Psychological association tests. Psychological test to determine what is important in life. What new wood do you have?

The subconscious part is fraught with a lot of unknowns, but with the help of certain soft techniques it is possible to bring to the level of awareness even what a person hides from himself.

"A Walk in the Woods" is spiritual psychological test relationships. The answers to this test are somehow related to the values ​​that you adhere to in your personal life. To test yourself, imagine that you are walking through a beautiful forest. The sun is shining and a light breeze is blowing. Everything around is just wonderful!

Answer the test questions by remembering (or better yet, writing down) your answers to the highlighted questions.

Who are you hanging out with? (perhaps you are not walking alone, but with someone)

What kind of animal is that?

You approach the animal.

What is this animal doing? How does it behave? How do you behave with this animal?

You go deeper into the forest, and finally come out into a clearing. There is a house in the middle of the clearing.

What size is this house? Is it fenced or not??

You approach the door of this house, the door is slightly open. You enter the house and see a table.

Describe what you see on the table.

You look around the house and see the back door, you go out through it. You come to a large lawn with a garden in the center. You find a cup in the garden.

What is this cup made of? What are you doing with this cup?

When you reach the end of the garden, you find yourself near a pond.

What kind of pond is this? Lake? River? Pond? Puddle?

You need to cross a body of water to get home.

Do you get very wet when doing this?


Relationship test answers:

  • The person you were walking with in the forest- most important person at this stage of your life.
  • The size of the animal you met in the forest– this is the size of your problems.
  • Your behavior with the animal speaks about the degree of your aggressiveness. The more aggressive your actions were, the more overt or hidden aggression you have. The calmer you behave, the more peace in your soul.
  • House size speaks about the magnitude of your ambitions.
  • If there was no fence around the house, this shows your openness. A house surrounded by a fence symbolizes your isolation from people and the world.
  • If what you saw on the table is not food, not flowers or people, this indicates that deep down you are unhappy for some reason.
  • Material from which the cup is made, speaks about the strength of your relationship with the person from the first part of the test. The stronger the material, the stronger the relationship. What you do with the cup indicates your attitude towards that person.
  • Pond size proportional to the volume of your sexual desire.
  • If you get very wet while crossing a body of water, then sex is very important to you. If you are not very wet, there is no sex of great importance in your life.

Psychologists sometimes create amazing tests for ordinary people, to lift the veil of mystery about our personality, primarily for ourselves.

The next test is simple to the point of impossible, but the extent to which it hit the bull’s eye gave me goosebumps. All you need to do is imagine the situation and answer simple questions.

To begin, grab a pen and a piece of paper to write down your answers. Don’t try too hard to analyze the questions, write what comes to mind, from the heart and soul. You can even make sketches if you want...

1. So, imagine that you are walking through the forest. You are going with someone. Who do you imagine such a walk with?

2. An animal is running not far from you. Which one exactly?

3. What happens after the forest animal looks at you?

5. Is there a fence around your house?

6. You enter the house, and the first room on your way is the dining room with a dining table. Describe this table and what you see around it.

7. As you leave the house through the backyard, you find a cup in the grass. What is it made of?

8. What will you do when you see this cup?

9. Walking through the backyard, you come to a pond. What is he like?

10. You need to cross this body of water and get to the opposite bank, how will you do this?

Everything you wrote above demonstrates what values ​​you have in life and how you feel about them. And also some of your problems and your subconscious perception of them.

1. As you guessed, the person next to you is the most main man in your life.

2. The size of the imaginary animal is actually how big your subconscious mind perceives your problems in life.

3. The way this meeting in the forest went is your way of reacting to problems (showing aggression, waiting and “doing nothing” or running away).

4. The size of your home is equal to the size of your ambitions. If it is excessively large, then your ambitions are prohibitively large.

5. The presence of a fence indicates your isolation. If there is no fence around your house, you are an open and sociable person who easily lets people into your territory.

6. If there are no people, flowers or food on the table or around in the dining room, it means that deep down you are unhappy.

7. A cup in the grass represents your relationship with your partner. And the strength of the material is the strength of the union. For example, plastic or thin glass - your relationship is at risk. Porcelain, clay or metal - nothing threatens your union.

8. What you did with the cup characterizes your attitude towards the person from the first question.

9. The size of your backyard pond is the size of your libido, your sex drive.

10. The more wet you get when crossing this body of water, the more importance you give to sex in life.

Please note that this test is not a reflection of the situation in your life as a whole, it can give you an idea of ​​what is going on in your subconscious. When the circumstances around you change, the answers will change.

A psychological test of 10 questions that will tell you a lot about your character and desires. Answer quickly, honestly and without hesitation - the first thing that comes to mind.This is a very important condition.

