Establishment of the Mongol Tatar yoke presentation. Mongol-Tatar yoke. Batu's invasion of Rus'

“Mongol invasion of Rus'” - Reasons for the defeat of Russian troops. Mongols. Genghis Khan (1206-1227). Tatar-Mongol invasion. In 1241-1242 The Mongol-Tatars devastated Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Batu's first campaign in northeastern Rus' 1237-1238. Fight against the invasion of the Crusaders. Social structure. Control system of the Golden Horde.

"Mongol-Tatars" - Battle of Kalka. What lands were conquered by the Mongol-Tatars during the 2nd campaign? When did the Battle of the Sit River take place? Capture of Kyiv by the Mongol-Tatars. What is the goal of the Mongol-Tatars? Army of the Mongol-Tatars. Kurultai 1235 Ryazan 3-7 thousand. Battle of Ryazan. Torzhok. Read the document. Conquests of the Mongol-Tatars in the 13th century.

“Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars in Rus'” - Flight of the Swedes to the ships. The king of the northern country is making plans to conquer Rus'. ORDER OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY, ESTABLISHED BY CATHERINE I in 1725. What was the strength of the Tatar-Mongol army? Swedes' naval campaign against Rus'. Soviet Order of Alexander Nevsky. Alexander Nevsky. Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky.

“Batu’s Troops” - The Tatars plundered the Pechersky Monastery and did not even leave the graves alone. I. Glazunov. Monument to the defenders of Kozelsk in 1238. Prince Yuri himself was beheaded in the battle. Diorama “Defense of Kozelsk”. Evpatiy Kolovrat P.P. Litvinsky. On March 4, 1238, a battle took place with the Mongol-Tatars on the City River.

"Genghis Khan" - Genghis Khan is the greatest conqueror. 1162 - deep in the heart of Asia, in the north of the Gobi Desert, a boy was born. Bloodthirsty and cruel barbarian. The chosen one of the gods? Genghis Khan. The chosen one of the gods. Vyuginova A. Yu. history teacher of school No. 147. Genghis Khan - a man of the second millennium. A great conqueror. Great commander?

“Batu’s invasion of Rus'” - I. Krylov. Armament of the Mongols. Stan - camp Forage - food for horses and livestock. Vocabulary work. In what year did Batu’s soldiers return to the Lower Volga? Which Western countries were devastated by Batu? Genghis Khan. Invasion from the East. Evpatiy Kolovrat. Which cities of Southern Rus' were burned? I have partially mastered the material, many questions still require additional work.

Genghis Khan

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Genghis Khan is the greatest conqueror. Genghis Khan is a man of the second millennium. A great conqueror. Genghis Khan has been declared 'the most important man of the last millennium'. Genghis Khan. The chosen one of the gods? Bloodthirsty and cruel barbarian? Great commander? The chosen one of the gods. 1162 - deep in the heart of Asia, in the north of the Gobi Desert, a boy was born. Bloodthirsty and cruel barbarian. Great commander. Genghis Khan created an invincible army with revolutionary tactics. - Genghis Khan.ppt

History of Genghis Khan

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Genghis Khan. However, the death of Yesugei served as an impetus for the separation of some tribes. Childhood of Genghis Khan. Even in the summer, the family lived from hand to mouth, making provisions for the winter. In 1202, Temujin independently opposed the Tatars. The beginning of conquest. Conquest of Northern China. Tomb of Genghis Khan. However, until now no one knows the location of Genghis Khan’s burial place. - History of Genghis Khan.pptx

Batu's troops

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Batyevo. Invasion. Plan. Tests. Rus' was given only a temporary respite. At the kurultai of 1235, a decision was made on a new campaign to the west. In 1237, the Mongol-Tatars moved to Rus'. Batu's campaign against Rus'. Tataro - Mongol invasion. O. Leontyev. The first victim of the invasion was the Ryazan Principality. Border of the Golden Horde. A. Samsonov. Song of Boyan. Death of Prince Fyodor of Ryazan. When you defeat us, then you will own our wives.” In Slavic, “crashed” sounds like “infected.” Click to open the embedded presentation. Capture of Ryazan. Siege of Ryazan by the Mongols (1237). “And they laid siege to the city and fought relentlessly for five days. - Troops of Batu.ppt

