How to make an investment project. Types of investment projects - main goal, development, stages, structure and analysis. What is an investment project and why is it needed?

AND an investment project can be considered any business idea that is justified from the point of view of the possibility of implementation, investing money and making a profit. Investment activity, as the name suggests, involves initial capital investments. Within the framework of an existing organization, an investment project represents in general terms a solution to existing problems within the enterprise, ways of its development, and a reduction in the risk zone.

B business plan– a clearly structured document in which it is necessary to substantiate in a concise form the attractiveness, profitability, development strategy of the project, and reflect quantitative and qualitative indicators of its feasibility and effectiveness.
The document is intended to solve the following tasks:

1 Clearly formulate the goals of the enterprise and find ways to achieve them. They are expressed in quantitative indicators of assessing the timing and results of the project;
2 Develop production, marketing and organizational programs that together will ensure the achievement of the set goals;
3 Estimate initial capital investments;
4 Identify and prepare for possible problems and difficulties that may arise during the implementation of the project;
5 Develop measures to monitor the progress of the project;
6 Prepare strong arguments in favor of the success of the project for potential investors;

Since this document is intended for the public, the information presented in it should reflect the most significant points of each section in a concise form. It is important that the plan is written in a language that is simple and understandable to most people.

P when drawing up an investment project plan, the following rules apply:

  • An integrated approach: only by considering the influence of all factors can you plan the implementation and development of the project and make forecasts of the results of its implementation;
  • The analyzed information must reflect the real course of things as objectively and reliably as possible, otherwise you can come to the wrong decisions;
  • A summary, especially in the narrative portion of the business plan;
  • Impartiality in assessing the feasibility of the project;

N it is necessary to understand that the interest of a potential investor is not caused by complex and incomprehensible technical terms, but by clear facts expressed in quantitative form.

P since a business plan is a kind of document, it has a certain structure, which can be represented in the form of the following sections:

1 Resume. This is brief but meaningful information about the company: main financial indicators reflecting the results of its business activities. Here, in a concise form, the significance for the enterprise of the project under development, its goals, and the tasks assigned to it should be presented.
2 Description of the enterprise and industry. Monitoring the state of the industry, enterprise and its place in the market.
3 Description of the investment project. They reveal the goals and advantages of the project, the planned results from its implementation, as well as the stages of implementation.
4 Assessment of the sales market and competitors. This section provides compelling arguments and facts in favor of the project’s competitiveness, as well as an analysis of the market share that can be won with its help.
5 Marketing plan. The section reflects the chosen marketing strategy, which includes methods of pricing and sales of goods, and methods used to stimulate sales.
6 Production plan. The purpose of this section is to present convincing facts that the financial condition of the enterprise can support this project.
7 Risk assessment and insurance.
8 Financial plan. Calculation of capital investments required for project development, detailing of costs, assessment of expected income, profitability and payback period.
9 Organizational plan. Characteristics of the company's organizational structure, reflection of information about personnel.
10 Conclusions and suggestions. Here again it is necessary to highlight the goals and objectives of the project, the expected costs and planned income and the effectiveness of its implementation.

An infusion of investment funds is necessary for the development of any business, regardless of the industry, degree of development and direction. An example of a successful and profitable investment project is the technical re-equipment of an enterprise, improvement of its productivity, and, as a result, an increase in commercial liquidity.

Purpose of creation

A project for any business is a set of documents that show the prospects for investing funds.

Such documents include:

  • technical calculations;
  • master plan of the future facility;
  • marketing strategy;
  • business project sustainability analysis;
  • analysis of the financial condition of the company.

The purpose of the calculations is to show (in most cases to the investor who plans to invest) its liquidity. By and large, the copyright holder of the idea (the developer) has an understanding of how the entire proposed business structure should work, how it should develop, and what risks exist. An idea developer understands all the components for successful business, but does not have the main tool - finance. On the other hand, an investor has funds, wants to invest them in a business and is looking for the most profitable option for himself.

A project is that component between an investor and a developer that allows different goals to be realized for the benefit of one result - success. In turn, two multi-purpose structures receive what they need: the investor - funds in the stated amount at the right time, and the ideological copyright holder - the opportunity to translate their ideas from fantasies and formulas on a piece of paper into reality.

