Dead souls first 2 chapters. Retelling of the poem "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol the essence of the dead souls scam

Chichikov spent a week in the city, visiting officials. After this, he decided to take advantage of the invitations of the landowners. Having given orders to the servants in the evening, Pavel Ivanovich woke up very early. It was Sunday, and therefore, according to his long-standing habit, he washed himself, dried himself from head to toe with a wet sponge, shaved his cheeks until they were shiny, put on a lingonberry-colored tailcoat, an overcoat with large bears and went down the stairs. Pretty soon a barrier appeared, indicating the end of the pavement. Hitting last time head on the body, Chichikov rushed along the soft ground.

At the fifteenth verst, where, according to Manilov, his village was supposed to be located, Pavel Ivanovich became worried, since there was no trace of any village. We passed the sixteenth mile. Finally, two men came across the chaise and pointed in the right direction, promising that Manilovka would be a mile away. Having traveled about six more miles, Chichikov remembered that “if a friend invites you to his village fifteen miles away, it means that there are thirty faithful to her.”

The village of Manilovka was nothing special. The master's house stood on a hill, accessible to all winds. The sloping slope of the mountain was covered with trimmed turf, on which several round flower beds stood out in the English style. A wooden gazebo with blue columns and the inscription “temple of solitary reflection” was visible.

Manilov met the guest on the porch, and the newly made friends immediately kissed each other deeply. It was difficult to say anything definite about the owner’s character: “There is a kind of people known under the name so-so people, neither this nor that, neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan... His features were not without pleasantness, but in this pleasantness , it seemed, there was too much sugar; in his techniques and turns of phrase there was something ingratiating... In the first minute of conversation with him you can’t help but say: “What a pleasant and kind person!” The next minute you won’t say anything, and the third you’ll say: “The devil knows what it is!” - and move away; If you don’t leave, you will feel mortal boredom.” Manilov practically did not do housework, and at home he was mostly silent, indulging in thoughts and dreams. Either he planned to build an underground passage from the house, or to build a stone bridge on which merchant shops would be located.

However, all this remained only ethereal dreams. There was always something missing in the house. For example, in the living room with beautiful furniture covered in smart silk fabric, there were two chairs on which there was not enough fabric. Some rooms had no furniture at all. However, this did not upset the owners at all.

Despite the fact that more than eight years of their marriage had already passed, they showed concern for each other: one brought the other either a piece of apple or candy and in a gentle voice asked him to open his mouth.

Walking into the living room, the friends stopped in the doorway, begging each other to go forward, until they finally decided to enter sideways. They were met in the room by a pretty young woman, Manilov’s wife. During mutual pleasantries, the owner vigorously expressed his joy at the pleasant visit: “But you have finally honored us with your visit. It really was such a pleasure... May Day... the name day of the heart.” This somewhat discouraged Chichikov. During the conversation, the married couple and Pavel Ivanovich went through all the officials, praising and noting only the pleasant aspects of each. Next, the guest and the host began to confess to each other their sincere affection or even love. It is not known what it would have come to if it had not been for the servant who reported that the food was ready.

The dinner was no less pleasant than the conversation. Chichikov met Manilov's children, whose names were Themistoclus and Alcides.

After lunch, Pavel Ivanovich and the owner retired to the office for a business conversation. The guest began to ask how many peasants had died since the last audit, to which Manilov could not give an intelligible answer. They called the clerk, who was also not aware of this matter. The servant was ordered to compile a name list of all deceased serfs. When the clerk came out, Manilov asked Chichikov the reason for the strange question. The guest replied that he would like to buy dead peasants, who, according to the audit, were listed as living. The owner did not immediately believe what he heard: “as he opened his mouth, he remained with his mouth open for several minutes.” Manilov still did not understand why Chichikov needed dead souls, but he could not refuse his guest. Moreover, when it came to drawing up a deed of sale, the guest kindly offered deeds of gift for all the deceased peasants.

Seeing the genuine joy of the guest, the owner was completely moved. The friends shook hands for a long time, and in the end Chichikov no longer knew how to free his own. Having finished his business, the guest began to quickly get ready for the journey, because he still wanted to have time to visit Sobakevich. Having seen off the guest, Manilov was in the most complacent mood. His thoughts were occupied with dreams of how he and Chichikov would become good friends and the sovereign would reward them with the rank of general, having learned about their friendship. Manilov again mentally returns to the guest’s request, but still cannot explain it to himself.

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  • summary of dead souls chapter 2

« Dead Souls" - a poem for the ages. The plasticity of the depicted reality, the comic nature of situations and the artistic skill of N.V. Gogol paints an image of Russia not only of the past, but also of the future. Grotesque satirical reality in harmony with patriotic notes create an unforgettable melody of life that sounds through the centuries.

Collegiate adviser Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov goes to distant provinces to buy serfs. However, he is not interested in people, but only in the names of the dead. This is necessary to submit the list to the board of trustees, which “promises” a lot of money. For a nobleman with so many peasants, all doors were open. To implement his plans, he pays visits to landowners and officials of the city of NN. They all reveal their selfish nature, so the hero manages to get what he wants. He is also planning a profitable marriage. However, the result is disastrous: the hero is forced to flee, as his plans become publicly known thanks to the landowner Korobochka.

History of creation

N.V. Gogol believed A.S. Pushkin as his teacher, who “gave” the grateful student a story about Chichikov’s adventures. The poet was sure that only Nikolai Vasilyevich, who has a unique talent from God, could realize this “idea”.

The writer loved Italy and Rome. In the land of the great Dante, he began work on a book suggesting a three-part composition in 1835. The poem was supposed to be similar to Dante's Divine Comedy, depicting the hero's descent into hell, his wanderings in purgatory and the resurrection of his soul in heaven.

The creative process continued for six years. The idea of ​​a grandiose painting, depicting not only “all Rus'” present, but also the future, revealed “the untold riches of the Russian spirit.” In February 1837, Pushkin died, whose “sacred testament” for Gogol became “Dead Souls”: “Not a single line was written without me imagining him before me.” The first volume was completed in the summer of 1841, but did not immediately find its reader. The censorship was outraged by “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin”, and the title led to bewilderment. I had to make concessions by starting the title with the intriguing phrase “The Adventures of Chichikov.” Therefore, the book was published only in 1842.

After some time, Gogol writes the second volume, but, dissatisfied with the result, burns it.

Meaning of the name

The title of the work causes conflicting interpretations. The oxymoron technique used gives rise to numerous questions to which you want to get answers as quickly as possible. The title is symbolic and ambiguous, so the “secret” is not revealed to everyone.

In the literal sense, “dead souls” are representatives of the common people who have passed into another world, but are still listed as their masters. The concept is gradually being rethought. The “form” seems to “come to life”: real serfs, with their habits and shortcomings, appear before the reader’s gaze.

