Visual material on the English language. Using visual aids in English lessons. What is didactic material in English?

, General pedagogical technologies

Didactics(from Greek didaktiko"s- instructive, related to learning), part of pedagogy that develops the theory of education and training, upbringing in the learning process.

The term "didactics" was used in pedagogical works already in the 17th century. Ya.A. Comenius in his "Great Didactics" (1657) developed critical issues didactics: content of education, didactic principles and rules of clarity, consistency, natural conformity, etc., organization of the classroom system. Comenius revolutionized the centuries-old practice of teaching, opposing medieval cramming new system educational work that corresponds to the age and psychological characteristics of children. Comenius' didactic ideas received further development in the works of progressive teachers of the 18th and 19th centuries. I.G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg and others, who built their theory of learning on the basis of the principle of conformity with nature, taking into account the psychological development of students. Great value they emphasized the development of concepts in children, the development of their activity and initiative, and the widespread use of visual aids in teaching. In the middle of the 19th century. the allocation of didactics as a theory of learning to a special part of pedagogy has become generally accepted (except for the UK and the USA, where the term “Didactics” is not used, and the theory of learning is developed and presented mainly in works on educational psychology).

Didactic material is a special type of teaching aids, mainly visual: maps, tables, sets of cards with text, numbers or drawings, reagents, plants, animals, etc., including materials created on the basis of information technologies distributed to students for independent work in classrooms and at home or demonstrated by the teacher in front of the whole class (group). The use of didactic material helps to intensify the educational activities of students and save study time.

Purposes of using didactic materials:

independent mastery of the material by students and the formation of skills to work with various sources information;

activation cognitive activity students;

developing the ability to independently comprehend and assimilate new material;

conventional substitutes, diagrams and drawings in didactic material contribute to the development of creative imagination;

control with feedback, with error diagnosis (the appearance of appropriate comments on the computer) based on the results of activities and evaluation of results;

self-control and self-correction;

training in the process of mastering educational material;

freeing up study time;

strengthening learning motivation;

development of a certain type of thinking (visual-figurative, theoretical, logical);

formation of a culture of educational activities;

activating the interaction of intellectual and emotional functions when jointly solving research (creative) educational problems.

Types of didactic material:

didactic texts for teaching students to work with various sources of information (textbook, maps, reference books, dictionaries, electronic resources, etc.);

generalized plans for some types of cognitive activity: studying scientific facts; preparation and conduct of the experiment; studying physical device; conducting scientific and technical research; measurement actions; analysis of the functional dependence graph; table analysis;

reminders (instructions for the formation of logical thinking operations: comparison, generalization, classification, analysis, synthesis).

tasks of varying levels of complexity: reproductive, transformative, creative;

assignments with problematic questions;

tasks to develop imagination and creativity;

experimental tasks;

instructional cards reflecting the logical scheme for studying new material and the necessary methods of educational work;

consultation cards, teaching materials with explanatory drawings, a plan for completing tasks, indicating the type of tasks, etc.;

task execution algorithm;

self-control tests;

What's happened didactic material By English language?

Didactic material in English is a special type of teaching aids, the use of which helps to enhance the cognitive activity of students and save study time. That is, this is all that additional educational material for learning English, which makes learning a fun, interesting, versatile, educational process.

What applies to didactic material in English?

First of all, these are specially designed for each training course, very useful tests to monitor students' understanding of the material. As a rule, these tests come as a separate manual, like the teacher’s book, in each training course. The tests are also provided with keys or correct answers to their own tasks. That is, the teacher can save his time by using ready-made tests to test knowledge, and then compare their results with the provided keys (see Appendix 1). Applications.

Didactic materials on the English language include various games for teaching English – lotto, dominoes, logic games. Such games can be purchased in bookstores or found on the Internet, and then printed out and used in class. Games very well activate the student’s active and passive vocabulary, and the spirit of competition and the desire to win accelerate his thought processes, develop attention and intelligence (see Appendix 2).

It is worth mentioning separately didactic games, which are a type of training sessions organized in the form of educational games that help to implement a number of principles of game-based, active learning (see Appendix 3).

