Plan for joint work between school and kindergarten. Work plan for continuity between preschool and school Work plan for primary school and kindergarten

Goal: ensuring continuity and continuity in the organization of educational, educational, teaching and methodological work between preschool and primary education.

  • Coordinate the goals and objectives of preschool and primary school education.
  • To create psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the preservation and promotion of health, the continuity of the psychophysical development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.
  • To provide conditions for a smooth, stress-free transition of children from play to learning activities.
  • Continuity of curricula and programs of preschool and school primary education.

Explanatory note

Schools and kindergartens are aimed at implementing a set of educational objectives that are based on two interacting goals - to prepare a preschool child for school and to lay the foundation for further active learning in primary school.

Readiness for learning in primary school presupposes physiological maturity and psychological readiness, readiness for learning in primary school presupposes the ability to learn.

The model of pre-school education “Kindergarten with expanded opportunities”, approved at the regional conference in September 2006, provides for one-year (within the preparatory group of the kindergarten) education of children at the stage of “pre-school preparation” in the mode of preschool education classes under the “Development” program and adaptation classes at based on the Municipal Educational Institution “Education Center”.

The organization of work on pre-school education for children of senior preschool age is carried out in the following areas:

  • organizational and methodological support;
  • working with children;
  • working with parents.

Organizational and methodological support includes:

  • Joint pedagogical councils on issues of continuity.
  • Joint meetings of the Ministry of Defense on the effectiveness of the work of teachers and preschool educators in preparing children for school.
  • Workshops.
  • Mutual visits to classes. Studying the experience of using variable forms, methods and techniques of work in the practice of teachers and educators.
  • Development and creation of a unified system of diagnostic methods for “pre-school” education.

Working with children includes:

  • Organization of adaptation classes for children at the ShBP (School of the Future First-Grader).
  • The joint work of psychologists to monitor children’s development and determine “school maturity.”
  • Joint celebrations and sporting events.

The system of interaction between teacher and parents includes:

  • Joint parent-teacher meetings.
  • Holding open days.
  • Attendance of lessons and adaptation sessions by parents.
  • Open classes for additional education teachers.
  • Consultations with a psychologist and teacher.
  • Organization of excursions around the school.
  • Involving parents in organizing children's parties and sports competitions.

The interaction of preschool educational institutions and schools in the process of preparing children for school education involves the creation of a set of conditions that ensure the formation of the child’s readiness for school on the basis of uniform requirements. A significant area of ​​work on continuity is the conduct of adaptation classes within the walls of the Education Center. Adaptation classes allow you to overcome the consequences of a child’s negative experience of communicating with society and imply easier adaptation to school conditions.

Classes are carried out by primary school teachers graduating 4th grade and are of an integrated game nature in the following areas:

  • “Native word”
  • “Mathematical step”
  • “Preparing to write”
  • “Health and physical education

Expected results

Such targeted work to prepare children for school should contribute to:

  • Creation and improvement of favorable conditions to ensure:
    • personal development of the child;
    • strengthening mental and physical health;
    • holistic perception of the picture of the surrounding world;
    • formation of social and moral norms and readiness for schooling;
    • overcoming multi-level training.
  • Creation of a unified system of diagnostic methods for the achieved level of development of children and further forecasting of its development.
  • Improving the forms of organization of the educational process and teaching methods in preschool educational institutions and primary schools.
  • Ensuring more successful adaptation of children to learning in primary school, preserving the desire of preschoolers to learn and develop
  • For teachers, organizing work on preschool education provides an opportunity to better understand children and organize their work in accordance with their development.

Application to the program

Joint work plan of the preschool educational institution “Golden Key” and the municipal educational institution “Center of Education” in Pevek to implement the problem of continuity
(direction: preschool educational institution - primary school)

No. Events Purpose of the event Deadlines Responsible
1. Graduation teachers' meeting

4 classes with teachers of preparatory school groups of the preschool educational institution “Golden Key”

1. Adjust the plan for joint work between the school and kindergarten.

2. To identify the possibility and place of participation of graduates of preparatory groups in the holiday “September 1 - Knowledge Day”.


Methodist preschool educational institution

2. Holiday “September 1 – Day of Knowledge”. To create conditions for a future graduate of education to develop a desire to study at school.