The essence of the calculations

A project, an investment, an investment - this seems so far away, something that can only concern a businessman who has at least a million available funds for investment. In fact, each of us can become an investor, the main thing is to choose a successful promising option for our own investments, to understand a little about the business where financial investments are planned. For example, a metallurgist cannot assess the real risks of a mini-bakery, and a baker will not be able to understand financial reports on the profitability of enterprises in the metallurgical industry. Therefore, the main rule is to understand the industry in which the investment project is planned to be implemented.

Economists and financiers like to say that even the most unprofitable project will in practice be more successful and financially sound than the most ideal plan that never found its investor

There are a huge number of economic formulas, examples with samples of how to calculate the efficiency of a business format.

But even with such calculations that can show the profitability and prospects of the chosen investment project, one cannot do without a real understanding of the specifics of the matter. Calculations are the work of professionally trained economists who can show in numbers the benefits of an investment project. In practice, it is important to understand simple truths, to study all the features of a business that make up its success.

Example: project for a woodworking furniture factory


A Perm woodworking enterprise designed for the production of furniture and fittings from natural wood of various types and lumber.

Characteristics of the project being developed

For the specified period of time, the enterprise consists of two workshops, the focus of which is the production of cabinet children's furniture. During the investment project, it is planned to expand production by launching the production of upholstered furniture for children's rooms. The production capacity region is Kansk (Krasnoyarsk Territory). The entrepreneur expects to expand the sphere of furniture production, increasing sales in the first year by 20%, and for each subsequent year by 15-18%.

The volume of planned investments is 15 million rubles.

Market research based on marketing monitoring in the period from 2010 to 2017

Children's cabinet furniture made of natural wood and lumber (chipboard, fiberboard) is a product that is popular both in the city and in the region. An increasingly popular trend - upholstered furniture for children's rooms - will be just as in demand and relevant as manufactured cabinet furniture. During the period from 2014 to 2017, production concluded more than 10 large contracts, which are focused on the regular supply of cabinet furniture for preschool institutions and for sale in stores.

The new direction will help reduce costs under a previously concluded agreement with a company that produces upholstered furniture. Based on this agreement, the company, if necessary, purchases upholstered furniture and creates a set for the children's room. If you have your own production, you can save on paying for this type of product by producing it yourself.

From 2010 to 2017, the company was able to develop a strategy and business case for its own products in such a way that the offers were more profitable for the consumer. There is a wide range of both inexpensive segment and exclusive furniture made from natural solid wood (alder, oak, ash, aspen). There were periods of decreased buyer activity (2012-2014), but today the demand for products has become just as relevant. It is planned to produce about 1,000 sets of upholstered furniture for children's rooms per year.

Construction technology of technical equipment for a new direction

Since the company bought the building for furniture production, and it is possible to use empty rooms in the building, funds for the purchase or construction of an additional building will not be required. The following studies were carried out, reports on the results of which are attached to the business plan:

  • calculations were made for the consumption of light, water, heating in the newly equipped premises;
  • inspection and selection of the necessary equipment that will be required to equip the new workshop (production in the new workshop);
  • the cost of purchasing raw materials, as well as payment of wages, was calculated;
  • it is planned to additionally employ 4 people for the production of upholstered furniture;
  • suppliers of the necessary raw materials were selected at competitive prices on wholesale terms.

Investment calculations:

  • the total volume of planned investments is 15 million rubles;
  • a one-time injection of funds is planned, since all the money will be used to purchase the necessary equipment and repair the old part of the building;
  • the initiator’s own funds (furniture company) – 3 million rubles;
  • investment injections from outside investors - 12 million rubles;
  • 40% planned internal return (IRR);

  • 4 years (DPBP) – planned discounted payback period;
  • 3 years (PBP) – payback calculated at the beginning of investment;
  • NPV in the amount of 9 million rubles.

The above figures are approximate. In fact, an investment project is documents that reflect real profits to date, and expected profitability taking into account discounting. The example of an investment project shows only possible calculations; in fact, the picture may differ, taking into account the characteristics of production, its volume and goals.

Why do you need an efficiency calculation?

The effectiveness of the plan is the necessity and result of investment. The uniqueness of the project proposed to investors creates individual approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the implemented business plan.

Such individuality is a kind of “zest” that is not used anywhere else (know-how). In many ways, this feature ensures the effectiveness of the entire ongoing project and requires an individual solution. The effectiveness of a future business is assessed in most cases by specific characteristics - performance indicators.

