How to translate from English see you


see (si:) v (saw; seen)

1) see; look, look; observe;

to see well

2) inspect; consider;

to see the sights;

let me see the book (cf. also 12))

3) understand, know; to be aware;

I see I understand;

you see, it is like this;

he cannot see the joke;

now you see what it is to be careless

as far as I can see as far as I can judge;

don't you see? don't you understand?;

I don’t see how to do it I don’t know how to do it"

4) watch ( movie etc. ), to be a spectator"

5) find out, find out;"

I don"t know but I"ll see I don’t know, but I’ll find out"

6) count, find;"

to see good ( or fit, proper, right, etc. ) consider it necessary ( do sth.; c inf. )"

7) imagine, imagine;"

I can clearly see him doing it

8) see (s); visit;

we went to see her;

when will you come and see us? when will you come to us?;

can I see you on business? Can I see you on business?

9) meet, see each other;

we have not seen each other for ages;

to see much (little) of smb. often (rarely) be in someone's society;

I"ll be seeing you;

see you later ( or again, soon) see you soon

10) accept ( visitor);

the doctor must see him at once

I am seeing no one today

11) consult, consult;

to see a doctor (a lawyer)

12) think, reflect;"

let me see let me think; excuse me, wait (cf. also 2));"

we must see what could be done

13) adhere to a certain view;

as I see it in my opinion;

I see life (things) differently now

14) experience, experience;"

to see life to see the light, to experience life"

15) consider acceptable, acceptable

16) take care ( about smth.); look ( for smth.);

to see the work done, to see that the work is done

17) see off;

may I see you home? Can I take you home?

see about

a) take care of smth.; keep an eye on smb.;

b) think;

I will see about it, I’ll think about it, I’ll see;"

see after watch, follow smb.;

see after the luggage;

see into delve into, understand, examine;

see off see off;

to see smb. off at the station to see someone off to the station;

to see smb. off the premises to send someone out;

a) carry out ( to the door);

b) survive; live up to;

c) bring to the end;

d) wait until the end;

see over inspect ( building);

see through

a) see through;

b) bring to the end;

to see smb. through smth. help someone in smb.;

see to look after, take care of see here! Amer. listen!;

to see visions to be clairvoyant, seer;

he will never see forty again he is already over forty;

to see eye to eye with smb. to see eye to eye with someone;

to see the back of smb. get rid of someone presence;

to see red to become furious, to become furious;"

to see the red light to sense the approach of danger, trouble;

to see service to be in long use; wear out; see service;

he has seen better days;

these things have seen better days, these things are worn out, frayed;"

I"ll see you damned ( or blowed first! ≅ as if it weren’t so!, keep your pocket wider!, and I won’t think about it!

see (si:) n

1) diocese

2) throne ( bishop etc. );

the Holy S., S. of Rome papal throne


I(si:) n church

1. diocese

2. throne

3. rank of bishop

4. papacy

the Holy See, the See of Rome - papal throne

II(si:) v (saw; ~n)

to ~ well (poorly) - to see well (badly)

cats ~ well at night - cats see well at night / in the dark /

he can't ~ - he doesn't see, he's blind

I can"t ~ as far as that - I’m on this far away I don't see

to ~ nothing - see nothing

I looked but saw nothing - I looked but saw nothing

2. 1) look, see

to ~ a play (a film) - watch a play (film)

I saw this him last year - I saw this film last year

I saw an interesting story the other day - the other day I caught my eye interesting story

have you ~n today's paper? - have you seen today's newspaper?

did you ~ about her death in the paper? - did you read the notice of her death in the newspapers?

let me ~ that letter - show me this letter, let me look at this letter

to ~ smth. with one's own eyes - to see something with one's own eyes

all this took place in the street, where all could ~ - all this happened on the street in front of everyone

he is not fit to be ~n - he is in such a form that he cannot appear in public

what sort of man is he to ~? - what does he look like?

~, here he comes! - look /see/, here he comes!

