What is a reserve day in OGE? Minimum score in mathematics

Many 9th grade graduates who failed the OGE in mathematics are actively scouring the Internet in search of ready-made answers to the OGE. Many of them think that this will save them when retaking the OGE in reserve days. However, many of them are deeply mistaken, since it is most likely impossible to find ready-made answers on the Internet. And if suddenly you have such luck, then how exactly they will be able to help you retake the OGE is a big question.

Reserve dates for OGE-2018

If minimum threshold failed in two subjects or you failed the same subject twice, then retaking is possible only after September 1 of the current year. Don't let this scare you. Having successfully retaken the exam in September, you will still have time to submit documents to various colleges, and it is even possible to enroll in budget place, if there is a shortage in the faculty.

Answers to the OGE reserve in mathematics 2018

In search of answers to the OGE, graduates who failed the exams scour the Internet, trying to find at least something there. Many of them end up on paid services, which guarantee them ready-made answers in a particular OGE discipline for a certain amount. Most likely, this is an ordinary money scam, and having paid the specified amount, you will not receive at all what you expected, if at all.

How many points do you need to score in math to get a certificate?

Deadlines for appeals OGE-2018

If you do not agree with the assigned points and grades for the exam, if you found an error when checking your work, you should definitely try to win back your points on appeal.

What needs to be done for this?

Within two working days (Saturday also counts), you need to come to your school and submit an appeal about disagreement with the points awarded. The school will help you draw up this document correctly, and will also transfer all the necessary information to the Conflict Commission. You will then be given a date and time for your appeal.

When will ninth-graders of secondary school take the OGE (GIA) exam in 2016? educational school? The full schedule (calendar) for taking the unified state exam has already been presented.

Rosobrnadzor has developed a draft schedule for the main state exam (OGE) in 2016. The document was published on the official website of the department. Which deadlines will rent OGE (GIA) in 2016 ninth graders of a secondary school? Complete schedule(calendar) for passing the Unified State Exam has already been presented.

The exams are planned to be held in two stages: early and main. Moreover in this academic year a retake of state exams is provided and will be held in the fall. As in previous years, there are reserve days for ninth-graders to take state exams.

On reserve days, participants take the OGE if:

  • Coincidence of exams across different academic subjects in one day (for example, a graduate chose to takeOGEexams in physics and a foreign language, which are scheduled for one day. In this case, he will take the physics exam on June 11, and the foreign language exam on June 25-26, or vice versa, in accordance with the decision of the state examination commission);
  • Failure to complete one of the exams for a valid reason;
  • Absence from one of the exams for a valid reason;
  • Having an unsatisfactory result in the subjectOGE(one at a time);
  • Removing a graduate from the exam, if, at the same time, the state examination commission decided to admit the graduate to retakeOGEon a reserve day.

One of the valid reasons for failure to appear at the Unified State Exam is absence due to illness. A graduate who missed an exam due to illness must provide the school where he/she registered to take theOGE, medical certificate. After this, the school will transmit the information to the state examination commission, which will assign the graduate a reserve day to take the exam.OGEprovided for by a unified schedule.

On reserve days, passing the Unified State Exam is the same as during the main period.

Let us remind you that GIA- state final certification, the main type of exam for graduates of 9th grade in high school Russia. Passing the State Examination Test is required to move to 10th grade or enter secondary education institutions. vocational education(colleges and technical schools).

Graduates of 9th grade educational institutions pass at least 4 final exams:

  • 2 compulsory (Russian and mathematics);
  • 2 optional (from the list of items).

OGE or the main state exam, which most ninth-graders will take, is something like the Unified State Exam using standardized form KIMs. Since 2014 ninth graders take exams only in the form of the OGE. In 2016 year OGE 9th grade students will also take the form of tests (KIMs). The only exception is GVE.

Who takes exams in the form of GVE

Final certification in the form GVE or the state final exam in the 9th and 11th grades is provided for certain categories of students:

    disabled children and children with disabilities health,

    pupils of special closed educational institutions,

    as well as for those who receive education in prison.

GVE instead unified exam guys who have mastered the full school course within the framework of obtaining secondary vocational education.

Calendar for passing the OGE 2016 (formerly GIA)

Ninth-graders also have a difficult time passing their final exams. They are also divided into early and main periods. In addition, there is an additional period in August and September.