Rus' and the Horde

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Rus' and the Golden Horde in the 13th century. Our tasks: Rus'. Crusaders. Golden Horde. XIII century. Tasks for working at the board. Colonization Posadnik Republic Veche Tysyatsky. 1223 1237 1239 – 1240 1240 1242 Lesson Plan. Resistance or cooperation? Daniil Galitsky. Alexander Yaroslavich (Nevsky). Andrey Yaroslavich. I.Glazunov. Storming the city. From travel notes of Plano Carpini. Consequences of the invasion: the Mongol Empire. Karakoram city. Russian principalities. Black Sea. Caspian Sea. Barn. Kyiv. Golden Horde (Ulus Jochi). The system of power of the Golden Horde over Russia. Russian lands. Prince. Khan of the Golden Horde. - Rus' and the Horde.ppt

Golden Horde

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Bulgars and peoples of the Volga region as part of the Golden Horde. Map of the offensive of the Tatar-Mongol troops. The first clashes of the Bulgars. Having defeated the Russian troops, the Tatar-Mongols moved towards Volga Bulgaria. Mongol conquest of Bulgaria. Records of Juvayni (1226-1283): The ruin of the Bulgarian lands. The Bulgarians tried more than once to regain their lost freedom. Uprising led by Bayan and Jiku. Are they from the royal family? Are Ylttanpik's relatives? And where was Kernek, the hometown of the unconquered princes? However, the population of the Middle Volga region did not immediately submit to the Mongol-Tatars. In 1236-1240 there was an uprising against foreign invaders. - Golden Horde.ppt

Golden Horde and Rus'

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Chelubey and Peresvet. Problematic question. Was the Golden Horde able to defeat Rus'? Target. Determine the level of development of military skill in the Golden Horde. Tasks. Analyze the level of intelligence organization. Compare the differences in the organization of the military of Rus' and the Golden Horde. Hypothesis. Progress of the study. Intelligence. Organization level. The level of army organizations among the Mongol Tatars was much superior to the Russian one. The structure of the organization of troops in Rus'. And the army of the Golden Horde presented a clear distribution in terms of the number of warriors. Military innovations. The cavalry was quite well developed. Also, much attention was paid to equipment. - Golden Horde and Russia.ppt

Power of the Golden Horde

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Russian lands under the rule of the Golden Horde. Baskaki. Get involved in learning activities. Degree of assimilation. Correct execution of the test. New concepts. Fill out the table. Define the concept. Ulus. Duties of the Russian population. Write down the definition of concepts. Representatives of the Mongol khans. Consequences of Horde rule. Correct execution of tasks. Evaluate your work. Knowledge gained. Give yourself a mark. Golden Horde. Dependence of Russian lands. Learn the table. - Power of the Golden Horde.ppt

History of the Golden Horde

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Civil strife in the Golden Horde. Great changes have occurred in the history of the Golden Horde. Genuine civil strife in Ulus. Tokhtamysh. The reign of Tokhtamysh. Confrontation between Tokhtamysh and Tamerlane. The defeat of the city of Bolgar by Tamerlane. Idegey. Making a dream come true. Idegey's plans. Fall of Idegei. Collapse of the Golden Horde. Consequences for the Chuvash Bulgarians. - History of the Golden Horde.ppt

History 10th grade

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History lesson 10th grade. The beginning of the Mongol-Tatar invasion. The reasons for the defeat of the Russian state during the Tatar-Mongol invasion. Invasion of Rus'. Uniting the Mongols into a single state. 1204 - Genghis Khan is declared Khan of all Mongols. Advantages of the Mongol-Tatar army. The nomadic way of life contributed to the development of the necessary qualities. The decimal system of army organization. Iron discipline. The use of military experience and weapons of conquered peoples. - History grade 10.ppt


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Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars in Rus'. What are the reasons for the defeat of Rus' in the fight against the Mongol-Tatars? Could there have been different results of the fight against the Mongol-Tatars? The future Great Khan was born in May 1162. Kurultai. Army of the Mongol-Tatars. Conquests of the Mongol-Tatars in the 13th century. Battle of Kalka. Kurultai 1235 What is the goal of the Mongol-Tatars? Batu. Vladimir-Suzdal Principality 20-25 thousand Novgorod 7-10 thousand Ryazan 3-7 thousand Conclusion: The superiority of the Mongol-Tatars was………………………, especially if you take into account ……………………… …………… Guess what the Russian princes needed to do? Princely son Fedor. Battle for Ryazan. - Mongol-Tatars.ppt

