Presentation on the topic of the February Revolution of 1917. Presentation of the February Revolution. Preparation of an armed uprising

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February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917 Second Russian Revolution Causes, character, driving forces Main events of the revolution Formation of the Provisional Government

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February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917 Second Russian Revolution Date: February 23 (March 8), 1917 - March 2, 1917 (?) The nature of the revolution is bourgeois-democratic. Reasons: The First World War exacerbated all existing contradictions in society. The need to eliminate feudal-serfdom remnants that hinder the development of the country. Contradictions between landowners and peasants. Contradictions between workers and bourgeoisie. Contradictions between the center and the outskirts. Contradictions between government and society. Main goal: Elimination of feudal-serfdom remnants (liquidation of the monarchy and establishment of a republic, elimination of landownership), liberalization of the political system; improvement of working conditions; Organizers: Socialist Revolutionary Party, RSDLP. Driving forces: workers, peasants, petty bourgeoisie, intelligentsia, individual parts of the army Opponents: Supporters of Emperor Nicholas II, various Black Hundred organizations, the Union of October 17 Demands: End of the war, liquidation of the autocracy, liquidation of landownership, creation of workers' legislation, solution of the national question. Main forms of struggle: Strikes, strikes, armed uprisings, peasant uprisings, land seizures, arson of landowners' estates. Slogans: “Bread!!!”, “Bring back our husbands!” , “Down with autocracy!” “Down with tsarism!”, “Down with war!”

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The need to eliminate feudal-serfdom remnants that hinder the development of the country

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Contradictions between the center and the outskirts Kyiv 1917 Yakutsk 1917 Tomsk 1917 Central Asia 1917

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Contradictions between government and society. Dissolution of the Duma Dissolution of the Duma Grigory Rasputin Political strike in the Caucasus

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We fill out the table: “Events of the February Revolution of 1917.” On February 17, there was a strike by workers at the Putilov plant, whose workers demanded: an increase in prices by 50% for the hiring of laid-off workers. February 18 They were supported by the workers of the Narva outpost and the Vyborg side. February 23 demonstration of women, slogans: “Bread!”, “Down with the war!”, “Bring back your husbands!” February 25: general political strike. Slogans: “Down with tsarism!”, “Down with autocracy!”, “Down with war!” Was dissolved. State Duma February 26 The political strike develops into an uprising. The transition of the Petrograd garrison to the side of the rebels begins. The 4th company of the Pavlovsk regiment opened fire on the mounted police. On February 27, the Autocracy was overthrown. The Executive Committee of the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies of Petrograd was formed, members of the Progressive Bloc created the Provisional Committee of the Duma, which took the initiative to “restoration of state and public order.” March 1 The Petrograd military garrison went over to the side of the rebels. March 2, Nicholas II signs the act of abdication from the throne.

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The first unrest began with a strike by workers at the Putilov plant on February 17, whose workers demanded an increase in prices by 50% and the hiring of laid-off workers. The administration did not satisfy the stated demands. As a sign of solidarity with Putilov's workers, many enterprises in Petrograd went on strike. They were supported by the workers of the Narva outpost and the Vyborg side. The crowds of workers were joined by thousands of random people: teenagers, students, small employees, intellectuals. On February 23, a demonstration of women workers in Petrograd took place. February 18 - They were supported by the workers of the Narva outpost and the Vyborg side.

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February 23 – demonstration of women, slogans: “Bread!”, “Down with the war!”, “Bring back your husbands!” According to estimates, the number of strikers was about 300 thousand! In fact it was a general strike. The main slogans of these events were: “Down with autocracy!”, “Down with war!”, “Down with the Tsar!”, “Down with Nicholas!”, “Bread and Peace!”.

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February 25: general political strike. Slogans: “Down with tsarism!”, “Down with autocracy!”, “Down with war!” On the evening of February 25, Nicholas II gave the order to stop the unrest in the capital. The State Duma was dissolved.

