Entomology and a dozen more different clubs. Biology club “Entertaining biology” biology work program on the topic Medicine or biology clubs for children

KYUBZ is a research circle created in 1924 to train young zoologists, conduct scientific observations of zoo animals and help the zoo.
And now, 90 years later, the guys at KYUBZ are conducting scientific work, observing animals, helping the zoo, and going out into nature.

Over the years of the circle's work, its members included almost 2,000 people, including 9 academicians, 40 professors, about 100 doctors and more than 200 candidates of science. Among the graduates of KYUBZ are famous cultural figures - writers, artists, sculptors.

The work of the KYUBZ consists of:

- Lectures, which are read by “old” KYUBZ members, famous scientists, zoo employees, and circle leaders. Lectures cover a wide range of biological disciplines: zoology of vertebrates and invertebrates, botany, cytology, zoogeography, research methods and various practical exercises. The schedule of lectures is compiled every year taking into account the interests of KYUBZ students.
- Circle meetings, at which members of the circle make reports, talk about the work done, about trips, accept new members into the circle and decide on the organization. questions.
- Independent work at the zoo. All members of the KYUBZ conduct scientific observations of zoo animals and write research papers.
- Field trips. Held on weekends (about once every two weeks in the Moscow region), on school holidays(to nature reserves) and in summer (a month-long expedition to the reserve).
- Help the zoo(members of the circle participate in cleanup days, bring cones, moss, etc. from the forest).

KYUBZ has self-government. The work of the circle is organized by a Bureau selected from active schoolchildren; all controversial issues are resolved at a general meeting. KYUBZ students also participate in the life of the circle, and maintain close contact with KYUBZ students of older generations.

KYUBZ accepts schoolchildren from the 6th grade (exceptions are possible) who are interested in biology and want to study zoo animals and the nature of the Moscow region, Russia. The circle is free. KYUBZ members enter the zoo territory free of charge.

Classes in our circle take place:
Wednesdays (lectures) – 17.00-19.00
Sundays - (meetings) – 11.00-13.00

You can come to the club for the first time on any of these days throughout the school year.

Do you know how pineapple grows? Why does a giraffe need horns? What is GMO and why is there so much fuss about it?

If you're interested, welcome to biology! Today we will tell you what kind of clubs there are in Moscow and how fun it is to study at them!

Touch, ride, observe.

Since 1924, in the Moscow Zoo there has been a youth association called the Circle of Young Zoo Biologists. Here, schoolchildren in grades 5-8 are given lectures by famous scientists, zoo employees, former KYUBZ members, and the children themselves watch the animals and guide research work, the results of which are reported at general meetings of the circle. The organizers regularly take children out into nature, including on a month-long expedition to the reserve. Participants help the zoo: they conduct cleanup days and carry out small tasks for the inhabitants.

You can find even more biology clubs on the website study.olimpiada.ru!

But if you haven’t found a suitable time group or if you want to do even more, pay attention to the BIO KPD project - the website has useful materials for independent studies. This is a whole channel with useful videos, and a list of recommended literature by section and even tests of regional stages All-Russian Olympiad past years for active participants in the Olympiads.

Vlada Kazantseva


Solution global problems, which humanity faced at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, gave a powerful impetus to the development of science. Public health, environmental and food problems can be solved through discoveries in biology. Therefore, society needs biological specialists more than ever.

General biological knowledge is necessary not only for specialists, but also for each person individually, because Only understanding the connection of all life on the planet will help us avoid making mistakes that lead to disaster. Involving schoolchildren in the process of learning about living nature, making them think about the subtle relationships within biocenoses, teaching them to express their thoughts and defend them - this is the basis for organizing a biological circle, because Biological education forms in the younger generation an understanding of life as the greatest value.

The biology club is organized for students in grades 5-11 who are already familiar with the world of living organisms from natural history and biology lessons.

Among distinctive features this additional educational program the following can be mentioned:

  • Covers a wide range of natural science research and is an addition to the basic curriculum secondary school;
  • Added section for studying natural features Rostov region(natural complexes, plant and fauna, environmental activities);

Thus, the novelty and relevance of the program lies in the combination of various forms of work aimed at supplementing and deepening biological and environmental knowledge, based on practical activities and taking into account regional, including environmental, characteristics.

Classes in the circle will allow schoolchildren, on the one hand, to expand their knowledge about the world of living nature, on the other hand, to demonstrate their skills in the field of biology in front of school students, since it is planned to organize extracurricular activities with the participation of circle members.

