Betelgeuse is the largest visible star. Light of Orion. Betelgeuse is the largest visible star. Declination of the star Betelgeuse.

The star Betelgeuse is a red supergiant from the class of fixed stars. He is at the end life path. In the near future, the star will turn into a powerful supernova. Scientists suggest that in the earth's sky it will take the place of the second moon for a couple of weeks. This will happen because it is located near the Sun.

Red giant constellation Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse and Rigel are two supergiant stars in the constellation Orion. The former is a red supergiant, while Rigel is a blue supergiant.

Alpha Orionis is variable. Its brightness in the night sky ranges from 0.4 to 1.4 magnitudes. Therefore, Betelgeuse and Rigel seem to compete with each other in terms of brightness. At the same time, Alpha Orionis can sometimes outshine Rigel in luminosity.

The name of the red supergiant should have been different. But because of an error, the red giant received its real name.

Orion constellation

How the name came about

The name of the red giant Orion comes from Arab countries. In Arabic, the name of the giant sounded like “Yad-al Jauza”, that is, translated as “twin’s hand”. In the Middle Ages, the Arabic hieroglyph that sounded like “th” was confused with the hieroglyph “b”.

Therefore, the erroneous meaning in Arabic “Beteljuz” was taken as a basis. Translated as “house of twins.” In Arab astronomy, the constellation Orion is called "Gemini".

Attention! Not to be confused with the real constellation Gemini.

In addition to its real name, the red giant goes by other names:

  • Tower (Persian for "hand");
  • Claria (Coptic for "bandage");
  • Ad-Dira (from Arabic “hand”);
  • Ardra (Hindi language).

How to see in the night sky

Betelgeuse can be seen in the night sky of Earth's Northern Hemisphere.

The red supergiant is in the constellation Orion, which means it occupies a central position in the winter sky. It can be seen even in the city sky in February.

This constellation is called winter because only in the cold season does it occupy a position on the southern side of the sky. Astronomers call this a culmination. Any luminary that is located on the southern side of the sky is convenient for an astronomy enthusiast to observe.

It appears in January in the east immediately after Sunset sets. On March 10th, people will be able to see it in the south in the evening. At this time of year, Betelgeuse is visible in all regions of the Earth.

Important! In Sydney, Cape Town, Bueno Aires, the red supergiant rises 49 degrees in the sky.

Now about where the star is.

If you look directly at Orion's belt, Betelgeuse is to the left and above the other three, which lie on the same straight line. The star's light is reddish. The red giant is the hunter's left shoulder, and Bellatrix is ​​the right.

Main Features

In terms of brightness, the red supergiant ranks 9th in the night sky. Its brightness varies from 0.2 to 1.9 magnitude over the course of 2070 days. Belongs to the spectral class m1-2 la lab.

Star size

The radius of the star is equal to 600 times the diameter of the Sun. She is 1400 times larger than him. And the mass is equal to 20 solar masses. And the volume is 300 million times greater than the volume of the Earth.

The star's atmosphere is rarefied, and the density is much lower than the Sun. Its angular diameter is 0.050 arcseconds. It changes depending on the luminosity of the giant.

The astronomers measured the radius using a spatial IR interferometer. The rotation period of the star was calculated to be 18 years.

Important! In 1920, Beteljuz became the first after the Sun to have its angular diameter measured by astronomers.

Comparison of the size of Betelgeuse with other space objects


The temperature of the red supergiant is 3000 degrees Kelvin (2726.8 Celsius). The red supergiant is much cooler than the Sun. Since the temperature of a solar system star is 5547 degrees Kelvin (5273.9 degrees Celsius). Exactly low temperature gives the star its reddish hue.


The red supergiant is located 643 light years from the solar system. It's far enough.

When a star explodes and forms a supernova, which astronomers predict for this red supergiant, the waves that reach the Earth will in no way disturb the life activity of all organisms on the planet.

The main characteristics can be found in the table:

Betelgeuse Alpha Orionis
Constellation Orion
Coordinates 05h 55m 10.3053s (right ascension), + 07° 24′ 25.426″ (declination).
Magnitude (visible spectrum) 0.42 (0.3-1.2)
Magnitude: (J-band) -2.99
Spectral class M2Iab
Absolute value -6.02
Remoteness 643 light years
Variable type SR (semi-regular variable)
Massiveness 7.7-20 solar
Radius 950-1200 solar
Luminosity 120,000 solar
Temperature mark 3140-3641 K
Rotation speed 5 km/s
Age 7.3 million years
Name Betelgeuse, Alpha Orionis, α Orionis, 58 Oroni, HR 2061, BD + 7° 1055, HD 39801, FK5 224, HIP 27989, SAO 113271, GC 7451, CCDM J05552+0724AP, AAVSO 0549+07

Facts about the red giant

Betelgeuse's radius is variable. It changes shape from time to time and has an asymmetrical shell with a slight convexity. This says two things:

  1. The star loses its own mass every year due to jets of gas escaping from the surface.
  2. There is a companion inside her that forces her to behave eccentrically.

