I will take the Unified State Examination modular course in Russian. Review: Russian language. Modular course. I will pass the Unified State Exam! Workbook. Impressions from using the tutorial

I will pass the Unified State Exam! Russian language. Preparation methodology. Keys and answers.

M.: 2017. - 112 p.

The teacher's manual contains: Lesson planning on organizing training; Analysis of typical mistakes of Unified State Exam participants recent years and methods for their prevention; Brief description of the examination paper; General methodological recommendations on various aspects of teaching the subject; Description of the methodology of “soft” control and self-control; Types of activities of the student and teacher to practice a specific skill (in accordance with the workbook).

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I will pass the Unified State Exam! Russian language. Workshop and diagnostics. Tsybulko I.P., Vasiliev I.P., Aleksandrov V.N.

I will pass the Unified State Exam! Russian language. Preparation methodology. Keys and answers. Tsybulko I.P., Vasiliev I.P., Aleksandrov V.N.

Modular course “I will pass the Unified State Exam! Russian Language" was created specifically for students who have difficulty learning the Russian language, in other words, for students who are at risk of not exceeding the minimum threshold for the number of points, without which it is impossible to obtain a certificate.
The modular course consists of two books: a notebook for the student and a book for the teacher. These are not different books that exist independently of each other, but one manual in two interrelated parts. Only by working with both parts in the lesson can the teacher and student achieve success. The methodological task that the authors-developers sought to solve - preparation for the final certification as an element (part) of Russian language lessons - must be solved in relation to each individual student. Therefore, the main book that determines the vector of the educational process is workbook student. It is in this manual that the system for presenting educational material is built, given step-by-step algorithms solutions to a particular educational problem, a system of exercises is presented that allows you to diagnose specific skills.
It is known that students fall into the group of underachieving, “difficult” students for various reasons. Another thing is important: in the absence of active help from adults, these children will not be able to accurately master the educational material. Consequently, the main methodological task in organizing training for this group of students is to create conditions under which the student could achieve success, see his achievements and would want to eliminate gaps in knowledge.

“I11 I will pass the Unified State Exam! Modular course. Russian language. Methods of preparation: textbook. allowance for general education. organizations. - M.: Education, 2016. - 112 p. : ill. - ISBN 978-5-09-038645-6. IN..."

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UDC 372.8:811.161.

BBK 74.268.1Rus

Z11 I will pass the Unified State Exam! Modular course. Russian language. Preparation method:

textbook allowance for general education. organizations. - M.: Enlightenment,

2016. - 112 p. : ill. - ISBN 978-5-09-038645-6.

The methodological manual contains lesson instructions scheduling

work on academic year(72 hours), given brief description examination

course and specific lesson developments within the framework of thematic modules, which are structured in accordance with the logic of the examination work: “Working with microtext”, “Grammar standards”, “Spelling standards”, “Punctuation rules”, “Orthoepic and lexical norms", "Text", "Essay".

Methodical manual is intended for teachers of general education organizations who use the publication “I will pass the Unified State Exam! Modular course.

Russian language. Workbook".

UDC 372.8:811.161.1 BBK 74.268.1Rus ISBN 978-5-09-038645-6 © Prosveshcheniye Publishing House, 2016 © Artistic design.

Publishing house "Prosveshchenie", 2016 © Artistic design.

Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, 2016 All rights reserved Appeal to the teacher Dear fellow teachers!

Modular course “I will pass the Unified State Exam! Russian Language" was created specifically for students who have difficulty learning the Russian language, in other words, for students who are at risk of not exceeding the minimum threshold for the number of points, without which it is impossible to obtain a certificate.

The modular course consists of two books: a notebook for the student and a book for the teacher.

These are not different books that exist independently of each other, but one manual in two interrelated parts. Only by working with both parts in the lesson can the teacher and student achieve success. The methodological task that the authors and developers sought to solve - preparation for the final certification as an element (part) of Russian language lessons should be aimed at each individual student. Therefore, the main book that determines the vector of the educational process is the student’s workbook. It is in this manual that the delivery system is built educational material, step-by-step algorithms for solving one or another educational problem are given, and a system of exercises is presented that allows you to diagnose specific skills.

It is known that students fall into the group of underachieving, “difficult” various reasons. Another thing is important: in the absence of active help from adults, these children will not be able to accurately master the educational material. Consequently, the main methodological task in organizing training for this group of students is to create conditions under which the student could achieve success, see his achievements and would want to eliminate gaps in knowledge.

The most important tool for solving this methodological problem is the organization of the subject content of educational material. In this manual, its organization has its own specifics. It is as follows.

I. Educational material is grouped according to a modular principle. The organization of modular training requires the teacher to anticipate and comprehend the difficulties that a student may have when studying a topic. All this contributes professional growth teachers, provides an opportunity for self-realization. The teacher, working on a modular principle, exercises motivated control over the student. His paradigm of action is changing: the teacher takes on the role of coordinator, consultant, and assistant to students in their research search. Thus, the starting point for modular presentation of material is the needs of the student. In a situation of preparation for the One state exam it is about the student's need to pass the exam successfully.

In this sense, the second feature of the organization of the subject content of this modular course is explainable.

II. The distribution of educational material among modules is carried out taking into account the logic of constructing an examination paper in the Russian language. The distribution of tasks according to the main content sections of the Russian language course, presented in the table, was the basis for the distribution of material into modules. At the same time, the number of hours allocated for studying a particular module was allocated in accordance with what percentage of the maximum primary score for completing the tasks included in this module it has (see table).

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As a result, the manual contains 8 modules:

Module No. 1. Speech. Working with microtext. Tasks 1-3 (6 lessons).

Module No. 2. Speech. Language norms. Tasks 6, 7 (6 lessons).

Module No. 3. Speech. Spelling standards. Tasks 8-14 (19 lessons).

Module No. 4. Speech. Punctuation standards. Tasks 15-19 (10 lessons).

Module No. 5. Speech. Text analysis. Tasks 20-24 (9 lessons).

Module No. 6. Speech development. Composition. Task 25 (10 lessons).

