Presentation on history on the topic: "Skinheads. Definition of skinheads, history of the appearance of skinheads, what skinheads did, skinhead clothing." Skinhead movement Various directions of movement

e s, colloquial. skinheads, from skin - skin
and head - head) - collective name
representatives of the youth subculture, as well as
several of its branches.
The first mentions of skinheads in the press and music
found in England in the late 60s of the XX century.
One of the first names of the subculture was “Hard
Mods." Skinheads of the 60s had common features
style with the mod subculture, as well as
with Jamaican oreboys.

The appearance of skinheads largely replicates the appearance
type of mods: Fred Perry and Ben Sherman polos and sweaters,
Levi's jeans, a classic Crombie coat and Dr. boots.
Martens, but besides this it also has its own characteristics.
To the basic appearance were added: checkered
shirts, denim jackets, thin suspenders and
rolled up jeans (the latter have become a kind of
"calling card" of the style). Long Mod Jackets


Jamaican music appeared in England along with
the first emigrants from Jamaica, in the early 1960s.
New music from the former British colony
gave their preference to fashion, that
it was later adopted by skinheads.
In the late 70s and early 80s popular
became the music Oi! - further development of pan rock.



1. Celtic cross
2. Odal
3. Aryan fist
4. Iron Cross
5. Zig
6. Death's Head

The Celtic cross is an equal-beam cross with a circle. Is characteristic
symbol of Celtic Christianity, although it has more ancient pagan
roots. In the 80s of the 20th century, the Celtic cross became a symbol of White Power -
movements of white racists and NS skinheads.
Odal (ᛟ) (Old German Oþila - “legacy”, Anglo-Saxon Oeþel) - 24th rune
Old Germanic and the 23rd rune of the Anglo-Saxon runic alphabets.
The Odal rune is depicted on the emblem of the 7th Volunteer Mountain Division
SS Prinz Eugen, 23rd Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division
SS "Nederland" and on the flag of the Croatian Volksdeutsche.
The Iron Cross is a Prussian and German military award. Established
Friedrich Wilhelm III on March 10, 1813 for military distinction in the War of
liberation of Germany from Napoleon.
The death's head is a symbol of death and at the same time fearlessness in front of it.
face in the form of a skull and crossbones (usually white or silver on
black background). This symbol is also used by some modern
neo-Nazi organizations such as Combat 18.

Different directions of movement

Traditional Skinheads -
arose as a reaction to the emergence of pro-political
branches from the original subculture. Follow the image
the first skinheads - devotion to the subculture, memory of the roots
(family, working class), apolitical. Unofficial slogan
- “Remember the Spirit of 69”, as it is believed that in 1969
The skinhead movement was at its peak. Closely related to
ska and reggae music, as well as modern music Oi!.
R.A.S.H. (eng. Red & Anarchist Skinheads) - “Red” and anarchist skinheads, inherited from the “native” worker
class ideas of socialism, communism, anarchism.
Pro-political movement.

Hardcore skinheads are a branch of skinheads that
mainly associated with the hardcore scene, not Oi! and ska.
Hardcore skinheads became common in the late
the first wave of hardcore. They kept their ideas
predecessors and did not have any racial
S.H.A.R.P. (eng. Skinheads Against Racial Prejudices) -
"Skinheads against racial prejudice." Appeared
in America in the 1980s as a reaction to the emerging media
the stereotype that all skinheads are Nazis. They gave the body and
radio interview where they talked about true values
and ideas of the skinhead movement. Used force against
NS skinheads.

NS Skinheads (English: White Power)
skinheads or English National
Socialist skinheads) - appeared in
England in the first half of the 70s.
Adhere to ideologies
right wing, nationalists
or racists, some speak out
for the idea of ​​racial separatism and
white supremacy
race (so-called White Power). Due to the fact
that racist views
contradict the original
spirit of the movement, others
representatives of the subculture
NS skinheads are insultingly called boneheads.

We will talk about NS skinheads, of which there are enough
a lot in our country.
NS skinheads position themselves as
national liberation movement and
fight for ideas
superiority of the white, Aryan race, with
this, striving for racial separatism.
NS skinheads -
extreme racists, anti-Semites and xenophobes,
opponents of illegal immigration,
mixed marriages and sexual
deviations, especially homosexuality.
The subject of hostility in Russia is blacks and
Asians, as well as immigrants
from Transcaucasia and Central Asia, less often - to
natives of the North Caucasus and Volga region.

