General characteristics of the student intern. Examples and examples of positive characteristics of a student from the internship site. Characteristics of the student’s theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills

Educational process Almost all educational institutions that train specialists for various branches of production and service are closely connected with enterprises and organizations that act as the main customers for young qualified personnel.

One of the forms of training in this case is the practical training of students at the enterprise, during which future specialists are given the opportunity not only to become familiar with the production cycle, but also in practice to independently perform a number of technological operations in the production cycle.

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The result of such work, as a rule, is a student intern who has undergone internship at the enterprise.

Writing rules

Since a student’s practical training at an enterprise is not just a formal, but a clearly regulated event with documented results of the work done. AND The student's reference must be drawn up in accordance with certain rules:

  • the characteristics are drawn up on the company’s letterhead;
  • The document contains all the details of the company:
  • full name of the enterprise;
  • postal address;
  • email address;
  • contact numbers;
  • the surname, name and patronymic of the student-intern are indicated, educational institution, specialty, course of study;
  • must be indicated:
  • the position in which the student was trained;
  • successes achieved during training and shortcomings identified during the internship;
  • signatures are certified by a seal with the company logo.

Possible nuances when writing

Almost always, a highly qualified and professional production worker is appointed as the head of a production practice, but for whom, as a rule, it is quite difficult to write a normal description. In view of this, the easiest way to present the results of the work is to follow the following plan:

  • the position in which the student interned;
  • theoretical knowledge of the trainee necessary for independent work, level, depth, quality of assimilation;
  • practical skills;
  • compliance with safety and fire safety regulations;
  • description of the main functions in the production process performed by the student (here, it is recommended to use it as a template job responsibilities specialist whose functions were performed by the intern);
  • positive aspects and disadvantages identified during independent work.

An important point in writing a characteristic is the use of business communication language that excludes subjective value judgments.

Important! The characteristics are written for each trainee separately; this is a document that characterizes one person specifically!

Sample characteristics from the place of practice

LLC "Spetsstroy"


st. Builders 000

tel 000000000



3rd year student Industrial College specialty "mechanical engineering technology" Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

In the period from “__”______ to “__”______2016, 3rd year student Ivanov I.I. underwent industrial practice as a technologist in the tool shop of Spetsstroy LLC.

During the internship, the student, according to the internship plan, studied the main technological features of the tool shop, became familiar with the production process at the site, the organization of labor protection and the procedure for complying with safety and fire safety rules at the enterprise.

During the training process, I independently carried out operations on the selection, assessment and quality control of tools and spare parts of equipment, the procedure for preparing tools for transfer to other divisions of the association, the procedure for documenting the receipt, movement and write-off of material assets, and filling out technical documentation.

Directly under the guidance of the internship supervisor and the workshop foreman, he independently carried out work on sharpening cutting tools, testing strength, and determining the technical condition of the tool.

There were no cases of violation of internal labor regulations and safety regulations during practice.

Director of Spetsstroy LLC (signature) Vasiliev A.P.

PE "Vesta"


st. Builders 000

tel 000000000


2nd year student of the Trade and Economic College, specialty "commodity science" Ivanova Irina Ivanovna

In the period from “__”______ to “__”______2016, 2nd year student Ivanova I.I. underwent practical training as a merchandiser at the Vesta private enterprise.

According to the tasks of the internship plan, Ivanova I.I. carried out all the main operations for the acceptance, accounting and delivery of goods by customers according to the assortment. During my work, I quickly mastered the basic operations associated with my job responsibilities and independently studied the basic software of the enterprise, the procedures and rules of document flow.

During her work, she demonstrated a fairly deep knowledge of accounting operations related to the work of a merchandiser.

She performed her assigned duties conscientiously; there were no violations of the company’s labor regulations during her internship.

Performed additional assignments and duties conscientiously. She was repeatedly involved as a freight forwarder to temporarily replace an absent employee.

