A book on the palm. Quick search in the electronic catalog of mbuk cbs taganrog

Five libraries of the Nefteyugansk region took part in the International event held by the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Samara " Centralized system children's libraries."

The campaign was held to attract children preschool age to reading children's literature.

Manager Singapai Settlement Library visited the children preparatory group kindergarten. The children were presented with G. Oster’s book “Kitten Woof”. Some children were already familiar with the heroes of this work, but listened to the story with pleasure. All the children took part in the discussion of the work. The book was not read in its entirety, but the children, in order to find out the continuation, received an invitation to visit the library with their parents, take the book home and read it.

Irina Koshelapova, head of the library

For loud reading by employees Poikovsky settlement children's library "Joy" The book “Kitten Shmyak” by R. Scotton was chosen. The guys listened with pleasure about the adventures of the funny kitten. It was very interesting for the kindergarteners not only to listen, but also to discuss why the kitten was afraid to go to school and what awaited him there.

Shmyak's coloring pages were a good addition to the event.

Larisa Samoilenko, librarian

Librarian Lempina Settlement Library I didn’t come to kindergarten empty-handed, of course I brought it with me most interesting book for reading, by the wonderful author Grigory Oster, “Charging for the Tail.” First of all, the children got acquainted with the biography of the writer, then everyone sat down comfortably and began to listen carefully to the fairy tale. The children were very attracted and interested in this book, the children asked to leave it to read in full. The teacher gladly took the book to the group for further review. children's creativity Grigory Bentsionovich Oster.

P.S. Dear parents! If you want to see your child successful, then start reading to him right now, because reading develops imagination, thinking, speech, outlook, literacy, and trains the mind and memory.

Why does your child not like to read, maybe because the problem lies in the incorrectly chosen first books? Come with your children to the library, and the library staff will help you making the right choice books.

Olga Komarova, head of the library

Young Salym residentslibrarians introduced them to little books. These are small books, paperback, but each is a complete, complete work. As part of the event, librarians read poems by contemporary children's authors.

Alena Golod, librarian

Karkateevskaya Settlement Model Library introduced the kindergarteners to L. Panteleev’s story “Fenka”, the children followed with great interest the progress of the story about an extraordinary little girl (smaller than Thumb himself), eating nails, sleeping with her feet on a pillow, and not knowing how to wash herself properly. Together with the librarian, little readers found some similarities between the heroine of L. Panteleev’s story and the hero of Galina Alexandrova’s books, the brownie Kuzya.

The meeting made a positive impression on the children; everyone promised to come to the library to get books.

Svetlana Bronnikova, head of the library

In the International Action “Book on the Palm-2016”(August 8 - September 15) five library branches of the Centralized Library System of the city of Yaroslavl took part: Central Library named after M. Yu. Lermontov, branches No. 1, 7, 16, 18. August 30 at 10:00 they were read aloud at the same time best books modern children's writers for preschoolers aged 5-7 years from orphanage No. 5 named after. N. N. Vinokurova, kindergartens No. 22, 37, 48, 176.

Total participants - 132 , of which children – 118.
“From word to word - like over bumps -
Have fun running along the lines...
And so learn to read -
How to run, jump... How to fly!
I know, soon on the page
You will flutter like birds...
After all, it is vast and great,
Like the sky, the magical world of books!”

Wonderful lines from a famous children's writer Victor Lunin opened a meeting with pupils of kindergarten No. 22 in the library № 7 (st. Pirogova, 22)

And the children “rushed” through the pages of his books. In the fairy-tale story “The Adventures of Butter Liza”, one and only pastry chef Krem was waiting for everyone in his old house...

The delight of emotions among the pupils of the orphanage No. 5 named after N. N. Vinokurova was caused by poems read by the author of the book “Apples and Heels” Anastasia Orlova.

Future first-graders from kindergarten No. 48 and readers of Library No. 16 named after A. S. Pushkin will be remembered for a long time ( st. Stachek, 57), books by Grigory Oster.

In library number 18 ( st. Spartakovskaya, 17) The children of kindergarten No. 176 were read funny poems by Yunna Moritz, Vladimir Stepanov and Grigory Oster. The funny adventures of the dog from Andrei Usachev’s fairy tale “Smart Dog Sonya” brought many happy moments to the children. While reading the book “Tales of the Lion Cub and the Turtle” by Sergei Kozlov, it was difficult to resist singing the famous song “I’m lying in the sun...”.

And the staff of library No. 1 read the book by Yaroslavl author Valentina Radul “The Tale of a Young Cockerel and His Forest Friends” in kindergarten No. 37.

The kind, cheerful heroes of the books read to the children found a response in everyone’s soul, because popular children’s authors can speak the universal language of children. Therefore good good book about friendship and joy develops the child’s imagination, teaches him to be himself and always find something positive in life.

