Women and war. The combat path of the Zenitchik we rushed to the front

We rushed to the front

I was called in the Red Army on May 10, 1943, by that time I was already 17 years old. The course of the young fighter along with other recruits was held under Stalingrad in the 46th spare rifle regiment. After passing the course, together with his colleagues was sent for passage last service In the 281st OUD (separate anti-aircraft artillery division), which was deployed in Kazan. Distributed us to gun calculations. I got into the third instrument with a member, and Fedya Reshetnyak - my friend and countryman - in the first gun, too, a member. The first thing that we did is, kononira (shelters) for guns, built earthquakes for instrument calculations.
Intensive studies began, the division was armed with 85 mm heavy guns, the weight of the guns - 5 tons, the shooting range vertically - 10 km, horizontally - 15 km, the weight of the projectile is 16 kg, the gun calculation is 7 people. For the arms of the Red Army, this technique arrived on the eve of the war in 1940.
In the battery division was 18 girls who were fulfilled on a par with us entrusted to them, resistant tolerated military service. Their task was the maintenance of Poazo locators (anti-aircraft-artillery fire control unit). The calculation of this device consisted of 7 people. There were girls in the positions of nurses, sinstarsters and telegraphs.
On the battery, we all gladly took part in artistic amateur activities. The age of the guys is 17-18 years old, the girls - 18-20 years old. Here, on the battery, we accepted the military oath and entered the Komsomol, despite the fact that each of us entered the Komsomol at school.
They gave us a small book from the "Library of the Red Army", where the poets of the poet Vasily Lebedev-Kumacha were. Here they are:
Komsomol Ticket
You have a warm heart
The faithful courage and honor satellite.
You call for a feat
Komsomol Ticket
Tirelessly call about revenge.
After intensive learning for six months State Commission A decision was made: to conduct exams, including with combat shooting. What was done. Commission's conclusion: The division is prepared for the fighting task at the front. We started to prepare us for sending to the front. In the meantime, we performed a conference challenge. At that time, two aircraft plants were worked in Kazan, who were evacuated from Moscow, who produced PI-2 dive bombers, we called them pawns.

First combat baptisme.

In December 1943, the Division was raised at night on the alarm, began loading to the echelons tools with combat sets. The path lay through Saransk, Liski, Voronezh, Kharkov, approached the front, and towards us moved echelons with wounded. At stops, we willingly talked and exchanged. Crossed through the Dnieper by pontoon bridge. The artillery cannonads have already been heard, an ominous breath of the front was felt. Further moved by car. Decided to our division a firing position near Zhytomyr, on the outskirts of Berdicheva. Specifically, our division was tasked with the guard of the Berdichev railway assembly, as he provided the supply of two fronts - the 1st Ukrainian and 1st Belorussky. Here, under Zhytomyr, we got the first combat baptism. They did not have time to turn, as somewhere, the sinister buzz of German "Junkers" was heard. The tools quickly led to the battle position, and as soon as the enemy aircraft appeared above the city, they opened fire on them. For us, it was the first combat baptism. Our girls from the dashboard boldly and bravely fought, fulfilling their duties, it attached to us forces and courage.
After the new 1944, the raids of enemy aviation became more frequent, the Germans acted every effort to restore their position. Bobby mainly at night, they were afraid of our anti-aircraft. I especially remember the evening of February 22, 1944, on the eve of the 26th anniversary of the Red Army. On this evening, the whole Armada aircraft of the enemy rushed to our object. Our 85 mm cannons have sunk, and a number of an anti-aircraft regiment with 37-mm cannons, they were abbreviated called MZ - a petty-caliber anti-aircraft artillery. We cleaned all the sky tracing shells. Together with us reflected the attacks of vultures, many other anti-aircraft divisions, shelves and bulbs. That is the case of the air pirates left in the Black Sky, burning loops and crashed into the ground. Those shells who lay in Rovika near the gun ended. There was a solid root of the shooting of anti-aircraft artillery and enemy bombs. It was necessary to bring shells from a warehouse located a few meters from the battery. The entire personnel was mobilized to their tray, which did not participate directly in the reflection of the attack of German vultures - cooks, telephonists, intelligence officers, radio players, sibristian girls and even nurses. As you know, the shell weighed 16 kg, and girls during the battle was not easy to bring these shells. The guns, as if angry animals, the vertors of the gun dloum in one, then in the other side, and then at 360 degrees, expring fiery flame languages. Near the gun because of the powder smoke nothing was visible. "Junkers" flew away, and fires were burning, but the station and other important objects suffered slightly.
In this battle, the Girls of Lida Krylov, Valya Lapochkin, Lida Privalova, Luda Filatova, who, led by the combination of batteries, headed by the shells, led by the shells of the shells, was especially remembered. The fact is that the mandatory set of 72 shells was constantly at the gun. He has long ended, and the fight broke out serious. It must be said that in this battle, no enemy bomb fell to our battery. After the battle, I always, as a rule, with my friend Fedya, the Reselle discussed various moments of battle. Often recalled our school, where they studied with him in the same class.

