Funny scenes for Teacher's Day. Sketch about teachers. Scenario for the speech, school of the future. Sketch on the theme of the future.

Sections: Extracurricular activities

Leading: (Appendix 1, slide 1) School plays a huge role not only in the development of a person, but also in the development of all humanity, which dates back more than one millennium. Let's try to imagine what a school would look like in different historical eras.

Scene “Stone Age” (Appendix 1, slide 2)

“Song about Things” by M. Boyarsky sounds. Primitive disciples appear. They dance a ritual dance. At the end, they are randomly distributed on stage: girls comb their hair, do needlework, boys make fire, make weapons. Each phrase in the “primitive” language is translated by a voice-over (the translation text is in italics).

1st: Life horror. (At the end of the Ice Age, life became simply unbearable.)

2nd: Scary cold one. (The temperature is constantly dropping.)

3rd: Vampire biter. (There is no escape from mosquitoes.)

4th: Mamaka and papaka rugaka. (Parents do not understand our problems.)

5th: And the teacher - uh... an animal! (But the teachers are so kind and attentive.)

6th: Some food would be nice. (I'm so hungry.) At least a mammoth. (I could eat an elephant right now.)

7th: Poterpika. (Take your time.) Skoryaka snack. (We'll go hunting after the lesson.)

An elephant's roar is heard. The primitive teacher runs in.

Teacher: Didn’t you hear the bell? ( Hello children. I'm very glad to see you.)

Chevoka student? (Please remind us what we covered in the last lesson.)

2nd: Convertible Macaque (You told us how labor made a man out of a monkey.)

Teacher: Sure thing. (Right.) Homely nerd . (I asked you to make items, useful for humanity.) Checking the progress. (Now let's see what you got.) Outrageous! (To the board.)

2nd: (takes out a stone ax) Stone hammer! ( I made a super durable tool) Hit man. (They can fight) Kamenyaka zabivaka (Perform various repair work) Lifting exercise. (And also train specific muscle groups)

Teacher: Excellent! (Sit down, “5.”) (Claps his hand on the shoulder, leaving a palm print)

2nd: (takes out a stone comb) Comb-universal. (I made a universal tool.) Edaka pomogaka (You can use it to eat lunch without getting your hands dirty.) Ryklyak yemlyak (Perform various gardening tasks) Hairstyle hairstyle (And also quickly and accurately do your hair.)

Teacher: Excellent! (Sit down, “5”) Who else wants it? (Anyone else interested?)

2nd: Bicycle Mechanic (This mechanical means of transportation is called a bicycle.) Catching up with a mammoth (It is convenient to hunt wild animals on it.) Jaw opener (Develop new territories.) K the attack is just that. (A also take walks in the fresh air.)

Teacher: (interested) Test permission! (Can I try?)

He tries to ride his bike, but suddenly falls.

Teacher: What a pain! (How painful!) The bones are broken ! (I probably broke all my bones!) Mamaka and papaka challenge! (Let my parents come to my cave tomorrow!)

2nd: Papaka on the warrior (Dad is on a business trip.) M amaca caveman resting (And mom keeps the fire going.)

Teacher: One! (Unsatisfactory!) Baby! Bicycle bastard! ( Children! Never reinvent the wheel!)

2nd: Unique? Guys, help! Lesson cancelled! What a teacher!

The chorus of “Songs about Things” sounds. The students pick up the teacher on a stick like a wild animal and carry him backstage with a cry of victory.

Scene “ANTIQUE” (Appendix 1, slide 3)

Gentle, calm music sounds. The Muses dance on the stage, using flowers they create an arch through which the Poet, Sculptor, Musician, Artist, and Athlete appear on the stage. Throughout the action, they behave in accordance with the role. Apprentice Appears in Roman Clothes

Student. Greetings, O wisest Harmonicus! Praise be to the gods who showed me the shortest route to your school!

Teacher. I'm glad to meet you too. What brought you to our region?

Student. The fame of your amazing school spread throughout the Mediterranean. And I wanted to see this Eighth Wonder of the World with my own eyes. If you are so supportive, then even become one of your students!

Teacher. Well, your speech is worthy and pleasant, and I am ready to immediately introduce you to the sciences that are being studied here. It is no coincidence that I named my school “Harmony”. Everyone here can receive the most versatile, harmonious development of their abilities. (approach the Poet). Take, for example, the art of versification. You can offer the poet any rhyme and immediately see how a finished work is born from his pen.

Student. Can't be!