Take a piece of paper and a pen. After reading the question, immediately write down the answer. Don’t forget: write down / sketch the first association that comes to mind, since thinking already includes a certain game with your subconscious.

These are the questions:

  1. Imagine that you are walking with someone through the forest. Who could it be?
  2. You are walking through the forest and see an animal not far from you. What kind of animal is this?
  3. What happens after you meet his eyes?
  4. You continue walking through the forest. Go out into the clearing where your dream house stands. How would you describe its size?
  5. Is your dream home surrounded by a fence?
  6. You enter the house. Go to the dining room to look at the dining table. Describe what you see on and around it.
  7. You leave the house through the back door. And you see a cup lying right on the grass. What material is it made of?
  8. What would you do if you saw her?
  9. You come to the end of the yard, in the middle of which there is a house. There's a pond there. What kind of pond is this?
  10. How are you going to cross the water to move on?

All your answers are nothing more than an illustration of your values ​​and ideals. Here's how to analyze them:

  1. The person you walk next to is the most important person in your life.
  2. The size of the imaginary animal is actually the size of your problems inside your subconscious. The larger the animal, the harder your life.
  3. The way you react to unexpected meeting in the forest - the most typical way of solving problems for you (aggressive, passive or escaping).
  4. The size of the house you saw is the size of your ambitions. If it's too high, you may have high expectations from life.
  5. If there is no fence, you are an open and internally free person. If it is there, it means you value personal space and expect the same from others. That is, you will never enter the personal space of others without permission.
  6. If you don't see food, flowers or people in this room, then you are most likely deeply unhappy.
  7. The strength and durability of the material from which the cup is made is how strong and strong you perceive your family relationships to be. Disposable plastic or paper cup? Glass? Most likely, you are worried about the future of your family. If the cup was metal or porcelain in your mind, then you have nothing to worry about.
  8. Your action characterizes your attitude towards the person from question number 1.
  9. The size of the body of water is the size of your sexual appetite.
  10. The wetter the mode of transportation you choose, the more important sex is in your life.

Please note: You may take this test over and over again, weeks, months or years apart. The fact is that it does not reflect some basic characteristics of your personality, but your psycho-emotional state in this moment.

Psychologists sometimes create amazing tests for ordinary people in order to lift the veil of mystery about our personality, primarily for ourselves. The next test is simple to the point of impossible, but the extent to which it hit the bull’s eye gave me goosebumps. All you need to do is imagine the situation and answer simple questions.

To begin, grab a pen and a piece of paper to write down your answers. Don’t try too hard to analyze the questions, write what comes to mind, from the heart and soul. You can even make sketches if you want...

1. So, imagine that you are walking through the forest. You are going with someone. Who do you imagine such a walk with?
2. An animal is running not far from you. Which one exactly?

3. What happens after the forest animal looks at you?
4. Walking further through the forest, you come to a large clearing where your dream house stands. Describe its size?
5. Is there a fence around your house?
6. You enter the house, and the first room on your way is the dining room with a dining table. Describe this table and what you see around it.
7. As you leave the house through the backyard, you find a cup in the grass. What is it made of?
8. What will you do when you see this cup?
9. Walking through the backyard, you come to a pond. What is he like?
10. You need to cross this body of water and get to the opposite bank, how will you do this?

Everything you wrote above demonstrates what values ​​you have in life and how you feel about them. And also some of your problems and your subconscious perception of them.

1. As you guessed, the person next to you is the most important person in your life.
2. The size of the imaginary animal is actually how big your subconscious mind perceives your problems in life.
3. The way this meeting in the forest went is your way of reacting to problems (showing aggression, waiting and “doing nothing” or running away).

4. The size of your home is equal to the size of your ambitions. If it is excessively large, then your ambitions are prohibitively large.
5. The presence of a fence indicates your isolation. If there is no fence around your house, you are an open and sociable person who easily lets people into your territory.
6. If there are no people, flowers or food on the table or around in the dining room, it means that deep down you are unhappy.

7. A cup in the grass is your relationship with your partner. And the strength of the material is the strength of the union. For example, plastic or thin glass - your relationship is at risk. Porcelain, clay or metal - nothing threatens your union.
8. What you did with the cup characterizes your attitude towards the person from the first question.
9. The size of your backyard pond is the size of your libido, your sex drive.
10. The more wet you get when crossing this body of water, the more importance you give to sex in life.

Please note that this test is not a reflection of the situation in your life as a whole, it can give you an idea of ​​what is going on in your subconscious. When the circumstances around you change, the answers will change.

Imagine that you are walking through the forest.

  1. What do you see and feel?
  2. What kind of trees are there?
  3. Is it bright or dark in the forest?

Now describe the forest road you are walking along.