The course, designed for 168 academic hours (the order of thematic classes is determined independently by the supervisor), includes theoretical and practical classes in ecology, microbiology, botany, zoology, human anatomy and physiology. As part of the work of the circle, visits to the zoo, excursions, etc. will be organized.

To popularize the science of all living organisms, several classes of the club will be devoted to organizing propaganda teams in primary classes and kindergarten.

Despite the fact that career guidance issues are not the main goal of the biology club, the varied activities planned during the classes may help young biologists decide on the choice of their future profession.

Purpose of the program:

To acquaint students with the diversity of the living world, with the complex but fragile relationships that have been established between living organisms over millions of years of evolution, to make them think about the enormous role of man in maintaining ecological balance and his responsibility for what is happening on the planet and his own health.

Main objectives of the program:


  • Expand your horizons, which is necessary for any cultured person.
  • To promote the popularization of biological and environmental knowledge among students.
  • Familiarization with species composition flora and fauna of the surrounding area; with rare and endangered plants and animals of the area; with rules of conduct in nature;
  • Introduce biological specialties.


  • Development of skills in caring for indoor plants, compiling and systematizing biological collections and herbariums, as well as skills in working with a microscope.
  • Development of communication and communication skills.
  • Development of the child's creative abilities.
  • Formation ecological culture and feelings of responsibility for the condition environment taking into account regional characteristics.
  • Formation of techniques, skills and abilities for organizing search and research activities, independent cognitive activity, and conducting experiments.
  • Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.


  • Cultivate interest in the world of living beings.
  • Foster a responsible attitude towards assigned work.
  • Conditions for the program
  • The age of children participating in the implementation of this program is 10-17 years.
  • Duration educational process- 1 year.
  • Number of hours - 4.5 teaching hours per week (2 lessons of 1.5 hours each)
  • For a year (37 weeks) - 75 lessons.

Forms of organizing student activities in the classroom

  • Group
  • Individual

Forms and methods used in working with the program

Verbal and illustrative methods: story, conversation, discussion, work with biological literature.

Reproductive methods: reproduction of acquired knowledge during performances.

Partial search methods(when systematizing collection material).

Research Methods(when working with a microscope).

Visibility: viewing video, film, slide films, computer presentations, biological collections, posters, models and layouts.

Expected result:

  • positive dynamics of social and creative activity of students, confirmed by the results of their participation in competitions of various levels, festivals, shows, and competitions.
  • increasing communication skills;
  • emergence and maintenance of motivation to in-depth study biology and ecology;
  • the ability to use modern sources of information and give a reasoned assessment of information on biological issues; work with scientific and educational literature;
  • formed biological and environmental knowledge, skills and abilities, at the same time acquired skills in organizing extracurricular environmental and local history work: conducting quizzes, conversations, cool hours with students primary school;
  • conducting healthy image life.

Among the forms of organizing control and assessment of the quality of knowledge in additional education, the following are most effectively used:

1. Testing.

2. Knowledge control lesson.

3. Review of knowledge, abilities and skills (Olympiad, quiz, intellectual warm-up, etc.).

4. Discussion.

5. Design and research work.

6. Conference.

7. A creative report on the excursion, on conducting experiments, observations, on conducting extra-curricular activities.

8. Reporting exhibition.

The quality of additional education is assessed both using a point system (5 and 10) and using value judgments (review).

To record assessments of the quality of teaching, a teacher can use forms such as:

Diagnostic cards;

Development report card;

Folder of achievements ("Portfolio").

Educational and thematic plan

№/ month Topics Number of classes
General Including theoretical Including practical
1/IX Nature under a microscope. 9 4 5
2/X Autumn phenomena in nature. 8 3 5
3/XI Green world. 8 3 5
4/XII Animal world. 9 4 5
5/I Human body 7 3 4
6/II Evolution of nature. 8 4 4
7/III Spring in nature 9 4 5
8/IV Nature is protected. 8 3 5
9/V-VI Human health and the environment. 9 4 5
Total 75 32 43

In accordance with this program, a thematic plan has been developed (Appendix 1). IN thematically Each month of the academic year has its own theme. Unusual lesson topics are designed to attract the attention of schoolchildren. The planning is designed in such a way that it can be hung on a stand for schoolchildren to see. In classes, children acquire skills in search and research work with various sources of information, learn to conduct experiments, observations, develop projects and create presentations. (Appendix 2). Develop their creativity when designing exhibitions and performing at festivals and in propaganda teams.

List of required literature.

1. Velichkovsky B.T., Kirpichev V.I., Suravegina I.T. Human health and the environment. Study guide. M.: New school, 1997.

