Without a sucker, life is bad, which means. Is life bad without a sucker? Lokh is a village in the Novoburassky district of the Saratov region

Only the lazy did not write about unfortunate agencies that do their work haphazardly.

They milk gullible customers. And so I come, all superhero, and open the client’s eyes to their hack work. I do everything cool, and the saved businessman thanks the savior almost with tears in his eyes.

Yes, a whole plot for a comic! And it would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Every freelancer has at least once remade hack after others. Often these situations are:

The customer wanted to do everything himself, but he did such a thing that you feel like Hercules in the stables, raking it all. It's easier to start from scratch than to dig up what you already have.

The customer hired a shkololo in order to save money. The amateur, of course, also did THIS, and you sit and remember him in a kindly, quiet word, delving into the project.

The customer fell into the flow of yet another cool agency. I even made an agreement with them! I even received reports! But for some reason, over the course of a year, money goes to the subscription fee, but sales do not grow. He is overcome by vague doubts, and he turns to you... You delve into it, take your head, congratulate the client on the fact that he is in a stream of similar cash cows, and redo everything from scratch. Sales have started - the client is satisfied and vows to work with agencies more.

And you sit and think - well, if in the first two cases everything is clear, the client was greedy and got what he deserved... Then what’s wrong with the agents? Where do people put their conscience when they do such hack work for good money?

What's the problem with agencies?

There are now a lot of Internet agencies of different kinds. It’s prestigious because to be called not just Vasya Pupkin, but the owner, founder, director of an Internet marketing agency.

Not all of these companies do well. There are good ones, with responsible performers and a smart leader who has set up the work properly, hired good people and demands results from them. Who, in reality, as it is written on his website/landing page, has created a team of professionals in their field.

But more and more agencies of a different type are appearing. They have the same name, they write the same thing on their websites, some even differentiate themselves from their competitors as best they can. They may even have a logo and corporate identity. And a lot of clients.

But their services, when tested, turn out to be of terrible quality.


There are several factors here, and several lines of plot development.

  1. The agency, in essence, is a group of schoolchildren who have watched enough lessons on YouTube, put on more pathos, and make money.
  2. The agency was founded by a smart specialist, but in order to save on labor, he hired cheap performers. He pays them pennies, they do the job haphazardly. Thanks to his talent for persuasion, he sells these services under the “everything is fine, that’s how it should be” sauce and makes money.
  3. The agency employs good specialists. But they have such a flow of clients, 40 pieces for three people, that they simply don’t care how everything is going. An insatiable boss collects more and more orders, but does not want to expand the staff - he saves on wages and taxes. As a result, people become exhausted and do their work haphazardly.

The client ends up in the so-called “flow”. Pays money, receives reports. And the result is zero.

Because all three types of agencies described above did not care about the client’s business. They only worry about their business.

The clients are spinning – the laveha is spinning, to paraphrase the famous ma’am.

For them, a customer who cannot control the process, who is not competent in matters of Internet marketing, is a real gold mine. You can pull the wool over his ears and sell those services that he didn’t even get for free.

Good agencies:

They have a large staff;

They have been on the market for a long time, they have their own office;

They value their reputation;

They charge dearly for their services.

That’s why representatives of small businesses are in no hurry to turn to them - that’s because they are very expensive. It’s easier to hire a good freelancer or go to a cheaper agency.

Why is it better to hire a freelancer?

I am not writing this now because I myself am a freelancer, and thus I want to protect my honor and reputation, and the reputation of others like me. I am writing only because lately I myself have been involved in projects “after agencies”, and I hear a lot of bad things from my colleagues about the haphazardly provided services.

I don’t want you, dear customers, to waste your money and be disappointed in Internet marketing in general. Here you can sell, here you can look for clients quite successfully. But a lot depends on the contractor you hire.

The same is true in all areas of our lives. You invite an electrician - after his work, the socket continues to short out. Another one comes and fixes everything in half an hour, and the problem is forgotten.

These are all people, and everyone has their own attitude to responsibilities. Some people try, but others don’t care about getting money. And there are inexpensive and good agencies - as a rule, when a good specialist is just starting his business and has not yet become greedy.