Among the didactic materials on the English language, it is worth noting even such language tools as tongue twisters, riddles, and also puzzles such as crosswords. The first ones help to practice pronunciation, the second ones develop abstract thinking, and the latter are exercises for the mind (see Appendix 4).

All kinds of demonstration material ( puzzles, posters, cards) also refers to didactic material in English. All these printed materials visualize the material being studied and contribute to its rapid memorization and retention in memory.

Didactic materials in English must be present in any classes, be it English via Skype, courses or self-study. After all, they are the ones who help improve all language skills and abilities of a person with the help of a variety of tools used.


  1. Reviewers: Dr. Psy. and philol. science prof. A.A. Leontiev (MGPI); Ph.D. Philol. science prof. FROM. Novoselova “ Board book foreign language teacher” E.A. Maslyko, 1992.
  2. Shchukin A.N., “Teaching foreign languages: Theory and practice: A textbook for teachers and students.” 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Philomatis, 2006. – 480 p.
  3. Liz and John Soars “New Headway” English Course, Oxford university press. 2012.
  4. I.N. Vereshchagina, T.A. Pritikina “English language”, M. – Enlightenment. – 1991.
  5. “Dictionary of Pedagogy” edited by A.N. Petrovsky, M. – Publishing House of Political Literature, 1990.

Municipal state educational institution

Christmas average secondary school

Using visuals

in English lessons

prepared by: Kukhorenko O.P.,
English teacher

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For the first time in pedagogy, the theoretical justification for the principle of visualization of teaching was given by

Ya. A. Komensky in the 17th century. The great Czech teacher, using the achievements of folk pedagogy, found a means to facilitate the study of book material. “The world of sensory-perceptible things in pictures” is the very name of one of his educational books shows the path that the student’s knowledge should follow.

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The principle of visibility was proclaimed by many outstanding educators and teachers.Visualization as a teaching principle was later developed by I.T. Pestalozzi, K.D. Ushinsky and other teachers.It has not lost its relevance in our time. Characteristic for junior schoolchildren For its development, visual-figurative thinking requires the ability to touch, see, hear, and perceive the subject being studied as a whole. It is more difficult for a child to remember verbal explanations and descriptions than specific objects, events and persons.

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It is well known that the effectiveness of learning depends on the degree to which all human senses are involved in perception. The more diverse sensory perceptions educational material, the more firmly it is absorbed. This pattern found its expression in the didactic principle of visibility. The theory is best remembered when presented with the help of visual aids and aids. Visibility is one of effective means formation of positive motivation. But visibility should not be considered only as a simple demonstration of a specific object. The concept of “visibility” is inseparable from the concept of “thinking”; both of them are interconnected. Visualization of learning, as a didactic principle of constructing the educational process based on visual aids in the process of teaching languages, can be used when presenting new material, and when checking the assimilation of educational material, and in the design of teaching aids, books, maps, diagrams, tables, etc. .d.The principle of visibility plays special role in teaching a foreign language. When mastering a foreign language, the task arises - to create a system for reflecting the objective world in the forms of a second language. In school learning conditions, in the absence of a foreign language environment, the objective world is modeled using visuals. Using various means of visualization: objects, models, pictures, gestures, movements, filmstrips, films, etc., the teacher educational purposes models fragments of objective reality that students associate with corresponding foreign language forms in the process of educational communication. As a result of this, the forms of a foreign language become for students a reflection of the corresponding fragments of the objective world and carriers of certain information, the exchange of which is carried out during communication in a given situation. When teaching a foreign language, visualization is not only an important tool, but also a means of mastering the situational conditioning of speech. Visibility creates learning situations, in which oral communication is practiced and, thus, the speech reaction to objective reality and life situations.

Thus, visualization in teaching a foreign language for practical purposes helps to reveal the content of statements and models life situations in which communication occurs. The principle of visibility when applied to teaching a foreign language comes in the form of situational visibility. Visualization in language teaching methods creates conditions for sensory perception and introduces a second reality into the educational process.