In the libraries of the MBUK "CBS" in Mikhailovka, as part of the implementation of the Reading Promotion Program - 2016, in order to attract preschool children and their parents to read modern children's literature, August 30, 2016, at 10 - 00 o'clock, is already traditional (most libraries participate in third time), started International campaign “Book on the Palm - 2016” . The initiator and organizer of the event isMunicipal budgetary institution Samara city district "Centralized system of children's libraries".

On Preschooler's Day, young readers made amazing journeys in the wise kingdom, the state of books and got acquainted with the works of the best representatives of modern children's literature, their favorite literary characters and found new and loyal friends.

Central city children's library MBUK "CBS", head Trudnikova E.G., has been actively and fruitfully collaborating with municipal preschools for many years educational institutions"Firefly" and "Smile".

Loud book readings were held for 82 pupils:

· “A Kitten Named Woof” - G. Ostera;

· Several funny stories from Usachev’s collection “Once Upon a Time There Were Hedgehogs”;

· “Smart dog Sonya - A. Usacheva.

Loud reading and discussion of stories evoked many bright and genuine children's emotions. After all, preschool children are spontaneous, receptive to any word, especially to the wonderful modern prose of our beloved children's authors.

Young readers answered questions about the works read aloud to them, asked a lot of them themselves, had fun with all their hearts, getting carried away by the plots of what they read.

The meeting with the modern book was successful, bright and very friendly. After all, everything in life is beautiful, and Children and Books are especially beautiful!

The action was prepared and carried out by librarians of the Central City Children's Library of Mikhailovka, Volgograd Region - Belitskaya G.S., Chekunova T.P., Shemetova E.V.

Carrying out the “Book on the Palm” campaign in the library MCBST MBUK "CBS" has become a good tradition. So this year we will embark on literary journey on creativity Andrey Usachev We offered it to children aged 5-6 years, pupils of the kindergarten “Luchik”.

city ​​children's library No. 9 within the framework of this action there wereloud readings “Everyone suddenly understands that the book is our priceless friend!!!” - with pupils of the preparatory group “Kolobok”, MBDOU “Kindergarten of a combined type “Lukomorye” of the urban district of the city of Mikhailovka, Volgograd region” Branch of Kindergarten No. 18 - “CAMOMILE”. There were only 34 people present, 30 children and 4 children's reading leaders.

In the opening speechHead of the library Natalya Nikolaevna Shishkova told the children about this action. I informed the guys that 2016 has been declared the year of Cinema in Russia. I explained to the girls and boys that their favorite cartoon characters came from children’s books, and drew attention tobook exhibition “Big Reading for Little Preschool Children.”

Junior subscription librarian Natalya Georgievna Korabelnika said that in the book kingdom there are many children's books written by wonderful writers such as A. Usachev, D. Emets, T. Kryukova, S. Prokofieva, E. Uspensky and many others. etc. They listened with great enthusiasm and interest reading a book out loud“Smart Dog Sonya” by A. Usachev . The children enjoyed watching the cartoon based on the work of the same name.

The little participants of the action took an excursion to the junior library library and saw that books come in different formats, large and small, and different in content. Small ones fit in the palm of your hand. They looked at the books very carefully. And as a souvenir of the meeting, the library workers gave each child a piece of paper - a coloring book, which depicts the heroine of the book, the dog Sonya. They also distributed business cards for the children's library with the library's operating hours. The children thanked the librarians for the holiday and promised to come next time with their moms and dads.

An unforgettable meeting was held with the children of the group preschool education MKOU "Sidorskaya Secondary School", thanks to the head Sidorskaya Library No. 22 MBUK "CBS" Avdeeva N.N. .. Literary hour “The Poetry of Kindness of Agnia Barto”, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the beloved children's writer, it turned out to be very fun, interesting and educational. It’s not for nothing that Barto was called an expert on children’s souls. Her poems are wise, cheerful, restless, they teach to be humane, modest, hardworking, to respect other people, to help parents. Reading the works of Agnia Lvovna, children learn to live from her heroes.

The children listened with great interest to the librarian’s story about the life and work of the children’s poetess, accompanied by uh electronic presentation “Beloved Friend of Childhood ", and went on a fascinating journey through the poems of Agnia Lvovna Barto. The participants of the action were active in loud readings "I'll start, and you continue" . Based on a leading question, the children guessed the toy, and then, taking it in their hands, they expressively read a poem about Tanya crying loudly, about a cowardly bull, they felt sorry for the bunny abandoned by the owner, a bear with a torn paw...

The librarian read wonderful poems aloud to the childrenabout little boys and girls just like them.The guys recalled Agnia Lvovna’s poems, listened carefully to the questions and answered them. Barto knew children well, wrote about children and for children. Her poems are used as the basis for many animated films. The young participants enjoyed watching the cartoon based on the poem A. Barto "Bullfinch".

