particles on the outer layer increases, and therefore it is easier for the element to finish its energy level.

Non-metallic properties decrease from top to bottom (in a group). For example, phosphorus is able to release negatively charged particles more than nitrogen, but at the same time it is able to attract better than arsenic. Phosphorus particles are attracted to the nucleus better than arsenic particles, which gives it the advantage of an oxidizing agent in reactions to decrease and increase the oxidation state (redox reactions).

Compare, for example, sulfur and arsenic. Sulfur is higher and to the right, which means it is easier for it to complete its energy level. Like metals, nonmetals are difficult to compare if they are in different groups and periods. For example, chlorine and oxygen. One of these elements is higher and to the left, and the other is lower and to the right. To answer, we will have to refer to the table of electronegativity of non-metals, from which we see that oxygen attracts negative particles more easily than chlorine.

Mendeleev's periodic table helps to find out not only the number of protons in an atom, atomic mass and atomic number, but also helps to determine the properties of elements.


The video will help you understand the patterns of properties of chemical elements and their compounds by periods and groups.

Task No. 1

  • 1. Na
  • 3. Si
  • 4. Mg

Answer: 341


Of the presented elements, three are found in one period - sodium Na, silicon Si and magnesium Mg.

When moving within one period of the Periodic Table, D.I. Mendeleev (horizontal lines) from right to left, the ability of an atom to donate electrons located on the outer layer increases, i.e. The metallic properties of the elements increase. Thus, the metallic properties of sodium, silicon and magnesium increase in the Si series

Task No. 2

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1. Ba
  • 2. Al
  • 4. Cl
  • 5.Ca

From the chemical elements listed in the series, select three with pronounced metallic properties.

Arrange the selected elements in order of increasing atomic radius.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 251


Of the elements presented, nitrogen and chlorine are non-metals, barium and calcium are alkaline earth metals (group 2 elements), aluminum is an amphoteric metal (showing both acidic and basic properties depending on conditions). The metallic properties of elements increase from top to bottom across the group and from right to left across the period of the Periodic System D.I. Mendeleev.

Thus, metallic properties (as well as the ability of an atom to abstract an electron) increase from amphoteric to alkaline earth and especially alkaline. In the Al-Ca-Ba series, the ability of atoms to remove an electron increases and the metallic properties of these metals increase.

Task No. 3

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1.Cl
  • 3. Br
  • 5.Ca

Arrange the selected elements in order of increasing number of electronic layers.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 413


Of the elements presented, potassium is an element of the 1st group, calcium is an element of the 2nd group of the Periodic Table of D.I. Mendeleev.

The non-metals chlorine, bromine and fluorine are halogens and are located in the same 17th group. The number of electron layers of an atom corresponds to the period number of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. Thus, fluorine, being in the 2nd period, contains 2 electronic layers, chlorine - 3 layers, bromine - 4 layers.

Task No. 4

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1.Cl
  • 4. Be

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three elements that are in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev are in the same period.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 234


Of the elements presented, beryllium, carbon and nitrogen are located in one period. The atomic radius, as well as the metallic properties, increase when moving from non-metals to metals, i.e. from top to bottom across the group and from right to left across the period of the Periodic System D.I. Mendeleev. The size of the atomic radius correlates with the number of electrons in the outer electron layer: when moving from left to right along the period of the table D.I. Mendeleev (i.e., with an increase in the number of electrons on the outer layer of the atom), valence electrons are more strongly attracted to the nucleus and, consequently, the radius of the atom decreases.

Thus, in the N-C-Be series the radius size increases.

Task No. 5

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1.Cl
  • 3. Br
  • 4. Cu
  • 5. Fe

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three elements that are in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev are in main subgroup.

Arrange the selected elements in order of increasing electronegativity.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 312


Of the elements presented, iron and copper are located in side subgroups ah 8th and 11th groups of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, respectively.

The non-metals chlorine, bromine and fluorine are halogens and are located in the main subgroup of group 7. The most electronegative element is fluorine, which has a hard electron shell and is missing one electron to complete the outer electron layer.