In addition, visual aids can be used as indicative supports and in generalizing linguistic phenomena, where they manifest themselves in the same way as when teaching others academic subjects. The principle of visualization presupposes the use of visual teaching tools in forms that contribute to the inclusion of perceptions and ideas created on the basis of the use of these tools in the mental activity of students, stimulate and facilitate it.

Visual material, regardless of age characteristics, is remembered much better. Visibility is the basis on which new language is acquired in a unique way, and the students’ speech processes are formed. The use of visual aids ensures ease and speed of reproduction in the mind of connections from a foreign language word denoting a concept to the image of an object and phenomenon, and connections from the image of an object perceived at the moment of speaking to foreign word, expressing a concept. Visual aids are used at all stages of the learning process: when explaining new material, when consolidating knowledge, developing skills, when doing homework, when checking the mastery of educational material.

But, also effective and successful mastery of the English language thanks to clarity is possible if:

A) Provide well-chosen visuals that will be used in an English lesson.

B) Competently present a topic accessible to children using visuals.

C) It is also important if the teacher is able to involve students in educational activities with his pedagogical skills.


To implement the principle of clarity in teaching foreign languages, a wide range of teaching aids is provided, which should be concentrated in the foreign language classroom where classes are held. Visualization increases the effectiveness of learning and helps the student learn the language more meaningfully and with greater interest. The importance of visualization is now seen in the fact that it mobilizes the mental activity of students, arouses interest in language lessons, expands the volume of assimilated material, reduces fatigue, trains creative imagination, mobilizes the will, facilitates the entire learning process.

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In language teaching, all the variety of types of visualization can be reduced to two main ones:

I . Language visibility

II . Non-linguistic visibility.

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The first type of visibility includes:

    Communicative-speech visibility, a visual demonstration of the communicative-semantic function of a linguistic phenomenon in speech (oral and written).

    Demonstration of linguistic phenomena in isolated form (phonemes, morphemes, words, sentences, etc.) in oral or written form.

    Linguistic and grammatical diagrammatic clarity (diagrams, tables, etc.)

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Non-linguistic visibility includes all methods of presenting extralinguistic factors of the surrounding reality: natural, pictorial clarity (paintings, filmstrips, films).

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Depending on the type of analyzer, there are:



    motor-motor visibility.

In the practice of teaching a foreign language, there is a combination of different types of visualization.

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Depending on the purpose of using visualization, we can talk about the following:functions :

1. Presentation of language material (in coherent speech or in isolated form).

2. Clarification of knowledge of a linguistic phenomenon.

3. Creating conditions for the natural use of language as a means of teaching, for the communicative use of language material in oral and written speech.

When using visual teaching methods, it is necessary to observea number of conditions :

a) the visualization used must be appropriate for the age of the students;

b) visualization should be used in moderation and should be shown gradually and only at the appropriate moment in the lesson;

c) observation should be organized in such a way that all students can clearly see the object being demonstrated;

d) it is necessary to clearly highlight the main, essential things when showing illustrations;

e) think through in detail the explanations given during the demonstration of phenomena;

f) the clarity demonstrated must be precisely consistent with the content of the material;

g) involve the students themselves in finding the desired information in a visual aid or demonstration device.

In the learning process, foreign languages ​​are used various types clarity and, accordingly, various visual aids. An important place is occupied by pictorial clarity, which aims to display real world(photos, drawings, paintings). The teacher often uses the manuals from this group in the classroom. Their advantage is that it is possible to replace a real object with certain images, because it is often very difficult or impossible to show a real object in class (for example, large animals, historical episodes). This group of visual aids allows you to form a variety of ideas about the Universe, about various aspects of the life of nature and man.

TO visual media Visual aids also include technical means – educational videos, audio recordings, radio and television broadcasts. These visual aids are called audiovisual, allowing them to be used in educational process sound and image.


In their practice, English language teachers strive to use visualization to stimulate the process of learning the material, as additional remedy memorization and preservation of information as a bright reference signal that contributes to the development of the child’s abilities such as imagination, visual and emotional memory.