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February 26: Political strike develops into an uprising On the night of February 26-27, rebel soldiers joined the workers, on the morning of the 27th the district court was burned down and the pre-trial detention house was seized, prisoners were released from prison, among whom were many members of revolutionary parties arrested in recent years days. On February 27, the Arsenal and the Winter Palace were captured. The autocracy was overthrown.

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The Arsenal and Winter Palace were captured. The autocracy was overthrown. On the same day, the Executive Committee of the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies of Petrograd was formed, and members of the Progressive Bloc created the Provisional Committee of the Duma, which took the initiative to “restoration of state and public order.” February 27 Captured Gun arsenal Winter Palace Formed

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Negative results of the fall of the autocracy The main negative results of the overthrow of the autocracy by the February Revolution in Russia can be considered: The transition from the evolutionary development of society to development along a revolutionary path, which inevitably led to an increase in the number of violent crimes against the individual and attacks on property rights in society. A significant weakening of the army (as a result of revolutionary agitation in the army and Order No. 1), a drop in its combat effectiveness and, as a consequence, its ineffective further struggle on the fronts of the First World War. Destabilization of society, which led to a deep split in the existing civil society in Russia. As a result, there was a sharp increase in class contradictions in society, the growth of which during 1917 led to the transfer of power into the hands of radical forces, which ultimately led to the Civil War in Russia.

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Positive results of the fall of autocracy: One of the biggest remnants of feudalism, which seriously hampered the development of the country - autocracy - was eliminated. Conditions were created for the real development of society along a democratic path. There was a short-term consolidation of society as a result of the adoption of a number of democratic legislative acts and a real chance for society, on the basis of this consolidation, to resolve many long-standing contradictions in the social development of the country. However, as subsequent events showed, which ultimately led to a bloody civil war, the country's leaders, who came to power as a result of the February revolution, were unable to take advantage of these real, albeit extremely small (considering Russia was at war at that time) chances on this.

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Storm of 1917. Who controls the political weather? History teacher at MBOU Lyceum No. 34. Social and information technologies" Maykop. Kupin Oleg Petrovich

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Color revolutions

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Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
Conspiracy or coincidence?

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Prerequisites for the revolution
Rasputinschina, 2. Russia’s unfortunate participation in the First World War, accompanied by defeats at the fronts, disorganization of life in the rear 3. Ideological decay of the masses who stopped believing the tsar, the church, and local leaders 4. Dissatisfaction with the tsar’s policies by representatives of the big bourgeoisie and even his immediate family 5. Severe economic crisis

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Reasons for the February Revolution
Economic social political
The agrarian question was not resolved. The peasants suffered from poverty and lack of land. Hunger, devastation, queues, defeats at the fronts, the death of millions on the battlefields. The fall of the authority of the tsarist government.
Lack of labor legislation has strained relations between workers and entrepreneurs; lack of measures for social protection of the population. Increased dissatisfaction with the government.
Disproportion in economic development Absence of the bourgeoisie in power
Rising prices, inflation, economic devastation caused by the war

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The power of the crowd
In 1917, the newspaper "New Life" wrote: "... those who do not want radical reforms get a revolution."

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Petrograd. February 1917

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Main events

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From the diary of Emperor Nicholas II
March 2nd. Thursday. In the morning Ruzsky came and read his long conversation on the phone with Rodzianko. According to him, the situation in Petrograd is such that now the ministry from the Duma is powerless to do anything, since Social Democracy is fighting it. The party represented by the working committee. My renunciation is needed. Ruzsky conveyed this conversation to Headquarters, and Alekseev to all commanders-in-chief. By 2 o'clock responses came from everyone. The point is that in the name of saving Russia and keeping the army at the front calm, you need to decide to take this step. I agreed. A draft Manifesto was sent from Headquarters. In the evening, Guchkov and Shulgin arrived from Petrograd, with whom I spoke and gave them the signed and revised manifesto. At one o'clock in the morning I left Pskov with a heavy feeling of what I had experienced. There is treason, cowardice, and deceit all around.

