Advantages and disadvantages of accelerated electronic transfers. Is it possible to make a written translation of the text by Google translator. How to fix machine translation

Electronic translators have become familiar to millions of Internet users. What future awaits them, and will professional translators be able to prove their superiority?

The services of professional translators have always helped representatives different countries understand each other. To date, programs have appeared that can analyze a multipage text in a fraction of a second. Their users often wonder if online services will replace live translators.

What is online translation

To translate a text from one language to another, today it is not necessary to turn to an expert who has practical experience in such work. Electronic programs and online services, according to their developers, are sometimes able to compete with a person in the speed of work and the number of mistakes made. One of the most famous and developed online translators these days is Google Translate.

The program focuses on extensive databases containing thousands of words per various languages. Modern versions of the software are able to recognize not only individual phrases, but also establish relationships between their groups. This became available thanks to the work of thousands of employees of translation agencies, the results of which the program considers to be a kind of standard. Thus, the system learns to understand which words are the most consonant and how one or another idiom can be translated into another language.

Benefits of online translation

The main positive features of electronic translators include:

  • Free. Any Internet user can use the same Google Translate. In this case, it will be possible to transfer any amount of information. Offline versions of translators often require payment;
  • Work speed. In less than a second, the program processes the text, compares it with the templates in memory and a list with the meanings of words, and gives the result. In the speed of work, a person will certainly lose to a machine;
  • The number of typos. It tends to zero and depends entirely on the conscientiousness and care of the programmers, the people who compiled the database, and the user himself, who can enter the wrong text. By itself, the online service is not able to make mistakes;
  • Large selection of languages. In addition to the common ones, and Russian, the software offers several dozen more language options to choose from. It will take seconds to understand the meaning of a phrase or article. At the same time, finding a qualified worker who knows a rare language sometimes becomes a difficult task.

These and other advantages of electronic translators become arguments in favor of the opinion that they are able to press professionals.

Disadvantages of machine translation

There are several major disadvantages that do not allow you to completely abandon the "live" translation in favor of free online services:

  • The machine does not always understand the true meaning of words, translating them literally. Due to this, the meaning of what was said is often distorted, and it is not always possible to understand what the author of the text meant;
  • There is a human factor - the client usually gets more confidence when he knows that a specialist who has been polishing his skills for years has taken up his case. Electronics is also not yet able to fully translate audio, especially when several people speak at the same time;
  • The machine is not able to translate long and complicated phrases, especially if there are several ways to read them. It is necessary to understand what has been said, and not just to have an extensive vocabulary;
  • When working with specialized texts (medicine, construction, etc.), the system does not see any difference from an article on another topic. Accordingly, a translation that is appropriate in one case becomes erroneous where the same term has a different meaning.

Where we accept online transfer

For all their advantages and the efforts of developers, both paid and free software are not suitable for use where you need to be sure of the absolute correctness of the translation. For example, these are descriptions of medicines, or rules for the installation of any equipment. A mistake here can lead to material losses, as well as pose a threat to health and life.

Nevertheless, there are areas where you can sometimes get by with the services of an electronic assistant:

  • Translation of short personal messages that foreign interlocutors can exchange on social networks or forums;
  • To understand everyday texts. Sufficient experience has been gained so that the machine stops confusing the simplest things and learns to transmit most of the phrases without distortion;
  • For processing small specialized articles intended for a specialist. The latter, as a rule, is able, even without translation, to understand those terms that the machine will not be able to translate correctly. This approach is used when special accuracy is not required (for example, in the same correspondence between two colleagues from different countries).

V currently a person who knows just a couple of words in a foreign language can understand the essence of short foreign texts without resorting to .

The future of electronic translators

Even now, some people cannot imagine life without programs for translating simple messages. They are required for work, study or personal matters. Over time, the accuracy of translation, at least on everyday topics, should increase - both the developers themselves and the translators cooperating with them speak about this.

Google is expected to adopt a translation algorithm called CMT, or statistical machine translation. It requires powerful servers and large databases, but pays for itself with relatively high accuracy. At the same time, the machine can, at best, become an assistant to a professional, but in no way oust him in the workplace.