Visualization is one of the principles of learning. A visual image does not appear on its own, but as a result of the child’s active cognitive activity. Images of representation differ significantly from images of perception. They are richer in content than images of perception, but for different children they differ in clarity, brightness, stability, completeness, and duration of memorization. The degree of clarity of visual images may vary depending on the child’s individual abilities, his knowledge, the level of his imagination, as well as the degree of clarity of the initial images of perception. Thinking processes these ideas, identifies essential properties and relationships between different objects and, thus, helps create more generalized, deeper in content mental images of cognizable, memorized objects (lexemes), which is very important when learning languages.

Visibility in learning refers to various types of perception (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.). No one type of visual aid has an absolute advantage over the other. For example, when studying nature (topics “Seasons”, “Weather”, etc.), highest value have natural objects and images close to nature. In grammar lessons, it is more convenient to use conventional images that express the relationships between words and parts of a sentence using arrows, arcs, by highlighting parts of the word in different colors, etc. In such cases, comparative language teaching receives another advantage, since it is more spectacular and provides additional points of commonality or differences in the objects being studied. Using this method is both easy and difficult at the same time. It is necessary not to clutter the proposed material with unnecessary comparisons that distract attention, but to focus on the most important points. For example, when studying tenses in the grammar of Russian and English, it is enough to mention the existence of three tenses in the Russian language and their greater presence in English.

Often there is a need to use different types of visual aids when familiarizing yourself with the same issues. It is very important to use visual aids purposefully, without cluttering lessons with too many visual aids, because this prevents students from concentrating and thinking about the most important issues. This use of visual aids in teaching is not beneficial, but rather harms both the acquisition of knowledge and the development of students. When students have the necessary figurative ideas, they should be used to form concepts and develop the child’s abstract thinking. This rule applies not only to middle and high school, but also to elementary school.

In teaching practice, the use of visual aids is necessarily combined with the teacher’s word. Knowledge of the forms of combination of words and visual aids, their variants and comparative effectiveness enables the teacher to creatively use visual aids in accordance with the assigned didactic task, the characteristics of the educational material and in accordance with specific learning conditions.

Visibility - this is the basis on which a new language is acquired in a unique way, and the speech processes of students are formed. The use of visual aids ensures ease and speed of reproduction in the mind of connections from a foreign language word denoting a concept to the image of an object and phenomenon, and connections from the image of an object perceived at the moment of speaking to a foreign language word expressing the concept.

The problem of using visualization in teaching is closely related to the problem of modeling educational material. The modeling method is widely used in pedagogy today.

The vast majority of forms of human activity cannot be carried out without the use of sign-symbolic means. It is believed that a sign represents an object and reflects, through its meaning, the properties and relationships of objects, because inextricably linked with meaning. Thus, the functions of sign-symbolic means are to represent an object, evoke an image of an object, and convey knowledge about an object.

Visualization as a means of teaching, as well as characteristics of the visual method: Visualization in teaching is ensured by the use of a variety of illustrations, demonstrations, laboratory and practical work, the use of vivid examples and life facts.

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A special place in the implementation of the principle of clarity has the use of visual aids, slides, maps, diagrams, etc. The use of the principle of visualization is one of the oldest and most important principles, which means that the effectiveness of learning depends on the appropriate involvement of the senses in the perception and processing of educational materials. Research shows that pairing a story with an illustration of what is being learned significantly increases learning. Yes, efficiency auditory perception information is 15%, visual - 25%, and their simultaneous inclusion in the learning process increases the efficiency of perception up to 65%.

The great Russian teacher K.D. also drew attention to this situation. Ushinsky. He noted that the greater the number of sense organs that take part in the perception of any impression, the more firmly it is fixed in our memory. Physiologists and psychologists explain this situation by the fact that all human senses are interconnected. It has been experimentally proven that if a person receives information simultaneously through vision and hearing, then it is perceived more acutely than information that comes only through vision or only through hearing. Thus, the efficiency visual perception much higher than auditory perception.