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From the Manifesto on the Abdication of the Throne of Nicholas II
“During the days of the great struggle with an external enemy, who had been striving to enslave our Motherland for almost three years, God was pleased to send Russia a new ordeal. The outbreak of internal popular unrest threatens to have a disastrous effect on the further conduct of the stubborn war. The fate of Russia, the honor of the heroic army, the good of the people, the entire future of our dear fatherland requires bringing the war to a victorious end at all costs... In these decisive days in the life of Russia, we considered it a duty of conscience to facilitate for our people such unity and rallying of all the forces of the people for to achieve victory as quickly as possible and, in agreement with the State Duma, we recognized it as good to renounce the Throne of the Russian State and relinquish supreme power. Not wanting to part with our beloved son, we pass on our legacy to our brother Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich and bless him to ascend to the Throne of the Russian State. We command our brother to rule over state affairs in complete and inviolable unity with the representatives of the people... On those principles that will be established by them... May the Lord God help Russia. Nikolay, Pskov, March 2, 15 hours 5 minutes 1917"

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February Revolution of 1917
Councils of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies (Menshevik N.S. Chkheidze)
Dual power
Provisional Government (Prince G.E. Lvov)
Interweaving of 2 currents of the February Revolution and 2 branches of government
Revolutionary socialist
Social Revolutionaries Mensheviks
Cadets Octobrists Social Revolutionaries Mensheviks
Bolsheviks "Power to the Soviets!" "No support for the Provisional Government!"

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Presentation on the topic:

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Reasons: 1. Autocracy, although limited by the creation of a legislative State Duma 2. Landownership and land shortage of peasants 3. High degree of exploitation of workers 4. Incompleteness and violation of democratic freedoms by the authorities 5. Inequality of the peoples of Russia, national (Russification) policy of the government Objectives: 1. Overthrow of the autocracy and establishment of a democratic republic 2. Resolution of the agrarian-peasant issue and allotment of land to peasants 3. Legislative consolidation of the eight-hour working day 4. Guarantee of the authorities' implementation of democratic freedoms 5, Granting the peoples of Russia independence or equality within Russia

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Conditions that accelerated the onset of the revolution: Economic crisis (fuel, transport, food, financial - inflation) Deterioration of the financial situation of workers due to rising prices, shortages of products and goods 1. Defeats of Russia at the front, significant human losses, fatigue of the population from the war. 2. Crisis of power - “ministerial leapfrog”, the decline of the authority of the tsar (“Rasputinism”), confrontation between the State Duma and the government. Strengthening the strike and anti-war movement, the opposition of liberals, the agitation of left parties - the destruction of the socio-political foundation of the state.

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Progress of the February Revolution: February 18 - strike of 90 thousand Petrograd workers demanding an increase in wages due to rising costs February 20 - administration announced the closure (lockout) of the Putilov plant February 22 - the beginning of a general strike of Petrograd workers February 23 (March 8) - anti-war demonstration in the capital of female workers on International Women's Day - the beginning of the revolution February 26 - the beginning of the transition of the capital's garrison troops to the side of the strikers February 27 - the development of a general strike into an armed uprising: the seizure of the Arsenal, bridges, train stations, government buildings - the victory of the revolution.

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Results of the revolution: February 27 - elections in factories and military units: the Petrograd Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies was created to maintain order and supply the population with food. March 1 – publication of “Order No. 1” on the democratization of the army and the subordination of the Petrograd garrison to the Petrograd Soviet. February 27 – meeting of the leaders of the Duma factions: the Temporary Committee of the State Duma was formed to restore public order and create a new government. March 2 – as a result of negotiations between the Executive Committee of the PS and the Temporary Committee of the State Duma a Provisional Government was formed The fall of autocracy On March 2, the emperor signed a Manifesto abdicating the throne for himself and his son in favor of his brother, Grand Duke Mikhail. On March 3, Mikhail abdicated the throne: the decision on the future state structure of Russia was postponed until the convening of the Constituent Assembly

