Providing school uniforms. Regulations on school uniforms and student appearance. Application. Project. On providing schoolchildren with school uniforms

Last updated 08/21/2019

A one-time benefit at the beginning of the school year is a social benefit for schoolchildren from low-income or large families. There is no federal law, so regional authorities independently determine the categories of recipients and the amount of benefits, so the amount of payments to prepare children for school differs in different areas. The average benefit in the regions is 1,500 - 2,000 rubles, and in some it reaches 10,000 (Moscow) and 11,180 rubles (KhMAO).

Who is entitled to payments?

One-time school benefits are paid only to certain categories of recipients. Usually these are low-income and large families or single parents:

  • single-parent family - a family without one parent: a woman raising children under 18 years of age, a man raising children, if the mother of the family is deprived of custody rights or is considered dead;
  • a family where the mother temporarily supports the children on her own without the help of her husband, who is serving in the army;
  • large families - three or more born or adopted minor children are being raised;
  • low-income families - families with incomes below the regional subsistence level per person;
  • disabled parents - one of the parents raising children has a disability of the first or second group;
  • a foster carer or guardian with a child living with him legally and for whom guardianship has been established.

How to get school benefits

Contact the social security office where you live to get up-to-date information specifically for your case. Send your request by email - if it is not possible to come in person. The mailing address for appeals is usually posted on the social security website.

You can also submit a request for a consultation on the city administration website.

Parents need to find out accurate information in the following areas, providing an accurate description of your family situation:

  • what form of social benefits does your family fall under?
  • the amount of financial assistance with references to acts in legislation;
  • what documents will be required to apply for benefits;
  • which district department deals with the issue of social security and is authorized to assign benefits.

The main thing is to clarify the main contacts of the department, work schedule and address of the structure.

In many regions, it is possible to submit an electronic application on the State Services website. To do this, you need to fill out an application for receiving the service. All supporting documents are attached to it and sent. The application is immediately sent to the social security authorities. The current status can be seen in the “My applications” section. Within 15 working days, the application for an annual benefit is reviewed and a decision is made. You will see the results in “My Applications”. Refusal may occur due to failure to fulfill any condition or an incomplete set of documents.

By what date should you submit your application?

As a rule, documents and applications are accepted from August 1 or September 1 of the current year until October 31. Accordingly, you should count on real money in the period from August 1 to December 1.


The required package of documents may differ depending on the place where social benefits are issued and the situation, but usually the content is something like this:

  • a written statement requesting benefits;
  • bank account details;
  • applicant's passport;
  • birth certificate of the child(ren);
  • certificate of registration and cohabitation of the applicant with the child, which is obtained from the management company or HOA;
  • certificate of the child’s place of study and enrollment;
  • a certificate of family income from the applicant’s place of work (large families may not be provided).

In addition, you may need:

  • a copy of the document on the creation of a foster family or the transfer of a child into guardianship;
  • a document confirming the parent's disability;
  • death certificate of a spouse or deprivation of his/her parental rights.

The right to receive payments to schoolchildren is confirmed every year.

Benefit amounts at the beginning of the school year

The amount of financial assistance depends on the region and category of recipients. Benefits are paid only for a first-grader or for each student in the family.

Benefits can be not only monetary, but also in the form of discounts in children's stores or free lunches at school.

An approximate table with the amount of school payments in different regions of Russia.

