Dictations during the period of learning Highlander literacy. Literacy training. Linguistic foundations of literacy teaching methods Sound structure of the Russian language and its graphics

The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of universal educational activities that provide schoolchildren with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement. Modeling contributes to the formation of cognitive learning activities, as well as better assimilation and understanding of the information received.

During the period of learning to read and write, which is the most important stage in the development of a child’s personality, the foundations of knowledge about the native language are laid, the main speech skills (reading and writing) are formed, and a certain attitude towards the Russian language, native speech and literature is formed.

Teaching literacy is carried out using the sound analytical-synthetic method, consists of two interrelated processes: teaching initial reading and teaching writing - and is reinforced by work on the development of speech at its main levels: sound (sound culture), word (vocabulary work), sentence, coherent utterance ( text).

There are three periods in literacy learning:

  1. preparatory (pre-letter);
  2. alphabetic (basic);
  3. post-literal.

Pre-literate period of learning to read and write.

The tasks of the pre-letter period are the development of phonemic hearing, the ability to isolate sounds from a word, perform syllabic-sound and sound analysis of words; compare sounds in similar sounding words. At this stage of learning, the development of oral speech, listening and speaking skills plays an important role. During the lessons, the concepts of word, sentence, vowel sounds, syllables, and stress are introduced.

During this period, familiarity with modeling begins, when children are given their first ideas about speech (oral and written). Students become familiar with dividing speech into sentences, sentences into words, words into syllables using graphic diagrams. During this period, students learn to model a communication situation (who communicates with whom, what words they use), and use certain marks, drawings and signs.

From the first pages of the ABC, children become familiar with the features of oral speech, learn to isolate individual words from sentences, correctly coordinate words in a sentence, create their own statements based on illustrations, use drawings and signs - symbols, a way to designate objects and write a message, model sentences, designate individual words in a sentence.

Under the guidance of the teacher, children examine the illustrations, find out the basis of the plot, find each character and name him, and then make sentences and correlate them with the proposed diagrams.

The visual-figurative models of communication presented in “ABC” give children elementary ideas about the communication situation, partners (interlocutors) of verbal communication, and goals. For example, a task of this type: “Think about who could say the word “hello” and to whom?” allows you to develop the ability to construct a speech utterance in accordance with the communicative task.

Sentence modeling is work on constructing sentences, developing coherent speech, and is also one of the ways to awaken students’ cognitive activity in literacy lessons.

During the period of literacy learning, sentences consisting of 2-4 words are used for analysis. Children learn to analyze the composition of speech, which is of great importance for all further work. In lessons, we not only count the words in a sentence, but also talk about the meaning and content of each of them, moving from the analysis of individual words to the analysis of entire sentences and the entire story.

Schemes are used to include each student in active activities, bringing the material on the topic studied to full understanding. Students begin to model a sentence before they can write. It is good for each student to have an individual set of strips of colored paper for making sentence models.

This is how a psychological merging of the spoken word and the written word, but written without letters, gradually occurs. The child learns to count words in a sentence not only by ear, but also according to a diagram, where each line represents a word. The intervals between the lines indicate small stops - pauses.

In the future, you can use tasks to develop the analysis of sentence structure:

  • come up with a sentence with a certain number of words according to given patterns;
  • come up with a sentence for a given scheme with a certain word;
  • determine the place of a word in a sentence (what kind of word is indicated);
  • raise the number corresponding to the number of words in the sentence (2, 3, 4, 5);
  • increase the number of words in a sentence;
  • determine the boundaries of sentences in the text;
  • come up with a sentence based on the plot picture and determine the number of words in it;
  • make a sentence from words given in disorder (for example: garden bed, on, cucumbers, grow).

In the process of learning to read and write, students become familiar with the visual-figurative model of a word, the meaning of words (as an image of an object, action and property) and the sound of words (a sequence of speech sounds). Children select words that name the object in the picture, call the same object with different words - cat, cat (for example, Primer by L.E. Zhurova and A.O. Evdokimova).

During the learning process, children learn, in response to the teacher’s word, to select words with the opposite or similar meaning, to supplement the sentence with the words:

Initial reading instruction assumes developing the ability to read syllables(and not by letters), i.e. mastering smooth syllabic, positional reading of words that children can understand. In this regard, familiarization with the syllabic structure of words occupies an important place in preparing children for learning to read and write.

It is very important to teach a child to read syllable by syllable, emphasizing the stressed syllable. The successful formation of this method of reading is facilitated by preparatory work, which begins even before children begin to read, that is, to translate the graphic (letter) form of a word into an audio one.