NS skinheads consider themselves defenders of interests
working class, in some cases motivating this
because newcomers take up jobs. This item
is far from the most important in ideology
neo-Nazis in general, and in particular NS skinheads,
gradually disappearing, just as it was in the NSDAP,
where the socialist part of the ideology is gradually
faded into the background and later completely lost
As participants in right-wing radical movements, NS skinheads are supporters of extreme measures with
the use of violence (usually in particularly brutal
form), which is usually interpreted as extremism. To many
Of these, the idea of ​​revolution is close, that is
coup d'etat in order to establish
National Socialist regime.

Russian skinheads

Feature of Russian skins
– love for the flag
Confederate Wartime
between North and South in the USA,
usually sewn on the sleeve
or, if the patch is large, on
the back of the jacket.
Also in use are stripes in the form
swastikas, a portrait of Hitler,
number 88 (that is, “Heit Hitler!)
or the letters WP (“White Power”)
They do not carry weapons with them, but
in fights they use belts with
weighted buckle
wrapped around your hand
The latest squeak of skin fashion -
decorate the belt supposedly
decorative chain (actually
in fact, the chain does this
improvised brass knuckles
more dangerous)

Russian skinheads

Interests of Russian skinheads
In politics they focus on the extreme right or
completely apolitical
Negative attitude towards drugs
They prefer to tone up domestic ones

Relation to other subcultures
The friendliest relations with
Communication with metalheads and punks varies
from moderately peaceful to mild hostility
The main enemies are rappers and ravers
Rappers are absolutely hated for imitating
alien to us black culture
Ravers – for unisex, commitment to
synthetic drugs and financial wealth

Sources and literature

Developed by: Korenev Ilya Dmitrievich

Slide 2: The birth of the movement

The first skinheads appeared in England in the fall of 1968, initially it was an offshoot of the mod movement. These were tough guys who equally hated young bourgeois majors and relaxed hippie drug addicts. The first skin generation listened to ska music in defiance of hippie reggae, wore loose suit jackets and badges of banned parties One day in 1969, a fight broke out between skinheads and marines in a port London pub. The first battle for the skinheads ended in heavy losses. After this, the skinheads cut off their collars, narrowed their trousers, took off their badges, and put heavy army boots on their feet.

Slide 3

The appearance of skins was a consequence of the decomposition of the punk movement and the economic crisis. This is a subculture of guys from the working outskirts - economically depressed areas of the country. These guys had no prospects: they knew that there was no work and there never would be, there was no money and there wouldn’t be any. The only entertainment was to fight with other such the same, but from a neighboring area


Everything in the skins' clothes is strictly functional, adapted for a street fight: Thick black jeans, cheap, durable, on which dirt and blood are hard to see Heavy laced army boots with thick soles, comfortable for running and a weapon in a fight Short jackets - bombers - for the enemy there was nothing to grab onto A shaved or closely cropped head so that the enemy could not grab the hair No glasses, badges, bags, shoulder straps - nothing that prevents you from dodging from the enemy’s hands

Slide 5: First steps

Since the mid-70s, neo-fascists have become more active in Great Britain. The National Front (NF) and other far-right groups organized street marches and attacked people of color (Asians, Africans, people from the West Indies). The right blamed immigrants of color for the economic crisis: “all sorts of people came here in large numbers and took our jobs.” There was practically no fight against the far-right , the ranks of the NF grew rapidly, the front even won municipal elections in some places. For skinheads, neo-fascists quickly became role models. On the other hand, neo-fascists began to actively work among skinheads. The Nazis gave money to create skin clubs. Amateur skin groups began to sing songs with openly racist lyrics. The favorite slogan of the skins was “Keep Britain white!” This is what the slogan looked like in English: Kip Britin vait!

Slide 6: Spreading the Movement

In the late 70s - early 80s, skins appeared in Scandinavia, Holland, Germany, USA, Canada, Australia In the mid-80s - in France, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland In the 90s in the countries of the former Eastern Bloc and in Russia

Slide 7: Russian skinheads

The peculiarity of Russian skins is their love for the flag of the slaveholding Confederacy during the war between North and South in the United States, usually sewn on the sleeve or, if the patch is large, on the back of the jacket. Badges in the form of a swastika, a portrait of Hitler, the number 88 (that is, “Heit Hitler!”) or the letters WP (“Whit e Power”) are also in use. They do not carry weapons with them, but in fights they use belts with a weighted buckle, wrapped around the hand. The latter the squeak of skin fashion is to decorate a belt with a supposedly decorative chain (in fact, the chain makes this improvised brass knuckles more dangerous)