List of regions alphabeticallyPayment amount, ₽Note
Altai region7500
Blagoveshchensk and Amur region2080
Arkhangelsk and Arkhangelsk region1929 annual cash payment for the purchase of clothing for a child studying in general education organizations or in professional educational organizations or educational organizations of higher education
Astrakhan and Astrakhan region1180,29
Belgorod and Belgorod region1920 In accordance with the Social Code of the Belgorod Region
Bryansk and Bryansk region1000
Vladimir and Vladimir region1645
Volgograd and Volgograd region1107
Vologda and Vologda region-
Voronezh and Voronezh region2769
Moscow10000 Resolution
dated December 11, 2018 No. 1525-PP
Jewish Autonomous Region1600 - regular size;
Chita and Transbaikal region-
Ivanovo and Ivanovo region-
Irkutsk and Irkutsk region3000 Additionally, once every 2 years, children are provided with a set of clothes and sports uniforms for attending school classes, or an allowance in the amount of 1000 rubles is provided.
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic-
Kaliningrad and Kaliningrad region1500 - for each schoolchild in a family with 3-5 children
3000 - for each schoolchild in a family with 6 or more children
Kaluga and Kaluga region-
Kamchatka region4500
Karachay-Cherkess Republicfree provision of school textbooks for the entire period of children’s education in general education institutions.
Kemerovo and Kemerovo region-
Kirov and Kirov region-
Kostroma and Kostroma region
  • 5000 - payment to a first-grader;
  • 460 - for travel and meals for other schoolchildren.
Krasnodar region-
Krasnoyarsk region-
Kurgan and Kurgan region-
Kursk and Kursk region-
Leningrad region4000 Law of the Leningrad Region No. 72-oz of November 17, 2017.
Lipetsk and Lipetsk region
  • 2500 rubles once every two years (to provide school uniforms);
  • 2010 rubles annually (to provide sports uniform).
Department of Education of the Lipetsk Region
Magadan and Magadan region-
Moscow region-
Murmansk and Murmansk region4090 On regional one-time benefits in the Murmansk region dated January 12, 2011 No. 1-PP
Nenets Autonomous Okrug-
Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod region897 Law of the Nizhny Novgorod Region dated December 30, 2005 No. 212-Z
Novgorod and Novgorod region-
Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region5000 Resolution of April 23, 2013 N 179-p
Omsk and Omsk region-
Orenburg and Orenburg region-
Orel and Oryol region-
Penza and Penza region-
Perm region-
Primorsky Krai-
Pskov and Pskov region-
Republic of Adygea (Adygea)-
Altai Republic-
Republic of Bashkortostan- Cash compensation for purchased school uniforms is provided once every two academic years in the amount of actual expenses incurred for the purchase of school uniforms, but not more than the maximum maximum amount of monetary compensation for purchased school uniforms established by the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Republic of Buryatia-
Republic of Dagestan-
Republic of Ingushetia-
Republic of Kalmykia-
Republic of Karelia1000 Law of the Republic of Karelia dated December 16, 2005 No. 927-ZRK
Komi Republic4731
Republic of Crimea-
Republic of Mari El-
Republic of Mordovia1500
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)3258
Republic of North Ossetia–Alania-
Republic of Tatarstan-
Republic of Tyva-
Republic of Khakassia2000 Law of the Republic of Khakassia dated October 2, 2008 No. 43-ЗРХ
Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region-
Ryazan and Ryazan region2000
Samara and Samara region200 – with income less than the minimum wage
1000 – for large families
Law of the Samara Region of July 16, 2004 N 122-GD
Saint Petersburg4285

from 01.09.2019 – 4467

Law of St. Petersburg dated November 22, 2011 No. 728-132
Saratov and Saratov region1186
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Sakhalin region-
Ekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region2000
Sevastopolup to 3,500 rubles for each child.The amount of compensation depends on the amount of money spent.
Smolensk and Smolensk region-
Stavropol region1040
Tambov and Tambov region7000 Law on social support for large families in the Tambov region dated May 26, 2011 No. 11-Z

Cash payments are provided once every three years to partially pay for a set of clothes for attending school classes.

Tver and Tver region-
Tomsk and Tomsk region1300-1500
Tula and Tula region-
Tyumen and Tyumen region-
Udmurt Republic-
Ulyanovsk and Ulyanovsk region2000
Khabarovsk region-
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra7453 - basic size
11 180 - upon admission to first grade
Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated July 7, 2004 No. 45-oz
Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region-
Chechen Republic-
Chuvash Republic – Chuvashia-
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug-
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug3354,9
Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region1328


to the Decision of the Council of Deputies

city ​​of Klimovsk

dated 01.01.01 No. 2/6


1. General provisions.

1.1. The procedure and conditions for providing children from large families living and studying in educational institutions in the urban district of Klimovsk, Moscow Region, with school uniforms (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) regulates legal relations related to the organization of provision of school uniforms for attending school classes for the entire period of study in a general educational institution for children from large families of the Klimovsk urban district of the Moscow region at the expense of the budget of the city of Klimovsk provided for these purposes in the current financial year.

1.2. The right to be provided with a school uniform is granted to children from large families with 3 or more minor children who are studying or enrolled in a general education institution in the city of Klimovsk. For the purposes of implementing this Procedure, large families are considered to be families that have lost the status of large families due to one or more children reaching the age of majority, provided that the adult children are studying in educational institutions of all types on a full-time basis and have not reached 23 years of age.