2) cope, watch

~ page four - see page 4

~ (as) above - see above

3. imagine

I can"t ~ you old - I can’t imagine you old

to ~ everything black - see everything in black light

to ~ things wrong - it is wrong to judge something.

to ~ things as they are - look at things correctly

I don"t ~ it in this light - I look at it differently

as I ~ it - as it seems to me /seems/

4. find, discover

I can ~ no faults in him - I don’t see/don’t find/ any faults in him

I ~ no alternative /no way out/ - I don’t see any other way /exit/

I don"t know what you can ~ in her - I don’t know what you find in her

to ~ oneself in one's children - recognize yourself in your children

5. understand, realize

to ~ a joke (the meaning, a point in discussion)- understand the joke (meaning, essence of the dispute)

he can't ~ a joke - he doesn't understand jokes, he has no sense of humor

I ~ what you mean - I understand what you mean / what you want to say /

I ~ what you are driving at - I understand what you’re getting at

I ~ it to be a fraud - I consider it a fraud

now do you ~? - Do you understand now?

I~! - I understand!, clearly!

~? - decomposition It's clear?

that is easy to ~ - it’s easy / not difficult / to understand

don"t /can"t/ you ~ I"m tired? - don’t you understand that I’m tired?

I ~ no reason why we should despair - I see no reason for despair

it "s like this, you ~ - you see, this is the case

I ~ that you have changed your mind - I see that you have changed your mind

this is how I ~ it - that's how I look at it

~ what you've done! - look what you've done!

~ what courage can do! - that's what courage means!

to ~ for oneself - make sure ( in smb.) himself

go and ~ for yourself if you don"t believe me - if you don’t believe me, go see for yourself

I can"t ~ the good of it! - what is this for?

not to ~ the use (the good, the advantage) of doing smth. - doubt the feasibility (in favor, in advantage) something

I don"t ~ the good of getting angry - don’t get angry

I don"t ~ the use of crying - it’s useless to cry; in vain (you) cry

6. experience, experience ( smb.); collide ( with smth.)

he has ~n a good deal in his (long) life - he has seen / experienced / a lot in his lifetime

I never saw such rudeness - I have never encountered such rudeness

I have ~n war at close quarters - I experienced firsthand what war is

he first saw fire at Berlin - he received a baptism of fire near Berlin

to have ~n better days - a) to know better times; become poor; b) become worn out, worn out, lose freshness ( about things)

this coat of mine has ~n hard wear - my coat is pretty worn out

the nineteenth century saw the rise of our literature - the nineteenth century witnessed the rise of our literature

this place has ~n many changes - a lot of changes have happened here

7. see each other, meet

he ~s a great deal of the Smiths - he often visits the Smiths

he is much ~n in society - he happens a lot in society

we ~ less of him in winter - in winter we see him less often

I haven"t ~n you for /in/ ages - I haven’t seen you for ages

when shall I ~ you again? - when will we meet again?

~you on Thursday! - see you Thursday!

I shall ~ you again soon, Amer. I"ll be ~ing you - see you soon

8. find out; find out

~ who it is - look / find out / who it is

~ if the postman has come - look / find out / if the postman has come

I don"t know but I"ll ~ - I don’t know, but I’ll go and find out

~ if you can get an evening paper - go find out if you can get an evening newspaper

I ~ in the papers that... - from the newspapers I learned / they write in the newspapers / that...

9. ponder

I"ll ~ what can be done - I’ll think / see / what can be done

~ what you can do - think about what can be done

will you come to dinner tomorrow? - Well, I "ll ~ - will you come to dinner tomorrow? - I’ll think about it / Maybe we’ll see there /

well, we"ll ~ - let's see, think, we'll see

that remains to be ~n, we shall ~ - (this) is still unknown, time will tell

let me ~ - wait, wait, let me think

let me ~, what was I saying? - wait / wait /, what was I talking about?

now, then, let"s ~ - well (okay), now we’ll see

10. inspect, examine ( etc.~over)

to ~ a flat before taking it - inspect the apartment before moving into it

we want to ~ over the house - we want to inspect this house

to have smb. ~ one's work - ask someone to look at the work

I want you to ~ my new coat - I want you to look at my new coat

the doctor ought to ~ him at once - the doctor should examine him now

11. rare allow, permit

you cannot ~ your sister starve without trying to help her - you won’t let your sister starve and try to help her

12. kart. accept the challenge

1. inspect ( attractions)

to ~ the sights (the town) - sightseeing (city attractions)

Americans manage to ~ Oxford in a few hours - Americans manage to explore Oxford in a few hours

2. 1) contact ( for advice, consultation, etc.)