Victory Day

The aircraft of the enemy often appeared at night, especially with poor visibility, then we led the shooting of barrier fire. On the battery, we had a cannon Master Dudin, which adapted for firing on low-tight PTR aircraft (anti-tank rifle).
In mid-June 1944, the enemy aircraft began to appear less frequently, the front moved away far to the West, and our division was relocated to Moldova, in Bender, where they set the task: to protect the crossing through the Dniester and the field airfield from the raids of enemy aviation.
Until the end of the war remained less than a year, we had a very high moral spirit, we sincerely rejoiced the success of the Red Army on the fronts, firmly believed that the enemy would be broken, the victory would be for us. With the removal of the front, we were constantly relocated to new important objects.
Further the combat path of our division was partly in Romania. Iasi, Bontoshin, through Western Ukraine, GG. Stanislav, Strict Sambor. On the territory of Poland, GG. Crosno, Natrel, Krakow, Katowice, Auschwitz, Belo-Biala. The last point of the basing of our division was the Polish city of Belisko-Biala. Victory Day I met on the firing position of our battery, in the vicinity of the city of Belo-Biala, not far from the Czechoslovak border. Here our battery performed a combat challenge on the protection of a field airfield, on which IL-2 attack aircraft were based.
By his main merit to the Motherland, I consider participation in the Great Patriotic War from May 10, 1943 to 10 May 1945

Front friends

I want to separately tell about my front-line friend Fyodor Rashetnik. Together with him he studied in the same school, we were peers, together in one day I called on the Red Army, fought together on one battery. It was a real friend - a guy from Salne steppes. On our life of adolescents at the pre-war time had native tests: studies and work in the collective farm, all the difficulties of village work, hunger of 1933, the seizure of the village of Fascists and joyful news - January 21, 1943 - Liberation after the five-month occupation of our village Shabliology as a result of bloody battles.
I remember how we were collected in 17 years old with our peers and buried the dead redarmeys, as our military equestrian plant named after S.M. Budy.
After serving in the army in 1950, F. Reshetnyak became a regular employee of the Salsky Bolshevik newspaper. In 1971, published a book "Pourevka to life" about the proletarian children's home. In 2006, published the book "Nabat over Russia", which described martialctions Our 281th separate anti-aircraft artillery division. The book is quite impressive - 423 pages. I received this book as a gift from him with the inscription: "An expensive friend of front-house youth Vasily Martynovich Vasilchenkov and his faithful girlfriend in life Annushka from the author of this book. With deep respect Fedor Reshetnyak. 10.26.06 "

Zenitists defended Moscow sky

On the territory of the Zyuzinsky village council there was a military town of Arrow, named because he was stationed next to the territory allocated in 1927 by the Housing and Construction Cooperative "Arrow" of the employees of the Ryazan-Ural Railway near the Kolomenskoye route for the construction of individual residential buildings. Here and appeared on the eve of the war, the 329th anti-aircraft artillery regiment. The first commander of the regiment was appointed Major Serin. The formation of the regiment was completed by September 5, 1939, and this date has since become an annual holiday of the part.

The shelf was then included five divisions of the SZA (secondary-caliper anti-aircraft artillery), three-bedtime composition. Each, which on the eve of the war was stationed in the territory of five military towns: Arrow, Annino, Mami (lower warm mills), Cheryomushki, Konkovo; The headquarters of the regiment - in the military town of the arrow located on the lands allocated by Zyuzinsky collective farm. January 9.

The headquarters of the headquarters of the 12th air defense system from 4.00 22.06.41, the regiment was declared alarm and task: to take a combat order provided for by the deployment plan and ensure the contrary defense of the south-western and southern approaches to Moscow. Already during June 22, the main part of the assigned composition of the stock from Moskvoretsky, Proletarian, Krasnogvardeysky and Kirovsky district district of Moscow arrived in the regiment.

On the outcome of 22.06.41, the average caliber divisions occupied the combat order in the combat deployment sector on the south-western approaches to Moscow (see the scheme). During June 23-24, 3-5 observation points were exhibited from each division (only 16), combined into general System (two lines) shelf.

1941 Scheme of Anti-Tank Defense of the 329th Xen. art. shelf

The division of a small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery (MZA) in the composition of two MZ batteries was promptly subordinated to the central air defense group (Moscow) and received the task to defend from the air attack: the 1st battery - the Kremlin and the Embassy of the United Kingdom and the 2nd battery - the heat and power plant . Stalin. After 10 days on the northern outskirts of the plant, the 3rd Battery of MZA was installed for defense of plant objects.

The searchlight battalion also took a combat order ahead of the location of the fighter position of the batteries for, having the task of the Luminous Defense of the Southern and South-Western approaches to Moscow. By the beginning of the opponent's aviation raids, 40 project stations were in the projector of the battalion, by August 1941 - 45, by the end of 1941 - 59.

By July 4, 1941, a 237th separate anti-aircraft artillery division (ODD) of a small caliber, attached to operational submission of the shelf and the combat order in the butt-old yam area (south of the regiment sector) with the challenge of anti-air defense of Butovo Radioszlov, was formed. For the entire period of hostilities, changing the configuration of combat order was slightly.

The first massive raid in Moscow enemy took on the night of July 21, 1941. The circumstances of this event are indicative for all subsequent raids. In the afternoon, on July 21, the post deposited (air surveys, alerts and communications) handed over to parts that in the Serpukhov region, Tula, Podolsk, Naro-Fominsk had single reconnaissance opponent aircraft operating on these approaches within a few hours. At 22.00 on July 21, battle alarms were announced, and soon the opponent's aircraft began to approach the front edge of the sector. They approached the groups from the link and more at the heights of 3000-6000 m. Visibility to that night was good, and individual groups of enemy aircraft were clearly distinguished against the background of the evening sky. Despite the rare clouds, at the entrance to the sector of the first aircraft of the enemy, all the searchlights joined the battle. At the same time, the regiment opened a barrier fire according to NP (observation points). The solid wall of the fire rose on the way of enemy aircraft, and they turned from the course, left in the northwestern direction. For Moscow, the opponent aircraft were not missing.

Following the first group of aircraft continuously, one after another, with an interval of 10-20 minutes, was suitable new. The first enemy aircraft was shot down by fire 1st battery and fell south of the boot, burying the entire crew under his wreckings. On the same night another aircraft was shot down. Under conditions of strong firing effects, the enemy aircraft randomly discharged fugasal, incendiary and lighting bombs for villages near Moscow at the approaches to Moscow and in the districts of batteries of the 329th Zenap.