1.3. The right to receive a school uniform for children attending general education institutions is granted once a year.

1.4. Children from large families are not provided with school uniforms:

– not studying at a general education institution in the Klimovsk urban district of the Moscow region;

– not registered and/or not residing in the urban district of Klimovsk, Moscow region.

1.5. For the purpose of implementing this Procedure, the following concepts are used:

– school uniform for girls – skirt, jacket (jacket);

– school uniform for boys – trousers, jacket.

2. The procedure for applying for school uniforms.

2.1. To provide children from large families studying or enrolled in a general educational institution of the Klimovsk urban district with a school uniform, the parent (legal representative) applies to the Education Department of the Klimovsk City Administration, Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Department) and submits the following documents:

Application for provision of a school uniform according to the attached form (Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure) (submitted before June 15, 2014 and annually starting from 2015 by May 31 of the year preceding the next school year);

– a copy of the identity document of one of the parents (legal representative);

– a copy of the child’s birth certificate (or student’s passport);

– a copy of the certificate of a large family (if available) or another document confirming the status of a large family.

– a certificate from a general educational institution confirming that the child is studying at a general educational institution in the Klimovsk urban district of the Moscow region.

To provide for a child under guardianship, an additional extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority to establish guardianship (trusteeship) is submitted.

2.2. The documents specified in paragraph 2.1 of this Procedure are attached to the application in copies with the originals presented for verification. Copies of documents are certified by an employee of the Department, who is assigned this responsibility by order of the head of the Department.

2.3. The decision to provide school uniforms is made by the Office within 7 days and is communicated in writing to the applicant.

2.4. The provision of school uniforms is carried out by the Department through the purchase of school uniforms for children from large families through competitive procedures in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Federal Law of January 1, 2001 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services for the provision of state and municipal needs."

2.5. An applicant may be denied a school uniform if he/she provides documents containing false information. .

2.6. The decision to refuse to provide a school uniform is communicated to the applicant by the Office in writing within 3 working days.

3. List of activities aimed at providing children from large families with school uniforms.

3.1. If there are funds in the budget of the city of Klimovsk of the current financial year to provide children from large families with school uniforms and the corresponding budget allocations, limits of budget obligations and maximum amounts of funding for these purposes are communicated to the main manager of budget funds - the Education Department of the Administration of the city of Klimovsk, Moscow Region, the Department implements the following events:

3.1.1. Forms a list of children from large families whose parents (legal representatives) within the period established by this Procedure applied to the Office with an application for provision of a school uniform, submitting a full package of required documents.

3.1.2. Determines the number of children to be provided with a school uniform for the upcoming school year.

3.1.3. Within 10 calendar days, makes changes to the Department’s procurement plan and ensures its posting on the Internet.

3.1.4. Within 10 calendar days from the date of changes to the procurement schedule, the Department prepares documentation on the electronic auction.

3.1.5. Ensures that events for holding an auction are carried out within the time limits established by the Federal Law of January 1, 2001 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs.”

3.1.6. Based on the results of the implementation of the competitive method of identifying a supplier in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of January 1, 2001 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” and the conclusion by the Department of the corresponding contract within 7 calendar days, the Department will finalize the location, the method and deadline for obtaining a school uniform to the attention of parents (legal representatives) who have applied to the Office within the period established by this Procedure with an application for provision of a school uniform, submitting a full package of required documents, and included in the list of those subject to provision of a school uniform in the current financial year at the expense of funds budget of the city of Klimovsk.

4. Final provision.

4.1. Parents (legal representatives) are required to notify the Department of the occurrence of circumstances that constitute grounds for termination of the provision of school uniforms within no more than two months from the date of the decision to provide school uniforms.


to the Terms and Conditions

providing for children

from large families,

residents and students

on the territory

Klimovsk urban district

Moscow region,

school uniform

Head of the Education Department

Administration of the city of Klimovsk

from ______________________________,

residing at the address:


(index, full address),

tel. for contact____________________

e-mail _________________________


In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001.
No. 000 “On measures for social support of large families”, Decision of the Council of Deputies of the city of Klimovsk dated “__”_______2014 No. ____ “On providing children from large families living in the territory of the Klimovsk urban district of the Moscow region with school uniforms” I ask you to provide my child ________________________________________________________________________________

(last name, first name, patronymic in full)

Year of birth as a child from a large family, school uniform _______ color for attending school classes ______ size, ________ height.

