Class amphibians, or amphibians. Class amphibians, or amphibians Biology test 7th grade amphibians

1. Choose the correct statement.

1. Amphibians live exclusively on land.

2. The ancestors of amphibians were lungfish.

3. Stegacephalus are ancient amphibians.

4. The surface of the skin of amphibians is covered with mucus.

5. The skeleton of amphibians, due to the transition to a terrestrial lifestyle, has a more complex structure than that of fish.

6. The forebrain of amphibians is large compared to fish.

7. Amphibians have exclusively pulmonary breathing.

8. Amphibians are omnivores.

9. Amphibians have pronounced sexual dimorphism.

10. Amphibians provide benefits by destroying agricultural pests.

Fill in the missing word.

2. Complete the sentences by inserting the necessary words.

A. During life, metamorphoses can be observed in amphibians - this is the transformation from... stage to... individual.

B. Some tailed amphibians - ..., lead an exclusively aquatic lifestyle.

B. The class of amphibians is united into three orders: ..., ..., ...

D. The body of amphibians is divided into: ..., ..., ..., and there are also...

D. The muscular system in amphibians, compared to fish... and... is organized... in the limbs.

E. The eyes of amphibians are protected..., there is... a membrane.

G. The hearing organ consists of..., ..., ...

3. The nostrils of amphibians serve for perception... and...

I. The presence of a lateral line in amphibian larvae indicates their... with...

K. The heart of amphibians is ...

L. Amphibians, in addition to pulmonary, have... respiration.

M. According to the method of feeding, all amphibians are ...

N. They help push food into the esophagus... ...

O. Sexual dimorphism in amphibians is pronounced...

P. Amphibians lay eggs in...

R. The blood circulation of amphibians has... (one two Three) ...: ... And... (...).

C. The limbs of amphibians are adapted to move along... and...

Find a match.

3. Write which bones, indicated by letters, belong to I - forelimbs, II - hind limbs.

A. Tibia

G. Tibia

D. Forearm

G. Tarsus

4. Write what systems the organs belong to:

Organ systems:

I. Respiratory

II. Blood

III. Digestive

IV. Genitourinary


B. Ventricle

B. Atrium

G. Esophagus D. Stomach E. Intestine

G. Liver

3. Gallbladder

K. Pancreas

L. Semennik

M. Ovary

N. Ureter

O. Bladder

R. Artery

5. Place the listed stages of development of amphibians in the required sequence:

A. Tadpole

B. Ovum

G. Germ

D. Larva with external gills

E. Larva with forelimbs

G. Larva with hind limbs

3. Landfall

I. Tail resorption

6. Find a correspondence between the order of amphibians and its representative.

I. Tailless amphibians

II. Tailed amphibians

III. Legless amphibians

B. Zherlyanka

G. Proteus

D. Worm

E. Tree frog

J. Triton

3. Ambystoma

I. Garlic

K. Salamander

L. Axolotl

Choose the correct answer.

7. Amphibians breathe:

A. Lungs

B. Gills

B. Skin and gills

D. Lungs and skin

8. Amphibians live:

A. In the seas and on land

B. In fresh water bodies and on land

B. Only in bodies of water

G. Only on land

9. Adult amphibians breathe:

A. Lungs

B. Gills

B. Lungs and skin

G. Gills and skin

10. Amphibian Heart:

A. Thickened vessel

B. Two-chamber

B. Three-chamber

G. Four-chamber

11. The ventricle refers to:

A. Digestive system

B. Respiratory system

B. Circulatory system

G. Excretory system

12. The cerebellum is responsible for:

A. Coordination of animal movements

B. Perception of the external environment

B. Coordinated work of all internal organs

D. Reproductive instinct

13. The Legless squad includes:

A. Tritons

B. Worms

V. Salamanders

14. Trees live:

A. Tree frogs

B. Worms

V. Tritons

1.We were the first to adapt to a terrestrial lifestyle
A) Pisces; B) Amphibians; C) Reptiles; D) Worms; E) Mammals

2. The second name of the amphibian is translated from “Greek” as
A) Aquatic; B) Ground; C) lungfish; D) Amphibians; E) lobe-finned