to ~ a doctor (a lawyer) - contact (for advice) a doctor (a lawyer)

you ought to ~ a doctor immediately - you should immediately contact /show/ a doctor

I must ~ a lawyer about filing my suit - I need to consult a lawyer about taking the case to court

I wanted to ~ you on business - I wanted to talk / consult / with you on business

~ him about the book - talk to him about this book

2) receive, be at the reception ( on business, etc.)

to manage to ~ an official - get a reception from an official

to refuse to ~ smb. - refuse to accept smb.

the rector can"t ~ anyone today - today the rector does not accept anyone

she can"t be ~n now - now she can’t be seen

3. Amer. provide ( word)

I~Mr. Brown - the floor is given to Mr. Brown

1. to ~ about smth. take care of, think about smth.; to keep an eye on, to keep an eye on smth.

to ~ about a house (dinner) - take care of housing (dinner)

I must ~ about a new curtain for this room - I need to think about a new curtain for this room

who will ~ about the tickets? - who will take care of the tickets?

I"ll ~ about it - a) I’ll do this, I take it upon myself; b) I’ll think / look /

he promised to ~ about the matter - he promised to take up this issue

2. to ~ to smth., smb. keep an eye on, look after smth., someone, take care of smth., someone.

to ~ to the house - look after the house, do housekeeping

to ~ to the children - look after the children

we will ~ to everything - we will take care of everything

to ~ to the business - take care of business

I"ll ~ to the tickets - a) I will deal with the tickets; b) I will cover the expenses, I will pay for the tickets

I shall ~ to it - I’ll do it, I’ll take it upon myself

to ~ to all the locks and doors - check all the locks and doors

next morning he came in to ~ to Martha - the next morning he came in to look after Martha

3. to ~ after smb., smth.

1) to look after, look after someone or something.

I am going to ~ after the children - I will look after the children

who will ~ after the house when you are gone? - who will look after the house when you leave?

2) take care of smb., sth.

to ~ after one "s own (smb."s) interests - take care of one’s (someone’s) interests

4. to ~ about doing smth. see to it that sth. was done

to ~ about packing (ordering a car) - make sure things are packed (to order a car)

you must ~ about getting him a coat - you must make sure he has a coat

5. to ~ smb. to some place accompany, accompany smb. somewhere

to ~ smb. home (to the door, as far as the station)- to see someone off home (to the door, to the station)

let me ~ you home - let me take you home

to ~ smb. into a train (on board a ship) - put someone on board. by train (by boat)

6. to ~ into smth.

1) study something; figure out smth.

to ~ into a matter (an affair) - to study something. question (some matter)

the lawyer will ~ into your claim - the lawyer will consider your claim

2) to peer, to penetrate with one’s gaze into something.

to try and ~ into the future- try to predict the future

to ~ into smb."s motives - unravel someone's plans

7. to ~(to it)that look, see to it that smth. was done

~ to it that the things are packed by three o"clock - make sure everything is packed by 3 o'clock

you must ~ to it that the children are fed properly - you should make sure that the children are well fed

I"ll ~ (to it) that nothing goes wrong (that nothing has been neglected)- I'll make sure everything is okay (so you don't forget anything)

~ that he comes in time - make sure he comes on time

you will ~ that he has all he needs - you must make sure that he has everything he needs

8. to ~ smth. done do something, try to do something. was done

to ~ smth. rebuilt (/lang] - rebuild (change) smth.

the house that I should like to ~ rebuilt - the house that I would like to rebuild

9. to go /to come, to call/ and ~ smb., to go /to come, to call/ to ~ smb. visit smb., come to sb.

go and ~ him - go to him, visit him

come up and ~ me some time - come see me someday

he called to ~ us - he came to visit us

10. to ~ across smth. translate, accompany ( across the street, etc.)

ask a grown-up person to ~ you across the road - ask one of the adults to take you across the street

~here! - Amer. listen!

wait and ~! - you'll see!, you'll see again!

~ and don't do it - look don't do it

~ and don't miss the train - make sure you don't miss the train

as far as I can ~, from what I can ~ - for my reasons, as it seems to me

to ~ life /the world/ - a) acquire life experience; b) sl. have fun, revel

to ~ visions - to be clairvoyant /seer/

to ~ the back of smb. - get rid of someone; get rid of smb. presence

to ~ the last of smth., smb. - to finish with something, with someone, to get rid of something, from someone.