Pictures from a regimental album: tank attack; Zenitchiki beat on tanks; Zenitchiki beat by airplanes

The next night, the enemy made a raid even great forces; The bombing lasted from 23.50 to 3.00. The aircraft walked behind low clouds at an altitude of 3000-4000 m. And again they were not able to break through to Moscow, again they randomly dumped bombs on the combat order and suburban settlements.

All the last July nights of the aircraft tried to break through to Moscow. The raids were massive and long. Airplanes flew from different sides, at different heights - from 1500 to 7000 m, dispersed in the zone of the fire of anti-aircraft artillery were used, walked with muted motors, conducted bombing on combat orders, with raids adhered to clearly pronounced local landmarks: Kiev, Kashirskoye, Borovskoye and Podolsk Highway, railways, Moscow-river, etc.

On the night of July 24-25, another opponent was shot down (the 8th battery of the 2nd Division). In total, three airplanes are shot down. In the reflection of raids in August, three more aircraft were shot down.

However, already in August due to the approach of the front line to Moscow, the preparation of anti-tank and land defense in the case of the fight against tanks and infant infantry was launched. In batteries, fighter teams armed with anti-tank grenades and bottles with an incendiary liquid were created. In the areas of firing positions, mine fields were installed.

With a worsening of the situation at the front and a breakthrough of the enemy to the near approaches to Moscow on October 10, 1941, the regiment was ordered, continuing to perform the task of defense, by October 12 to prepare an effective anti-tank and terrestrial defense. To this end, up to 40% of all guns (1-2 implements from each battery) with their calculations were put on specially reconnected anti-tank positions. By October 26, almost all means were exhibited on anti-tank positions (up to 80% of medium caliber tools). But then, with the increased activity of the opponent's aviation activity, some of the anti-tank guns were returned to the main firing positions of air defense. On anti-tank positions, 2 guns remained from each battery. Only by December 18, 1941

all anti-tank guns were returned to the main firing positions.

It should be noted that all the tasks of the anti-tank and terrestrial defense in the Shelf sector were solved in cooperation with the divisions of the Moscow Defense Zone and the 332rd Rifle Division, which took the line in the center of the Shelf sector.

The enemy was on close approaches to Moscow, so the posts were removed and could not provide preliminary information. Airplanes appeared unexpectedly at different heights. For the success of hostilities in these conditions, constant combat readiness was required during the day and night. Calculations of guns and instruments for days did not move away from the material part, and the clouds were resting in their places, not undressing. Round-the-clock duty carried the calculations of anti-tank guns.

During December, up to 200 opponent aircraft participated in the raids. Using clouds, 9 aircraft broke through to the city, which in disorder with a high height dropped about 115 fugasal avia bombs weighing a total of about 5-6 tons and 135 pcs. Focical airbabes that have not caused special destruction city. In the sectors of the artillery regiments, about 600 fuzasi bombs of different calibers are reset on the fire positions of the batteries. In total, 17 raids were committed in December, from them during the day - 5, at night - 2.

At the defense of Moscow, the aerostats of the barrier played a huge role. During December 1941, the aerostats rose into the air 20 times (230 posts), which is 4,600 aerostato-lifts. In total, all together were in the air of 240 hours, or 55,620 aerostato-hours. The ceiling of lifting reached from 4500 to 6000 m, which compared with November is an increase in the ceiling by 1500-2000 m. The following is explained by the decrease in air temperature. Accidents in December are sharply reduced due to the strengthening of the discipline and the acquisition of experience personal composition. It cut off due to the fault of the personnel of 3 aerostat, bent the fire of anti-aircraft artillery 9 pcs. But all the aerostats were found, repaired and re-commissioned.

In January 1942, 260 aerostat points were located on the defense of Moscow and individual objects, of which the tandems are 90, single 170. There were 26 lifting days during the month. All the raises were made at night - with the onset of darkness until dawn. Five inexperial days was due to bad meteo conditions. The average height of the tandem - 4500 m, single - 2500 m. Options for the month due to the fault of the personnel was 9, 4 balloons were found, repaired and put into operation.

On March 4, 1942, the last opponent plane was shot down. In total batteries of the 329th anti-aircraft artillery regiment, 14 opponent aircraft were shot down.

The period from the beginning of the war until the spring of 1942 was most busy, and all changes in the deployment and use of their and attached funds were primarily aroused by the combat tasks. In the future, the perfection and effectiveness of the air defense system was based, with the exception of a number of cases of the operational use of individual units received independent tasks or as part of groups.

On April 8, 1942, according to the decree of the State Committee of Defense, replenishment of the Komsomol Girls in the amount of 1050 people to teach various specialties and replacing men's military personnel, submitted to the completion of the 82nd and 1201th anti-aircraft artillery regiments, as well as In the field troops of the army. In 1943 and early 1944, separate parts and units were formed, intended for the air defense of the territories of the country.

On June 15, 1943, the 329th anti-aircraft artillery regimental air defense regiment was reorganized in the 54th anti-aircraft artillery air defense division, which was included in the 2nd sector of the Special Moscow Air Force Army. The commander of the Division was appointed commander of the regiment G.I. Iofik. Division included:

- 5 zenith artillery regiments (five-centuries each);

- Separate anti-aircraft artillery division MZA (three batteries);

- anti-aircraft projector regiment.

All listed part of the division and service are created from the respective units of the 329th anti-aircraft artillery regiment of air defense and historically continued to perform the tasks set earlier for the 329th Zenap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5th average caliber divisions were reorganized accordingly in the shelves - 1745, 1747, 1749, 1751, 1753th; Division MZ - in the 338th separate anti-aircraft artillery division of a small caliber, a searchlight battalion - in the 8th anti-aircraft projector regiment.

Since August 1943, the Division batteries took part in all salutes in honor of the victories of the Red Army at the front. In 1944, a large group of officers, sergeants and ordinary - over 150 people were awarded the orders and medals of the USSR.

In April and June 1945, a consolidated anti-aircraft artillery regiment was prepared, which participated in the May Day parade of the Red Army troops on Red Square in Moscow and in the Victory Parade on June 24. On May 30, 1945, Colonel P.A. entered the command of the division. Valuev.