History of the Mongol-Tatars

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Mongol-Tatars. History 7th grade “Mongol-Tatars”. 1. Who are the Mongol-Tatars? 3. What did the Mongols do? 4.What was the main activity? 5. What event happened in 1206? 6. What were Genghis Khan’s warriors like? 2. What did the Mongols live in? Mongol-Tatars are natives of the steppes of Central Asia, nomads. The Mongol-Tatars lived in felt yurts. Occupation of the Mongols. Hunting. Cattle breeding. War. Fishing. The main occupation of the Mongols was cattle breeding and war. Genghis Khan. Army of the Mongol-Tatars. Technical innovations. Catapult. Ram. Mobile towers. History 7th grade. "Mongol-Tatars". Mongol-Tatars are natives of the steppes of Central Asia - ... - History of the Mongol-Tatars.ppt

Mongol-Tatar invasion

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“Oh, bright and beautifully decorated, Russian land! You are glorified with many beauties... You are filled with everything, Russian land!..”. Topic: Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'. Social structure. Genghis Khan (1155? – August 1227). What is the greatest good on earth? Cavalry is heavy and light. Formation of the army. Wing. Center. Conquests of the Mongols. Battle of Kalka - May 31, 1223 Jebe-noyon Subedei-bogatur. Mstislav Udaloy Mstislav Romanovich Mstislav Svyatoslavovich Daniil Romanovich. Batu's invasion of Rus'. Devastation of the Ryazan land. Novgorod land. Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. - Invasion of Russia.ppt

Invasion from the East

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Invasion from the East. Power of Genghis Khan. Battle of Kalka. Result: the Russian army was defeated, the Mongols turned to the northeast. Invasion of Ryazan land. Assault on Ryazan. December 21 - Ryazan is taken by the Mongols. Legends about Evpatiya Kolovrat. The defeat of the Vladimir principality. Captured: Kolomna, Moscow, Suzdal. February 3-7, 1238 - defense of Vladimir. March 1238 - Battle of the Sit River. Hike to Novgorod. Rus' in the middle of the 13th century. Trek to Southern Rus'. Consequences of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. - Invasion from the East.ppt

Mongol-Tatars in Rus'

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Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'. Number of people. Establishment of the Horde yoke. Features of the Mongolian state. Formation of the Mongolian state. Mongol-Tatars. Genghis Khan. Title of Genghis Khan. Military campaigns of the Mongol-Tatars. Battle of the Kalka River. After the battle on the Kalka River. Problematic issues. Volga Bulgaria was captured. The number of Batu's troops. Ryazan was destroyed. Question for the class. Hike to Southern and South-Western Rus'. Education of the Golden Horde. Statement. Reasons for the defeat of Rus'. Golden Horde yoke. Baskaki in Rus'. Mongol-Tatar invasion. - Mongol-Tatars in Russia.ppt

Batu's invasion of Rus'

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Invasion from the East. I. Krylov. Vocabulary work. Stan - camp Forage - food for horses and livestock. Main events: Genghis Khan. Armament of the Mongols. Invasion of Ryazan land. Evpatiy Kolovrat. The defeat of the Vladimir principality. Hike to Novgorod. Defense of Kozelsk. Invasion of Southwestern Rus' and Central Europe. In what year did Batu's soldiers move to Central Europe? Which cities of Southern Rus' were burned? What happened to Kyiv? Which Western countries were devastated by Batu? In what year did Batu’s soldiers return to the Lower Volga? What was the merit of Rus' to the peoples of Europe? Reflection. - Batu’s invasion of Russia.ppt

Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars

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Mongol-Tatar invasion. Chronology of events. Territory conquered by the Mongol-Tatars. You must believe everything we write. About the appearance of the Mongols. About the attire of the Mongols. About their marriage. Lifestyle and activities. Belonging to a clan was paramount. Control. Creation of an empire. Genghis Khan. Reforms of Genghis Khan. Stages of Genghis Khan's campaigns. Empire of Genghis Khan. Mongol Empire and dominions in 1300-1405. Batu's campaigns. Approximate strengths of rivals. Invasion of Russian lands. First meeting. Chronicle of the battle. 1237 – 1238 – fall of northeastern Rus'. Defense of Kozelsk. - Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars.ppt

