What historical novels? The best books in the genre “Historical Novels. Valentin Pikul. Favorite

Anastasia Sergeeva

What historical novels are worth reading?

Historical novels are loved by readers of different ages, because this genre allows you to get a certain idea of ​​past eras not in a boring documentary way, but through an artistic narrative. Find out further what this genre is and which works are worth paying attention to.

Historical novel as a genre

Classic historical novels, as we know them now, arose in the era of such a literary movement as romanticism, at the beginning of the 19th century, when the English writer Walter Scott moved from poetry to writing prose and became the founder of the genre.

Such works exist within a certain historical framework and attempt to convey the spirit, morals and social conditions of past centuries with realism and accuracy in relation to historical facts.

The work may deal with characters who existed in reality, or contain both historical and fictional characters. There may be no real historical figures in such a novel, but everything that happens to the character must correspond to the events of that time and no other. The scale of the event described in the historical novel of great importance no: this may be a significant episode in terms of its impact on humanity, or it may not be too significant. The main goal of this genre is to depict not the historical event itself, but the fate of the people of that time against the backdrop of this event.

We will tell you about the most famous and iconic representatives of this genre.

Walter Scott "Ivanhoe"

The narrative of this work takes place during Norman Conquest is the story of the knight Ivanhoe, who returns from crusade to claim his ancestral rights and win the love of the beautiful Rowena, and finds himself drawn into the struggle between Richard the Lionheart and his brother John.

The entire work is characterized by a series of confrontations - Saxons against Normans, Christians against Jews, men against women.

Walter Scott "Quentin Dorward"

Another work by Walter Scott that adequately represents historical novels as a genre.

It tells the story of a Scottish marksman named Quentin Dorward, who is in the service of French king Louis XI, who is the main character of the romantic line and, as events unfold, finds himself in various adventures.

However, the plot is largely concentrated around palace intrigue - the rivalry between Louis XI and Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy.

Victor Hugo "Les Miserables"

A surprising and compassionate look at the victims of French society early XIX century.

This work introduces us to one of the most famous characters in the history of literature - Jean Valjean, a noble peasant imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread. In Les Miserables, Hugo immerses the reader in the underworld of Paris, the struggle between good and evil.

The epic scale of the novel inexorably takes us from the events on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo and throws us into the barricades of the 1832 uprising.

Alexey Tolstoy "Peter the Great"

This historical novel can be called truly epoch-making; it depicts the life of one of the most controversial and colorful Russian monarchs.

In this novel, the author brings back to life the era of succession by creating a variety of characters - from the serf Ivan Brovkin to the Tsar's favorite Alexander Menshikov. But a real hero Tolstoy - Tsar Peter himself.

We see his growth from an awkward, suspicious and sometimes cowardly man to a passionate ruler, striving with all his might to free his country from superstition and backwardness and help it take its rightful place among other Western countries.

Valentin Pikul "On the outskirts of the great empire"

This work reveals a panorama of the Russian province of the early 20th century - the time of the reign of the last Russian Emperor against the backdrop of the nascent revolution of 1905.

The main character of the novel is Prince Myshetsky, who received the post of vice-governor of the Urensk province, striving to transform the life of the local population by introducing new reforms, but encountering an obstacle in his way in the form of the notorious bureaucratic machine. Readers can expect to meet colorful characters, an exciting plot and the realities of the Russian Empire.

Henryk Sienkiewicz “Kamo khryadeshi”

Sienkiewicz's novel, which brought him world fame. The story takes place in the first century AD in Rome, during the ruthless reign of Emperor Nero.

At the same time, the formation of Christianity, which found itself under a ban, took place and, having been subjected to persecution, the first apostles Paul and Peter died as martyrs.

Historical romance novels

The subgenre of both historical fiction and romance includes historical romance novels, which most often take place before World War II. The popularity of romance novels among female readers has not faded to this day, and historical romance novels are their most popular subgenre.

The most famous examples of this subgenre are Margaret Mitchell's only novel, Gone with the Wind, and the series of thirteen novels, Angelique, by Anne and Serge Golon.

Margaret Mitchell "Gone with the Wind"

A historical two-volume novel by an American writer about war and love, which won the Pulitzer Prize and spawned a wonderful film adaptation.

The plot of this story takes place during the American Civil War, called the War between North and South, which runs like a red thread through the entire narrative. With the help of the irresistible Scarlett and Rhett, Mitchell not only tells us a story of survival in harsh war and post-war conditions, but also gives readers two iconic lovers in the world of literature.

Anne and Serge Golon "Angelique"

A series of novels about the life of the beautiful Angelique during the reign of Louis XIV gained unprecedented popularity throughout the world.

These historical romance novels were translated into a huge number of languages ​​in 63 countries, turning Angelica into the most famous book heroine of the 20th century.

Readers enjoy getting acquainted with the romantic twists and turns and dangerous adventures of the French beauty - surrounded by royalty, captured by pirates, enslaved by the Sultan, and in other exciting and even tragic conditions.