Until 1950, the 54th anti-aircraft artillery air defense division was merged with another unit. The new unit was called: the 80th anti-aircraft artillery division, and was replicated to Nikulino's military town, and in 1957 disbanded.

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How many girls and women on a par with men defended our homeland during the Great Patriotic War! The pilots and zeniths, nurses, nurses, doctors, sinstrupers, sailors and snipers, officers and ordinary ... do not say anything! Someone returned, and someone stayed there, in war ... I want to tell about one of them, my tete, Korzunina Natalia Afanasyevna,

native der.b.Pol former Belsky District. An ordinary Russian woman-drone and warrior. She was born in 1918 and was younger in a large family (except for her three sisters and brother). That was died in civil, shortly after her birth. Grew like all peasant children. There was only one winter, helped on the housework, then worked in the collective farm. There was a head. collective farm crops (finished two-week courses in with. White), worked in the field and cowfight. In 1940 he came to Kirov and soon it was settled to work in the Artel "Kirov Garmon", began to study in the evening school.

The war began and everything changed. Studied at school, work sent to a brick factory, where girls rolled hand trolleys with raw bricks. And this is the increase in the "meter with a cap" and "ram weight", in forty with a small kilogram!

And in the spring of 1942 mobilized on railway. Worked the lubricant of cars. 12 hourly shift, and then still remained to equip cargo wagons for the transportation of people. He always had enough strength and time until the next shift, to go home, fell girls on the floor in the hotel and fell asleep. There were cases when by negligence fell under the wheels of the wagons. Once he lost bread cards at the beginning of the month. As you survive, I came to think, I cut through the car! But then I sold something from my nomudinal clothes on the market and bought a children's card (300 g of bread per day!). Survived! Worked with her girls-FEZES. It was hard for adults, and this doubly home to mom wanted. Once the girls boasted that they wrote a statement to the military registration and enlistment office. "Bread to eat in the army!" She thought, and maybe I go to the army? Girls ran out of paper and wrote her a statement. On the way home, turning his triangle, threw in the mailbox and forgot. It was in the autumn of 1943.
And at the end of October received an agenda from the military registration and enlistment office. And already on November 1, 1943, we left for the front. In the car met, there were girls from different areas of the region, there were also countrywood. Almost a month was driving, it was cold and hungry, wash and then where. Sold at the stations that they could from their little things, bought edible. On November 28, they arrived in Poltava, they enrolled them in 1575 an anti-aircraft-soldier regiment of the 9 Stalingrad Red Body Corps of the Air Force, they received uniforms. And the service began.
In the Red Army book written:

The title and the position of Red Army, the gun number.

Name of the division-3 battery.

The oath took 20.12.1943.

Later received the title of Efreitor.

In May 1944, the regiment was transferred to Kharkov, here the zenithors protected the tractor factory.
Then there was Budapest. On the Internet found materials from the history of air defense "Protecting Sky of Ukraine". It is said that: "1575 Zap Mza with the Middle Caliber Division, and the searchlight Rota participated in the elimination of the enemy's grouping in the Budapest area, the cargo for which was delivered by air. From January 28 to 16.02.45, the regiment hit 28 aircraft, in T . at 14 transport Yu-52. (There is one of them on the account of a tetushkaya calculation!). Large losses, the opponent's aviation in the middle of February almost ceased its actions. Commander Shelf Lieutenant Colonel Goran was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky, and the entire personnel of the regiment - MEDAL "For Taking Budapest". Here on the shores of the Danube ended the combat route of the 9th Stalingrad Red Banner Corps of the Air Defense. "

I read in the records: "On January 26 came to Budapest. February 27 moved to the island., March 25, to the bridge. On July 27, at 7 o'clock in the morning left the battery and went home.
The war ended and Efreitor Korzunin, awarded medals "for military merit", "for

The victory over Germany "and the" Excellent Artilleryman "sign, returned home. But I never received the medal" For Taking Budapest ". There was only a certificate" for the subject of the medal ", signed by the regiment commander and headquarters headquarters. And write some employee The military registration and enlistment office across the reference "in the list of part does not mean" ...

In June 1946, he again came to work in the Artel "Kirov Harmony" (later the "Kirov accordion factory"), where he worked for almost 20 years as a collector of the left mechanism. And before retirement, 8 years worked at the "Red Toolshild" plant. Personal life did not work out. In war, youth and those who could become fate remained. I do not know, she died sick in battles or she did not have time to meet him ... She never talked about it. She lived alone, not "returning from the war" from his youth. In 84, she climbed a terrible disease, stroke. We were able to put it on your feet, about 2 years old could still walk, then slightly completely ... But the mind was fading gradually, only youth remained in mind, and then childhood ... My mother called me, and I am younger for her 30 years old., I was going to the village, from which I left more than 60 years ago and which had no longer existed for a long time ... And once ... "We must go!" Where - I ask. "How where? Shinel and a rifle to take! Yesterday the war ran out ..." Shinel! She came from the front and returned to his native village. The year worked at school, I led military training. In the same Sineli, a year later came again in Kirov, returned to his "harmonic". And then the sinel served her and clothes and blanket ...
Helped raise her nephews and their children. Was a beloved aunt and grandmother.
From the stories of Aunt about the war, the case was remembered, "how the hair on the head was stirred." Yes, so she said. It was late in the fall of the 44th. She stood at night at the post. Around the steppe, the platoon sleeps in the dugout, terrible darkness. And so horror! The eyes closed, clung to the rifle and stands. And it is indulged, how the hair moves on the head, lifting the hat. Never in life was so scary, as I defended a shift, I do not remember. I woke a transference, but it became about my fears. And in the morning the girlfriend asks: "Natasha, aware, it was terribly night!" Later they learned that at this time the Germans cut out the same platoon that was a few kilometers from them!

born on June 29, 1900 In the Donbas (Rudnik Shubin).