When working independently as a salesperson-cashier, she demonstrated excellent business skills, knowledge of the range of goods, their consumer qualities and the characteristics of each product. Cash transactions are carried out correctly; no shortages or surpluses were identified when depositing cash at the enterprise's cash desk.

Based on the results of practice, the assessment of general preparedness as a specialist in the specialty is rated “excellent”, overall rating fulfillment of tasks - “excellent”.

Internship supervisor (signature) Petrov S.P.

Director of the private enterprise "Vesta" (signature) Vasiliev A.P.


4th year student at the Institute of Transport and Communications, specialty “occupational safety” Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

In the period from “__”______ to “__”______2016, 4th year student Ivanova I.I. underwent practical training as a labor protection engineer at the Central Mining and Processing Plant production association.

Ivanov I.I. during the passage industrial practice Acted as a transport safety engineer. During the internship, I was unable to master theoretical knowledge related to the job responsibilities of a safety engineer and the enterprise’s labor protection system.

The student’s theoretical knowledge in the specialty did not allow the management of the enterprise and the internship supervisor to admit I.I. Ivanov. to independent work.

During the internship, violations of internal labor regulations by Ivanov I.I. were repeatedly recorded. – he repeatedly arrived late to work, often in a state of intoxication; unauthorized departures and absences became a normal occurrence for him by the end of his internship.

Based on the results of the student’s work, the assessment of general preparedness as a specialist in the specialty is assessed as “unsatisfactory”, the overall assessment of the completion of tasks is assessed as “unsatisfactory”.

Internship supervisor (signature) Petrov S.P.

Director (signature) Vasiliev A.P.

The following must be indicated:

  • the position in which, according to the practice plan, the student was trained;
  • what basic technological operations were studied and mastered, in what processes the student himself directly participated;
  • compliance by the trainee with safety regulations and internal labor regulations at the enterprise;
  • successes achieved during training and shortcomings identified during the internship;
  • in conclusion, a grade is given for completing the production task and an overall grade based on the results of the practice;
  • If necessary, wishes and recommendations on the level of training are indicated.
  • the document is signed by the head of practice from the enterprise and certified by the signature of the head of the enterprise.

A student of group TV-31 VSP "Berdyansk College of the Tavria State Agrotechnological University, underwent technological practice at the State Enterprise winery named after. P. Osipenko from 05/25/2010 to 07/26/2010

During his internship, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov studied the technology of grape processing, mastered the operation of grape processing equipment (crusher, press, stackers, conveyor), became familiar with the work of a chemical laboratory, and mastered grape sampling. During his technological practice, he showed himself to be a hardworking, efficient employee, interested in the quality of work and its results.

Excellent grade for practical training. Head of Practice.

Characteristics of a student intern for industrial practice, example.

Characteristics of the 5th year student intern of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance Ivanova Ivana Ivanovna.

Student-intern, Ivanova Ivanna Ivanovna, showed herself to be a good performer during her internship at the State Enterprise “Livadia”. She conscientiously completed all tasks assigned to her, studied large number documentary materials available at the enterprise. Studied the organization of the system accounting, enterprise reporting, as well as the degree of automation of the accounting process. She showed a high level of training as a specialist. She always showed interest in new work.

Modest, responsible, hardworking.

Chief accountant (head of practice from the enterprise).

Characteristics of a trainee during internship - examples

Characteristics of a student intern of the Faculty of Technical and Technical Development and PPR of the specialty “Land Management and Cadastre”

Taranenko Ekaterina Valerievna underwent practical training at the State Enterprise "KNIiPIZ" from September 1, 2008 to October 3, 2008.

During the internship, there were no violations of labor discipline or internal work regulations.

Ekaterina got acquainted with the work and tasks that are being solved in the departments: the state land cadastre, the TGO, the department of land management and land assessment works.

Took active participation in the work of the organization, showed interest in the production tasks assigned to it. Participated in design and geodetic work, became familiar with the intricacies of work in various positions, became familiar with various regulatory documents acting in the field of land legislation.