Mongol invasion of Rus'

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The beginning of the invasion of Rus'. Conquest of Volga Bulgaria. Data on the number of Batu's troops. Defense of Ryazan. Prince of Ryazan Yuri. Eupraxia of Ryazan. Ryazan fell. The filthy ones approached the city. The Tatars broke into the Ryazan walls. Boyar Evpatiy Kolovrat. Conquest of North-Eastern Rus'. The conquerors besieged the small fortress of Moscow. The Mongols came to Vladimir. Siege of the city. New army. The road to Novgorod. Batu moved south. The Tatars fought near the city. Invasion of South-Western Rus'. Tithe Church. Mongol generals. Consequences of the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Horde yoke. - Mongol invasion of Russia.pptx

Mongol invasion of Rus'

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The struggle of Rus' against foreign invasion in the 13th century. Lesson plan. Russian principalities. Mongols. Social structure. Genghis Khan (1206-1227). Warriors of Genghis Khan. Defeat on the Kalka River. Tatar-Mongol invasion. Batu's first campaign in northeastern Rus' 1237-1238. Second campaign against the southern principalities 1239-1241. Tataro - Mongol invasion. In 1241-1242 The Mongol-Tatars devastated Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Reasons for the defeat of Russian troops. Establishment of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Economic dependence. limited to the payment of tribute. payment of emergency taxes. The clergy, scientists, doctors and beggars were exempt from taxes. - Mongol invasion of Russia.ppt

Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars in Rus'

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Invasion from the east. Genghis Khan and Father. Could Rus' of the 13th century have repelled the Tatar-Mongol invasion? What was the strength of the Tatar-Mongol army? Tatar-Mongols. Threat from the West. Alexander Nevsky. Crusaders. Swedes. The king of the northern country is making plans to conquer Rus'. Swedes' naval campaign against Rus'. Battle of the Neva. The feat of the Novgorodian Misha. The feat of the Novgorodian Savva. The flight of the Swedes to the ships. Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky. Diamond Star. Soviet Order of Alexander Nevsky. Fragments of a sculpture dedicated to the Battle of the Ice. Battle of the Ice 1242 - Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars in Russia.ppt

Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'

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Mongol - Tatar invasion of Rus'. Conquest of Rus'. Wars between states. Algorithm of actions. Work evaluation criteria. Hatred of peoples towards each other. Plan for the selection of historical facts. Mongols and their way of life. Genghis Khan. Reforms of Genghis Khan. Conquest of China and Central Asia. Power of Genghis Khan. Mongolian and Russian warriors. Battle of the Kalka River. Ögedei. Defense of Ryazan. Evpatiy Kolovrat. Opinion of L. Gumilyov. Massacre of the residents of Kozelsk. Textbook text. The yoke of the Mongol-Tatar khans. Consequences of the invasion of Rus'. Choose your arguments. - Mongol-Tatar invasion of Russia.ppt

Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rus'

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The topic of the educational project is the Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'. Creative title: Mongol-Tatar yoke - myth or reality. The main question: Did the yoke of the Golden Horde influence the development of Rus'? Academic subjects: Russian history Participants: 10th grade students. Abstract of the project. Research results. presentation “Was there a yoke…” presentation “Chelubey and Peresvet”. Timing and stages of the project The project is designed for 6 lessons. - Igo in Russia.ppt

Mongol-Tatar yoke

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Invasion. Topic: Rus''s struggle with foreign invaders. Plan: Mongol-Tatar invasion. Batu's campaign and the beginning of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Repelling the threat from the West. Horde rule in Rus'. 1. Mongol-Tatar invasion. What territory did you live in? At what stage of social relations were you? What is the military organization like? Who led the Mongol-Tatar struggle for unification? They lived in Central Asia. By the end of the 12th century they were at the stage of decomposition of the primitive communal system. The emergence and development of statehood was of a militarized nature. - Mongol-Tatar yoke.ppt