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1 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF MACHINE TRANSLATION (BY THE MATERIAL OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE) Kuleshova M.S. VSU named after P.M. Masherova V modern society knowledge of a foreign language is necessary not only if we go on a trip abroad, but also in everyday life. So, for example, it is difficult to imagine a humanist, in particular a philologist, without dictionaries. In this case, a very profitable option is an online dictionary, because. this is the tool that, without requiring money and space, provides instant access to any word. Popular are ABBY Lingvo, Multitran, Duden. But in modern conditions with an ever-increasing tendency to maximize communication, multilingualism becomes a serious brake on progress, which necessitates the creation of machine (automatic) translation systems and owning such an information resource as electronic (online) translators. The relevance of the work is determined by the rapid development of cybernetics, thanks to which machine translation became possible. The goal is to identify and analyze the features, namely the advantages and disadvantages of machine translation. Automatic translation is the action performed on a computer to convert text in one natural language into equivalent text in another language, as well as the result of such an action. Machine translation systems have long ceased to be a curiosity. Automatic translation programs provide essential assistance in information processing

2 in various foreign languages ​​in various fields of knowledge to specialists who do not speak a foreign language. The most common machine translation program is the PROMT system, a set of professional tools that translates from major European languages ​​(English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, etc.) into Russian and vice versa. The system provides a coherent translation of texts, taking into account morphological, syntactic and semantic links. The program is able to translate the source text by words, groups of words, sentences, and can also translate the entire text. Many users turn to machine translation systems on a daily basis, not paying attention to their pros and cons. So, the advantages of machine translation programs include: 1. Quick access and high speed. A translator program is always at hand, and contacting a translation agency is often associated with additional time and effort. Just a few seconds and we get the finished translation of the whole text. This allows you to quickly understand the general meaning, and if the program is configured to translate texts of just such topics, only minimal editing is required. 2. Profitability. If we turn to professional translators, then we must pay for the service according to the number of translated pages. The online machine translation system does not require payment, you only need access to the Internet. 3. Protection and security of information. The user can “trust” any machine translation system, even personal

3 information (business correspondence, financial reports). The translator program guarantees confidentiality. 4. Flexibility and versatility. The concept of flexibility implies the ability to adjust either to a specific subject area ( specialized dictionaries), or settings for a specific book or text (dictionaries created by users). Any translator always specializes in one subject area, i.e. if a translator of fiction undertakes the translation of scientific or technical texts, mistakes are unavoidable. In turn, the machine translation system is universal. The user only needs to correctly connect a dictionary specialized in the relevant subject. Cons: electronic translators adequately translate simple parts of speech, but they do not always cope with the translation of cases, fixed expressions, phraseological units, sentence construction. The electronic translator leaves some words without translation. In such cases, it is necessary to select synonyms, rebuild the structure of the sentence, i.e. often the translation needs to be corrected, edited. And this is a very painstaking work and it takes quite a lot of time and effort. For example: the phrase “Theater machen” PROMT translates as “theaters do”, but in fact this set expression is translated “break a comedy”.

4 Examples of other blunders: Expression Translation in the PROMT system Translation by a specialist translator 1. It's raining. Der Regen geht. Es regnet (stable expression). 2. Spirit and. Die Geister (d uh). 3. The problem of sexes. Das Problem der Fußböden (eg: the floor of a house). Das Parfum. Das Problem der Geschlechter (between men and women). 4. Color. Die Blume (flower). Die (hue). Farbe 5. Die Nase hochtragen. The nose is carried high. 6. The child broke his pen. Das Kind hat sich den Kugelschreiber (ballpoint pen). Das Kind hat sich das Händchen (decreased hand caress)

