I will solve the exam general education portal. Preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics (profile level): assignments, solutions and explanations. Useful information for experts

I will solve the GIA 2017 grade 9, this search query is of interest to those who have started preparing for the GIA online based on our textbooks, solution books and GDZ. Our website is an archive and collection of all GIA options for recent years and contains all the tasks that you will meet at the final certification. You will have to solve the OGE options throughout the year, devoting 2 to 3 hours to this lesson every day. This is necessary to do in order to consolidate the material and accurately monitor progress at the stage of preparation for the State Examination. When we say “I’ll solve the GIA in mathematics,” we usually mean the options that Dmitry Gushchin developed and implemented. It was he who created the website where he collected everything OGE tests in mathematics with answers, where you can conveniently solve variants of the OGE and test your skills in solving equations and problems.

I will pass the State Examination Test online, express preparation for the final certification

I will solve the GIA 2017 online - this is a proven collection of exercises where you can dwell on the topic in more detail, help a friend and repeat the material covered. The importance of the Russian language in human life is difficult to overestimate. We all communicate, pass information to each other, read newspapers and tabloids, where all news articles are written in Russian. This is why we use educational process tests and assignments to prepare for the State Academic Examination 2017 in the Russian language. For a deeper perception of information, we recommend solvers and workbooks, which can also be downloaded on our website. I will decide GIA Gushchin 9th grade is in an efficient way test yourself and the quality of teaching in secondary specialized educational institutions Russian Federation.

State Examination in the Russian language, tests and assignments to prepare for the State Examination 2017

Russian language teacher Alevtina Ivanovna Sinichko forced us to solve the GIA options online in 2017, when we were young and playful and ran through the cool puddles in the courtyard of our school No. 346 in Moscow. She was right, it was necessary to encourage students to study more, solve theorems, prove equations with three unknowns and be proud that you studied at a Moscow school. In those young years, we poorly understood the importance of the GIA in mathematics and hoped that we would get away with all the pranks, but time passed and the day of judgment came when the savior came and said “I will solve the GIA Gushchin” and all the students fell prostrate before him.

Now that decades have passed, we remember with a smile our state final certification and think about how we were afraid, how we hoped for a high GPA how we dreamed of entering Lomonosov Moscow State University. Now our outlook on life has changed and we see from the height of the years that we have lived that it was enough to say “I will solve the GIA 2017 9th grade in Gushchin” and all doors would be wide open for such a brave applicant. You say “Heresy!”, I will answer “Yes!”. However, let me remind you that you should study your answers, otherwise you will not pass the exam.

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Solve problems from the OGE and repeat the theory. Daily practical exercises will help you pass exams with high scores.


This application was created specifically for schoolchildren who are preparing for the “Main State Exam”. As you know, the school curriculum becomes more and more complex every year.

As a result, classroom instruction may not be enough. In order to prepare for exams, you can seek help from tutors and practice in specialized applications.

This program contains 15 training OGE options. They are updated every month, so you can always be sure that the data is up to date.


When preparing for the OGE, all means are good. By solving numerous standard tasks, a student significantly increases his chances of achieving successful completion exams in a variety of subjects.

Prepare for mathematics, computer science, physics and other disciplines by simply solving the tests offered by the program. The program is very convenient because it regularly keeps statistics on learned and problematic topics. Thus, the user will always know his weaknesses and will be able to pay more attention to specific subjects.

Among other things, the application provides theoretical material in Russian.

With its help, you have every chance to pass exams perfectly, even if you are unable to hire expensive tutors.

The educational portal for preparing for exams according to Dmitry Gushchin’s system was originally created as a means of self-control and a way for students to self-prepare for the state final certification. However, the creators of this most useful resource included mechanisms for interaction with teachers.

In these notes, I share my experience of using resource materials offline - without using computers connected to the Internet. For convenience, the material is presented in the form of a text document and in PDF format.



To use preview Create yourself a Google account and log in to it: https://accounts.google.com


I WILL TAKE THE GIA: I WILL SOLVE THE OGE AND THE USE educational portal Dmitry Gushchin. Experience of use

The tools offered to the user of the portal I will SOLVE the OGE and the Unified State Exam are very wide, and allow you to pass testing both on individual topics and on a complex task. The function of randomly selecting tasks from the catalog is extremely useful. It is implemented with buttonsHomework template And Test template.

When the so-called Homework then the advantages of a randomized choice of task are offset by the fact that each task contains its number. Students open the catalog on another tab and, having found the answer there using this identifier, enter it into the text of the work.

When assigning a test, a number is not entered, but in some types of problems you can very quickly find the correct answer from the text. Thus, the resource can now only be used as a means of preparing students for testing in the classroom.

To obtain objective results of assessing the quality of training, the following application options are possible: testing on the Gushchin website PASS GIA: I WILL SOLVE the OGE and the Unified State Exam, testing using other systems or paper media. Experience shows that the only way to conduct objective testing on the described resource is to turn off access to the Internet after students receive the assignment, and turn it on to send the results. If there is no such technical possibility, then tasks have to be copied into another testing system. I use MyTestX from A. Bashlakova (http://mytest.klyaksa.net ).

I’ll move on to the algorithm for using the resource I’ll pass the State Exam: I’ll solve the OGE and the Unified State Exam to create a multi-choice test work. The OGE is a standardized exam, that is, each type of task corresponds to a specific topic, and all you need to do is learn the theory and solve, solve, solve tasks sequentially on each topic, gradually improving your hand until it becomes automatic. Any unexpected or unrelated school curriculum There can be no assignments on the exam. Experience shows that good method preparation is the solution large quantity tasks of the same type, this is exactly the test we will create.