Dependence of Rus' on the Horde

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Rus' and the Horde in the XIII-XIV centuries. Golden Horde and Rus'. Prerequisites for the conquests of the Mongol-Tatars. The destruction of the Russian land. Reconstruction of the capital of the Golden Horde. Duties of the population. The struggle of the Russian people. A word about the destruction of the Russian land. Galician-Volyn prince. Russian princes in the fight against the Horde. Consequences of Horde rule. Economic consequences. Social consequences. Cultural implications. Impact on the economic sector. Standing on the Ugra. - Dependence of Rus' on the Horde.ppt

Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rus'

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Mongol-Tatar yoke. Mongols. Genghis Khan. Temujin. Transition from primitiveness. People from hell. Conquests of Genghis Khan. Death of Genghis Khan. Division of power. Minorat. Golden Horde. Batu's campaigns. All-Mongolian western campaign. Invincible army. The beginning of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Surviving Russian princes. Rus' under the yoke. Consequences from the yoke. Gumilyov's position. Russian princes. Argumentation. Metochion of an Orthodox bishop. Yoke. Concept. - Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia.pptx

Tatar-Mongol yoke in Rus'

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Mongol - Tatar yoke. In North-Eastern Rus' it lasted until 1480. The term “yoke,” meaning the power of the Golden Horde over Russia, does not appear in Russian chronicles. Eradicating cowardice from their own, they stood up for bloody weeding. Executing some and pardoning others, they weakened themselves on the sly. The siblings fought like dogs. Russian lands retained local princely rule. The establishment of tributary dependence occurred later. In 1259, the Mongol military leader Burundai forced the Romanovichs to demolish the fortifications of several Volyn cities. In 1277, the Galician-Volyn princes, together with Nogai’s troops, invaded Lithuania (at Nogai’s suggestion). - Tatar-Mongol yoke in Russia.pptx

Battle of Kalka

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ART Education Center. First meeting with the “unknown people.” Russian Land. Kurultai at the source of the river. Conquests of Genghis Khan. Subjugation of the Buryat tribes. Khan Kotyan. Father-in-law of Mstislav the Udaly. Mongols and Russians. A detachment of Mongol light cavalry. Scheme of the Battle of Kalka. Russians and Mongols in battle. Russian princes in captivity. Folk epic. Coalitions. List of Russian princes. Let's solve the crossword puzzle. Period in history. Great Khan. Kalka River. Nickname of Mstislav. The Mongols went to the Volga. The smallest military unit. One of the Mongol commanders. Allies of the Russian princes. Epic hero. - Battle of Kalka.pptx

Standing on the Ugra River

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Overthrow of the Horde. Akhmat with a large army moved to the Russian borders. In 1476, Grand Duke Ivan III stopped paying tribute to the khan. Akhmat managed to come to an agreement with the Polish-Lithuanian king Casimir IV. In January 1480, his brothers rebelled against Ivan III. Ivan III began to gather troops to the banks of the Oka River. The miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Akhmat's troops moved freely across Lithuanian territory. Confrontation on the Ugra. On October 3, Ivan III left Moscow and headed to the city of Kremenets. To prevent an attack from the rear, the Tatars ravaged the upper reaches. On October 8, Akhmat tried to cross the Ugra. - Standing on the Ugra River.ppt

The end of Horde rule

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The end of Horde rule in 1480. Complete the tasks for paragraph 20 in your workbook. A reason for a clash with the Horde. The situation in the Moscow principality in 1480. The troops of the Livonian Order attacked the Pskov land. It was restless in Novgorod. Actions of Khan Akhmat. What choice did Ivan have? Military events of 1480. Casimir did not dare to oppose the Horde. Standing on the Ugra. At the end of autumn and beginning of winter, multi-day battles took place. Akhmat fled. A six-month stand on the Ugra River put an end to the Horde yoke. A prayer service was held in the churches. What circumstances helped and predetermined the inevitability of overthrowing the yoke? -