2. Create conditions for 1st grade students to feel proud to be a student.

September Deputy Director for Water Resources Management of the Education Center

Methodist preschool educational institution

3. Mutual attendance by teachers of pre-school lessons in the 1st grade of primary school and final 4th grade teachers of classes in kindergartens. To acquaint kindergarten teachers with the methods and techniques used in various lessons by primary school teachers.

To familiarize teachers with the methods and techniques used in classes in kindergartens.

Determine the possible adapted application of “school methods” and techniques in kindergarten classes.

Identify possible mistakes in teaching and educating first-graders.

During the year Deputy Director for Water Resources Management of the Education Center

Methodist preschool educational institution

Primary school teachers

Preschool teachers

4. Joint meeting of the Ministry of Defense

General understandings and requirements for a child’s readiness for school

1. To develop a common understanding and requirements for the child’s readiness for school by preschool and school teachers. November

Head of MO DOU

5. Study by teachers of preparatory groups of 1st grade programs beginning. schools planned to open for the next academic year. Show the variety of programs in elementary schools.

Increase the level of preparation for school, based on school programs.

September - April Head of MO DOU

Methodist preschool educational institution

6. Celebration “We are now students.” To identify the possibility and place of participation of graduates of preparatory groups in the holiday “We are now students.”

Create the conditions for a future graduate of education to develop a desire to study at school.

Create conditions for 1st grade students to feel proud to be a student.

November Head of the Moscow Education Center
7. Work of the School of the Future First-Grader “Steps” (conducting adaptation classes with preschool students) 1.Creating conditions for the personal development of the child.

2. Ensuring successful adaptation to school, the desire to learn and develop

October - April

Primary school teachers

8. Conducting a joint pedagogical council “Continuity in the speech development of children of preschool and primary school age” Identify features of speech development programs

Prepare kindergarten students for school in accordance with the program requirements of the preschool educational institution and the school.

December- Deputy Director of Water Resources Management of the Education Center

Primary school teachers

Methodist preschool educational institution

9. Conducting testing to determine school maturity upon admission to school. To identify the level of school maturity among pupils of preparatory groups.

To outline ways to shape the development of school-significant functions for those pupils of preparatory groups who have a low and reduced level of school maturity.

To identify pupils of preparatory groups with an average and advanced level of school maturity and outline ways to increase it and maintain the level of school motivation.

April-May Psychological service of the preschool educational institution and the Education Center
10. Conducting a joint parent meeting “Preparing for school in the kindergarten – family – school system” Involve parents in educating their children at their local school.

Formulate the tasks of kindergarten and family in preparing children for school.

To outline the requirements of teachers for the level of preparation of kindergarten graduates for school.

March Deputy Director of Water Resources Management of the Education Center

Primary school teachers

Methodist preschool educational institution

11. Excursions of kindergarten students to school as part of the Open Day at the Education Center Introduce kindergarten students to the school building, classrooms, gym, and library.

Create conditions for future first-graders to develop a desire to study at school.

March Deputy Director of Water Resources Management of the Education Center

Primary school teachers

12. Organizing a thematic creative exhibition: “This is what I can do!” 1. Identify the creative potential of children of preschool and school age. April
13. Consultations for parents of future first-graders “How to properly organize your child’s free time” Helping parents solve pedagogical problems. March - May Primary school teachers

Preschool teachers

14. “Open Day” (according to a separate plan) Show a school presentation using computer technology.

Outline for parents of future first-graders the program requirements for preschool educational institution graduates.

Bring to every parent the program and teaching aids planned for the next academic year at school.

March Deputy Director of Water Resources Management of the Education Center

Primary school teachers

15. Celebration “Farewell, ABC!” 1 Create the conditions for a future graduate of education to develop a desire to study at school and be able to read.

2. Create conditions for 1st grade students to feel proud to be a student.

March Primary school teachers

Preschool teachers

16. Round table “Issues of continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools Draw up a rough plan for the joint work of the school and kindergarten for the next academic year.

Summarize the results of the joint work of the school and the kindergarten to solve the problem of continuity.