There are also schoolchildren and hacks among freelancers. It depends on your luck. But hiring a free specialist remotely is more profitable:

You are working with a person, not a faceless brand;

As a freelancer, you don't have a huge flow. He is physically unable to lead many projects. There are unique people who connect the software and manage 20-30 customers. But these are mainly targetologists-directologists. A designer, web developer or copywriter can rarely handle more than 5 projects at once if he works well;

A freelancer promotes his name and takes care of his reputation. One bad review can derail your entire career;

Freelancer services are usually cheaper.

Many articles have been written in our magazine about how to avoid falling for a bad performer. Use the advice, look for a responsible employee. There is nothing stopping you from replacing the agency with the permanent services (or from time to time) of your own team of freelancers. Find a developer who will monitor the health of your site on an ongoing basis. Separately – a copywriter and an SMM specialist. You rarely need a designer at all. And you will be surprised how much more effective and cheaper this agency is than your external IT office. But yes, you will have to manage the processes - make one call, and you won’t be able to wait for the result.

And to lead fully, you need to learn, you need to delve into the processes. You need to at least be interested in Internet marketing at some basic level. Otherwise you will continue to be milked.

But it's worth it, trust me. I have seen more than one such example in real life, when working with permanent remote performers brings real results.

Good luck with your business. And let all performers be responsible and concerned about YOUR business.

What does the word "loch" really mean?

“Loch” has been firmly among the top ten most common Russian insults for several decades. This is what they call victims of fraud and simply very naive people. It, like other expressive “terms,” came into native speech from criminal jargon. However, the original meaning of the lexeme “sucker” before it entered the thieves’ dictionary still causes heated debate.

"Loch" is just a fish
So the word “sucker” comes from the language of Russian Pomors. In the Arkhangelsk region, this was the name given to a clumsy, stupid fish, usually salmon. It was in this original meaning that the poet Fyodor Glinka used the word “sucker”. In the poem “Maiden of the Karelian Forests,” he described a young Karelian fisherman who “disturbs the sleepy swarm of careless suckers with a well-aimed spear.”

"Loch" is just a man
According to one version, the term “sucker” was overheard by Russian peddlers - ofeni - among the Pomors and they began to use it to mean “man”. Moreover, at first this word meant neutral on the hairdryer “any stranger, non-Ofenya.” Although even then it had a disdainful connotation: after all, the Ofeni obviously considered themselves more educated, more literate and more dexterous than ordinary sucker villagers. And only at the end of the 19th century, when this word was borrowed from the Ofen feni by professional criminals, it acquired the familiar meaning to us: “a stupid person, a victim of a crime.”

"Loch" is just a hole
Well, the most popular version, to which most linguists are inclined. “Lokh” comes from Yiddish and is translated into Russian as “hole.” This is how Odessa pickpockets called their “clients”. It was the Odessa residents who enriched Russian criminal jargon with it in the second half of the 19th century.

"Loch" is an abbreviation
As you know, there are a lot of abbreviations in thieves' jargon. Some are sure that “lokh” is one of them and stands for “A person deceived by hooligans.”

A “sucker” is a person who is “being scammed for grandma (money).
Which coincides in meaning with the meanings 2, 3, 4.

Loch is a criminal jargon that has become commonly used due to the strengthening of criminal ideology in our country.
Means a naive, deceived, or intended to deceive person. If you are not included in the environment of thieves (according to this ideology), then you are a potential sucker - a victim. That is, if you are not a thief, then you are a sucker, or a cop (or trash). In general, if you use this word, then you are already in the world of this ideology and if you are not a thief, then you are a loser, or at worst a cop. According to this ideology, the dream of any self-respecting person is to be a thief. There isn't much choice.

A “sucker” is a person with internal contradictions, contradictory thoughts and actions.

"Loch" is a system for chemically extinguishing a fire on a submarine.

Lokh is a village in the Novoburassky district of the Saratov region.

Loch is a shrub with green oblong oval leaves. The fruits are red, oval in shape. The variety bears fruit for 4-5 years after planting in the ground.


Modern Ostap Bender: life coach Tony Robbins

Girls, of course, Doctor BePe had other, better ways to spend Sunday morning, but it is absolutely impossible to remain silent.

Last Saturday, September 1, a session of mass fooling of the population for huge sums of money took place in Moscow.

Sergei Mavrodi nervously smokes Prima.

An unknown person, Tony Robbins, performed in Moscow and earned more than $12 million.

But first things first.


We learned about the speech of coach and life guru Tony Robbins from numerous reviews of those present on Facebook.