Visualization in teaching is based on such a regularity of the cognition process as its movement from the sensory to the logical, from the concrete to the abstract. In the early stages of development, the child thinks more in images than in concepts. Scientific concepts and patterns are more easily assimilated by students if they are supported by specific facts in the process of comparison, analogies, etc. Especially younger students school age, absorb information better thanks to visuals. The use of visuals in the educational process can also be called a visual method, thanks to which the material is learned better. Visual teaching methods are understood as methods in which the assimilation of educational material is significantly dependent on the visual aids and technical means used in the learning process.
These methods contribute to the implementation of the didactic principle of clarity in teaching, enrich teaching methods, increase the efficiency and productivity of the lesson, and develop children's powers of observation, visual-figurative thinking, visual memory, and attention. Visual teaching methods can be divided into 3 groups: observations, illustrations, demonstrations.

Visual aids when teaching a foreign language are used to illustrate regional studies material, to create a visual support when presenting any situation that stimulates communication. There is no doubt that “country studies” visibility is necessary; it allows students to give a colorful image of a piece of reality that is insufficiently known to them, just as illustrations are needed to facilitate the understanding of foreign language expressions. However, the role of visibility cannot be reduced to just this.

Visibility in teaching contributes to the fact that schoolchildren, thanks to the perception of objects and processes in the surrounding world, form ideas that correctly reflect objective reality, and at the same time, the perceived phenomena are analyzed and generalized in connection with educational tasks. The use of visual aids is necessary not only for creating figurative ideas in schoolchildren, but also for the formation of concepts, for understanding abstract connections and dependencies.

Various methods using visual aids in an English lesson to develop lexical and dialogic speaking skills:

All methods are effective, but using a visual method with proper selection of material and means will give better results. It is possible to improve the English language, as well as dialogic speech, using visual aids different situations and different methods.Slides 11 – 22

For example:

1) Visual aids can be used when introducing new vocabulary to students, as well as when repeating previously learned vocabulary.

2) Thanks to the visuals, you can find out their personal opinion about this or that picture.

3) You can create a crossword puzzle where the goal is not to guess but to write correctly English words, based on the picture given by the teacher.

4) You can create a dialogue where in some places, instead of a certain word, there will be pictures that match the missing words.

5) You can ask to describe the picture (the character, his actions, his appearance, his qualities...).

6) You can use certain objects (leaf of wood, stone, globe...), and familiarize yourself with it English translation)

At the same time, it is necessary to choose words that are interesting for children.

7) Using phonetic exercises and translating it into English, you can suggest the translation with a picture.

The situational approach to teaching is an important and necessary technique when using visuals. For example:

8) Use the student's object and pronounce it in English, while introducing them to the new sentence, like:Itisabook. Itisourblackboard.

9) You can also use a student's item and ask a question:Whatisit? Whatcolorisit?

10) You can use a toy to introduce prepositions of place. Based on its location, children will guess the translation of the preposition.

Thus, thanks to visuals, children assimilate certain phenomena and behave more actively in lessons. Visualization brings bright colors to the learning process and gives them incentive.

Efficiency is characterized by the ratio of results and the efforts of teachers and students, time and money spent on achieving them. But also, there are conditions and factors that contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the learning process through the use of visual teaching aids:

1) the visualization used must be appropriate for the age of the students;

2) visualization should be used in moderation and should be shown gradually and only at the appropriate moment in the lesson; Everything that will be used in the lesson (posters, diagrams, layouts, task cards, etc.) must be selected in advance, checked and arranged in the order of their use;

3) observation should be organized in such a way that all students can clearly see the object being demonstrated;

4 it is necessary to clearly highlight the main, essential things when showing illustrations; 5) visibility must be precisely consistent with the content of the material;

6) involve the students themselves in finding the desired information in a visual aid or demonstration device.

Teaching practice has developed large number rules revealing the application of the principle of clarity. Here are some of them:

1) remember - the child thinks in forms, colors, sounds, sensations in general: hence the need for visual learning, which is built not on abstract concepts and words, but on specific images directly perceived by the child,

2) golden rule didactics - everything that is possible can be represented for perception by the senses, namely: visible - for perception by sight, audible - by hearing, smells - by smell, subject to taste - by taste, accessible to touch - by touch,

3) never limit yourself to visibility - visibility is not a goal, but a means of learning, development of thinking,

4) visualization should be used not only for illustration, but also as an independent source of knowledge for creating problem situations. Modern visibility allows you to organize effective search and research work students,

5) when using visual aids, consider them with students first as a whole, then - the main and secondary, then - again as a whole,

6) use various types of visual aids, but do not get carried away with an excessive number of visual aids: this distracts students’ attention and prevents them from perceiving the main thing,

7) try to make visual aids with your students yourself: the best aid is one made by the students themselves,

8) using visual aids, cultivate in students attention, observation, culture of thinking, constructive creativity, interest in learning,

9) remember that visualization is a powerful tool, which, if used inattentively or ineptly, can lead students away from solving the main problem and replace the goal with a bright means.