3.Amphibians live during the breeding season
A) In water; B) On land; C) On land and in water; D) In ​​the soil; E) At the bottom of reservoirs

4. Amphibian Science
A) Ichthyology; B) Herpetology; C) Arachnology; D) Theriology; E) Lichenology

5.Amphibian skin
A) Dry; B) Smooth and wet; C) Covered with scales; D) Placoid; E) Shield

6. Absent from the skeleton of amphibians
A) Spine; B) Chest; C) Shoulder blade; D) Pelvis; E) Skull

7.In the cervical vertebrae of amphibians
A) 1; B) 7; C) 3; D) 2; E) 12

8. There is no bone connection in the skeleton between
A) Pelvis and hind limbs; B) Shoulder girdle and spine; C) Vertebrae; D) Bones of the limbs; E) Skull and spine

9. Salivary glands first appeared in
A) Cartilaginous fish; B) Bony fish; C) Reptiles; D) Amphibians; E) Animals

10. Amphibians, like cartilaginous fish, have
A) Two circles of blood circulation; B) Two-chambered heart; D) Cloaca; E) Salivary glands

11.Amphibian larva
A) Egg; B) Planula; C) Kuliga; D) Tadpole; E) Malek

12. External fertilization in
A) Reptiles; B) Amphibians; C) Mammals; D) Insects; E) Crustaceans

13.Develop with metamorphosis
A) Spiders; B) Frogs; WITH) Earthworms; D) Birds; E) Crocodiles

14. Amphibians breathe
A) Only lungs; B) Only by skin; C) Skin and lungs; D) Gills; E) Lung sacs

15. Heart of Amphibians
A) Two-chamber; B) Four-chamber; C) Single-chamber; D) Three-chamber; E) Does not have cameras

16.Blood in the heart of amphibians
A) Arterial; B) Venous; C) Mixed; D) In ​​the left half - arterial, in the right - venous; E) In the right half - arterial, in the left - venous

17. For the first time, the pulmonary circulation appeared in
A) Pisces; B) Earthworms; C) Arthropods; D) Amphibians; E) Lancelet

18.Amphibians have poorly developed brains
A) Front; B) Average; C) Cerebellum; D) Oblong; E) Intermediate

19.Amphibians first appeared
A) External ear; B) Inner ear; C) Middle ear; D) Heart; E) Circulatory system

20. A frog tadpole looks like
A) Worm; B) Fry; C) Medusa; D) Lancelet; E) Chimera

21.Amphibians originated from
A) Cartilaginous fish; B) lobe-finned fish; C) Sturgeon fish; D) Shellfish; E) Arthropods

22. Legless amphibians include
A) Salamander and newt; B) Ringed caecilian and proteus; C) Ringed caecilian and fish snake; D) Frog and Toad; E) Frogtooth and newt

23. Tailed amphibian
A) Frogtooth; B) Toad; C) Frog; D) Toaded toad; E) Tree frog

24.Amphibians are divided into orders
A) Tailed and tailless; B) Tailed and legless; C) Tailless and legless, D) Tailed, tailless and legless; E) Newts and salamanders

25. Ancient primitive amphibian
A) Coelacanth; B) Frogtooth; C) Proteas; D) Stegocephalus; E) Salamander

26. Distributed in the vicinity of Lake Zaisan, Balkhash
A) Lake frog; B) Green toad; C) Danatinian toad; D) Spotted salamander; E) Ringed worm

27. The olfactory organs of amphibians are represented
A) Nasal passages; B) Movable eyelids; C) Two bags; Olfactory pits; D) Oral cavity; E) Skin cells

28. The olfactory organs open
A) In the cavity of the nostrils; B) In the oral cavity; C) In the ear cavity; D) At the base of the lower eyelid; E) Into the cavity of the inner ear

29. An animal is listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan
A) Semirechensky frogtooth; B) Proteus; C) Salamander; D) Ambystoma; E) Tree frog

30. Can even swallow a lizard or mouse

31.Used in research purposes
A) Grass frogs; B) Lake frogs; C) Green toads; D) Ringed caecilians; E) Salamanders