One of the areas of this preparatory work is dividing words into syllables, pronouncing words by syllables, and composing them from separately named syllables. In order for a student to correctly convey the sound side of a word in writing, without skipping or rearranging letters in it, he must be taught to divide the word into syllables, establish the place and sequence of sounds in it. To master the concept of “syllable” you can use the following models:

During literacy learning in 1st grade, students gradually become familiar with letters. They learn that a syllable is part of a word that necessarily contains a vowel.

In order for children to learn to divide a word into syllables and determine the number of syllables in a word, they need to perform the following procedure:

  1. Place dots under all vowels with a red pencil.
  2. Count the points. How many dots - so many syllables. “As many vowels as there are in a word, there are as many syllables, each student knows this” is a rhyme that helps children remember the rule.
  3. Divide words into syllables. The main rule is that each syllable must have one vowel letter.
  4. “Call” the word as if it were lost in the forest: “li-si-tsa, doll-la, de-voch-ka”
  5. Divide the word into syllables with a vertical line. “li/si/tsa, kuk/la, de/voch/ka”
  6. Check again: “Each syllable must have one vowel, there must be as many syllables as there are vowels in the word.”

There are several techniques to help divide words into syllables:

  • clap, tap or walk a word syllable by syllable;
  • accompany the syllable pronunciation of the word by moving the hand from right to left and from left to right;

In different primers there are different options for dividing words into syllables. So in the ABC of the “School of Russia” set by the authors V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkin, L.A. Vinogradskaya and M.V. Boykina propose the following option for dividing a word into syllables: a solid vertical line separates the merging syllables SG from each other, consonants outside the syllables SG are separated by a dotted line:

In Bukvara L.E. Zhurova and A.O. Evdokimova uses a different model of dividing words into syllables - syllables are indicated by an arc under the word diagram.

In the ABC, which is included in the educational and methodological set “Perspective” (authors L.F. Klimanova and S.G. Makeeva), the following type of models of the sound composition of the word and division into syllables is used:

At this stage, the teacher needs to introduce children to stress and teach them to highlight the stressed sound in any word. It is with stress that word recognition begins. Stress is one of the main features of a word as a lexical unit. It combines sounds into a single phonetic word, the integrity of which depends both on the unifying force of the stressed word and on the properties of the unstressed parts. The general rhythmic structure of a word, which is determined by the number of syllables and the place of stress in the word, as well as the sound of the stressed syllable, play an important role in the processes of speech perception: they are one of the first signs with which word identification begins.

Stress in the Russian language is distinguished using three phonetic means: the duration of the stressed word (mainly the vowel sound included in the stressed syllable), the strength of the voice (the stressed syllable is pronounced louder than the unstressed one) and the quality of the stressed vowel (in the stressed syllable the vowel is pronounced with its main timbre, t .k. it is pronounced in isolation).

The ability to highlight stress in a word is also important for subsequent language acquisition at school (for example, spelling unstressed vowels.̕

After children have learned to distinguish a particular sound in a word intonationally, they need to learn to determine the number of sounds in a word and their sequence.

For example, the game “Guess”:

Children learn to determine the number of sounds in a word and come up with words with a given number of sounds.

The student is given a card with a number written on it. The student, without showing it to his friends, comes up with a word with the number of sounds corresponding to the indicated number. The rest must guess what number is written on the card. Or the student pronounces a word and asks his friends to determine the number of sounds.

Thus, in the preliterate period, familiarity with language as a sign system is preceded by familiarity with the simplest sign systems (road signs, symbol signs, etc.), which helps children better understand the substitutive function of a word (a word names an object, but is not such). During this period, the method of writing words using pictograms and diagrams is actively used, which makes it much easier for children to divide speech into semantic parts of words and sentences. A modeling method is formed - building a model of a sentence and a word, a model of a syllable structure and sound models of words.

The alphabet period of learning to read and write.

During the main (literary) stage of literacy training, students work with material from the second section of the “ABC”. The development of children's phonemic hearing continues, the sound analysis of words and the ability to denote sounds with letters are formed. Students master basic reading and writing, consolidate knowledge about words and sentences, their structure.

When teaching initial reading, a variety of analytical and synthetic exercises are used, presented in a playful visual form.

The training includes drawing (pictographic writing), entertaining puzzles - a unique way of graphically fixing a word.

To teach children to do sound-letter analysis of words, it is necessary to form in students a clear idea of ​​vowels, consonants, hard and soft sounds.