Early period

April 28 (Thu)

Reserve days for taking state exams are provided on the following days:

May 4 (Wed)- geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages

The main stage of the OGE in 2016

June 7 (Tue)- social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature

June 15 (Wed)- reserve days: social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature, geography, history, biology, physics, foreign languages

Russian language

Russian language

geography, history, biology, physics

foreign languages

foreign languages



reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, foreign languages, computer science and ICT,

Additional period (September terms)

Russian language

Russian language

geography, history, biology, physics

geography, history, biology, physics

foreign languages

foreign languages



social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature,

social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature.

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, foreign languages, computer science and ICT

All 9th ​​grade graduates at the end of the course must pass state exams in two compulsory and two additional academic disciplines to choose from. If the exam was not passed during the preliminary or main certification periods or an unsatisfactory grade was received for the work, the student can retake the OGE during the reserve period or in September of the current year on days determined by a special schedule.

In 2018, 9th grade graduates are required to pass four exams. Two of them (mathematics and Russian language) are mandatory, two more are optional (these academic disciplines student chooses).

The main difference between the final certification for graduates of grades 9 and 11 is that ninth graders need to pass all four exams to receive a certificate of secondary education, while those who have completed grade 11 only need to fail two main subjects.

The reasons for which the final certification is allowed to be retaken are strictly regulated by the rules conducting the OGE. You can retake the exam if you receive an unsatisfactory grade.

However, it should be remembered that students who received “twos” in one or two of the four subjects are allowed to retake. If the number of “failures” increases, the student will not receive a certificate.

In addition, students who did not pass the exam for valid, documented reasons have the right to retake the OGE in 2018. These include:

  • sudden deterioration in the child’s health, acute illness, hospitalization, surgical intervention, etc.;
  • death of a close relative of the student;
  • inability to complete examination work started on time due to deteriorating health;
  • force majeure circumstances of a natural or natural nature;
  • violation of the procedure for conducting the OGE, about which an appeal will be filed, approved by the examination committee;
  • cancellation of the examination work by the conflict commission in the event of a violation of the rules for conducting the OGE (hints, unauthorized use of additional sources of information, cheat sheets).

Deadlines for retaking the OGE in 2018

In 2018, graduates are given two attempts retake the OGE. You can try your hand for the first time during the reserve period of passing the OGE. Second and last time this year it can be done in September.

If the attempt is successful, the student will have time to receive a certificate this year and will be able to continue his studies in high school or enroll in a chosen college or technical school that will agree to accept him after the start of the school year.

The OGE schedule provides for two additional deadlines for retaking the final certification. The first begins in June 2018. To retake compulsory disciplines(mathematics and Russian language, as well as foreign language) it allocates one reserve day. The remaining items are handed over several times in one day.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has approved the following schedule for retaking the OGE in 2018:

  • Wednesday, June 20, – Russian language;
  • Thursday, June 21 – mathematics;
  • Friday, June 22 – Russian literature, social studies, computer science and biology;
  • Saturday, June 23 – foreign language;
  • Monday, June 25 – geography, history, physics and chemistry;
  • Thursday, June 28 – any academic disciplines included in the OGE.

In September 2018, graduates who received an unsatisfactory grade not due to illness or an unfortunate accident, but due to a failed course of study, can retake the OGE. In this case, it makes sense not to rush into retaking the test, but to carefully prepare for the final assessment during the two summer months.

In addition, students who, for good reasons, were unable to attend the exams on reserve days in the summer, can retake the OGE in the fall. This is also the last chance to get a certificate for those who failed OGE tasks when retaking exams in June.

In the fall, reserve days for taking the OGE are distributed according to the following schedule:

  • Tuesday, September 4 – Russian;
  • Friday, September 7 – mathematics;
  • Monday, September 10 – geography, history, physics and biology;
  • Wednesday, September 12 – literature, social studies, computer science and chemistry;
  • Friday, September 14 – foreign language.

From September 17 to 22, students whose examination subjects previously fell on the same day (for example, geography and biology) can retake the certification.

Those who cannot pass the exam even after three attempts (during the main period, on reserve days in June and autumn), as well as those who fail three or four final exams, are allowed to take the OGE in the next academic year.

In this case, the student can return to repeat studies in the ninth grade of school, prepare for final exams at home or receive a certificate of the course taken at school instead of a certificate of secondary education.

The certificate gives the right to enter a technical school or college. Such applicants educational institutions Most often they accept a paid form of education.

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