I shall be glad to ~ the last of this job - I will be glad to get rid of this job

I hope we have ~n the last of him - I hope that we got rid of him

to ~ no further than one's nose - not to see further than your nose

to ~ through a brick wall - see through; ≅ see three arshins into the ground

to ~ one "s way to do /doing/ smth. - see the opportunity to do sth.

can"t ~ my way to get the book - I don’t see the opportunity / don’t know how / to get this book

he will never ~ forty again - he has long since passed forty

~ you in church - Amer. sl. see you soon!, bye!

(he) saw you coming - ≅ a simpleton is visible a mile away

to ~ things - hallucinate

to ~ smb. about his business - drive away /throw out/ someone, get rid of someone.

to ~ through a glass darkly cm. darkly 5

Translation of words containing SEE, from English into Russian

New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan

see off


(ʹsi:ʹɒf) phrv

1. 1) see off ( leaving)

to see smb. off at the station (by train, by boat) - to see someone off. to the station (by train, by boat)

I want smb. to see me off - I want someone to see me off

2) see off ( to the door, to the exit)

to see smb. off the premises - to see someone off. to the door /to the exit/

3) send him away

to see smb. off the place - to send someone away.

2. sl. scold, reprimand; reprimand ( to smb.)

see out


(ʹsi:ʹaʋt) phrv

1. 1) = see off 1, 2)

he saw me out (of) the room - he walked me to the door

don"t bother to come down, I can see myself out - don’t go downstairs, I’ll close the door behind me

2) = see off 1, 3)

2. sit until the end ( performance, etc.)

to see a match out - see out until the end of the match

to ~ a long play - watch to the end long performance

3. bring ( smb.) to the (successful) end

whatever happens I will see the struggle out - no matter what happens, I will fight to the end

4. survive ( someone)

he will see us all out! - he will outlive us all!

5. rare drink more (others)

see through


(ʹsi:θru:) phrv

1. to be, to be present ( somewhere) to the end

to see the operation through - be present until the end of the operation

to see the war through - fight the entire war

2. bring ( smb.) to the end

to see a business through - bring the matter to a (successful) end

he saw it through - a) he brought it (the matter) to the end; b) he stood firm until the end

depend on him to see things through - rely on him - he will bring everything to the end / will not abandon the matter halfway /

3. help, support ( ordinary in trouble, in difficult times)

I was sure he would see me through - a) I was sure that he would not leave me / support me / (in difficult times); b) I was sure that he would help me out of trouble

4. unravel, recognize ( someone, something), see through ( someone)

to ~ smb."s plans (smb."s tricks) - figure out someone's. plans (tricks)

I ~ your little game - your cunning is clear to me

the tricks are easily seen through - these tricks are sewn with white thread

to ~ smb. - see someone through

to ~ smb."s disguise - recognize someone's true face.



1. (si:d) n

1. 1) seed, grain; seed

~s of an apple - apple seeds

pomegranate ~ - pomegranate seed

2) collected seeds

disease-treated ~ - agricultural treated/disinfected/ seeds

to be kept for /as/ ~ - to be left for seeds

to keep onions for ~ - store onions for seeds

going to ~ - agricultural put to seed; suitable for seeds ( see also}

~ potato - seed potatoes

~ stock - seed fund

~ year - agricultural seed year; year, fruitful for seeds

~ farming - seed farming, seed production

~ certification - agricultural seed testing, seed control

flowers raised from ~ - flowers grown from seeds

2. specialist. sperm

3. tk. pl sowing, sown land, land under sowing

4. sublime offspring; descendant generation, tribe

the ~ of Abraham - bib. Abraham's seed

to raise up ~ - to have offspring

and all those of his ~ - and all his tribe

5. source, beginning

the ~s of war - seeds of war

the ~s of decay (of disease, of enmity) - causes of destruction (illness, enmity)

to (im)plant in smb. the ~s of love (of hate) - to plant in someone. soul seeds of love (hate)

to sow the ~s of strife /of discord/ - sow discord

- “See You” Sencillo de Depeche Mode del álbum A Broken Frame Lado B Now This is Fun Formato Disco de vinilo de 7 y 12 CD desde 1991 Grabación 1981 Género(… Wikipedia Español