Characteristics of the main characters

  1. Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov is a “mediocre gentleman.” Somewhat cloying manners in dealing with people are not without sophistication. Well-mannered, neat and delicate. “Not handsome, but not bad-looking, not... fat, nor.... thin..." Calculating and careful. He collects unnecessary trinkets in his little chest: maybe it will come in handy! Seeks profit in everything. The generation of the worst sides of an enterprising and energetic person of a new type, opposed to landowners and officials. We wrote about him in more detail in the essay "".
  2. Manilov - “knight of the void”. A blond "sweet" talker with "blue eyes." He covers up the poverty of thought and avoidance of real difficulties with a beautiful phrase. He lacks living aspirations and any interests. His faithful companions are fruitless fantasy and thoughtless chatter.
  3. The box is “club-headed”. A vulgar, stupid, stingy and tight-fisted nature. She fenced herself off from everything around her, withdrawing into her estate - the “box”. She turned into a stupid and greedy woman. Limited, stubborn and unspiritual.
  4. Nozdryov is a “historical person”. He can easily lie whatever he wants and deceive anyone. Empty, absurd. He thinks of himself as broad-minded. However, his actions expose a careless, chaotic, weak-willed and at the same time arrogant, shameless “tyrant.” Record holder for getting into tricky and ridiculous situations.
  5. Sobakevich is “a patriot of the Russian stomach.” Outwardly it resembles a bear: clumsy and irrepressible. Completely incapable of understanding the most basic things. A special type of “storage device” that can quickly adapt to the new requirements of our time. He is not interested in anything except running a household. we described in the essay of the same name.
  6. Plyushkin - “a hole in humanity.” A creature of unknown gender. A striking example of moral decline, which has completely lost its natural appearance. The only character (except Chichikov) who has a biography that “reflects” the gradual process of personality degradation. A complete nonentity. Plyushkin’s manic hoarding “pours out” into “cosmic” proportions. And the more this passion takes possession of him, the less of a person remains in him. We analyzed his image in detail in the essay .
  7. Genre and composition

    Initially, the work began as an adventurous picaresque novel. But the breadth of the events described and the historical truthfulness, as if “compressed” together, gave rise to “talking” about the realistic method. Making precise remarks, inserting philosophical arguments, addressing different generations, Gogol imbued “his brainchild” with lyrical digressions. One cannot but agree with the opinion that Nikolai Vasilyevich’s creation is a comedy, since it actively uses the techniques of irony, humor and satire, which most fully reflect the absurdity and arbitrariness of the “squadron of flies that dominates Rus'.”

    The composition is circular: the chaise, which entered the city of NN at the beginning of the story, leaves it after all the vicissitudes that happened to the hero. Episodes are woven into this “ring”, without which the integrity of the poem is violated. The first chapter provides a description of the provincial city of NN and local officials. From the second to the sixth chapters, the author introduces readers to the landowner estates of Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdryov, Sobakevich and Plyushkin. The seventh - tenth chapters are a satirical depiction of officials, the execution of completed transactions. The string of events listed above ends with a ball, where Nozdryov “narrates” about Chichikov’s scam. The reaction of society to his statement is unambiguous - gossip, which, like a snowball, is overgrown with fables that have found refraction, including in the short story (“The Tale of Captain Kopeikin”) and the parable (about Kif Mokievich and Mokiya Kifovich). The introduction of these episodes allows us to emphasize that the fate of the fatherland directly depends on the people living in it. You cannot look indifferently at the disgrace happening around you. Certain forms of protest are maturing in the country. The eleventh chapter is a biography of the hero who forms the plot, explaining what motivated him when committing this or that act.

    The connecting compositional thread is the image of the road (you can learn more about this by reading the essay “ » ), symbolizing the path that the state takes in its development “under the modest name of Rus'.”

    Why does Chichikov need dead souls?

    Chichikov is not just cunning, but also pragmatic. His sophisticated mind is ready to “make candy” out of nothing. Not having sufficient capital, he, being a good psychologist, having gone through a good life school, mastering the art of “flattering everyone” and fulfilling his father’s behest to “save a penny,” starts a great speculation. It consists of a simple deception of “those in power” in order to “warm up their hands”, in other words, to gain a huge amount of money, thereby providing for themselves and their future family, which Pavel Ivanovich dreamed of.

    The names of dead peasants bought for next to nothing were entered into a document that Chichikov could take to the treasury chamber under the guise of collateral in order to obtain a loan. He would have pawned the serfs like a brooch in a pawnshop, and could have re-mortgaged them all his life, since none of the officials checked the physical condition of the people. For this money, the businessman would have bought real workers and an estate, and would have lived in grand style, enjoying the favor of the nobles, because the nobles measured the wealth of the landowner in the number of souls (peasants were then called “souls” in noble slang). In addition, Gogol's hero hoped to gain trust in society and profitably marry a rich heiress.

    main idea

    A hymn to the homeland and people, the distinguishing feature of which is hard work, sounds on the pages of the poem. The masters of golden hands became famous for their inventions and their creativity. The Russian man is always “rich in invention.” But there are also those citizens who hinder the development of the country. These are vicious officials, ignorant and inactive landowners and swindlers like Chichikov. For their own good, the good of Russia and the world, they must take the path of correction, realizing the ugliness of their inner world. To do this, Gogol mercilessly ridicules them throughout the entire first volume, but in subsequent parts of the work the author intended to show the resurrection of the spirit of these people using the example of the main character. Perhaps he felt the falseness of the subsequent chapters, lost faith that his dream was feasible, so he burned it along with the second part of “Dead Souls.”

    Nevertheless, the author showed that the main wealth of the country is the broad soul of the people. It is no coincidence that this word is included in the title. The writer believed that the revival of Russia would begin with the revival human souls, pure, untainted by any sins, selfless. Not just those who believe in the free future of the country, but those who make a lot of effort on this fast road to happiness. “Rus, where are you going?” This question runs like a refrain throughout the book and emphasizes the main thing: the country must live in constant movement towards the best, advanced, progressive. Only on this path “do other peoples and states give her the way.” We wrote a separate essay about Russia’s path: ?

    Why did Gogol burn the second volume of Dead Souls?

    At some point, the thought of the messiah begins to dominate in the writer’s mind, allowing him to “foresee” the revival of Chichikov and even Plyushkin. Gogol hopes to reverse the progressive “transformation” of a person into a “dead man.” But, faced with reality, the author experiences deep disappointment: the heroes and their destinies emerge from the pen as far-fetched and lifeless. It didn't work out. The impending crisis in worldview was the reason for the destruction of the second book.

    In the surviving excerpts from the second volume, it is clearly visible that the writer portrays Chichikov not in the process of repentance, but in flight towards the abyss. He still succeeds in adventures, dresses in a devilish red tailcoat and breaks the law. His revelation does not bode well, because in his reaction the reader will not see a sudden insight or a hint of shame. He doesn’t even believe in the possibility of such fragments ever existing. Gogol did not want to sacrifice artistic truth even for the sake of realizing his own plan.


    1. Thorns on the path of development of the Motherland are the main problem in the poem “Dead Souls” that the author was worried about. These include bribery and embezzlement of officials, infantilism and inactivity of the nobility, ignorance and poverty of the peasants. The writer sought to make his contribution to the prosperity of Russia, condemning and ridiculing vices, educating new generations of people. For example, Gogol despised doxology as a cover for the emptiness and idleness of existence. The life of a citizen should be useful to society, but most of the characters in the poem are downright harmful.
    2. Moral problems. He views the lack of moral standards among representatives of the ruling class as the result of their ugly passion for hoarding. The landowners are ready to shake the soul out of the peasant for the sake of profit. Also, the problem of selfishness comes to the fore: the nobles, like officials, think only about their own interests, the homeland for them is an empty weightless word. High society does not care about the common people, they simply use them for their own purposes.
    3. The crisis of humanism. People are sold like animals, lost at cards like things, pawned like jewelry. Slavery is legal and is not considered immoral or unnatural. Gogol illuminated the problem of serfdom in Russia globally, showing both sides of the coin: the slave mentality inherent in the serf, and the tyranny of the owner, confident in his superiority. All these are the consequences of tyranny that permeates relationships in all levels of society. It corrupts people and ruins the country.
    4. The author’s humanism is manifested in his attention to “ little man”, a critical exposure of the evils of the state system. Gogol did not even try to avoid political problems. He described a bureaucracy that functioned only on the basis of bribery, nepotism, embezzlement and hypocrisy.
    5. Gogol's characters are characterized by the problem of ignorance and moral blindness. Because of it, they do not see their moral squalor and are not able to independently get out of the quagmire of vulgarity that drags them down.