2. Ivakhnenko M.F., Korabelnikov V.A. Living past of the Earth: Book. For students. - M.: Education, 1987.

3. Mazhuga P.M., Khrisanfova E.N. From probable to obvious. - K.: Molod, 1989.

4. Minoransky V.A. Kazadaev A.A. Rare and endangered species of animals of the Rostov region: A manual for teachers. Rostov n/a. : Publishing house of the region IUU, 1995.

5. Nagorny B.A. Your native land: Entertaining local history with questions and answers. - Rostov n/a: Book. Publishing house, 1988.

6. Basic medical knowledge of students: Sample. Textbook For Wednesdays Textbook Establishments, ed. M.I. Gogolev. - M.: Education, 1991.

7. Amazing planet Earth. Ed. N. Yaroshenko. - JSC "Publishing House Reader's Digest", 2003.

8. Fedyaeva V.V., Abramova T.I. Rare and endangered plant species of the Rostov region: A manual for teachers. - Rostov n/d.: Publishing house of the regional IUU, 1995.

9. I explore the world: Mysterious animals: Det. Encycl. / N.N. Nepomnyashchy. - M.: AST Publishing House LLC, 2003.

ave. Mira, 119, VDNH, pavilion 26

"Duremar Laboratory" and other intriguing circles

The scientific laboratory of biology of the Polytechnic Museum, which is located in the ZIL Cultural Center, is headed by the science star, “pocket scientist” of the Pink Giraffe publishing house, lecturer of “Direct Speech” Ilya Kolmanovsky. Activities are open for schoolchildren of any age: first-graders in the Duremar Laboratory raise fruit flies, observe snails and cockroaches, learn to work with a microscope, older children study botany and study the behavior of rats, high school students learn the basics of medicine. Classes are sold in blocks of 10 lessons for 8,000 rubles. You need to take care of the purchase in advance - as a rule, there are many more applicants than there are places in the group.

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Vavilova, 57

Work on scientific projects and expeditions

The historical name of the biological circle of the Darwin Museum is VOOP. In the first years of work, he was part of the youth section All-Russian Society nature conservation. This is one of the oldest circles in Moscow and Russia - organized by naturalist biologist Pyotr Smolin in 1950. The circle is an informal association of ecologists and biologists of different ages - from 5th grade students to third-year students. Classes include both a lecture part and work on your own scientific projects, and excursions, and expeditions on vacation. The circle has its own base in the Kostroma region. The classes are free.

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B. Nikitskaya, 2

Classes in Moscow and trips to the taiga and subtropics

The circle of young naturalists of the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University works according to the original program of its director, museum researcher Evgeniy Dunaev. The program is designed for students in grades 7–11 and junior students. Every year the circle conducts practices: in the Moscow region, in the taiga, in the north of Karelia, in the subtropics of the mountainous Crimea or in the Astrakhan deserts. Club members conduct educational and research field work and participate in biological Olympiads. Classes are free, but to enroll you must pass an interview and demonstrate interest in the subject.

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B. Gruzinskaya, 1

Two circles - for seniors and juniors

KYUBZ, the circle of young zoo biologists, is the most famous youth association in Russia and probably the oldest biological circle in Moscow (it will soon turn 100 years old). Students are accepted starting from the 7th grade. Classes are held in the form of lectures and seminars, children study independently scientific activity, help at the zoo and take part in extensive field work: these include short trips to the Moscow region and real expeditions. The classes are free.
Those who have not yet reached the level of KYUBZ can study in the “Manulyata” club, named after the mascot of the Moscow Zoo - the manul cat. Children from 7 years old are accepted here. Classes are held once a week. First, the teacher gives a lecture, then everyone goes on a themed tour of the zoo (completely empty at this time of day), then they go to the laboratory or to a living area: touch chickens, snakes, turtles, rats and guinea pigs. In the warm season, they go outdoors: learn to distinguish the voices of birds, collect insects. The cost of half a year is 4500 rubles.

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Leninskie Gory, 1, building 12

Entomology and a dozen more different clubs

From entomology to embryology, from mycology to botany. Mostly, students are accepted into clubs starting from the 8th grade, but some also include fifth graders. Getting into the most popular ones is not easy. For example, in the “Young Researchers of Nature” (YIP) circle, registration for this academic year It didn’t even open - there were no places. The classes are free.