In order to calculate the performance indicators of an investment project, you need to know what actions are performed, what goals each individual participant pursues and what they are worth in material terms:

  • Each individual project participant individually sets goals, interests, and evaluation criteria, which will subsequently be used to assess the compliance of the specified project and their own interests. There is simply no specific system for evaluating a project from the point of view of all its participants. For example, one participant (investor) will consider a project effective if it brings real planned funds, and another participant (entrepreneur) will consider indicators of sales growth to be effective;
  • the entrepreneur (developer) must understand the investor’s goals and justify the benefits of his participation with indicators that express these very interests.
  • economic, which reflects the correspondence of costs in monetary terms to the expected results;
  • social – the significance of the project for the population living nearby is extremely important to evaluate regardless of the focus of the enterprise’s activities;
  • environmental – that is, the impact of production on the environment at all stages;
  • defense - compliance of costs with the interests of the country's security.

Depending on the volume of production, as well as on the goals set, it is recommended to consider this indicator in several options:

  • the effectiveness of the plan as a whole;
  • the effectiveness of the participation of each team member.

Evaluating performance is exactly what an investor is willing to take risks for. If the goals, objectives, calculations are correct and understandable from all sides, and the risks are justified, then the investor decides on a positive result, the investment project is implemented.

The concept of “investment project” is a system of measures deployed over time for a significant renewal or creation of fundamentally new individual components of the enterprise’s activities. The components of any investment project are the direct participants (individual/legal entity), organization or group of persons interested in it. The last link of this structure can relate to both the macroeconomic level and the mesolevel, as well as the microeconomic level.

From this link you can download the most complete investment project (example with calculations in Excel). The calculation results are available for testing, the formulas are “visible” (it’s easy to check which formula was used and what data it refers to).

The project needs to create a structure diagram something like this:

  • author of the idea;
  • content author;
  • investors;
  • the enterprise (group of enterprises) to which the project is directed;
  • consumers to whom the project was aimed.
For example, investment projects need to rank the sequence of all structural elements. This system performs the following functions:
  • decision support for design and selection;
  • optimal business development plan; creating financial plans and investment projects;
  • modeling the activities of enterprises of different forms and structures.
A very important integral part of an investment project is the precise determination of its duration, for example 1 year or 2-3 months. The “launch” date of the investment project is also important.

We draw up an investment project using an example

Name: “Creation of a full production cycle livestock farm.”
Documentation: business plan, marketing research of the agricultural market.
Project budget: 40,000 USD.
Scope of activity: agriculture.
Sources of funding: personal funds, credit funds.
Goal Definition: creation of a full production cycle livestock farm on the basis of an existing agricultural enterprise.
Direction: commercial.
If we are talking about a specific example of an investment project, then there is a detailed description of all stages of the implementation of the project plan, concept, novelty, efficiency, and ways to achieve it. It should be noted that a typical example could be a business plan for the investment project itself as a whole, or part of it. A project can include up to ten sections:
  1. source data,
  2. market assessment,
  3. financial assets
  4. production,
  5. human resources,
  6. territorial location of investment objects,
  7. project documentation,
  8. organization and expenses,
  9. deadlines for implementation of plans,
  10. business performance assessment.
Example of a construction project: “Sanatorium and resort complex (SKK)”. Even such a business project, ideally planned in all respects, without an investor, remains unrealized.

Registration of the structure of an investment projecta

Another example of a formalized investment project could be the following structure:
  • enterprise,
  • conceptual essence,
  • capital investment plan (technical and permitting documentation, network deployment costs, etc.),
  • production dates,
  • implementation deadlines,
  • sales and distribution routes, materials and components,
  • general costs and personnel plan,
  • financing.

The structure should depend directly on the specifics of the investment object, the scope of implementation, etc. These examples of investment projects do not take into account the financial side of business projects. It is important that the current financial condition determines the balance of the launch date for the project. This factor directly affects the size and direction of cash flows. In this regard, the return on investment is determined. The compiled examples must have descriptions of the volume and form of investment. A brief summary of the essence of the proposal is required. By summary we mean a detailing of the main features of the development pre-determined by the project itself. Many companies and specialists provide services for the development of investment projects or their analysis, and as a result, correction for maximum efficiency.

To attract and invest funds in any business, an investor needs to carefully study the foreign and domestic markets.

Based on the data obtained, draw up a project estimate, an investment plan, forecast revenue, and generate a cash flow report. All the necessary information can be most fully presented in the form of a financial model.

Financial model of an investment project in Excel

Compiled for the projected payback period.