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Dual power is the simultaneous implementation of two political directions: liberal-democratic (the Provisional Government - in Petrograd and its local representatives) revolutionary-democratic (Councils of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies - in Petrograd, locally and at the front)

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Provisional Government name Time of action Party composition Chairman Provisional Government March 2 - May 5 Cadets, Octobrists, Progressives, Socialist-Revolutionaries, non-party Prince G.E. Lvov (cadet) 1st coalition government May 5-6 - July 23 Cadets, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks Prince G.E. Lvov (cadet) 2nd coalition government June 24-26 - September 24 Cadets, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks A.F. Kerensky (socialist-revolutionary) 3rd coalition government September 25 - October 25 Cadets, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks A.F. Kerensky (Socialist Revolutionary)

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Councils of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies Date Event Party composition Position, main slogan February 27 FormationPetrosovet Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Bolsheviks Support of the Provisional Government All power to the Soviets! Spring 1917 Formation of local Soviets Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Trudoviks, Bolsheviks Support of the Provisional Government Peaceful transfer of power to the Soviets! June 3-24 1st Congress of Soviets Under the influence of the Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks Resolution on support of the 1st coalition government August 31, September 5 Petrograd Soviet, Council in Moscow Under the influence of the Bolsheviks and pressure from the masses Resolution “On Power” demanding the seizure of power by the All-Russian Congress of Workers' and Soldiers' Councils deputies October 25-27 2nd Congress of Soviets Under the influence of the Bolsheviks and Left Socialist Revolutionaries Appeal “To the workers, soldiers and peasants!” on the establishment of the power of the Soviets. Adoption of decrees on peace and land. Creation of the Soviet government.

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Domestic and foreign policy of the Provisional Government p The goal is to organize governance in the country, carry out broad democratic reforms, achieve “class peace”, overcome economic devastation, and remain faithful to allied obligations

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Domestic policy program: Elections of local governments on the same principles. Freedom of speech, press, unions, meetings and strikes. Abolition of all class, religious and national restrictions. Replacing the police with a people's militia with elected authorities subordinate to local governments.

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Foreign policy: March 4 – Minister of Foreign Affairs P.N. Miliukov informed the allies through Russian ambassadors of the new government’s intention to remain faithful to its previously assumed commitments and continue the war. April 18 - about the published note to the allies of P.N. Miliukov, on behalf of the Provisional Government, confirmed Russia’s readiness to continue the war to a victorious end

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The political process in Russia in the spring-autumn of 1917. The first period is the period of Dual Power (March-early July) 1. April political crisis Rallies and demonstrations of protest against P.N.’s note. Milyukova Resignation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of War 2. June political crisis Disruption of the demonstration appointed by the 1st Congress of Soviets in support of the Provisional Government, and holding an anti-government demonstration under the slogans: “All power to the Soviets!” “Down with the war!”, “Down with 10 capitalist ministers” 3. July political crisis Failure of the June offensive at the front Armed demonstrations of workers and soldiers under the slogan “All power to the Soviets!”: an attempt to seize power by the extremist part of the Bolsheviks. In response, the government shot down the demonstration, disarmed the workers, and arrested many Bolshevik leaders.

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The third period (September - October 25) is the period of weakening of the power of the Provisional Government and the Bolshevization of the Soviets. September 1 - proclamation of Russia as a republic September 3 - creation of the Directory - a new government headed by Minister-Chairman A.F. Kerensky on September 14 - holding in Petrograd the All-Russian Democratic Conference of political parties and public organizations to weaken the influence of the Bolshevik Soviets. 14 creation of the Provisional Council of the Russian Republic - the Pre-Parliament. September 25 – creation of the 3rd coalition government. October 24 - the beginning of an armed uprising in Petrograd. October 25-25, arrest of the ministers of the Provisional Government.

