Where is Russia's energy source produced today? Independent reproduction of Andrea Rossi's cold fusion reactor in Russia. Who is Andrea Rossi, and what is the essence of his reactor

Owners know firsthand how much it costs to provide a private home with electricity and heat.

In this article I want to share the latest news about the development of a new type of heat generator. The likelihood of an energy revolution, when gas and oil will be significantly squeezed out of the market due to the transition to new methods of energy generation. Such a thing today is no longer illusory and unlikely, especially after the release of the first Rossi generator. It was tested in two laboratories and the results of effectiveness in both laboratories were confirmed. Scientist Andrea Rossi has created a fundamentally new heat generator for heating homes.

The generator is based on cold nuclear fusion E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer), so the Italian experimenter Andrea Rossi developed environmentally friendly and cheap energy. The first such installation with a capacity of 1 MW was sold in 2011. The one-megawatt reactor uses small amounts of nickel and hydrogen to produce constant thermal energy.

What is this innovative thermal reactor?

Andrea Rossi's heat generator, known as E-Cat, is a device whose operating principle does not quite fit into the ideas of classical science. Many people associate the operation of the E-Cat reactor with a cold nuclear fusion reaction.

In reality, as the inventor himself describes it, E-Cat is a reactor in which the process of transmutation of nickel into copper takes place. The reaction uses nickel and hydrogen. Nickel reacts with hydrogen due to the use of a catalyst. The end product of the reaction is copper. The reaction itself is exothermic, i.e. passes with the release of heat. The amount of heat produced by the reactor is six times greater than the equivalent amount of electricity required to operate it.

The one-megawatt installation consists of individual E-Cat modules (from 52 to more than 100), each of which in turn is composed of 3 small cold fusion reactors. All modules are placed in a steel container with dimensions of 5m x 2.6m x 2.6m, which can be installed in any convenient location. The E-Cat reactor, unlike nuclear installations, does not use radioactive substances, so it is absolutely safe. In the worst-case scenario, its core could overheat, which would simply lead to a breakdown of the reactor.

The efficiency of the Rossi generator is characterized by a ratio of 1:7 (100% at the input and 700% at the output) or more. According to Rossi himself, the cost of fuel (hydrogen and nickel) to operate a one-megawatt installation for six months will be only a couple of hundred euros. This means that providing compact home installations with fuel will be even cheaper. This equipment is serviced only once a year: the capsule with nickel is changed. The cost of such an industrial installation is $2,000 per kilowatt. Small-sized E-Cat reactors for use in individual homes should be available for sale by the end of this year.

Let's sum it up

At the moment, E-Cat Australia PTY LTD is forming a network of offices around the world to arrange the supply and installation of E-Cat, making it available to the general public. Of course, no one can now accurately predict the further course of events. But let's imagine.

If small-sized E-Cat installations, with a performance of 10 kW, become available in our country, this could radically change the situation of owners of country houses, who are currently forced to pay huge sums to energy companies for the supply of fuel resources necessary to heat their homes. True, at the moment these installations can only be used to generate heat, but this alone would already be a significant budget saving and contribution to the ecology of our planet!

You may have already read about Andrea Rossi's cold fusion reactor. This reactor causes extremely controversial opinions, and many people treat it as a fraud that does not deserve serious consideration and generally contradicts the basic laws of nuclear physics. However, new evidence is emerging that this reactor really works. And now a working reactor from Russia...

But first, a little history. I first heard about Andrea Rossi and his reactor in January 2011, when he gave the first public demonstration of his device (E-Cat from the English energy catalyzer) at the University of Bologna. Since then I have been following this topic. Andrea Rossi does not disclose details of the internal structure of the reactor, since it is a trade secret. Currently, all rights to this device belong to the American company Industrial Heat, where Rossi heads all research and development activities regarding the reactor.

There are low temperature (E-Cat) and high temperature (Hot Cat) versions of the reactor. The first is for temperatures of about 100-200 °C, the second is for temperatures of about 800-1400 °C. The company has now sold a 1MW low-temperature reactor to an unnamed customer for commercial use and, in particular, Industrial Heat is conducting testing and debugging on this reactor in order to begin full-scale industrial production of such power units. As Andrea Rossi states, the reactor operates mainly through the reaction between nickel and hydrogen, during which nickel isotopes are transmuted, releasing large amounts of heat. Those. Some nickel isotopes transform into other isotopes. However, a number of independent tests were carried out, the most informative of which was the test of a high-temperature version of the reactor in the Swiss city of Lugano. This test has already been written about.

On December 27, an article was published on the E-Cat World website about an independent reproduction of the Rossi reactor in Russia. The same article contains a link to the report “Study of an analogue of the high-temperature heat generator of Russia” by physicist Alexander Georgievich Parkhomov. The report was prepared for the All-Russian physical seminar “Cold Nuclear Fusion and Ball Lightning”, which was held on September 25, 2014 at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

In the report, the author presented his version of the Rossi reactor, data on its internal structure and tests performed. The main conclusion: the reactor actually releases more energy than it consumes. The ratio of heat generated to energy consumed was 2.58. Moreover, the reactor operated for about 8 minutes without any input power at all, after the supply wire burned out, while producing about a kilowatt of output thermal power.

ADDENDUM (01/15/15)

Key findings:

  • The work continues, new tests are carried out, the effect of releasing excess heat is repeated.
  • A series of calibration tests were carried out with electric heaters and a reactor without fuel. In this case, as one would expect, the released thermal power is equal to the supplied electrical power.
  • The main problem at the moment is local overheating of the reactor, due to which the heating coil burns out and even the reactor itself can burn through (although the melting point of the corundum ceramics from which it is made is over 2000C). This does not yet allow for sufficiently long tests.

ADDENDUM No. 4 (03/20/2015)

The following message appeared on the website of KhTYa and ShM on March 19:

A.G. Parkhomov managed to make a long-running reactor with pressure measurement. Since 23:30 on March 16, the temperature is still high. Photo of the reactor.