Vowel sounds get their name from the word “voice”. This is how the word “voice” used to be pronounced. When we pronounce vowel sounds, air flows freely through the mouth. Nothing “interferes” with these sounds - neither teeth, nor lips, nor tongue, and we only hear the voice. To make sure that their conclusions are correct, children “test” all the sounds as they pronounce them and observe whether anything in their mouth interferes with their pronunciation.

There are 6 vowel sounds in the Russian language [a], [o], [u], [s], [i], [e]. In Bukvara L.E. Zhurova and V.G. Goretsky's ABC, vowel sounds are denoted by a red square.

After consonants, the letters e, e, yu, i indicate the sounds [e], [o], [u], [a].

At the same time, children become familiar with vowel letters, there are 10 of them: a, o, u, s, i, e, e, e, yu, i.

At the initial stage, it is proposed to isolate the vowel sound from the syllable , for example: ah, us, ma, yes, kra, ast, angry. Tasks can be completed using a cut alphabet or a fan.

  • Raise the letter corresponding to the vowel sound of the syllable.
  • Come up with a syllable with the corresponding vowel
  • Determine the place of the vowel sound in the syllable and show the corresponding letter.
  • Come up with a syllable in which the vowel sound is in first, second or third place.

In ABC L.F. Klimanova and S.G. Makeeva, the following symbol is used to indicate a vowel sound: . An empty red bead shows that when pronouncing a vowel sound, air flows freely through the mouth without encountering obstacles.

By becoming familiar with consonant letters, children learn which letters represent them . When pronouncing consonant sounds, a stream of air encounters obstacles in its path: the tongue, lips, teeth, take the position necessary for a certain sound. The “Consonant Sounds” table will help you work with sound models of words.

By voicedness - deafness: all consonants are divided into two groups:

Voiced - [ b ] [ c ] [ d ] [ d ] [ z ] [ th ] [ l ] [ m ] [ n ] [ r ]

Voiceless - [p] [f] [k] [t] [s] [x] [ts] [h] [sch]

What is the difference between a voiceless and a voiced sound?

When pronouncing a voiced sound, the voice participates in its formation, and we hear noise. When pronouncing a dull sound, the voice does not participate in its formation, we hear noise. You can use the “put your hand to the throat” technique: when pronouncing voiced sounds, vibration occurs (“the throat trembles”), but when making dull sounds, this does not happen.

Most consonants can indicate two sounds: hard and soft.

By hardness - softness:

Soft - [b ̕] [v ̕] [g ̕] [d ̕] [z ̕] [k ̕] [l ̕] [m ̕] [n ̕] [p ̕] [r ̕] [s ̕]

[ t ̕ ] [ f ̕ ] [ x ̕ ]

Solid - [ b ] [ c ] [ g ] [ d ] [ h ] [ k ] [ l ] [ m ] [ n ] [ p ] [ r ] [ s ] [ t ] [ f ] [ x ]

Sounds [ й ̕] [ h ̕ ] [ ш ̕ ] - always soft

Sounds [zh] [ts] [sh] - always hard

To model sounds, children must be taught to distinguish hard and soft consonants from syllables and words. Learning through play arouses significant interest in children.

The traditional program (methodology of V.I. Goretsky) uses models - fusions of sounds. They may look like this: S+G - open syllables, G+S - closed syllables

Let's look at the sound analysis of the word fox:

  1. I read the word fox
  2. I divide it into syllables: li - sa, 2 vowels - 2 syllables
  3. The first syllable is li ( With log - merger (C+G) (the sound [and] denotes the softness of the consonant)
  4. The second syllable is sa (the syllable is a merger (C+G) (the sound [a] denotes the hardness of the consonant)
  5. Let's assemble a word model

Sound analysis is carried out using sound patterns over the entire range of sounds of the Russian language. The formation of sounds in patterns is motivated - it captures the articulatory and pronunciation features of speech sounds: the circle symbolizes the free passage of air when pronouncing vowels, and the crossbar and wavy line in the circle (bead) indicate obstacles that arise when pronouncing consonants. Along with this, an acrophonic method of writing words is used: each sound is indicated by a picture. Such models of words for sound analysis are used in the ABC of the educational complex “Perspective” by L.F. Klimanova and S.G. Makeeva:

Working with word models, children draw conclusions about how the word is structured and compare words by sound and meaning.

Successful learning requires repeated and varied use of modeling at different stages of work on concepts, as well as students’ assimilation of a conventional sign system and awareness of the appropriateness of its use. In almost every lesson, first-graders perform tasks that require the ability to model to solve cognitive and practical problems.