Dictionary: Revolution is a radical transformation in society. Reform - transformations in one or more areas that do not affect the political foundations Alternative - the possibility of choice Dual power - the simultaneous activity of two power centers of the Petrograd Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies and the Provisional Government (Prince Lvov)

Pre-revolutionary situation V. Shulgin gg) “...The revolution is only half created from the revolutionary pressure of the revolutionaries. The other half of it consists of the feeling of power of one’s own powerlessness...”

Causes of the revolution A) social B) political C) economic -War fatigue -Lack of fair labor legislation -Infringement of the rights of national minorities -Crisis of autocracy -Unresolved agrarian question -Economic devastation

Factors contributing to the development of a revolutionary situation: “Ministerial leapfrog” “Rasputinism” “Ministerial leapfrog” “Ministerial leapfrog” - the expression of V.M. Purishkevich. about the frequent change of ministries during the First World War, 4 chairmen of the Council of Ministers, 6 ministers of internal affairs, and 3 ministers of war were replaced. So, on 26 DK 1916 Trepov A.F. resigned. and the appointment of Prince Nikolai Golitsyn as Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Russia. In total, in 1916 there were four prime ministers in Russia (Goremykin I.L., Sturmer B.V., Trepov A.F., Golitsyn N.D.), and many other ministers. The ministerial leapfrog also turned out to be connected with Rasputinism. In particular, B.V. Stürmer was appointed prime minister under the patronage of G.E. Rasputin.

Chronicle of the revolution February 18, the beginning of demonstrations February 25, Nicholas suspends the activities of the IV State Duma until April February 26 – the garrison is on the side of the revolution February 27 – the creation of the Petrograd Soviet in the Tauride Palace Khabalov report to the tsar about the impossibility of stopping the unrest March 2, the abdication of Nicholas II from the throne

Order 1 of the Petrograd Soviet, March 1, 1917. From the text of the order: The titles of officers are likewise abolished: Your Excellency, Honor, etc., and replaced by the address: Mr. General, Mr. Colonel, etc. Rough treatment of soldiers of all military ranks and, in particular, addressing them as “you” is prohibited, and any violation of this, as well as all misunderstandings between officers and soldiers, are obliged to bring to the attention of company commanders. This order should be read in all companies, battalions, regiments, crews, batteries and other combatant and non-combatant commands. Working with document text. What were the consequences of this order?

Leon Trotsky “History of the Russian Revolution” “Among the command staff there was no one who would stand up for their tsar. Everyone was in a hurry to board the ship of the revolution in the firm expectation of finding comfortable cabins there. Generals and admirals took off their royal monograms and put on red bows... Civilian dignitaries were not required by position to show more courage than the military. Everyone saved themselves as best they could."

From the memoirs of Shulgin Guchkov: “Russian people... Bare your heads, cross yourself, pray to God... The Emperor, for the sake of saving Russia, removed himself... his royal service... The Tsar signed his abdication. Russia is embarking on a new path... Let us ask God to be merciful to us..." The crowd took off their hats and crossed themselves... And it was terribly quiet..." Nikolai himself, on the same day, with his characteristic laconicism, wrote in his diary: "There is treason and cowardice all around and deception."

Assessment of events Pavel Milyukov: The post-February situation is a “break in law.” And for a Russian person this is the most joyful, most cheerful situation. Here is a typical example of the poetry of those days: “Everyone is like children, the day is so pink There is no night, there will be no sleep As if there were no frosts As if spring is blooming again.”

Objectives of the new government: Democratization of society Control of social production Preparation of elections to the Constitutional Court Amnesty, Abolition of the death penalty Law on freedom of speech and assembly Abolition of class division Introduction of a card system 8 hour working day

  • Causes, character, driving forces
  • Main events of the revolution
  • Formation of the Provisional Government

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The First World War exacerbated all existing contradictions in society

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    The need to eliminate feudal-serfdom remnants that hinder the development of the country.