Father Shakhtar (died in 1920), mother - housewife (died in 1924). In 1901, his father was reduced from work and the whole family (including the older brother of 1896) moved to the village of Dmitryashevka, Zadonsky district, Voronezh region (in those days - province), where part of the economy was obtained from his father's brother and parents began to engage agriculture. The farm was poor, so the Father was forced to go for the winter to work in landlord estates.

From 1910 to 1913 He studied in the Dmitryshevsk rural school (graduated from 3 classes), in the future only a military education was received.

From 1914 to 1917 He worked on hiring, at the beginning (until 1916) the Batrakom in the estate of the Bunin landowner, then in black-workers on the Ramon sugar factory (Voronezh region).

From 1917 to 1919 He was located in the village of Dmitryashevka, worked in agriculture.

May 15, 1919it is called upon (by mobilization) by the Zemlysky district military commissariat in the ranks of the Red Army, where he served 38 years (until 1957), having passed the nice path from the ordinary Red Army to Colonel, the regiment commander. Participant of three wars - civil, Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic.

Passage of service in the Red Army (working and peasant red army) and sa ( Soviet army - renamed in 1946 )

May - October 1919 - Krasnoamec 31 Valui rifle regiment.

October 1919 - April 1921 - Red Army for 80 rifle regiment 9 of the Don Division. Participated in battles on the southern front ( Civil War, 1917 - 1922) against the gang of Ulugaya and Wrangel, as well as in the elimination of banditry in the mountains (Chechnya).

April 1921 - September 1922 (Study) - Cadet 54 of Petrovsky courses of red commanders, Port-Petrovsk (subsequently Makhachkala, Dagestan). At their end, they are produced in the Red Commanders of the Red Army.

In February 1922 joined the ranks of the WCP (b) - All-Union Communist Party Bolsheviks.

September 1922 - September 1923 - Junior commander 37 rifle regiment 13 of the Dagestan division, Derbent.

September 1923 - September 1924(Study) - Cadet 8 of the Infantry Petrograd School of Commostava, Leningrad, who in 1924 entered the Kiev United Military School.

September 1924 - August 1925(Studies) - Cadet of the Kiev United Military School (Artillery Division), was posted in the building of the Suvorov Military School, Pechersk district of Kiev.

August 1925 - October 1926- The commander of the platoon, the head of the division of the 9 artillery regiment 9 of the Rifle Division, Rostov-on-Don.

October 1926 - August 1927(Studies) - cadet of radio telegraphed, telephone courses Komostava RKKA, Moscow.

September 1927 - December 1931 - Head of the Intelligence of the Division (until May 1928), Commander of the Staff Battery 9 Artillery Regiment 9 rifle corps, Kamensk. During the service in Kamensk (from 1929 - Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region) met and married the native of this city Antonova Anne Matveyevna. Two sons were born in the same city - Vladimir (1932), Nikolai (born in 1937).

December 1931 - December 1933 - Battery Commander 13 Artillery Shelf 13 Rifle Division, Taganrog.

December 1933 - August 1936 (Study) - Listener of the Leningrad Artillery Academy named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, Leningrad. Finished 2 courses.

August 1936 - September 1939 - Assistant commander of the division (until January 1939), the commander of the division 2 regiment of the Beodorussian Special Military District (Kalinin Military District), Great Luke.

September - December 1939 - commander of a separate anti-aircraft artillery division of the 138 rifle division of the Kalininsky Military District.

December 1939 - April 1940 - Head of the anti-aircraft artillery of the Air Defense Department of the Army of the North-West Front (Soviet-Finnish War, November 30, 1939 - 13.03.1940). In total, the front was four armies (7, 8, 9 and 14). 7 The army fell on the Karelian Isthmus, led the most severe and bloody battles. For the successful implementation of the combat missions, personal courage and courage of Sushkov P.P. awarded the Order of the "Red Star"(Hung in the Kremlin personally Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M.I. Kalinin).

April - May 1940 - Commander 372 of a separate division of the PVA Kalininsky Military District.

May - June 1940 - Assistant commander 454 anti-aircraft regiment of air defense of the North Caucasus Military District (SKVO), Novorossiysk.

June 6, 1941 - March 15, 1942 - Head of the headquarters (until December 1941), deputy commander of 734 of the zenith-artillery air defense regiment, North Caucasian air defense zone (South Front, Great Patriotic War, 06/22/1941 - 05/09/1945, 1418 days), Rostov-on-Don. Here, under Rostov-on-Don, the first "combat baptism" was adopted to reflect the raids of fascist aviation, awarded medal "For courage."The family (a wife with two children is 9 years and 4 years old) was evacuated in Baku, Azerbaijan SSR. On the way, Echelon fell under the brutal bombing, but everything cost.

March 15 - July 13, 1942 - Commander 32 spare anti-aircraft artillery regimental air defense (southern front), Maykop.

July 13, 1942 - 24 April 1943- Head of the artillery headquarters of the Ryazhsko-Tambov Divisional Floor District.

April 24, 1943 - April 22, 1950 - Commander of 1572 of the zenith-artillery shelf of small caliber (Xenap MK), field mail 44703. The regiment was formed on the basis of the 96 separate anti-aircraft anti-aircraft division in the period from April 25 to June 20, 1943 in the area of \u200b\u200bVoronezh, as part of five divisions, 3 batteries (in total in the shelf 1330 people, a significant part of the woman). In service with 37 mm and 25-mm anti-aircraft guns (15 batteries of 6 guns in the battery, only 90 guns). The formation took place in conditions of inexpressive intensive hostilities.