Module No. 7. Speech. Norms of orthoepy. Lexical norms. Tasks 4, 5 (2 lessons).

Module No. 8. Tests V Unified State Exam format(8 lessons).

Individual consultations (2 lessons).

This manual provides lesson-by-hour calendar planning of work for the academic year (72 hours), a brief description of the examination work, general methodological recommendations on various aspects of teaching the course and specific lesson-by-hour developments within thematic modules, which are built, as we have already said, in accordance with the logic of constructing an examination paper in the Russian language.

We draw attention to the deviation in the sequence of presentation of tasks testing lexical and spelling standards(tasks 4 and 5). This is explained by the following: the formation of lexical and spelling norms should take place regularly, from lesson to lesson, as well as outside of class time. Therefore, the development of skills necessary for the successful completion of these tasks occurs in every lesson and is systematic. In addition, two lessons are reserved for systematizing knowledge in these sections.

I would also like to draw the teacher’s attention to a serious shortcoming that has taken root in teaching practice. It consists in the fact that we teach the student, and the laws of knowledge acquisition and personal development require such a setting of the educational process so that the student learns on his own, at his own pace, so that his learning is motivated, differentiated, and developing. Modular training is precisely intended to make the educational process exactly like this: the student fully or partially independently learns according to the target individual curriculum. That is why the program provides for individual consultations, which the teacher has the right to conduct at any time convenient for him.

Modular training is based on the theory of developmental learning, the foundations of which were laid by L. S. Vygotsky. It was he who identified two development zones:

actual (current level of preparedness) and immediate (the discrepancy between the level of actual and the level of potential development). If a student completes a task with the measured help of others (teacher, comrades), then he is in the zone of proximal development and gets the opportunity to reveal his potential. The implementation of the theory of developmental learning requires that the student constantly learns in the zone of proximal development.

The implementation of this theory in modular training is carried out by:

a) differentiation of the content and dose of assistance to the student; b) organizations educational activities in different forms: individual, pair, group. These approaches are provided in the manual.

Thus, the student must:

· learn on your own in your zone of proximal development;

· carry out self-government and mutual management of educational and cognitive activities;

· learn to communicate with your friends and with the teacher;

· work at your own pace, but learn to manage your time;

· carry out reflection during the teaching and at the end of each training session.

Each module contains:

· step-by-step presentation of the material necessary for mastering the subject content;

· algorithm for solving block tasks;

· operationalization of the skills necessary to complete the tasks of the block presented in the selection of didactic material.

A lesson was chosen as the optimal form of organizing a modular course.

The structure of the lesson in each module is approximately as follows:

· examination homework;

· presentation of the problem;

· instructions for the solution;

· training;

· control;

· explanation of the homework assignment.

The structure of the lesson may vary depending on the material being studied.

This modular course assumes current monitoring that accompanies the process of developing a skill as the most efficient, dynamic and flexible verification of learning results. Its main goal is to analyze the progress of the formation of students’ knowledge and skills, which gives the teacher and student the opportunity to promptly respond to shortcomings, identify their causes and take the necessary measures to eliminate them; return to rules, operations and actions that have not yet been learned. Current control is especially important for a teacher as a means of timely adjustment of his activities, making changes in planning subsequent teaching and preventing failure.

During this period, the student must have the right to make mistakes and to have a detailed analysis of the sequence of educational actions together with the teacher. It is inappropriate at this stage to use digital assessments - marks that punish for any mistake; it is much more important to use assessments in the form of analytical judgments that explain possible ways to correct them. This approach supports the situation of success and forms the correct attitude of the student towards control. Current control has its own specifics:

· the student is given additional time to prepare and is provided with the opportunity to retake the material and correct a previously received mark;

· when assigning the final grade, the teacher is not guided by GPA, but takes into account only the final grades on the topic being passed, which “cancel” the previous, lower ones, which makes the control more objective.

Each course module must be graded, as well as each of the tests contained in the manual.

We hope that these manuals will help you overcome the difficulties that arise for poorly motivated schoolchildren (graduates) in the process of mastering educational material.

At the same time, we draw attention to the fact that the leading teaching tool is the textbook.

These manuals cannot replace a textbook; their purpose is different - to be additional means training. Creating a system of effective forms and types of daily monitoring of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities helps to identify the level of schoolchildren’s learning, helps to successfully organize differentiated education, and is one of the real ways to normalize the schoolwork load of schoolchildren.

A teacher can only organize teaching correctly when he has a good understanding of the level of development of students’ skills. That is why the organization of a clearly planned, carefully thought out, flexible, informal control system is one of the reserves for increasing the efficiency of the entire learning process.

Please note that fragments of the book can be used not only in preparation for the Unified State Exam, but also in classroom work in grades 5-9.

Be confident in your abilities!

1) Federal component state standard main general education(Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089);

2) Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education, basic and profile levels(order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/05/2004

To the main conceptual approaches to building examination model The Unified State Examination in the Russian language includes the following:

· a competency-based approach, which allows, within the framework of the developed model, to test the following types of subject competencies: linguistic, that is, the ability to conduct a linguistic analysis of linguistic phenomena; linguistic, that is, practical knowledge of the Russian language, its dictionary and grammatical structure, compliance with language norms; communicative, that is, possession different types speech activity, the ability to perceive someone else’s speech and create your own statements; cultural studies, that is, awareness of language as a form of expression of national culture, the relationship between language and the history of the people, the national and cultural specifics of the Russian language;

· an integrated approach, manifested both in the internal and external unity of measured skills in relation to the language (speech) system, in the integration of approaches to testing the cognitive and speech development of the examinee, etc.;

· a communicative-activity approach, the basis of which is a system of tasks that test the development of communication skills, ensuring the stability and success of a school graduate’s communicative practice;

· cognitive approach associated with the focus of the meter on testing the ability to carry out such universal learning activities as comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, classification, specification, establishment of certain patterns and rules, etc.;

· personal approach, which assumes the orientation of the examination model to the needs, capabilities of the examinee, and the adaptability of the model to the levels of training and intellectual capabilities of graduates.