During the learning process, children learn to independently build sentence models, analyze the sound composition of a word, reflecting in the model the characteristics of sounds: vowel - consonant, stressed vowel - unstressed, hard consonant - soft, voiced - unvoiced. But since all these tasks are given in a varied playful form, first-graders complete them with pleasure. This makes the learning process interesting and exciting for children, while also providing a gentle adaptation to school learning.

Postliterate period of literacy training.

The main task of this period is to consolidate conscious reading skills and ensure the transition from syllable reading to reading in words. In addition, the ability to understand texts of different types is formed: scientific and artistic. Comparison of these texts allows children to conduct independent observations of the language of works of art and the use of words in literary texts.

The fastest synthesis of the visual image of a word with its meaning is facilitated by exercises to develop an accurate (differentiated) perception of the word, expanding the reading “field”, and performing a variety of logical, associative and lexico-grammatical exercises

Texts presented in visual and figurative form help children feel the rhythm, melody and imagery of the language of works of art, and realize the aesthetic function of language.

The use of diagrams and models allows students to better imagine educational material. Modeling acts as a means of visually representing objects and patterns of the material being studied. Purposeful work on teaching children to model is built throughout the entire period of learning to read and write and is a good foundation for further learning and a necessary element of educational action. The conscious introduction of modeling into the educational process brings it closer to the process of scientific knowledge, prepares schoolchildren to independently solve problems that arise before them, to independently obtain knowledge.

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The beautiful spring has arrived. The sun began to warm the earth. The first green grass appeared. Ice floes are floating along the river. The streams gurgle joyfully. Children launch boats. The buds have opened on the trees. Birds make nests.

Fox and squirrel.

A squirrel lived above the fox's hole. She jumped from branch to branch. The sly fox pretended to be dead. The squirrel began throwing pine cones at the fox. The fox didn't move. The squirrel is tired of playing. She hid in a hollow. The cunning fox lost his prey.

The beginning of spring.

Winter is leaving. The severe frosts are over. Warm spring days have arrived. I love being in the grove in the spring. A stream gurgled loudly near the old spruce tree. The dog Zhulka was running through the young grass.


There is ice on the river and snow in the forest. There are caps of snow on the tree. There is a hole under the tree. There's a raccoon sleeping there. There is a fox hole under the stump. She's not sleeping. There is a house of crossbills on a cedar branch. And then there are moose and deer. There is silence all around.


Shura has a puppy. The puppy is very small. He has a bushy tail. The puppy is kind and affectionate. Shura named him Druzhok.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Multi-level tasks for differentiated and individual work during the period of literacy training based on texts by Bakulina G.A.

Multi-level tasks for differentiated and individual work during the period of literacy training based on texts by Bakulina G.A. In my practice I use the method of “Intellectual Development of Primary Schools...

Literacy training. 1st grade. Methodological manual with lesson developments. Goretsky V.G., Belyankova N.M.

M.: 201 2. - 301 p.

This manual has been developed to help a teacher who implements in his practice the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, determined by the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO. The manual presents the scientific and methodological foundations of the course “Teaching Literacy” by authors V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkina, L.A. Vinogradskaya, M.V. Boykina and their implementation in teaching materials for 1st grade, calendar and thematic planning, methodological developments of all lessons.

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I. Scientific, methodological and conceptual foundations of the course “Teaching literacy” 3
II. Methodological features of the structure and content of the course “Teaching literacy” 4
Changes in the structure of textbook 4
Changes in the structure of lesson 6
Features of the updated subject content of textbook 12
The place of literacy courses in the curriculum. . 13
III. Calendar-thematic planning of literacy lessons 14
IV. Achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education (FSES NEO) using the means of educational complex "ABC" 26
Achieving personal results 26
Achieving meta-subject results 33
Achieving subject results 41
V. Methodological development of literacy lessons (integrated approach) 44
Pre-letter period (31 hours) 44
Letter period (120 hours) 96
Post-letter period (36 hours) 255

1st grade. 1st half of the year.

Letter period. Educational dictation No. 1.

Date: __________

Subject. Sound. Letter. Word.


state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge of the concepts of “sound”, “letter”, “word”; knowledge of vowels and consonants.

2. the ability to distinguish between the concepts of “sound”, “letter”, “word”; the ability to write one-syllable words from dictation, draw up a sound diagram of a word, isolate and characterize each sound in a word, and compose words from given letters.

Dictation text.

World, rice, juice, cat, volume, poppy, mouth, floor, lump, litter.(10 words)

(The teacher pronounces the words clearly, slowly)

Grammar tasks:

    Underline (highlight):

1st option– vowels in words with a dot;

2nd option- consonant letters in words in one straight line.