Reference: On May 5, 1943, the enemy's rank at the railway bridge at the Cheremisino station reflected the 2nd division in two batteries under the command of Senior Lieutenant Belostokova. It was attended by 18 Yu-87 and 4 Yu-88 under the cover of the Me-109 fighter groups. Flight began at 19 o'clock. 35 min. When approaching the object, the aircraft were rebuilt into the "Column of the Units" and from one direction began bomb-throwing from dive. At the time of the bombing of the bridge, the Me-109 flew on shaving altitudes over batteries combat order, shelling them from machine guns. The fight continued for 10 minutes. Airplanes managed to reset over hundreds of bombs. Barrifying fire Zenitchiki upset the combat order of the enemy, the bridge remained unharmed.

For the manifested personal courage and heroism in battles under Voronezh Sushkov P.P. he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree.

From November 12. 1943. The divisions of the regiment took the air defense of the bridges under construction across the Dnipro River at the city of Kiev.

December 7, 1943 The headquarters of the shelf is replicated to the city of Kiev and stood on the defense of administrative facilities (House of SNA of the Ukrainian SSR, the House of the Central Committee of the PBC (S)), bridges, railway stations (Vasilkov, Boyarka, Motovilovka, Darnitsa), Borispol airfield.

In total, shelter: aircraft - 11, SAB (luminous aviation bombs) - 145.

Commander Shelf (Lieutenant Colonel Sushkov P.P.), was appointed head of one of the three combat sectors of the air defense of Kiev. KP was located on the slopes of the Dnieper - in Anosovo Park (Park Glory). For the successful performance of these combat missions awarded the Order of the Red Banner(03.11.1944) and the Order of Lenin(21.02.1945).

Total has eight combat awards, including order "Lenin", two orders "Red Banner", order "Red Star", order "Patriotic War" 1st degree, medals "For courage", "for military merit", "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.".

After the war, the regiment remained in Kiev, performed the tasks of combat and political training according to peacetime plans, carried the battle duty to cover important objects from air strikes.

April 30, 1955 1572 Zenap MK renamed in 276 Zenap SK(An anti-aircraft-artil-Lerian regiment of medium caliber), in service with which complexes "C-60" (57-mm APP - automatic anti-aircraft guns and radioponic complexes of RPK-2).

He was elected by the deputy of the Kiev city council of deputies of the working hours of the 2nd convocation ( 1948.).

In April 1950 Translated to serve in headquarters 7 air defense housings (Kiev), but then on a personal request is appointed head of the Polygon PVA(Oster, Chernihiv region, V / h 25994). From the "general" position (in Moscow) refused, loved the city of Kiev and thought about children. Soldier's Solva reads: "Better back to sit down in a fire, than to get to serve in Oster!". Apparently, the service was not sugar there, but Paul Polykarpovich preferred to her cozy general office in Moscow, and this is all his life credo.

Dismissed with actual military service in reserve in 1957. In the rank "Colonel".

Lived in Kiev on ul. Moscow, 23 (from 1944 to 1979), after the demolition of the house received an apartment on the forest array, ul. Bratislavskaya. Recent years lived on the grapeter, ul. Svetlitsky (moved closer to her daughter).

Engaged in public activities and garden at the country area, the railway station Chubinsky (by train, the Yagotinsk direction, go for about 40 minutes).

Paul Polykarpovich had a brother and two sisters.

Brother (1896) - Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he worked in the Donbas at the mine (mine) by simple workers. After the war, the information about his fate is not established.

Sister (1911) - In 1946 she lived in the village of Dmitryashevka, Kolkhoznitsa. Further fate Unknown.

Sister (1920) - in 1946 she lived in the Donbas. Further fate is unknown.

He died on August 17, 1984.He was buried on Berkovetsky cemetery in Kiev (section No. 82, a number of 17, place 21).

VL / Articles / Interesting

10-04-2016, 06:00

Before Great Patriotic War The cover of the Main Naval Base of the Black Sea Fleet (GVMB CHF) - Sevastopol from the air attack carried out the 61st anti-aircraft artillery regiment (ZAP) with machine-gun and projector battalions. It consisted of four divisions. Three of them, armed with artillery systems of the middle caliber (SZA), were equipped with the latest, at that time, 85 mm anti-aircraft guns and semi-automatic anti-aircraft guns of 76.2 mm caliber. The fourth division of a small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery (MZA) had 16 automatic caliber guns 37 mm. The machine-gun battalion has 46 machine guns (28 quadruple sets of M-4 and 18 single-bail M-1). There were 27 stations in the projector battalion.

At the request of the regiment commander in Sevastopol, fighters of the 62nd Fighter Aviabritis (commander Colonel G. Dzuby) could be called, which promptly submitted to the head of the Fleet Fleet Colonel I. Zhilin and was based on four Crimean airfields. In its composition there were aircraft outdated structures: I-15, I-16 and I-153. 61 Zap served the 11th battalion of air surveillance, alerts and communication (submission) of a three-dimensional composition, which had 54 post of visual observation and two radar stations of detection Rus-1. The battalion was also at the disposal of the air defense chief.

The airgroup abandoned for the defense of Sevastopol, there were 51 wheeled fighter and 31 Fleet's hydrosapol, which was subordinate to the airborne balloon, who had 23 twisted aerostats. The anti-aircraft batteries of the 1st Division were stationed in the north of Sevastopol and covered objects from the northern direction. The batteries of the 2nd division were located in the southwestern, and the 3rd division in the southeastern parts of the city.

The batteries of the Division MZ were on the shores of the Northern Bay with the task of destroying low-tie air targets. Anti-aircraft machine guns were located directly at the defendant objects. The ships of the fleet had their anti-aircraft artillery, which during the parking of ships in the bay was included in the air defense system GVMB. With this location of anti-aircraft drugs, the cover of ships was provided by three-layer anti-aircraft artillery fire.