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Kremenchugskaya, 13

Biology clubs and family naturalists club

The Intellectual school has several biological clubs. One of them - “The World Around Us” - invites children from 5 years old. Here they learn to observe nature, conduct experiments, care for the inhabitants of the living area, draw and communicate. 4 classes cost 2500 rubles. In another - “Tops and Roots” - younger schoolchildren tell the story of the relationship between man and the plants he has tamed. Who was the first to grow oranges, peas, cabbage? What and how are semolina, dried apricots and brooms made from? How did the Indians make cocoa? This is what the lesson topics look like. Also at the school there are clubs “Human and Animal Physiology”, “Neurobiology”, “ Current issues Biology" for high school students and "Young Naturalist". Although the latter is more of a family club, where they teach how to use identification books for mushrooms, plants and animals, and take family outings into nature several times a month.

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26 Baku Commissars, 3, bldg. 5

Evening biology school

The biology department of school No. 1543 is one of the best specialized ones in Moscow, and getting into it is not easy. But for 7th grade students there is an Evening Biology School, where education can be considered both as preparation for entering a gymnasium and as an excellent biology club. IN curriculum for the current year there are 22 classes, each of which is devoted to a specific topic: “Primates”, “Cells and genetic code", "Mendel's Laws", "Heredity and Gender", "Structure and Function of the Human Brain", "Biosphere", etc. You can start training at any time without an appointment.
Classes are held in parallel at Moscow State University and at gymnasium No. 1543, you can visit any of these places. All classes are free.

Every person wonders how quickly he types on the keyboard.

Use our online test to test your keyboard typing speed for free computer.

To measure typing speed, you need to print in a special program a small text of 1/3 of an A4 page. The duration of the test depends on the printing speed and will take from 2 to 7 minutes.

You have an unlimited number of attempts to pass online test. In free mode, there will always be one text to type.

Select the language in which you want to test your typing speed and click the "Take Speed ​​Test" button.

Speed ​​test performance

During the online test, the program will measure the following indicators:

  • Print speed - average speed recruitment

  • Dial time- time directly spent on typing

  • Errors- the number of typos made during typing

  • Delay– duration of holding the key pressed

  • Pause– pause between keystrokes

  • Max. no errors– maximum length of text typed without errors

  • Rhythm of typing- an indicator that determines how evenly the keys are pressed: the higher, the better

How is printing speed measured?

In the Russian-language segment of keyboard trainers and programs that measure typing performance, Printing speed is usually measured in "characters per minute", i.e. in the number of characters typed in 1 minute.

Dialing speed, measured in characters per minute, on English denoted as CPM (characters per minute).

In the English-speaking segment, the unit of measurement for typing speed is words, not symbols. Accordingly, such Typing speed is measured in "words per minute" and is denoted in English as WPM (words per minute).

Typically, you do not measure the actual number of words, but rather divide your typing speed in characters per minute by the average word length.

Sometimes Printing speed is measured in "beats per minute". In this case, the unit of measurement is not only the number of characters typed, but also the number of presses on auxiliary keys, such as Shift and Alt.

In English, this dialing speed is denoted as SPM (strokes per minute).

The average length of one English word is considered to be 5 characters, while for the Russian language the average length of a word is 7.2 characters.

Do not confuse typing speed, measured in characters per minute, and typing speed, measured in strokes per minute - these are different values!

What print speed is considered good?

The optimal typing speed for maintaining productivity when using the keyboard is 250 cpm. This is exactly the speed at which the average person thinks when he formulates a thought in his head that he needs to type on the keyboard.

Use the typing speed gradation to evaluate your speed test results:

Dialing speed Character of the set
< 120 зн/мин < 24 wpm Slow typing speed, typical for a person with little typing experience
120-160 cpm 24-32 wpm typing speed of an average person typing text with 2-4 fingers while looking at the keyboard
160-260 cpm 32-52 wpm the average typing speed of a person who has mastered the ten-finger touch typing skill.
260-350 cpm 52-70 wpm good typing speed of a person who has completed touch typing courses more than once or is developing typing speed using a keyboard trainer
350-400 zn/min 70-80 wpm typing speed at professional level keyboard skills
> 400 cpm >80 wpm very high typing speed, close to speech speed

A4 page printing time and speed

Dialing speed Number of A4 pages
1 3 5 10
120 cpm 24 wpm 15m 45m 1h 15m 2h 30m
180 cpm 36 wpm 10m 30m 50m 1h 40m
240 cpm 48 wpm 7m 22m 37m 1h 15m
320 cpm 64 wpm 5m 16m 28m 56m
400 cpm 80 wpm 4m 13m 22m 45m

About 1800 characters fit on an A4 page, printed in 14-point Times New Roman font with one and a half spacing between lines.

The comparison table shows the dependence of the time on the printing speed that a person needs to spend typing a certain number of A4 pages.

As you can see, the result of mastering fast printing is obvious!

Take the ten-finger touch typing course to save your time.

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