    Make sound patterns of words:

1st option- cat, whale.

2nd option – floor, drank

3*) Compose and write a word from letters:

1st option- oh, t, k.

2nd option- s, r, s.

1st grade. 1st half of the year.

Letter period. Educational dictation No. 2.

Date: __________

Subject. Syllable. Word. Offer.

Target: identify the level of compliance of students’ knowledge of learning

state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge of the concepts of “syllable”, “word”, “sentence”; about the sound analysis of a word, about the spelling of the first word in a sentence with a capital letter, a period at the end of a sentence.

2. the ability to distinguish between the concepts of “syllable”, “word”, “sentence”; draw up a sentence diagram, divide the word into syllables and determine the number of syllables; perform sound analysis of a word, the ability to select a word to a sound-letter diagram.

3. commentary writing skill.

Dictation text.

Mouse and mole.

The mouse was digging a hole. Then he hears a knock. She opened the window. And there's a mole.(15 words).

Grammar tasks:

    make a diagram:

1st option- first sentence.

2nd option- second sentence.

    divide the words into syllables:

1st option- in the first sentence.

2nd option- in the second sentence.

3*) choose a word for the diagram from the dictation and write it down.

1st option
2nd option -

1st grade. 1st half of the year.

Letter period. Educational dictation No. 3.

Date: __________

Subject. Offer.

Target: identify the level of compliance of students’ knowledge of learning

state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

    knowledge about the concept of “sentence”, about spelling the first word in a sentence with a capital letter, periods at the end of a sentence, knowledge about hard and soft consonants.

    the ability to formulate a proposal in writing, determine the number of sentences in the text.

the ability to distinguish and identify hard consonants and soft consonants, the ability to select colorful definitions for the word snow.

3.skill of commentary writing.

Dictation text.


Winter has come. Fluffy snow fell. The children were happy. Good in winter!(11 words).

Grammar tasks:

    count how many sentences you have written down. Label with a number.

    Underline hard consonants with a blue pencil, soft consonants, vowels with a red pencil:

1st option – in a word winter.

2nd option – in a word snow.

3*) select and write down colorful definitions:

1st option – By the way, snow.

2nd option - By the way, winter.

1st grade. 1st half of the year.

Letter period. Educational dictation No. 4.

Date: __________

Subject. Spelling combinations – zhi-, -shi-.

Target: identify the level of compliance of students’ knowledge of learning

state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge of the spelling of vowels after sibilants.

2. the ability to create sound-letter schemes for words with combinations - zhi-, - shi-.

3. skill of commented writing, skill of spelling words with -zhi-,

Dictation text.


Nice winter days! Fluffy snow covered the ground. Petya took the skis. He hurries up the hill.(15 words).

Grammar tasks:

    find the word with spellings zhi, shi consonants and And w underline the vowel with two lines And highlight with a dot.

1st option – in the first sentence.

2nd option – in the second sentence.

    make a sound-letter diagram for the word:

1st option – skis.

2nd option – puddles.

3*) what other words do you know with the combinations –zhi-,

Shi-? Write it down.

1st grade. 1st half of the year.

Letter period. Educational dictation No. 5.

Date: __________

Subject. Capital letters in first names, last names and animal names.

Target: identify the level of compliance of students’ knowledge of learning

state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge of the spelling of names, surnames, animal names with a capital letter

2. the ability to write words with spellings in the studied range

3. the skill of commentary writing, the skill of spelling names, surnames, and animal names with a capital letter.

Dictation text.


Slava had a cat. The cat's name was Barsik. Slava loved to play with Barsik.(13 words).

Grammar tasks:

    extract from the text:

1st option – boy's name

2nd option - the cat's name.

    find words with spellings in the text:

1st option –- zhi-, -shi- and underline them.

2nd option - word with a soft sign and underline it.

3*) find errors, correct them, write the sentence correctly:

1st option - Doctor Aibolit had a dog, Avva, and an owl, Bumba.

2nd option –They also had a Burenka chicken, a Murka dog, two goats Sivka and a Burka.

1st grade. 1st half of the year.

Letter period. Educational dictation No. 6.

Date: __________

Subject. Spelling cha, sha.


Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge of the spelling of vowels after sibilant ch, shch.

2. the ability to write words with combinations cha, shcha.

3. the ability to create sound-letter diagrams for words with spellings cha, shcha.

Dictation text.