    What is unique about the work?

    Adventurism, realistic reality, a sense of the presence of the irrational, philosophical discussions about earthly good - all this is closely intertwined, creating an “encyclopedic” picture of the first half of the 19th century.

    Gogol achieves this by using various techniques satire, humor, visual means, numerous details, richness vocabulary, features of the composition.

  • Symbolism plays an important role. Falling into the mud “predicts” the future exposure of the main character. The spider weaves its webs to capture its next victim. Like an “unpleasant” insect, Chichikov skillfully runs his “business”, “entwining” landowners and officials with noble lies. “sounds” like the pathos of Rus'’s forward movement and affirms human self-improvement.
  • We observe the heroes through the prism of “comic” situations, apt author’s expressions and characteristics given by other characters, sometimes built on the antithesis: “he was a prominent man” - but only “at first glance.”
  • The vices of the heroes of Dead Souls become a continuation of the positive character traits. For example, Plyushkin’s monstrous stinginess is a distortion of his former thrift and thriftiness.
  • In small lyrical “inserts” there are the writer’s thoughts, difficult thoughts, and an anxious “I.” In them we feel the highest creative message: to help humanity change for the better.
  • The fate of people who create works for the people or not to please “those in power” does not leave Gogol indifferent, because in literature he saw a force capable of “re-educating” society and promoting its civilized development. Social strata of society, their position in relation to everything national: culture, language, traditions - occupy a serious place in the author’s digressions. When it comes to Rus' and its future, through the centuries we hear the confident voice of the “prophet”, predicting the difficult, but aimed at a bright dream, future of the Fatherland.
  • Philosophical reflections on the frailty of existence, lost youth and impending old age evoke sadness. Therefore, it is so natural for a tender “fatherly” appeal to youth, on whose energy, hard work and education depends on which “path” the development of Russia will take.
  • The language is truly folk. The forms of colloquial, literary and written business speech are harmoniously woven into the fabric of the poem. Rhetorical questions and exclamations, the rhythmic construction of individual phrases, the use of Slavicisms, archaisms, sonorous epithets create a certain structure of speech that sounds solemn, excited and sincere, without a shadow of irony. When describing landowners' estates and their owners, vocabulary characteristic of everyday speech is used. The image of the bureaucratic world is saturated with the vocabulary of the depicted environment. we described in the essay of the same name.
  • The solemnity of comparisons, high style, combined with original speech, create a sublimely ironic manner of narration, serving to debunk the base, vulgar world of the owners.
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Dead souls. The poem, written by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol in 1841, had a grandiose plan. It was supposed to be a work in three parts. The first volume was supposed to introduce readers to a real Russian person, possessing many “gifts and riches” and, at the same time, a huge number of disadvantages. It was this first house that reached the modern reader in full. Since the manuscript of the second volume was burned by the great Russian writer shortly before his death, only some chapters have survived.

The poem “Dead Souls” is the story of Chichikov, who bought up dead serfs in order to run a scam that would bring him a huge amount of money. Narrating the adventures of Mr. Chichikov, the author reflects on problems of a social and philosophical nature. The very title of the poem “Dead Souls” has several meanings.

“Dead Souls” are, first of all, dead peasants whom Chichikov buys, following from landowner to landowner. But the situation when the sale and purchase of a person becomes an everyday matter makes living serfs “dead”; they are a commodity in the hands of powerful masters. Gradually, the concept of “dead souls” is transformed, acquiring a new meaning. It becomes clear to the reader that the dead souls are the landowners themselves, people mired in their passions for petty things, “petty inhabitants.” And although all 5 landowners whom I visited main character, at first glance, are not similar to each other, they have something in common - worthlessness, emptiness.

"Dead Souls" summary

Chapters 1-6

Chapter 1 of the poem is an exposition. The reader meets Mr. Chichikov, who arrives in the city. The hero stops at a tavern and then pays visits to all available officials. During such visits, Chichikov meets some landowners: Manilov, Sobakevich, Nozdrev. He finds out how many souls each landowner supports, how far away their estates are.

Chapters 2-6 – Chichikov’s journey through the landowners. The main character visited 5 estates, met with five landowners: Manilov, Sobakevich, Nozdrev, Korobochka and Plyushkin. Having traveled 30 miles, instead of the promised 15, Chichikov comes to Manilov. His estate is located in the Jura, among English flower beds. The owner of the estate is very kind, but as it turns out, after a few minutes, he is too kind, too cloying. He does not delve into the affairs of the estate, but lives in illusions, dreams, all day long indulging in thoughts about unrealizable ideas. Chichikov has lunch with the Manilovs, and then informs the owner that he wants to buy from him the dead serfs who are listed as alive. Manilov begins to be frightened, but then, becoming emotional, he happily agrees. Chichikov leaves for Sobakevich.

The coachman Selifan misses the turn, which is why the travelers end up not with Sobakevich, but with Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka. Korobochka is an elderly landowner, she is very homely. Nothing goes missing in her house, and the peasants have strong huts. For a long time she does not agree to give the dead serfs to Chichikov, she keeps wondering whether she will sell things too cheap, whether they will be useful to her. As a result, having paid fifteen rubles for each “dead soul”, Chichikov moves on.

On the highway, the hero stops to have a snack at a tavern. Here he meets the next landowner - Nozdryov. He returns with his son-in-law from the fair - Nozdryov lost his horses. Wherever Nozdryov appeared, everywhere a story happened to him, he is such a daring hooligan. The landowner takes Chichikov to his home, where the hero tries to persuade Nozdryov to sell him the dead peasants. Nozdryov is not that simple: he gets Chichikov involved in a game of checkers, where the bets are the “dead souls” so desired by Chichikov. As the game progresses, it becomes clear that Nozdryov is openly cheating. When it almost comes to a fight, the buyer of the dead is saved by a sudden visit from the police captain, who reports that Nozdryov is on trial. Chichikov manages to escape. On the road, the traveler's crew accidentally encounters an unfamiliar crew. While the means of transportation are being put in order, Chichikov admires the young, especially pleasant appearance and reflects on the pleasures of family life.

Sobakevich, the next landowner, thoroughly feeds the traveler lunch, at the same time discussing all the city officials. All of them, according to Sobakevich, are the lowest people, swindlers and pigs. Having learned that, or rather who, Chichikov wants to buy, Sobakevich is not at all surprised. He bargains and asks Chichikov to leave a deposit.

Chichikov's journey ends with a visit to the last landowner - Plyushkin. The author calls it “the hole of humanity.” Chichikov, seeing Plyushkin, thinks that this is the housekeeper or servant. The owner of the estate is dressed in rags, strange rags. Nothing is thrown away in his house, but on the contrary, even the sole of a shoe will be brought into the house. The room is piled high with rubbish, Plyushkin invites Chichikov to drink a drink, which he himself re-filtered to remove dirt. Having talked about the obvious benefits of selling dead souls and having concluded a successful deal, Chichikov returns to the city.

Chapters 7-10

The chapters show another layer of society - bureaucracy. Chichikov, having prepared all the lists of peasants, goes to the ward, where Manilov and Sobakevich are already waiting for him. The chairman of the chamber helps to prepare all the documents and signs the bill of sale for Plyushkin. Chichikov informs the officials that he will send all the peasants to the Kherson province. After completing the paperwork, everyone present goes to the next room, where they eat and drink to the newly minted landowner and his future lucky wife.