She completed the work given to her quickly and efficiently. Showed initiative in solving assigned tasks. She independently dealt with the questions that arose, which indicates that the student had basic knowledge.

In the process of completing the work, she successfully used computer technology.

I practically strengthened the knowledge acquired at the university.

Characteristics of a trainee undergoing technological practice

Nadezhda Anatolyevna Vyazovikova, student of the Faculty of Technology, Southern Branch National University Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine "KATU"

Vyazovikova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, a 5th year student of the Faculty of Technology, specialty “technology of fermentation and winemaking” of “NAU BiP UV KATU”, completed an internship at the CJSC “Oktyabrsky Wine and Brandy Plant” (primary winemaking workshop) from September 14 to October 31, 2009.

During the internship, I successfully mastered the knowledge acquired during the curriculum. On the territory of the enterprise I got acquainted with all production workshops and technological processes.

During her internship, she proved herself to be a conscientious and diligent trainee. She persistently mastered all operations carried out on the territory of the plant. She worked well with the team and earned the respect of the employees for her ability to work.


Characteristics of a veterinary practice intern

Intern Adjigaziev D.D. 6th year student of SFNU and PU (KATU) arrived at JSC Shirokoe on August 10, 2009. and finished work on November 27, 2009.

During his internship, he established himself positively as a responsible, executive, punctual and active person. He completed all the tasks entrusted to him on time and showed himself to be a good student. He showed good theoretical knowledge in treating animals. He took part in the treatment of internal non-communicable diseases, surgery, obstetrics and preventive anti-epizootic treatment and diagnostic measures.

We express our gratitude to the student for the work done.

Characteristics for an accounting trainee

A 5th year student of the accounting and financial department of the Law Firm "KATU" of NAU was sent to practice at the small private enterprise "Veresk".

She handled all assignments with responsibility.

She proved herself to be a disciplined, hardworking worker.

A ready-made reference for a student is a documented description of the qualities inherent in the student’s personality - his abilities, skills, character traits. Characteristics and feedback on the student’s internship are required to be presented as evidence of actual internship.

What information is indicated in the characteristics

Characteristics are drawn up for student trainees by the head of the internship taking place at the enterprise. You can issue it on the company’s letterhead or on a regular white A4 sheet.

This document is being drawn up to be submitted to the university. The description includes all the student’s personal data and information about the level of training and acquired professional knowledge. A ready-made characteristic for a student trainee from the enterprise is the level of his specialization and qualifications. Based on this characteristic, a grade is given in the diploma application, which is responsible for the student’s specialization.

At the end of the description, the date when the document was drawn up with the signature of the practice manager is indicated.

Let us give examples of characteristics for a student based on the results of completing educational, orientation, industrial, pedagogical or pre-graduate practice.

  1. The internship took place at the enterprise


Student intern Full name in the period from June 29, 2015 to July 12, 2015, he underwent training and orientation in the store of Central LLC, located at the address: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, st. Lenin 218 as assistant manager.

During the entire period of practice, full name. was attentive and responsible to the work performed. Studied management methods and basic methods of motivating personnel, job responsibilities of personnel, tried to conduct analysis economic activity organization over the past three years, became familiar with the procedure for maintaining various administrative documents, accounting documentation, studied organizational structure enterprise, participated in various daily activities.

He performed all assigned work conscientiously and on time. I strived to acquire new knowledge in order to be even more useful at the place of practice. Repeatedly provided assistance to the organization's employees. The management of the organization evaluates the work of the full name. "excellent".

Comments on the internship to your full name. No.

General manager

LLC "Central" Ivanov A.P.


About completing qualifying practice with 2015 By 06 June 2015 years

V Limited Liability Company "Fasad"

Student PhilipnewAndrey Vitalievich

During his internship, Andrey Filippov studied the activities of the organization, namely, the organization’s documentation and the peculiarities of the organization of personnel work. Based on the work done, the student formulated recommendations for improving the management of personnel development in the organization.