April-May Head of the Moscow Education Center

Head of MO DOU

Deputy Director of Water Resources Management of the Education Center

Methodist preschool educational institution

17. Participation of first-graders in the “Goodbye, Kindergarten!” holiday To create conditions for a future graduate of education to develop a desire to study at school. May Primary school teachers

Joint activity plan

MOBU Secondary School No. 38 and MB Preschool Educational Institution No. 100

for the 2014-2015 academic year


Implementation time frame




Organizational issues


Conclusion of a cooperation agreement between the preschool educational institution and the school, approval of the work plan for the year.

MOBUSOSH No. 38 and MBDOU d/s No. 100

Administration of the educational institution

Interaction between teachers of preschool educational institutions and teachers of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 38


Monitoring the adaptation of first-graders by a preschool educational psychologist.

Graduates of preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions, educational psychologist


Attendance of lessons in the first grades by teachers of preparatory groups.

Preparatory group teachers


Joint seminar of preparatory group teachers, educational psychologists “Preserving the health, emotional well-being and development of the child’s individuality during the transition from kindergarten to primary school"

Teachers of preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions, educational psychologist

Deputy Director for Educational Management Kravtsova N.P., senior teacher Belaya S.G., first grade teachers, educational psychologist


Parent meeting at a preschool educational institution for parents of preparatory groups “Children’s Adaptation to School.”

Parents of children of preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions, psychologist of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 38

Deputy Director for Educational Management Kravtsova N.P., Senior Teacher Belaya S.G.


Attendance of classes in preschool educational institutions by primary school teachers. Exchange of work experience.

Primary school teachers

Deputy Director for Educational Management Kravtsova N.P., Senior Teacher Belaya S.G.


Seminar “Implementation of continuity between preschool educational institutions and educational institutions.” Analysis of continuity work for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Primary school teachers, preparatory group teachers

Deputy Director for Educational Management Kravtsova N.P., Senior Teacher Belaya S.G.

Planning activities with children


MOBU secondary school No. 38 and MBDOU d/s No. 100

Deputy Director for Water Resources Management N.P. Kravtsova,




Open day "Organization of the educational process in primary school."

Parents of preparatory group pupils



Carrying out a joint event with the ABC of Road Safety team.

Pupils of first grades, pupils of preparatory groups

Deputy Director for Internal Affairs Kravtsova N.P., Head of the Judicial Institution Podporina A.V., Senior Teacher Belaya S.G.


1 time per quarter

Showing theatrical performances in kindergarten by schoolchildren.

Students of MOBU Secondary School No. 38

Deputy Director for HR Kravtsova N.P., heads of theater circles (VD) Elova E.V., Nikonenko L.G., Chernobay O.Yu.



Photo exhibition “We are future first-graders” (“World of Childhood”).

High school students, preparatory groups

Deputy Director for Educational Management Kravtsova N.P., Senior Teacher Belaya S.G.



Organization of an hour of reading and an exhibition of children's books in kindergarten by students of Secondary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 38 as part of the event “Elders to Younger” (we read A.P. Chekhov).

High school students, pupils of preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions

Deputy Director for Educational Management Kravtsova N.P., Senior Teacher Belaya S.G.


March (22, 23 )

“Fun Starts” competition for first-graders at MBDOU kindergarten No. 100.

First grade students, pupils of preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions

Deputy Director for Educational Management Kravtsova N.P., Senior Teacher Belaya S.G., FC Instructor Tkachenko Yu.M.



Excursion to MOBU Secondary School “Introduction to School Life” (tour through school stations). Acquaintance with the school library, gym, canteen.

Pupils of preparatory groups

Deputy Director for Educational Management Kravtsova N.P., Senior Teacher Belaya S.G.



Exhibition of drawings “Remembering Childhood”

MOBU secondary school students, former preschool graduates

Deputy Director for Educational Management Kravtsova N.P., Senior Teacher Belaya S.G.

Joint sports festival MBDOU d.s. No. 77 and MBOU NOSH No. 2

"Autumn has come to visit us."


Children of the middle group of MBDOU Odintsovo;

Pupils of the 3rd grade of MBOU NOSH No. 2


Uniting schoolchildren and kindergarten children, developing a sense of responsibility for younger children.