Scientists observing the star have discovered that since 1993, its size has decreased by 15%, but its brightness has remained the same.

About 5 shells were found around the giant. And already in the ninth year of twenty-one, another emission of 30 astronomical units was discovered.

Astronomers predicted in 2012 that the giant could enter interstellar dust within twelve thousand years. And also a year before, one of the scientists included it in the menu of disasters that it could provoke in 2012.

Attention! Until now, scientists cannot determine the systematic changes in the diameter of the star, since it is pulsating.

Scientists suggest the following reasons for the decrease in size:

  • changes in the brightness of many areas on the surface of a supergiant. This can cause a decrease on one side and an increase on the other side in the brightness of the star. On Earth, this can be taken as a change in diameter;
  • suggest that big stars not spherical, so Betelgeuse has a bulge;
  • The third assumption is that what astronomers see is not the real diameter of the star. In fact, it may be a layer of dense gas. And its movements create the appearance of a change in the size of Alpha Orion.

Attention! Alpha Orionis is surrounded by a gas nebula, which astronomers could not notice for a long time due to the bright light emitted by Betelgeuse.

Another interesting fact is the entry of Betelgeuse into the winter triangle, which consists of Procyon, Sirius and this supergiant.

Winter triangle

In the culture of the peoples of the world

The star Betelgeuse has been called by different names in different peoples peace. Each nationality has its own beliefs and myths created by distant ancestors about the emergence of a star.

For example, in Brazil they call it Zhilkavai in honor of the hero whose leg was torn apart by his wife.

In Australia, she was given a two-word name, “owl eyes.” In the imagination of the Australians, the two stars located on the shoulders of Orion reminded them of the eyes of these night birds.

In South Africa it is called the lion that hunts three zebras.

In works and films

The red supergiant is mentioned in works, poems and films by Russian and foreign authors. For example, in the well-known film “Planet of the Apes” the planet Sorora revolves around this star. It was from here that primates with intelligence flew to Earth.

One of the heroes of the acclaimed film "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" was born and lives on a planet whose sun is Beteljuz.

Danish writer Niels Nielsen also mentioned this star in his works. His novel “Planet for Sale” describes how “planet hunters” stole a small satellite from Alpha Orion and brought it to Earth.

Back in 1956, Varlam Shalamov mentioned the star in his “Atomic Poem”.

Viktor Nekrasov, who wrote the work “In the Trenches of Stalingrad,” also writes about this star. This is how the lines sound: “Two steps away from us is a train with fuel, during the day it is clearly visible from here. All the time, thin streams of kerosene ooze from bullet holes in the tank. The soldiers run there at night to fill the lamps. According to an old habit from childhood, I look for familiar constellations in the sky. Orion - four bright stars and a belt of three smaller ones. And one more, very small, almost unnoticeable. One of them is called Betelgeuse, I don’t remember which one. There must be Aldebaran somewhere, but I have already forgotten where it is. Someone puts a hand on my shoulder. I shudder."

The star is also mentioned in Kurt Vonnegut's famous novel “The Sirens of Titan”. The hero of the work exists in the form of a wave that pulsates in a spiral around the Sun and Betelgeuse.

Roger Zelazny has a novel called The Gloomy Light. The action of this work takes place on one of the red giant planets at the moment before a supernova explosion.

Betelgeuse is mentioned in Arseny Tarkovsky's poem "Star Catalog", written in 1998.

The star Beetlejuice is mentioned in the film Blade Runner. When the hero Roy Batty dies, he calls it Orion's shoulder: “I saw something that you people simply won’t believe. Last minute warships on the approaches to Orion's shoulder. I saw C-rays...flickering in the darkness near the Tannhäuser Gate. And all these moments will disappear in time like tears in the rain. It's time to die."

One of the writers goes by the first and last name See Betelgeuse. He has a poem dedicated to Alpha Orion.

The Ukrainian rock band Tabula Rasa dedicated a song to the red giant - “Rendezvous on Betelgeuse.”

Comparison with the Sun

Compared to the Sun, Betelgeuse is many times larger.

If placed in the solar system, it will occupy the distance to Jupiter. As its diameter decreases, it will border on the orbit of Mars.

Betelgeuse is 100,000 times brighter than Earth. And the age is 10 billion years. While the Sun is only about 5 billion years old.

Scientists are increasingly wondering about Betelgeuse's behavior. Because the red giant behaves the same as the Sun. It has localized points where the temperature is higher than another surface and places where the temperature is lower.

Despite the fact that the shape of the Sun is spherical, and that of the red supergiant is in the form of a potato. This causes confusion in scientific circles.