The personnel of parts and air defense units was well prepared, many ordinary and sergeants ended the 4th year of service. In parts, a high degree of combat readiness was maintained. June 20. Black Sea Fleet Returned from the exercises and received an order to remain in readiness No. 2. Command points were deployed, a limited number of crew members was released ashore. A third of anti-aircraft drugs around the clock was on combat (operational) duty; One of the batteries of the sze was in three-minute readiness for the opening of fire. These circumstances contributed to the fact that a sudden attack of fascist aircraft on Sevastopol in the morning of June 22, 1941 did not find the Sevastopol zenitchikov surprised, they managed to open fire in a timely and organized.

It is widely known that the first German bombers produced a discharge not bombs, but magnetic bottom mines on parachutes. These mines were quite new and well-classified weapons. With their help, the fascists planned to block the exit from the Sevastopol bay, after which the aviation strikes destroy the ships of our fleet. The power of air defense did not give the Germans to fulfill this plan. As for the magnetic mines themselves, one of them got into shallow water and did not explode. Miliatrener 3 rank M. Ivanov has neutralized mine, after which it was carefully studied. Thanks to this, a new weapon has ceased to represent a secret.

Until November 1941 enemy aircraft continued to produce day and night raids on Sevastopol, single machines and small groups of 2-3 bombers, in order to conduct exploration and mining of fairways. During this period by the forces of coastal and ship anti-aircraft artillery, as well as 17 enemy aircraft were destroyed by the fighter aviation.

With raids, fascists used a variety of tactical techniques. For example, reconnaissance aircraft when approaching GVMB gained a height of more than 6,800 meters and went out to goals from the Sun, which complicated their escort with optical devices. To disguise the pilot of the enemy used clouds. As soon as shelling the plane with anti-aircraftic agents began, he immediately went to the clouds, and then appeared in the clouds of the "windows" and was intelligent. Soviet anti-aircraft people quickly learned the tactics of the enemy and began to apply countermeasures. In cases where the enemy aircraft came from the side of the Sun, protective glasses were put on optical visiers of the FQAINS. If the German pilots went to the clouds, the Zenitchiki continued to accompany them by the sights, rotating flywheel filings with the same speeds, as in visual observation. When the plane appeared in the "window", it turned out in the field of view of the Vizos Poazo.

However, the command and headquarters of the ChF first battles with German aviation criticized. Cases of conducting chaotic, unorganized fire were noted, when one enemy aircraft was fired several (sometimes up to 10) batteries. Some commanders were excited and confused, overly hastily issued data for firing. This was caused by the fact that the team composition was not easy to immediately gain confidence, sharply hitting a peaceful situation in combat. Also, in the first days there were no remote observation posts in the marine sector, and after all, German aviation during this period made raids from the sea, and our zenithors were in suspense and without a normal rest among the guns and appliances, up to 18 hours a day.

Until the winter of 1941, a number of measures were taken by the command of the Fleet to enhance the air defense in the maritime sector. Bargeted aerostats were exhibited at a distance of 4-6 km from the coastline. KP of the 62nd airframes were transferred to the CP air defense unit, and the fighter airlows were partially placed on the airfields of Sevastopol. The newly formed batteries of the SZA turned along the coastal edge in the area of \u200b\u200bKonstantinovsky Rodelin (each battery was reinforced with a platoon of a MZ to combat flying, at low heights and dive aircraft). The ship repair plant manufactured using the old ship's compartments, the floating anti-aircraft battery, which was armed with 7-anti-aircraft guns (four to 76 mm guns and three-calibur 37 mm), 2 DSHK machine guns and 2 spotlights. She was located 6 km from the shore on the traverse of the Chersoness Lighthouse.

For more operational management of air defense rates around Sevastopol, six defense sectors were created. In two of them (in the area of \u200b\u200bKachi and the Chersoness Lighthouse), commander of the parts of the fighter aircraft and anti-aircraft artillery had the right to act on the reflection of the raids by enemy aviation. For long approaches to the base, fighters were sent by decision by the head of the air defense ChF. Ship anti-aircraft artillery had its own sectors for fire. By the beginning of the fall of 1941, more advanced Rus-2 radar plants were obtained, which found an enemy aircraft 15-20 minutes before their approach to the database. This gave the possibility of fighter aviation to move from continuous barrage in the air to the system of duty at the airfields.

At the end of October, the German troops broke into the Crimea: the 11th Army of Manstein rushed to Sevastopol, the number of anti-aircraft artillery was increased by this time: from Nikolaev, Sarabuse, Evpatoria and other cities, temporarily left by our troops, in Sevastopol arrived 122 Zap, 25 , 26, 114 Separate anti-aircraft artillery divisions (ODD), began to form 62 types.

In early November 1941, German troops rushed at the storm in the city, trying to master them with the go. In the Crimean airfields, the opponent focused more than two hundred bombers and fighters. And in the Sevastopol defensive region (SOR), created on November 4, 1941, the order of 100 aircraft was based.

Enemy aircraft began to apply massaged strikes on Soviet wagon ships and in the city. The first flare was performed on the night of November 2. The noise of motors of the aircraft listened to several directions. The searchlights were covered only by individual purposes, so the number of aircraft and their combat order could not immediately determine possible. Commanders of the parts were forced to open a barrier fire. Sevastopol sky lit up with hundreds of outbreaks of anti-aircraft shells. Of the 63 aircraft, one was shot down. Several broken to the city and to the bay. From bombing suffered some residential neighborings and ships. It is worth remembering that the barrier fire at that time was imperfect, ineffective, demanded expense large number Ammunition (anti-aircraft artillery on November 2 spent 7039 shells), and their delivery to Sevastopol was conjugate with great difficulties. Therefore, for such a way of maintaining fire, Zenitchiki was resorted only to extreme casesby shooting in group, unobservable goals. According to visible (illuminated), the accompanying fire was usually conducted by airplanes.