Main components:

  • description of the macroeconomic environment (inflation rates, interest on taxes and fees, required rate of return);
  • projected sales volume;
  • projected costs for attracting and training personnel, renting space, purchasing raw materials, etc.;
  • analysis of working capital, assets and fixed assets;
  • sources of funding;
  • risk analysis;
  • forecast reports (payback, liquidity, solvency, financial stability, etc.).

For a project to be credible, all data must be confirmed. If an enterprise has several income items, then the forecast is prepared separately for each.

A financial model is a plan for reducing risks when investing. Detail and realism are a must. When drawing up a project in Microsoft Excel, follow the following rules:

  • initial data, calculations and results are on different sheets;
  • the calculation structure is logical and “transparent” (no hidden formulas, cells, cyclic links, limited number of array names);
  • the columns correspond to each other;
  • in one line – formulas of the same type.

Calculation of the economic efficiency of an investment project in Excel

To assess the effectiveness of investments, two groups of methods are used:

  • statistical (PP, ARR);
  • dynamic (NPV, IRR, PI, DPP).

Payback period:

The PP coefficient (payback period) shows the time period during which the initial investment in the project will pay off (when the invested money is returned).

Economic formula for calculating the payback period:

where IC is the investor’s initial investment (all costs),

CF – cash flow, or net profit (for a certain period).

Calculation of the return on investment project in Excel:

Since we have a discrete period, the payback period will be 3 months.

This formula allows you to quickly find the payback period of a project. But it is extremely difficult to use, because... monthly cash receipts in real life are rarely equal amounts. Moreover, inflation is not taken into account. Therefore, the indicator is used in conjunction with other performance assessment criteria.

Return on Investment

ARR, ROI – profitability ratios showing the profitability of the project without discounting.

Calculation formula:

where CFav. – average net profit for a certain period;

An investment business project is a set of activities aimed at making a profitable investment of funds in order to make a profit in the near future. The number of investment objects is very wide. They may differ depending on different criteria such as:

  • volume of financial resources;
  • scale;
  • area of ​​activity;
  • duration and so on.

Regardless of the specifics of the project, it will necessarily have four components: the implementation period, the amount of expenses, cash flow and liquid value. Interest in the direction is determined by the relationship of these 4 components.

Each project has a specific list of indicators of its effectiveness and assessments, which are calculated throughout the entire period of its existence. General data must necessarily contain:

  • Description of the direction of activity, composition of the products proposed for release or specification of services.
  • Data on the location of production or company.
  • Information related to the specification of production technology or the specifics of the provision of services.
  • List of necessary resources for the implementation of activities.

Any project must be accompanied by papers that clearly describe the direction of investment with deadlines inclusive. An important parameter of each investment object is the balance of material resources. It is calculated based on the difference between money coming in and money going out during each investment period.

Development of a project for investment

Any investment project is activated even before the implementation of the actions provided for in the relevant documentation. Its completion is also carried out much later than the pre-established deadlines. There are only two stages of the investment cycle:

  • Pre-investment, without a clear time frame. At this stage, marketing research is carried out, sources of resources for the implementation of activities are determined, active negotiations are held with potential partners, and the legal registration of the enterprise is carried out. The result of the entire complex of work done is a detailed and detailed investment plan-project, in other words, a business plan.
  • Operational stage. It begins with the first actual actions. This includes purchasing equipment, renting or purchasing real estate, concluding partnership agreements, etc. The general characteristics of the project are directly related to the duration of this stage.

Many experts insist that the investment project has one more phase, which is transitional between the two described. The investment phase is a broad list of tasks related to business management. This may include the formation of financial and legal frameworks, and the solution of organizational problems. At this stage of work, management and administration are appointed, personnel are hired and trained.

External environment as one of the risk factors

Evaluation of investment projects is a generalized concept that is quite often separated from the external environment in which the project operates and develops. The relationship between the components has two important consequences:

  • Employees or project managers must be able to easily adapt to any changes, no matter when they occur.
  • Enterprise managers should, whenever possible, influence changes in the external environment for the benefit of the project.

The effectiveness of the investment project will also depend on how thoroughly and carefully external potentially important influencing factors were assessed and controlled. Experts recommend paying attention to such points as inflation and the possibility of implementing a project in any currency of the world, prospects for modifying the taxation system and raising or lowering interest rates. Among the secondary external factors on the basis of which the effectiveness of investment projects should be assessed are the infrastructure of the region where the object is located, the regional regulatory framework, and the attitude of federal and municipal authorities towards the implementation of a certain type of activity.