Sun and Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse explosion

The red giant is going through its final stages of burning carbon. Knowing what processes occur inside the star, scientists can tell the future of Betelgeuse. For example, with a rapid explosion, iron, nickel, and gold are formed inside it. A slow explosion produces gases such as carbon, oxygen, and barium.

Scientists believe the red supergiant is poised to go supernova. In another few thousand years, or maybe earlier, the star will explode, releasing the released energy onto nearby space objects. Since it will release as much energy as the Sun releases during its entire life.

Betelgeuse explosion

The solar system in which the Earth is located is located far from the Red Giant. Therefore, it is assumed that the explosion will not create problems. However, its glow will be noticeable on Earth. This explosion can be observed by people with the naked eye.

Flash still long time will remain in the sky as an additional moon at night. After a few centuries, a black fool or neutrino star is formed from the exploding red giant. And a new nebula will appear around it.

According to another hypothesis, astronomers suggest that the explosion will still cause harm to the Earth and its inhabitants.

First of all, such an amount of energy released from Betelgeuse can disrupt the operation of satellites, mobile communications and the Internet on the planet. aurora will become even brighter.

Moreover, an explosion can lead to adverse effects on nature, leading to the extinction of some animal species and a slight cooling. But this is all speculation.

According to other sources, Betelgeuse will shed its shell and become a white dwarf. This hypothesis is more plausible.

Beetlejuice is already losing its composition in enormous quantities, gradually forming clouds of gas and dust around itself.

At the same time, the bulge of the star is cause for concern. It is believed that this is another object, and not a stream that carries particles of Alpha Orion into space. If this hypothesis is confirmed, then we should expect a collision between Betelgeuse and this object.

This bulge, which scientists still call a gas plume, shed the mantle, forming a strong flow of the interstellar medium.

If the explosion occurs, then people will be spectators for the first time in the incredible show of a supernova explosion. Because such explosions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy occur once every few thousand years.

There is another hypothesis that Betelgeuse has already exploded.

And its explosion will be seen only five hundred years later by descendants modern people. Since she is too far from Solar System. Its real light will not reach Earth until several hundred years later. According to the law of energy propagation in the vacuum of space, the further away the source, the later people will see its light.

One of the stars in the night sky is the brightest Betelgeuse. It is located in the constellation Orion. It can be seen in the night sky even without special instruments. The size of the star is amazing. Its mass exceeds the mass of the Sun by 20 times, and its diameter is more than 1000 times. The distance to Betelgeuse is just over 600 light years (the distance covered by light in a year at a speed of 300,000 km/h is 1 light year).

Betelgeuse (translated from Arabic as “armpit of the twin”) is a supermassive red giant. If you take it and put it in the place of the Sun, then it would reach the orbit of Jupiter, while covering all the planets located inside. Our Sun will emit 50 thousand times less light when compared to Betelgeuse. By galactic standards, this star is still young - about 10 million years old. Stars classified as red supergiants have very short lives. Considering the enormous pressure inside the star created due to its colossal mass, it burns its fuel very quickly, which directly affects the lifespan of the star itself.

Life of a star

The birth of a star is no different from the birth of other stars. In the vastness of the galaxy, a spherical molecular cloud is being formed - a protostar. Then it started thermonuclear fusion under the enormous pressure of the star's mass. This process leads to heating of the core. At this stage, hydrogen begins to transform into helium, and enormous energy is released into space. Thanks to this energy, the star does not shrink.

Over time, the hydrogen runs out, which consequently entails a loss of energy and the star still begins to contract. The core begins to compress with even greater force until the moment when helium begins to transform into another state - turn into carbon. Then a helium flash occurs. At this moment, the star begins to release a colossal amount of energy. From an ordinary star, it turns into a red giant. Betelgeuse is at this stage of life.

New elements (neon, oxygen, etc.) appear before iron is formed. Over time, the fuel runs out and the core begins to shrink again. Inside the star, the iron core is compressed, which subsequently becomes neutron. Then a huge explosion occurs. This explosion is the formation of a type 2 supernova. Instead of a nucleus, it can form black hole or a neutron star.

Is there a danger to the Earth?

There is no clear answer to the question of when Betelgeuse will explode. Some scientists believe that it will happen very soon (in the next 2 thousand years), and there are those who believe that it will happen much later. This explosion does not pose any danger to our planet. However, if the explosion occurs in our time, then you can see an amazingly beautiful picture in the sky. Betelgeuse's brightness will be comparable to that of the Moon, both during the day and at night. However, after a few years, the visibility will weaken and then gradually disappear completely. And in its place it is formed.