During his practice, he established himself as a highly qualified worker, a specialist in his field. A.V. Filippov finds it perfectly common language with the organization's staff. Hard work and high efficiency are also distinctive features Andrey Vitalievich.

All of the above allows us to assert that the practice of Andrei Vitalievich Filippov deserves a positive assessment.

Head of the organization(signature) (signature decryption)

6.06.201 5 years


about completing an educational internship for a RGTEU student


Place of internship LLC "Victoria"

Duration of internship from 15.04. 2015 By 28.04.201 5 years

Head of practice from the enterprise L.P. ABOUTrlova

During the internship, *********** demonstrated excellent knowledge in the field of commercial activities. Has independence and the desire to put into practice and increase the knowledge acquired at RGTEU.

*********** is able to demonstrate in life, in behavior, in relationships in a professional team, universal human values ​​- respect for work (including that of others), for work colleagues, for knowledge.

In relations with colleagues, ******** showed his best side; attentiveness, the ability to listen and understand, the desire to avoid conflict, resistance to stress, the ability to compromise, all these qualities are indispensable when working in a team.

I would especially like to note the ability to competently plan one’s activities in accordance with the team’s development strategy and perform work with maximum efficiency.

During his internship, ************** investigated the commercial activities of Victoria LLC. Based on the results of the analysis, he developed proposals for improving the organization’s commercial activities, which were of significant interest and practical value.

The prepared practice report is complete research work, completed sufficiently high level and meeting all the requirements for relevance, depth of topic development, validity and reliability of the conclusions. The report deserves an "excellent" rating.

Director of Victoria LLC _____________________________ L.P. Orlova

Print location

  1. The practice took place at school

Characteristics of a student intern

Student Ipatova Elena Ivanovna completed an internship from October 1 to October 28, 2015 on the basis of the municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary secondary school No. 45" (Krasnodar city, Krasnaya street, 222).

During the practice, Elena Ivanvona got acquainted with the curriculum, plans extracurricular activities And educational work. The student also observed history lessons taught by teacher T.N. Kozlova. Under the supervision and guidance of this teacher E.I. Ipatova developed and taught history lessons in grades 7 and 8 according to the curriculum.

In the process of practice, Elena Ivanovna Ipatova showed herself to be a mature teacher who knows how to find a common language both with other teachers and with teenage children. The student diligently completed practice assignments and was tactful in pedagogical communication.

The practice of Elena Ivanovna Ipatova deserves a positive assessment.

Teacher of secondary school No. 45 Komarova E.A.

Characteristics of a student

Svetlana Sergeevna Lopatina completed her internship from November 1 to November 28, 2014 at the municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary School No. 36” (Novosibirsk, Shevchenko Street, 21)

During her internship, Svetlana Sergeevna studied the documentation of the school and administration, became acquainted with the organization of educational work, analyzed state standard, curriculum, methodological developments. I got acquainted with the work of the school teachers. Conducted observations of the lessons of geography teacher T.N. Kozlova. Under the supervision and guidance of this teacher, Svetlana Sergeevna developed and taught geography lessons in 8 grades.

During her internship, the student showed herself to be a good specialist who understands the problems of children. Easily finds a common language with teenagers, as well as with school teachers and psychologists.

Based on the results of the practice, we can conclude that the student demonstrated knowledge of theoretical and practical material. You can positively evaluate such qualities as diligence and discipline, responsibility and interest.

The practice of Svetlana Sergeevna Lopatina deserves a positive assessment.

  1. Characteristics of a student in general


Characteristics issued by ___ Full name student______ ____course based on the results of pre-diploma internship in the period from July 4, 2015. to August 15, 2015

The student performed the following tasks:

List all types of tasks that were performed during practice.

During work, ___Name____ showed himself as a responsible, efficient, conscientious employee, and mastered the specifics of the work.