Chichikov returns to the tavern, exhausted and very tired. The very next day, rumors began to circulate in the city that Chichikov was a millionaire. The ladies began to go crazy, the hero even received a letter with amorous poems from an unknown woman. And most importantly, he is invited to the governor's ball. At the ball, Chichikov enjoys breathtaking success. He moves from one hug to another, from one conversation to another. Women don't take their eyes off him. But Chichikov was interested in only one girl - a sixteen-year-old blonde whom he had once encountered on the road.

She turned out to be the governor's daughter. But such an excellent state of affairs is spoiled by Nozdryov: drunk, in public, he asks the new Kherson landowner how many dead souls he has traded. Society does not take the drunken man's words seriously, but Chichikov becomes noticeably upset, does not maintain a conversation, and makes a mistake in a card game. The next day, Korobochka comes to the city to find out how much dead souls are worth these days. Her arrival provides fertile ground for gossip that divides the city into two parties: male and female.

The men's party is trying to find out why Chichikov bought up dead souls, and the women's party believes that Chichikov wants to steal the governor's daughter. Officials, talking about Chichikov, get confused in riddles. Some believe that he is a maker of counterfeit notes, others that he is Captain Kopeikin. Nozdryov also adds fuel to the fire, confirming every guess with invented details. After these proceedings, the shocked prosecutor comes home and dies.

At this time, Chichikov is sick and does not understand why no one visits him. Fortunately, Nozdryov visits him and tells him who Chichikov is now in the eyes of the city residents. The hero decides to leave urgently, but when leaving the city he encounters a funeral procession. Chapter 11 occupies a special place; the author tells the biography of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. About his childhood, studies, career, service. Chichikov was poor, but had a practical mind, which helped him formulate a plan in his head on how to buy up dead peasants, and then, using the money, secure a calm future for himself.

Chapter 1

The beginning takes place in the provincial town of NN, a luxurious bachelor's carriage drove up to the hotel. Nobody paid much attention to the chaise, except for two men who argued about whether the cart wheel could reach Moscow or not. Chichikov was sitting in it, the first thoughts about him were ambiguous. The hotel house looked like an old building with two floors, the first floor was not plastered, the second was painted with yellow copper paint. The decorations are typical, that is, poor. The main character introduced himself as collegiate adviser Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. After the guest was received, his footman Petrusha and servant Selifan (aka coachman) arrived.

It’s lunch time, a curious guest asks the tavern employee questions about local authorities, significant persons, landowners, the state of the region (diseases and epidemics). He leaves the task to the interlocutor to notify the police about his arrival, supporting a paper with the text: “Collegiate adviser Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov.” The hero of the novel goes to inspect the territory and is satisfied. He drew attention to the incorrect information posted in the newspaper about the state of the park and its current situation. Afterwards the gentleman returned to the room, had dinner and fell asleep.

The next day was devoted to visits to people in society. Pavel quickly realized to whom and how to present flattering speeches, but tactfully kept silent about himself. At a party with the governor, he made acquaintance with Sobakevich Mikhail Semenovich and Manilov, simultaneously asking them questions about possessions and serfs, and specifically, he wanted to know who had what number of souls. Chichikov received many invitations and attended each one, finding connections. Many began to speak well of him, until one passage led everyone to bewilderment.

Chapter 2

Lackey Petrusha is silent, he loved to read books of different genres. He also had a peculiarity: sleeping in clothes. Now back to the well-known main character, he finally decided to go with Manilov. The village, as the owner initially said, is 15 versts (16,002 km), but this turned out not to be the case. The estate stood on a hill, blown by the winds, a pitiful sight. The owner greeted the traveler with joy. The head of the family did not take care of the estate, but indulged in thoughts and dreams. He considered his wife a wonderful match.

Both are slackers: the pantries are empty, the kitchen masters are disorganized, the housekeeper steals, the servants are always drunk and unclean. The couple was capable of long kisses. At dinner, compliments were exchanged, and the manager's children showed off their knowledge of geography. The time has come to resolve matters. The hero was able to convince the owner to make a deal in which dead people were listed as alive on the audit paper. Manilov decided to give Chichikov dead souls. When Pavel left, he sat on his porch for a long time and thoughtfully smoked his pipe. He thought that they would now become good friends, even dreamed that for their friendship they would receive a reward from the king himself.

Chapter 3

Pavel Ivanovich was in a great mood. Maybe that’s why he didn’t notice that Selifan wasn’t watching the road because he was drunk. It began to rain. Their chaise overturned, and the main character fell into the mud. Somehow, as darkness fell, Selifan and Pavel came across the estate and were allowed to spend the night. The inside of the rooms indicated that the housewives were the type who lamented about the lack of money and harvest, while they themselves put money aside in secluded places. The hostess gave the impression that she was very thrifty.

Waking up in the morning, the vigilant worker studies the yard in detail: there are a lot of poultry and livestock, the peasants’ houses are in good condition. Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka (the lady) invites him to the table. Chichikov invited her to conclude an agreement regarding deceased souls, the landowner was confused. Then she began to introduce hemp, flax and even bird feathers to everything. Agreement has been reached. Everything turned out to be goods. The traveler hurried to leave, because he could no longer tolerate the landowner. A girl accompanied them, she showed them how to get onto the main road and returned. A tavern appeared on the pavement.

Chapter 4

It was a simple tavern, with a standard menu. The staff were asked Peter’s natural questions: how long has the establishment been operating, what is the business of the landowners. Fortunately for Pavel, the owner of the inn knew a lot and gladly shared everything with him. Nozdryov arrived in the dining room. He shares his events: he was with his son-in-law at the fair and lost all the money, things and four horses. Nothing upsets him. There is a bad opinion about him: flaws in his upbringing, a tendency to lie.

The marriage did not affect him; unfortunately, his wife died, leaving two children who were not cared for. A gambling person, dishonest in the game, he was often subjected to assault. A visionary, disgusting in everything. The impudent man invited Chichikov to his place for lunch and he gave a positive answer. The tour of the estate, as well as the lunch itself, caused outrage. The main character set the goal of the deal. It all ended in a quarrel. He slept badly at a party. In the morning the swindler invited the hero to play checkers for a deal. It would have come to a fight if the police captain had not come with the news that Nozdryov was under investigation until the circumstances were clarified. The guest ran away and ordered the servant to drive the horses quickly.

Chapter 5

On the way to Sobakevich, Pavel Chichikov collided with a carriage drawn by 6 horses. The teams were very confused. Everyone who was close was in no hurry to help. In the stroller sat an elderly woman and a young girl with blond hair. Chichikov was fascinated by the beautiful stranger. When they parted, he thought about her for a long time, until the estate that interested him appeared. An estate surrounded by forest, with strong buildings of ambiguous architecture.

The owner looked like a bear, as he was strongly built. His house had massive furniture and paintings depicting strong commanders. It was not easy to start a conversation even at lunch hour: Chichikov began to carry on his flattering conversations, and Mikhail started talking about how everyone was a swindler and mentioned a certain man named Plyushkin, whose peasants were dying. After the meal, the auction of dead souls opened, and the main character had to compromise. The city decided to carry out the deal. He, of course, was dissatisfied that the owner asked too much for one soul. When Pavel left, he managed to find out where the cruel holder of souls lived.