Natasha had guests. She treated them to tea. Natasha poured tea into cups. Good hostess Natasha!(17th word).

Grammar tasks:

    Find words in the text with the spellings cha, sha, underline them.

2) make a sound-letter diagram for catching a “cup”

3*) Write down 2.3 words with the combinations –cha-, -chu-.

1st grade. 1st half of the year.

Letter period. Educational dictation No. 7.

Date: __________

Subject. Spelling a soft sign at the end of a word.

Target: to identify the level of compliance of students’ educational qualifications with state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge of the spelling of a soft sign at the end of a word.

2. the ability to write words with a soft sign.

3. the ability to create sound-letter diagrams of words with a soft sign, the ability to determine the number of letters and sounds in words with a soft sign.

Dictation text.


Yura is seven years old. He goes to first grade. Dad bought his son a briefcase. There are a pencil case, a notebook, and an ABC book.. (18 words).

Grammar tasks:

    Find words with a soft sign in the text, write them down, underline the soft sign.

    make a sound-letter diagram for the word bear, determine how many letters and how many sounds there are in this word.

3) write down the words with a soft sign that you know, highlight the soft sign.

1st grade. 1st half of the year.

Letter period. Educational dictation No. 8.

Date: __________

Subject. Separating soft sign.

Target: to identify the level of compliance of students’ educational qualifications with state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge about the role of the soft separating sign.

2. skill in writing words with a soft sign.

3. the ability to create sound-letter diagrams for a word with a soft separating sign, the ability to determine the number of letters and sounds.

Dictation text.

Winter evening.

It's bitterly cold outside. And the house is warm. The coals are smoldering in the stove. Vaska the cat went to sleep in the corner.(19 words).

Grammar tasks:

1) find words in the text with a soft separating sign, underline it.

2) make a sound-letter diagram for the word coals. Determine the number of letters and sounds in this word.

3) change the words so that a soft separator appears in them.

(leaf - leaves, feather - ..., ear - ..., wing - ..., chair - ..., ant - ...)

1st grade. 1st half of the year.

Letter period. Educational dictation No. 9.

Date: __________

Subject. Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants.

Target: to identify the level of compliance of students’ educational qualifications with state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge about paired consonants

2. the ability to write words with voiced consonants that are deafened at the end of the word.

3. ability to select test words.

Dictation text.

Forest in winter.

The forest's winter attire is beautiful. There is snow on the paws of the fir trees. There is snow fluff on the branches of birch trees. The oak tree is covered in snow.(21 words).

Grammar tasks:

1) select test words for the words: outfit, snow, oak.

2) find the mistake, correct it, write it down correctly: dove, bread, gorot, pond, berek.

3*) Underline in the proverb the words in which a voiceless consonant is heard at the end, but a voiced consonant is written.

“Snow in the fields - bread in the bins.”

1st grade. 1st half of the year.

Letter period. Educational dictation No. 10.

For the 1st half of the year.

Date: __________

Target: to identify the level of compliance of students’ educational qualifications with state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. ability to write from dictation and formulate sentences.

2. the skill of writing names with a capital letter, words with a separating soft sign.

3. the ability to identify vowels and consonants in a word, divide a word into syllables, determine the number of syllables in a word, and the ability to determine the stressed sound in a word.

Dictation text.


Mitya took the sled. He goes up the hill. There are children there. The boy carries Katyusha. Good in winter!(15 words)

Grammar tasks:

1) divide the word into syllables

1st option – Katyusha.

2nd option- Mitya.

2) underline the consonants with one line (-), highlight the vowels with a dot (.)

1st option – sled.

2nd option- slide.

3*) which word has more letters than sounds?

1st option – elephant, cow, bear.

2nd option- giraffe, dog, horse.

Educational dictation No. 1.

(under the sections “Let’s be friends with literacy!”, “Here come the frosts”)


Target: to identify the level of compliance of students’ educational qualifications with state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge about the concepts of “word”, “sentence”, about the spelling of the first word in a sentence with a capital letter, periods at the end of the sentence.

2. ability to write from dictation, formulate sentences correctly (capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, period at the end of a sentence); the ability to determine the number of words in a sentence, draw up a sentence outline, compose and write a sentence from these words, determine the sign at the end of a sentence (period, exclamation mark, question mark).

Dictation text.


Nastya came from school. Mom was at home. Nastya sat down at the table. She read a fairy tale. Mom was happy.(18 words).

Grammar tasks:

    Count and write down the number of words in the sentence, draw up a diagram of the sentence:

1st option– first sentence;

2nd option- third proposal.