The electronegativity of halogens in the group from top to bottom (with an increase in the number of electronic layers) decreases, therefore, in the Br-Cl-F series the electronegativity of the elements increases.

Task No. 6

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1. He
  • 3. Al
  • 4. Cl
  • 5. Li

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three elements that are in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev are in the same period.

Arrange the selected elements in increasing order of their non-metallic properties.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 324


Of the elements presented, three elements located in the same period of the Periodic Table D.I. Mendeleev, are Al, P, Cl (3rd period).

The nonmetallic properties of elements increase from left to right across the period and from bottom to top across the D.I. group. Mendeleev. Among the three elements Al, P, Cl, chlorine has the greatest non-metallic properties, which lacks one electron to complete the outer electron level.

Thus, in the Al-P-Cl series, the ability of atoms to attract an electron increases, therefore, the non-metallic properties of the elements increase.

Task No. 7

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 2. Al
  • 4. Fe

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three elements that are in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev are in the same period.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 351


Aluminum is an amphoteric metal of the 3rd period, iron is a metal of the 4th period of the Periodic Table of D.I. Mendeleev.

The remaining elements - boron, fluorine, nitrogen - are located in the 2nd period of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.

Fluorine, which has a hard electron shell (7 electrons in the outer layer and 2 electron levels), is the most electronegative element. It is one electron short of completing the outer electron layer.

The electronegativity of elements located in the same period decreases from right to left, therefore, the electronegativity of elements decreases in the series F>N>B.

Task No. 8

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1. Cs
  • 3. Al
  • 4. Rb
  • 5.Ca

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three elements, simple substances which, when interacting with water, form alkalis.

Arrange the selected elements in increasing order of their activity in reaction with water.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 541


Alkalis - water soluble strong reasons, or hydroxides of alkali and alkaline earth metals.

Among the elements presented, the alkali metals (elements of the main subgroup of the first group) are rubidium and cesium, and the alkaline earth metal (elements of the main subgroup of the second group, except magnesium and beryllium) is calcium.

When interacting with water, alkali metals interact most violently, whose activity increases from top to bottom in the group and is associated with the ease of removing an electron from an external energy level. Thus, the metallic properties among the presented metals increase in the order Ca>Rb>Cs. The activity of their interaction with water increases in the same sequence.

Task No. 9

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1. Cu
  • 4.Cr
  • 5. Fe

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three transition elements.

Arrange the selected elements in order of increasing nuclear charge.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 451

All transition elements are located in the periodic table between the first two and last six elements of each period. Nitrogen and phosphorus are found in the 2nd and 3rd periods, respectively, and, as you can see, in these periods there are no chemical elements between the first two elements and the last six. Thus, the transition elements are copper, chromium, and iron.

The charge of the nucleus of an atom of a chemical element is equal to its serial number in the periodic table. Thus, in order of increasing nuclear charge, the selected elements will be arranged in the following sequence: chromium-iron-copper (451).

Task No. 10

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1. Al
  • 2. Mg
  • 3. Br
  • 5. Na

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three that are in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev are in the same period.

Arrange the selected elements in order of increasing atomic radius.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 125


Aluminum, magnesium and sodium are found in one period. The size of an atom increases as you move left and down across the table. So the answer is 125.

Task No. 11

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1. Ne
  • 2. He
  • 3. Na

Arrange the selected elements in order to fill the outer electron layer.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 541


In one period are Ne, F, O. Selected elements in order of filling the outer electron layer (in order of increasing number of electrons in the outer layer) O-F-Ne.

Task No. 12

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1.Cr
  • 2.Zn
  • 5. Fe

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three elements that can form complex connections, exhibiting amphoteric properties.

Arrange the selected elements in increasing order of their relative atomic mass.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 152


Amphoteric properties are exhibited by metal oxides and hydroxides in the oxidation state +3, +4, as well as oxides and hydroxides of zinc and beryllium (as an exception). Chromium and iron can form amphoteric compounds, because for them there are oxides and hydroxides containing the metal in the +3 oxidation state (Cr 2 O 3, Cr(OH) 3 and Fe 2 O 3, Fe(OH) 3). The oxide and hydroxide of the divalent metal zinc are classified as amphoteric as an exception (similar to Be). Selected elements in order of increasing atomic mass: Cr-Fe-Zn ( 152 ).

