Honor pronunciation in English. How is Huawei translated into Russian? What is hidden behind the name of the company “Huawei”


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  1. observe (honor, honour, honour, honour, honour)


  1. honor (respect)
  2. honor (honor, distinction, glory, reward)
  3. honor (reverence, veneration)
  4. Victoria

Plural number: honors.

Verb forms


military honor
military honor

highest honors
highest honor

great honor
great glory

highest honor
highest award

special honor
special honor

due honor
due respect

honor God
worship of God


When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are things to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honor are things to be ashamed of.
When a country is well governed, poverty and poor conditions are things to be ashamed of. When a country is poorly governed, wealth and honor are things to be ashamed of.

You must choose between honor and death.
You must choose between honor and death.

The monument was erected in honor of the eminent philosopher.
This monument was erected in honor of the outstanding philosopher.

Tom must choose between honor and death.
Tom will have to choose between honor and death.

A farewell meeting was held in honor of Mr Jones.
A farewell party was held in Mr. Jones' honor.

It is a great honor to be invited.
It is a great honor for me to be invited.

I felt that my honor was at stake.
I felt that my honor was at stake.

It's a great honor to be able to meet you.
It is a great honor to meet you.

I have the honor of working with Tom.
I have the honor of working alongside Tom.

In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks" chief god, Zeus.
In 776 BC, the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus in honor of the supreme Greek god Zeus.

Titles and honors mean nothing to me.
Titles and awards mean nothing to me.

I will become the most honored one in the world.
I will become the most revered in the world.

I"m honored to work with them.
It's an honor to work with them.

I"m honored to work with Tom.
It's an honor to work with Tom.

I"m honored to work with her.
It's an honor to work with her.

I"m honored to work with him.
It's an honor to work with him.

English-Russian translation of HONOR

transcription, transcription: [ˈɔnəˌ ]

American; = honor, honorable

honor, honesty - professional /business/ * professional honor /ethics/ - on /upon/ my *, word of * word of honor - to be on /upon/ one"s *, to pledge one"s * give your word of honor, swear honor - we were on our * not to cheat at the exam we gave our word of honor not to cheat on the exam - to put smb. on his * force smb. give your word of honor; tie up smb. in a word; trust smb. in the word honor, nobility - a man of * noble man - soul of * nobility embodied; the noblest person - point of * matter of honor - an affair of * matter of honor (duel) - a debt of * debt of honor - code of * code of honor - to conduct oneself with * behave nobly, show nobility - to be bound in * to do smth. consider it your duty to do something, consider yourself (morally) obligated to do something. - in * in honor, considering it my moral duty - I cannot in * accept this money I cannot, in good conscience, accept this money honor, good name, good reputation - to defend one's * defend my honor / good name / - to lose one's * to lose honor, to dishonor oneself, to cover oneself with dishonor - to come out of an affair with * to get out of a situation with honor (female) honor, chastity, virtue, purity, honor, honour; respect, reverence - guard of * guard of honor; guard of honor - place /seat/ of * place of honor - maid of * maid of honor (with the queen, etc.) - peace with * honorable peace, peace under honorable conditions - in * of smb., smth. in honor of someone, something; as a sign of respect for someone, something; in memory of smb., sth. - dinner in * of smb. lunch at smb. honor - to have /to hold/ in * to honor - to give /to pay/ * to show respect, to show respect; pay tribute (to heroes, etc.); to honor - to show * to one's parents to honor parents - I take your visit as a great * I consider your visit a great honor for myself - * lap (sports) circle of honor honor, glory - to win * in battle to earn/acquire / combat glory; gain glory in battle - to be an * to one's school to do honor to your school; be the pride of your school - * roll (school) list of honors students; list of those killed in the war or participants in the war (on a monument, etc.) - Olympic Games * rolls honorary list of participants in the Olympic Games; list of Olympic Games winners honor (in politeness formulas) - I have the * to inform you I have the honor to inform you - to whom have I the * of speaking? with whom do I have the honor (to speak)? - may I have the * ? do me the honor (when inviting you to dance) - may I have the * of your company at dinner? , will you do me the * of dining with me? allow (me) to invite you to dinner, do me the honor of having dinner with me (H.) honor (title) - Your H. your honor (in addressing a judge, mayor, etc.) pl honors - military *s military honors - the last /funeral/ *s last honors, funeral ceremony - to render /to give, to pay/ *s render /to give, to render/ honors - to receive smb. with full /all due/ *s accept smb. with all (appropriate) honors - *s and ceremonies (sea) salutation - *s of war (military) honorable conditions of surrender (preservation of weapons, banners, etc.) (government) awards; orders - Birthday Honors awards for the monarch's birthday (in the UK) - to wear all one "s *s to be with all orders - *s list list of awards pl (university) honors (when passing exams) - to pass with *s in history pass a history exam with honors - *s degree honors degree - * system passing by the most able students of special tests, giving the right to an honors degree (in the UK) - * course additional classes and research work, giving the right to an honors degree pl ( card) oners (senior trump cards) (obsolete) bow, curtsey > * bright! word of honor > to do the *s of the house to receive / occupy / guests; /hostess/ at the table, treat the guests; proclaim toasts > all * to him! glory to him! > * to whom /where/ * is due to each his own > to meet due; * (financial) to be accepted / paid / (about a bill) > for (the) * (of) (financial) to save a loan ( about accepting a draft, bill) > it "s my * now it’s my turn (golf) to read, honor - I feel highly *ed thank you for the honor, very flattered - we are very much *ed by your company you did us a great honor (with your presence) - * thy father and thy mother (Biblicalism) honor your father and your mother - I * you for that I respect you for this; this honors you in my eyes - he was *ed at a banquet he was honored at a banquet (with) to honor - he *ed me with an invitation he honored me with an invitation - the mayor was *ed with a title the mayor was granted the title to honor ( conditions); fulfill (obligations) - to * one's commitments fulfill one's obligations (financial) accept (draft); pay (draft, check)

