Love and muses of Fyodor Tyutchev. Love lyrics by F.I. Tyutcheva, L. Feta, N.L. Nekrasova (comparative analysis) Comparison of the love lyrics of Fet and Tyutchev

Comparative characteristics themes of love in the lyrics of Tyutchev and Fet. The first point of the plan is a comparison according to the criteria of the artistic image created by the author. Tyutchev's poem "I Met You and Everything That Was Past" is a wonderful example of a poem about pure love; the author examines the theme of feelings. So, for example, this poem describes the feelings again experienced by the happy lyrical hero. Tyutchev reveals to us a bright feeling of love from a familiar perspective for everyone. So love appears in his poem as something sincere, bright and tender. Love fills the lyrical hero with the meaning of life, he is happy. The poem immerses the reader in a world of warmth and harmony.

In Fet's poem "You have suffered, I still suffer," the poet created the image lyrical hero, through which he conveys his situation.

This poem is dedicated to one of the poet's lovers - M. Lazic, it is about love. He did not have the courage to stay with Lazic and he neglected not only his feelings, but also the feelings of Maria and soon ran away, after which until the end of his days he said: “I regret my action.” How many days after he left Maria, he learns that the Woman died, one version of the death was that Maria committed suicide, Fet tried to do the same thing, according to the assumption of some researchers. Despite the several decades that passed after Maria’s death, Fet was still unable to overcome the feeling of guilt until the end of his life; it bothered him that he could influence Maria’s decision. The poem reflects the poet's torment. The lyrical hero shows how his soul breathes with doubt, his life is saturated with this feeling. The poem is imbued with feelings of love, a feeling of memory for his beloved, he doubts the correctness of his action. The lyrical hero understands that all the best moments of his life were with her, in the past, all he dreams of is to get to her “as soon as possible into your oblivion.” This may once again confirm the idea that Fet could have tried to commit suicide.

The second criterion in comparison is means of expression which poets use in their poems. Tyutchev uses various means of expression such as metaphor, epithet, personification; tender, emotional vocabulary predominates, which shows the youth and sensuality of the lyrical hero.

Fet’s work is dominated by epithets that show the state of the lyrical hero; the poet uses metaphors to show the torment in the depths of the character’s soul, for example, “the chest breathes with doubt” “I avoid my heart”

The third criterion in comparison is the author's intention, why the authors created these works. Tyutchev wanted to portray a happy and bright life, which is possible if you love. The author conveys the power of love, fidelity in love; the author praises the heroes for his wonderful manifestations of his feelings. Memories give a person inspiration and hope, love counters past memories, love is what fills us with life.

A poem dedicated to lost love, tragic outcome and loneliness. The loneliness of a person who could change everything, but did not.

The theme of love in the work of any poet is in one way or another connected with personal experiences, otherwise they would not be able to reveal this complex issue. And it is clear that each author presents it differently; the poetry of A. A. Fet and F. I. Tyutchev, with all its external similarity, was certainly different in the way it introduced the theme of love, and in the attitude towards it, and in the individual strokes of the image.

Until the 50s. In Tyutchev’s works, female images appeared quite rarely, often in the background, and the role of a woman and her love was not so important for the author.

With the appearance in the life of the poet E. A. Denis - Syeva in Tyutchev’s poetry, one might say, the theme of love was fully revealed, he introduced into it a versatile female image, and, obviously, he was one of the first to be able to take the place of a woman, looking at the world from her point of view. We can talk about the tradition of Nekrasov in Tyutchev’s lyrics - the poet created a number of poems with one heroine, whose image turns out to be even more significant than the image of the hero.

Tyutchev’s biography was tragic; the world condemned him for the fact that, being married, he did not hide his love for Denisyeva. This could not help but be reflected in his poems:

Oh how murderous we are

We love you

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are most likely to destroy,

What is dear to our hearts.

Fate's terrible sentence

Your love was for her

And undeserved reproach

She laid down her life!

Often comparing love with the elements, comparing their destructive power, love is a struggle. And, above all, she brings misfortune and suffering for the heroine.

I suffer, I don’t live... by him, by him alone I live.

But this life. Oh, how bitter she is!

The so-called Denisievsky cycle is a kind of diary of the poet, a concentration of his personal experiences. The storm of passions raging in the soul oozes from every line:

You loved, and the way you love -

No, no one has ever succeeded!

Oh my God. And survive this...

And my heart didn’t break into pieces...