Teacher. Don't make hasty conclusions, try it!

Student. Fine. (to the poet) Write down rhymes: try, achieve, be afraid, study.

Poet (after thinking). If you try, you can achieve a lot.

You just need to not be afraid, but learn... study... and study!

Student. Brilliant! True, I’ve already heard this somewhere...

Teacher. The next direction of our harmonious development is the art of sculpture. Notice the mathematical precision with which the sculptor acts. One wrong move and all the work goes down the drain!

Student. And how do you do it so cleverly?

Sculptor. It’s very simple: I just take a piece of marble and cut off all the excess.

Student. Wow! Can I try it? (takes a hammer and accidentally breaks off the figure’s hand). Oh, sorry...

Teacher. Don't worry, it's even better. And we will continue. Where else can harmony manifest itself to the maximum, if not in music. My students are fluent in several musical instruments, and even compose themselves. Give a musician any note, and you will hear how skillfully he will translate it into his work.

The student plays a few notes on the lyre, and the soundtrack of the arrangement immediately sounds.

All students dance energetically for a few seconds, when finished, take their places and continue classes.

Student. Fabulous! I can’t even believe that this is the work of one person, that is, the hands of one person. And here, I see, an artist creates.

Teacher. You are very observant. Our painters try to work quickly enough to capture the most significant events of our time.

Student. (draws attention to the Athlete posing for the artist) For example, sports?

Teacher. And this is our special pride. As they say, everything in a Greek should be beautiful: the face, the soul, the clothes, and the muscles. Therefore, I took upon myself the preparation of the Olympic reserve. By the way, three of our graduates have already won Olympic laurel crowns. Well, that seems to be all.

Student. Fantastic! Thank you, Harmonicus! It’s so wonderful, so calm at your school that you want to learn and improve as much as possible. And I would like to remain here as your student. Will you take me?

Teacher. Without a doubt. And now the lesson is over, (claps his hands) everyone is free.

A squeal and noise are heard. The children abandon their studies and run away screaming, knocking down the Teacher and the Student.

Student. (getting up, scared) Teacher, what was that?

Teacher. The only cost of the educational process is change. (Music)

Scene “MIDDLE AGES” (Appendix 1, slide 4)

A fragment of music from the groups “Enigma” or “Gregorian” is played.

The Judge appears, accompanied by two Accusers. Behind them, the Executioner leads the Girl.

Judge: In the name of the Holy Inquisition and under its strict guidance, we begin to consider the case of the unworthy behavior of this young lady, all the hard work of raising and training whom fell on our blessed order. Prosecution, you have the floor!

1 Prosecutor: We are outraged and demand punishment under three articles of the disciplinary code at once! Firstly, this virgin is regularly late for morning prayer, and yesterday she did not show up at all.

2 Prosecutor: Secondly, she refuses to take food approved by our doctor, explaining her whim as “being on a diet”! Isn't this witchcraft?

1 Prosecutor: And finally, the most serious accusation: contrary to the law requiring clothing to be worn to the very toes, this girl arbitrarily shortened her dress by as much as 8 inches!

Girl: (timidly) At 9...

Prosecutor 1: Did you hear? 9 inches!

2 Prosecutor: This is unheard of! The accusation requires the most extreme and drastic measures!

Judge: Let's not rush things, but let's give the floor to the accused. My child, what do you have to say in excuse?

Girl: Well, what can I say? It's not my fault! Our roads in the fall are such that not every carriage can handle them, so I’m often late. As for food, I won’t eat your stew with pieces of melted fat and onions, don’t get your hopes up. And I hemmed the skirt a little shorter so as not to get tangled while dancing.

1 Accuser: Nightmare! She's still dancing!

2 Prosecutor: Let’s write this down as paragraph four...

Judge: In my opinion, it’s not all that scary...

1 Prosecutor: There is no need to draw hasty conclusions! We have many such examples...

2 Accuser: First they wear a shorter dress, then they decide to cut their hair shorter.

1 Prosecutor: They will pierce your ears to hang earrings.

2 Prosecutor: Then they’ll wear these, what’s their name... trousers!

1 Accuser: They will start smearing their eyes and eyebrows, and even their lips, with bright paint like savages.

2 Prosecutor: And to top it off, they will paint their nails!

1 Prosecutor: (intimidatingly) Well, in the end they will agree that far from being a flat earth, it has a round shape like a ball and makes revolutions around the Sun!

Judge: Lord forbid you hear this! So? Are you ready to repent? I can't hear!