The problem of using visual aids when teaching a foreign language is quite acute. Many school books, and there are more and more of them from year to year, overloaded with various photo illustrations, graphic images, tables and diagrams, which sometimes do not help students, but, on the contrary, distract them from the essence of the material presented.


Based on the material discussed above, the following conclusion can be drawn:

Every time you use certain visuals, you need to understand exactly what function these visuals should perform in the educational process, or what role they should play in the formation of communicative speech thanks to visuals.

It follows that visibility is indeed the modern foundation for teaching English, as well as for the formation of communicative speech.

IN modern conditions when the main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is educational institutions is the development of the learner’s personality, capable and willing to participate in intercultural communication on the subject foreign language and independently improve in foreign language speech activity, visibility acts as the basis on which speech is built, determines its content and conditions for its flow. Visualization serves as the starting point, source and basis for acquiring knowledge; it is a learning tool that ensures optimal assimilation of educational material and its consolidation in memory; forms the foundation for the development of creative imagination and thinking; is a criterion for the reliability of acquired knowledge; contains tips for revealing the laws of language during its sensory-visual perception.

In addition, visibility mobilizes the mental activity of students, arouses interest in English classes, expands the volume of absorbed material, reduces fatigue, trains creative imagination, mobilizes will, and facilitates the entire process of learning English.

Visual aids are necessary for better assimilation of materials, they arouse great interest in children, attract attention, help remind themselves of the need to study English and just look cool on the wall - that’s what can be said about different posters with useful information. If you want to unobtrusively remind yourself or your child about English lessons, there is no better way.Poster Englishwill fit perfectly into the interior thanks to the variety of designs, and will also help you choose exactly the kind of poster that will complement necessary knowledge, be itenglish alphabetor irregular verbs.

The most popular visual aid is the English tense chart. Probably, such popularity is caused by the complexity and incomprehensibility of this topic, but any infographic increases the understanding and perception of even the most complex information. Actually, this is precisely the basis of any teaching aid on the website of our EasySpeak online store.

Any student’s education should begin with clarity; we can overlook this trend both in school classrooms and in classrooms. language groups, where the entire wall is simply covered with important components of the English language. Sometimes it even seems that using only the walls of such classes you can already say something smart in English, and to some extent this is true.

Learning especially requires visual aids English kids. English for children is generally an incredible science, since it is obviously the most difficult to interest the youngest student. An adult is able to realize the need for English and see the perspective of an English-speaking person in comparison with someone who does not know the language, but a child, of course, perceives the entire learning process as a boring and unnecessary activity.

English for childrenshould be implemented in daily life unobtrusively, in a relaxed manner. Start by hanging a poster with English alphabet somewhere where the child will see him often. Such an element of the nursery will arouse interest, and at these moments, when the child himself is interested in this poster, it is possible, and necessary, to explain and teach. The main thing is not to try to force it at least at first, because every child has a desire to comprehend everything around him, and simply by picking up these bursts of interest in the language, you can unobtrusively invest in knowledge of the English language and instill it as something integral. By gradually incorporating our other methods of memorization and learning, in combination with an individual approach to the child that only you can know, you can achieve good results, as well as instill a love of learning something new.

For older children, we suggest arming yourself with posters with information that will help with their English homework. Hang posters with a complete list near the student’s workplace irregular verbs and time patterns. This way you will help him cope with his homework faster, due to the fact that there will be no need to go to the textbook every time for the necessary construction, and also by constantly reviewing this information, it will be fixed in memory for a long time.

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