5 zerbrochen. 7. His bow shoots straight. Seine Zwiebel (vegetable) schießt scharf. 8. Grandpa smokes a pipe. Der Großvater raucht den Hörer (telephone receiver). zerbrochen. Seiner Bogen (weapon) schießt scharf. Der Großvater raucht die Pfeife (smoking room). In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that a machine translation system (be it an online translator or a dictionary) is a tool that helps solve translation problems only if it is used correctly! REFERENCES 1. Zubov, A.V. Information technology in linguistics: textbook. allowance for students. lingu. faculty of higher education textbook institutions / A.V. Zubov, I.I. Zubov. M: Publishing Center "Academy", p. 2. Labovkin, V.N., Ogandzhanyan, O.P. Information technologies for philologists: Workshop / V.N. Labovkin, O.P. Oganjanyan. Vitebsk: Publishing house of UO “VSU im. P.M. Masherova", p. 3. Khrolenko, A.T. Modern Information Technology for the humanities: practical guide/ A.T. Khrolenko, A.V. Denisov. M.: Flinta: Science, p.

Research work Foreign language Online translators in the process of learning English Completed by: Polyakov Vadim Dmitrievich, student of _9B_ class of the MBOU of the general education gymnasium, 25


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With the development of IT-technologies, a lot of programs and Internet services have appeared, which can be used for machine translation of any texts. Advantages of automatic translation (not to be confused with

automated!) are undeniable. But here's the paradox: some of the advantages of machine translation come with some disadvantages...

High speed

Translation speed is one of the main advantages of online translators and translation software. Since the translation is carried out by a computer, it can process a large amount of information in a matter of seconds, which would take a specialist several hours to translate. But anyone who has ever tried to translate a foreign text into Russian in an online translator knows that the result usually bears little resemblance to coherent human speech. The same is true when translating into any other language: machine translation always requires editorial corrections.

Low cost

When contacting a translation agency, the client will have to pay for either a translation page or a certain amount. 1000 characters of text can cost the customer from 5 to 20 dollars (depending on the complexity of the text, its specialization, the professional level of the translator and the region where the client lives). Automatic translation requires much less financial investment or none at all. If the transfer is carried out using paid software, then you will need to buy software. If you urgently need to translate a simple text, you can use free online translators.


The necessary software is always at hand. You just need to turn on the computer and enter the desired text. , in turn, require not only financial investments, but also more free time that you have to spend on finding worthy specialists (which is why it is very convenient to find a reliable translation agency that you can trust for many years).


When working with translation software, there is practically no human factor. After all, when contacting a translation agency, you completely trust your text to an outsider. It may contain personal information (private correspondence, financial statements, etc.). There are cases when it is necessary to translate a specific text (of an erotic nature or full of obscene words). The program is completely unprincipled in this respect. The online translator will endure everything. (However, given the rather high competition in the translation market and the struggle for a client, a professional translator is also ready to “endure everything”). However, the paradox is that it is in such “scrupulous” texts that the cost of an error can be very high: due to incorrect translation in personal correspondence, relationships between people can deteriorate, and errors in the translation of business documents are fraught with problems in business.


Given the existing variety of translation areas (medical, technical, legal, economic, construction, etc.), a professional translator simply cannot physically be universal. Therefore, the medical report and the charter of the enterprise will be translated by different translators. The translation program is another matter. Dictionaries from various fields are uploaded to its database. In theory automatic program can translate multimedia, medical certificates, and literary texts. Theoretically ... But in practice, "to be able to do everything" very often means "to not be able to really do anything." So think for yourself, decide for yourself ...

In order to understand what is the main problem of such a translation, you need to understand how it happens.

Technological progress has affected all areas human life and activities. World languages ​​and, accordingly, translations were not an exception. After machine (automatic) translation was invented, many were delighted, they say, there is no longer a need to contact a translator, waste money and time. But it turned out that this joy is premature.

In order to understand what is the main problem of such a translation, you need to understand how it happens. Approximately the process looks like this: the source text is entered into the computer, then, using the given algorithms, this text is automatically translated into the language we need.

It would seem that now everyone can translate texts of any complexity and subject matter into almost all world languages, but... Machine translation is based on dictionaries aimed at translating one word. As a result, we get a literal translation, without taking into account:

  • the correct word order in the sentence (and in each language it is different);
  • polysemy of the word. The electronic translator selects the most common option;
  • a play on words, which is especially loved by the authors of works of art and journalists.

In general, machine translation is no different from poor translation with a dictionary. So, if you want to get a quality result, go to professional translator can't be avoided.