Chapter 6

The hero entered a vast village from a log road. This road was unsafe: old wood, ready to fall apart under the weight. Everything was in a state of disrepair: boarded-up windows of the houses, crumbling plaster, an overgrown and dried-out garden, and poverty was felt everywhere. The landowner outwardly resembled the housekeeper, he had neglected himself so outwardly. The owner can be described as follows: small shifty eyes, greasy torn clothes, a strange bandage around his neck. It's like a man begging for alms. Cold and hunger wafted from everywhere. It was impossible to be in the house: complete chaos, a lot of unnecessary furniture, flies floating in containers, a huge collection of dust in all corners. But in reality he has more stocks provisions, dishes and other goods that were lost due to the greed of its owner.

Once everything flourished, he had a wife, two daughters, a son, a French teacher, and a governess. But his wife died, the landowner began to harbor anxiety and greed. The eldest daughter secretly married an officer and ran away, the receiver went into service without receiving anything from his father, the youngest daughter died. Bread and hay were rotting in the merchant's barns, but he did not agree to sell. The heiress came to him with her grandchildren and left with nothing. Also, having lost at cards, the son asked for money and was refused.

Plyushkin's stinginess knew no bounds; he complained to Chichikov about his poverty. As a result, Plyushkin sold our master 120 dead souls and seventy runaway peasants at 32 kopecks per one. Both felt happy.

Chapter 7

The present day was declared by the main character to be a notary. He saw that he already had 400 souls, and he also noticed Sobakevich on the list female name, thinking that he was unimaginably dishonest. The character went to the ward, completed all the documents and began to bear the title of Kherson landowner. This was celebrated with a festive table with wines and snacks.

Everyone said toasts and someone hinted at marriage, which, due to the naturalness of the situation, the new merchant was happy about. They didn’t let him go for a long time and asked him to stay in the city as long as possible. The feast ended like this: the satisfied owner returned to his chambers, and the residents went to bed.

Chapter 8

The conversations of local residents were only about the purchase of Chichikov. Everyone admired him. The townspeople were even worried about the outbreak of a riot in the new estate, but the master reassured them that the peasants were calm. There were rumors about Chichikov's million-dollar fortune. The ladies especially paid attention to this. Suddenly, merchants began to trade in expensive fabrics well. The newly-minted hero was glad to receive a letter with love confessions and poems. He was delighted when he was invited to an evening reception with the governor.

At a party, he caused a storm of emotions among the ladies: they surrounded him on all sides so much that he forgot to greet the hostess of the event. The character wanted to find the writer of the letter, but in vain. When he realized that he was acting indecently, he hurried to the governor’s wife and was confused when he saw with her the beautiful blonde whom he had met on the road. It was the owners' daughter, recently graduated from college. Our hero fell out of his rut ​​and lost interest in other ladies, which caused their discontent and aggression towards the young lady.

Everything was spoiled by the appearance of Nozdryov; he began to speak loudly about Pavel’s dishonorable deeds. This spoiled the mood and caused the hero’s quick departure. The appearance of a college secretary, a lady with the last name Korobochka, in the city had a bad effect; she wanted to find out the real price of dead souls, because she was afraid that she had sold too cheap.

Chapter 9

The next morning, the college secretary said that Pavel Ivanovich had bought the souls of deceased peasants from her.
Two women were discussing the latest news. One of them shared the news that Chichikov came to a landowner named Korobochka and demanded that she sell the souls of those who had already died. Another lady reported that her husband heard similar information from Mr. Nozdryov.

They began to reason about why the newly minted landowner needed such deals. Their thoughts ended with the following: the master truly pursues the goal of kidnapping the governor’s daughter, and the irresponsible Nozdryov will assist him, and the matter with the departed souls of the peasants is fiction. During their arguments, the prosecutor appeared, the ladies told him their assumptions. Leaving the prosecutor alone with his thoughts, the two persons headed into the city, spreading gossip and hypotheses behind them. Soon the whole city was stunned. Due to the long absence of interesting events, everyone paid attention to the news. There was even a rumor that Chichikov left his wife and walked at night with the governor’s daughter.

Two sides emerged: women and men. The women talked only about the impending theft of the governor's daughter, and the men about the incredible deal. As a result, the governor’s wife interrogated her daughter, but she cried and did not understand what she was accused of. At the same time, some strange stories came to light, in which Chichikov began to be suspected. Then the governor received a document that spoke of a fugitive criminal. Everyone wanted to know who this gentleman really was and decided to look for the answer from the police chief.

Chapter 10 summary Gogol Dead Souls

When all the officials, exhausted by fears, gathered at the appointed place, many began to voice assumptions about who our hero was. One said that the character is none other than a distributor of counterfeit money. And later he stipulated that this might be a lie. Another suggested that he was an official, the Governor-General of the Chancellery. And the next comment refuted the previous one on its own. Nobody liked the idea that he was a common criminal. Then it dawned on one postmaster, he shouted that it was Mr. Kopeikin and began to tell a story about him. The Tale of Captain Kopeikin said this:

“After the war with Napoleon, a wounded captain with the surname Kopeikin was sent. No one knew exactly, under such circumstances he lost his limbs: an arm and a leg, and after which he became a hopeless invalid. The captain was left with his left hand, and it was unclear how he could earn a living. He went to the reception at the commission. When he finally got into the office, he was asked a question about what brought him here, he replied that while shedding blood for his homeland, he lost an arm and a leg, and could not earn a living, and from the commission he wanted to ask the king’s favor. The activist said that the captain would come in 2 days.

When he returned after 3-4 days, the captain was told the following: he needed to wait until the sovereign arrived in St. Petersburg. Kopeikin had no money left, and, in despair, the captain decided to take a rude step; he burst into the office and began to scream. The minister got angry, called the appropriate people, and the captain was taken out of the capital. No one knows what his fate would be like next. It is only known that a gang was organized in those parts, the leader of which is supposedly Kopeikin.” Everyone rejected this strange version, because our hero’s limbs were intact.

Officials, to clarify the situation, decided to invite Nozdryov, knowing that he constantly lies. He contributed to the story and said that Chichikov was a spy, a distributor of counterfeit banknotes and the kidnapper of the governor's daughter. All this news affected the prosecutor so much that upon arriving home he died.

Our main character knew nothing about this. He was in his room, cold and suffering from flux. He was surprised that everyone ignored him. As soon as the main character feels better, he comes to the conclusion that it is time to pay visits to officials. But everyone refused to accept him and talk to him, without explaining the reasons. In the evening, Nozdryov comes to the landowner and talks about his involvement in counterfeit money and the failed abduction of a young lady. And also, according to the public, it is his fault that the prosecutor dies and a new governor-general comes to their city. Peter got scared and sent the narrator out. And he himself ordered Selifan and Petrushka to urgently pack their things and hit the road as soon as dawn broke.

Chapter 11

Everything went against Pavel Chichikov’s plans: he overslept, and the chaise was not ready because it was in a deplorable state. He yelled at his servants, but this did not help the situation. Our character was extremely angry. At the forge they charged him a large fee because they realized that the order was urgent. And the waiting did not bring pleasure. When they finally set off, they met a funeral procession, our character concluded that this was fortunate.

Chichikov's childhood was not the most joyful and carefree. His mother and father belonged to the nobility. Our hero lost his mother at an early age, she died, and his father was sick very often. He used violence against little Pavel and forced him to study. When Pavlusha became older, his dad gave him to a relative living in the city so that he could go to classes at the city school. Instead of money, his father left him an instruction in which he instructed his son to learn to please other people. He still left 50 kopecks with the instructions.