I am attaching to the application:

– a copy of the identity document of one of the parents (legal representative)________________________________________________________________;

(last name, first name, patronymic in full)

– a copy of the child’s birth certificate (or a copy of the student’s passport)

(last name, first name, patronymic in full)

– a copy of the certificate of a large family (if available) or another document confirming the status of a large family;

– a certificate from a general education institution confirming that the child is studying in a general education institution in the Klimovsk urban district of the Moscow region.

I hereby consent to the processing of the personal data I provide in documentary and electronic forms with the possibility of collecting, systematizing, storing personal data in an automated and non-automated way.

This consent is valid from the date of filling out this consent for the period of storage of information in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

This consent may be revoked at any time upon my written request.

"_____"___________ 20___ __________________ ____________________

Signature Full name

For more than 5 years, the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) has been in force in Russia, but every time before the start of the school year problems arise with providing schoolchildren with textbooks, workbooks, school uniforms, meals, transportation of children to school, etc., the solutions to which are determined by the Law and regulatory documents in matters of school education. Let us recall some provisions of these documents.

We hope that they will help parents who have similar problems preparing their children for school.
Textbooks, teaching aids, workbooks, skis are provided to schoolchildren free of charge
According to Art. 35 of the Law, students of state and municipal schools are provided with free textbooks, teaching aids, as well as educational and methodological materials necessary for obtaining education within the Federal State Educational Standard. The school is provided with such textbooks and aids from budgetary allocations. Electronic textbooks are also free for students.
If we are talking about textbooks and manuals for any in-depth studies that go beyond the scope of the Federal State Educational Standard, or about paid classes (for example, clubs), then in this case the school has the right to offer parents to purchase them at their own expense.
Regarding workbooks, Minister of Education O.Yu. Vasilyeva back in 2016, during the All-Russian Parents’ Meeting, clearly outlined the department’s position: “ If a school includes a notebook in the mandatory list, then it must provide it; there can be no other options. Voluntarism is not allowed here».

Also, parents are not required to buy skis and boots for physical education, because the school must provide students with free educational and educational means, which include, among other things, sports equipment and inventory. According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2016 N 336, skis, boots, ski poles, etc. are included in the list of teaching and educational means necessary for the implementation of general education programs that meet modern learning conditions.
The service life of textbooks is determined by the Federal State Educational Standard and physical wear and tear
Regulatory legal documents do not determine the terms of use of textbooks and teaching aids. The validity period of textbooks is the validity period of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, for which the textbook has passed the examination, and the physical wear and tear of the textbooks. If we are guided by the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2014 No. 08-548, then schools have the right to use previously purchased textbooks for 5 years. Therefore, textbooks must be protected, because... Not all students will get new ones.

If a student loses or damages a textbook, parents will have to compensate for the damage
If a student has lost (damaged) a textbook from the school library, then, according to the rules for using libraries (Federal Law of December 29, 1994 N 78-FZ “On Librarianship”) and the local act of the school, the damage caused should be compensated in the amount established by the rules use of a library (for example, money or a similar book). In addition, for loss or damage to a school textbook, a student may face disciplinary measures, if this is determined by the school’s Charter.

School uniforms are required, but students who come to school without uniforms cannot be removed from lessons.
According to Art. 38 of the Law, the school has the right to introduce a school uniform. A local school act is adopted on what the uniform should be (color, style, emblems, rules of wearing). When developing it, schools must be guided by regional standard requirements. In addition, when introducing uniforms, the school is obliged to take into account the interests of low-income and large families, i.e., not introduce expensive and luxurious uniforms (letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 28, 2013 N DL-65/08).
Also, the school does not have the right to decide for parents where, from which manufacturer or seller and at what price they should purchase such a uniform, because such demands are beyond the authority of the school.
If the listed provisions are violated, then parents have the right to appeal the actions of the school management to the regional education authority, the prosecutor's office.
If the school regulation on the dress code of students is advisory in nature, then no sanctions will follow for its violation.
If the Charter, internal regulations or other local acts of the school oblige students to attend classes exclusively in school uniforms, and physical education lessons in sportswear, then in accordance with Art. 43 of the Law, for failure to comply with the provisions of the Charter and other local acts, the school may apply disciplinary measures to students. But the school does not have the right to deny access to students for refusing to wear a school uniform. It is also almost impossible to expel a student from school for stubbornly refusing to wear a school uniform.
If a child is at school without a uniform for good reasons (no uniform, the uniform was dirty, stolen, burned in a fire, etc.), no punishment can follow.
Therefore, as long as a child is a student at a particular school, whether he is in uniform or not, the school does not have the right to refuse him to attend classes. If such a student is not allowed into class, then his constitutional right to receive a general education is grossly violated (Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 5 of the Education Law) and parents can appeal such actions of the school to the regional education authority, the prosecutor's office.