2) Write down the sentence and put a sign (● ! ?) at the end of the sentence

1st option– How old are you□

2nd option- What's your name□

3*) Compose and write a sentence from the words:

1st option– running, spring, streams;

2nd option- fall, autumn, leaves.

1st grade. 2nd half of the year. Post-literary period.

Educational dictation No. 2.

(under the section “We know how to value friendship”)


Target: to identify the level of compliance of students’ educational qualifications with state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge of the spelling b at the end of a word and in the middle of a word, knowledge of the concept of “syllable” and the method of dividing a word into syllables;

2. the ability to distinguish between the concepts of “sound”, “letter”, “syllable”; determine the number of letters and sounds in words with b, the ability to divide words into syllables

3. the skill of commented writing, the skill of using spellings in writing in the studied range.

Dictation text.

In winter.

The guys go into the forest. They carry food for the birds. It's quiet in the forest. The oak tree has an old stump. He's covered in snow. The furry animal jumped onto the spruce.(26 words).

Grammar tasks:

    write out words with b from the dictation and count how many letters and sounds there are in the word.

1st option- stump.

2nd option– beast.

    divide the words into syllables:

1st option- guys, forest.

2nd option- fluffy, snow.

3*) what kind of animal do you think jumped onto the spruce? Why do you think so? Write down the answer.

1st grade. 2nd half of the year. Post-literary period.

Educational dictation No. 3.

(under the section “In the world of a good fairy tale”)


Target: to identify the level of compliance of students’ educational qualifications with state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

2. the ability to compose words from given syllables, select test words for words with a voiced consonant at the end of the word.

3. the skill of commented writing, the skill of using spellings in writing in the studied range.

Dictation text.

Smart dog.

Alyosha has a dog. The boy named her Chapa. Chapa is sleeping on the porch. She guards the house.(17 words).

Grammar tasks:

1) Divide the words for hyphenation:

1st option– Dog, big, flock.

2nd option- Cow, porch, watering can.

2) Insert the missing letters, underline the spelling.

1st option- Baby..., cloud..., sh...ka.

2nd option- Ski..., tasks..., sch...ka.

3*) Write down the names in alphabetical order:

1st option- Yasha, Fedya, Tanya, Andrey.

2nd option– Sasha, Nina, Zina, Arthur.

Educational dictation No. 4.

(under sections “Magic words”, “Our good deeds”)


Target: to identify the level of compliance of students’ educational qualifications with state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge of the spelling of spellings zhi, shi, cha, sha, chu, schu; knowledge of the concepts of “voiced consonants at the end of a word”;

2. the ability to write your last name and first name with a capital letter. Choose words for questions what? Who? Compose and write a sentence from these words.

3. the skill of commented writing, the skill of using spellings in writing in the studied range.

Dictation text.


Alyosha brought home a puppy. The puppy was given the nickname Bim. Bim ate milk, bread, soup. Soon he became a big dog. Friends often played in the park.

(24 words) .

For information: brought it, puppy.

Grammar tasks:

1) Write down your first and last name.

2) Write down 3 words that answer the question:

1st option - Who?

2nd option- What?

3*)Make a sentence from these words and write it down.

1st option – Rabbit, once upon a time, was very polite.

2nd option– Politeness hasn’t hurt anyone yet.

1st grade. 2nd half of the year. After the alphabetic period.

Educational dictation No. 5

(under the sections “Spring is coming! Spring is coming!”, “Our friendly family”)


Target: to identify the level of compliance of students’ educational qualifications with state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge of spelling orthograms in the studied range.

2. the ability to distinguish between words objects, words signs, words actions. Match words with signs to these words. Find the missing word in a sentence. Distribute these words according to the questions What does it do? Which? Which? What?

3. the skill of commented writing, the skill of using spellings in writing in the studied range.

Dictation text.


It's good in the forest in summer! We walk through thick, lush grass. There are flowers all around. Bumblebees are buzzing. A bee sat on a flower. There is a pile of loose earth near the path. This is a mole hole.(27 words).

Grammar tasks:

1) Match the words signs to the word

1st option: grass

2nd option:Earth

2) Fill in the missing word

1st option:The hare _ _ _ from the evil wolf.

2nd option:The prickly hedgehog _ _ _ curled up into a ball.

3*) Distribute the words according to the questions What does it do? Which? Which? What?

1st option:the sun is shining, bright.

2nd option:fast, flowing, stream.

1st grade. 2nd half of the year. After the alphabetic period.

Control dictation No. 6

(under the section “My land, my native land!”)