Massive raids in mid-November frequent. The objects of the strikes were mainly battery of field and coastal artillery, troops, which were in defense, ships in the parking lots. The enemy applied a number of new tactical techniques. For example, before applying a blow at altitudes to 7000 meters, one or two air scouts flew. Zenitchiki began their shelling, and at this time enemy bombers appeared on other heights and on other heights. It was necessary to overdun our anti-aircraft batteries and duty links of fighters. To prepare new data to shooting artilleryrs, time was required, so they opened fire or too late, or is not organized enough. As a result, individual aircraft broke out to objects.

Hitlermen and small groups of aircraft (9-12), tested in time and height, were used. At first, the first group of enemy bombers appeared, and after a minute, another - new group targets from other directions and on other heights. Usually, in such cases, fighters were guided by one of the aircraft groups, anti-aircraft batteries were labeled, and strictly in their sectors.

In November, pilots and anti-aircraft users reflected 134 air plates, with the participation of 380 aircraft; In December, during the second assault period, - 344 plates with 467 aircraft. Pilots and anti-aircraft workers on Earth and in the air 131 aircraft were destroyed.

A feature of the air defense of Sevastopol was that the air defense parties had to act in the conditions of undivided domination of enemy aviation in the air. With each new assault of Sevastopol, the German command attracted an increasing number of aircraft for strikes soviet troops and the city. So, during the second assault (December 1941), the enemy allocated only for action against fleet ships Aviation squadron consisting of 150 bombers. Sevastopolsky defensive area had only 53 serviceable aircraft.

Our aviation forces melted every day. Small airfields, where Soviet fighters were based (in the Kuliki field and the Chersoness Lighthouse), were constantly subjected to air strikes and artholster. During the defense of Sevastopol on these airfields, 3372 aircraft and 15624 artillery projectiles were born. Only in the parking lot 40 was destroyed and 131 of our plane was damaged. In the battles died about 100 and wounded 103 pilots. No more than two dozen of our fighters could participate in decisive battles for Sevastopol. Bombarding aircraft, in particular, PE-2 aircraft, based on Caucasian airfields, applied bomb and assault strikes on enemy airfields in the Crimea and were able to destroy and deduce a lot of enemy aircraft. However, the main proportion of the fight against fascist aviation fell on the anti-aircraft artillery and the remaining fighter aircraft.

Another feature of the fighting of anti-aircraft artillery in the defense of Sevastopol was that 75% of its composition was attracted to reflect the enemy's ground attacks, to fight against tanks and infantry. Therefore, anti-aircraft artillery was not fully used in the fight against German aviation. In addition, by order of command, in marine infantry From parts of air defense, 4727 ordinary and sergeants and 83 officers were allocated, as a result of which many guns and appliances of anti-aircraft artillery were serviced by abbreviated calculations.

In November, 880 anti-aircraft artillery regiment of the Primorsk army, as part of the three divisions of the SZA and one MZA, was included in the air defense of the Sevastopol defensive area. However, the material part of its guns is very worn or damaged, lacked ammunition, and the regiment itself was not fully equipped with a person. Fleet zenithors could not help. As of May 20, 1942, in front of the decisive battles for Sevastopol, they have laid shells to full amplification: for 85-mm guns - more than 13 thousand pieces, for 76.2-mm - about 13 thousand pcs. Sometimes due to the lack of ammunition, the commanders did not open fire on solitary enemy aircraft, and the meager supply of shells was bold to combat terrestrial targets.

By the spring of 1942, the number of anti-aircraft drugs in Sevastopol significantly decreased. The newly formed 62 ZAP, 122 Zap and the ballogence unit were shipped to the Caucasus along with the Squadron ships. In Sevastopol remained: 61 ZAP, 1, 55, 114 OUD, floating battery. Only 64 medium-caliber guns, 15 small-caliber guns, 12 quadruple anti-aircraft machine guns M-4, 29 project stations. For the third assault, the fascists were pulled under Sevastopol parts and connections from all over the Crimea, focusing up to 600 aircraft of all classes. Forces were too unequal.

On June 7, 1942, after prolonged artillery and aviation training, the Germans switched to the offensive. Antillery-anti-aircraft people, like other Sevastopol fighters, stood to death, inflicting a tangible damage. Here are some examples.

The personnel of the 227th anti-aircraft battery of the senior lieutenant I. Grigorova in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mamasha Valley in a short period of time beat 11 enemy attacks with the participation of fascist tanks, destroying 7 tanks, 4 cars, 13 mortars, 5 machine guns, over the infantry battalion and 1 plane. The 229th anti-aircraft battery of the senior lieutenant N. Startsev in the area of \u200b\u200bInkerman heights destroyed and scattered 8 of the enemy's mouth, suppressed 3 mortar batteries, 30 machine guns.

From June 7 to June 13, 1942, the 365th anti-aircraft battery of Senior Lieutenant I. Pianzin, who occupied the position near the Meknziev Maland near the railway junction of the Messenziev Mountain, was struck. Dozens of air and terrestrial enemy attacks were beaten. The fascist tanks managed to break into a firing position when shells and grenades ended on the battery. Then the seriously edged Kombat I. Pianzine handed over the open text by the waters: "He's nothing to fight ... In the position of the fascists, open the fire on our command item, I will adjust myself."

During the defense of Sevastopol, Zenitchiki inflicted a huge damage to the enemy. Only fighters 61 of the zenith-artillery regiment from June 22, 1941 to June 30, 1942 destroyed 171 enemy aircraft, 84 tanks, 53 artillery and mortar batteries, 38 machine-gun points, 164 vehicles with live strength and cargo, and up to 14 thousand. german soldiers and officers. Due to the high combat readiness of the part of the air defense unit, the GBMB FEF broke the initial intention of the enemy, designed to mining the exit from the port and the destruction of the squadron ships. Coastal anti-aircraft artillery, besides its task - the destruction of enemy aircraft, was an important means of fighting the ground forces of the enemy. The effectiveness of the combat operations of anti-aircraft workers in the defense of Sevastopol was achieved due to a clear and flexible interaction with parts of fighter aviation and ship, reliable and continuous control of PP parts.

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