Historical novels have still not lost their popularity among readers - we recommend that you familiarize yourself with some of the works presented above.

Documentary film about Valentin Savvich Pikul.

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Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Walter Scott, etc. - popular writers all over the world who successfully wrote historical novels. It is unlikely that it will be possible to compile a complete list of books devoted to this topic. Works of this genre, according to researchers, arose in the 19th century. Before this, authors who tried to create such novels could not achieve the required level of historical generalization. Walter Scott managed to do this. It was his works that gave impetus to the emergence of what is today called "best historical novels".

Critics note that one of the distinctive features What clearly characterizes books in the genre of historical novels is their accessibility. They are read with pleasure by both young people and representatives of the older generation. Touching, fascinating, entertaining historical books, the list of which is endless, do not get old and do not lose their relevance. They will always help to diversify a regular evening at home. One of effective way overcome boredom - open historical novels. The list of books can be continued endlessly, so readers will always have a choice.

It's so good when you read fiction, you will learn many unknown historical facts. How much work, scrupulousness and talent does an author need to write a beautiful, readable text and don't twist history. I think historical novels are the most difficult literary genre. And you and I have a unique opportunity to combine business with pleasure. And enjoy the book and learn history.

1. “Kamo Gryadeshi”, Henryk Sienkiewicz

The historical novel by the Polish writer was completed in 1896. At the same time it was published in full, and before that it was published in parts in magazines. The work has been translated into 50 languages ​​of the world and contributed to the author’s Nobel Prize in 1905. In Russian translation, the work is known as “Where are you going.” Successfully filmed by Hollywood in 1951 and Poland in 2001.

The events of the novel take place in the Roman Empire of the 1st century during the reign of Nero. The history of this historical character interesting in itself. Extravagance, mania, mental deviations, complexes, orgies, massacres, poisoning - and many other horrors that occurred during this period. It's amazing that such a person ruled almost half the world. Against this background, the tragedy of the martyrdom of the most devoted Apostles of Christ, Peter and Paul, unfolds.

2. “Thais of Athens”, Ivan Efremov

The 1972 period piece is based on real events. Tells about the life of the favorite of Alexander the Great, hetaera Thais from Athens. Time - 300s BC. Thais accompanied Alexander on all his campaigns and was famous for her great intelligence and feminine wisdom for her time.

The reader will become acquainted not only with interesting facts pre-Christian history, but will be carried away by adventures, learn the philosophical views of the science fiction author about man in general.

3. “Peter I”, Alexei Tolstoy

The best historical novel, which has its own long history of writing. The author began working on it in 1929. In 1934, the first 2 volumes were already ready. Tolstoy began writing the third book in 1943, but did not have time to finish it. The events of the novel end in 1704. The comprehensive energy of Emperor Peter was enough both to “cut a window to Europe” and to radically rebuild Russia itself. The work is filled with many accurate historical facts. The novel is superbly filmed.

4. The Other Boleyn Girl, Phillipa Gregory

This is the most famous novel by an English writer. Mary Boleyn, a noble, beautiful lady, becomes the king's favorite Henry VIII, thanks to court intrigues. The relatives of the royal mistress insist on the birth of an illegitimate child in order to strengthen their secular position. However, Mary’s sister Anna comes onto the stage. She has much greater ambitions - she hopes to eventually become queen. Intrigues and subtle games are used.
The novel was filmed.

5. “The Iron King”, Maurice Druon

This is a historical novel from the “Cursed Kings” series by a French publicist, writer, and public figure. In his works, Druon adhered to a very accurate presentation of historical facts. However, this did not stop him from making the plot exciting and exciting. The Iron King is based on the legend that all the disasters of France occurred due to the mortal curse of King Philip the Fair by the Grand Master of the Knights Templar. In the novel, you can trace how curses come true over a long period of time: from the beginning of the 14th century to the beginning of the Anglo-French 100 Years War.

6. “Queen Margot”, Alexandre Dumas

Historical work from 1845 from the trilogy about the Huguenot wars. The events take place in 1572 with the wedding of the Catholic Margaret and the Protestant Henry of Navarre. Involuntarily, Queen Margot was drawn into sophisticated court intrigues and political men's games.

7. “Evil Spirit”, Valentin Pikul

According to the author, this book is his main literary success. I don’t know about Pikul at all interesting books, but this one is truly special. The novel will introduce you to the adventures of the most odious, controversial, interesting personality in Russian history- Grigory Rasputin. It is difficult to find a more fascinating and detailed description of the life and death of the favorite of women, the savior of Tsarevich Alexei, a person close to the emperor. Valentin Savvich processed the mass historical materials, newspapers, magazines to write such a large-scale work. For which he was the first to be awarded the prize. M. A. Sholokhova (posthumously).