Finally, we managed to make a long-running reactor. The temperature of 1200°C was reached at 23:30 on March 16 after 12 hours of gradual heating and is still holding. Heater power 300 W, COP=3.
For the first time, it was possible to successfully install a pressure gauge into the installation. With slow heating, a maximum pressure of 5 bar was reached at 200°C, then the pressure decreased and at a temperature of about 1000°C it became negative. The strongest vacuum of about 0.5 bar was at a temperature of 1150°C.

During long-term continuous operation, it is not possible to add water around the clock. Therefore, it was necessary to abandon the calorimetry used in previous experiments, based on measuring the mass of evaporated water. The determination of the thermal coefficient in this experiment is carried out by comparing the power consumed by the electric heater in the presence and absence of a fuel mixture. Without fuel, a temperature of 1200°C is reached at a power of about 1070 W. In the presence of fuel (630 mg of nickel + 60 mg of lithium aluminum hydride), this temperature is reached at a power of about 330 W. Thus, the reactor produces about 700 W of excess power (COP ~ 3.2). (Explanation by A.G. Parkhomov, a more accurate COP value requires a more detailed calculation)


Low-temperature thermonuclear reactor in the USSR became a victim of clan warfare among officials, and now these ideas have been developed in the West in the form of the Rossi reactor. I dare to suggest that in the depths of our planet there are all the conditions for the low-temperature reaction of the synthesis of copper from nickel in a hydrogen atmosphere, experimentally carried out in a reactor.

“Not only theories and scientific hypotheses - these fleeting creations of the mind, but also precisely established new empirical facts and generalizations of exceptional value force us to remake and rebuild the picture of nature.”

V. I. Vernadsky. Favorite cit., vol. I.

The unappreciated ideas of our compatriots now have to be purchased at high prices from abroad in the form of products or technologies.

It happens, alas, repeatedly in the history of science that wonderful ideas and theoretical works done by compatriots find application abroad. There they are financed, developed, patented and returned to Russia in the form of foreign developments and technologies.

Let me remind you that Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences B. Deryagin was the first to obtain diamonds from a hydrogen-methane mixture at a pressure below atmospheric back in 1969. And this technology was developed in the West in the production of jewelry diamonds weighing up to 4 carats and film coatings from the C-H-O fluid system (semiconductors from which represent the future of microelectronics)

A similar situation has been occurring for half a century in the field of low-temperature reactions of element synthesis.

Work in the field of low-temperature thermonuclear fuel I.S. Filimonenko

A rare invention enjoyed such political support in the USSR as the cold fusion of elements proposed by I.S. Filimonenko, naturally classified as “Secret”. The project was warmly approved by leading academicians Keldysh, Kurchatov, Korolev and Marshal Zhukov. On July 23, 1960, N.S. Khrushchev and A.N. Kosygin signed Resolution of the Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR under number 715296: “...Continue to develop new principles for obtaining energy, new principles for obtaining thrust without mass rejection and obtaining new principles for protection from nuclear radiation. Leading designer I.S. Filimonenko is responsible for this program.

The essence of the work was to obtain heat from the electrolysis of heavy water on palladium electrodes.

However, after the death of Korolev and Kurchatov, and the resignation of Zhukov, all work was suspended. In 1967 Filimonenko was fired altogether. Despite Kosygin's objections. The dismissal was supported by the then Secretary of the Central Committee in charge of the defense industry D. Ustinov, the main party ideologist M. Suslov and Secretary General L. Brezhnev himself, who supported the resignation simply because of his dislike for Kosygin.

The main problem of fusion

For a fusion reaction to occur, it is necessary to “bring together” the nuclei of atoms, to overcome the Coulomb barrier - the mutual repulsion of equally charged bodies.

Scientists have been trying to solve the problem “head-on” for 60 years - to create a temperature at which the kinetic energy of nuclei is sufficient to bring them closer to a distance where the nuclear attractive forces will become greater than the Coulomb repulsion forces. But this is possible at millions of degrees Kelvin. Then the probability of overcoming the Coulomb barrier due to tunneling becomes noticeable, and a self-sustaining thermonuclear reaction begins.

The second global problem lies in the colossal funds allocated for research and construction of Tokamaks-type reactors. This does not allow alternative directions to develop. And any invention or discovery in the field of thermonuclear fusion that contradicts the established concept is met with hostility. And for 40 years now they have been able to “stifle” the idea of ​​cold nuclear fusion.

Alchemist of the Nuclear Age

Talented inventor Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov. At his country dacha, a working mock-up of a water-oil distillation station was made: water was supplied to it, and a pipe dispensing hydrocarbons went out. Between them, inside a cabinet similar to a washing machine, electromagnetic pulses were generated that split the nucleus of an oxygen atom in a water molecule into two parts: a carbon atom and two heavy hydrogen atoms (deuterium). The resulting carbon, together with hydrogen removed from the water molecule, formed a hydrocarbon fuel molecule. The 2-kilowatt installation converted water into flammable gases, which were enough to power a 100-kilowatt machine. The newspaper "Arguments and Facts" No. 26, 2006 wrote about this.

Alphysics A.A. Kornilova

On June 6, 2016, at a meeting of the permanent scientific seminar at the Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorov gave a report on the work of the Innovative
center of the physics department of Moscow State University, and its leader, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences A.A. Kornilova, about a new unique technology for the decontamination of liquid nuclear waste. The essence of the technology: specially prepared microbial cultures are added to a container with an aqueous solution of the radioactive isotope cesium-137, as a result, after 14 days (and not after 30.17 years - the half-life of 137Cs), its concentration is reduced by more than 50%, simultaneously in the solution the content of non-radioactive barium increases. That is, microbes are able to absorb radioactive cesium and convert it into non-radioactive barium. Alphysics in its purest form.

The discovery of transmutation of chemical elements in natural biological cultures was made back in 1993; many independent tests of the technology were carried out in various scientific centers. It was tested in Chernobyl on different isotopes, i.e. the technology can be adjusted to any isotope composition of specific liquid nuclear waste; the results have been repeatedly published in authoritative international and domestic scientific journals.