What is the difference between the work of a live translator and the program:

  1. he never translates word for word, knowing full well that translation depends on context.
  2. owns the phraseological richness of the languages ​​with which he works and can easily find the right analogue in another language. For example, translate English expression“to tread on air” is like “to be in seventh heaven” (and will do it right), while the machine translation will give: “to step on the air.”
  3. construct the sentence correctly. After all, the translator knows, for example, that in English there is a clear word order, while in Russian it depends on semantic stress.

Machine translation can be helpful in understanding the general meaning of the text. But he is not able to create a competent, beautiful, "live" text that will be understandable and interesting to readers.

If you want to receive just such a text, we advise you not to trust the computer to work, but to contact our Azbuka translation agency in Moscow. The result of cooperation with our specialists will be an excellent translation, taking into account all the above features.


E. A. Beloborodova

FFiMK, Birsk branch of BashGU, Birsk, Russian Federation A.R. Boduleva Ph.D. in Philology, FFiMK, Birsk branch of BashSU, Birsk, Russian Federation



This article is about machine translation. Here the analysis of the text received by various systems of machine translation is made. The main advantages and disadvantages of these systems are also identified and assumptions are made about possible ways of their development.

Keywords Translation, machine translation, machine translation systems, advantages and disadvantages of machine translation.

This article is dedicated to machine translation. The text analysis is carried out with the help of different machine translation systems. The main advantages and disadvantages of these systems are also identified. Assumptions are made about the possible ways of their development.

Translation, machine translation, machine translation systems, advantages and disadvantages of machine translation.

Among the huge number of problems studied in linguistics, an important role is played by the study of the linguistic aspects of interlingual speech activity, which is called translation.

From the very beginning of its appearance, translation has been considered one of the most complex human activities. And, although most often linguists talk about translation “from one language to another”, in fact, everything happens not quite like that. After all, different eras, as well as diverse cultures and traditions collide in it.

Translation activities carried out by translators take place in different conditions: translated texts differ both in subject matter and in language and method of translation. And this leads to the creation of different types of translation, each of which has its own characteristics. Nowadays, the attention of scientists is attracted by machine translation.

It is known that machine translation implies the process of translating both oral and written texts from one natural language into another using special computer programs.

The idea to use a computer for translation arose as early as 1946. And the first public demonstration of machine translation took place in 1954. Despite the fact that that system was rather primitive, many countries were interested in the experiment.

According to the current classification of machine translation systems, there are:

Fully automated translation;

Machine translation, which is carried out with the participation of a person;

Translation that is performed by a person using a computer.


For a better understanding of the principle of operation of machine translation systems, how the analysis of grammatical and lexical features of the language, various structures in the target language is carried out, we decided to translate an excerpt from the work of Roald Dahl "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" using the Google and PROMT machine translation systems. .

So, the translation made by PROMT was verbatim. The program was unable to change the word order of the sentences, and this resulted in some sentences being the least pleasant to read. For example, the phrase "how a certain special thing was made", which was translated "how exactly a certain special thing was made", we would translate "how a certain sweet was made", that is, we would replace the passive voice with the active one and change "special thing ” for sweetness, as the book is about a chocolate factory.

Also, our attention was drawn to the translation of the phrase " you see" - "You see". We agree that the main meaning of the verb “see” is to see, however, in our case, the translation “You understand, you see” is appropriate. This also includes the case with “had to ask”, which was translated as “should have asked”, but here one should use “had to ask”, “was forced to ask”.

In addition, when translating the attributive phrase “chocolate makers”, it was necessary to translate not an adjective and a noun (chocolate producers), but a noun and a noun (chocolate manufacturers, chocolate factories).

After analyzing the passage translated by Google, one can understand that the part “there used to be thousands of people working in Mr Willy Wonka's factory” was not translated correctly. This was due to the word there, which did not need to be translated, since already the place was designated - the factory of Mr. Willy Fonka.As a result, we should have got "thousands of workers worked at the factory."

It is worth noting that, unlike the PROMT translation, the phrases “You see”, “had to ask” and “chocolate makers” were correctly translated in Google.