Compensations for the purchase of school uniforms for certain categories of parents are established by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation
In accordance with Art. 38 of the Law, constituent entities of the Russian Federation can compensate parents for the cost of purchased school uniforms if this is provided for by the regional budget. These are, as a rule, low-income and large families.

The school has no right to prohibit fashionable hairstyles, multi-colored hair, high-heeled shoes, makeup and lipstick.
Since the Law allows schools to establish requirements specifically for students’ clothing (specifically, its general appearance, color, style, insignia) and the rules for wearing it. Makeup, hairstyles, bags, shoes are not clothing and have nothing to do with it, then according to the Law, their restrictions established by the school go beyond the school’s competence and are not legal.
Consequently, the school does not have the right to include such provisions in the Charter or other local acts of the school and apply disciplinary measures to students.

The school may refuse admission to study only due to lack of available places.
In accordance with Article 67 of the Law, the rules for admission to basic general education programs must ensure the admission of all citizens who have the right to receive general education at the appropriate level.
After July 1, parents can enroll their child in any school, regardless of their place of residence. Admission to a school may be refused only because there are no available places.
In this case, the parents (legal representatives) of the child, in order to decide on his placement in another general education organization, contact the education management body directly.
The provisions of Article 67 of the Law also apply to admission to 10th grade. Why should schools, in addition to specialized classes, organize so-called universal classes that accept everyone who has a certificate of basic general education.

A student cannot be expelled from school for poor performance.
Sometimes teachers or school administration warn parents that a student who has not eliminated academic debt may be expelled for poor academic performance and offer to transfer him to another school. Such actions by the school are not legal, since the Law does not contain grounds for the expulsion or transfer of a student from school due to unsatisfactory performance, final or intermediate certification at any stage of mastering the general education program on the initiative of the school. The decision to leave for repeated studies or transfer to another school without parental consent is impossible.

Expulsion of a student at the initiative of the school is an extreme measure that is used in exceptional cases
According to Article 43 of the Law, schools can apply this disciplinary measure to a student who has reached the age of fifteen years for repeated failure to comply with or violation of the school’s Charter, internal regulations and other local regulations on the organization and implementation of educational activities, and if other disciplinary measures, measures pedagogical influence did not produce results and his further stay at school has a negative impact on other students, violates their rights and the rights of school employees, as well as its normal functioning.
Thus, they cannot be expelled from school for one offense, or if the student is under 15 years old.
Also, a student's attainment of 18 years of age cannot be grounds for expulsion from school.
The decision to expel a student from school is made taking into account the opinion of the child’s parents (legal representatives) and with the consent of the commission on minors’ affairs and the protection of their rights.
At the same time, the local education authority and the parents (legal representatives) of a minor student expelled from school, no later than within a month, take measures to ensure that the minor student receives a general education.
The decision to expel students and their parents (legal representatives) have the right to appeal to the school commission for resolving disputes between educational participants.

A ninth-grader who did not pass the GIA-9 in September can continue his studies either at school or in the secondary vocational education system
Ninth-graders who have received the right to take the State Examination in additional terms take exams in the relevant academic subjects from September 4 to September 22, 2018.
If ninth-graders do not pass the exams this time, then at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives):
- either receive a certificate of training according to a model independently established by the school, are expelled from school and have the right to continue their education by undergoing vocational training under vocational training programs for blue-collar professions and office positions;
- remain in the 9th grade for the second year and undergo training at school or outside it in the forms established by Article 17 of the Law (in full-time, part-time or correspondence forms, in the form of family education), including according to an individual curriculum.

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”
RIA Novosti l
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 “On approval and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education”
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 “On approval and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education” and dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 “On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education”
Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 2, 2015 No. NT-136/08 “On the federal list of textbooks”
Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 29, 2014 No. 08-548
Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 03/28/2013 No. DG-65/08 “On establishing requirements for students’ clothing”
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 30, 2016 N 336 “On approval of the list of teaching and educational means necessary for the implementation of educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education that meet modern learning conditions...”