Betelgeuse is the second brightest star in the Orion constellation and a red supergiant: description and characteristics with photos, facts, color, coordinates, latitude, supernova. Betelgeuse (Alpha Oriioni) is the second brightest star in Orion and the 9th brightest in the sky. It is a red supergiant, 643 light years distant. Ending its existence and exploding as a supernova in the near future...
Here is a large, bright and massive star that is easy to spot in winter. Lives in the shoulder of the constellation Orion opposite Bellatrix. You will know where the star Betelgeuse is if you use our online star map.
Betelgeuse is considered a variable star and can periodically eclipse Rigel. The name came from Arabic translation"Orion's hand" The modern Arabic "al-Jabbar" means "giant". The translators mistook Y for B and the name "Betelgeuse" appeared merely as a mistake. Next you will learn about the distance to the star Betelgeuse, its latitude, coordinates, class, declination, color and luminosity level with photos and diagrams.

Betelgeuse is located in the right shoulder of Orion (top left). If you place it in our system, it will go beyond the asteroid belt and touch the orbital path of Jupiter.
It belongs to the spectral class M2Iab, where “lab” indicates that we are dealing with a supergiant with intermediate luminosity. The absolute value reaches -6.02. The mass ranges between 7.7-20 times that of the Sun. It is 10 million years old and has an average luminosity 120,000 times that of the Sun.
The apparent value varies from 0.2-1.2 over 400 days. Because of this, it periodically bypasses Procyon and takes the 7th position in brightness. At its peak luminosity it eclipses Rigel, and during its dim period it drops below Deneb and becomes 20th.
The absolute magnitude of Betelgeuse varies from -5.27 to -6.27. The outer layers expand and contract, causing temperatures to rise and fall. The pulsation occurs due to an unstable atmospheric layer. When absorbed, it absorbs more energy.

The collage shows the constellation Orion (arrow pointing to Betelgeuse), a close-up view of Betelgeuse and the best shot of the supergiant from ESO's telescope
There are several pulsation cycles with short-term differences of 150-300 days, and long-term ones cover 5.7 years. The star is rapidly losing mass, so it is covered by a huge shell of material, making observation difficult.
In 1985, two satellites were noticed in orbit around the star, but they could not be confirmed at that time. Betelgeuse is easy to find because it is located in Orion. From September to March it is visible from any point on Earth except 82°S. For residents northern hemisphere the star will rise in the east after sunset in January. In summer, it hides behind the Sun, so it cannot be seen.

Supernova and star Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse has come to the end of its life evolutionary development and in the next million years will explode like a type II supernova. This will result in a visual magnitude of -12 and last for a couple of weeks. The last supernova, SN 1987A, could be seen without instruments, although it occurred in the Large Magellanic Cloud, 168,000 light-years away. Betelgeuse will not harm the system, but will provide an unforgettable celestial spectacle.
Although the star is young, it has already practically used up its fuel supply. Now it contracts and increases internal heating. This caused helium to fuse into carbon and oxygen. As a result, an explosion will occur and a 20-kilometer neutron star will remain.
The ending of a star always depends on its mass. The exact figure remains vague, but many believe it is 10 times larger than the Sun.

Facts about the star Betelgeuse

Let's take a look interesting facts about the star Betelgeuse with a photo and a view of its stellar neighbors in the constellation Orion. If you want more details, then use our 3D models, which allow you to independently navigate among the stars of the galaxy.
Part of two winter asterisms. Occupies the upper corner of the Winter Triangle.

Stars of the Winter Triangle

The remaining angles are assigned to Procyon and Sirius. Betelgeuse is also part of the Winter Hexagon along with Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, Capella, Aldebaran and Rigel.
In 2013, it was believed that Betelgeuse would crash into a “space wall” interstellar dust in 12500 years.
Betelgeuse is part of the Orion OB1 Association, whose stars share regular motion and uniform speed in space. The red supergiant is believed to have changed its motion because its path does not intersect with star formation sites. May be a runaway member that appeared approximately 10-12 million years ago in the Orion molecular cloud.

This is an image of the dramatic nebula surrounding the bright red supergiant Betelgeuse. Formed from images from the VISIR IR camera on the Very Large Telescope. The structure resembles a flame and emerges from the star as it ejects its material into space. The tiny red circle extends 4.5 times Earth's orbit in diameter and represents the visible surface area of ​​Betelgeuse. The black disk corresponds to the bright part of the frame and is masked to reveal the nebula
The star moves through space with an acceleration of 30 km/s. As a result, a shock wave with a length of 4 light years was formed. The wind pushes out huge volumes of gas at a speed of 17 km/s. They managed to display it in 1997, and its formation is approximately 30,000 years old.
Alpha Orionis is the brightest source in the near-infrared region of the sky. Only 13% of the energy is displayed in visible light. In 1836, John Herschel noted stellar variability. In 1837, the star eclipsed Rigel and repeated this in 1839. It was because of this that in 1603 Johann Bayer mistakenly gave Betelgeuse the designation “alpha” (as the brightest).
The star Betelgeuse is believed to have begun life 10 million years ago as a hot blue O-type star. And the initial mass exceeded the solar mass by 18-19 times. Until the 20th century, the name was written as "Betelge" and "Betelgeuse".