The student showed himself to be a competent specialist who skillfully applies his knowledge in practical work, diligently attended and fully followed the established program. During the internship, the student showed a good level of theoretical knowledge, and reinforced them with practical skills with a large degree of independence in work, and took an active part in the work of the enterprise.

Manager's signature, seal.

Presented examples ready-made characteristics for the student will help you in drawing up your characteristics, if required.

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Circuitry Theoretical mechanics Theoretical foundations Electrical Engineering (TOE) Theory of Automatic Control (TAC) Theory of Probability Theory of Queuing Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Theory of Decision inventive problems(TRIZ) Theory electrical circuits(CHP) Thermophysics Thermal power engineering and heat engineering Technical mechanics Maintenance cars Technological machines and equipment Technology of public catering Technology of food products and goods Vehicles Physics Refrigeration Engineering Digital Signal Processing Digital Transmission Systems (DTS) Electronics Power Supply of Devices Electrical Engineering Business Analysis Crisis Management Audit Banking Business Planning Accounting and Analysis Accounting and Auditing Accounting Budgeting and budget system Foreign economic activity State and municipal government(GMU) State regulation of the economy Money, credit, banks (DKB) Other subject (not listed) Investments Innovation management Institutional economics Information systems in economics Information technologies in management Research of management systems (MS) History of economic doctrines Commercial activities Corporate finance Logistics Macroeconomics Marketing International relations International markets Management Methods of making management decisions Microeconomics World economy IFRS Taxes and taxation Organizational development Organization of entrepreneurial activity Organization of production Fundamentals of statistics and accounting Fundamentals of financial accounting Real estate and business valuation Planning Production management Securities market System analysis Accounting Socio-cultural service and tourism Socio-economic statistics Statistics Strategic management Insurance Customs Theory organizations Management theory Theory of economic analysis (TEA) Commodity science Trading business Tourism Cost management Quality management Personnel management Project management Financial mathematics Financial management Finance Finance and credit Pricing Econometrics Economics Mechanical engineering economics Real estate economics Industrial economics Economics of the infocommunications industry Enterprise economics Communication economics Construction economics Labor economics Economic-mathematical methods (EMM) Economic geography and regional studies Economic theory Economic analysis

Specify the date when you need to receive the completed order, Moscow time

1. Characteristics from the practice of a student, full name, who completed an internship at the Vinogradny agro-industrial complex of the Simferopol region.

Porutchikov Alexey Aleksandrovich, a student at the Law Firm “KATU” of NAU, during his internship as an understudy economist in the agro-industrial complex “Vinogradny” of the Simferopol region, established himself as a responsible, efficient and persistent person. Deepened and consolidated theoretical knowledge and skills in solving economic issues. Conducted research work on the Vinogradny agro-industrial complex.

natural and economic conditions farm, its size, structure and specialization of production;

· the size of the resource potential of the economy and the efficiency of their use;

· the state of technology and economic efficiency of production in crop production;

· relationships between the economy and enterprises: organizations;

· establishment of a market economic mechanism.

He carried out all the instructions of the chief economist and took an active part in the economic activities of the enterprise.

The level of knowledge with which the trainee came to the practical training was quite high. Knowledge in the field of enterprise economics, as well as the ability to work on a computer, allowed the student to easily understand the organization and features of economic work at our enterprise.

There were no comments to the student during the internship period. I, the chief economist of the Vinogradny agro-industrial complex, V. N. Okorokova, believe that the work carried out by Alexey Aleksandrovich Porutchikov, compiled in the “Report on Industrial Practice,” deserves an excellent rating.

2. Characteristics of a student’s practical experience in economics

Characteristics from practice of a third-year student of the Southern Branch of the Crimean Agrotechnological University.

Student Full name from June 21, 2010 to July 16, 2010 was sent by the Law Firm "KATU" NUBL of Ukraine to undergo industrial practice at OJSC Plemzavod "Krymsky" of the Saki region, to study and master the industrial practice program.

During the internship, the student proved herself to be a competent student, diligently attended and fully completed the established program.