Girl: Yes...

Judge: Deign to answer with a complete answer!

Virgo. Yes! I regret everything I did! This will never happen again!

Judge: This concludes the meeting. Everyone is free, go in peace!

The Judge and the Prosecutors leave, the executioner breaks the rod in his heart before leaving.

Girl: Ugh! Scared! I thought they would expel me... (looking at the sky) I don’t know about the Earth and the Sun, their shape doesn’t bother me much... (thoughtfully) but painting my nails... that’s a thought! (runs away)

Scene “RENAISSANCE AGE” (Appendix 1, slide 5)

The introduction of Vivaldi's “Spring” sounds. A musketeer and a lady dance a minuet.

Musketeer. O incomparable Milady! Since I saw you at last break, I immediately lost sleep, and even lost my appetite, which is very, very strange. (The lady gets embarrassed and wants to leave) Oh, don't rush, the lesson won't start soon. Stay with me for at least a few minutes and give me the silk scarf that you are hiding in your hand as a souvenir of the date!

Milady. Oh, sir, you embarrassed me so much with this speech... I even blushed... Just a joke! But how careless are you, my friend! What if Monsieur the teacher notices us?

Musketeer. No! No! And that can’t be! After all, he should, at least during recess, in the chambers, rest from his lessons and eat partridge at lunch... Let’s forget about him and return to the scarf, what will I get? more life I dream, and as soon as possible.

Milady. How impatient you are, really... Why do you need him?

Musketeer. I know for certain that with your most skillful hand you deigned to inscribe on it the other day the solutions to the second option in arithmetic, (to the side) damn it...

Milady. Yes! I wrote the test perfectly with this tricky cheat sheet. Well, this scarf self made I don't need anything else. He is yours from now on! (throws the handkerchief)

Musketeer. Thank you I am your servant forever! (kisses hand)

Milady. (scared) Oh, God, do you hear? Someone is walking through the halls!

Musketeer. Yes, these booming heavy steps remind me of someone...

Disturbing music sounds. The Teacher enters dressed as a cardinal.

Teacher What do I see? What a passage! My premonitions did not deceive me! A man in a girl's classroom, and this is with separate education!

Milady. It's not my fault! He came here himself!

Teacher. Shame on you, girl! After all, modesty adorns! And I ask you, Viscount, this minute to explain your actions!

Musketeer. Teacher, at this very hour I was going to the library to get Shakespeare and... got lost.

Teacher. Without blushing, you're lying! The sky will soon fall to the ground before you even read a line! ( notices the scarf). Was it not for this piece of material, Viscount, that you came here in a hurry? And was it not with his help, Milady, that the test was written as “excellent” for the first time in all the years? No need for extra words - everything is clear to me! And right now I will immediately send a messenger with an official letter to your ancestral castle and ask your parents to honor the school with a visit.

Musketeer and Milady: (falling to his knees) Oh, sir, have mercy! We won't do this again!

Teacher. I don't believe it! Well, Milady, I’ll deprive you of afternoon walks. You will start embroidering tapestries with which we will decorate the halls of the school (The lady faints)

Musketeer. I, sir, will not allow it! Protect yourself!

Teacher. I don’t understand... What, a duel? So, hand over your sword! For violating the school regulations, let's go to the empress's office! And it will be like this with everyone in a year, and in a century - we can only dream of peace!.. ( Music).

Host: We see what school looks like today every day. And what will she be like in a few years...

Scene “FUTURE”. (Appendix 1, slide 6)

Cosmic music sounds. (For interruptions in this scene it is better to use the music of Jean Michel Jarre) There is news on the screen.

The interplanetary tour continues solar system 227th “Star Factory”. (slide 8) The leader of the project is the group “Zemlyane”. (slide 9) The project “HOUSE – 3” starts in the orbit of Venus. And finally, the sensation: (slide 10) The Interplanetary Orbital Station “Harmony” once again became the winner of the Intergalactic Project “Education”, (slide 11) within the framework of which another batch of new teachers – androids – arrives to us.

Now listen to some announcements. (slide 12) 3rd grade students are strictly prohibited from going out during breaks. open space without special permission. (slide 13) The final cosmoball match with the Centauri has been postponed indefinitely for technical reasons. (slide 14) All first-graders urgently need to take a test in quantum physics. And about the weather: (slide 15) background radiation will not change during the day, the temperature outside the station is 150 C 0, a short-term meteor shower is expected in the evening. Attention! (slide 16) A tour group from the past arrives at the sixth time portal. The responsible android should immediately monitor the arrival.