Judging by these reviews:

1. There was a crush and many hours queue at the entrance

2. The coach’s presentation did not start at 10 a.m. as the organizers promised, and at 14.40

3. There were not enough devices for simultaneous translation of the guru’s speech, but for those who had enough, got devices without batteries

4. A resource for entrepreneurs, Inc.Russia, wrote about poor organization and crowding.

We, girls, also have at our disposal a video from one of our readers.

It shows how simultaneous translation devices are being THROWED INTO THE CROWD.

You can see it on our channel.


The minimum cost of tickets for Tony Robbins is 30,000 rubles.

The most expensive - PLATINUM - could be bought for 500,000 rubles.

You can view all the tariffs yourself on the website.

“On September 1 in Moscow at the Olimpiyskiy, motivational speaker and life coach Tony Robbins, known throughout the world for his speeches at the TED conference and books on self-development, spoke.

Synergy University took part in organizing the performance, and it was positioned as the world premiere of the new program.

Ticket prices started from 30 thousand, a Platinum ticket cost 500 thousand rubles.

Problems with organization

The event participants encountered difficulties even before the speaker began speaking.

(to traffic police officers)

Beware private traders
Me at full height
When I'm on holidays
Took up his post.

They didn’t even congratulate-
And for my flight -
They put on a picket line
Right for the New Year!

Your case is deaf
Shish past me
A fly won't fly by
The mouse will not slip through.

I am any mug-
I'll cheat you like a sucker,
Well, what a shame

Ha ha ha.

If it smells like fumes -
If a snowdrift moves,
It's me sneaking around with the radar
He pulled his hat down over his forehead.

My ass is freezing -
I already feel
My balls have become
Like Faberge.

Where are you ugly people?
I have to make a plan,
Have a drink for the holidays
At least one glass.

I am any mug-
I'll tell you like a sucker -
Well, what a shame

Ha ha ha.

Feel free to drive under the brick
Move boldly in the oncoming lane,
I will cut your cabbage
My lost sheep.

The conversation will be short -
I will put everyone on treason -
Even if you get caught by a prosecutor,
I'll strip him down to his shorts.

At least from the State Duma, a deputy,
Yes, even the Minister of Defense,
I will be happy with everyone today
Special coupons will not help you.

I am any mug-
I'll tell you like a sucker in a minute,
Well, what a shame

Ha ha ha.

And here you can watch and listen to this killer song
with guitar performed by the author of Captain Hurricane...


Moving out of the way
All DPS outfits-
Raises the alarm
Helicopters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
Because, as if passing the market,
Having made your face like a brick,
A blonde is driving -
Natural at that.

She doesn't care about all the signs, -
The markings are not a decree for her,
She's like a pitbull on the attack-
He puts pressure on the gas.
Flies out of shoes
Half a meter pedestrian
This is how the blonde parks -
Reversing in icy conditions.

If you are at a traffic light -
Someone took a tasty ride in the ass,
You'll hear about yourself soon
From the window a choice swear word.
From such a fight -
Don't let sadness gnaw at you,
Well, think about it, blonde-
I mixed up the pedal.

It’s like an oncoming lane, like a fork in the road,
What a continuous stripe
The main thing is for a blonde
Close your eyes in time.
And huge tears
It will rain for half an hour
Apparently the blonde remembered
Why does she need brakes?

She has reasons for this -
She doesn't care about the rules
Men owe her
Keep giving way.
If you don't push the tires
The moral here is this:
You just need blondes -
Take away everyone's rights.

The verse is incomparable, and the commentary and remarks are even funnier, I don’t even want to cover up such charm!
Thank you!
With deepest sympathy!

The daily audience of the portal Stikhi.ru is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

“The company billed me for 6 fines for 3.3 thousand rubles. each, for a total amount of 19.8 thousand rubles,” says Muradyan. - This amount, in addition to the fines themselves of 3,000 rubles each, included a certain paid service, which cost 300 rubles. from every fine. “As the company explained, this is a service fee that Delimobil charges supposedly for “supporting the payment of a fine,” says the interlocutor. “Although what exactly this service consists of and what the cost part consists of has not been clearly explained.”

On the same day, Delimobil nevertheless provided clients with STS data, although it had previously refused to do so.

“A month has already passed since the violations,” the interlocutor clarifies. - Thus, they left me no opportunity to pay these fines at a discount.
Having received the STS number, I checked through the official portals of the State Services and the traffic police portal whether the fines were actually paid, as a company employee assured me in correspondence. The curious thing is that neither of these sites displayed these fines at all, as if they simply did not exist.