Project evaluation

The specifics, stages and features of using project economic efficiency values ​​are constantly changing and require systematic study. This is based on two trends. According to one of them, an investment project can act either as an independent unit for evaluation, or in the format of an element of property, which in the cost version is evaluated together with technical and intellectual resources. The second direction involves an assessment with the goal of subsequently buying or selling property. The potential owner of the property considers the direction for investment, comparing the expected amount of investment with income, costs and the actual price. The discounting process in this situation will be implemented in the format of a profitable approach, which requires constant adjustment.

Investment projects can be assessed based on a large number of factors. This includes the situation on the investment market, the actual state of affairs in this area, the professional interests and abilities of the investor, the financial viability of the project itself, geopolitical factors, and much more. This is something that has to do with the personal preferences and interests of the investor. In practice, universal schemes and formulas are used, which in numerical values ​​and in material indicators can clearly reveal the attractiveness of a particular direction. Clear calculations allow you to get an objective answer to the question of whether the project in which you plan to invest money is capable of bringing good profits that can easily cover any expenses.

A simple form of investment calculation

Financing investment projects from the point of view of the owner of capital is a refusal to receive immediate profits for the sake of higher income in the future. The problem of assessing the attractiveness of a destination lies in a multilateral analysis of investments and the cash flow that they should provide. The analyst's task is to determine how much the expected results of a particular object correspond to the expectations of the investor himself. Making a decision regarding investment is allowed only if there is information about full reimbursement of expenses, about the correspondence of the amount of additional profit to the level of risk, about the likelihood of achieving the goal.

Calculation methods for investment projects are divided into simple (or statistical) and complicated, based on changes in the value of money in a certain time period. Simple assessment methods were widespread in Soviet practice. The economic rationality of material injections was based on a system of indicators that corresponded to actual economic conditions. This may include:

  • Investment efficiency ratio. Formula: project efficiency = annual profit: investment amount.
  • Payback period. Formula: payback period = investment amount: annual profit.
  • Comparative economic efficiency based on cost minimization. Formula: economic efficiency = current costs + standard efficiency ratio - capital investments for each option.

The investment process has a unique characteristic - a time gap. A certain period of time must pass from the moment of investing funds to the moment of receiving profit in your hands. Calculating an investment project using a simple, domestic scheme is biased, since it misses such a significant aspect as time.

A complex form of calculating the profitability of a project

The adoption of market relations and new legislative acts regarding investment activities have opened up new areas for activity for investors:

  • Wide range of investment objects.
  • Additional criteria for assessing areas for investment.
  • Unique sources of financing.
  • In-depth criteria for objects that allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of an investment project.
  • Opportunity to use work results in a variety of ways.

Hence the simple conclusion - when evaluating any project, it is important to take into account external factors. The essence of the complex valuation method is based on the fact that cash flows for income and expenses are not assessed as a single whole, but are completely independent quantities. An objective assessment is only possible when the costs of a specific project are compared with the profit at the time the costs are incurred. Thus, the risks of investment projects are taken into account, and income is discounted. Economic assessment makes it possible to determine the attractiveness of a direction in comparison with other industries available for investment. Project evaluation using a complex methodology involves studying indicators such as:

  • Payback period.
  • Net worth of income at a given point in time.
  • Rate of return (or profitability ratio).
  • Internal rate of return.
  • Profitability rate of financial management.

A rational assessment of the scope of investment in a modern economy can only be made taking into account the entire range of indicators. The economic essence of each direction is different. The analyst has access to information about different aspects of the project, which makes it possible to make a decision solely by comparing all the values.

Project effectiveness: types and specifics

The implementation of investment projects is allowed only after their comprehensive assessment, which can be carried out on the basis of a number of criteria, ranging from scale to investor interest. The main indicator of the profitability of a direction is efficiency. Rationalism makes it possible in the future to receive from investments not only economic benefits, but also non-economic ones, in particular the relief of social tension.

  • Overall efficiency, which is divided into socio-economic and commercial.
  • Efficiency of participation, including efficiency for enterprises, for investors who will purchase shares in the future, for large companies and even for government agencies.

What does the modern market economy dictate?