Our little hero took his father’s words into account with complete seriousness. The educational institution did not arouse interest, but he willingly learned to increase capital. He sold what his comrades treated him to. Once I trained a mouse for two months and also sold it. There was a case when he made a bullfinch from wax and sold it just as successfully. Pavel's teacher valued the good behavior of his students, and therefore our hero, having graduated from the educational institution and received a certificate, received a reward in the form of a book with golden letters. At this time, Chichikov's father dies. After his death, he left Pavel 4 frock coats, 2 sweatshirts and a small sum of money. Their old house our hero sold them for 1 thousand rubles, and redirected them to a family of serfs. Finally, Pavel Ivanovich learns the story of his teacher: he was expelled from an educational institution and, out of grief, the teacher begins to abuse alcohol. Those with whom he taught helped him, but our character cited a lack of money; he allocated only five kopecks.

Fellow students at the educational institution immediately threw away this disrespectful help. When the teacher learned about these events, he cried for a long time. This is where it begins military service our hero. After all, he wants to live expensively, have a big house and a personal carriage. But everywhere you need acquaintances in high social circles. He got a position with a small annual salary of 30 or 40 rubles. He always tried to look good, he did it perfectly, especially considering the fact that his colleagues had an unkempt appearance. Chichikov tried in every possible way to attract the attention of the boss, but he was indifferent to our hero. Until the main character found the weak point of the authorities, and his weakness is that his already mature and unattractive daughter is still alone. Pavel began to show her signs of attention:

stood next to her whenever possible. Then he was invited to visit for tea, and after a short time he was received in the house as a groom. After a while, the place of the head of office work in the order became vacant in the ward, Chichikov took this position. As soon as he moved up the career ladder, a chest with the things of the prospective groom disappeared from the bride's house, he ran away and stopped calling his boss daddy. Despite all this, he smiled affectionately at his failed father-in-law and invited him to visit him when he met him. The boss remained with the honest understanding that he had been vilely and skillfully deceived.

According to Chichikov, he did the most difficult thing. In a new place, the main character began to fight against those officials who accept material assets from someone, while he himself turned out to be the one who accepts bribes in large size. A project to build a building for the state began, Chichikov took part in this project. For 6 long years, only the foundation of the building was built, while the members of the commission added to their property an elegant building of high architectural value.

Pavel Petrovich began to pamper himself with expensive things: thin Dutch shirts, thoroughbred horses and many other little things. Finally, the old boss was replaced by a new one: a military-trained man, honest, decent, a fighter against corruption. This marked the end of Chichikov’s activity; he was forced to flee to another city and start all over again. In a short time, he changed several low positions in a new place, being in a circle of people who did not correspond to his status, so our hero thought. During his troubles, Pavel was a little drained, but the hero dealt with the troubles and got to a new position, he began working at customs. Chichikov’s dream came true; he was full of energy and put all his strength into his new position. Everyone thought that he was an excellent worker, quick-witted and attentive, he often managed to identify smugglers.

Chichikov was a fierce punisher, honest and incorruptible to such an extent that it did not look entirely natural. He was soon noticed by his superiors, the main character was promoted, after which he provided his superiors with a plan to catch all the smugglers. His elaborate plan was approved. Pavel was given full freedom of action in this area. The criminals felt fear, they even formed a criminal group and planned to bribe Pavel Ivanovich, to which he gave them a secret answer, it said that they needed to wait.

The fulfillment of Chichikov’s machinations has come: when, under the guise of Spanish sheep, smugglers smuggled expensive products. Chichikov earned about 500 thousand from a specific fraud, and the criminals earned at least 400 thousand rubles. Being drunk, our main character came into conflict with a man who also took part in the lace fraud. Because of this event, all of Chichikov’s secret affairs with smugglers were revealed. Our indomitable hero was put on trial, everything that belonged to him was confiscated. He lost almost all his money, but he resolved the issue of criminal prosecution in his favor. Again we had to start from the bottom. He was initiated into all matters, and again managed to gain trust. It was in this place that he learned how to make money from dead peasants. He really liked this possible way of earning money.

He figured out how to earn a lot of capital, but realized that he needed land where souls would be located. And this place is Kherson province. And so he chose a convenient place, examined all the intricacies of the matter, found the right people, gained their trust. Human passions are of different natures. From birth, our hero lived the life that he preferred for himself in the future. His growing up environment was not favorable. Of course, we ourselves have the right to choose what qualities to develop in ourselves. Someone chooses nobility, honor, dignity, someone sets the main goal of building capital, having a foundation under their feet, in the form of material wealth. But, unfortunately, the most important factor in our choice is that much depends on those who have been with the person from the beginning of his life’s journey.

Do not succumb to the weaknesses that drag us down spiritually - this is probably how you can even cope with the pressure of others. Each of us has our own natural essence, and this essence is influenced by culture and worldview. A person has a desire to be human, this is important. Who is Pavel Chichikov for you? Draw your own conclusions. The author showed all the qualities that were in our hero, but imagine that Nikolai Vasilyevich would present the work from a different angle and then you would change your opinion about our hero. Everyone has forgotten that there is no need to be afraid of an honest, direct, open look, there is no need to be afraid to show such a look. After all, it is always easier not to pay attention to this or that action, to forgive someone everything, and to insult someone completely. You should always start your work with yourself, think about how honest you are, whether you have responsibility, whether you laugh at other people’s failures, whether you support a person close to you in moments of despair, whether you have any positive qualities at all.

Well, our hero safely disappeared into a chaise carried by three horses.


The work “Dead Souls” was published in 1842. The author planned to release three volumes. For some unknown reason, the writer destroyed the second volume, but several chapters were preserved in drafts. The third volume remains at the planning stage, very little is known about it. Work on the poem was carried out in various parts of the world. The plot of the novel was suggested to the author by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Throughout the entire work there are comments from the author about how he admires the beautiful views of his homeland and the people. The work is considered epic because it touches on everything at once. The novel shows well the human capacity for degradation. Many human shades of character are shown: uncertainty, lack of inner core, stupidity, whim, laziness, greed. Although not all characters were originally like this.

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  • Dear friends! There are many versions of the summary of the unforgettable N. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls". There are very short versions and more detailed ones. We have prepared for you the “golden mean” - the optimal version in terms of volume summary works "Dead Souls". The text of the brief retelling is divided into volumes and by chapter.

    Dead Souls - summary by chapter

    Volume one of the poem "Dead Souls" (summary)

    Chapter one

    In his work “Dead Souls” N.V. Gogol describes the events that took place after the expulsion of the French from the state. It all begins with the arrival of collegiate adviser Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov to the provincial town of NN. The adviser is checked into the best hotel. Chichikov is a middle-aged man, of average build, pleasant in appearance, slightly round in shape, but this does not spoil him at all. Pavel Ivanovich is very inquisitive, even in some situations he can be too pushy and annoying. He asks the tavern servant about the owner of the tavern, about the owner’s income, about all the city officials, about noble landowners. He is also interested in the state of the region where he arrived.

    Having arrived in the city, the collegiate adviser does not sit at home, he visits everyone, from the governor to the inspector of the medical board. Everyone treats Chichikov condescendingly, because he finds a certain approach to each of the people, says certain words that are pleasant for them. They also treat him well, and this even surprises Pavel Ivanovich. For all my professional activity, for all the truth that he simply had to tell people, he experienced many negative actions towards him, even survived an attempt on his life. Now Chichikov was looking for a place where he could live peacefully.

    Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov attends a house party held by the governor. There he earns everyone's favor and successfully meets the landowners Sobakevich and Manilov. The police chief invites him to dinner. At this dinner, Chichikov meets the landowner Nozdryov. Then he visited the chairman of the chamber and the vice-governor, the tax farmer and the prosecutor. Afterwards he goes to Manilov’s estate. This approach in the work of N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls" is preceded by a large author's digression. The author attests in great detail to Petrushka, who is the visitor’s servant. Parsley loves to read with passion, he has a special ability to carry with him a special smell, which in essence carries a certain residential peace.