Task No. 13

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1. Al
  • 2. Si
  • 3. Mg

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three elements that are in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev are in the same period.

Arrange the selected elements in order of decreasing electronegativity.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 213


Aluminum, silicon and magnesium are found in the same period. The electronegativity of the elements of the main groups increases when moving up and to the right along the periodic table, i.e. the sequence, in accordance with the increase in electronegativity, will have the form 213 .

Task No. 14

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 2. Cu
  • 3.Zn
  • 4. Si
  • 5. Cl

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three elements related to non-metals and arrange them in order of increasing reducing properties.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 514


The reducing properties of simple substances formed by various chemical elements in the periodic table increase from right to left and from top to bottom.

Task No. 15

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1. Na
  • 3. Al
  • 4.As

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three elements that are in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev are in the same period. Arrange the selected elements in order of decreasing electronegativity.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 531


In one period are sodium, aluminum and phosphorus. Since the electronegativity of atoms of chemical elements decreases when moving to the left and down on the periodic table, these elements should be arranged in the following order: P, Al, Na.

Task No. 16

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 4. Be
  • 5.Ne

From the chemical elements listed in the series, select three elements that are capable of forming oxides. Arrange the selected elements in order of decreasing acidity of their higher oxides.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 214


From these elements, oxides can form:

* carbon (CO, CO 2)

* nitrogen (N 2 O, NO, N 2 O 3, NO 2, N 2 O 5)

* beryllium (BeO).

Fluorine is also capable of forming a compound with oxygen (OF 2), however, this compound is not an oxide, since the oxidation state of oxygen in it is not -2, but +2.

Neon, being a noble gas, does not form oxides.

The acidic character of the higher oxides of chemical elements decreases when moving to the left along the period and down the subgroup. Thus, the acidic character is most pronounced in the highest nitric oxide (N 2 O 5), then in carbon (CO 2) and to an even lesser extent in beryllium oxide (BeO).

Task No. 17

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1. Na
  • 3. Se

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three elements that are in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev are in the same group.

Arrange the selected elements in order of enhancing the oxidizing properties of the simple substances they form.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 325


In one group are sulfur, selenium and oxygen. The oxidizing properties of simple substances depend on the position of the element whose atoms they are formed in in the periodic table. The higher and to the right the element, the stronger, as a rule, the oxidizing properties of the simple substances formed by it. Thus, the correct answer is the sequence Se< S < O 2 (325 ).

Task No. 18

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 1.Cr
  • 3. Ge
  • 4. Fe
  • 5.Pb

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three elements that are in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev are located in the same group.

Arrange the selected elements in ascending order of their metallic properties.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 235


In one group are carbon, germanium and lead. The metallic properties of elements increase to the left along the period and down the subgroup. Thus, among these chemical elements, metallic properties are least pronounced in carbon, then in germanium, and most pronounced in lead.

Task No. 19

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 2.Li

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three non-metal elements that are in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev are located in one period.

Arrange the selected elements in order of increasing number of unpaired electrons in their atoms.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 451


Nonmetals, among other elements, can be recognized by their position in the periodic table - nonmetals are located above the boron-astatine diagonal in the main subgroups (except VIIIA):

Thus, non-metal elements of one period from the presented list include nitrogen, oxygen and fluorine.

Electronic structure of the outer energy level of the nitrogen atom:

Oxygen atom:

Fluorine atom:

As you can see, the fluorine atom has the smallest number of unpaired electrons, then the oxygen atom, and the nitrogen atom has the largest.

Task No. 20

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 2.Se
  • 3. Si
  • 4.Cr

From the chemical elements indicated in the series, select three elements that are in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev are located in one period.

Arrange the selected elements in order of increasing acidic properties of the higher hydroxides they form.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 315


Phosphorus, silicon and sulfur are found in one period.