Any investment project in modern conditions of a market economy must be considered simultaneously from a large number of sides. The principles and methods that allow for directional analytics are as follows:

  • Modeling the flow of funds, resources and products with services.
  • Market analysis including the financial condition of the enterprise.
  • Level of trust in project management.
  • Impact of the implemented project on the environment.
  • Comparison of future expenses with results. It is based on orientation and on achieving a rate of profit in accordance with the amount of capital.
  • Calculation of potential expenses and income, their commensurability and economic value at the initial stage of the project and at its final stage.
  • Assessing the likelihood of inflation affecting the situation. Including risks associated with delayed payments and other issues that may have a direct impact on the value of the material resources used.
  • Consideration of uncertainty, including the risks of investment projects.

Comprehensive analysis and risk minimization

After making calculations and creating a business plan, it is necessary to answer the question of whether the enterprise is able to fully implement the idea. A rational answer helps to find a comprehensive analysis of the economic sector within which this project exists. It is important to assess competing organizations in this area. For Western countries, it is typical to use the following criteria to evaluate the industry as a whole:

  • direction maturity;
  • the place that an enterprise occupies in a specific segment of activity.

By assessing the level of competitiveness of a project in the target segment, it is possible not only to determine its life cycle. Investors are presented with the most effective areas of investment that will allow them to raise the organization to a higher level. The stage of preliminary assessment of the object, although it does not last for a long time, is very important. Given the wide diversity of organizations, the general scheme of preliminary analysis comes down to one single scenario, which involves a number of activities aimed at assessing the commercial feasibility of the project, technical and financial, as well as economic and institutional. The risks are analyzed last. If the results of the analysis do not meet expectations, the direction is not closed. Certain adjustments may be made, with further analysis to be carried out from the outset. Such a circular assessment scheme can be repeated until a satisfactory calculation result is obtained.

Even if the indicators of an investment project turn out to be positive, they should be compared with data from other projects of a similar type. There is a high probability that other areas will turn out to be more attractive and capable of bringing returns in a shorter time. In order to determine as accurately as possible a profitable direction for investment, a huge amount of work needs to be done. When it comes to investing in large commercial projects, such as factories or processing plants, the process of analyzing the situation at the site can drag on for six months, or even more. The investor’s profit and the size of the risks will depend on the accuracy and objectivity of the calculations.

Project risks

Absolutely all economic investment projects are directly related to risks of a very different nature. The level of their influence on the activity of the object may increase due to radical changes in the state’s economy, due to the volatility of market conditions, due to the emergence of a large number of innovative areas for investment. The integration risk of the real investment process is based on project risks. They are related to actual actions. In the system of indicators for assessing objects, the level of risks occupies the third most important position.

Real project risks imply the likelihood of unfavorable financial circumstances in the form of loss of expected investor income with the uncertainty of its implementation. Assessing the effectiveness of investment projects is impossible without considering risks, which, in turn, have characteristic features:

  • Integrated character. The total risk indicator consists of a large number of coefficients calculated for all types of secondary risks.
  • Objectivity of occurrence. Risks are inherent to each of the investment areas, regardless of the specification of activity and area.
  • Diverse species structure. At each stage of the implementation of an investment project, various types of risks may arise, which should be assessed with a focus on different stages of the implementation of the activity.
  • Strong connection with commercial issues.
  • Binding to the duration of existence of a certain object.
  • Dramatic changes in the indicator relative to single-plane projects.

It is worth adding here that assessing risks for a specific investment project is extremely problematic due to the limited amount of information. Moreover, there are not enough indicators on the market that would help make the most accurate calculations to evaluate an investment project. An example of an effective investment is always supported by additional costs for assessing the situation, for analytics, and for attracting audit companies. Not only should the documentation for the project be ideal, but the actual work of the project itself should be consistent with the available data.

Investment project: example

In practice, investment projects are documents that describe in detail certain business activities, starting from the planning stage and ending with obtaining certain results.

An example of an investment project is the construction of a residential complex. Investment will be made in construction. To enter the project, it is necessary to allocate funds for the purchase of a land plot, construction materials, wages for workers and other issues. The profitability of the project will be generated through the sale of ready-to-use square meters and the sale of parking spaces.

Another example would be investing in a brewery. The purpose of the investment will be to modernize production lines and further sell beer. To achieve optimal profitability indicators, it is worthwhile to re-equip, expand old and create new markets. Important points are the expansion of the range and the implementation of a set of marketing activities.

Any company and any enterprise can act as the center of an investment project. The main thing is that in order to rationally assess the effectiveness of investments, you need to apply all the indicators described above to the priority area.

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