The arrival signal sounds. Two students appear from the “portal” with “souvenirs” from the past: a statue from Antiquity and a scarf from the Renaissance. A boy hardly drags a stone bicycle through the “portal”. (slide 17)

1 Student: Wow, a souvenir!

2 Student: You should have brought a mammoth!

Student: Laugh, laugh. And this exhibit, by the way, proves the invention of the wheel back in the Paleolithic era.

1 Student: Well, so what?

Student: Darkness! This fundamentally changes the whole story! What do you have?

1 Student: So, little things.

Student: Show me. Yes, thickly... (music sounds) Hide quickly!

The Android Teacher appears.

Android teacher: (speaks evenly mechanical voice). Everyone, get ready for the scan. ( points the scanner at students) Unidentified objects found. Immediately materialize them for analysis (approaches the first student). What is it?

Student: Stone bicycle. A rare item. Age – about two million years!

Android teacher: Unsatisfactory.

1 Student: Why? This is a unique artifact! Just right for a school museum.

Android teacher: Your actions have slowed down the development of humanity for at least a hundred thousand years. Minus 40 points. (slide 18) (approaches the second student) What is it?

1 Student: Musical instrument of the Antiquity period. Its removal had no effect on the development of culture.

Android teacher: I agree. They had enough of such excesses there. Ha ha ha! Joke. (approaches the third student) What do you have?

1 Student: A fragment of a cloth made of Chinese silk. It has no historical value.

Android teacher: You're wrong. Thanks to your action, cheat sheets will now appear only at the beginning of the 20th century. Great. Plus 60 points. (slide 19) After the history session, hand over all exhibits to the school museum. And now a survey covering the entire period of human history. Prepare to transfer information.

Footage chronicling the history of human development flashes on the screen.

Android teacher: Reception of information is finished. The average final score is 38.021. (slide 21) Fix a new topic: “Education of the 21st century” (slide 22) Comment out the following files.

On the screen there are shots from the life of a modern school. Students take turns commenting on them.

At the beginning of the 21st century, schooling was at its lowest stage of development. (slide 23)

  • The students used primitive tools. (slide 24)
  • They ate mainly natural, perishable foods. (slide 25)
  • The amount of RAM did not exceed 512 megabytes. (slide 26)
  • During the lessons, the material was not fully absorbed, so teachers were forced to assign homework. (slide 27)
  • Particularly popular were textbooks with the mysterious name GDZ, which our scientists are still struggling to decipher. (slide 28)
  • In their free time, students were engaged in wood carving and wall paintings. (slide 29)
  • The only way of communication between the teaching staff and parents was diary entries. (slide 30) Students communicated with each other exclusively via mobile phones. (slide 31) and in sign language. (slide 32)
  • Free time in schools it was spent very unproductively. A lot of effort and money was spent on entertainment. (slide 33)
  • At the end of 11 years of study, students demonstrated their basic knowledge at the Unified State Exam, the bicentenary of the abolition of which we celebrated last year. (slide 34)
  • And, lastly: primitive paper reporting by managers educational institutions by 2050 led to the total destruction of the planet's forests, which entailed the massive development of modern information technologies. (slide 35)

Android Teacher: That's enough. The history session is over. (slide 36) In two hours, laboratory tests are scheduled under the conditions of the Martian atmosphere. Don't be late (leaves)

1 Student: (mimics)“The session is over, don’t be late”... Who needs these tests, especially on Mars! What didn't we see there? It would be better if they flew to Earth once again!

Student: Oh, don’t remind me about the Earth - I immediately wanted to eat. What are we having there for lunch?

2 Student: Here, hold it, just this (holds out a tube of space rations).

Student: “Protein mass.” Phew, synthetics again! Tired of it! And how you want something natural, tasty... Milk, for example...

1 Student: (dreamy) Yeah, hot... with foam....

2 Student: Look what I have! (takes out chewing gum)

1 Student: What is this?

2 Student: Chewing gum. I whistled it from the supermarket in the 21st century.

Student: What?

2 Student: Relax. Nobody even noticed. Want to try it?

Student: No need! What if it's synthetic too?

2 Student: Read: “i-den-tic-ny na-tu-ral-no-mu.” Hold .

Student: Mmmm…. Yummy!