Hydroxides of chemical elements, in addition to compounds of the type Me(OH) x, also include all inorganic oxygenated acids. Higher oxides/hydroxides of a chemical element are those in which this chemical element is in the highest (maximum possible) oxidation state. Acid properties higher oxides/hydroxides of chemical elements increase to the right across the period and upward in the table D.I. Mendeleev.

Thus, arranging the three selected elements in order of increasing acidic character of their higher hydroxides, we obtain the series: Si, P, S.

Task No. 21

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

Answer: 513

Task No. 27

To complete the task, use the following series of chemical elements. The answer in the task is a sequence of numbers under which the chemical elements in this series are indicated.

  • 4. Be
  • 5.Ne

From the chemical elements listed in the series, select three elements that form oxides.

Arrange the selected elements in order of decreasing acidity of their higher oxides.

Write down the numbers of the selected elements in the required sequence in the answer field.

There are only 16 non-metal chemical elements, but two of them, oxygen and silicon, make up 76% of the mass earth's crust. Non-metals make up 98.5% of the mass of plants and 97.6% of the mass of humans. All the most important elements consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus and nitrogen. organic matter, they are the elements of life. Hydrogen and helium are the basic elements of the Universe; everything is made of them space objects, including our Sun.

Nonmetals are chemical elements whose atoms accept electrons to complete an outer energy level, thereby forming negatively charged ions. Almost all nonmetals have relatively small radii and large number electrons on the outer energy level from 4 to 7, they are characterized by high electronegativity values ​​and oxidizing properties.

If in the Periodic Table we draw a diagonal from beryllium to astatine, then on the right up along the diagonal there will be non-metal elements, and on the left below - metals, these also include elements of all secondary subgroups, lanthanides and actinides. Elements located near the diagonal, for example, beryllium, aluminum, titanium, germanium, antimony, have a dual character and are classified as metalloids. Elements of group 18 - inert gases, have a completely complete outer electronic layer; they are sometimes classified as non-metals, but formally, according to their physical characteristics.

The electronic configurations of the valence electrons of non-metal elements are given in the table:

Regularities in changes in the properties of non-metal elements

In the period with increasing nuclear charge (from left to right):

  • the radius of the atom decreases,
  • the number of electrons in the outer energy level increases,
  • electronegativity increases
  • oxidizing properties are enhanced,
  • non-metallic properties are enhanced.

In a group with increasing nuclear charge (from top to bottom):

  • the radius of the atom increases,
  • the number of electrons in the outer energy level does not change,
  • electronegativity decreases
  • oxidizing properties weaken,
  • non-metallic properties weaken.

Thus, The further to the right and higher an element is in the Periodic Table, the more clearly its non-metallic properties are expressed.

Nonmetals in the main subgroup of group IV of the Periodic Table D.I. Mendeleev's elements are carbon and silicon. The outer energy level of these elements contains 4 electrons (ns 2 np 2). In their Not organic compounds carbon has an oxidation state of +2 (in the unexcited state) and +4 (in the excited state). In organic compounds, the oxidation state of carbon can be anything from –4 to +4.

For silicon, the most stable oxidation state is +4. Carbon and silicon form acidic oxides of the general formula EO 2, as well as volatile hydrogen compounds of the general formula EN 4.

Nonmetals in group V of the main subgroup of the Periodic Table D.I. Mendeleev's elements are nitrogen, phosphorus, and arsenic. The outer energy level of these elements contains five electrons: ns 2 np 3. Nitrogen in its compounds can exhibit oxidation states –3, –2, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5.
Phosphorus is characterized by oxidation states of –3, +3, +5. Since the nitrogen atom does not have a d-sublevel, it cannot be pentavalent, but is capable of forming a fourth covalent bond according to the donor-acceptor mechanism. As the atomic number within a subgroup increases, the radii of atoms and ions increase and the ionization energy decreases. There is a weakening of non-metallic properties and strengthening of metallic ones.
With oxygen, elements of the main subgroup of group V form higher oxides of the composition R 2 O 5. All of them are acid oxides. With hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus and arsenic form volatile gaseous compounds of the composition EN 3.