Slide 8: Music

The first skinheads listened to ska, which evolved into pub rock, as they played it in beer pubs. These were tough, simple, early rock and roll tunes. The fusion of pub rock and punk produced the original skin music called "Oi!" " - angry music of street children, returning to the aggressive roots of punk rock

Slide 9: Interests of Russian skinheads

In politics they focus on the far right or are completely apolitical Negative attitude towards drugs Prefer to tone up with domestic beer Football


Slide 10: Attitude to other subcultures

The most friendly relations with bikers With metalheads and punks, communication varies from moderately peaceful to mild hostility The main enemies are rappers and ravers Rappers are hated for imitating the black culture that is completely alien to us Ravers - for unisex, adherence to synthetic drugs and financial wealth


Slide 11: Activities

In 1991, in the German city of Hoyerswerda, neo-fascists and skinheads, armed with knives and gas pistols, destroyed a hostel for Vietnamese and Mozambican refugees. In 1992, this was repeated on an even larger scale. The population of the country sharply opposed the outbreaks of national and racial intolerance. In response to the neo-fascist attacks, more than 400 thousand people with candles, torches and flashlights in their hands formed a 45-kilometer chain in Munich, thus protesting against racism and violence. The demonstration was supported by hundreds of demonstrations throughout Germany

The origin of the movement The first skinheads appeared in England in the fall of 1968, initially it was an offshoot of the mod movement. They were tough guys who equally hated young bourgeois majors and relaxed hippie drug addicts. The first skin generation listened to ska music in defiance of hippie reggae , wore loose suit jackets and badges of banned parties. One day in 1969, a fight broke out between skinheads and marines in a port London pub. The first battle for the skinheads ended in heavy losses. After this, the skinheads cut off their collars, narrowed their trousers, took off their badges, and put heavy army boots on their feet.

The appearance of skins was a consequence of the decomposition of the punk movement and the economic crisis. This is a subculture of guys from the working outskirts - economically depressed areas of the country. These guys had no prospects: they knew that there was no work and there never would be, there was no money and there wouldn’t be any. The only entertainment was to fight with other such the same, but from a neighboring area

CLOTHING In the skins' clothes, everything is strictly functional, adapted for a street fight: Thick black jeans, cheap, durable, on which dirt and blood are hard to see Heavy laced army boots with thick soles, comfortable for running and a weapon in a fight Short jackets - bombers - so that the enemy has nothing to grab onto. A shaved or closely cropped head, so that the enemy cannot grab the hair. No glasses, badges, bags, shoulder straps - nothing that prevents you from dodging from the enemy’s hands

First actions Since the mid-70s, neo-fascists have become more active in Great Britain. The National Front (NF) and other far-right groups organized street marches and attacked people of color (Asians, Africans, people from the West Indies). The right blamed immigrants of color for the economic crisis: “all sorts of people came here in large numbers and took our jobs.” There was practically no fight against the far-right , the ranks of the NF grew rapidly, the front even won municipal elections in some places. For skinheads, neo-fascists quickly became role models. On the other hand, neo-fascists began to actively work among skinheads. The Nazis gave money to create skin clubs. Amateur skin groups began to sing songs with openly racist lyrics. The favorite slogan of the skins was “Keep Britain white!” This is what the slogan looked like in English: Kip Britin vait!

Russian skinheads A peculiarity of Russian skins is their love for the flag of the slaveholding Confederacy during the War between North and South in the United States, usually sewn on the sleeve or, if the patch is large, on the back of the jacket. Badges in the form of a swastika, a portrait of Hitler, the number 88 (that is, “Heit Hitler!”) or the letters WP (“White Power”) are also in use. They do not carry weapons with them, but in fights they use belts with a weighted buckle, wrapped around their hands. The Last Squeak skin fashion - decorate a belt with a supposedly decorative chain (in fact, the chain makes this improvised brass knuckles more dangerous)

Music The first skinheads listened to ska, which evolved into pub rock, as they played it in beer pubs. These were tough, simple tunes based on early rock and roll. The synthesis of pub rock and punk gave the original skin music called "Oi!" - angry music of street children, returning to the aggressive roots of punk rock

Attitudes towards other subcultures The most friendly relations with bikers With metalheads and punks, communication varies from moderately peaceful to mild hostility The main enemies are rappers and ravers Rappers are hated for imitating the black culture that is completely alien to us Ravers - for unisex, adherence to synthetic drugs and financial wealth