See You- Single par Depeche Mode extrait de l'album Speak and Spell Face A See You Face B Now, This Is Fun Sortie 29 January 1982 Enregistre … Wikipédia en Français

See You- Infobox Single Name = See You Artist = Depeche Mode from Album = A Broken Frame B side = Now, This is Fun Released = January 29 1982 Format = Vinyl record (7 and 12), CD (1991 box set) Recorded = December 1981 Genre = Synthpop Length = 7 3:55 12 ... Wikipedia

see you- spoken used for saying goodbye to someone who you know when you expect to see them again soon Bye, Tom. See you, sweetheart! …English dictionary

See You As I Do- Infobox Album | Name = See You As I Do Type = Studio album Artist = Trijntje Oosterhuis Released = October 9, 2005 Recorded = Studio Traincha (Amsterdam) Genre = Pop Length = 62:02 Producer = James Hallawell, Trijntje Oosterhuis Label = EMI... ... Wikipedia

See you.- AND See ya. interj. Good bye. □ Good game, Tom. See ya. □ See you, old chum. Give me a ring... Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

see you- goodbye for now but I will see you again in the future…

See you!- Goodbye!, See you later!, Farewell! ... English contemporary dictionary

see you!- Good bye! ... A concise dictionary of English slang

SEE YOU- …Useful english dictionary

See You Next Wednesday- is a fictional film that is the trademark of film director John Landis. He includes a reference to it in most of the movies he directs, usually as a movie poster for the film in the background. Each version of See You Next Wednesday never looks... ... Wikipedia


  • I See You, Mackintosh Clare. "[A] well-told suspense story... refreshingly realistic." - The New York Times Book Review" Danger feels real in the brilliant I See You...Mackintosh seems destined to do important work for many... Buy for RUR 1,166
  • I See You, Mackintosh Clare. When Zoe Walker sees her photo in the classifieds section of a London newspaper, she is determined to find out why it"s there. There"s no explanation, no website, just a grainy image and a…

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “SEE YOU” in dictionaries.

  • SEE YOU — goodbye for now but I will see you again in the future
  • SEE YOU! — Goodbye!, See you later!, Farewell!
    Dictionary English language- Editorial bed
  • SEE YOU - see you / see your match your bet, bet as much as you did I"ll see your $50 and raise ...
    English Idioms vocabulary
  • SEE YOU - Hello
  • SEE YOU! - Goodbye!
    American English-Russian Dictionary
  • SEE YOU! - Goodbye!
    American English-Russian Dictionary
  • SEE YOU!
  • SEE YOU! - goodbye!, see you!, see you!
    English-Russian-dictionary - Bed release
  • SEE YOU - expr excl infml See you - Well, come on, bye See you in the slot machine - See you in the same place See ...
  • SEE YOU - expr excl infml See you - Well, come on, bye See you in the slot machine - See you there...
  • SEE YOU — see you expr excl infml See you Well, come on, bye See you in the slot machine See you there...
  • SEE YOU - See you - Well, come on, bye See you in the slot machine - See you in the same place See ...
  • SEE YOU — * See you again See you; See you
    English-Russian Dictionary of English Idioms
  • SEE YOU - See you later; See you
    English-Russian Idioms Dictionary
  • SEE YOU - (slang for Internet chats) see you; Bye; see you
    Computer English-Russian dictionary
  • SEE
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • SEE
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • SEE - I. ˈsē verb (saw ˈsȯ ; seen ˈsēn ; see·ing ˈsē-iŋ) Etymology: Middle English seen, from Old English sēon; ...
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  • SEE - noun a seat; a site; a place where sovereign power is exercised. 2. see vi to be attentive; to take...
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  • SEE - vb saw; seen ; saw, seen - to be aware of what is around you by using …
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    Longman Activator English vocab
  • SEE - INDEX: 1. to see someone or something 2. to be able to see something, but with difficulty 3. when something ...
    Longman Activator English vocab
  • SEE - n. 25B6; verb he saw her running across the road: DISCERN, spot, notice, catch sight of, glimpse, catch/get a …
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  • SEE - Chapter I 1) see; look, look; observe see visions Syn: look, notice, observe, watch, witness, meet Ant: disregard, …
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  • SEE - see.ogg _I si: _v. (saw - seen) 1> to see; look, look; observe; to see well; to see visions...
    English-Russian-English dictionary general vocabulary- Collection of the best dictionaries
  • SEE - I see ch.; past vr. - saw; prib. past vr. - seen1) a) see, look, watch; observe, trans. take care (of...
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  • SEE - I si ch. ; past vr. -saw; prib. past vr. - seen 1) a) to see, look, watch; observe, …
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • SEE - I [Ђ] see.wav ch.; past vr. - saw; prib. past vr. - seen 1) a) to see, look, watch; observe, trans. take care (of smth.); ...
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  • SEE - _I _v. 1> see; look, look; observe; to see well - see well - see visions 2> examine; let me...
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  • SEE - I v. 1. see; look, look; observe; to see well - see well - see visions 2. examine; let me...
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- “See You” Sencillo de Depeche Mode del álbum A Broken Frame Lado B Now This is Fun Formato Disco de vinilo de 7 y 12 CD desde 1991 Grabación 1981 Género(… Wikipedia Español