Nonmetals of the main subgroup of group VI of the Periodic system D.I. Mendeleev's elements are oxygen, sulfur, selenium and tellurium. The configuration of the external electronic level of these elements is ns 2 np 4. In their compounds they exhibit the most characteristic oxidation states –2, +4, +6 (except for oxygen). With an increase in the ordinal number within a subgroup, the ionization energy decreases, the sizes of atoms and ions increase, the non-metallic characteristics of the elements weaken and the metallic ones increase. Sulfur and selenium form higher oxides of the RO 3 type. These compounds are typical acidic oxides, which correspond to strong acids such as H 2 RO 4. Nonmetals of the main subgroup of group VI are characterized by volatile hydrogen compounds with the general formula H 2 R. In this case, the polarity and strength of the bond weakens from H 2 O to H 2 Te. All hydrogen compounds, except water, are gaseous substances. Aqueous solutions of H 2 S, H 2 Se, H 2 Te are weak acids.

The elements of group VII of the main subgroup - fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine - are typical non-metals. The group name of these elements is halogens from the Greek halos - salt and genes - giving birth. The configuration of the outer electronic level of these halogens is ns 2 np 5. The most characteristic oxidation state of halogens is –1. In addition, chlorine, bromine and iodine can exhibit oxidation states of + 3, + 5, + 7. Within each period, halogens are the most electronegative elements. Within the subgroup, when moving from fluorine to astatine, the atomic radius increases, the nonmetallic properties decrease, and the oxidizing properties decrease and the reduction properties increase. All halogens form simple substances - diatomic molecules Hal 2. Fluorine is the most electronegative of the chemical elements. In all its compounds it has an oxidation state of –1. Higher halogen oxides (except fluorine) have the general formula R 2 O 7 and are acidic oxides. They correspond to strong acids of the general formula HRO 4 (R = Cl, Br). Hydrogen compounds of halogens - hydrogen halides have the general formula HHal. Their aqueous solutions are acids whose strength increases from HF to HI. There is a pattern for halogens: each previous halogen is capable of displacing the next one from its compounds with metals and hydrogen, for example: Cl 2 + 2KBr = 2KCl + Br 2.


1. Fill out the table:

Electronic formula

Number of electrons in the outer level

Number of valence electrons

Characteristic oxidation states.



2. Create formulas of oxides and determine their type (basic, amphoteric, acidic).

Magnesium oxide

Zinc oxide

Chromium(III) oxide

Manganese(VII) oxide

Lithium oxide

Chromium(VI) oxide

3. Compare the radii of the metals: a) Cu_____Zn, b) Ca_____ Be c) Ca ______Zn.


1. Metals are:

1) all s-elements; 2) all p-elements; 3) all d-elements; 4) all elements of the main subgroups.

2. Among the metals there is no:

a) s-elements b) p-elements c) d-elements d) f-elements

1) a, b 2) c, b 3) c, d 4) have everything

3. Atoms in metal crystal lattices are held together by:

1) ionic bond 2) covalent polar connection 3) hydrogen bond 4) metal bond

4. Characteristic property metals:

1) poor thermal conductivity; 2) oxides are ionic in nature;

3) many of them are oxidizing agents; 4) most oxides are covalent compounds.

5. Metals are characterized by:

1) low thermal and electrical conductivity 2) volatility

3) malleability and plasticity 4) under normal conditions, gaseous state

6. Metal atoms interacting with non-metal atoms:

1) donate valence electrons 2) accept electrons

3) in some cases they accept electrons, in others they give up 4) they are oxidizing agents

7. With an increase in the atomic number of the metal in the main subgroup, the ability to donate electrons

1) increases 2) does not change 3) decreases 4) increases and then decreases

8.What property is not general for everyone metals:

1) electrical conductivity; 2) thermal conductivity;

3) hard physical state under standard conditions; 4)metallic shine.