honor, honorable amer. = honour, honorable

honor, honorable amer. = honor, honorable honour: honor to accept or pay (draft) ~ bill. accept a draft ~ in circulation (address to a judge): your Honor your honor ~ fulfill (obligations), comply with (conditions) ~ fulfill obligations ~ (sb.) (sth.), doing (her) honor to (school , family, etc.) ~ cards. honor; honor bright decomposition honestly; honors of war honorable conditions of surrender ~ pl awards, honors; orders; military honors; military honors; the last (or funeral) honors ~ vex. provide banknotes with a metal coating ~ appeal to the judge; Your Honor ~ pay (promissory note, check) ~ bill. pay check ~ pl univ. honor; to pass an examination with honors to pass the exam perfectly ~ to pay on time (on a bill) ~ honor ~ honor ~ honor, honor ~ honor, respect, respect; to give (or to pay) honor (to smb.) to give (to someone) respect, respect; to show honor to one's parents respect your parents ~ comply with the conditions ~ honor (with) ~ honor ~ good reputation, good name ~ good reputation ~ honesty, nobility ~ honor, glory; in honor in honor; on (or upon) my honor word of honor; point of honor question of honor ~ honor

honor, honorable amer. = honour, honorable honourable: honorable noble, honest ~ noble ~ honorable ~ venerable (form of address to children of the nobility, to judges) ~ venerable ~ honorable; honorable duty ~ respected; venerable; venerable~respected

Big English-Russian dictionary. Large English-Russian Dictionary. 2012

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  • Large English-Russian Dictionary

More meanings of the word and translation of HONOR from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “HONOR” in dictionaries.

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  • HONOR — (n.) A token of esteem paid to worth; a mark of respect; a ceremonial sign of consideration; as...
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  • HONOR — (n.) A title applied to the holders of certain honorable civil offices, or to persons of rank; as...
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  • HONOR - noun fame; reputation; credit. 2. honor noun to accept and pay when due; as, to honora bill of exchange. 3. ...
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  • HONOR - (n.) Esteem due or paid to worth; high estimation; respect; consideration; reverence veneration manifestation of respect or reverence.
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  • HONOR - (n.) To accept and pay when due; as, to honora bill of exchange.
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • HONOR - (n.) The ace, king, queen, and jack of trumps. The ten and nine are sometimes called Dutch honors.
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  • HONOR - (n.) That which rightfully attracts esteem, respect, or consideration; self-respect; dignity; courage; fidelity; especially, excellence of character; high...
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  • HONOR — (n.) That to which esteem or consideration is paid; distinguished position high rank.
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  • HONOR - (n.) Fame; reputation; credit.
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On sale in Nozhikov

Honor- Hon or (n [e]r), n. 1. Esteem due or paid to worth; high estimation; respect; consideration; reverence;… …