This image from 2010 shows the hazy complex of the Orion Molecular Cloud. Also visible are the red supergiant Betelgeuse (top left) and Orion's belt, which includes Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. Rigel lives below, and the red crescent is Bernard's loop
Betelgeuse has been recorded in various cultures under different names. In Sanskrit it is written as “bahu” because the Hindus saw a deer or antelope in the constellation. In China, Shenxia is the “fourth star,” as a reference to Orion’s belt. In Japan - Heike-boshi as a tribute to the Heike clan, which took the star as a symbol of their clan.
In Brazil, the star was called Zhilkavai - the hero whose leg was torn apart by his wife. In northern Australia it was nicknamed "Owl Eyes", and in south africa- a lion hunting three zebras.

Supergiant Betelgeuse, imaged by the NACO instrument on the Very Large Telescope. When combined with the “lucky imaging” technique, it is possible to obtain the clearest image of the star even when turbulence distorts the image with the atmosphere. Expansion - 37 milli-arcseconds. The frame was obtained based on data from the near-infrared region and the use of various filters
Betelgeuse also appears in various feature films and books. So the hero of Beetlejuice shares a name with the star. Betelgeuse became the home system of Zaford Beeblebrox from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Kurt Vonnegut starred in Sirens of Titan, as did Pierre Boulle in Planet of the Apes.

Betelgeuse star size

It is difficult to determine the parameters, but the diameter covers approximately 550-920 solar. The star is so huge that it shows a disk in telescopic observations.

An artistic interpretation of the supergiant Betelgeuse, information about which was obtained by the Very Large Telescope. It can be seen that the star has a large gas plume. Moreover, it is so large-scale that it covers the territory of our system. These discoveries are important because they help us understand how such monsters eject material at high speeds. The scale in units of radius and comparison with the Solar system are also left
The radius was measured using an infrared spatial interferometer, which showed a mark of 3.6 AU. In 2009, Charles Townes announced that the star had shrunk by 15% since 1993, but had remained unchanged in brightness. This is most likely caused by shell activity in the expanded atmospheric layer. Scientists have found at least 6 shells around the star. In 2009, a gas emission was recorded at a distance of 30 AU.
Alpha Orionis became the second star after the Sun where it was possible to calculate the angular size of the photosphere. This was done by A. Michelson and F. Paze in 1920. But the numbers were inaccurate due to attenuation and measurement errors.
The diameter is difficult to calculate due to the fact that we are dealing with a pulsating variable, which means the indicator will always change. In addition, it is difficult to determine the stellar edge and photosphere, since the object is surrounded by a shell of ejected material.

Comparison of the sizes of Betelgeuse (the large, dull red sphere in Jupiter's orbital path) and R Doradus (the red sphere within Earth's orbit). The orbits of Mars, Venus, Mercury and the stars Rigel and Aldebaran are also marked. The faint yellow sphere has a radius of 1 light minute. Yellow ellipses – planetary orbits
It was previously believed that Betelgeuse has the greatest angular diameter. But later they carried out a calculation in R Doradus and now Betelgeuse is in 3rd place. The radius extends to 5.5 AU, but can be reduced to 4.5 AU.

Distance of the star Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse lives 643 light-years away in the constellation Orion. In 1997, it was believed that the figure was 430 light years, and in 2007 they put it at 520. But the exact figure remains a mystery, because direct measurement parallax shows 495 light-years, and adding natural radio emission shows 640 light-years. Data from 2008 obtained by the VLA suggested 643 light years.
Color index – (B-V) 1.85. That is, if you wanted to know what color Betelgeuse is, then this is a red star.

The photosphere has an extended atmosphere. The result is blue emission lines rather than absorption lines. Even ancient observers knew about the color red. So Ptolemy in the 2nd century gave a clear description of the color. But 3 centuries before him, Chinese astronomers described yellow. This does not indicate an error, because previously the star could have been a yellow supergiant.

Temperature of the star Betelgeuse

The surface of Betelgeuse warms up to 3140-4641 K. The atmospheric index is 3450 K. As the gas expands, it cools.

Physical characteristics and orbit of the star Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse - Alpha Orionis.
Constellation: Orion.
Coordinates: 05h 55m 10.3053s (right ascension), + 07° 24" 25.426" (declination).
Spectral class: M2Iab.
Magnitude (visible spectrum): 0.42 (0.3-1.2).
Magnitude: (J-band): -2.99.
Absolute value: -6.02.
Distance: 643 light years.
Variable type: SR (semi-regular variable).
Massiveness: 7.7-20 solar.
Radius: 950-1200 solar.
Luminosity: 120,000 solar.
Temperature mark: 3140-3641 K.
Rotation speed: 5 km/s.
Age: 7.3 million years.
Name: Betelgeuse, Alpha Orionis, α Orionis, 58 Oroni, HR 2061, BD + 7° 1055, HD 39801, FK5 224, HIP 27989, SAO 113271, GC 7451, CCDM J05552+0724AP, AAVSO 0549+07.