During the internship, the student showed a good level of theoretical knowledge and reinforced it with practical skills with a large degree of independence in work, took an active part in the work of departments and provided assistance to their specialists. She showed diligence, hard work, reliability and goodwill in her work.

The student is sociable, diligent, disciplined, and conscientiously followed the instructions of the practice manager from the enterprise.

We recommend that you rate your internship in the discipline “Enterprise Economics” as “excellent.”

3. Characteristics from student practice at a winery

Full name, student of group TBP 31.1 of the Southern Branch of the National Agrotechnological University of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, Faculty of Technology, underwent practical training at Evpatoria Winery LLC from 06/05/10 to 07/30/10.

During the internship, the student became familiar with the basic techniques of bottling wine in bottles and in “Tetra-pak” prism and “Brick” formats, performed various work in the bottling shop, and proved herself to be a conscientious, diligent worker. Throughout my practice I strived to get maximum quantity information.

Head of practice from the plant: Slyusarenko V.I.

4. Characteristics of the student from the place of practice, accounting practice.

Ch. accountant of the Crimean Experimental Horticulture Station IS UAAN for a 3rd year student of the accounting and financial faculty of the Law Firm "Crimean Agrotechnological University" NAU Babin Maxim Mikhailovich.

During his internship at our enterprise from 06/23/08 to 07/19/08, student M. M. Babin established himself as a conscientious and responsible intern. Level vocational training and skills are sufficiently acceptable for a future bachelor's degree in Accounting and Auditing. During the internship, the student was also entrusted with the right to help accountants fill out some registers for business transactions occurring at that time.

Examples of characteristics from student practice will be constantly added.

5. Characteristics of the student from the place of technological practice

Full name underwent practical training at the State Enterprise "Alushta" in the period from 09/10/2007 to 10/03/2007.

The student became familiar with the acceptance of grapes and the production of wine materials, studied the range of products, and became familiar with technologies in the field of processing wine materials.

Full name has proven himself to be a responsible, efficient, disciplined worker. He has proven himself on the positive side in the team.

Characteristics of a student at the place of internship in management

Characteristics for a student from a place of practice at JSC Simferopolskoye, majoring in Organization Management.

Student Novikova Irina Andreevna underwent practical training at JSC Simferopolskoye from 01/19/09 to 02/13/09.

She proved herself to be a disciplined, efficient and proactive student; acted conscientiously and responsibly in carrying out assignments.

In her work she can be described as strong-willed, assertive, purposeful person, having necessary knowledge in his field and quickly assimilates new information. Actively strives to acquire new knowledge and skills. She is attentive to criticism of her work and is able to draw the necessary conclusions.

When completing the production internship program, the student was interested in the opinion of experienced workers, and used the data from the necessary consultations she received when writing a report

According to the industrial practice program, she studied and analyzed all necessary documents.

During the internship, the student gained new practical skills and consolidated her existing theoretical knowledge.

The head of practice from the enterprise at the place of practice is the chief accountant.

Characteristics of a student from the place of practical training, example, accountant

Characteristic for a 4th year student of the accounting and financial faculty of the Law Firm "KATU" NAU Ivanova Diana Ibraimovna, who completed an internship at CJSC "N-Pobeda" in the Sovetsky district of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Diana Ibraimovna Ivanova completed an internship as an assistant accountant at N-Pobeda CJSC from 03/03/08 to 03/14/08.

Throughout the practice, the student showed herself to be a good performer. She complied with the rules of the internal daily routine established in the household and did not violate labor discipline. Conscientiously performed all duties assigned to her. She mastered the full cycle of accounting work in the central accounting department, kept records and registered accounting documents.

During the internship, the student acquired practical skills in maintaining financial and management accounting in a production environment.

Hardworking, punctual, responsible, neat, purposeful.

The chief accountant is the manager at the place of practice. Date. Signature. Seal.