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Military victories over the Mongol-Tatars In 1301, the first Moscow prince Daniil Alexandrovich defeated the Horde near Pereyaslavl-Ryazan. The consequence of this campaign was the capture by Daniil of the Ryazan prince Konstantin Romanovich, who was subsequently killed in a Moscow prison by Daniil’s son Yuri, and the annexation of Kolomna to the Moscow principality, which marked the beginning of its territorial growth. In 1317, Yuri Danilovich Moskovsky, together with the army of Kavgady, came from the Horde, but was defeated by Mikhail Tverskoy, the wife of Yuri Konchak (daughter of the Khan of the Golden Horde, Uzbek) was captured and subsequently died, and Mikhail was killed in the Horde. In 1362, a battle took place between the Russian-Lithuanian army of Olgerd and the united army of the khans of the Perekop, Crimean and Yambalutsk hordes. It ended in victory for the Russian-Lithuanian forces. As a result, Podolia was liberated, and subsequently the Kiev region. In 1365 and 1367, the Battle of Void, won by the Ryazan people, and the Battle of Pyana, won by the Suzdal people, took place respectively. The Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, the battle of Russian troops led by the Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy with the Mongol-Tatars, led by the ruler of the Golden Horde, Temnik Mamai, on the Kulikovo field in 1380. Although it did not lead to the elimination of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rus', however On the Kulikovo field, a strong blow was dealt to the dominance of the Golden Horde, which accelerated its subsequent collapse. An important consequence of K. b. there was a strengthening of the role of Moscow in the formation of the Russian state. In 1848, a monument was erected on Red Hill, where Mamai had his headquarters. After the unsuccessful raid of the Great Horde Khan Akhmat and the so-called “Standing on the Ugra” in 1480, the Mongol-Tatar yoke was completely eliminated.

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Feudal fragmentation in Rus' By the beginning of the Mongol invasion (1237), the total number of principalities in Rus', including appanages, reached 50. Feudal fragmentation is a period of weakening of central power in feudal states due to decentralization varying in duration and effect, due to the strengthening of large feudal lords in the conditions of seigneurial rule. systems of labor organization and military service. New smaller territorial formations lead an almost independent existence; subsistence farming is dominant in them

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Creation of the Mongolian state In 1206, at the kurultai of the Mongolian tribes, Genghis Khan was proclaimed the supreme ruler. Victorious in wars with neighbors. The Mongols were experiencing a period of military democracy, so war became their main occupation and Genghis Khan gathered a huge army. This army was built on the basis of family ties - a dozen included brothers, a hundred included representatives of the same clan, and a thousand included tribes. If a warrior fled from the field, all ten were executed. The backbone of the army was cavalry.

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The first clash - the battle on the Kalka River 1223 “In 1223, an unknown people appeared; an unheard of army came, godless Tatars, about whom no one knows well who they are and where they came from, and what kind of language they have, and what tribe they are, and what kind of faith do they have... The Polovtsians could not resist them and ran to the Dnieper. Their khan Kotyan was the father-in-law of Mstislav of Galicia; he came with a bow to the prince, his son-in-law, and to all the Russian princes... and said: The Tatars took away ours. the land today, and tomorrow they will take yours, so protect us; if you do not help us, then we will be cut off today, and you will be cut off tomorrow." During the Battle of the Kalka River (1223), the princes were divided and acted separately. An unexpected attack from the Mongols put the advance detachment to flight, the remaining detachments were surrounded and surrendered. Soon the Mongols killed all the Russian soldiers. The Russian losses in this battle were very high, six princes were killed, and only a tenth of the soldiers returned home.

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Invasion of North-Eastern Rus' (1237-1239) At the end of 1237, the Mongols attacked Ryazan. Prince Oleg turned to his neighbors for help, but they refused, hoping that the Mongols would not reach them. The siege of Ryazan began on December 16, 1237. The Mongol-Tatars surrounded the city so that no one could leave it. The city walls were shelled around the clock from vices (stone-throwing machines). Day and night there were attacks on the city. The well-aimed Mongol archers fired continuously. The killed Mongols were replaced by new ones, but the city never received reinforcements. On December 21, a decisive assault on Ryazan began. They managed to break through the city’s defenses in several directions at once. Heavy fighting broke out in the streets. As a result, all the warriors and most of the inhabitants were brutally destroyed. An army of nomads stood near Ryazan for ten days - they plundered the city, divided the spoils, and plundered neighboring villages.