The stated approaches are interdependent and complement each other.

Each version of the examination paper consists of two parts and includes 25 tasks that differ in form and level of difficulty.

Part 1 contains 24 short answer questions.

The examination paper offers the following types of short-answer tasks:

Open-type tasks that require recording a self-formulated correct answer;

Tasks for choosing and recording one or more correct answers from the proposed list of answers;

Compliance tasks.

Part 2 contains one open-type task with a detailed answer (essay), testing the ability to create your own statement based on the text read.

To evaluate its implementation, a system was developed that included 12 criteria. Some provide for the assessment of the corresponding skill with points from 0 to 1; others - from 0 to 2;

the third - from 0 to 3. Maximum quantity primary points for the second part of the work is 23 points. Maximum primary score(hereinafter - p.b.) for completing all the work - 56 points.

The Unified State Exam in the Russian language makes it possible to obtain high-quality generalized information that characterizes trends in the state of graduate training in the Russian language and allows us to identify existing problems in teaching the subject.

The results of the 2015 exam are considered for each part of the examination work separately, depending on the allocated levels of performance of the examination work.

The minimum Unified State Examination limit in the Russian language for a number of years (2012-2015) has been 36 test points. In 2015, 4.5% of examinees did not cross the border (in 2014 - 4.07%).

The proportion of examinees who scored 100 points on the exam increased: from 0.33 (in 2014) to 0.45% (in 2015). There is also an increase (by 6.3%) compared to 2014 in the proportion of participants who showed results in the range of 81-100 points (high scorers).

The average test score in 2015 was 65.8, which is 3.3 points higher than in 2014.

The main reasons for the increase in the average Unified State Examination test score in the Russian language include the following.

As already noted, the 2015 exam model is focused primarily on the way of working with language material (checking a word, correcting incorrect pronunciation, precise use of a word or sentence, correcting an error). These methods of action are familiar to students and are constantly used in Russian language lessons at school. Thus, the pressure of the test form of the exam is removed (or minimized) in the examination paper. All tasks are familiar to the student and were encountered in his school practice.

In addition, at present, a system of objective control over the training of graduates of basic and high school(OGE, Unified State Exam, final essay). These forms of control complement each other.

Finally, an important influence on the success completing the Unified State Exam in the Russian language was influenced by the introduction of the final essay into school practice. The criteria for assessing the essay were based on the criteria for assessing a detailed answer in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. This year, when preparing for an essay, graduates once again turned to literary sources, which helped them write the Unified State Examination in the Russian language more successfully.

An important guideline for preparing for the exam when mastering certain topics of the Russian language course are the dictionaries published on the FIPI website, outlining the range of norms tested in the exam, as well as Open bank Unified State Exam assignments.

In order to divide examinees according to the quality of their preparation, Unified State Exam results In 2015, four levels of examination performance were introduced: minimal, satisfactory, good and excellent. These levels on a 100-point scale mark the boundaries of the achievements of examinees who have different quality of preparation in the subject: group 1 - examinees who have not reached the minimum limit (minimum level, 0-15 p.p.); group 2 - examinees with satisfactory preparation (16-31 points); group 3 - well-prepared examinees (32-45 points); group 4 - the most prepared examinees (46–56 points).

An analysis of the completion of tasks in Part 1 of the examination paper in 2015 showed that only examinees with results above 31 p.p. have fully mastered the basic norms of modern Russian literary language, and examinees with minimal and satisfactory preparation are characterized by significant deficiencies in mastering the norms of the Russian language.

Part 2 of the work, consisting of one task (25), is an essay based on the proposed text. The task checks the level of individual communicative skills of the examinees: analyze the content and issues of the text read; comment on the problem of the source text; determine the position of the author of the text on the stated problem; express and argue your own opinion; express thoughts consistently and logically; use a variety of words in speech grammatical forms and lexical richness of the language, practical literacy - skills of forming statements in accordance with spelling, punctuation, grammatical and speech norms of the modern Russian literary language.

Analysis of the performance of task 25 showed that all groups of subjects, except for those with an unsatisfactory level of training, mastered the ability to formulate the problem posed by the author of the text (K1) and determine the author’s position in relation to this problem (K3). The most unmastered communication skills for all groups of examinees turned out to be the ability to comment on the problem posed (K2) and convincingly express one’s point of view (K4). There is also an insufficient level of practical literacy for the majority of exam participants (K7, K8).

In general, the average percentage of completion of part 2 of the work (task 25) in each of the groups is lower than the average percentage of completion of tasks of part 1 of the work, which shows a different level of development of communicative and linguistic competencies - the level of mastery of skills related to semantic analysis of the text and the creation of 8 one’s own speech utterance of a given type of speech in accordance with grammatical and lexical norms, as well as with the rules of spelling and punctuation.

The distribution of tasks across parts of the examination paper allows you to test a wide range of skills. In this case, the subject had to apply a spelling rule, place punctuation marks, find and correct a grammatical error, correctly write down the word/words, etc. As a result, the diagnostic value of the work increased: it is possible not only to indicate the percentage of correct completion of a particular task, but also understand more accurately what mistakes examinees make.

Proficiency in the norms of the Russian literary language The examination test tests graduates' mastery of phonetic, lexical, grammatical (morphological and syntactic), spelling and punctuation norms. Students’ mastery of literary and linguistic norms provides the basis for an individual speech culture and presupposes the application of norms in different situations communication, including speech skills, the ability to choose the most accurate, stylistically and situationally appropriate options.

The average percentage of completion of the orthoepy task (task 4) was 75%.

Spelling errors of examinees are due to the practice of replacing the study of the sound side of speech with work on spelling. As a result, the examinees mix up sounds and letters in phonetic analysis both the whole word and the individual sounds that make it up. In other words, examinees often analyze not sounds, relying on the laws of oral speech, but letters that represent them in writing. Thus, 26% of exam participants thought that the word form cakes is pronounced with an emphasis on last syllable, although the sound of cakes is considered correct; 16% of examinees consider the normative stress to be called (correct: pozvonim).