The state examination carried out did not deal with sophisticated laboratory techniques, but with ready-made industrial technology, which has no analogues on the world market.

Rossi reactor

Italian inventor Andrea Rossi, with the support of scientific consultant physicist Sergio Focardi, conducted an experiment:

A gram of nickel (Ni) was placed in a sealed tube, 10% lithium aluminum hydride and a catalyst were added, and the capsule was filled with hydrogen (H²). After heating to a temperature of about 1100-1300°C, paradoxically, the tube remained hot for a whole month, and the released thermal energy was several times greater than that spent on heating.

According to Focardi, “Hydrogen was heated at a given temperature by a simple electric heater. When the ignition temperature was reached, the energy production process began: hydrogen atoms penetrated the nickel and transformed it into copper."

There are plenty of skeptics of this invention even now.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the reactor design, the discovery was not easy. To conduct the experiment, the inventor did not take money from rich businessmen, but persuaded his wife to sell the house for 2 million euros, which indicates his conviction of commercial success.

Apparently, the synthesis process in the Rossi reactor was initially unstable. When a certain temperature was reached, the nickel powder sintered and the reaction died out. The sintering temperature depended on pressure, on the saturation of the metal with hydrogen, and on grain size. Therefore, as the reactor was improved, its uninterrupted operation time increased from several hours to a month.

In my opinion, in the absence of gravity in space, the process of sintering nickel powder in a hydrogen atmosphere will not occur, therefore, the reactor should operate stably. Thus, it is possible to solve the energy problem of spacecraft and reduce the number of solar panels.

In 2014, Rossi demonstrated a long-running installation. About 1 gram of hydrogenated nickel powder, lithium and a secret catalyst were placed in a ceramic aluminum oxide tube. The reactor was heated using built-in resistors. For half of the total operating time (32 days), the device operated at a maximum reactor temperature of about 1250°C, and in the second half of the period - at ~1400°C. Moreover, in the first period of work, the authors estimate the ratio of heat released to heat expended from the electrical network to be about 3.1, and about 3.7 in the second period. The accuracy of thermal measurements is assumed to be about 10%. The average power released in these two periods is estimated at about 1.6 and 2.3 kW.

Rossi convinced the president of the Swedish Society of Skeptical Scientists, Hanno Essen, and the chairman of the energy committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Sven Kullander, to fly to one of the shows. They were able to examine the E-Cat generator in detail before, during and after operation. Both professors acknowledged the fact of receiving a large amount of excess thermal energy - in 6 hours the generator produced 25 kW, or about 4.4 kW/h. In addition, the Swedes received two samples of nickel powder - unused and one that, according to Rossi, worked for 2.5 months. Their analysis on a spectrometer in a university laboratory in Uppsala (Sweden) showed that almost all nickel-60 turned into nickel-62, and almost all lithium-7 into lithium-6, in addition, the second sample contained a number of other substances - 10 % copper and 11% iron.

“Unless copper is one of the additives used as a catalyst, the copper isotopes 63Cu and 65Cu can only be produced through a synthesis process,” Kullander said. The Swedish scientists concluded: “To obtain 25 kW from a 50 cm3 container, any chemical process must be eliminated. There is only an alternative explanation for the fact of obtaining isotopes and measured energy. This is some kind of nuclear process, however, no ionizing radiation was detected!”

And the Russians are not asleep

Experiments on cold nuclear fusion are also carried out in our country.

Fusion reaction in the depths of our planet

The inner core of the Earth, according to the theory of V.N. Larin, is an iron-nickel hydride, located at a temperature of 5000-6000K and a pressure of 1.36 Mbar.

Essentially, this is a giant Rossi reactor.

Entering the crystal lattice of a metal (nickel) at a temperature significantly above the Curie point, a resonance occurs, and the ionized hydrogen atom combines spins with its neighbors, as a result of which the Coulomb barrier is overcome and the synthesis reaction begins to occur (28Ni + 1H (ion) = 29Cu + Q) . And it turns out that temperatures of millions of degrees are not needed for the reaction to occur; thousands of degrees and the pressure that exists in the core of the planet are quite enough.

The idea about the occurrence of a fusion reaction in the bowels of the Earth was prompted by a conversation with Eduard Ivanovich Terez, from his works it follows: “Experimental and theoretical data indicate that the main source of energy of the Earth, which is the root cause of endogenous geodynamic and tectonic processes, are fusion reactions occurring in the inner core planet, which consists of metal hydrides. Hydrogen flows of deep fluids (plumes) spread from the earth’s core and transfer the thermal energy of thermonuclear reactions to the surface. These hydrogen flows, due to the rotation of the Earth and the presence of Coriolis acceleration, twist in a spiral in the outer liquid electrically conductive core of the Earth. induces a dipole magnetic field."

There is a number of indirect evidence of the hypothesis that the LENR reaction occurs in the Earth’s core: if the synthesis reaction from nickel occurs in the depths, then in places of intense hydrogen degassing an increased copper content should be observed. As happens everywhere in rift zones, especially at mid-ocean ridges, around the “black smokers” there is an increased content of copper and its compounds.

A quantitative assessment of the heat generated will be given in the article “New Heat Balance of the Earth” after checking the mathematical model of the process.

Official science says that the internal heat of the Earth is obtained as a result of nuclear reactions of the decay of radioactive isotopes - U, Th, K in the bowels of the earth. But then the radiation level in rift zones and volcanoes should be several orders of magnitude higher than background values, but this is not the case.

Since during the LENR reaction there is no significant change in the radiation background, therefore the flows of hydrogen from the depths (the reaction coolant) are not radioactive.

There is very little time left before the great energy revolution. Once Russian heat generators go on mass sale, the world will never be the same. The process of low-energy nuclear fusion of copper from nickel in a hydrogen atmosphere, obtained in the Rossi reactor, occurs in the bowels of the Earth and is the main internal source of heat for the planet.