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Siege of Ryazan 1237 Before Batu there were several roads into the depths of the Vladimir-Suzdal land. He headed to Vladimir along the Oka, through Moscow and Kolomna. On the way, they were unexpectedly attacked by a detachment led by Evpatiy Kolovrat, a Ryazan resident. His detachment numbered about 1,700 people. The nomads were so confused that they mistook them for those risen from the dead. But the 5 soldiers who were captured replied: “We are the war of Grand Duke Yuri Ingorevich - Ryazan, in the regiment of Evpatiy Kolovrat. We have been sent to honor you and honor you honestly.” Batu decided to send his brother-in-law Khoztovrul with the regiments to beat Kolovrat. But Khoztovrul lost, and then Batu sent many of his troops to Evpatiy. In the battle, Kolovrat died, and his head was given to Batu. The Khan was surprised at the courage of the Russian soldiers and ordered the release of the captured part of the squad. Last fight of Evpatiy Kolovrat

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Invasion of North-Eastern Rus' (1237-1239) On February 3, the vanguard of the conquerors approached Vladimir. The city of Vladimir was surrounded by high wooden walls and fortified with powerful stone towers. It was covered on three sides by rivers: from the south - the Klyazma River, from the north and east - the Lybid River. Above the western wall of the city rose the Golden Gate - the most powerful defensive structure of ancient Vladimir. Behind the outer contour of the Vladimir fortifications were the internal walls and ramparts of the Middle or Monomakh city. And finally, in the middle of the capital there was a stone Kremlin - Detinets. Thus, the enemies needed to break through three defensive lines before they could reach the city center - the Princely Court and the Assumption Cathedral.

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Early in the morning of February 7, a general assault on Vladimir began. The main blow came from the west. As a result of the shelling, the wooden wall south of the Golden Gate was destroyed and the Mongol-Tatars broke into the city. They broke through the Irininy, Copper and Volga gates to Detinets, where there were almost no soldiers left. The princely family, boyars and townspeople took refuge in the Assumption Cathedral. They categorically surrendered to the mercy of the winner and were burned. The city of Vladimir itself was completely destroyed. Assault on Vladimir

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By the beginning of March, the invaders' detachments reached the border of the Middle Volga. Yuri Vsevolodovich, who was gathering troops on the Sit River, found himself in close proximity to these detachments. The unexpected attack of the Mongol-Tatars predetermined the outcome of this battle (March 4, 1238). Few of the Russian soldiers left this terrible battle alive, but the enemies paid a heavy price for the victory. Saint Yuri was hacked to death in a desperate battle. Battle of the Sit River

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Invasion of North-Eastern Rus' (1237-1239) At the end of March 1238, a “round-up” of invaders moved from the Volga south to Novgorod. Torzhok, standing on Batu’s way, lasted 2 weeks and was taken only on March 23. From there Batu moved further along the Seliger route, but before reaching Novgorod a hundred miles he turned south (from the place called “Ignach-Cross” in the chronicle) and went to Smolensk.

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Invasion of North-Eastern Rus' (1237-1239) The Mongols failed to take Smolensk. On the approaches to the city, the enemy was met by Smolensk regiments and pushed back. Batu decided to turn northeast and went to the city of Kozelsk. The chronicles do not contain the exact date of the Mongol-Tatars’ approach to this city, and most scientists claim that it was besieged back in April 1238. Kozelsk defended for 51 days, but was taken. Batu called it “Evil City” and ordered it to be razed to the ground. The last fight of Mercury Smolensky

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The defeat of Southern Rus' (1239-1240) The last battle of Mercury of Smolensk In 1239, the Mongol-Tatars invaded Southern Rus'. By the autumn of 1239 the Tatars surrounded the city of Chernigov. They were met with an army by Prince Mstislav Glebovich (cousin of Mikhail of Chernigov). There was a “fierce battle,” but the Russians lost. October 18, 1239 Chernigov was taken, after which the Tatars destroyed the cities of Putivl, Glukov, Vyr, Rylsk.

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The defeat of Southern Rus' (1239-1240) The last battle of Mercury of Smolensk Batu began the invasion of Southern Rus' and Eastern Europe in the fall of 1240, again gathering under his command all the people devoted to himself. Batu approached Kyiv in November 1240. “Batu came to Kyiv in heavy force, the Tatar force surrounded the city, and nothing was heard from the creaking of carts, from the roar of camels, from the neighing of horses; the Russian land was filled with warriors.”