Orion constellation - one of the most beautiful and rich in cosmic wonders. There is a whole range of different cosmic objects here, from nebulae to unique stars. Among these wonders there is a real giant among the stars - Betelgeuse , also called Alpha Orionis . The generally accepted version is that the name Betelgeuse comes from the distorted Yad al-Jawza - “hand of the Twin” (Arabic). This star has other names: “Al-Manqib” (“shoulder”), “Ardra”, “Nakshatra” (Hindi), “Bahu” (Sanskrit), “Claria” (Coptic, “bandage”).
This is really a very interesting star, one of brightest stars in the night sky, and one of the largest stars in the observable Universe, also one of the possible candidates for a supernova explosion in the next few centuries, or even earlier in the Milky Way.

Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion is marked with a red circle

To see Betelgeuse in the sky, find the constellation Orion and look at the red star in the upper triangle. Betelgeuse is a reddish star located in the right shoulder (left side) of the constellation Orion, and is the second brightest star in this constellation. She is a red supergiant, and her size is truly impressive. If we place this star in the place of the Sun, then it would fill all space up to the orbit of Jupiter at its maximum size, and at its minimum - up to the orbit of Mars. Betelgeuse brighter than the sun V 80 000 - 100 000 once. In this case, the mass of the star is only 13 — 17 solar, since its atmosphere is more rarefied and the density is much lower than the solar one. The distance to the star is estimated at approximately 500-640 light years from Earth. It is a semi-regular variable star, that is, its luminosity and size change with different periods. By using modern instruments You can view the star's disk, and in some cases spots on the surface, using interferometry in infrared light. The spots could be giant convective cells rising from beneath the supergiant's surface. Their increased brightness is due to the fact that they are hotter than the surrounding surface.
Betelgeuse is the first star for which the angular diameter visible from Earth was measured (December 13, 1920), and it is approximately 0,047-0,055 arcsec. and varies depending on the luminosity of the star.

The mottled surface of Betelgeuse obtained using infrared interferometry

The spectral class of the star is M2Iab, and the temperature of the upper layers of the atmosphere (or, as they say, the surface) is about 3600º K ( 3326.85ºС), which is much colder than the Sun's temperature of 5778º K ( 5504.85 ºС), this gives the star a reddish tint, as opposed to the yellow of the sun.

Photo of Betelgeuse taken by the Takahashi E-180 astrograph

The age of Betelgeuse is estimated at about 10 million years, which by astronomical standards is a very short period of time; for comparison, the age of the Sun is estimated at about 5 billion years (and the Sun has approximately the same amount of time left to “live”). However, Betelgeuse is in one of the last stages of its existence - the burning of carbon in the core of the star, and most scientists suggest that in the relatively near future (several hundred years, or maybe at any moment) it could explode in the form class II supernova. Such a supernova explosion would be a very spectacular event. It will be visible even during the day and will be the most bright object in the sky after the Sun, and will shine like this for several weeks, since in a short period of time it will release as much energy as the Sun releases in its entire life. After a few centuries, in the place of the star there will only be a nebula with a neutron star, or a black hole, inside. A similar nebula, for example, is the Crab Nebula.
It may have already exploded, but, alas, we won’t see this for at least 500 years. At this distance, a supernova explosion does not pose any threat to earthly life.

Betelgeuse is losing its outer shell. Image from the Herschel telescope

Some scientists believe that there will be no explosion, the star will simply shed its outer layers of atmosphere, exposing a heavy dense core (presumably oxygen-neon), thus forming a white dwarf. The star is still constantly losing large number its substance from the upper layers of the atmosphere, forming a huge cloud of gas and dust around itself. In the new photos, these gas nebulae around the star are clearly visible.
In the photo above you can see several condensed arcs of matter on the left side of the image. Some scientists suggest that these arcs are completely unrelated to the star and that it is not matter that the star is losing, but rather a dark cloud of gas and dust that illuminates Betelgeuse. If this is true, then Betelgeuse will collide with it in the future. But this remains to be seen.

Photo of Betelgeuse obtained using the Very Large Telescope in Chile

But still, most astronomers believe that the gas plume belongs precisely to the substance that the star threw off itself. A recent image from the Very Large Telescope in Chile resolves not only the star's disk, but also the huge plume of gas surrounding the star. This trail provides insight into how a massive star loses matter as it approaches the end of its life. The researchers discovered a strong flow of interstellar medium around the star, which originates in star-forming regions in Orion's Belt and has a speed of 11 km/s. Betelgeuse crosses this stream at 30 km/s, spewing out solar wind at 17 km/s. Previously obtained observational data indicate that over the past decade, the surface of Betelgeuse has decreased significantly, but the luminosity has not changed. Scientists cannot yet explain this.