Ecology of knowledge. Science and technology: equipment created by the inventor Andrea Rossi with the support of scientific consultant physicist Sergio Focardi, and which, according to the author, implements a cold thermonuclear fusion reaction with a positive energy output.

There is probably no need to talk about the well-known problems of modern nuclear energy, built on the use of nuclear fission reactions of heavy nuclei - high risks, radioactive waste, exhaustible uranium reserves, the controversial nature of the closed fuel cycle, issues with the decommissioning of spent nuclear power plant units and much, much more. Hopes for thermonuclear energy, which was supposed to be obtained in installations like TOKAMAK - ITER, have practically dissipated, and today it is unlikely that there will be a serious specialist who will convince you otherwise.

Of course, today there are many other types of energy that can be classified as environmentally friendly and cheap, but in Russia there is not much sun, unstable and relatively weak wind, a problem with strong sea waves, and even geothermal energy - “the cat cried.” But what we have enough and in abundance is oil, gas, coal and nuclear energy. Yes, nuclear energy solves the problem of greenhouse gases, but, unfortunately, it also creates its own, already listed above, so the search for new cheap, safe and environmentally friendly energy sources should always be of interest..

After the first publications in the 1980s of the success of the Fleischmann and Pons experiments on the discovery of low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), this first caused euphoria, and then deep disappointment due to problems with reproduction in independent laboratories. The same sad fate befell other experiments that, according to their authors, used LENR, so this line of scientific research seemed to have already been buried.

But in 2014, a report appeared from a group of Italian and Swedish scientists who, from 02/24/2014 to 03/29/2014, tested the “Rossi reactor” (which he called Energy Catalyzer or E-Cat) with one loaded gram of fuel powder (about which will be discussed below) in Barbengo (Lugano), Switzerland, in an independent laboratory provided by Officine Ghidoni SA. The report they released was accompanied by such a detailed description of the details that Russian physicist Alexander Parkhomov was able to repeat this experiment at home, also recording a fairly large yield of excess energy.

If we briefly describe the tested E-Cat reactor in Lugano, we can say the following: it consists of a ceramic tube made of aluminum oxide with a diameter of 2 cm and a length of 20 cm, closed on both sides with plugs of the same material with a diameter of 4 cm and a length of 4 cm . The ceramic tube has a built-in heater made of Inconel wire, powered by a three-phase regulator with a rated power of 360W. To record the heat generated, two Optris PI 160 thermal imagers were used.

As fuel, inside the ceramic tube of the Rossi reactor there was 1 gram of nickel powder with the addition of lithium aluminum hydride Li, which contained 0.011 grams of the Li-7 isotope. After continuous operation for 32 days at a power of over 2 kW, 5800 MJ (1620 kW*hours) of excess heat was generated. At the same time, measurements of the isotopic composition of Li-7 before and after the experiment showed that its relative share decreased from 91.4% (before the test) to 7.9% (the share of Li-6 increased, respectively, from 8.6% to 92 .1%). Thus, in 32 days, 0.0092 grams of Li-7 burned out in Lugano.

Russian physicist A. Parkhomov repeated this experiment at home and confirmed the presence of excess energy. He also took 1 gram of nickel powder and added 10% lithium aluminum hydride Li. In the calorimetric experiment, A. Parkhomov's AP2 reactor operated for 4.5 days with an average excess power of 386 W and generated 150 MJ (40 kW-hour) of heat. At the same time, the isotopic composition of Li-7 also decreased, but, naturally, not as significantly as in Lugano - from 92.6% to 92.1%, and the isotopic composition of Li-6 accordingly increased from 7.4% to 7.9 %.

For the modification of the E-Cat reactor tested in Lugano, the operating temperature range was in the region from 1200 to 1400 ° C, which shows how high-potential heat this is, therefore, even producing electricity according to the traditional scheme (via steam generators), the achieved efficiency can be higher than at conventional nuclear power plant units.

How to explain the generation of such a large amount of energy from 1 gram of fuel powder? In an interview with Professors David H. Bailey and Jonathan M. Borwein, Andrea Rossi stated: “My theory is that a proton from a hydrogen atom enters with a quantum tunneling effect into the Li-7 nucleus (i.e., the nucleus lithium with atomic weight 7), forming a Be-8 nucleus (i.e. a beryllium nucleus with atomic weight 8), which then decays within a few seconds into two alpha particles (helium nuclei), accompanied by the release of a significant amount of nuclear energy...

The change in lithium isotopic composition is consistent with our understanding of the process, although the shift in nickel isotopic composition is not well explained (and I think there is an issue with the small amount of sample taken - only 2 mg of the initial 1 gram fuel load mass). A more detailed analysis is underway. We assume that the reactions for nickel and lithium are explained in the Cook-Rossi paper. What I can say in addition is that lithium plays a major role, and nickel acts mainly as a catalyst."

Therefore, in accordance with the understanding of the process by the author himself, who has manufactured at least hundreds of modifications of working E-Cat reactors, it is the Li-7 isotope that can be used as a consumable fuel in energy production, fortunately, it makes up 92.5% of natural lithium, and the remaining 7.5% comes from another stable isotope, Li-6.

Below are simple calculation estimates (anyone can repeat and check) by which one can evaluate the place of Rossi E-Cat reactors in modern nuclear energy, comparing the energy production data obtained in Lugano with modern VVER-1000 power reactors. So, when the Li-7 isotope captures a proton and decays into two alpha particles, 17.3 MeV of energy should be released:

Since we know from changes in the isotopic composition how many grams of Li-7 reacted in Lugano, it is easy to find the energy released from this reaction, which is 2188 MJ or 0.608 MWh. However, the amount of excess energy recorded in Lugano was ~1.5 MWh, which is at least twice as high as when burning Li-7. Experimenters speculate that additional energy was released in other nuclear reactions with the alpha particles generated, leading to a significant change in the isotopic composition of the spent fuel.

Obviously, the difficulties in explaining the reaction with the decay of Li-7 lie in the fact that during the formation of the unstable isotope Be-8 (immediately decaying into two alpha particles), the output of gamma radiation should be observed, which could not be detected either in the experiment in Lugano, nor in Parkhomov’s experiment.