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    Contradictions between landowners and peasants

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    Contradictions between workers and bourgeoisie.

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    Contradictions between the center and the outskirts

    • Kyiv 1917
    • Yakutsk 1917
    • Tomsk 1917
    • Central Asia 1917
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    Contradictions between government and society

    • Dissolution of the Duma
    • Dissolution of the Duma
    • Grigory Rasputin
    • Political strike in the Caucasus
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    We fill out the table: “Events of the February Revolution of 1917.”

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    The first unrest began with a strike by workers at the Putilov plant on February 17, whose workers demanded an increase in prices by 50% and the hiring of laid-off workers.
    The administration did not satisfy the stated demands. As a sign of solidarity with Putilov's workers, many enterprises in Petrograd went on strike. They were supported by the workers of the Narva outpost and the Vyborg side. The crowds of workers were joined by thousands of random people: teenagers, students, small employees, intellectuals. On February 23, a demonstration of women workers in Petrograd took place.
    February 18 - They were supported by the workers of the Narva outpost and the Vyborg side.

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    According to estimates, the number of people on strike was about 300 thousand! In fact it was a general strike. The main slogans of these events were: “Down with autocracy!”, “Down with war!”, “Down with the Tsar!”, “Down with Nicholas!”, “Bread and Peace!”.

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    February 25: general political strike. Slogans: “Down with tsarism!”, “Down with autocracy!”, “Down with war!”
    On the evening of February 25, Nicholas II gave the order to stop the unrest in the capital. The State Duma was dissolved.

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    February 26: Political strike develops into uprising

    On the night of February 26-27, rebel soldiers joined the workers; on the morning of February 27, the district court was burned down and the pre-trial detention house was seized; prisoners were released from prison, among whom were many members of revolutionary parties who had been arrested in recent days. On February 27, the Arsenal and the Winter Palace were captured. The autocracy was overthrown.

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    The Arsenal and Winter Palace were captured. The autocracy was overthrown. On the same day, the Executive Committee of the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies of Petrograd was formed, and members of the Progressive Bloc created the Provisional Committee of the Duma, which took the initiative to “restoration of state and public order.”

    • Gun arsenal
    • Winter Palace
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    March 2 – Nicholas II signs the act of abdication from the throne.

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    On March 3, 1917, the Provisional Government was created

    The Provisional Government (March 3 (16), 1917 - October 26 (November 8), 1917) is the highest legislative and executive body of state power in Russia during the period between the February and October revolutions.
    Prince Lvov G.E. Chairman of the Government.

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    Negative results of the fall of autocracy

    The main negative results of the overthrow of the Autocracy by the February Revolution in Russia can be considered:

    1. The transition from the evolutionary development of society to development along a revolutionary path, which inevitably led to an increase in the number of violent crimes against the individual and attacks on property rights in society.
    2. A significant weakening of the army (as a result of revolutionary agitation in the army and Order No. 1), a drop in its combat effectiveness and, as a consequence, its ineffective further struggle on the fronts of the First World War.
    3. Destabilization of society, which led to a deep split in the existing civil society in Russia. As a result, there was a sharp increase in class contradictions in society, the growth of which during 1917 led to the transfer of power into the hands of radical forces, which ultimately led to the Civil War in Russia.
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    Positive results of the fall of autocracy

    1. One of the biggest remnants of feudalism, which seriously hampered the development of the country - autocracy - was eliminated.
    2. Conditions were created for the real development of society along a democratic path.
    3. There was a short-term consolidation of society as a result of the adoption of a number of democratic legislative acts and a real chance for society, on the basis of this consolidation, to resolve many long-standing contradictions in the social development of the country.

    However, as subsequent events showed, which ultimately led to a bloody civil war, the country's leaders, who came to power as a result of the February revolution, were unable to take advantage of these real, albeit extremely small (considering Russia was at war at that time) chances on this.

    View all slides

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