9. Metal atoms, giving up electrons, acquire the electronic structure of the external energy level:

1) alkaline 2) halogens 3) noble gases 4) oxygen

10. Which metal atoms contain five electrons in the ground state at the energy d-sublevel:

1) Iron 2) Manganese 3) Titanium 4) Vanadium 5) Chromium

11. Among listed elements metals include:

1) barium 2) silicon 3) helium 4) boron

12.Which group of elements contains only metals?

1) Li, Be, B 2) K, Ca, Sr 3) Li, Si, Na 4)Se, Te, Po

13. Metallic properties are enhanced in a number of elements

1) sodium - magnesium - aluminum 2) lithium - sodium - potassium

3) barium - calcium - magnesium 4) potassium - sodium - lithium

14. In what series are simple substances arranged in order of increasing metallic properties?

1)Mg, Ca, Ba 2)Na, Mg, Al 3)K, Ca, Fe 4)Sc, Ca, Mg

15. The most pronounced metallic properties are possessed by 1) Na 2) K 3) Mg 4) Al

16. The least pronounced metallic properties have 1) Rb 2) Sr 3) Ca 4) K

17. Among the listed metals, select the metal with the lowest reducing properties: 1) copper 2) lead 3) mercury 4) iron

18. Which metals exhibit variable oxidation states: 1) Fe 2) Na 3) Ca 4) Al

19. The oxidation state of chromium in its amphoteric compounds is 1)+6 2)+2 3)+3 4)+1

20. Which The statements regarding metals are true:

1) most of the chemical elements are metals

2) metal hydroxides exhibit acidic properties

3) metals are characterized by oxidizing properties

4) metals do not conduct electricity well

21. Which the statements for metals are incorrect:

1) metals make up the majority of the elements of the Periodic Table;

2) the atoms of all metals at the outer energy level contain no more than two electrons; 3) in chemical reactions characteristic of metals restorative properties;

4) in each period the alkali metal atom has the smallest radius.

22. In the series sodium - magnesium - aluminum, the elements are arranged in increasing order

1) atomic radius 2) electronegativity

3) metallic properties 4) number of electronic layers

23. The metal with the most stable oxidation state +1 is:

1) copper; 2) silver; 3) gold; 4) for all the metals listed above, the oxidation state +1 is equally stable.

24. Are the following statements about alkali metals true?

A. In all compounds they have an oxidation state of +1.

B. With halogens they form compounds with ionic bonds.

25. Higher chromium hydroxide

1) exhibits acidic properties 2) exhibits basic properties

3) exhibits amphoteric properties 4) does not exhibit acid-base properties

26. Are the following judgments about iron compounds true?

A. Iron oxide with basic properties corresponds to the formula FeO.

B. Iron (III) hydroxide has only acidic properties.

1) only A is correct; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

27. Are the following statements about chromium compounds true?

A. The highest oxidation state of chromium is + 4.

B. Higher chromium oxide belongs to the basic oxides.

1) only A is correct; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

28.Are the following judgments about chromium and iron correct?

A. Both chromium and iron form stable oxides in the +3 oxidation state.

B. Chromium(III) oxide is amphoteric.

1) only A is correct; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

29. Iron(III) oxide

1) does not exhibit acid-base properties 2) exhibits acidic properties

3) exhibits basic properties 4) exhibits amphoteric properties

30. Copper(I) compounds in redox reactions

1) exhibit neither oxidizing nor reducing properties

2) exhibit only oxidizing properties

3) exhibit only restorative properties

4) exhibit both oxidizing and reducing properties


1.Which non-metal is found in free form?

1) silicon; 2) sulfur; 3) chlorine; 4) phosphorus.

2. Atoms of p-elements at the outer electronic level have:

1) from one to four s-electrons; 2) from one to five p-electrons;

3) from one to six p-electrons; 4) from one to four p-electrons.