    Chapter two

    Chichikov goes to Manilovka. However, his journey takes longer than he thought. Chichikov is met on the threshold by the owner of the estate and hugged tightly. The Manilov house stands in the center, and around it there are many flower beds and gazebos. There are signs on the gazebos stating that this is a place for solitude and reflection. All this decoration to some extent characterizes the owner, who is not burdened with any problems, but is too cloying. Manilov admits that Chichikov’s arrival is like a sunny day for him, like the happiest holiday. The gentlemen dine in the company of the mistress of the estate and two sons, Themistoclus and Alcides. Afterwards, Chichikov decides to tell about his true reason for the visit. He wants to buy from the landowner all those peasants who have already died, but no one has yet declared their death in the audit certificate. He wants to register such peasants according to the law, as if they were still alive. The owner of the estate was very surprised by this proposal, but then agreed to the deal. Chichikov goes to Sobakevich, and Manilov, meanwhile, dreams that Chichikov will live next door to him across the river. That he would build a bridge across the river, and they would be best friends, and the sovereign, having learned about this, would promote them to generals.

    Chapter Three

    On the way to Sobakevich, Chichikov's coachman Selifan, having started a conversation with his horses, misses the required turn. A heavy downpour begins and the coachman drops his master into the mud. They have to look for a place to sleep in the dark. They find him at Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka's. The lady turns out to be a landowner who is afraid of everyone and everything. Chichikov is not wasting his time. He begins trading dead souls with Nastasya Petrovna. Chichikov carefully explains to her that he himself will now pay the tax for them. Cursing the old woman's stupidity, he promises to buy all the hemp and lard from her, but another time. Chichikov buys souls from her and receives a detailed list where they are all listed. In the list, his attention is attracted by Pyotr Savelyev Disregard-Trough. Chichikov, having eaten pies, pancakes, pies, etc., leaves further. The hostess is very worried because more money should have been taken for the souls.

    Chapter Four

    Chichikov, driving out onto the main road to the tavern, decides to stop for a snack. The author of the work, in order to add something mysterious to this action, begins to think about all those properties of appetite that are inherent in people like our hero. During such a snack, Chichikov meets Nozdryov. He was on his way from the fair. Nozdryov complains that he lost everything at the fair. He also talks about all the delights of the fair, talks about dragoon officers, and also mentions a certain Kuvshinnikov. Nozdryov takes his son-in-law and Chichikov home. Pavel Ivanovich thinks that with the help of Nozdryov he can make some good money. Nozdryov turned out to be a man for those who love history. Wherever he was, no matter what he did, nothing was complete without history. On the table during lunch there were many dishes and a large number of drinks of dubious quality. After dinner, the son-in-law leaves to visit his wife, and Chichikova decides to get down to business. However, it is impossible to either buy or beg souls from Chichikov. The owner of the house offers his conditions: exchange it, take it in addition to something, or make a bet in the game. Insurmountable disagreements arise between the men on this matter, and they go to bed. The next morning their conversation resumes again. They meet at a game of checkers. During the game, Nozdryov tries to cheat, and Chichikov notices this. It turns out that Nozdryov is on trial. Chichikov runs away in view of the arrival of the police captain.

    Chapter Five

    On the way, Chichikov's carriage crashes into another carriage. All witnesses to what happened are trying to untangle the reins and return the horses to their places. Chichikov, meanwhile, admires the sixteen-year-old young lady and begins to dream of living together with her, of their future family. Sobakevich's estate is a strong structure, in fact, completely matching the owner. The owner treats the guests to lunch. Over the meal they talk about city officials. Sobakevich condemns them because he is sure that all of them, without exception, are scammers. Chichikov tells the owner about his plans. They make a deal. Sobakevich is not at all afraid of such a deal. He haggles for a long time, pointing out the best qualities of each of his former serfs, provides Chichikov with a detailed list and lures a deposit from him. The bargaining continues for a long time. Chichikov assures Sobakevich that the qualities of the peasants are no longer important because they are lifeless and cannot bring physical benefit to the new owner. Sobakevich begins to hint to his potential buyer that transactions of this kind are illegal and can lead to dire consequences. He even threatens to tell whoever needs to know about this, and Chichikov will face punishment. Finally, they agree on the price, draw up a document, fearing a setup from each other. Sobakevich offers Chichikov to buy a girl-housekeeper for a minimum price, but the guest refuses. However, then, reading the document, Pavel Ivanovich sees that Sobakevich still included a woman - Elizaveta Vorobey. Chichikov leaves Sobakevich's estate. On the way, he asks a peasant in the village which road he needs to take to get to Plyushkin’s estate. People called Plyushkin the patched one behind his back.

    The fifth chapter of the work “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol ends with the author making a lyrical digression about the Russian language. The author emphasizes the power of the Russian language, its richness and diversity. He also talks about such a feature of Russian people as giving nicknames to everyone. Nicknames arise not at the request of their owners, but in connection with some actions, various actions, or a combination of circumstances. Nicknames accompany a person almost until death; they cannot be gotten rid of or bought off. On the territory of Rus' there is not only a huge number of churches and monasteries, but also a countless number of generations, tribes, peoples rushing around the Earth... Not the word of a Briton, not the word of a Frenchman, or even the word of a German can compare with an aptly spoken Russian word. Because only a Russian word can break out so quickly right from under the heart.

    Chapter Six

    On the way to the landowner Plyushkin, about whom Sobakevich told, Chichikov meets a man. He starts a conversation with this guy. He gives Plyushkin a clear, but not very printed nickname. The author begins the story about his former love for unfamiliar places, which now do not evoke any feelings in him. Chichikov, seeing Plyushkin, first mistakes him for the housekeeper, and then generally for a beggar. The most surprising thing is that Plyushkin turned out to be a very greedy person. He even carries his old fallen off boot sole into a pile piled up in the master's chambers. Chichikov offers him a deal and points out all its advantages. He assures that now he will take on the taxes for the dead and runaway peasants. After a successful deal, Chichikov refuses tea with crackers. With a letter to the chairman of the chamber, he leaves in good spirits.

    Chapter Seven

    Chichikov spends the night at the hotel. Having woken up, a satisfied Chichikov studies the lists of acquired peasants and reflects on their supposed fates. Then he goes to the civil chamber to resolve all his cases as quickly as possible. At the hotel gate he meets Manilov. He accompanies him all the way to the ward. Sobakevich is already sitting in the chairman’s apartment at the reception. The chairman, out of the kindness of his soul, agrees to be Plyushkin’s attorney, and thereby, to a large extent, speeds up all other transactions. A discussion began about Chichikov's latest acquisitions. It was important to the chairman whether he bought so many peasants with land or for withdrawal, and to what places he would take them. Chichikov intended to bring the peasants to the Kherson province. At the meeting, all the properties that the sold men possess were also revealed. After all this the champagne was opened. Later, everyone went to the police chief, where they drank to the health of the new Kherson landowner. Everyone's pretty excited. They are even trying to force Chichikov to leave there, on the condition that they will soon find him a worthy wife.