Creating favorable conditions for the socialization of children.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle.

To develop in children a sense of collectivism and a friendly attitude towards each other;

Create a festive atmosphere.

Enrich artistic ideas about autumn;


Develop children's communication skills through interaction with peers and schoolchildren.

Increase children's self-esteem;

To develop responsibility among schoolchildren and a more serious attitude towards preschoolers.

To develop children's cognitive interest and creativity based on a competitive motive.

Implementation stages:

1.Creation of an initiative group among parents and teachers.

2. Planning joint events and entertainment with children, taking into account the interests of schoolchildren and preschoolers.

3. Preparation and holding of holidays throughout the year.

4. Summing up


The autumn holiday came to the kindergarten,

To please both adults and children.

Today in our hall, we, friends, have gathered you,

So that on our autumn holiday, children's laughter would ring.

So that friendship does not end, so that music sounds,

So that there would be enough songs and jokes for everyone!

On the autumn holiday we are waiting for a guest.

Let us invite Autumn to come to us.

(The children all call Autumn):

All together:

Come visit us Autumn

We ask you all very much!

(Autumn enters to the music, scatters leaves and cards)


Hello guys!

Everyone calls me - Golden Autumn,

I walked through fields and forests.

Happy autumn holiday to everyone!

How good, how fun we all are.

Do you like that Autumn is coming to you?

And pleases with its beauty?

Yellow outfits for forests and groves

I bring it with me carefully.


Come on, come on, Autumn! Be our guest, we are very glad to see you!


Gifted by the guest - Autumn

Fruit harvests,

drizzling rains,

A body of forest mushrooms!

So let's praise Autumn

Song, dance andplay!

The meetings will be joyful,

Autumn, this is your holiday!

Autumn: Let's play. Help me guys sort the cards into baskets: mushrooms, flowers, leaves and flowers (children collect cards while listening to music and put them in baskets).


Listen, Autumn, what poems the guys have prepared for you:

1. Autumn was spreading paint at the edges,

I quietly ran a brush across the foliage.

The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed,

In autumn purple. Only green oak.

Autumn consoles: “Don’t regret summer!”

Look - the grove is dressed in gold.

2. Autumn is coming
In our park
Gives autumn
Gifts for everyone:
Red beads -
Pink apron -
Yellow umbrella -
Fruits autumn
Gives it to us.

3. If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,
If the birds have flown to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,
This time of year is called autumn

4. A drop - one, a drop - two,

Very slow at first

And then, then, then -

Everybody run, run, run

The drops began to keep pace,

Drop drop catch up

Drip-drip, drip-drip

We'll open the umbrellas as soon as possible,

Let's protect ourselves from the rain.


We're not scared at all

Run in the rain.

If the rain is heavy

Let's take umbrellas!


The poems were well read and I liked them. Let's play and find out who is the most dexterous.

Game 1:

An outdoor game with chairs. In the center of the hall there is an umbrella, around it there are chairs, their number should be one less than the number of participants. Happy music plays and children run around the chairs. As soon as the music stops, players must quickly sit down on their chairs. whoever does not get a place is eliminated from the game, and one chair is removed.

Game 2:

Collect chestnuts!
The game involves two people. They each take a basket in their hands. Chestnuts are scattered on the floor. At the signal, the children begin to collect them in their baskets. The one who collects the most chestnuts wins.


The autumn rain doesn't let in,
He plays hide and seek with us.
We'll outsmart him
We won't let it drip for long.
We are not afraid of any rain,
We have a naughty dance!

Children perform the Polka dance.

Autumn: Guess, guys, interesting riddles:

1. The wind will call the cloud,

A cloud is floating across the sky.

And on top of gardens and groves

It's drizzling cold... (rain)

2. It became gloomy outside the window,

The rain is asking to come to our house.

The house is dry, but outside

Appeared everywhere... (puddles)

3.Low in the gray sky

The clouds are moving close

They close the horizon.

It will rain.

We took... (umbrella)

4.The fields are empty, the ground is getting wet,
Does it rain when does it happen?

3.Marathon competition “Ball in a Spoon”

Participants need to carry a tennis ball, which will lie in a tablespoon.


The trees are all on an autumn day

So beautiful!

Let's sing a song

About golden leaves.