1 Student: So many years have passed, but it hasn’t deteriorated! ( sharp signals) (slide 37 with hyperlink 2)

Student: Well, it’s because of your chewing gum that we got into trouble! (slide 38) (A duty robot appears)

Robot on duty: Students T-118, K-32, N-87! (holds his hand, simulating scanning) Spectral analysis shows the presence of a prohibited compound. Eliminate it immediately to avoid trouble!

1 Student: Yes, please, here, it was really necessary (throw away the chewing gum).

Robot on duty: For failures in the behavior program, minus 100 points. Every.

Student: For what? The program doesn't say anything about chewing gum! This is unfair!

Robot duty officer: I agree. Not fair. Minus two hundred points.

Student: Yes, I’ll go completely into the minus!!!

Robot on duty: It's too late. You're already in the red. Ha ha ha!

Student: Wow, jokes!

1 Student: Calm down, we’ll try to reprogram it now!

2 Student: What do you want to do?

1 Student: (oh opens the robot body) Let's try to enter the Main System Computer and change the outdated laws of school life.

2 Student: Great! Then, first of all, let’s add a little emotion to the android teachers: let them at least sometimes praise us, or at least scold us.

1 Student: Let them call all the students only by name, otherwise they got into trouble with T-118, K-32... and my name, by the way, is Katya!

Student: Yes, but products must be imported from Earth, only fresh and natural.

2 Student: Let parents be called to school more often, otherwise the last time I saw mine was six months ago, and even then through a halographic connection.

1 Student: Correct! I would also like to return the old five-point rating system, we are not robots to calculate these thousandths every time.

2 Student: And most importantly, study for 5 years in modern school unthinkable. We don't have time to remember anything. Let them increase it to 11, as before.

1 Student: Enough, otherwise it will freeze. Now let's check what happened... (includes robot)

Duty robot: (twitches) For teachers - emotions... students by name... natural products... parents to school... five-point system... eleven-year-old... No! This is incompatible with my program! (turns off)

2 Student: What’s wrong with him?

1 Student: I couldn’t cope with the information, I overheated!

A sharp alarm sounds. (slide 39 with hyperlink 3)

Voiceover : "Attention! Attention! Intrusion into the operational database was detected. The files are in danger of being destroyed! System failure! I repeat: a failure in the operating system!... (screen goes dark)(slide 40). Dear guys! Due to technical reasons, all lessons for today are cancelled. We apologize. Follow the news...

Student: Don’t you think we overdid it?..

2 Student: Yeah... And what should we do now?!

1 Student: And, in my opinion, it’s not all that bad. Maybe this time they will send normal, living teachers from Earth?

2 Student: Do you think they can handle us?

Student 1: Of course! They are not made of iron, which means they will withstand it.

2 Student: Yes, our ancestors were lucky... Each of their teachers was a real PERSON!..

Music. The students leave. The robot comes to life(slide 41) and leaves the stage(slide 42).

Presenter: We don’t know what school will be like in the future, but we are sure: no matter how many years pass, no ultra-modern machines will ever replace the greatest value for any student - live communication with the teacher! See you in the future!


Kolya and Masha.

Masha: Where are you going to go?

Kolya: In radio engineering. And you?

Masha: And I’m probably in the pedagogical department.

Kolya: Are you not tired of school after 11 years?

Masha: You see, I’ve been thinking for a long time: if only I could change something at school...

Kolya: Yeah! For example, show movies instead of lessons!

Masha(dreamy): I’m thinking about how to make school interesting, joyful and good for everyone: both teachers and students.

Kolya: It’s also a joy for me: to study! Yes, and teach too, by and large. We can finish it, it won’t seem like much.

Masha: I think it all depends on the teacher. After all, look for yourself - we loved some subjects, maybe we didn’t love some, but we knew them by heart, and some made us sick and motion sick - from boredom and misunderstanding. But the point is not in the subjects, but in those who teach them! I want to become such a teacher that absolutely all my students adore my subject and know it not because I demand it, but because I was able to interest them so much that they simply cannot live a day without learning something new!

Kolya: Mash, in my opinion, you are an idealist. There are no such teachers that all the children adore them. What kind of person should you be?!

Masha: And there’s nothing complicated here. Passionate, like Tatyana Dmitrievna. She knows her subject by heart, like Marina Anatolyevna. Strict, but fair, like Lyudmila Borisovna.

Kolya(enters the game): Kind, like Irina Sergeevna. And beautiful, like Veronica Igorevna!

Masha: Responsible, like Vera Ivanovna. If he promises anything, everything is ironclad.

Kolya: And don't forget your sense of humor!