HONOR- HONOR, the high respect, esteem, reverence, admiration, or approbation shown, felt toward, or received by a deity or person. Honor is accorded to those in a position of authority (Gen. 45:13) achieved by heroism (Judg. 8:22; I Sam. 18:5), wisdom... ... Encyclopedia of Judaism

honor- (Del lat. honor, ōris). 1. m. Cualidad moral que lleva al cumplimiento de los propios deberes respecto del prójimo y de uno mismo. 2. Gloria o buena reputación que sigue a la virtud, al mérito o a las acciones heroicas, la cual trasciende a las… … Diccionario de la lengua española

honor- [än′ər] n. 1. high regard or great respect given, received, or enjoyed; esp., a) glory; fame; renown b) good reputation; credit 2. a keen sense of right and wrong;… … English World dictionary

honor- sustantivo masculino 1. (no contable) Cualidad por la que una persona o una cosa merece el respeto y la consideración de los demás y el suyo propio: un hombre de honor. El honor obliga a luchar hasta el fin en las batallas. 2. Buena fama que… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

honor- n 1 glory, renown, *fame, celebrity, éclat, reputation, repute, notoriety Analogous words: esteem, respect, *regard, admiration: reverence, veneration, worship, adoration (see under REVERE): prestige, credit, authority, *influence, weight… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

honor- hon·or vt hon·ored, hon·or·ing 1: to accept and pay the bank honor ed the check 2: to purchase or discount (a draft) in compliance with a letter of credit Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 ... Law dictionary

Honor- Hon or, v. t. 1. To regard or treat with honor, esteem, or respect; to revere; to treat with… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

honor- (Brit. honor) NOUN 1) high respect. 2) pride and pleasure from being shown respect. 3) a clear sense of what is morally right. 4) a person or thing that brings credit. 5) a thing conferred as a distinction. 6) (hon...English terms dictionary

honor- 1. en honor. Cuando significa ‘como homenaje a alguien o algo’, el complemento que expresa la persona o cosa homenajeada va introducido por la preposición de: “En honor de tan distinguido huésped, se organizaron grandes festejos” (Leyva Piñata… … Diccionario panhispanico de dudas

honor- ((/stl 13))((stl 8))rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. honororze, blm ((/stl 8))((stl 20)) ((/stl 20))((stl 12))1. ((/stl 12))((stl 7)) dobra reputacja, dobre imię, poczucie dumy i godności osobistej: ((/stl 7))((stl 10))Poczucie honoru. Człowiek honoru.… … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień


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We live in a world where computer technology exists - in the world of the Internet and smartphones. Every day we use gadgets that can perform up to a million different requests, but we don’t even know how they appeared and who made every effort to ensure that we can communicate freely and always be “online.” One of the world's smartphone development and creation companies is Huawei. The very name of this brand contains several secrets, because the translation of Huawei is not as clear as it might seem at first glance.

What is hidden behind the name of the company “Huawei”

Translating the name of the Chinese brand Huawei into Russian is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Many believe that the success to which the company was moving by leaps and bounds came thanks to the correctly chosen phrase. This definitely makes sense, because “whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.” What does this strange combination of letters mean, which so unusually grates on the ears of the Russian consumer?

How to translate Huawei

The name of the world famous telecommunications firm Huawei is the official English transliteration. In the Chinese version, the brand name consists of a pair of hieroglyphs 华为. Their combination reads exactly the same as the phrase 化為, the translation of which means “transformation.” That is why the translation of the word Huawei into Russian has several meanings.

The first part of Hua can mean “excellent”, “magnificent”, but at the same time it can be translated as “China” or “ethnic Chinese”. The second part of Wei is translated from Chinese as “achievement” or “action that led to success.”

As you can see for yourself, there are not so many meanings for the word Huawei. The name of this wonderful brand can be translated as “great achievement” or “excellent action.” However, we should not forget that the company is a Chinese property, so if you translate its name into Russian, one of the meanings may be “Chinese achievement.” Of course, many will say that such a translation is approximate, but it is the last option that conveys the entire essence of the company itself.

How to pronounce Huawei correctly

The head of the world-famous telecommunications company, Ren Zhengfei, gave his brainchild such a worthy name for a reason. Many experts believe that it contains a kind of affirmation for success. Having traced the company from its inception to the present day, we can say with confidence that it works.

The Chinese smartphone manufacturer is confident that everyone who uses their products should definitely know how to correctly pronounce the brand name. And not only in Chinese, but also in their native language. In 2012, Huawei employees even took to one of the busiest streets in New York to see if the inhabitants of a city of millions knew how to pronounce the company's name.

In 2015, management decided to repeat the campaign, but this time from computer and phone screens. A short video has appeared on the YouTube channel, officially confirmed by the company, where users are told in detail how to pronounce the name of the company.

As for their closest neighbors, Russians are accustomed to pronouncing the name of this company in their own way. Of course, there is no unambiguous translation of the word “Huawei”, so most of our compatriots pronounce the brand name using English transliteration. However, experts in the field of studying the Chinese language are insisting with all their might that in Russian the brand name will sound like “ua-wei”.

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