Probably, before discussing inexplicable processes in the Rossi reactor, you should listen to Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Leonid Urutskoev, who said the following: “From the analysis of the results obtained by various scientific groups, it follows that the phenomenon of low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) is much more more complex and multifaceted than the usual two-particle reaction of fusion of deuterium atoms or proton capture, the occurrence of which requires high initial particle energies. As numerous experiments show, LENRs occur in condensed matter (and, therefore, some collective mechanisms operate, the existence of which is not implied by nuclear physics known to us) very “delicately”, not accompanied by high-energy radiation and without leading to residual radioactivity, which contradicts existing ideas about nuclear reactions. The possibility of LENR is so inconsistent with existing ideas that a quick solution to the problem cannot be expected.”

Thus, leaving aside the theoretical justification of the still unclear physical processes, we will evaluate only the economic side of the production of new energy. Since the test carried out in Lugano is the longest and most representative in terms of the depth of the analysis performed, we will make a rough estimate of the cost of consumed fuel based on the results of this particular experiment and compare this cost with the cost of nuclear fuel in standard VVER-1000 reactors.

Having asked the question that if 5800 MJ of thermal energy was produced by burning 0.0092 grams of Li-7 during the 32 days of the Lugano experiment, one must answer how much Li-7 would need to be burned to replace the VVER-1000 nuclear reactor producing 1000 MW electrical and 3200 MW thermal power, for example, during the year? During a year of continuous operation of one unit of a nuclear power plant with VVER-1000, approximately 101,000 terajoules of energy will be produced, then a simple proportion can be estimated that to produce the same amount of energy, it will be necessary to burn only ~ 160 kg of Li-7, which in terms of natural lithium will be ~ 180 kg.

Taking into account the fact that lithium is in the form of lithium aluminum hydride Li, and 10 times more nickel powder is present as a catalyst, the total mass of the Ni + Li fuel mixture will be 17.4 tons. Over the course of a year, an average of 45 fuel assemblies are reloaded in a VVER-1000 unit with a load of enriched uranium of 135 kg each, so the total mass of uranium reloaded per year in one VVER-1000 unit will be over 6 tons. Thus, the mass consumption of Ni + Li fuel powder in E-Cat when producing energy equivalent to one nuclear power plant unit is comparable to the consumption of enriched uranium, but does not require costs for its processing or storage.

Let us estimate the financial costs of nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants of the VVER-1000 type. The cost of the contract for the supply of 168 fuel assemblies manufactured by Westinghouse for the South Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant, signed in 2008, was $175 million, so the price of one fuel assembly is approximately $1 million. With a one-year cycle duration between refueling in a reactor, the number of refueled uranium assemblies is ~45 fuel assemblies, which in cost terms will be about $45 million per year. If we recalculate the contribution of the cost of fuel assemblies to the price per kW*hour of generated electricity, we get ~0.5 cents for each kW*hour.

We will also evaluate the fuel component of the price of energy production for Russian reactors. The cost of lithium aluminum hydride is ~20 thousand rubles per kilogram ($322), and the cost of nickel powder is ~2.5 thousand rubles, then the cost of the fuel powder mixture will be 4250 rubles/kg ($68.5/kg). At these prices, 17.4 tons of Ni + Li fuel powder will cost $1.2 million, which is 40 times lower than the cost of equivalent uranium fuel. If we recalculate the contribution of the cost of fuel powder to the price of electricity produced by steam generators, then, taking into account the efficiency, we will get ~0.014 cents for each kW*hour.

Of course, in the above estimates of the cost of produced energy, its main components are missing - the cost of the installations themselves, depreciation charges, operating and disposal costs, the cost of processing radioactive waste (there are none in Russian reactors!) and so on, but it is obvious that confirmation of the obtained parameters energy production during the experiment in Lugano on real E-Cat installations will lead to very significant changes in the global energy sector.

And one last thing. The appearance of Rossi reactors on the market will change not only the energy industry itself, but will make the human environment independent of extended power lines, which is especially interesting when applied to our Siberian uninhabited spaces. published

Heat generator Andrea Rossi (E-SAT generator)

The Greatest Scientific Detective

In January 2011, Andrea Rossi demonstrated a cat-sized device that, when supplied with 400 W of electricity, generated 12 kW of heat. That is, the conversion factor of the KS was 30. The internal chamber of the device, according to the inventor, contained nickel powder and hydrogen pumped under pressure, as well as a certain secret catalyst. In this chamber, after heating, some process began with the release of a huge amount of heat. Rossi defined it as low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), especially since during a spectroscopic study of nickel powder after working in the reactor, lines of copper and iron appeared in it.

There is as much nickel and hydrogen on Earth as you like. Thus, Rossi offered the world a source of unlimited, practically free, environmentally friendly energy. Unless, of course, Rossi himself is a fraudster and the work of his apparatus is not a banal sleight of hand, as his opponents claimed. It should be noted that suspicions of falsification were supported by a number of considerations: firstly, Rossi is by no means a scientist, but an engineer who graduated from a reputable university; secondly, he was followed by a trail of prosecutions for unsuccessful projects, and thirdly, he himself could not explain from a scientific point of view what was happening in his reactor. With such “introductory information”, not a single serious publication - neither scientific nor socio-political - reported on Russia’s discovery. Academicians and professors around the world ignored him, because according to all the canons of physics, this could not have happened: a nuclear boiler on the table? Energy output with a factor of 30? - pure nonsense! And only a handful of heretics from science who were engaged in the so-called. “cold nuclear fusion”, CNF, came out in support of Russia.

Further, the plot of our series twisted quite dashingly. Rossi behaved unpredictably, but not in the way one would expect from a rogue and a charlatan. He did not ask anyone for money; on the contrary, he sold his house in order to continue his research. He did not crave popularity in the press - he refused interviews, and invited mainly business people, not journalists, to shows of his apparatus. He did not strive for dialogue with scientists - luminaries of nuclear physics. “The best proof that I’m right will be a commercial device on the market!” - he declared. And he worked. Attitudes towards the inventor began to gradually change when, after a dozen conferences with demonstrations of Rossi’s device, no one was able to convict him of fraud - for example, that he secretly supplied electricity to his device.