Moreover, the car sharing service was never able to show me scans of payment of these fines.

In response to all my questions about it, Delimobil sent me a very interesting fragment from a 36-page contract, judging by which the company has the right to pay the fine itself within 20 days for 50% of the cost, but charge the client the full cost of the fine, and then add another 300 rubles on top.

Muradyan believes that since Delimobil works according to this scheme with all clients, side income from fines can be significant. “I have every reason to believe that Delimobil earned at least 10,800 rubles from my fines alone (9,000 due to a discount on fines + 1,800 rubles as a commission),” he calculated.

Delimobil told Gazeta.Ru that they do not have the technical ability to pay fines during the grace period.

“The traffic police or other authorized government bodies initially send decisions on administrative offenses to the owner of the vehicle,” explains service representative Ashkhen Petrosyan. - Then the owner sends the original resolutions to Delimobil. After this, the client receives a notification by email, which he specified when registering and joining the agreement. In the vast majority of cases, it is technically impossible to meet the 20-day deadline. Theoretically, the owner can pay fines during the grace period, but in the current car sharing business model this is difficult to achieve.”

It is noteworthy that, according to a company representative, in the case of Muradyan there was such an opportunity. “However, Mr. Muradyan did not respond to our notice. As it turned out later, he did not check the email specified when registering with the service. The client was sent a notification with documents to the email address specified in the contract, and was also asked to verify the information about payment of the fine through the Autocode system, for which there was appropriate confirmation. “Delimobil” cannot comment on the non-display of information on the traffic police website or the government services portal,” explains “Delimobil”.

As for the service fee, the company clarified that it “includes a billing payment, a fee for processing and systematization of fines, and bank commissions.”

However, Muradyan assures that he did not receive any notifications or confirmation of payment of fines to any of his mailboxes, including the one specified by him in the contract. According to him, fines for violations committed by him are also not displayed on the Autocode portal. Now Muradyan intends to sue the company if it does not cancel the fines.

“I have prepared a pre-trial claim and will send it to them soon,” he says. “The lawyers explained to me that my civil rights were violated. I wanted to get half the fines paid, but after this I don’t want to pay them anything at all.

I never paid the fines, so now every day they charge me a penalty in the amount of 0.5% of the amount owed. No matter how the dispute is resolved, I will definitely not use Delimobil again.”

Let us remind you that Delimobil had previously found itself at the center of a scandal when it issued a bill to a client for a car damaged in an accident that exceeded the cost of a new car. Then thousands of service users suddenly found out that they faced serious financial liability if the rented car was broken through their fault. Clients accused the company of vague language in the contract and threatened to start using rental cars from competing companies.

As a result, Delimobil, which for a long time insisted that it was right, nevertheless made concessions and abolished high fines for damaging cars.
It is worth noting that Delimobil investor Vincezo Trani, even at the start of the project, predicted the appearance of a large number of competitors on the capital market. In a conversation with Gazeta.Ru, he noted that the struggle with new players for the client will also be about who can provide the consumer with higher quality and convenience of service.

At the same time, while the capital’s largest carsharing company surprises customers with rental terms not for the first time, other companies are meeting consumers halfway, at least in terms of paying fines on preferential terms.

So, in AnyTime, where more than 60 thousand users are registered, you can pay a fine at a discount. “We also have the owner of some of the cars – a leasing company,” company representative Maria Perekatova told Gazeta.Ru. - But we have an agreement with them that allows us to pay fines during the grace period. Of course, you need to understand that large companies may be less flexible in such matters.

The recently launched car sharing service BelkaCar in Moscow, which currently has only 100 cars, also allows customers to pay fines at a discount.

“We immediately pay fines at a discount, and the client pays only 50% of the fine. We don’t have any additional commission,” service representative Ekaterina Makarova tells Gazeta.Ru. - But I do not rule out that in the case of Delimobil, the owner of the vehicle sends them fines in paper form 20 days after the violation, thus depriving them of the opportunity to pay it at a discount. The problem may lie precisely in the procedure: if there are a lot of cars, then the company itself must be connected to the services and promptly learn about fines. Giving the client the opportunity to pay the fine himself is difficult, this is wild processing, but depriving him of the opportunity to save is not loyal.”

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