8. “With a Pen and a Sword”, Valentin Pikul

The multifaceted novel in five acts is a classic of historical Russian literature. The plot covers Seven Years' War during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna. And it reveals the secrets of secret diplomacy during this war: political games, blackmail, court intrigues. The main character, who was considered a woman, was actually a man...

9. “The Battle of the Iron Chancellors”, Valentin Pikul

The novel was first published in the USSR in 1977. The author introduces the reader to the history of diplomatic relations between Russia and European empires: Austria, Prussia, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy. Events take place from 1850 to 1870. – a period of revolutions, acute crises, wars.

10. “Pharaoh”, Boleslav Prus

The historical work of the famous Polish writer was first published back in 1897 (and was previously published in newspapers). The last of the author's great novels. We get acquainted with Ancient Egypt of the 11th century BC. Why did the most powerful state in the world collapse? The author seeks the answer to this question using the example of the struggle of the fictional historical figure Ramesses XIII with the untouchable caste of priests.

FROM A REVIEW OF THE STORY "TWO SIDES OF A COIN" AUTHOR A. KAKHOVSKAYA "A bright, intriguing plot that provokes the reader's curiosity, arouses a desire to find out what will happen next. A topical issue that the author puts into an emotional and memorable form, thereby forcing the reader not to only think, but also feel." https://www.site/bd/?b=668727

ANFISA KAKHOVSKAYA. TWO SIDE OF A COIN EXCERPT All the ill-fated travelers were placed near a large stone of a bizarre shape. Askalon was depressed, Olech was gloomy, Iva did not let go of her father’s hand. Only the young sailor - the same one with the mole who came to the captain in the morning - did not lose his presence of mind. He kept turning his head. And under his cheekbones there were nodules moving, revealing the work of his thoughts. Virinea stood in front of them, folding her hands on her chest, and for some time looked at each of them in turn with a contented look, like a painter looking at a just completed painting. Then she said quietly: “Well, now we can talk.” You had questions for me. Who I am, I think you already guessed. There is too much talk about me and my people in lately. What do we need? Well, it’s quite simple,” and she looked out to sea, to where the silhouette of the “Dawn” could be seen. – These were questions that you could answer yourself. There is a more difficult question. What will happen to you? “And she paused, then continued with a grin. - However, you also know the answer to that. Willow swallowed noisily and pressed herself closer to her father. - You won't kill us, will you? – Bazhan decided to vote. - We spent three days together! Virinea did not answer. She stood motionless, and Ascalon felt a cold creep into his heart. Olech clenched his teeth. “Well, if you are interested in whether we will kill you,” Virineya said drawlingly, “I can calm you down.” No. But if something happens to you here, we are not responsible for it. - Reptile! “The sailor with the mole suddenly shouted and, pulling the knife out of his boot, rushed at the villainess. What happened next is difficult to describe in words. Nobody understood what happened. Virineya did not move, did not even change her face, but a second before the knife was about to touch her chest, a huge snake grew from behind her back and, spreading its wide bright hood, released a stream of orange flame towards the sailor. In an instant, the unfortunate man turned into a pile of ash. A second later everything was as before. Only the breeze stirred the ashes under Virinea’s feet. Willow screamed shrilly and began to shake. Virineya winced: “Does anyone else have a desire to measure strength with me?” The prisoners could not take their eyes off what had just been their traveling companion. Nobody answered. - Wonderful. Then we'll wait for the boat to return and say goodbye. And please be quiet, I can't stand noise. She walked away and, sitting down on the coastal sand, began thoughtfully throwing pebbles into the water. https://www.site/bd/?b=668727

ANFISA KAKHOVSKAYA. A DEEPLY DECENT PERSONLeev was a deeply decent person. So deep that there would be no one who could accuse him of dishonesty even once. Therefore, when he heard some strange scream from the side of the lake, followed by a splash, his impeccable conscience prompted him to change the route. Someone was splashing in the water, waving his arms, creating a cloud of splashes around him. Aleev approached and waited to see if someone would ask for help, because, in fact, one cannot ask for help. But he just sobbed convulsively and continued to randomly drum his hands on the water. “Do you need help?” – asked Aleev. But the stranger ignored him polite question and continued his senseless occupation. “Excuse me,” Aleev considered it his duty to repeat, “maybe I can help you?” But no one even wanted to enter into a dialogue. Aleev was, of course, shocked by his blatant impoliteness, but his innate tact and irresistible sense of philanthropy did not They allowed him to turn around and leave. He waited a couple more minutes and turned to the stranger again: “I’m asking, do you need help or not?” Maybe his question sounded somewhat irritated, but anyone could understand him: he was wasting his precious time, and the one he wanted with all his heart to help, did not pay any attention to him. Moreover, the ill-mannered man began to plunge into the water every now and then, and when he surfaced again, instead of having a civil conversation with a caring passer-by, he only gurgled unpleasantly. Aleev shrugged his shoulders. God knows, he wanted to help with all his heart. His conscience was numbers. He turned around and went his way. Aleev was a deeply decent person.

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