Knowledge of lexical norms in the 2015 examination paper was tested by tasks 3, 5, 22 and 25 (criterion K10).

The examinees demonstrated approximately the same average percentage of completion - 60 and 63, respectively - when working with tasks 5 and 22, the completion of which requires different skills. Task 5 tests the ability to identify speech errors associated with the use of paronyms and make adequate replacements; task 22 - recognition skills phraseological units, as well as vocabulary of various groups in the specified text fragments.

Analysis of the performance of task 5 showed that the difficulty for 40% of subjects is not only recognizing an error made when using paronyms, but also selecting a paronym appropriate to the context for editing an example with an error, which reveals poverty vocabulary examinees.

Task 22 (average percentage of completion - 63, examinees with a satisfactory level of preparation - 35, with good preparation - 62, with a high level of preparation -

85) controls the level of development of the ability to find in the text and qualify, for example, from the point of view of origin, sphere of use, various lexical units (words, phraseological units). This task also allows you to assess the ability to correlate a word with the meaning it receives in the text. A typical mistake is not distinguishing between phraseological units and metaphorical combinations in context. Analysis of the results of completing this task revealed that more than a third of the examinees lacked a clear understanding of the groups of vocabulary distinguished depending on the nature of semantic relationships: synonyms and antonyms, as well as the differences between stable combinations - phraseological units that perform an expressive and figurative function in the text - from free ones phrases.

The examinees had the least difficulty working with the fragment dictionary entry, which assumes the ability to determine the meaning of a polysemantic word in which it is used in the given context (task 3). More than 90% of the subjects coped with this task, and high result showed 40% of participants who did not achieve minimum score, and 80% of participants with satisfactory training. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the majority of graduates have developed the skill of working with an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

At the same time, when writing a detailed answer greatest number errors are associated precisely with the use of a word without taking into account its exact lexical meaning, for example: “The author condemns the empty attitude of young people to the problem posed,” “Stolz knew how to manage his time correctly.” Phraseological combinations are often used without taking into account the meaning and emotional connotation, for example: “I believe that you need to live one day at a time: appreciate every moment of life and spend it profitably.”

Another common lexical error in essays is the use of words without taking into account the requirement of lexical compatibility, for example: “My friend brought an abandoned puppy to his home, and it found a home,” “I agree with the author, because, in my opinion, nature plays a huge role in human life.” , “Of course, first of all, you need to get your priorities right.”

Only 60% of examinees made no speech errors or made no more than three speech errors.

The most common speech errors in writing include:

· use of a word in a meaning that is unusual for it;

· use of words of a different stylistic coloring;

· failure to distinguish synonymous words;

· inappropriate use of emotionally charged words and phraseological units;

· violation of lexical compatibility, pleonasm, tautology, unjustified repetition of words;

· poverty and monotony of syntactic structures.

Let's illustrate this with several speech errors: you will find yourself in exactly the same case (instead of a situation); tells the problem (instead of raising the problem); Our ancestors will still need this for many millennia to come (instead of their descendants).

The results of completing the task reveal the lack of a system in the work on developing students’ speech, which makes this work insufficiently effective. Meanwhile, work related to the creation of oral and written statements with subsequent analysis of the use of lexical and grammatical means of language should be carried out systematically: each lesson should be aimed at developing all types of speech activity in their interrelation and interdependence.

Application Skill explanatory dictionary to determine the meaning of a word used in context is necessary primarily when perceiving a written or oral statement, although, of course, this skill can be useful for creating an oral as well as a written statement, especially at the editing stage. However, the creation of a verbally literate statement can only be the result of comprehensive work on one’s own statements, which is aimed at developing the following skills:

Analyze lexical means used in the sample texts: polysemantic words, synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, homonyms, phraseological units, as well as tropes;

Use a word in accordance with its exact lexical meaning and the requirement of lexical compatibility in your own written statements;

Use in your own statements words belonging to different groups of vocabulary, depending on the speech situation (bookish, neutral and colloquial vocabulary), words that come into different semantic relations(synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, homonyms), etc.;

It is appropriate to use figurative and expressive language means in your own speech;

Edit finished texts.

Complex work, the purpose of which is to create and edit a written statement, should be carried out every lesson.

The results of completing tasks 6, 7, 25 (criterion K9) allow us to draw certain conclusions related to the level of mastery of basic grammatical norms by graduates.

Compared to the completion of other tasks in Part 1, the tasks testing the level of development of language competence were generally completed successfully. This trend, which emerged in previous years, continued in 2015: the average percentage of task completion was 6 ( morphological norms) - 80; tasks 7 (syntactic norms) - 75; tasks 25 according to criterion K9 - 60.

In task 6, it was required to identify an example with an error in the formation of the word form of a particular part of speech and write down the corrected version in the answer. The noticeable difference in the performance of task 6 is largely explained by the lack of mastery of the central norms of morphology. That is why, when completing task 6, errors were noted due to the lack of systematic knowledge about the norms of forming nouns, adjectives, numerals, as well as pronouns and verbs. So, the examinees made mistakes when qualifying correct form words: time, flame, apple, boots, saucers, cut, ride, four, put, burn, etc. Errors most often reveal the influence of morphology conversational style, which is characterized by a certain set of grammatical forms and the absence of some forms characteristic of 10 book styles1. Indicative, for example, are the forms formed by the subjects: the verb “to go”: go, go, go, go, go, go, go; noun "saucer":

(drink from) saucers, saucers, saucers, saucers (norm: drink from saucers); pronouns "three"

(friends): three, three, three, three.

Grammatical errors are widespread in the speech of schoolchildren. Graduates consider the pleonastic forms of the comparative and superlative degrees (higher, more honest, better, most beautiful) and the accumulation of suffixes in comparative degree(worse); do not notice errors in the case forms of nouns (fresh cake, new shoes, several tomatoes, no gold shoulder straps, a lot of time); skip erroneous verb forms imperative mood(come quickly, put it down, lie down), present tense with missing alternation of consonants in the root (burned, burned), past tense with an excessive suffix (dried up, froze); gerunds (dolav, zalazya); cases of incomplete declension of cardinal numerals (five hundred photographs, eight hundred pages) are not considered erroneous.