Betelgeuse photo from the orbital telescope. E. Hubble.

P.S. Admin . It is noteworthy that during the observation period from 1993 to 2009, the diameter of the star decreased by 15 % , With 5,5 to approximately 4.7, and by 2011 - to 4,5 astronomical unit, and astronomers cannot yet explain what this is connected with. However, the brightness of the star did not change any noticeably during this time.
The reasons for the observed decrease in the radius of Betelgeuse may also be associated with incorrect interpretation of the data obtained, for example:
differences in the brightness of different parts of the star's surface; Due to rotation, these irregularities change position, causing the apparent brightness to change. These changes can be taken as changes in diameter.
Modeling of supergiant stars suggests that such stars may be non-spherical, similar to a potato. irregular shape. It is assumed that Betelgeuse may have a rotation period 18 years, that is, while Betelgeuse was observed by orbital telescopes for less than one revolution around its axis.
It is possible that scientists are not observing the true diameter of the star, but a certain layer of dense molecular gas, the movements of which create the appearance of a change in the true size of the star.
There is a gas nebula around the star, which for a long time could not be seen due to the fact that it was eclipsed by the light of the star.

> Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse- the second brightest star of the Orion constellation and a red supergiant: description and characteristics with photos, facts, color, coordinates, latitude, supernova.

Betelgeuse(Alpha Oriioni) is the second brightest star in Orion and the 9th in the sky. It is a red supergiant, 643 light years distant. Ends its existence and will explode as a supernova in the near future.

Here is a large, bright and massive star that is easy to spot in winter. Lives in the shoulder of the constellation Orion opposite Bellatrix. You will know where the star Betelgeuse is if you use our online star map.

Betelgeuse is considered a variable star and can periodically eclipse Rigel. The name comes from the Arabic translation “hand of Orion”. The modern Arabic "al-Jabbar" means "giant". The translators mistook Y for B and the name "Betelgeuse" appeared merely as a mistake. Next you will learn about the distance to the star Betelgeuse, its latitude, coordinates, class, declination, color and luminosity level with photos and diagrams.

Betelgeuse is located in the right shoulder of Orion (top left). If you place it in our system, it will go beyond the asteroid belt and touch the orbital path of Jupiter.

It belongs to the spectral class M2Iab, where “lab” indicates that we are dealing with a supergiant with intermediate luminosity. The absolute value reaches -6.02. The mass ranges between 7.7-20 times that of the Sun. It is 10 million years old and has an average luminosity 120,000 times that of the Sun.

The apparent value varies from 0.2-1.2 over 400 days. Because of this, it periodically bypasses Procyon and takes the 7th position in brightness. At its peak luminosity it eclipses Rigel, and during its dim period it drops below Deneb and becomes 20th.

The absolute magnitude of Betelgeuse varies from -5.27 to -6.27. The outer layers expand and contract, causing temperatures to rise and fall. The pulsation occurs due to an unstable atmospheric layer. When absorbed, it absorbs more energy.

There are several pulsation cycles with short-term differences of 150-300 days, and long-term ones cover 5.7 years. The star is rapidly losing mass, so it is covered by a huge shell of material, making observation difficult.

In 1985, two satellites were noticed in orbit around the star, but they could not be confirmed at that time. Betelgeuse is easy to find because it is located in Orion. From September to March it is visible from any point on Earth except 82°S. For those in the northern hemisphere, the star will rise in the east after sunset in January. In summer, it hides behind the Sun, so it cannot be seen.

Supernova and star Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse has reached the end of its evolutionary development and will explode as a Type II supernova in the next million years. This will result in a visual magnitude of -12 and last for a couple of weeks. The last supernova, SN 1987A, could be seen without instruments, although it occurred in the Large Magellanic Cloud, 168,000 light-years away. Betelgeuse will not harm the system, but will provide an unforgettable celestial spectacle.

Although the star is young, it has already practically used up its fuel supply. Now it contracts and increases internal heating. This caused helium to fuse into carbon and oxygen. As a result, an explosion will occur and a 20-kilometer neutron star will remain.

The ending of a star always depends on its mass. The exact figure remains vague, but many believe it is 10 times larger than the Sun.

Facts about the star Betelgeuse

Let's look at interesting facts about the star Betelgeuse with a photo and a view of its stellar neighbors in the constellation Orion. If you want more details, then use our 3D models, which allow you to independently navigate among the stars of the galaxy.

Included in two winter asterisms. Occupies the upper corner of the Winter Triangle.

The remaining angles are assigned to Procyon and Sirius. Betelgeuse is also part of the Winter Hexagon along with Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, Capella, Aldebaran and Rigel.

In 2013, Betelgeuse was thought to crash into a “cosmic wall” of interstellar dust in 12,500 years.