This is the plot and characters of this incomparable, truly scientific detective story that has no analogues in history. On the one hand are powerful oil and gas corporations, for whom Russia’s invention is like a knife to the throat. Academicians and professors who have “mastered” hundreds of billions of dollars from thermonuclear experiments. Huge countries, entire regions that have become rich in hydrocarbons.

On the other hand, there is a lone inventor and a small number of his supporters who just want to give the world a new, almost free, clean source of energy. Over the past three and a half years, many episodes have been played and shown in this detective story. And life constantly throws up new plot twists.

Physicists have confirmed: Rossi's generator works!

Six professors from Italy and Sweden spent 32 days studying the operation of the generator and measuring all possible parameters. Then they processed the results for six months and began to comprehend them. Their verdict is clear: the Rossi generator works and produces an incredible amount of heat - the energy density is millions of times greater than when burning gasoline of the same mass. And in the device itself, the isotopic composition of “combustible” materials changes, i.e. nuclear reactions occur. However, no radiation could be detected outside the reactor.

Rossi presented an updated model. It has a ceramic body - a tube with a diameter of 2 cm and a length of 20 cm, and ends at both ends with “knobs” with a diameter of 4 cm for connecting the electrical network. Electricity is only needed to heat the tube. The contents of the reactor are a little nickel powder into which hydrogen is pumped under pressure, plus some kind of catalyst additive. When the tube is heated, it begins to produce enormous amounts of energy, many times more than was expended. Temperature measurements were taken continuously by two highly accurate thermal cameras and recorded on a computer. Other devices recorded electricity consumption. Scientists monitored the generator around the clock, while Rossi himself was not near the stand. In addition, all this action took place in an independent laboratory in Switzerland, where the premises were rented so that there was no hint of a possible secret supply of energy and manipulation of the results.

The ratio of energy received to energy expended is denoted by the letters KS. So, in this experiment, the average CS was equal to 3.74. That is, Rossi’s generator generated 3.74 times more energy than it received during heating. In total, the tube produced heat equivalent to 1.5 megawatt-hours in 32 days of operation. This energy is much, orders of magnitude greater than can be obtained from any known chemical source in such a small reactor volume. The fuel sample was thoroughly examined for its isotopic composition before and after the experiment using several standard methods, including by three independent external groups. The measurements showed a significant change in the isotopic composition of the powder. The process in E-SAT actually changes the fuel at the nuclear level, i.e. nuclear reactions take place. However, no traces of radiation were found. The professors conclude their report with a passage that betrays their complete dismay: “It is certainly not satisfactory that these results still lack a convincing theoretical explanation, but the result of the experiment cannot be rejected or ignored simply because of a lack of theoretical understanding.”

We can safely say that the entire scientific and financial world of the planet was waiting for the results of this test with hidden tension. It's no joke: if Rossi puts his generator on the conveyor belt, humanity will receive a source of extremely cheap, environmentally friendly, practically inexhaustible energy. In the coming years, this generator can retire nuclear and hydropower plants, gas, coal and other thermal power plants, not to mention solar panels and wind turbines. The need for gas pipelines and oil tankers will significantly decrease. Colossal financial flows will change, countries and entire regions that supply hydrocarbons will go bankrupt. And God grant that this passes without global social upheaval...

And scientists, nuclear physicists, will have to radically revise their theories. Because it is not yet possible to satisfactorily explain the processes taking place in the E-SAT generator. Nuclear physics does not know such phenomena.

NASA took Rossi under its wing

First of all, our main character, Andrea Rossi, turned out to be not so lonely and defenseless. He found a strong, albeit very peculiar, rear in the form of the American National Aerospace Administration (NASA). Leading NASA scientists, particularly Dennis Bushnell, NASA's chief scientist, supported Rossi. Their help turned out in such a way that Rossi had to leave Italy, break the contract with the Greek company Defkalion, which had already begun construction of a plant for the production of E-SAT, and voluntarily and forcibly move to the USA, where he created a new company - Leonardo Corporation.

Moreover, it turned out that in the previous 20 years, when experiments on low-energy nuclear fusion around the world were anathematized by official science, including the eminent Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Joseph Zawodny’s group was quietly working on LENR problems at NASA. She, contrary to all anathemas, confirmed that under certain conditions a huge amount of “unplanned” heat is generated. By the time Rossi staged the scandalous premiere of his E-SAT in Italy, NASA already had sketches of a project for a space shuttle on a propulsion system operating on a similar principle. So NASA, one might say, took Rossi under its space wing. Rossi couldn't refuse. It is clear that he will be much safer in the USA - away from very possible meetings with Arab “oil workers” and “gas workers” with suicide vests.

But NASA, apparently, is only the visible part of the wall that the United States is building around Russia and his invention. One can only guess about other security measures. Here's an example: the aforementioned Greek company Defkalion from the city of Xanthi, with which Rossi carelessly shared his secrets, also intended to enter the world market, but without Rossi, not caring about his copyright. After all, a piece of the energy pie is simply incredible! Defkalion has developed a whole line of devices of varying power - for heating greenhouses, houses and factories. However, for a strange reason, the company first declared itself bankrupt, then again showed signs of life - but this time in Vancouver, Canada. It can be argued that the United States intends to gain complete control over a new source of energy - whoever owns it will get far ahead in the technology race and get rid of oil and gas dependence. Financial flows on the planet will change dramatically, and the owner of almost free, clean, limitless energy can literally become the ruler of the world.

The harmful nature of the “e-cat”

However, let's return to our series. The events there developed dramatically and excitingly. Rossi's adversaries and adversaries became his friends; his LENR research friends turned out to be his worst enemies. But for Rossi, alas, not everything went well... Even fans of our hero began to grumble: where was the promised industrial design of E-SAT?