Preschoolers perform the song “Leaves”.

4. Competition "Sharp Shooter"

(A rope is stretched from wall to wall, on which rattles hang on a ribbon. Children take turns throwing the ball, trying to hit the rattle.)

5. “Fun relay race.”

A student on a team ties plastic bars to his legs and runs to the chair. He returns and passes the baton by touching his hand to the preschooler, who runs to the high chair and chooses a fruit or vegetable and runs back.

Joint farewell round dance.

Autumn :

Yes, guys, I can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet. It was very fun and warm visiting you today. For your hospitality, I want to treat you (mushroom cookies). He says goodbye and leaves.


Well, friends, it’s time for us to go home.

Let's chew mushrooms and remember autumn!

Summing up:

Preparing and holding holidays and entertainment serves the moral education of children: they are united by common experiences, they are taught the foundations of collectivism;

participation in holidays and entertainment develops discipline and culture of behavior in children;

participation in holidays broadens one's horizons, develops memory, speech, imagination, and promotes the mental development of children;

festive atmosphere, beauty of room design, costumes, colorful performances - all these are important factors in aesthetic education;

children’s participation in singing, games, relay races, competitions strengthens and develops the child’s body, improves coordination of movements;

The work of schools and preschool institutions involves the use of all forms of continuity: study of programs, mutual exchange of experience, formation of interest in children in classes and educational activities. At the initial stage of work on continuity, the methodological service of our district organized seminars and round tables for teachers of preschool educational institutions and primary school teachers, but they were more formal in nature. Only a few interested teachers came to the events, and, as a rule, there was no constructive dialogue.
Having analyzed all previous work on continuity, we came to the conclusion that, first of all, it is necessary to develop a unified, systematic and consistent work of two structures, preschool and primary education. Today we can say with responsibility that the situation has changed in many ways.
We developed a plan of joint activities, the implementation of which set the goal not of increasing the number of methodological activities, but of improving the quality of continuous connections between the preschool and primary levels. Today, 67 preschool groups have been opened in 37 secondary schools, which has allowed teachers to create a unified educational space and realize continuity in the development and education of children. Open days in preschool educational institutions for primary school teachers have also become traditional, which greatly helps to establish trust and partnership between teachers; Working groups have been created whose goal is to develop detailed methodological recommendations for teachers of preschool educational institutions, primary school teachers and parents.
Kindergartens and schools today are reviewing their work in the direction of continuity. Such forms of interaction as mutual acquaintance with the educational programs of kindergarten and school, the organization of joint pedagogical councils, round tables, and master classes have become effective. Familiarization with the specifics of planning work in kindergarten and thematic lesson plans at school allows teachers to exchange experiences, find optimal methods, techniques and forms of work, and introduces them to the environment and organization of children’s life and education. Such cooperation forms in teachers an understanding of the importance of the child’s development process, and not the accumulation of knowledge, helps to preserve the health of children and not infringe on their right to education, and determines the choice of methods for an individual approach to the future student.
Another important, in our opinion, area of ​​work for kindergartens and schools is the organization of joint holidays, exhibitions, festivals, participation in project activities and other interesting events. For example, schools hold such holidays dedicated to the beginning of the school year as “Farewell to the ABC Book” and “Book Week.” In turn, in kindergarten there are many interesting events in which school teachers take an active part - Farewell to kindergarten, Preschool Worker's Day, Children's Day.
Joint events “School Museums for Preschoolers” and “New Year’s Miracle” are organized for kindergarten and elementary school students; joint exhibitions of children's creativity “You and I will live on a blue planet tomorrow”, “The world through the eyes of a child”. Our pupils and primary school students took an active part in the festival “Scientific and Technical Creativity and Youth Initiatives”. Such meetings activate curiosity and creativity, develop preschoolers’ positive interest in school life, and introduce them to the educational space of schools.
However, the problem of excessive demands on a child’s readiness for school remains a serious problem. When entering some schools, it is required that the child read fluently, operate with numbers within a hundred and know much more. Hence the need for parents to meet the requirements of a high level of development of the child without taking into account his individual characteristics. Parents consider a kindergarten from which children move to an “elite” school to be good; in this regard, educators build the educational process in “school logic”: games and other activities specific to this age are replaced by lesson classes. These problems will be seriously considered in the new academic year at a meeting of the succession working group, which was created last academic year on the initiative of the Department of Education.
The head of the Department of Education, Olga Larionova, approved a work plan for implementing the continuity of preschool and primary general education for the 2010-2011 academic year, which will help preschool institutions and primary schools organize work in this direction jointly and systematically, and not from case to case.
To achieve successful continuity between kindergarten and school, it is necessary to carry out certain steps systematically and step-by-step.
District methodological centers must:
- develop a project of joint activities between the structures of preschool and primary education in this direction;
- hold a number of interesting, vibrant joint thematic events of different directions for teachers and parents of preschool and primary institutions;
- create a district working group of teachers and specialists from preschool institutions and primary schools.
Preschool educational institutions and secondary schools need:
not formally, but thoughtfully conclude a cooperation agreement between the kindergarten and the school;
draw up a plan for joint activities of institutions;
regularly hold joint pedagogical councils to gain a deeper understanding of the education and training programs for children in kindergarten and primary school;
carry out mutual attendance of classes in kindergarten and lessons in primary school by educators and teachers;
hold joint meetings of kindergarten and school specialists;
plan joint activities for the successful adaptation of children to school.
I am confident that only the interest of the school, preschool educational institution and the parent community will truly solve the problems of continuity of preschool and primary education, and make the child’s transition from kindergarten to primary school painless and successful. Everyone will benefit from this, especially children. For the sake of children, one can find time, energy and means to solve the problems of succession.