The format of task 7 (testing the level of proficiency in syntactic norms at a high level of complexity) is new, first presented in the examination paper in 2015. Task 7 is a matching task: examinees need to qualify grammatical (syntactic) errors made in each of the five presented in the task sentences, and correlate with the specified type of error. The skill tested in task 7 is significant because it is associated with the formation of correct speech, which is very important in the communicative practice of any person.

In addition, the ability to recognize the type of grammatical error actualizes the personal regulatory component of linguistic and communicative competence - self-assessment and self-correction skills aimed at assessing one’s own speech from the point of view of correctness - compliance with the grammatical norms of the Russian literary language, conscious correction of grammatical errors in one’s own speech.

Failures in completing task 7 are largely explained by the lack of systematized knowledge of the examinees in the field of syntax of phrases, simple and complex sentences, the fragility of the formed meta-subject logical-cognitive skills, such as the ability to analyze, compare, juxtapose, classify, generalize, etc.

So, an example of an error in the construction of a sentence with indirect speech(All writers are usually asked during interviews what are you working on now) examinees qualify as a violation of the connection between subject and predicate. An example of an error in sentence construction with homogeneous members(The writers were surprised and praised the master’s ingenuity) qualify as not correct construction offers with participial phrase. An example of a violation of sentence construction with inconsistent application(M. Yu. Lermontov never finished his favorite brainchild - the poem “Demon”) is considered an incorrectly constructed sentence with homogeneous members.

Traditionally, the management norms associated with the use of prepositions due to, in agreement with, in spite of, turned out to be the most well learned. However, even among the well-learned norms of management, a typical mistake can be identified - incorrect qualification of the derivative preposition thanks (for example, in the sentence Thanks to the heroism of people, a disaster was averted). Examinees consider the preposition to be a gerund and characterize an error in sentences with this preposition as an incorrect construction of a sentence with a gerund.

The results of completing tasks 6, 7, 25 (criterion K9) of the examination work illustrate the good level of development of the language competence of exam participants with results above 32 p.p.: the average percentage of completing task 6 is above 80, task 7 is above 70.

Examinees who did not achieve the minimum score were unable to complete tasks 6 and 7 (the average percentage of completion was 30 and 15, respectively). Examinees with a satisfactory level of preparation demonstrated the skills necessary to complete task 6: the average percentage of completion of task 6 was 65; the average percentage of completing task 7 is 40. The greatest problems for these groups of graduates, as statistics show, arose when completing task 7 (syntactic norms).

The mistakes made by the examinees are largely explained by the insufficient level of development of linguistic competence (the basic morphological and syntactic norms of the Russian literary language have not been studied), lack of development

Stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 1982. - P. 255.

key competencies associated with the development of general educational skills and processes occurring in the modern speech environment: erroneous grammatical forms widespread in speech are often perceived by native speakers as correct, and, conversely, correctly educated forms are perceived as erroneous.

Lowest level of grammatical proficiency correct speech examinees demonstrate in conditions of creating an independent speech utterance. Only 51% of examinees do not make grammatical errors in their own written speech (criterion K9).

In general, grammatical errors are one of the most common types of errors in both oral and especially written speech. In the speech of graduates, there is a violation of control and coordination in the phrase (for example, to show about it - instead of showing it; with seven hundred soldiers - instead of with seven hundred soldiers), a violation of the norms of agreement (coordination) between the subject and the predicate (A flock of pigeons circled over the house - instead of circled ), incorrect construction of sentences with homogeneous members, especially in cases when homogeneous members require different prepositions or control different cases (was in the field and forest - instead in the field and in the forest; was interested in and devoted a lot of time to the family - instead was interested in the family and devoted to it a lot of time). IN complex sentence mistakes are often made: in the choice of alliances, allied words, demonstrative words connecting the main and subordinate clauses (I believe that the author is wrong - instead of I believe that the author is wrong); in agreement between the predicate and the subject, expressed relative pronoun(Everyone who passed the exam will receive a scholarship - instead of Everyone who passed...); in redundancy subordinating conjunctions(Chichikov speaks about dead souls in such a way that it was as if they were alive), etc. The most common grammatical error is the duplication of the subject, when the pronoun he, she, they follows the noun (This theory, it served as the basis for all his actions. Soldiers, they fought heroically.).

A special group of errors made when performing task 25 is most likely associated with the phenomenon of interference, when subjects perceive the Russian language through the prism of their native language and transfer the phenomena native language into Russian speech, which often leads to errors such as: my book, big room, grew a big tree, sports motorcycle, spring is beautiful, etc. Typical in this case are errors associated with the category of animate/inanimate: brother saw, love this book.

Difficulties are also caused by the use of cognate words that require the management of different cases, so they should be the focus of the teacher’s attention when studying word formation, for example: listen (what?) - listen (to what?) - listen (to what?); think (about what?) - think (about what?); touch (what?) - touch (what?); dress (who?) - put on (what?); faith (in what?) - confidence (in what?); to thank (whom?) - gratitude (to whom?) - thanks to (whom?) - as a gerund - thanks to (what?) - as a preposition.

Skills of competent use of syntactic control are developed gradually, in the process of mastering language norms. In the process of lexical work, it is necessary to draw students’ attention to synonymous verbs that require the management of different cases.

The low level of proficiency in grammatical norms when completing task 25 is explained both by the processes that occur in the language itself (preference for more economical means of expression, the desire for possible unification in the face of excessive variation in forms, the active operation of the law of analogy in the formation of new forms, etc.), and low level speech culture schoolchildren (an increase in various types of errors arising under the influence of vernacular, territorial and social dialects, semi-dialects, manifested in a stylistic decline in modern oral and written speech, in a noticeable vulgarization of everyday communication, etc.).

The work of studying the norms of the modern Russian literary language and mastering them is a long process, therefore it must be systematic and purposeful throughout the entire period of teaching not only the Russian language, but also other academic subjects. This will require the school staff to comply with a unified speech regime - a system of mandatory requirements regulating the activities of participants educational process in order to provide conditions for optimal speech development of students.