32. Frogs run out of hands

33.Frogs have a foot that ends
A) 5 fingers; B) 4 fingers; C) 2 fingers; D) 1 finger; E) 6 fingers

34. The frog has well-developed muscles
A) Skulls; B) Spine; C) Forelegs; D) Hind limbs; E) Cervical spine

35. The frog switches entirely to skin breathing
A) On land; B) In water; C) In the air; D) During reproduction; E) When eating

36. A decrease in metabolism in amphibians is called
A) Hibernation; B) Anabiosis; C) Thermoregulation; D) Reflex; E) Irritability

37. The brain region of amphibians is more developed than that of fish
A) Front; B) Average; C) Cerebellum; D) Intermediate; E) Oblong

38.Special bags help to amplify sounds
A) Olfactory; B) Voice; C) Resonators; D) Echolocators; E) Air

39. Toads are different from frogs
A) On smooth skin; B) On wet skin; C) On rough, lumpy skin; D) On dry skin; E) By skin color

40.They mostly live in trees
A) Salamanders; B) Tritons; C) Toadstools; D) Green frogs; E) Tree frogs

41. The wavy ridge along the back has
A) Triton; B) Salamander; C) Toaded toad; D) Frog; E) Tree frog

MKOU "Novokayakent Secondary School"

With. Novokayakent

Kayakent district Republic of Dagestan

Test on the topic: “Amphibians”

(for 7th grade students)

MKOU "Novokayakent Secondary School"

Umalatova Ravganiyat Biybulatovna

Novokayakent village

Explanatory note

This material The test “Amphibians” is recommended when passing the topic “Class Amphibians” in the Biology textbook. Diversity of living organisms in 7th grade. The questions are based on the text of the textbook. The material contains six tasks. Task 1. Insert missing terms into the text. Task 2. External structure of amphibians. Task 3. Reproduction of amphibians. Task 4. Tests - drawings. Task 5. Distribution

by squad. Task 6. Answer questions .

Target: test students’ knowledge about the structure and significance of amphibians.

Student activities: students writing tests.

Teacher activities: providing each student with a sheet with the testing text. Explanation of the progress of the work. Checking the work. Analysis of works.

Equipment: handouts with tests.

Test on the topic: “Amphibians”

Task 1. Insert missing terms into the text.

Insert the missing terms from the proposed list into the text, using numerical notations. Write down the numbers of the selected answers in the text, and then write the resulting sequence of numbers (according to the text) in the table.

Amphibian habitats are terrestrial and aquatic. The skin...(A) is bare, has glands that secrete mucus. Amphibians have a chambered heart (B), the blood in the heart is mixed. Metabolic level is low; … (IN). They breathe with the help of their lungs and... (D). Fertilization occurs in... (D). Development with...(E).

List of terms:

1. dry 6. cold-blooded

2. three 7. leather

3. naked 8. straight

4. indirect 9. water

5. two 10. metamorphosis.

Task 2. External structure of amphibians.

Indicate the names of the organs indicated under numbers 1-10. Enter your answers in the table below.


Task 3. Reproduction of amphibians.

Look at the picture and describe how amphibians reproduce.

Task 4. Tests - drawings.

Test drawing No. 1.

Indicate the names of the organs indicated under numbers 1-7. Enter your answers in the table below. Which organ system is shown in the picture?

Answer to test number 1.

Test drawing No. 2.

Indicate the names of the organs indicated under the letters A and B, under the numbers 1-5. Enter your answers in the table below. Which organ system is shown in the picture?

The answer to the test is Figure No. 2.

Test drawing No. 3.

Indicate the names of the organs indicated under numbers 1-10. Enter your answers in the table below. Which organ system is shown in the picture?

The answer to the test is Figure No. 3.

Task 5. Distribution among squads.

A list of the names of amphibians is given; distribute them by order. Write your answers in the answer table.

Crested newt, lake frog, ringed caecilian, toad, giant salamander, common tree frog, Ceylon fish snake, ambystoma.