Betelgeuse is part of the Orion OB1 Association, whose stars share regular motion and uniform speed in space. The red supergiant is believed to have changed its motion because its path does not intersect with star formation sites. May be a runaway member that appeared approximately 10-12 million years ago in the Orion molecular cloud.

The star moves through space with an acceleration of 30 km/s. As a result, a shock wave with a length of 4 light years was formed. The wind pushes out huge volumes of gas at a speed of 17 km/s. They managed to display it in 1997, and its formation is approximately 30,000 years old.

Alpha Orionis is the brightest source in the near-infrared region of the sky. Only 13% of the energy is displayed in visible light. In 1836, John Herschel noted stellar variability. In 1837, the star eclipsed Rigel and repeated this in 1839. It was because of this that in 1603 Johann Bayer mistakenly gave Betelgeuse the designation “alpha” (as the brightest).

The star Betelgeuse is believed to have begun life 10 million years ago as a hot blue O-type star. And the initial mass exceeded the solar mass by 18-19 times. Until the 20th century, the name was written as "Betelge" and "Betelgeuse".

Betelgeuse has been recorded in different cultures under different names. In Sanskrit it is written as “bahu” because the Hindus saw a deer or antelope in the constellation. In China, Shenxia is the “fourth star,” as a reference to Orion’s belt. In Japan - Heike-boshi as a tribute to the Heike clan, which took the star as a symbol of their family.

In Brazil, the star was called Zhilkavai - the hero whose leg was torn apart by his wife. In northern Australia it was nicknamed "Owl Eyes", and in southern Africa - a lion hunting three zebras.

Betelgeuse also appears in various feature films and books. So the hero of Beetlejuice shares a name with the star. Betelgeuse became the home system of Zaford Beeblebrox from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Kurt Vonnegut starred in Sirens of Titan, as did Pierre Boulle in Planet of the Apes.

Betelgeuse star size

It is difficult to determine the parameters, but the diameter covers approximately 550-920 solar. The star is so huge that it shows a disk in telescopic observations.

The radius was measured using an infrared spatial interferometer, which showed a mark of 3.6 AU. In 2009, Charles Townes announced that the star had shrunk by 15% since 1993, but had remained unchanged in brightness. This is most likely caused by shell activity in the expanded atmospheric layer. Scientists have found at least 6 shells around the star. In 2009, a gas emission was recorded at a distance of 30 AU.

Alpha Orionis became the second star after the Sun where it was possible to calculate the angular size of the photosphere. This was done by A. Michelson and F. Paze in 1920. But the numbers were inaccurate due to attenuation and measurement errors.

The diameter is difficult to calculate due to the fact that we are dealing with a pulsating variable, which means the indicator will always change. In addition, it is difficult to determine the stellar edge and photosphere, since the object is surrounded by a shell of ejected material.

It was previously believed that Betelgeuse has the largest angular diameter. But later they carried out a calculation in R Doradus and now Betelgeuse is in 3rd place. The radius extends to 5.5 AU, but can be reduced to 4.5 AU.

Distance of the star Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse lives 643 light-years away in the constellation Orion. In 1997, the figure was thought to be 430 light years, and in 2007 it was put at 520. But the exact figure remains a mystery, because direct parallax measurements show 495 light years, and adding natural radio emission shows 640 light years. Data from 2008 obtained by the VLA suggested 643 light years.

Color index – (B-V) 1.85. That is, if you wanted to know what color Betelgeuse is, then this is a red star.

The photosphere has an extended atmosphere. The result is blue emission lines rather than absorption lines. Even ancient observers knew about the color red. So Ptolemy in the 2nd century gave a clear description of the color. But 3 centuries before him, Chinese astronomers described the color yellow. This does not indicate an error, because previously the star could have been a yellow supergiant.

Temperature of the star Betelgeuse

The surface of Betelgeuse warms up to 3140-4641 K. The atmospheric index is 3450 K. As the gas expands, it cools.

Physical characteristics and orbit of the star Betelgeuse

  • Betelgeuse - Alpha Orionis.
  • Constellation: Orion.
  • Coordinates: 05h 55m 10.3053s (right ascension), + 07° 24" 25.426" (declination).
  • Spectral class: M2Iab.
  • Magnitude (visible spectrum): 0.42 (0.3-1.2).
  • Magnitude: (J-band): -2.99.
  • Absolute value: -6.02.
  • Distance: 643 light years.
  • Variable type: SR (semi-regular variable).
  • Massiveness: 7.7-20 solar.
  • Radius: 950-1200 solar.
  • Luminosity: 120,000 solar.
  • Temperature mark: 3140-3641 K.
  • Rotation speed: 5 km/s.
  • Age: 7.3 million years.
  • Name: Betelgeuse, Alpha Orionis, α Orionis, 58 Oroni, HR 2061, BD + 7° 1055, HD 39801, FK5 224, HIP 27989, SAO 113271, GC 7451, CCDM J05552+0724AP, AAVSO 0549+07.

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