Compared to the results of tasks testing other sections school course, the level of completion of spelling tasks (tasks 8-14 in part 1 of the work) is consistently high. This is due to the high level methodological support studying spelling norms and the formation of basic spelling 12 skills, which are practiced over a long period of time from primary to high school, when a comprehensive repetition of spelling takes place on the basis of all acquired knowledge.

All groups of examinees most successfully completed tasks 10 (spelling suffixes of various parts of speech, except N/NN) and 11 (spelling personal endings of verbs and suffixes of participles). For the group of participants with results below the minimum score, all other spelling tasks turned out to be overwhelming.

Relatively low results for all groups of examinees were noted on tasks 1 (spelling NOT and NI), 13 (continuous, hyphenated, separate spelling of words), 14 (spelling N and NN in various parts of speech).

It is significant that all groups of examinees coped much more successfully with the tasks of Part 1 of the work, which required spelling and punctuation analysis of the given tasks. linguistic units than with correct spelling and punctuation of your own text (task 25, criteria 7 and 8).

The success of developing spelling skills depends on the level of awareness of the linguistic essence of each spelling situation and on the ability to conduct language analysis in the writing process: at the stage of spelling detection, at the stage of linguistic qualification of the phenomenon and at the stage of applying the rule.

The results of the work show that the examinees distinguish one spelling from another, group words according to these spellings, acting according to the appropriate algorithm.

But all this knowledge remains unclaimed as soon as the examinees begin to write a detailed answer on their own. The low level of culture of written speech is probably explained by the fact that teaching spelling is carried out in isolation from the development of speech and absorbs maximum time allotted curriculum When studying the Russian language, the processes of forming spelling and speech skills develop in parallel, with little contact with each other.

In the process of analyzing the results of completing the task of part 2 of the work, spelling topics were identified that were poorly mastered:

1) writing vowels in personal endings of verbs;

2) writing vowels in suffixes of nouns, adjectives, verbs;

3) writing hard and soft consonants;

4) errors in the combined, separate or hyphenated spelling of a word;

5) Н or НН in suffixes of adjectives, participles, adverbs;

6) combined and separate spelling of function words-homophones: too / the same, because / in order to / that would, etc.

The difficulty in completing task 8 is presented by examples with alternating vowels in the roots of words. It can be assumed that some examinees do not distinguish roots with historical alternation A/O (for example, -gar-/-gor-), where it is impossible to check the vowel letter of the root with stress, from roots with unstressed verified vowels of the root. At the same time, roots with alternating E/I (for example, -ber-/-bir-, -per-/-pir-) do not cause such difficulties.

The minimum result when completing this task was shown by examinees who did not receive the minimum score and completed this task worse than all the spelling tasks of part 1 of the work (20%).

Task 9 tests several spellings: 1) prefixes with an unchanged composition (behind, the day before yesterday, stay); 2) prefixes with a fluent vowel O (to warn); 3) prefixes ending in -З/-С (sneaky, cheerful, falling); 4) prefixes PRE-, PRI- (creep, bicker, bizarre); 5) vowels Y/I after prefixes (beat, ingratiate); 6) the use of dividing words b and b (beats, non-nuclear). A common error when performing this task is the spelling of prefixes in -З/-С. The average completion percentage for this task is 82.

Task 10 (average percentage of completion - 90) tests the ability to recognize the part-speech affiliation of words with one or another suffix and apply the appropriate rules to choose the correct spelling. This task for all groups of examinees turned out to be not very difficult compared to other spelling tasks. Therefore, we can talk about a certain level of development of the examinees’ ability to use information from various sections of the Russian language program to determine the spelling features of a word.

The results of spelling task 11 are also high (average percentage of completion - 75). Probably, the 2015 examinees have a sufficiently developed ability to use grammatical (in particular, morphological) knowledge to determine the orthographic features of the verb and participle.

Task 12 to test the skills of combined and separate writing of words with particles NOT/NI had complex nature. IN exam options were presented different rules writing particles NOT/NI with short and full participles, short and full adjectives, adverbs, participles, verbs, pronouns.

The success of task 13 depends not only on knowledge of the rules, but also on the examinees’ mastery of all practical methods of distinguishing derivative conjunctions and homonymous phrases. This is the possibility of transferring a particle (would) or skipping it (whether), posing a question to a pronoun (that, that, this, that) or an adverb (so); presence of a defined word (if demonstrative pronouns this, this, that);

the ability to select synonyms among the same parts of speech (that is why, therefore;

too - also, and; but - but, however).

The results of task 14 illustrate the well-known truth: the success of the formation of spelling skills in schoolchildren depends not only on knowledge of the spelling rule, but also on the level of awareness of the linguistic essence of each spelling situation, on the ability to conduct language analysis in the writing process: at the stage of spelling detection, at the stage of language qualification phenomena and at the stage of applying the rule. Common mistake when completing task 14 - non-distinction between adjectives and participles.

The percentage of completion of task 25 according to criterion K7 (Spelling) shows that the spelling literacy of examinees who did not receive the minimum score is practically reduced to zero. The difference in compliance with spelling norms between groups of participants with different levels of training is about 30%, which indicates the high diagnostic significance of task 25.

A group of tasks (15-19, criterion K8 task 25) tested the level of graduates’ mastery of punctuation norms.

The difficulty in developing punctuation skills lies in the fact that they involve both grammatical-syntactic and speech operations. Awareness of the structure of a syntactic construction is based on syntactic knowledge and reflects the ability of examinees to correlate specific language material with an abstract scheme, and the choice of the necessary sign presupposes both syntactic and punctuation skills, and the ability to correlate specific material with a scheme, with a pattern, and an understanding of the semantic shades of a particular or different design.

Analysis of statistical data on the results of completing tasks shows that the least difficulties for examinees are in completing tasks 15 and 18.