Squad Tailed

Tailless Squad

Legless Squad

Task 6. Answer questions.

1.Why can’t amphibians live without water?

2. From whom did amphibians originate?

3. The importance of amphibians in nature and human life.

Sources of information:

1.Biology. Diversity of living organisms. V.B.Zakharov, N.I.Sonin.

M.: Bustard, 2005

2. Biology. Test tasks with solutions / R.G. Zayats, V.E. Butvilovsky, V.V. Davydov.-Minsk: Bookmaster, 2013.-464 p.

3.Biology: complete guide for preparation for the Unified State Exam / Lerner G.I. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2015. – 415 p.

4. diagram circulatory system.

5. nervous system

6. amphibian skeleton

7. external structure amphibians

8. reproduction of amphibians

1.Amphibians are the first terrestrial vertebrates:

a) completely switched to life on land

b) retaining connection with water only during the breeding season

c) are able to live in two environments at different periods of life

2.Indicate which of the amphibians prefers aquatic environment habitat?

a) fire toad, pond frog, toad, newt

b) fire toad, pond frog, lake frog, newt

c) toad, lake frog, toad, newt

3.Amphibians lose activity and fall into torpor at temperatures:

a) 6°C

b) 2°C

c) 4°C

4. Features of the skin of amphibians:

a) everyone is naked, wet, covered with mucus

b) naked, covered with mucus or has keratinized epithelium

c) all are covered with dense cells of keratinized epithelium

5. The skin glands of amphibians secrete:

a) mucus, which moisturizes the skin and facilitates skin breathing

b) poisonous secrets that scare away enemies

c) secretions that protect against pathogens

d) a + b + c

6. In connection with reaching land, the eyes of amphibians are protected:

a) fused eyelids

b) transparent nictitating membrane

c) movable eyelids and nictitating membrane

7. How many sections are there in the spine of amphibians:

a) 5 departments

b) 4 departments

c) 3 departments

8. Unlike fish, the skeleton of amphibians:

a) more dismembered

b) has one vertebra in the cervical and cruciate regions

c) the ribs are poorly developed

d) there are few bones in the skull

e) the skeleton of the limbs and limb girdles is well developed

f) a + b + c + d + e

9. Frogs eat:

a) mainly plant foods

b) mainly animal food

c) larvae - mixed, adults - animal

d) larvae - animal, adults - mixed

10. Cloaca is:

a) dilated rectum

b) bladder

c) an extension into which the bladder, ureters and oviducts of females open

11. What kind of breathing do amphibians have?

a) only skin

b) only pulmonary

c) pulmonary and cutaneous

12. Whose lungs have the largest respiratory surface?

a) pond frog

b) tritone

c) toads

13. The respiratory organs of amphibian larvae are:

a) lungs and skin

b) only skin

c) gills

14. Amphibian Heart:

a) three-chamber

b) two-chamber

c) four-chamber

15. How many blood circulations do amphibians have?

a) two circles of blood circulation (pulmonary and trunk, or small and large)

b) three circles of blood circulation (pulmonary, cutaneous, trunk)

c) one circle of blood circulation

16. Indicate the sequence of urine movement in the excretory system of amphibians, selecting the correct organs:

1) Kidneys

2) Ureters

3) Cloaca

4) Bladder

a) 1 → 2 → 4 → 3

b) 1 →2 → 4

17. Why are amphibians characterized by variable body temperature?

a) poorly developed lungs

b) almost all organs are supplied with mixed blood

c) amphibians are often found in cold water

d) they have mobility restrictions

18. Which part of the amphibian brain is the most developed?

a) cerebellum

b) forebrain

c) midbrain

19. The organ of hearing in amphibians is represented by:

a) only the inner ear

b) inner and middle ear

c) inner, middle and outer ear

20. Lateral line organs are characterized by:

a) all amphibians

b) only to larvae

c) larvae and adults leading an aquatic lifestyle

Answers to Test Class Amphibians

1c, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5d, 6c, 7b, 8e, 9c, 10c, 11c, 12c, 13c, 14a, 15a, 16c, 17b, 18b, 19b, 20c,

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