    Chapter Eight

    Everyone in the city is talking about Chichikov’s purchases, many are even gossiping about him being a millionaire. Girls go crazy for him. Before the governor's ball, Chichikov even receives a mysterious love letter, which even the fan did not deign to sign. Having dressed up for the event, in full readiness, he goes to the ball. There he moves from one embrace to another, twirling first with one and then with the other in a dance. Chichikov tried to find the sender of that nameless letter. There were even a lot of arguments between the girls for his attention. However, his search ends when the governor's wife approaches him. He forgets absolutely everything, because next to him is a sixteen-year-old blonde, it was her crew that he encountered on the way here. With this behavior, he instantly loses the favor of all the ladies. Chichikov is completely immersed in a conversation with a chic and charming blonde, neglecting the attention of other ladies. Suddenly Nozdryov comes to the ball, his appearance promises Pavel Ivanovich huge troubles. Nozdryov asks Chichikov for the whole room and at the top of his voice whether he has sold a lot of dead people. Despite the fact that Nozdryov was pretty drunk, and the entire vacationing society had no time for such statements, Chichikov begins to feel uneasy. And he leaves in complete sadness and confusion.

    Chapter Nine

    At the same time, due to increasing anxiety, the landowner Korobochkova arrives in the city. She is in a hurry to find out at what price dead souls can be purchased at the present time. The news about the buying and selling of dead souls becomes the property of one pleasant lady, then another. This story takes on even more interesting details. They say that Chichikov, armed to the teeth, bursts into Korobochka in the dead of midnight, demanding the souls that have died. It instantly instills horror and fear in people. People are even starting to get the idea that dead souls are just a cover. But in fact, Chichikov just wants to take away the governor’s daughter. Having fully discussed the details of this event, Nozdryov’s participation in it and the merits of the governor’s daughter, both ladies tell the prosecutor about everything and are going to start a riot in the city.

    Chapter ten briefly

    In a fairly short time the city came to life. News continues to appear one after another. News appears about the appointment of a new governor general. New papers appear in the case of counterfeit banknotes and, of course, about an insidious robber who escaped from legal prosecution. Due to the fact that Chichikov spoke little about himself, people have to piece together his image piece by piece. They remember what Chichikov said about the people who attempted to kill his life. In his statement, the postmaster, for example, writes that Chichikov, in his opinion, is a kind of captain Kopeikin. This captain seemed to take up arms against the injustice of the whole world and became a robber. However, this version was rejected by everyone, since it follows from the story that the captain was missing one arm and one leg, but Chichikov was safe and sound. Various assumptions arise. There is even a version that he is Napoleon in disguise. Many begin to see some similarities in them, especially in profile. Questioning the participants in the actions, such as Korobochkin, Manilov and Sobakevich, does not yield results. Nozdryov only increases the already existing confusion of citizens. He declares Chichikov a spy, making false notes and intending to take the governor's daughter away. Such a huge number of versions negatively affects the prosecutor, he has a stroke and dies.

    Chapter Eleven

    Chichikov, meanwhile, is sitting in his hotel with a slight cold and is sincerely surprised that none of the officials have ever visited him. Soon he himself goes to the governor and realizes that they don’t want him there and won’t accept him. In other places, all people fearfully avoid him. Nozdryov, when visiting Chichikov at the hotel, tells him about everything that happened. He assures Pavel Ivanovich that he agrees to help in the kidnapping of the governor’s daughter.

    The very next day Chichikov hastily leaves. However, a funeral procession meets on his way, and he is simply forced to look at all the officials, and at the prosecutor Brichka lying in a coffin. Deciding that it’s time for the hero, who has already done a lot of things, to rest, the author decides to tell the whole story of Pavel Ivanovich’s life. The story is about his childhood, studying at school, where he was able to show all his intelligence and ingenuity. The author also talks about the relationship of the main character with his comrades and teacher, about his service, work in the commission of a government building, subsequent departure to other, not so profitable places, transition to the customs service. He made a lot of money all around, concluding fake contracts, conspiracies, working with smuggling, and so on. During his life, he was even able to avoid a criminal trial, but was forced to resign. He became an attorney. During the troubles about the peasants' pledge, he formed his insidious plan in his head. And only then he began to travel around the spaces of Rus'. He wanted to buy dead souls, put them in the treasury as if they were alive, get money, buy a village and provide for future offspring.

    The author partly justifies his hero, calling him a master who acquired a lot, who was able to build such an entertaining chain of actions with his mind. This is how the first volume of N.V.’s work ends. Gogol "Dead Souls".

    Volume two of the poem Dead Souls (summary by chapter)

    The second volume of the work by N.V. Gogol " Dead Souls "begins with a description of the nature that makes up the estate of Andrei Ivanovich Tentetnikov, nicknamed the smoker of the sky. The author talks about all the uselessness of his pastime. After the story goes a life that is full of hope at its very beginning, then overshadowed by the pettiness of service and subsequent troubles. The hero retires, intending to improve his estate. He dreams of reading a lot of books. But reality does not give the expected results, the man remains idle. Tentetnikov gives up. He cuts off all his acquaintances with his neighbors. He was greatly offended by the treatment of General Betrishchevai. Because of this, she stops visiting him, despite the fact that she cannot forget his daughter Ulinka.

    It is to Tentetnikov that Chichikov is heading. He justifies his arrival by the breakdown of the crew, and, of course, he is overcome by the desire to pay his respects. The owner liked Pavel Ivanovich because he had an amazing ability to adapt to anything. Afterwards, Chichikov goes to the general, to whom he tells a story about his absurd uncle and, of course, does not forget to beg dead souls from the owner. The general laughs at Chichikov. Then Chichikov goes to Colonel Koshkarev. However, everything does not go according to his plan, and he ends up with Pyotr Petrovich Rooster. Pavel Ivanovich finds the rooster completely naked, hunting for sturgeon. Pyotr Petrovich's estate was mortgaged, which means purchasing dead souls was simply impossible. Pavel Ivanovich meets the landowner Platonov, persuades him to travel together around Rus' and goes to Konstantin Fedorovich Kostanzhoglo, who is married to Platonov’s sister. He, in turn, tells the guests about farming methods with which they can significantly increase their income. Chichikov is terribly inspired by this idea.

    Chichikov visits Colonel Koshkarev, who also mortgaged his estate, while dividing his village into committees, expeditions and departments. Having returned, he listens to the curse of the bilious Kostanzhoglo, addressed to factories and manufactories. Chichikov is touched, his thirst for honest work awakens. After listening to the story about the tax farmer Murazov, who made millions in an impeccable way, he goes to Khlobuev. There he observes the disorder of his household in the vicinity of a governess for the children, a fashionable wife and other signs of luxury. Borrows money from Kostanzhoglo and Platonov. Gives a deposit for the estate. He goes to Platonov’s estate, where he meets his brother Vasily and his luxurious farmstead. Then Lenitsyn receives dead souls from their neighbor.

    Chichikov is in town at a fair, where he buys lingonberry-colored fabric with a sparkle. He meets with Khlobuev, whom he has annoyed, almost depriving him of his inheritance, through some kind of incitement. Meanwhile, denunciations against Chichikov are discovered both about the forgery and about the purchase and sale of dead souls. Then a gendarme appears, taking the smartly dressed Chichikov to the Governor General. All of Chichikov’s atrocities are revealed, he falls at the general’s feet, but this does not save him. Murazov finds Chichikov in a dark closet, tearing his hair and tailcoat. He persuades Pavel Ivanovich to live honestly and sets off to soften the governor-general. Many officials, who want to spoil their superiors and receive a reward from Chichikov, deliver the box to him, kidnap the witness and write denunciations, further confusing the already difficult case. Terrible unrest begins to occur in the province. This worries the Governor General very much. Murazov, being a rather cunning man, gives advice to the general in such a way that he lets Chichikov go. This concludes the second volume of N.V.’s work. Gogol's "Dead Souls" ends.

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