Elena KIKTENKO, methodologist of the district methodological center of the Central Administrative District

Work plan for the implementation of continuity of preschool and primary general education for the 2010-2011 academic year



1. Create conditions for successful adaptation of first-graders.

2. Organize a system of interaction between school teachers and educators through joint implementation of methodological activities, work with children and parents.

3. Ensure the readiness of preschoolers to study in primary school and continue their education in primary school.

Work plan for the continuity of kindergarten and school

1.Joint teaching activities

“Study and analysis of the preschool basic educational program and primary school program”

outline ways of their implementation in terms of succession


head teacher of the school

2.Joint cultural events

Observation of the adaptation of preschool educational institution graduates at school (conversations with teachers about each preschool educational institution graduate, discussion of creative development and individual approach to children)


Art. teacher

"Competition for the best Christmas tree toy"

(Exhibition of handicrafts made by pre-school graduates and kindergarten students)

Art. teacher

Organization of a joint concert between the school and kindergarten students (on the basis of the kindergarten)

music head of d\s

Excursion “Preliminary acquaintance of future first-graders with school”

Art. teacher, head teacher of school

3. Mutual visits

Teachers of educational activities in the preparatory school group in mathematics, preparation for learning to read and write

head teacher of the school,

Art. teacher

Lesson teachers in 1st grade

head teacher of the school,

Art. teacher

Workshop (round table) “Exchange of experience. Analysis and discussion of lessons at school and educational activities in kindergarten.”

head teacher of the school,

Art. teacher

4. Taking care of your health

Joint meeting of kindergarten and school psychologists, preschool teachers

d\s psychologist,

Art. teacher

Draw up individual development cards for the child of a pre-school graduate

kindergarten psychologist, educators

5.Working with children

Conversations with children: “If you are left at home alone” (safety basics),

“Why do you need to study at school?”

Design the game “School”

prepared in groups

group teachers

OOD: Fun activity on the topic “School building”

Looking at the painting “School”

Group teachers

Targeted excursion to the school

"The Road to School"

Art. teacher

Create a selection of books about the school.

Decorate the corners of the books “We read ourselves”

teachers of senior groups

6. Working with parents

Consultations: “How to choose a school.”

“What skills should a child have when entering school?”

Art. teacher

“Portrait of a future first-grader;

Art. teacher

Workshop “Back to school soon”

Art. teacher, psychologist

“Psychological readiness of parents for school”

psychologist d\s

Questioning parents: “How to help them learn”

teachers of senior groups

Parent meeting for older children “Go to school from 6 years old. Pros and cons"

Art. teacher, psychologist

"Presentation of schools"

Art. educator, school teachers

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