Date: 04/29/11

Target: to identify the level of compliance of students’ educational qualifications with state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge about the concept of “preposition”, about the spelling of prepositions.

2. the ability to identify prepositions, select missing prepositions in given sentences. Compose and write sentences from these words.

3. the skill of commented writing, the skill of using spellings in writing in the studied range.

Dictation text.


It's a warm summer day. A large cloud is floating across the sky. Then a strong thunder struck. The first drops fell to the ground. It began to rain. Where to run? Vasya and Yulia took refuge under a canopy. (29 words).

Grammar tasks:

    Find the preposition in the sentence and highlight it Δ.

1st option:A large cloud is floating across the sky.

2nd option:The first drops fell to the ground.

    Insert the correct preposition

1st option:Spring streams ring... through the trees.

2nd option:Bird cherry blossoms... in the edges.

3*) Make sentences from words, highlight the preposition:

1st option:Tree, bird, on, sings.

2nd option:Kennel, dog, in, lives.

1st grade. 2nd half of the year. After the alphabetic period.

Control cheating.


Target: to identify the level of compliance of students’ educational qualifications with state standards.

Checked ZUNs:

1. knowledge of the concepts: sound, letter, stressed vowel, unstressed vowel, hard consonant, soft consonant, syllable, word.

2. the ability to form words from syllables, distinguish between vowels and consonants, hard consonants from soft consonants. Perform sound-letter analysis of a word.

3. the skill of commented writing, the skill of using spellings in writing in the studied range.

Text for copying.

In the forest.

The boys Yura and Vanya go into the forest. The dog Bimka is running nearby. Red squirrels are jumping along the branches. There is a hole under the tree. Gray hedgehogs took refuge there.(25 words.)

Grammar tasks:

    Add the syllables to make words:

1st option:peck..., me...

2nd option:tea..., cap...

    Underline the soft consonants in the word:

1st option:girl

2nd option:boy.

3*) Make a sound-letter diagram for the word:

1st option:yurt

2nd option:pit.

Goretsky V.G., Kiryushkin V.A., Fedosova N.A. Methodological guide to teaching literacy and writing. Teacher's book

M.: Education, 2003. - 107 p.
The manual reveals a methodological system for teaching literacy based on the latest data from linguistic and pedagogical science, and offers lesson developments.
The “Russian ABC” is based on the creative use of theoretical principles, which are embodied in the stable textbooks “Bukvar” and “ABC”.

Goretsky V.G., Kiryushkin V.A., Shanko A.F. Didactic material for literacy lessons

M.: Education, 1982. - 63 p.
The manual contains a variety of materials that complement the pages of the primer. It gives first-graders the opportunity to practice reading and syllable-sound analysis of words, and the development of oral speech.
Arranged in strict accordance with a specific letter of the primer, the didactic material can be used in its entirety or selectively both in the classroom and for independent reading at home.

Krylova O.I. Literacy flashcards

78 pp.
Cards for teaching literacy to the textbook by V. G. Goretsky and others “Russian ABC” Contains a variety of tasks for the development of fine motor skills, attention, memory and logical thinking; enriches vocabulary; meets the educational standard.

Krylova O.N. Literacy flashcards. 1st class

To the textbook by V.G. Goretsky and others. "ABC. 1st grade. In 2 parts." — 11th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Exam, 2015. - 79 p. — ISBN 978-5-377-08722-9.

Goretsky V.G., Fedosova N.A. Copybooks. 1st class

14th ed. - M.: Education, 2012. - 32 p.

Download part 1
Download part 2
Download part 3
Download part 4

Ilyukhina V.A. Miracle copybook. In 4 parts. 1st class

M.: Education, 2010. - 32 p.*4 Download

Goretsky V., Miseria E., Tamarina E. Copy. Part 1

M.: AST, Astrel, 2009. - 32 p.

Calendar and thematic planning for "ABC" V.G. Goretsky and others


Lesson planning for "ABC" V.G. Goretsky and others


Ignatieva T.V. Lesson-based developments for teaching literacy. 1st class

To the textbook of Goretsky V.G. etc. "ABC". — 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Exam, 2012. - 480 p. Download

Goretsky V.G., Belyankova N.M. Literacy training. Methodological manual with lesson developments. 1st class

Manual for teachers. - M.: Education, 2012. - 301 p. Download

Work program.

Literacy teaching, author. V.G. Goretsky,
Russian language, author. V.P. Kanakina Download

Technological maps for Literacy, 1st grade

  • Technological map No. 1
  • Technological map No. 2
  • Technological map No. 3

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