3. Sulfur is an oxidizing agent in reaction with

1) oxygen 2) metals 3) chlorine and fluorine 4) nitric acid

4. The maximum oxidation state of phosphorus in compounds is equal to

1)+6 2)+5 3)+3 4)+4

5. When phosphorus interacts with active metals compounds are formed in which its oxidation state is 1+3 4)+5

6. In order of increasing non-metallic properties, they are located

1) S-Se 2) Se-Br 3) Br-I 4) I-Te

7. Non-metallic properties of group A elements are enhanced

1) from left to right and in groups from bottom to top 2) from right to left and in groups from top to bottom

3) from right to left and in groups from bottom to top 4) from left to right and in groups from top to bottom

8. Least energy must be expended to remove an electron from an atom

1) As 2) Se 3) S 4) P

9. The greatest energy must be expended to remove an electron from

1) Ga 2) Al 3) Si 4) C

10. The easiest atom to add electrons is 1) sulfur 2) chlorine 3) selenium 4) bromine

11. Attraction of electrons of the outer layer to the nucleus increases in a row:

1)Si – P - N 2) S - P –As 3) Na - K – Rb 4) Sr – Ca – K

12. In the series of hydrogen compounds of non-metals PH3, H2S, HCl

1) no manifestation of acid-base properties is observed

2) basic properties increase, acidic properties decrease

3) the acid-base nature of the compounds does not change

4) basic properties decrease, acidic properties increase

13. Higher selenium hydroxide 1) H2SeO3 2) H2Se 3) H2SeO4 4) SeO3

14. Are the following statements about non-metals true?

A. All non-metal compounds exhibit only oxidizing properties.

B. All hydrogen compounds of nonmetals are acids.

15. Are the following judgments about non-metal compounds true?

A. Oxides formed by non-metal atoms are acidic in higher oxidation states.

B. Volatile hydrogen compounds of all nonmetals exhibit acidic properties.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

16. Are the following judgments about compounds of non-metals true?

A. All oxides formed by nonmetal atoms are acidic.

B. In higher oxidation states, nonmetal atoms exhibit oxidizing properties.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

17. Are the following judgments true about nonmetals?

A. In the periodic table, nonmetals are located in the right, mainly upper part.

B. Among non-metals there is not a single d-element.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

18. Are the following judgments about the elements of group VA true?

A. As the charge of the nucleus increases, the radius of the atom increases.

B. General formula of the volatile hydrogen compound RH3.

1) only A is correct; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

19. The most powerful oxidizing agent is 1) N2 2) O2 3) F2 4) Cl2

20. Oxides of composition EO2 and EO3 are formed by each of two elements:

1) sulfur and selenium 2) nitrogen and phosphorus 3) carbon and silicon 4) iron and chromium

21. Compounds of the composition KEO2 and KEO3 are formed by the element 1) nitrogen 2) phosphorus 3) sulfur 4) manganese

22. Formula of higher chlorine hydroxide 1) HCl 2) HClO4 3) HClO3 4) HClO

23. Are the following statements about halogens true?

A. The oxidizing properties of simple halogen substances increase with increasing atomic number of the element in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.

B. All simple substances, halogens, are only oxidizing agents.

1) only A is correct; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

24. With an increase in the atomic number of an element in a period, the electronegativity of nonmetals:

a) increases; b) decreases; c) first increases, then decreases; d) does not change.

25. The number of electrons in the outer electron layer of non-metal atoms is equal to:

a) period number; c) serial number; b) group number; d) nuclear charge.

General characteristics non-metals of the main subgroups IV – VII groups in connection with their position in the periodic table of chemical elements and the structural features of their atoms.

1. Are the following statements about non-metals true?

A. In the periodic table of chemical elements, all nonmetals are located in the main subgroups. B. All nonmetals are p-elements.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

2. Under normal conditions, they consist of diatomic molecules

1) helium and argon

2) nitrogen and neon

3) sulfur and phosphorus

4) hydrogen and oxygen

3. Are the following statements about non-metals true?

A. All non-metals are chemically active substances.

B. Nonmetals have only oxidizing properties.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

4. Are the following statements about non-metals true?

A. Nonmetals form compounds with alkali metals predominantly with ionic bonds.

B. Between themselves, nonmetals form compounds with covalent bonds.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