Avdeeva N.N. drew the attention of young readers to colorfully designed book exhibitions “Poetry of Kindness”, “Great Poet for Little Children”.

The children were presented with literature review “The Poetry of Kindness”, allowed learn more about your favorite author and the characters in her books, and at the same time learn lessons about kindness, friendship and mutual assistance. Poems and songs, cartoons helped children plunge into the wonderful world of Agnia Barto's poetry.

The children looked at the bright, colorful books of Agnia Barto with great joy, asking many questions and stretching out their palms to the books.

The children were grateful for participating in the action and expressed that A. Barto’s books will always be loved and read, because they always bring joy and goodness!36 people took part in the action.

August 30 Razdor Library No. 16 MBUK "CBS" (head Popova L.V.) joined the International campaign "Book on the Palm". On this day, loud book readings were organized for children aged 5-6 years of preschool age (10 people)Sofia Prokofieva "Masha and Oika" and Andrey Usachev “Smart dog Sonya”. The children met in absentia short biography authors, talked about the books they wrote for children.

Chapters from the book “Masha and Oika” were partially retold using gaming techniques; I wanted to convey all the behavior and character of the main characters. The children laughed heartily. After reading, the children answered a quiz on the topic. Several chapters were read from the book by Andrei Usachev, the illustrations were examined, but the guys continued their further acquaintance with “Smart Dog Sonya” by watching the cartoon of the same name.

We really hope that what we read left a mark on children’s souls and will be remembered by them for a long time.

IN Sennovskaya Library No. 21 MBUK "CBS", head Gurova N.I., We were waiting for the youngest readers - guys senior group kindergarten "Teremok"

On the eve of Knowledge Day Nina IvanovnaI chose a topic about school for preschoolers - future schoolchildren. The guys heardWith quiet "September 1" by A. Usachev, "Who Will Learn What" by V. Berestov, V. Borozdin's story "Sunflowers" about the girl Tanya, whose mother bought a new primer, and Tanya joyfully announced to everyone that she would soon go to school.
The librarian encouraged the children to visit the library with their parents and also gain knowledge.

Library reader Oksana Filimonova (5th grade) brought it as a gift to the librarymusical book for kids "Puppy Meets the Dawn". It was very interesting for the children to listen to the barking of the puppy by pressing the button. Some children don't know that such books exist.
The librarian once again reminded the preschoolers that 2016 is the YEAR OF CINEMA. The children remembered and named many fairy tales on which cartoons were based, and they all watched the cartoon “Kolobok” in the library.
Every child enjoyed guessing riddles about fairy-tale characters from the “Mysterious Jug.” All answers were correct.
Some children brought their favorite books with them and told their peers about them. Thus, Alina Tikhonova told the fairy tale “Kolobok”, Sasha Tikhonova about “The Frog Princess”, Vadim Yudin told the children about Kuzka the Domovenka, and Olenka Grishina recited the “Turnip” fairy tale by heart.
It was unexpected and very pleasant to receive a bouquet of asters from readers, the Davletov sisters Eleonora (6th grade) and Alina (2nd grade), who come to their grandparents from St. Petersburg for the summer and complete their summer reading assignment, thanks to our library. "We're going home, thank you for the books, kindness and for making your place so beautiful" “, they said and also expressed their desire to become a participant in such a wonderful event.

Thus, the number of participants in the action is 19 (12 preschool children, 4 adults and 3 young readers-schoolchildren).

State farm library No. 23 MBUK "CBS", head Penkova I.D. ., once again took part in the Interregional campaign “Book on the Palm”. Cognitive - game program« Along the Russian paths folk tales» was held in the foyer of the State Farm House of Culture, with the creative support of the cultural center staff. Pupils of the Teremok Kindergarten were invited to the event. 20 inquisitive children listened with interest to the story of librarian V.N. Chebanova. about the fact that a fairy tale was born with a person, and as long as a person lives, a fairy tale lives, about what kind of fairy tales there are, who writes them. There was a loud reading of Russian folk tales “Rukavichka”, “Cat, Fox and Black Grouse”, “Sister Fox and Wolf”.

The children remembered what miracles can happen in fairy tales and who their main characters are. Girls and boys guessed magical riddles and took part in a physical education session called “Cat House.” The children especially liked the puppet show “About the Brave Hare,” which was shown to young spectators by workers from the cultural center and library. At the end of the event, a traditional live conversation with the book took place. The children looked through the pages of their favorite fairy tales with interest.