After he showed a complex of 107 E-SAT devices in action on October 28, 2011, producing about half a megawatt of energy “out of nowhere” in a few hours, it seemed that the main problems with the invention were behind us. There are still some technical “small things” left: passing safety tests and certification, as is required when introducing any devices. Rossi spoke about certification and how his device successfully passed it throughout the spring of 2012. Then the tone of his statements changed. He began to talk about a new stage in the development of “e-cats”, that they had reached a temperature of 1200 ° C, and this was a big, no, a huge step forward in converting heat directly into electrical energy, bypassing the stage of hot water vapor. He called his new device NOT SAT and already talked only about it. It remains unclear whether the previous model, the “colder” E-SAT, passed certification?

Apparently, the “e-cat” has a harmful character. Yes, heat was generated, but the process was unstable. When a certain temperature was reached, the nickel powder sintered and the reaction died out. The sintering temperature depended on pressure, on the saturation of nickel with hydrogen, and on the size of nickel grains. It is now clear why all the demonstrations held by Rossi in 2011 were limited to a few hours - he was afraid that the reaction would suddenly die out and he would not be able to explain the reason to the participants in the demonstration. It was necessary to learn how to regulate the temperature inside the reactor to prevent the powder from caking. That is, do not strive for maximum energy production, but maintain the CS at a certain optimal level.

E-cats like it hot

Over the years, the Rossi generator has been tested several times, including by independent experts. However, the scientific academic community each time subjected the test reports to loud criticism: they allegedly did not take this into account, and this loophole was left for possible falsification. And so in March of this year, six physics professors from Italy and Sweden gathered again with the intention of conducting a test so that a fly would not dig under it! For 32 days, more precisely, two series of 16 days in different modes, they drove the E-SAT. In a country and laboratory independent from Russia, with its own certified equipment, under round-the-clock supervision. Then for six months, one might say, they scratched their turnips. Until they finally issued a report published on October 8, 2014. Where they were forced to confirm: this little thing, the size of a large pencil, produces energy like a powerful thermal power plant or nuclear power plant. Megawatts! This means that E-SATs can be supplied to every home and business, inserted into cars and airplanes, etc. With all the wonderful and terrible consequences for global energy described above.

The absence of Rossi himself at the test site suggests that he was able to control the sintering of the powder, and that the E-SAT is almost ready for serial production. However, information appeared that the inventor was nevertheless forced to sell his brainchild under conditions that he could not refuse. Rossi was removed from the grandiose market, leaving him the honorable role of inventor. Now it is not he who is engaged in the strategy of introducing the generator into mass production, but most likely those who manage the financial flows from the sale of hydrocarbons. And when humanity will finally receive the Rossi generator for free use is still unclear.

However, we can say with confidence that it will no longer be possible to completely keep this invention under lock and key. In dozens of laboratories around the world, scientists are trying to unravel Rossi’s secret, find the secret of his catalyst, and create a theory of the process itself. It can be predicted that in one diabolically calculated moment, millions of E-SAT generators will be thrown onto the market, and this will completely collapse the economies of some countries that live off hydrocarbon production. Can you tell me which ones?

Related questions:


Nickel-hydrogen nuclear fusion

The Nickel-Hydrogen Fusion Process produces thermal energy and a copper isotope. Next, the copper isotope decays into a nickel isotope, which produces even more energy. Based on this theory, Andrea Rossi and his partner Sergio Focardi successfully developed a cold fusion reactor. It is believed that this reactor is capable of producing 12,400 watts of thermal energy based on only 400 watts of power input.

Many scientists support the theory and experiments of Rossi and Focardi. One of them is a professor from Greece, Christos Stremmenos, who uses three principles to explain the theory: the Bohr hydrogen atom, the Heisenberg instability principle and high-speed nuclear reactions.

The principle of the Bohr hydrogen atom is that the atom remains in a stationary state until it is subjected to energetic influence. Based on the Heisenberg instability principle, during the cold fusion reaction LENR and in E-Sat devices, mini-hydrogen atoms are formed. They are neutrally charged and are also synthesized with the core of the nickel molecule.

What is technology?coldfusion» cold thermonuclear fusion?

In short, “cold fusion” is a safe fusion based on nuclear reactions that occurs at low temperatures (hundreds or thousands of degrees), instead of millions of degrees (as at the surface layer of the Sun).

I heard that "coldfusion” is nothing more than a myth and its existence has never actually been proven. What's so special about your E-Sat technology?

What you heard about “cold fusion” is not entirely correct. Over the past twenty years, hundreds of scientists from all over the world have conducted more than ten thousand independent experiments in the field of cold fusion. There is no doubt that nuclear fusion can be reproduced at low temperatures. What makes E-Cat (energy catalytic converter) technology special? Although the technology originated and is based on the principles of “cold fusion”, it is capable of producing practical quantities of energy – reliably and with distinctive consistency.

What theory is the technology based on?

Without going into too much of a scientific explanation, E-Cat technology is capable of producing safe nuclear reactions between nickel and hydrogen atoms. As a result of these reactions, a large release of energy is produced in the form of heat. The technology produces an impressive amount of energy without using any radioactive materials, does not pollute the environment and leaves no radioactive waste.

What result does E give us?caT?

This question is not easy, since there are many models of the E-Cat apparatus with different reactor core sizes. An example is a device with a core size of 50 cubic centimeters capable of producing up to two and a half kilowatts of thermal energy and a maximum of 10 kilowatts in a safe mode. A standard E-Cat module can contain from one to several cores, each of which produces a certain amount of heat.

What can E-Sat give me? How can it affect my life?

Catalyst energy has the potential to replace virtually all current forms of energy production. Once fully developed and on the market for several years, E-Sat is capable of dramatically reducing electricity prices. In addition, do not forget that in the near future not only industrial devices will be presented, but also mini-stations for home use. Such a device will help you replace all electric heating devices and at the same time save significant amounts.

How much will the E-Sat device cost?