Activities In 1991, in the German city of Hoyerswerda, neo-fascists and skinheads, armed with knives and gas pistols, destroyed a hostel for Vietnamese and Mozambican refugees. In 1992, this was repeated on an even larger scale. The population of the country sharply opposed outbreaks of national and racial intolerance. In response to the neo-fascist attacks, more than 400 thousand people with candles, torches and flashlights in their hands formed a 45-kilometer chain in Munich, thus protesting against racism and violence. The demonstration was supported by hundreds of demonstrations throughout Germany

Sources and literature

Appearance The appearance of skinheads largely replicates the appearance of houses: Fred Perry and Ben Sherman polos and sweaters, Levi's jeans, a classic Crombie coat and Dr. Martens boots, but in addition it also has its own characteristics. To the basic appearance were added: checkered shirts, denim jackets, thin suspenders and rolled-up jeans (the latter became a kind of “calling card” of the style). Long jackets disappeared.

The Celtic cross is equal to a radial cross with a circle. It is a characteristic symbol of Celtic Christianity, although it has more ancient pagan roots. In the 80s of the 20th century, the Celtic cross became a symbol of the White Power movement of white racists and NS skinheads Odal () (Old German Oüila “heritage”, Anglo-Saxon Oeüel) 24th rune of the ancient Germanic and 23rd rune Anglo-Saxon runic alphabets. The Odal rune is depicted on the emblem of the 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division "Prinz Eugen", the 23rd SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division "Nederland" and on the flag of the Croatian Volksdeutsche. Iron Cross Prussian and German military award. Established by Friedrich Wilhelm III on March 10, 1813 for military distinction in the war for the liberation of Germany from Napoleon. The Death's Head is a symbol of death and at the same time fearlessness in the face of it in the form of a skull and crossbones (usually white or silver on a black background). This symbol is also used by some modern neo-Nazi organizations, such as Combat 18.

Various directions of the movement Traditional Skinheads arose as a reaction to the emergence of pro-political offshoots from the original subculture. They follow the image of the first skinheads: devotion to the subculture, memory of roots (family, working class), and apoliticality. The unofficial slogan is "Remember the Spirit of 69", as it is believed that in 1969 the skinhead movement was at its peak. Closely associated with ska and reggae music, as well as modern music Oi R.A.S.H. (English Red & Anarchist Skinheads) “Reds” and anarchist skinheads who inherited the ideas of socialism, communism, and anarchism from the “native” working class. The pro-political movement Hardcore Skinheads is an offshoot of skinheads that is primarily associated with the hardcore scene rather than Oi! and ska. Hardcore skinheads became common at the end of the first wave of hardcore. They preserved the ideas of their predecessors and had no racial prejudices.

NS skinheads (White Power skinheads or National Socialist skinheads) appeared in England in the first half of the 70s. They adhere to right-wing ideologies, nationalists or racists, some advocate the idea of ​​racial separatism and white supremacy (so-called White Power). Due to the fact that racist views contradict the original spirit of the movement, other representatives of the subculture insultingly call NS skinheads boneheads.

We will talk about NS skinheads, of whom there are quite a lot in our country. NS skinheads position themselves as a national liberation movement and fight for the ideas of the superiority of the white, Aryan race, while striving for racial separatism. NS skinheads are extreme racists, anti-Semites and xenophobes. , opponents of illegal immigration, mixed marriages and sexual deviations, especially homosexuality. The subject of hostility in Russia is blacks and Asians, as well as immigrants from Transcaucasia and Central Asia, less often towards natives of the North Caucasus and Volga region

Russian skinheads A peculiarity of Russian skins is their love for the flag of the slaveholding Confederacy during the war between North and South in the USA, usually sewn on the sleeve or, if the patch is large, on the back of the jacket. Patches in the form of a swastika, a portrait of Hitler, the number 88 (that is, “ Heit Hitler!) or the letters WP (“White Power”) They do not carry weapons with them, but in fights they use belts with a weighted buckle wound around the hand. The latest in skin fashion is to decorate the belt with a supposedly decorative chain (in fact, the chain makes this improvised brass knuckles are more dangerous)

Attitudes towards other subcultures The most friendly relations with bikers With metalheads and punks, communication varies from moderately peaceful to mild hostility The main enemies are rappers and ravers Rappers are hated for imitating the black culture that is completely alien to us Ravers - for unisex, adherence to synthetic drugs and financial wealth

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