Difficulty was represented by verbs with infinitives, translated literally began to grow jealous “began to grow jealous”, took jobs “took a job”, instead of “began to envy” and “got a job (to work)”.

So, in the course of work, we realized that the translation carried out using these systems is quite understandable. But, each of them has advantages and disadvantages that are typical for all systems of such translation.

So, the advantages of using machine translation are:

1) speed: per short term you can get a translation of a large text;

2) access to the service: the translation program is always at hand;

3) confidentiality: the entered information will not be distributed.

The disadvantages of this type of translation include the following:

1) it does not take into account the rules of grammar, language techniques;

2) the number of errors has been increased and translation options are incorrect;

3) the chosen meaning of the word may not fit the context;

4) if a word is missing in the dictionary base, it is not translated.

It can be concluded that machine translation is a complex task that has yet to be solved. If the person-translator who translates proceeds from what idea needs to be conveyed to the reader, then it is very problematic to teach the program this. However, progress does not stand still, new programs are being created that simplify the translation process, and you need to know their disadvantages and advantages.

List of used literature:

1. Deeva L. R. Features of machine translation // Science in the studies of young people: materials of the VI Scientific Forum of students, undergraduates, graduate students (Novosibirsk, November 2014). - Novosibirsk: TsSRNI LLC, 2014. - C. 19-27.

2. Komissarov V.N. Modern translation studies. Tutorial. - M.: ETS, 2002. - 413 p. - ISBN 593386-030-1.


3. Nozhov I.M. Syntactic analysis. // Computerra. - 2002. - No. 21. - S. 19-21.

4. Sdobnikov VV, Petrova O.V. Translation theory. - M.: AST East-West, 2006. - 425 p. - ISBN 5-47800306-9.

© Beloborodova E. A., Boduleva A. R., 2016

UDC 801.316.4:62

Yu.S. Danilina

Candidate of Sciences in Philology, Associate Professor of the Siberian State Automobile and Road Academy, Omsk, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to the study of the frame concept of the German terminology of agricultural engineering. The article highlights the structural organization of the corpus of terms in the studied terminology.


Frame, subframe, slot, German terminology for agricultural engineering.

Currently, researchers of various terminological systems are showing a growing interest in the cognitive approach in considering the professional picture of the world. According to the cognitive approach, the cognitive process carried out in communication activities and provided by special cognitive structures and mechanisms in the human brain.

Productive cognitive activity gives an interpretation a large number linguistic problems in the light of the principle of universality of the processes of conceptual integration. The basic structure of cognitive science is the frame. A frame is a structured lexical unit and, on the other hand, they themselves are a means of such an organization of knowledge, a tool that allows you to retrieve from memory the necessary extralinguistic information that is important for understanding a linguistic message.

The frame is considered to be a universal mental formation that combines diverse human knowledge and is characterized by maximum formalization and encyclopedia. Frames include fundamental, typical and potentially possible information, which is structured by these units of knowledge representation.

The terminology frame structures its system and fixes it in subframes and slots, each of which is an increasingly detailed representation of the basic concept of the corresponding fragment of the overall logical-conceptual system.

As a result of the analysis of the corpus of German terms of agricultural engineering (3541 terms in total), a mental space was identified, the structure of which can be represented as a frame "Agricultural engineering". The mental space is understood as the idea formed in the human mind about a fragment of reality. The content invariant of the frame is a voluminous and multidimensional fragment of objective reality, which includes stereotyped knowledge from the following areas

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  • Why it is difficult for us to communicate: barriers to interaction So, what are the main types of barriers in communication

    Character is a combination of the most stable, essential features of a person. Character (which means “chasing”, “seal” in Greek) are those personality traits that leave a certain imprint on everything ...

  • Population

    Theory of Statistics Manual for students studying by distance system Introduction Statistics is one of the basic disciplines that forms the professional level of a modern economist, occupies a special place in the system ...

  • Log-normal distribution Weibull distribution law

    In the theory of reliability, the following laws of distribution of random variables f (t) are most widely used: For discrete random variables - the binomial law; Poisson's law; For continuous random variables - exponential ...