5. For atoms of chemical elements located in the row: P-S-C1, increases

2) oxidizing capacity

3) restorative ability

4) number of unpaired electrons

6. Compounds of the composition NaHEO3 and NaHEO4 can form

1) carbon 2) sulfur 3) chlorine 4) phosphorus

7. Has the strongest acidic properties

1) HC1O4 2) H2SO3 3) H3PO4 4) H2SiO3

8) Compounds of the composition KEO2 and KEO3 form the element

1) nitrogen 2) phosphorus 3) sulfur 4) manganese

9. Hydrogen exhibits oxidizing properties when reacting with

10. The ability of atoms of chemical elements to accept electrons increases in the series:

1)F -->O -->N

2) N -->F -->O

3) N -->O -->F

4) O -->N -->F

11. Oxidation states of chlorine, bromine and iodine in higher oxides and hydrogen compounds respectively equal:

1)+1and-1 2)+7and-1 3)+7and-7 4)+5and-1

12. Sulfur exhibits both oxidizing and reducing properties when interacting with

1) hydrogen and iron

2) carbon and zinc

3) chlorine and fluorine

4) sodium and oxygen

13. In the row: Si -->P --> S --> C1

electronegativity of elements

1) increases

2) decreases

3) does not change

4) first decreases, then increases

14. In the series of elements arsenic --> selenium --> bromine increases

1) atomic radius

2) the number of unpaired electrons in an atom

3) the number of electronic layers in an atom

4) electronegativity

15. A hydrogen compound of the composition H2E2 forms

1) carbon

2) silicon

16. Are the following statements about halogens true?

A. The most electronegative among the halogens is iodine.

B. Chlorine is replaced by bromine from aluminum chloride.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

17. Oxygen does not react with

1) water and calcium oxide

2) iron and phosphorus oxide (V)

3) hydrogen and phosphorus (III) oxide

4) hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide (IV)

18. The higher hydroxide of an element of group VIIA corresponds to the formula

1) N2EO3 2) N2EO4 3) NEO3 4) NEO4

19. Are the following statements about halogens true?

A. Fluorine in compounds exhibits both positive and

negative oxidation state.

B. Under normal conditions, bromine and iodine are liquids.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

20. Hydrogen exhibits oxidizing properties when interacting with

1) sodium 2) chlorine 3) nitrogen 4) oxygen

21. Phosphorus exhibits oxidizing properties when interacting with

1) oxygen

2) magnesium

22. Are the following judgments about the properties of sulfur and chlorine correct?

A. The maximum valency of sulfur and chlorine in compounds is equal to the group number.

B. In hydrogen compounds of sulfur and chlorine, the bond is polar covalent.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

23. Phosphorus exhibits oxidizing properties when reacting with

1) calcium 2) sulfur 3) chlorine 4) oxygen

24. When higher chlorine oxide reacts with water, acid is formed

1) HC1O 2) HC1O2 3) HClO3 4) HClO4

25. The characteristic oxidation states of chlorine in its compounds are:

1) -1, +1, +3, +5, +7

A. Non-metal atoms can participate in the formation of both ionic,

and covalent bonds.

B. Non-metal hydroxides are acidic in nature.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

A. The greater the charge of the nucleus of an atom, the more pronounced its

non-metallic properties.

B. The more pronounced the non-metallic properties of an element, the

its oxide has a more acidic character.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

A. In the period with an increase in the charges of atomic nuclei,

strengthening the non-metallic properties of elements.

B. In the main subgroup with increasing charges of atomic nuclei

the acidic properties of hydroxides weaken.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

29. Acid properties are most pronounced in the higher hydroxide

2) phosphorus

3) arsenic

30. Nitrogen exhibits only reducing properties in a compound

Answers: 1-1, 2-4, 3-4, 4-3, 5-2, 6-2, 7-1, 8-1, 9-1, 10-3, 11-2, 12-4, 13-1, 14-4, 15-1, 16-4, 17-1, 18-4, 19-4, 20-1, 21-2, 22-3, 23-1, 24-4, 25- 1, 26-3, 27-2, 28-3, 29-1, 30-2.

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