The poet more than once emphasized the superiority of his heroine over the lyrical hero; the woman became a symbol of purity and light in Tyutchev’s poetry. This is probably due to the tragedy that the poet experienced - the death of his beloved. But even after this, he continues to love her, praying to God to preserve her memory forever:

Oh, Lord, give me burning suffering

And dispel the deadness of my soul:

You took it, but the torment of remembering it,

Leave me living torment about her.

A. A. Fet also experienced a tragedy, his beloved Maria Lazic died, and his worldview after her death also changes, but differently than Tyutchev’s. He clearly divides life into real and ideal, leaving a place in his poetry only for the ideal. In the poet, two people are fighting - a cruel landowner and a lyrical singer of beauty. Nature, love and music are the ideals of his poetry, and only they deserve to be glorified in poetry.

Fet’s love is separate moments, manifestations of feelings, which is subtly depicted in the poem “Whisper. Timid breathing..." There is no movement here, only images and sounds, which gives a special musicality to the poem, which has been noted more than once by critics in other works of the poet. It is not without reason that many romances were created based on Fet’s poems, such as “At dawn, don’t wake her up...”.

Despite the idealization of love in his poetry, the clear intention of chanting the ideal, Fet could not forget about his beloved, and the theme of their relationship can be traced in the poems, combined with the theme of memory. No, I haven't changed it. Until deep old age, I am the same devotee, I am a slave of your love.

And the old poison of coals, joyful and cruel,

It still burns in my blood.

Although memory insists that there is a grave between us,

I can’t believe that you would forget me, -

When you're here in front of me.

For Fet, love is a necessary part of a person’s life; without it, life is incomplete. He tries to “see”, “recognize” the image of his beloved in other women.

Thus, we understand that the theme of love in the works of Fet and Tyutchev is revealed and shown differently, in Tyutchev it is very real and tragic, Fet abandoned this, devoting himself to serving “pure art.” However, the similarity of these two poets is obvious: their experiences, expressed differently, relate to the same beloved woman and do not change over time. The love lyrics of both Fet and Tyutchev are full of a diverse range of feelings, from complete delight to the most severe pain, and remain invariably close and understandable even to the modern reader.

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Fyodor Tyutchev was seventeen years older than Afanasy Fet. The difference in age, the places they visited and lived in, left an imprint on the works of the great Russian lyricists, who were able to express their thoughts and experiences in poetic form like no one else. Mass contemporary readers treated their poetry rather coldly, and only time put everything in its place. These two geniuses are close in their reverent attitude and love. Let's compare Tyutchev and Fet.

The uniqueness of F.I.’s poetry Tyutcheva

Fyodor Ivanovich wrote a little more than four hundred poems during his life. divides them into three periods. We will limit ourselves to the analysis of works that reflect the life of nature with its deep philosophical overtones, and love lyrics. A comparison of Tyutchev and Fet in these areas of poetry shows the difference between the captivating grace of A. Fet’s “pure art” and the fullness of thoughts and genuine, although stingy, expressions of feelings in F. Tyutchev.

Living in Nice after the death of E. Denisyeva, which he grieved deeply, the poet writes a most bitter poem in which he compares his life to a bird whose wings are broken. She, seeing the bright shine of the south, its serene life, wants and cannot rise. And all of her is “trembling from pain and powerlessness.” In eight lines we see everything: the bright nature of Italy, the brilliance of which does not please, but worries, the unfortunate bird that is no longer destined to fly, and the Man who experiences her pain as his own. A comparison between Tyutchev and Fet, who also experienced a personal drama, is simply impossible here. They speak Russian, but in different languages.

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F. Tyutchev is a subtle psychologist, and no matter what topic he takes on, he will certainly appear before us in all the greatness of a genius.

The musical gift of A. Fet

A comparison of Tyutchev and Fet shows that no matter what picture both poets take on, it will certainly reflect the face of nature or love, often intertwined together. Only A. Fet has more thrill of life, transitions of states. The poet opens up the world and its beauty to us, very accurately reproducing them and improving human nature. “May Night” is a poem that L. Tolstoy immediately learned by heart.

There is a picture of the night sky with melting clouds, and a promise of love and happiness on earth, which turns out to be achievable only in heaven. In general, with all his undeniable musicality, Fet came to a joyful, almost pagan perception of existence.