Go to the “Teacher” tab

Let's set the test parameters , available from this tabPrint version.

Our portal gives you this opportunity!

In this academic year, as in the past, many items have undergone changes and clarifications. We took this into account when selecting materials!

In this section you will find tasks similar to the officially approved ones offered in exams. In addition, we have solutions for all tasks. Any portal user can try their hand at online testing: answer questions, find out the result and receive directions for further preparation, identifying your strengths and weaknesses.

We have organized an applicant calendar especially for applicants, containing the most complete and up-to-date information on all important events for those taking the Unified State Exam and entrance exams. Here you will find a detailed schedule Unified State Exam testing, higher and special admissions campaigns educational institutions, deadlines for submitting documents and dates of enrollment in various educational institutions.

If, after passing the exam, the score obtained is lower than expected, we recommend strengthening your preparation. You can always use resources preparation for the Unified State Exam, developed on our portal especially for you!

  • Absolute winner All-Russian competition"Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2007."
  • Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation
  • Two-time competition winner the best teachers Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
  • Member of the Federal Commission for the Development of Testing and Measuring Materials for Unified state exam in mathematics (2009-2010), expert of the Federal Subject Commission of the Unified State Exam in Mathematics (2011-2012, 2013-2014), deputy chairman of the regional subject commission of the State Examination Institute in Mathematics 2012-2014).

    Olga Sergeevna Pyankova, school mathematics teacher, Elekmonar Dear Dmitry Dmitrievich and the team of the “DAEGE” project!
    Thank you for creating such a wonderful online resource to help teachers. Now I have the opportunity to conduct lessons, consultations, additional classes using detailed video lessons. Your lessons are structured competently, thought out to the smallest detail. And the “presence” of Dmitry Dmitrievich in the lesson gives me confidence, makes my lessons more interesting and meaningful. Using tests, notes, and videos, I noticed that the time for preparing for mathematics lessons and consultations was significantly reduced. After all, there is no need to prepare assignments for tests and independent work, make tests. Just take a ready-made summary for each lesson, homework based on the Unified State Exam task base with a verification system, tests and use it!!!
    Your work is invaluable!!! Once again - THANK YOU!

    Lepikhina Olga Viktorovna, mathematics teacher, Izhevsk I went to the "DAEGE" course, watched several videos, took several tests and a test. Very useful and necessary materials, video tutorials with detailed explanations and most importantly, tests with online verification mode. Students like this because they can see the results right away and catch mistakes. It is very useful that before each test there is a review of the tasks and you can watch the video as many times as the student needs - in your own mode. You have a wonderful team that is trying to make the teacher’s work easier and helps the teacher work with all categories of students.

    Ksenia Vladimirovna, mathematics teacher, Izhevsk At a quick glance it is very impressive, in terms of volume and quality.
    This is a serious help for rural children, as well as for those who are unlucky with a teacher...
    very good idea: to be able to buy the activity you are interested in, and not everything
    And I'm also pleased with the price...
    Thank you!

    Maisuradze Victoria Vladimirovna, mathematics teacher, Mezhdurechensk Thank you very much to Dmitry Dmitrievich for everything he does. His website I will solve the Unified State Exam and this resource is a lifesaver when working.
    With the current workload, there is absolutely no time to do anything other than check notebooks. Only such resources save. Thank you.

    Egorova Victoria Valerievna, mathematics teacher, Elabuga There are no words to express my gratitude. Very, very wonderful material, I would even call it educational and methodological complex. All material is strictly systematized and presented for almost all exam tasks. There is repetition, the necessary theoretical material, test tasks, and even tests for a block of lessons. I really want to find a place for all this in my lessons.

    Nasibullina Zulfiya Salavatovna, mathematics teacher, Maloyaz Having looked through the Daege website, I made sure that here you can solve tests online together with students. I suggested your website and course names to my students. I think that we will actively work with the site. Before this, we actively used the site I will SOLVE the Unified State Exam, I will Solve the OGE. We took tests from there and also solved them online. Thanks to the creators of the site for helping teachers and students, because not everyone has the opportunity to go to courses or study with a tutor.

    Anna Karo, student Thanks for this interesting project. Great help!
    Especially in last days before the Unified State Exam:) Excellent system for excellent results.

    Surina Zoya Petrovna, mathematics teacher, Moscow Dear colleagues! Thank you for the interesting and informative material.
    I consider the preparation course for the Unified State Exam in mathematics accessible, brief, rational and useful.
    I hope that the solution is more complex tasks will be understandable and exciting for graduates.

    Kultysheva Olga Valerievna, mathematics teacher, Saratov Hello! I have been using your site for several years now, both when preparing for the Unified State Exam in grades 10-11, and when studying topics in grades starting from 5. When I saw that I could sign up for the “DAEGE” course, I decided to try it. I got acquainted with the course. I really liked it. It would be nice to have this course always at hand. Thank you!

    Busova I. I., mathematics teacher, Novosibirsk Good afternoon colleagues!
    Wonderful and useful resource!!!
    The lessons are carefully worked out, everything is competent, clear, consistent, detailed and clear. Educational material strictly systematized. The course is a huge help for both students and teachers. Thanks a lot!!!

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