Details regarding the cost of the device are still being worked out, but attempts have been made to minimize the initial cost of the invention. According to our rough estimates, it comes out to about 500 euros per 1 Kilowatt of power. This means that a home device with a power of 5 Kilowatt will cost $2,500. Of course, this figure is not final.

Source - http://cold-fusion.ru/faq

Comments on the topic

Here are very competent and very careful answers on the nature of the mechanism of operation of the E-cat.

I, with the full responsibility of a nuclear physicist, confirm the complete safety and controllability of such nuclear reactions. Unlike the fission of uranium-235 or plutonium-239, which, when absorbing a neutron, leads to chain reactions of fission of a nucleus into two or three fragments that are difficult to control, i.e., an explosion from within the nucleus, nuclear reactions in E-cat are similar to the photoelectric effect in an atom - with Upon absorption of a resonant photon, the atom is ionized and emits an electron. In reality, when a microwave photon is absorbed by a cluster of nickel powder, there is first ionization of the electronic shells of its atoms in the cluster, and then ionization of the outer shells of the nuclei, which leads in A. Rossi’s reactor to a change in the nuclear composition of the nickel converter - an analogue of the effect in LENR reactions of S.V. . Adamenko (Springer, book “Controlled Nucleosynthesis”, 2007, 780p, S. Adamenko and others). These processes form nuclei near nickel nuclei one less and one more in the periodic table. When new nuclei form, controlled energy is released and there is no radiation at all. In addition, it has been experimentally established that by irradiating waste from nuclear power plants with resonant microwave photons, it is possible to completely destroy their radioactivity by reducing the half-life and converting radioactive nuclei into stable non-radioactive ones.

I affirm that behind LENR, E-CAT, nuclear reactors M.I. Solina and A.V. Vachaeva has a very bright future! I would like to express a lot of gratitude to doctors S.V. Adamenko and L.I. Urutskoev, who described in detail the reproducible results on LENR and took upon themselves the heavy blow of academic science that A. Rossi is now experiencing.

Sincerely, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Shadrin A.A. 03/19/12

Alexander's Gravatar Alexander

Yes, I would also like to add for real physicists trying to implement the same reactor E-cat A. Rossi, but with variations on the theme. Schemes of nuclear fusion based on the type of explosion of wire-foils by L.I. Urutskoev, shots by S.V. Adamenko, continuous reactor by A.V. Vachaeva are different. But there is one thing in common that unites them - this is the generation of certain resonant microwave photons. If you take two such photons of the same frequency, but different in magnetic charge power, then the weak one will not give practically any effect to any matrix. A powerful resonant microwave photon will instantly “stick” into the plasma of the crystal lattice, just as giant magnetic charges on the surface of the Sun freeze into the plasma of the photosphere and convert hydrogen plasma into the nuclei of heavier elements. In the crystal lattice of a solid body, a frozen powerful magnetic charge, rotating with its canonical self-motion, through an integral alternating electric monopole, begins to expend the energy of its charge on the ionization of atomic electrons and charged meson particles, which form the outer shells of nuclei. In this case, it is formed, as in S.V. Adamenko, an iron nugget with a diameter of 100 microns from the primary shoal cluster. The same metal spherical nodules were found in South Africa, in the town of Klerksdorp, at the bottom of the oceans, on Mars, “cauldrons” on Upper Vilyui, Yakutia, stone spherical nodules were found on all continents of the Earth. So magnetic monopoles with variable charge are an objective reality.

Of course, the “limping” proton-neutron model of the nucleus is completely unacceptable here. How to get these powerful magnetic charges? Month G.A. spent all his active scientific activity to develop such generators - a picosecond form of rising pulse front, with a current and voltage of over tens of kiloamperes and kilovolts. Kenneth Shoulders dedicated his entire life to this. However, in the last century, this process was generated directly in the active cell - by exploding wires or by initially igniting the arc and then interrupting it. The practice of plasma torch generators with inductive and capacitive discharge igniting the plasma is very useful, but these photons, which are immediately absorbed by the plasma and modulate it according to the shape of the output jet of the plasma torch, are too weak in power to be used in CNF.

Sincerely, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Shadrin A.A.

Alexander's Gravatar Alexander

Yes, I forgot, when creating powerful “saturated” microwave photons for some narrowly targeted purposes - “blinding” precision guidance systems of enemy missiles or missiles with such electromagnetic “projectiles”, you can use the technique of explosive magnetic generators. This technique for achieving powerful mega-Gauss fields (1-12 conferences on this topic), in which the Russian Federation is still the leader, it is enough to name only one VNIIEF in Sarov.

And in conclusion: the United States will strike Russia with Andrea Rossi's generator

US President Barack Obama proposed that China jointly develop a new energy generator using “cold nuclear fusion” technology. Thanks to Andrea Rossi's invention, the world could soon do without oil and gas altogether. This is stated in the CNN article, reports uinfo.

As it turned out, at the summit, Obama invited China to produce generators developed by engineer Andrea Rossi: the E-SAT device generates a huge amount of heat, which was confirmed by a commission of 6 physics professors.

The appearance of the E-SAT generator can radically change the energy sector of the entire planet, including ruining countries that produce hydrocarbons.

Everything depended on how the United States, having got its hands on Rossi’s generator, would use it. It turns out that as part of the US delegation, Obama brought the American-Chinese billionaire JT Vaughn, who founded the Industrial Heat company and bought from Andrea Rossi all the rights to produce his E-SAT generator and to sell it. That is, Rossi’s generator was under the complete control of the US government.

At the ATEK summit in Beijing, Obama, it turns out, pulled out this trump card and slammed it on the table; what words Obama said and to whom, CNN does not specify. However, it is known that JT Vaughn met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping. The parties came to a decision to create a special zone in Baoding for the industrial production of these generators under a US license.

In the coming years, mass production of Russian generators will begin in China, and all hydro, nuclear, and thermal power plants can be retired. China will meet its energy needs.

In essence, with this step Obama is cutting off hydrocarbon markets from Russia. There was a good answer to Putin's energy blackmail.

Source - http://vlasti.net/news/206895

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