The relationship between man and nature in two poets

When comparing the lyrics of Tyutchev and Fet, it turns out that for Tyutchev there is no harmony between man and nature. He tries hard to unravel her eternal riddle, which this sphinx may not have. Fet admires her beauty against his will; it flows into him and spills out in the form of enthusiastic works on sheets of paper.

What does love mean to each of them?

Tyutchev believes that love destroys a person. She is devoid of harmony. This element that suddenly comes and destroys an established life. It only brings suffering. A comparison of the poetry of Tyutchev and Fet shows that the latter, even in adulthood, has bright and enthusiastic colors to describe the flaring feeling: “The heart easily surrenders to happiness.”

He remembers and does not forget his youthful love for a minute, but does not turn away from its tragedy in Alter ego and believes that for true love there is a special judgment - he cannot be separated from his beloved.

The world is the creation of the Creator. Both poets try to understand the Creator through nature. But if F. Tyutchev looks at the world with a tragic and philosophical gaze, then A. Fet, like a nightingale, sings a song to its eternal beauty.

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“The entire triumph of genius that Tyutchev could not contain was contained by Fet.” (A. Blok) Define love according to Tyutchev and Fet (Love is...) What does love mean for each of them? Love, love - says the legend - The union of the soul with the dear soul - Their union, combination, And their fatal fusion, And... the fatal duel... And the more tender one of them is In the unequal struggle of two hearts, The more inevitable and truer, Loving, suffering, saddened , It will wear out at last... F.I. Tyutchev I met you - and everything that was before came to life in an outdated heart, I remembered the golden time - And my heart became so warm... Amalia Krudener (Lerchenfeld) 17 I am still languishing with the longing of desires, I am still striving for you with my soul - And in the darkness of memories I still catch your image... Eleanor Tyutcheva 18 Your sweet image, unforgettable, It is before me everywhere, always, Unattainable, unchanging, Like a star in the sky at night... I love your eyes, my friend, with the game their fiery-wonderful, When you lift them suddenly And, as if by heavenly lightning, You quickly glance around the whole circle... But there is stronger charm: Eyes, downcast in moments of passionate kissing, And through lowered eyelashes The gloomy, dim fire of desire. Ernestina Tyutcheva 19 Oh, how in our declining years We love more tenderly and more superstitiously... Shine, shine, farewell light, Last love, the dawn of the evening! for a day she lay in oblivion...” How does love appear in Tyutchev’s poems? Union of the soul with the soul of the native Light Fatal duel Fatal fusion Bliss and hopelessness Golden time Unequal struggle Love in the perception of Tyutchev Love is bliss, and suffering, and hopelessness, this is a fatal duel, this is golden time. Love gives new life, revives a person to life. But at the same time, love is the twin of suicide, a rock that takes away happiness and the joy of being. A.A. Fet and Maria Lazic “I was waiting for a woman who would understand me, and I waited for her.” (From Fet’s letter) The tragedy of the poet’s love and life... Maria Lazic is the poet’s only beloved. 12 You have suffered, I still suffer, I am destined to breathe with doubt, And I tremble, and with my heart I avoid Looking for what cannot be understood... In the silence and darkness of a mysterious night I see a welcoming and sweet shine, And in a starry chorus, familiar eyes Burn in the steppe over a forgotten grave... 11 I won’t tell you anything, I won’t alarm you at all, and I won’t dare to hint at anything about what I silently repeat... 13 For Fet, LOVE is the only content of human existence, the only faith, the unifying principle, the basis of a person’s spiritual existence. Conclusions Tyutchev’s love is tragic. His lyrical hero felt the death of love itself. Tyutchev said that in love itself lies future enmity, separation or betrayal, death or fatigue: “We kill what we love. In a loving touch lies death. Destructive human love is the main manifestation of our inner night.” Fet’s love is passionate, impatient, it is equal to life, and years without love are tedious and boring. The main mood of Fetov’s poems is admiration, joy, delight, the desire to love. In these poems (despite the tragedy in my personal life!) there is no tragedy, love is not a fatal duel, not hopelessness. We can say that the hero of Fet’s lyrics is a man happy in love. We feel this happiness, this trembling of the soul of the lyrical hero. Comparison of lyrics Poets Fet Tyutchev Theme of love Love - experiences associated with one beloved woman Love is endless bliss Love is the twin of suicide Whose lines are these? I knew the eyes - oh, those eyes! How I loved them - God knows! I couldn’t tear my soul away from their magical passionate night... Whose lines are these? Don’t leave me, my friend, stay with me. Don’t leave me: I’m so happy with you...

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