Mongol-Tatar yoke

Prepared by a primary school teacher at MBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after. E. V. Kamysheva" Yuryeva Elena Gennadievna

IN 1206 year, far in Asia on the Onon River, a congress of the leaders of the Mongol tribes took place, who proclaimed the creation Great Empire led by a ruler Genghis Khan ..

Medieval Chinese drawing of Genghis Khan

The Mongol Empire existed through conquest and tribute. Tribute was imposed on the conquered population. The history of the Great Empire consisted of continuous wars. The Mongols conquered part of China, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, and the Volga region. They created one of the best armies in the world, which no one could resist. IN 1235 year, a decision was made on the Eastern Campaign - to Rus' and further Europe to conquer new lands

IN XIII century from the east, from the distant steppes of Asia, a new threat unexpectedly came to Rus' - nomads- Mongols. They have already conquered many nations. On May 31, 1223, the first battle between the Russians and the Mongols took place. The meeting of Russian princes with the Mongols took place in 1223 year on the river Kalke(on the lands of the current Donetsk region). The steppe inhabitants defeated the Russian army and executed its leaders: they tied them up, threw them to the ground and covered their bodies with boards, and then sat down to dine on these boards. All prisoners died.

It was possible to resist the new powerful enemy only by uniting the forces of all the principalities and acting together against the conquerors. But the princes could not stand shoulder to shoulder: each sat in his own principality and alone fought off the enemy. Great Invasion started in early winter 1237 year. The Mongol-Tatars were led by Batu Khan.

The first, after six days of fighting, was conquered Ryazan. Nobody came to her aid. The Mongols fired at the wooden fortifications of the city with incendiary shells made from resin and gunpowder. The prince and all the townspeople died.

The first major battle took place here: Ryazan hero boyar Evpatiy Kolovrat decided to take revenge for the burned city. He gathered a squad of 1,700 people, caught up with the Mongols in Suzdal land and began to beat them. The enemy managed to defeat Evpatiy’s detachment only by surrounding it on a hill and shooting it from stone-throwing machines for the siege of fortresses.

Monument to Evpatiy Kolovrat in Ryazan

Then the Khan's troops headed towards Kolomna. A small Russian army gathered there from Ryazan warriors and Vladimir-Suzdal detachments that arrived in time. The “evil battle” again brought victory to the Mongols.

Two months later, Moscow (fought the Mongol-Tatars for 5 days), Vladimir (resisted for 8 days) and Suzdal lay in ruins and fires, and the Russian princes fell. IN 1240 the main ancient Russian city fell Kyiv .

Batu ruined everything 49 cities . Fourteen disappeared from them forever, and 15 turned into villages. Through the Russian lands, the Mongol army moved on the ice of frozen rivers, since the snow-covered forests were impassable for Batu’s cavalry. Therefore, the rural population was almost unaffected by the invasion. And the cities that stood along the banks of the rivers attracted conquerors with their wealth.

IN 1237-1240 completely died in years Southern Rus', and Kyiv turned into a small town. Then the Mongol-Tatars went to neighboring countries - Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria... But the conquerors did not stay there for long - they had too little strength left, and the invasion of Rus' was too expensive for them.

Mongol-Tatar yoke. And it lasted almost 300 years.

Why couldn't the Russians win?

* Each principality faced the enemy alone.

*The princes did not want to unite and help their brothers who were attacked by the Mongols.

*Although there were fewer Mongols than Russians, their army turned out to be stronger than the troops of each of the Russian principalities separately.

The power of the Mongol-Tatars was established over the Russian lands, which historians later called Mongol-Tatar yoke. And it lasted almost 300 years.


1) “Illustrated history of Russia. VIII - Beginning of the 20th century" Borzova L.P.

2) “Victories of the Russian Army and Navy” Filyushkin A.I.

3) “Ancient Rus'” Aleshkov V.I.

4) “History of Russia” Golubev A.V., Telitsin V.L., Chernikova T.V.

5) Genghis Khan

6) imagesmap Mongol Khanate 13th century

7) drawing daddy

8) Evpatiya Kolovrat

9) of Kyiv 13 century

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