“Once upon a time there were hedgehogs.” At this colorful event, girls and boys not only listened to the librarian’s story about the life and work of one of the best authors of children’s literature in our country, but also took a journey into the wonderful and extraordinary world of Usachev’s books “Merry Kampania”. When you read cozy and warm stories from the book “Once upon a time there were hedgehogs,” your soul becomes calm and cheerful. The children especially liked the story “How Vovka defeated the wolf.” At the event, the preschool children had a lot of fun - taking part in the “All about Hedgehogs” competition. The most active were Vlad Makridin, Vlad Tsykanov, Sveta Trifonova and others. Having met the heroes of Andrei Usachev’s books, the guys learned a lot of good things from them. There were 20 children present at the event.

Doors Karagichevskaya Library No. 34 MBUK "CBS", Head Senyakina L.G., were open and waiting for their little readers. The children of the senior group of the kindergarten met and visited a writer, storyteller, comedian and merry fellow on Preschooler's Day Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. WITH early years his poems and fairy tales give us joy, fun and good mood. Korney Ivanovich was a friend of children: he loved them, communicated, for each child he found his own treasured, magic word, your own joke, funny saying. No wonder the children were drawn to him and affectionately called him “Uncle Chukosha.” The children were presented with an exhibition of books by children's writers, and the animated films “Moidodyr” and “How the Lion Cub and the Turtle Sang a Song” were shown. During the event, a loud reading of excerpts from works by children's writers was demonstrated (S.G.K. Ozlov, K.I. Chukovsky). At the end, the children looked at children's magazines with great interest. Fidget", "Misha", "Murzilka", "Vinnie and his friends I" presented at the exhibition. In total, 20 people took part in the event (15 people. children).

Orlova Yu.A., Head of Katason Library No. 35 MBUK "CBS" presented books Vladimir Suteev fairy-tale characters Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and Rabbit for kindergarten students, as well as future first-graders.

Smart Rabbit read all the books of this wonderful writer, but Winnie and Piglet had never heard of them. They thought that the children who came to the library also did not know these books. But it turned out that the kids know them and really love books and cartoons based on them.

The librarian read a fairy tale to the children V. Suteeva “Different wheels”, listened to her very carefully, and therefore easily answered the quiz questions on this fairy tale.

For the first time this year, I took part in the event Ilmenskaya-2 library No. 7 MBUK "CBS", head Pakhomova E.A.. 11 preschool children read the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky, demonstrating their knowledge by participating in a literary quiz.

IN library No. 8, head Botkina M.N. ., 23 children took part in the event.
Head MCBST MBUK "CBS" Marchukova V.T.

August 30 For the past 2 years, all children's libraries in the city have been holding the international campaign “Book on the Palm,” timed to coincide with Preschooler's Day.

The organizer of the event is the Samara municipal budgetary cultural institution “Centralized System of Children's Libraries”.

The event was held as part of the Reading Promotion Program in collaboration with municipal preschool educational institutions. The goal of the Action is to attract preschool children to read modern children's literature. Objectives of the Action: attracting preschoolers and their parents to active reading activities; combining the efforts of institutions working with preschoolers (libraries, kindergartens, etc.) in supporting and promoting children's reading.

At exactly 10:00, preschoolers came to the libraries to join the action. Colorful books were waiting for the children, and the librarians enthusiastically read them to the children. best works contemporary domestic and foreign children's writers.

Each meeting with young readers was a real holiday with literary games, quizzes, gifts and at the same time was distinguished by its uniqueness: somewhere children, after listening to a story, drew its heroes, somewhere they acted out plays, and somewhere they came up with their own stories based on read book.

Young readers - preschool children of Library No. 15 and the children's sector of the Central City Hospital met with their favorite characters who stepped from the pages of the books of the wonderful, cheerful writer Grigory Oster. Together with a curious kitten named Woof and his friend Sharik, the guys looked for the middle of the sausage and learned to be afraid together, and with the heroes of the cartoon fairy tale “38 Parrots,” the guys discussed “bad advice,” performed fun “Scream Culture” exercises and watched excerpts from their favorite cartoons.

In children's library No. 10, they chose Sofia Prokofieva’s book “Masha and Oika” for reading. In library No. 12, the event began with a play session with elements of loud reading “Once upon a time there were hedgehogs” (based on the work of A. Usachev). The leisure department of the Central Library invited kindergarten students to the poetry game “The Great Inventor - Andrei Usachev!” The presenter-librarian and the Mouse from the poem “The Book in the Grass” read the poem to the children. Together with Andrei Alekseevich’s poems, the children repeated the count to “10”. At the end of the poetry game, A. Usachev’s advice and poems taught all children to fight their own fears and not be afraid of anything!

There was laughter and applause in all the libraries that day!

The result of the “Book on the Palm” campaign is more than 400 preschool children who want to learn to read and, like adults, go to the library!

The results of the international event are being summed up, and we thank all its participants for their activity and initiative!

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