Task 15 tests the ability to determine the conditions for placing a comma in simple sentences complicated by homogeneous members, and in compound sentences, parts of which are connected by a single union and. The average percentage of its completion is

75. Such a high percentage is due to the fact that the formation and development of the ability to perform punctuation analysis of constructions with homogeneous members and complex constructions are carried out throughout the entire school course of teaching the Russian language.

However, you should pay attention to the fact that the most successfully completed are those versions of the task in which constructions with double conjunctions both... and are offered as linguistic material. not only... but also, for example: In the Russian song, both timidity and rebellious free spirits are heard. Thus, by completing tasks with similar content, more than two thirds of examinees receive maximum score- 2, and only a tenth gets 1 point. At the same time, about a third of the examinees who analyzed constructions with repeating conjunctions or, and, then, or with pairwise connecting homogeneous members completely cope with the task; more than half of the examinees receive 1 point.

Difficulties in placing punctuation marks for homogeneous members of a sentence arise if the syntactic analysis of the sentence is performed incorrectly:

the question was asked incorrectly to the members of the sentence, or the conjunction was perceived as an unconditional signal to place a punctuation mark. For example, a conjunction that appears twice and graduates mistake for a repeating one and come to the conclusion that a comma is missing here.

The reasons for errors when performing this task can be different: 1) an attempt to guess the type of sentence without determining all its grammatical bases; 2) mixing homogeneous members with simple sentences, especially as part of a complex sentence;

3) mixing common isolated, as well as clarifying and explanatory constructions with subordinate clauses; 4) determining the type of sentence by the first conjunction without reading it to the end; as a result, complex sentences with different types of connections are qualified as complex or complex sentences;

14 5) mixing conjunctions with other parts of speech or categories of conjunctions; 6) mixing simple sentence and complex, consisting of one-component simple ones.

Task 18, the average percentage of completion of which is 80, requires the ability to determine the boundaries of a subordinate clause in a complex sentence. The examinees had to analyze complex sentence with a subordinate clause: find the word being defined in the main part, pose a question to the subordinate part and thus determine the conditions and places for placing punctuation marks.

Examinees with a high level of training demonstrated the ability to accurately conduct punctuation analysis of complex constructions:

the percentage of them completing this task reaches 100. More than two-thirds of the subjects with good preparation, half of the subjects with satisfactory preparation, and 40% of the participants with results below the minimum score successfully completed this task.

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This year my son graduates from school.

Of course, I have a lot of worries about this.

Vedas need to be accepted, and for this you need to have a good level of knowledge and good grades in basic subjects.

First of all, I am concerned about the Russian language, since my son has always had problems with this subject.

In order to effectively prepare for the Unified State Exam without problems, the teacher advised all parents to buy for their children from textbook "I will pass the Unified State Exam! Modular course. Russian language. Workbook."

Of course, such a workbook is quite expensive, about 350 rubles.

But there’s nothing you can do about it, you have to buy it because you ultimately wanted to get the desired result.

Exactly about textbook entitled “I will pass the Unified State Exam! Modular course. Russian language. Workbook,” I want to talk to you today in this review.

Study guide "Russian language. I will pass the Unified State Exam! Workbook"

Study guide "I will pass the Unified State Exam! Modular course. Russian language. Workbook" prepared with scientific and methodological support Federal Institute pedagogical measurements.

This notebook will definitely come in handy for tenth and eleventh grade students to prepare well for the Russian language exam.

This special workbook is designed for students to work both at school and at home.

The book itself is designed very conveniently for Russian language classes.

The sequence of lessons is presented in the logic of the examination work in the Russian language based on the modular principle.

Each lesson is given to achieve a certain result of a specific part of the Unified State Exam.

In this notebook you will find different thematic modules on the Russian language.

They are compiled in accordance with the presentation of tasks in the examination paper, which greatly facilitates the preparation of high school students for the Russian language exam.

Main modules: “Working with microtext”, “Grammar norms”, “Spelling norms”, “Punctuation norms”, “Spelling and lexical norms”, “Text”, “Composition”.

The workbook also contains a separate module with diagnostic work in Unified State Exam format.

Publishing house of such teaching aid for high school students: Enlightenment.

This workbook was published in 2016.

In such workbook contains 320 pages.

Impressions from using the tutorial

Overall, I can say that I really liked this workbook.

The material in it is presented in an accessible way for children.

There are many interesting tasks and screening tests here.

It is very easy for a child to work with it due to the division of all the material into separate modules.

The workbook itself is published in A4 format.

The lessons themselves in this notebook are built according to one specific algorithm.

First, the task itself is written, then a description of its content is given, the reasoning for its solution is given, and how the answer is written is shown.

Then tasks for working in the classroom and tasks for working at home are prescribed in the form of various exercises.

It’s also good that after finishing the topics in the workbook, a test is given.

The exercises in this workbook are pretty standard.

There are many test tasks here.

Overall, this notebook makes the work of both teachers and students much easier.

It will help children prepare for the Unified State Exam as effectively as possible.

Of course, such a notebook has many analogues.

So whether to buy it or not is entirely up to you.

But my child and I liked this notebook.

She helped us systematize our knowledge and repeat the material we had covered at school.

I think this will help my son pass the Unified State Exam well.

Video review



Work program elective course in Russian for grade 11 “I will pass the Unified State Exam!” developed on the basis of a textbook for general education organizations “I will pass the Unified State Exam! Modular course. Russian language", 2017. Authors: I.P. Tsybulko, I.P. Vasilyev, V.N. Aleksandrov, R.A. Doshchinsky, G.R. Dyakina.

Purpose of the course: assistance to students in preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

Main methodological task : creating conditions for students under which the student himself can achieve success and see his achievements.

The most important tool for solving the problem is the organization of the subject content of educational material.

The educational material is grouped according to a modular principle. The starting point for modular presentation of material is the needs of the student. In a situation of preparation for Unified State Examination speech is about the student's need to pass the exam successfully.

The distribution of educational material into modules is carried out taking into account the logic of constructing the examination paper in the Russian language.