Masha: Yes, Evgeniy Petrovich is... It’s a pleasure to communicate!

Kolya: And I really like Larisa Matveevna! She's so light! No problem! I would appoint her as a minister - she would easily solve all the country’s problems!

Masha: And Anna Fedorovna! She's so sarcastic and so smart!

Kolya: And I still really like Irina Petrovna - in any case, everything she says is her own thoughts.

Masha: And how Valery Petrovich knows how to hold on! So confident, so fit, correct, you involuntarily try to fit in.

Kolya: And I like Ivan Sergeevich! He's decisive. You can immediately feel that he is a man.

Masha: You might think that Ekaterina Ivanovna is not decisive. How does she operate a computer?

Kolya(sighing): Yes...

Masha: Oh, and how to cultivate all this in yourself?

Kolya: You know, Masha, if such teachers come to school, I wouldn’t mind studying there for another period.

The show ends

Scenario for the speech “School of the Future”

Compiled by Moroz L.P.

Formation positive attitude to school;

Raising socially responsible citizens of the country.

Inclusion of children and adults in active joint activities;

Development of skills to perform on stage.

Participants: 4th grade students and future first graders.

Equipment: musical equipment, multimedia equipment, screen, light and music equipment, presentation.

Decoration: balloons, flowers.

Progress of the speech.

Fanfare sounds.

On the screen is a presentation “About our school of the future.” She accompanies the children's performance.

The song “New Generation” is playing.

4th grade students leave.

Can you hear, Vanya, the pulse of the planet?

Youth walks, typing steps!

Strong arms, proud shoulders,

Wind in your palms, sun in your eyes!

Student 2.

We strive for victory, we storm the peaks

Height is not a hindrance for us!

Today we dream, and tomorrow we dare,

We are the guys of the new century!

Student 3.

Guys, have you ever thought about what school will be like in the future?

Why can’t we just leave her the way she is now?

No, time does not stand still, time calls for change. So let's dream!

I think what the school of the future will look like in a new way. Nice building like this space laboratory. Round and glass.

The desks are small and single, the chairs are soft. They must rotate to see everything around them.

Each desk has a computer and an electronic diary.

There are some electronic books, but mostly real ones. They smell special!

Physical education every day. And after school, training in a special gym or swimming pool.

There is a special menu in the dining room. To ensure that no one gets sick, it is calculated based on calories. Cool! I even suddenly wanted to eat.

The humorous song “School of the Future” is played

(Appendix No. 1)

Yes, guys, but these are dreams, fantasies, but how are you living now?

Student 2.

Life is interesting for us now.

We don't care about loads or overloads!

We are schoolchildren, which means you know

That our energy is in full swing.

We probably wouldn't be able to live any other way.

Our character gives us no rest,

We are schoolchildren, but what does that mean?

This means we are a resilient people!

Student 4.

We all live interesting lives at school

And every moment is an event for us,

After all, every day that we meet at school!

Gives us a new discovery!

Our school where we study now is very good.

I really want there to be as many children as possible.

Therefore, we are glad to welcome you, dear future first-graders. We really need you to build your own dream school!

We need someone who is friendly with work (in unison!) today!

We need someone who is good at studying (in chorus) today!

We need someone who is friendly with sports (in chorus) today!

We need someone who is friendly with nature (in chorus) today!

Student 3.

You are strong, kind, beautiful,

And smart beyond their years.

And, of course, to first-graders,

All problems can be solved.

Student 4.

Come kids to school

Come to class immediately.

Because we are ready

Make room for you.

The impossible is possible

If you try really hard,

The impossible is possible

If we all join hands.

One line for each student.

1. And then any matter

2. We can all handle it.

3. You will love to study, first grader!

4. And thus you will bring your dream closer!

The song “About School” is playing.

Fourth-graders give future first-graders balloons with the inscription: “We are waiting for you at school!”

Appendix No. 1.

Lyrics of the song “School of the Future”

1. Ones, twos, threes, eh, fours, nickels,

These are school grades, well, we are students,

We are always evaluated - this excellent student, that eccentric,

And we want to live carefreely like this!

Chorus: The teacher came and brought us chocolate,

And greeted everyone personally,

Then he took us all on a light picnic

That would be original!

2. We write on the boards with chalk, but it’s high time

So that children can skillfully use a computer.

If you suddenly get sick - for example, you have the flu,

You send all lessons via email!

Chorus: The teacher came - the lesson was cancelled,

And in Ancient Greece there was a personal teacher,

All children now lack them!