  1. Is the road clearly visible into the distance?
  2. Is there another path nearby?
  3. Is the road you are walking on wide or narrow?
  4. Do you meet anyone along the way? Are there few fellow travelers or are there many of them?
  5. Is the road convenient for movement or difficult due to obstacles?

Suddenly, on your way you see a bear.

  1. Describe the bear
  2. What is the bear doing? Choose from the following options:
    - The bear doesn’t see me.
    - The bear sees me and behaves friendly.
    - The bear sees me, but ignores me.
    - The bear sees me and shows hidden aggression.
    - The bear is attacking me.
  3. But you must continue on your way. Your actions:
    “He’s cute, and I’m not afraid of him at all and I’m trying to make friends with him.”
    - I ignore him and continue on my way.
    - I'm trying to find a way to get around the bear and continue on my way.
    - I decide to go back and try to hide.
    - I enter the fight and win.
    - I get into a fight and get a slight wound.
    - None of the options are close to me.

You continue walking through the forest until you notice an object that looks like a key on the road.

  1. Give Full description key
  2. What do you think can be opened with this key?

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The forest is our idea of ​​the world around us as we grow up.

If there are many animals in your forest frolicking and playing, your world during this period was carefree and safe. The number and presence of trees and light in the forest are adults and their influence on you.

The more tall the trees, the more adults influenced you. Lighting represents the authority and authority of adults.

The more bright lights there were in the forest, the more freedom you had for yourself and the less you felt they were overbearing. But this does not mean that adults neglected you and ignored you.

The darker the forest, the more restrictions you felt and most likely often found yourself in difficult situations.

Forest Road
The forest road is our youth

The visibility of the road indicates your ability to solve emerging problems and difficulties. If the road is clearly visible, it means that in your youth you learned to solve problem situations and are successful in this regard.

If the road is difficult to see, it means that you are not prepared to deal with problems and therefore some events may leave you puzzled and amazed.

Having many forest roads is an important choice that you have to make and you have many options in later life or you are wondering what choice to make.

The width of the road indicates the possibility of emotional growth. The wider the path, the more opportunities.

Meeting fellow travelers along the way, cleanliness or, on the contrary, clutter of the roadsides (weeds, garbage) - a feeling of support from friends and loved ones. The more fellow travelers, the clearer the road, the more you felt their support. However, being part of a small family or having a small circle of friends does not necessarily mean that you did not receive enough support.

Barriers – a sense of significance of problems in youth. The more holes, obstacles, and fallen trees, the more we feel that certain circumstances in our lives have prevented us from achieving our life goals.

The bear is a symbol of the level of stress you are currently experiencing. The test gave you a chance to see a potentially dangerous situation for yourself.

If you saw a tame, safe, young, playful bear or even a bear cub, then your life does not have any special problems and when you encounter them, you see a way to solve them.

If you saw an aggressive bear, then you probably see only problems in life, and not creative solutions to them. People under stress will see large and dangerous bears.

If the bear does not see you, or is acting friendly, then you are not stressed. If a problem arises, you prefer to focus on solutions rather than worries.

If the bear sees you but ignores you, then you may be experiencing some negative emotions, but are not in a state of unhealthy tension.

If the bear looks threatening and attacks you, you urgently need a release, such as a holiday! You are in a constant state of stress.

The desire to continue on your path is the level of your willingness to solve problems.

If you engage in a bear fight, you have a direct and pragmatic approach to problem solving.

If you avoid (go back, try to get around) the bear, you view problems as insurmountable and prefer an indirect, non-confrontational approach to decision making.

If you ignore the bear, you pay little attention to failures in life and they cannot throw you off balance. You have a healthy approach to life and everyday problems.

The key represents work-related interests. Appearance The key shows how you view your career, and the purpose of the key shows your career goals.

The more elaborate and noticeable the key, the more you prefer a career that is distinctive or unique from others.

The more your key looks ordinary, the more you are attracted to an ordinary, mainstream career.

If your key can open ordinary, everyday things, such as a car or a closet, then your career expectations in terms of wealth, joy and fulfillment are average.

Keys to royal palaces, castles, fortresses or mansions show a desire for power.

If the key is multifunctional, you are probably not sure which career to follow.

Keys that allow access to valuables, such as a treasure chest, indicate a strong desire to become rich.
Keys to personal items such as diaries or lockets indicate that you are pursuing a career that allows you to meet the needs of other people.

If the key is of little use or is cheap, you are quite pessimistic about achieving your career goals.

The Magic Key or the Key to the Magic World shows your overly optimistic career expectations.

And if you're unsure about what exactly your key can unlock, you haven't yet defined your career goals.

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