The program lasts 34 hours (1 hour per week). Since in the 10th grade the student has not yet studied under the program “I will pass the Unified State Exam!” and due to the fact that he has a fairly solid knowledge of the Russian language, I reduced the number of hours allocated to studying certain topics. Considering the fact that there is only one student in the class, I considered it appropriate to exclude from the program the hours provided for individual consultations.

Form of conducting classes:

Training tasks

Instructions for completing tasks

Practical work

Working with dictionaries, reference books, Internet sources

The program implementation period is 2017-2018 academic year.




Module 1. Tasks 1-3. Information processing of written texts of various styles and genres. Means of communication of sentences in the text. Lexical meaning words.

Module 2. Tasks 6,7 . Morphological norms (formation of word forms). Syntactic norms. Agreement standards. Management standards.

Module 3. Tasks 8-14 . Spelling of roots. Spelling of prefixes. Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except -Н-/-НН-). Spelling of personal endings of verbs and suffixes of participles. Spelling NOT and NOR. Integrated, hyphenated, separate. Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech.

Module 4. Tasks 15-19 . Punctuation marks in a simple complex sentence (with homogeneous members). Punctuation in a complex sentence and a simple sentence with homogeneous members. Punctuation in sentences dissociated members(definitions, circumstances, applications, additions). Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of connections.

Module 5. Tasks 21-24 . Text as a speech work. Semantic and compositional

integrity of the text. Functional and semantic types of speech. Lexical meaning of the word.

Synonyms. Antonyms. Homonyms. Phraseological units. Groups of words by origin and use. Means of communication of sentences in the text.

Module 6.Task 26 . Composition. Information processing of text. Use linguistic means depending on the speech situation.

Module 7. Tasks 4,5,20 . Orthoepic norms (stress setting). Lexical norms (the use of words in accordance with the exact lexical meaning and the requirement of lexical compatibility).

Module 8 . Tests in the Unified State Exam format.




Must know:

what does orthoepy study?

basic orthoepic norms for pronunciation of words;

be able to:

conduct spelling analysis;

find basic expressive phonetic means in the text.

Word formation

should know:

what studies word formation;

system of word-forming and form-building morphemes, main methods

word formation;

that a morpheme is a significant part of a word that conveys a specific

information about its lexical and grammatical meaning;

that in the morphemic structure of a word over time can occur


how the structure of a word and its spelling are related;

be able to:

recognize morphemes with alternating vowels and consonants;

determine ways to form words;

find basic expressive word-formation devices in the text.

Lexicology and phraseology


what lexicology and phraseology studies;

basic concepts of lexicology and phraseology;

the main ways to explain the lexical meaning of a word;

distinguish paronyms, antonyms, synonyms, phraseological units by meaning;

be able to:

observe in the practice of speech communication the basic lexical norms of modern

Russian literary language;

correlate a word, phraseological unit and their lexical meaning;

find words of different stylistic colors in the text, native Russian and

borrowed words, obsolete and neologisms;

determine the literal and figurative meaning of a word;

find basic expressive lexical means in the text.



what morphology studies;

what are the grammatical features of a word (for example, gender, number, case, declension,

type of conjugation, mood, tense, person, etc.);

principles for determining parts of speech: general grammatical meaning,

morphological principles, role in a sentence, signs of parts of speech;

basic morphological norms;

be able to:

determine whether a word belongs to a certain part of speech

grammatical features;

distinguish between similar sounding forms of words different parts speeches;

conduct morphological analysis words;

find the main points in the text means of expression morphology.

Syntax and punctuation


that studies syntax and punctuation;

main features of phrases and sentences;

types of phrases based on the grammatical properties of the main word, types of word connections

in a phrase;

types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement, emotional coloring, nature

grammatical basis; types of simple complicated sentences, as well as types of complex


basic punctuation rules;

basic syntactic norms (construction of phrases according to the type of agreement,

management; correct use of prepositions in phrases; correct

sentence construction; agreement of the predicate with the subject; correct construction

sentences with isolated members, subordinate parts);

basic expressive means of Russian language syntax;

be able to:

establish types and means of connecting words in phrases and sentences

different types;

determine the type of sentence by its meaning, intonation and grammatical


use syntactic synonyms;

carry out syntactic analysis of phrases and sentences;

conduct punctuation analysis of a sentence;

find the basic expressive means of syntax in the text.



what does spelling study?

basic spelling rules each section of spelling:

1) spelling of morphemes; 2) continuous, hyphenated and separate spellings;

3) rules for word hyphenation; 4) rules for graphic abbreviation of words;

be able to:

apply spelling rules in writing;

apply knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary, morphemics, word formation,

morphology and syntax in spelling practice;

carry out spelling analysis of the word, the proposed text;

observe the basic spelling norms of the Russian literary language in speech.


1. Modular course “I will pass the Unified State Exam. Russian language". I.P. Tsybulko, I.P. Vasiliev, V.N. Alexandrov, R.A. Doshchinsky, G.R. Dyakina. M.: "Enlightenment", 2017

2. Rosenthal D.E., Practical stylistics of the Russian language. - M.: AST, 1998.

3. Grekov, V.F.Russian language. Grades 10-11: textbook for general education. institutions / V. Grekov, S. E. Kryuchkov, L. A. Cheshko. - M.: Education, 2012.

4. Internet resources.



Title of section, topic

Number of hours


according to plan


Punctuation marks in a simple complex sentence (with homogeneous members) and a complex sentence

Punctuation marks in a simple complex sentence (with homogeneous members) and a complex sentence. Test work-workshop

Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members (definitions, circumstances, applications, additions).

Test work-workshop.

Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence.

Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence. Test work-workshop

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of connections

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of connections. Test work-workshop

Punctuation norms. Test work-workshop.


Independent work

Text as a speech work. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text.


Functional and semantic types of speech

Lexical meaning of the word. Synonyms. Antonyms. Homonyms. Phraseological phrases. Groups of words by origin and use.

Means of connecting sentences in the text

Language means of expression

Language means of expression. Intonation-syntactic expressiveness

Workshop “Speech. Language means of expression"

Test work

Composition. Information processing of text. The use of linguistic means depending on the speech situation

Source text problem


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