3. You have to wake up for school, but you really want to sleep,

Isn’t it possible to attend school freely, very freely!

And you can choose the items that you like,

Those who will play a role in your destiny!

Chorus: Of course, school is our home,

And that’s why we really want it to happen soon

Literally tomorrow something changed in him,

What kind of school will you be?!

2. Comic skit for Teacher’s Day “School of the near future”


Student(s) Ivanov(s)

Student(s) Petrov(s)

Student(s) Sidorov(s)

Student(s) Skvortsov(s)

(The stage is set up like a classroom: desks, chairs, projector, blackboard, computer.)

The bell rings.

Teacher: Cool! Hello, sit down! We hand in our flash drives with homework. Now turn on your Bluetooth and catch your writings. Petrov, again all your homework was infected with viruses...Did you download it from the Internet again?

Petrov: No, Maryivanna. (Turning to Sidorov, in a whisper) Well, I’ll show you, is your antivirus not working?

Teacher: Silence!

Sidorov: Yes, we are discussing essays...

Teacher: And you, Sidorov, have an essay of only 600 kilobytes! And this is in 9th grade! Have you forgotten the norm? During a break, go to the Russian language office, there, on the stand, everything is described in detail! MEGABYTE – no less! (Sidorov sighed and hung his head guiltily).

Sidorov: Yes, my Word Office is somehow glitchy!

Teacher: Haven't you updated it yet?

Sidorov: No, I still have the 2027 version...

Ivanov: Do you want me to send you 2030 tomorrow?

Sidorov: Hands down!

Teacher: Quiet! So, I will upload your grades to the electronic journal at the end of the lesson. And let your parents go to the school website today and put their electronic signature at the end of the web page indicating that they are familiar with your “twos”.

Ivanov: Oh, and our Internet has not worked at home for 3 days.

Teacher: Don’t lie to me, Ivanov, yesterday I already talked with your mother on Skype about your behavior, and I didn’t dream about it. Well, class, let’s open our laptops, gadgets, tablets, set the number, and type in the topic of the lesson: “Union proposals.”

(At this time, Sidorov takes out a book without being noticed by the teacher, puts it on his knees under the desk and begins to leaf through it).

Skvortsov: Maryvann, I forgot my tablet at home...

Teacher: Have you forgotten your head? Well, write on your smartphone, at worst, and at home don’t forget to copy everything onto your computer. Sidorov, remove extraneous things from the lesson (Sidorov does not hear, and continues to read the book. The teacher approaches him). I said, put the book in your bag, you can read it at home! You cannot bring anything in paper form to school! (Points to the “Crossed-out Book” sign hanging in the classroom.)

Ivanov (to Sidorov): Just think of bringing a notebook with a pen so that they can call you to the director!

Teacher: Skvortsov, take a remote pencil - write on the Interboard, you can sit there.

(Dictates slowly) “WE GET TO THE STORE BY TELEPORTATION, AND GRANDMOTHER PREFERS HER FLYING NANOTURBICYCLE.” Did you write it down? Assignment: find an obsolete word.

Skvortsov: Is this the word grandmother? (Laughter in class)

Teacher: 0 points! Correct answer: NANOTURBOCYCLE. Sit down, Skvortsov.

Skvortsov: (Sitting down) It’s strange, because our grandmother also seems to be outdated...

The bell rings

Pupils: Maryivanna, congratulations on Teacher’s Day! Let me give you an electronic bouquet, we collected it ourselves via WiFi on the Internet (They give a bouquet shown on the tablet screen)

Teacher: Thank you very much, guys!

Pupils: Maybe you won’t upload “2s” to our electronic journal today?..

Ivanov: Yes, if my father sees them, he will punish me with his radio belt...

Teacher: Well, okay! In honor of the holiday, so be it, guys!

Students: Hurray! Thank you! Goodbye!

Teacher: Goodbye! (Everyone leaves) So, has everyone left? (Checks to see if anyone sees her. Sits down at the table, carefully, looking around, takes a book out of her bag and begins to read)

Theatrical performance in honor of the first teacher.

First grader,
Pop star

My story won't be long.
But, nevertheless, important!
To which hundreds of eyes are closed,
We will bare bravely.

It's time to end the ancient dispute
About the importance of professions.
Let's start a difficult conversation
Serious, interesting.

First grader:
They say that I am the master of the future. And as a good owner, I want to take care of my property. For this I need the most necessary, useful and interesting profession.
But I just can’t figure out who is the most important? Who is the most important and necessary?