Characteristics of a student from an accounting internship

Characteristics of a student from the place of practice of the chief accountant of JSC "Burliuk" for a 3rd year student of the accounting and financial faculty of the Law Firm "Crimean Agrotechnological University" NAU Tsurkan Sergei Valerievich, at the place of practice.

The student showed up for practice on time, worked diligently, and persistently earned necessary information. Carefully studied the provided data and accounting registers. I delved into the specifics of accounting directly at our enterprise.

The trainee demonstrated deep theoretical knowledge on the necessary issues.

Well mastered in practice the issues noted in individual plan practices.

Tsurkan Sergey proved himself to be a diligent student and left a good impression.

Chief accountant manager at the place of practice.

Characteristics of a student undergoing practical training in economics

Characteristics of a fifth-year student at the Faculty of Economics and Management Diana Yurievna Babayan underwent practical training at the Georgian Industrial Complex from March 29 to April 9, 2010.

During her internship, the student showed her best side, establishing herself as a modest, tactful, well-mannered, inquisitive, active, efficient and hardworking person.

During the internship, she completed all tasks given by the economist or accountant of the enterprise in a high-quality and timely manner.

She showed great interest in innovations in the organization of labor and its payment, organization of work of structural divisions.

She actively collaborated with the company’s specialists and mastered the provided material correctly and efficiently.

I studied the necessary documents: the Charter of the SEC “Georgia”, the Collective Agreement of the enterprise, the internal regulations, the business plan for the development of the enterprise, the main legislative acts on the activities of agricultural enterprises.

Production practice showed Babayan D. Yu. how good specialist in the future.

Head of practice from the enterprise, Director of SEC “Georgia” ________________ Khasitashvili. V.I.

Characteristics of a student from the place of practical training in agronomy

Characteristic Student Natalya Konstantinovna Litvinova held the position of assistant foreman.

During her internship, she proved herself to be a responsible, efficient, qualified worker.

Natalya showed interest in the work, delved into the essence of technological operations, and carried out all the proposed work carefully and efficiently.

She studied all the features and tasks of the foreman’s work and showed organizational skills.

Signature of the chief agronomist Merkulov T.V.

Characteristics of a veterinary practice for a student


Student intern Afanasyev O. E. came to practice at JSC “DRUZHBA.. NARODV NOVA” poultry plant from 04/18/16 to 05/13/16 inclusive. During this period, O. E. Afanasyev proved himself to be a competent, proactive worker who knows how to use in practice the knowledge acquired in Pribrezhnensky agricultural college. Leader's instructions veterinarian poultry plant performed quickly, accurately and conscientiously. At the same time, he showed interest in the work of a leading veterinarian and pathologist.

I got acquainted with the work of a veterinarian, a pathologist and all the documentation with which they work (forms, magazines, etc.). He carried out all the instructions of the practice manager on time and strictly adhered to the internal labor regulations.

Shows initiative, is sociable, takes on any task, and completes it clearly and within a certain time frame. Based on the results of implementation, reports to the manager. Workplace organized correctly.

He maintained friendly relations with the employees of the poultry plant and had no conflicts. He easily gets into contact with people, in any situation he was respectful in communicating with others.

During his internship, he proved himself to be an active, attentive, hardworking and responsible worker.

Mastered types of work, quality, independence, interest, initiative.

The main type of work performed by O. E. Afanasyev was to conduct a veterinary and sanitary examination on the slaughter line of broiler chickens. He was also involved in conducting post-mortem examinations of broiler chickens. showed high interest and initiative to work.

Labor discipline and compliance with safety regulations - Strictly adhered to internal labor regulations, safety rules and fire safety rules.

Special comments and suggestions from the practice manager - During the internship, he proved himself to be an active, attentive, hardworking, and responsible employee. In the future, he continues to strive to improve his acquired skills and acquired practical and theoretical knowledge.

Practice rating: excellent.

Date “13” ______May______ 2016

Head of practice from the organization (position) (signature) (Last name I. O.), seal, date.

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