See You- Single par Depeche Mode extrait de l'album Speak and Spell Face A See You Face B Now, This Is Fun Sortie 29 January 1982 Enregistre … Wikipédia en Français

See You- Infobox Single Name = See You Artist = Depeche Mode from Album = A Broken Frame B side = Now, This is Fun Released = January 29 1982 Format = Vinyl record (7 and 12), CD (1991 box set) Recorded = December 1981 Genre = Synthpop Length = 7 3:55 12 ... Wikipedia

see you- spoken used for saying goodbye to someone who you know when you expect to see them again soon Bye, Tom. See you, sweetheart! …English dictionary

See You As I Do- Infobox Album | Name = See You As I Do Type = Studio album Artist = Trijntje Oosterhuis Released = October 9, 2005 Recorded = Studio Traincha (Amsterdam) Genre = Pop Length = 62:02 Producer = James Hallawell, Trijntje Oosterhuis Label = EMI... ... Wikipedia

See you.- AND See ya. interj. Good bye. □ Good game, Tom. See ya. □ See you, old chum. Give me a ring... Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

see you- goodbye for now but I will see you again in the future…

See you!- Goodbye!, See you later!, Farewell! ... English contemporary dictionary

see you!- Good bye! ... A concise dictionary of English slang

SEE YOU- …Useful english dictionary

See You Next Wednesday- is a fictional film that is the trademark of film director John Landis. He includes a reference to it in most of the movies he directs, usually as a movie poster for the film in the background. Each version of See You Next Wednesday never looks... ... Wikipedia


  • I See You, Mackintosh Clare. "[A] well-told suspense story... refreshingly realistic." - The New York Times Book Review" Danger feels real in the brilliant I See You...Mackintosh seems destined to do important work for many... Buy for RUR 1,166
  • I See You, Mackintosh Clare. When Zoe Walker sees her photo in the classifieds section of a London newspaper, she is determined to find out why it"s there. There"s no explanation, no website, just a grainy image and a…

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    Stories of knights loyal to the king, a beautiful lady and military duty have been inspiring men to exploits for many centuries, and people of art to creativity. Ulrich von Lichtenstein (1200-1278) Ulrich von Liechtenstein did not storm Jerusalem, did not...

  • Principles of Bible Interpretation (4 Golden Rules for Reading)

    Hello, brother Ivan! I had the same thing at first. But the more time I devoted to God: the ministry and His Word, the more understandable it became to me. I wrote about this in the chapter “The Bible Must Be Studyed” in my book “Returning to...

  • The Nutcracker and the Mouse King - E. Hoffmann

    The action takes place on the eve of Christmas. At Councilor Stahlbaum's house, everyone is preparing for the holiday, and the children Marie and Fritz are looking forward to gifts. They wonder what their godfather, the watchmaker and sorcerer Drosselmeyer, will give them this time. Among...

  • Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation (1956)

    The punctuation course of the new school is based on the intonation-grammatical principle, in contrast to the classical school, where intonation is practically not studied. Although the new technique uses classical formulations of the rules, they get...

  • Kozhemyakins: father and son Kozhemyakins: father and son

    | Cadet creativity They looked death in the face | Cadet notes of Suvorov soldier N*** Hero of the Russian Federation Dmitry Sergeevich Kozhemyakin (1977-2000) That’s the guy he was. That’s how he remained in the hearts of the paratroopers. It was the end of April. I...