I'll help you decide.
I will reveal the secrets of all the “specialists”!
To be more precise
Be ready for a personal bet.

Now they will come to meet you
Those who you can become later.
And every guest sincerely,
He can tell the truth.

(change music)

The terrible word "fire"
Everyone knows him: who is old and who is young.
From an early age the habit is instilled,
That insidious lists are dangerous.
Well, if trouble happens,
Who will we call then?

Spectators They answer - “Firefighter!”

I risk my life every day:
I'm taking people out of the fire!
I am a legend of all publications,
I am an idol for all children!
I'm not afraid of stray flames!
Let the roof go to your head,
I won't fall, I know for sure
That for good luck I am a magnet.

First grader:
I want, I want! Save people
And command fire!
Give me a helmet and an axe,
I'm a hero now!

Tell us, dear,
Who was next to you
When did you break all your bones?
Who helped you in trouble.

My best friend, Doctor on duty.
I left him at a gallop!
He's an amazing person
Without him I would not have stood up forever.

(the fireman goes into the background, turns his back to the viewer and freezes in a characteristic pose)

My mission is no less dangerous
I'm at the center of frontline epidemics.
I fight for my health every hour.
Scalpels, syringes and probes
People are saved in my hands
From the most terrible diseases.
He who is smart knows for sure
Being a doctor is an honor and important!

First grader:
Yes, it would be nice to become a doctor... But what? And I will help people and I myself will not remain offended. Look, Aunt Zina says that she leaves her entire salary with the dentist.
So two or three patients a day and I’ll buy my mother a fur coat.

(The doctor is sincerely offended and joins the fireman.)

Wait, my young friend, why have you forgotten about the high idea and helping people? If you only care about profit and fame, then I’ll introduce you to another company. Look who just came to visit us... Did you order a pop star?

(track “Everything Impossible is Possible” A shocking pop example appears)

Pop star:
I put on makeup in the morning
And I put on jeans.
I am loved by my audience,
I bring her joy.

My work seems simple to you,
But you are terribly wrong!
Just look dumb
It’s so important for a “star.”

First grader:
I want to sparkle like a diamond
And all day long
I'll be happy to have fun.
Hurry to the plane
To give dreams to fans,
Songs and smiles
To be an example of beauty
Live boldly and openly.

And the star has problems.
And they, my friend, are countless.

Pop star:
Can't count.
There is such a thing, copyright,
Rivals are so happy to challenge his hit!

And then I come to the forefront of conflict events! I am the best assistant, and the only way out when you are trying to sue someone else's house or just quarreling with your wife!

I can be worse than an angry dog, but if necessary I will become fluffier than an Angora rabbit!
To pull a would-be pop star out of a monkey bar or to help an ordinary person defend his rights - for me it’s just like breathing!


Do you have a personal lawyer? Then I'm coming to you! And to you...and to you...

First grader:
I was painfully confused.
I don’t know what to choose.

Don't worry! Choose me.
I answer better.
Everyone needs me!

(doctor turns around)

Well not really

And even more so for you!

Oh, you office rabble,
Now I'll show you who's boss!

(The fireman rolls up his sleeves and heads to the lawyer. He is followed by a doctor and a pop star. Each of them must constantly say some phrase, for the effect of a fuss quarrel. They are joined by five or six more people - representatives of other popular professions. A few seconds there is an imitation of a general quarrel.)

Wait, dear friends,
Stop in a moment!
To complete the trial,
We need a clear shift.

Tell me honestly, without whom
Is it impossible to become someone?

Teachers. Zigzag stitch
It was difficult to master.

And my mentor is from me
Fashioned a shark!

How my boss drilled me,
I definitely won't forget.

Extra person:
I have had many teachers in my life, but one of them holds a special place in my heart...

(Silence. Everyone freezes for a few seconds, emphasizing the next moment. A beautiful gentle melody sounds).

My first teacher.

(The crowd disperses. The teacher comes to the fore through it. All other characters take off items related to their profession and line up.)

A fireman, a lawyer, and even an oil magnate, before taking their place in life, attended my lessons. Even years later, we are primary school teachers and remember the face of each of our pupils.

(The first grader approaches the teacher and takes his hand)

First grader:
The first teacher is a mentor,
Whom you remember all your years.
Every lesson is like a joyful holiday,
Attention, care, friendship, love.

The teacher gives us not only the knowledge
What people are used to calling “education”.

The teacher is a role model,
How you need to work, believe, dream!

Final song.

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