Current issues at the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year: textbooks, workbooks, school uniforms, meals, transportation and much more. Part 1: 64 comments

  • Hello! We bought a school uniform for the girl, the color is dark blue, like all the students in our class. Just not a dress with a sleeve, but a sundress with a bare neckline and a white blouse with long sleeves. The school teacher insists on buying a different uniform, dress and apron. Explaining that this is the internal charter of the school. On all the labels of our uniform it is written - school sundress, school blouse. The color scheme is consistent! Why should we now, due to the lack of a sleeve, change schools! Who and when came up with such rules!? We came to school to study, and our nerves were shaking because of our sleeves!

  • Hello! Every year our school purchased workbooks to accompany the textbooks (Harmony program). In advance, all parents paid a mandatory “voluntary donation” to the school in the amount of 3,500 rubles. (otherwise notebooks would not be purchased for the child). And this year, in general, the head teacher said that the state passed a law that the school does not have the right to purchase notebooks for children and students will study without notebooks, despite the fact that they paid for the donation. How is this possible, since the program is designed to use notebooks along with textbooks? And why then are we obliged to pay a donation, where does this money go? With all this, we also donated 1000 rubles for repairs, bought a projector for the classroom, installed plastic windows in the office, parents donate money for literally everything.

  • Hello! Today, when my daughter came home from school, she said that she needs to donate money for workbooks. I understand that workbooks should be purchased by the school. What should we do?

  • Good afternoon.
    In the curriculum of my school I found only compulsory subjects.
    In the part formed by the participants in the educational process, there are dashes.
    Primary education.
    Are there any subjects of choice for participants in the educational process?

  • Hello! The standard for the provision of textbooks and teaching aids is established by 273-FZ and the Federal State Educational Standard. Is there an established security standard for FC GOS? There is not a word about this in the “old” standard. Is there any regulation where I can find out this?

  • Hello! We are faced with a situation probably like everyone else. Every year we hand over 2,500 for workbooks, this year I didn’t, but the teacher explains this: There is some kind of law on education that says that workbooks are consumables and parents are obliged to purchase them themselves. I'm just confused what to do???

  • Good evening. I have the opposite situation. The school is small, the financial support is small and therefore the school did not purchase workbooks. We bought these notebooks back in April and want to use them, but the director forbids it. If you study the san pin, then the workbooks belong to the category of practical work, and not a textbook, manuals (as discussed in Article 35), etc.
    Is it possible to somehow arrange these notebooks as a donation so that children can use them?

  • Hello!
    At school No. 438 of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, third graders were given workbooks only on the English language and the surrounding world. Who should I contact, and what legislative document states that workbooks in the Russian language and mathematics should not be purchased by the school? How does this happen?
    This means the words of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasilyeva at the All-Russian Parents' Meeting on August 31, 2018. mean nothing to the director? Or are the funds allocated by the state not being used rationally?

  • Good afternoon. Please tell me, is it really true that in order to buy an atlas and maps on geography and workbooks in English, UNANIMOUS consent of the parents is necessary for their purchase? We are assured that teachers will not be able (have no right) to use workbooks and an atlas with maps in lessons if the parents of at least one student do not agree to purchase these materials.

  • Good afternoon. Explain. please, in kindergarten, is the kindergarten required to purchase workbooks or can parents buy them?
    There is contradictory information everywhere.
    Because, in some sources on the Internet there is information that if the workbook is according to the program that is indicated in the plans of the preschool educational institution, then the preschool educational institution purchases it, and if not, then the parents.
    And if their parents have already bought them, then wouldn’t it be a violation on the part of the preschool educational institution to deal with them?

    • Good afternoon, Ilya! In accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law on Education, educational publications used in the implementation of educational programs of preschool education are determined by the organization carrying out educational activities, taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards, as well as exemplary educational programs of preschool education and exemplary educational programs of primary general education .
      In accordance with Article 35, students who master basic educational programs at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets within the limits of federal state educational standards, educational standards, organizations engaged in educational activities are provided with free use for the duration of their education textbooks and teaching aids, as well as educational and methodological materials, teaching and educational tools.
      The provision of textbooks and teaching aids, as well as educational and methodological materials, training and education tools for organizations carrying out educational activities according to basic educational programs, within the limits of federal state educational standards, educational standards is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.

  • Good afternoon. Please tell me if there are mandatory regulations on the duration of breaks at school. What should they be? In the electronic school, breaks are indicated for 10 - 20 minutes, but in reality they are usually 5 minutes each.

  • Hello. What about buying materials for the OGE in 9th grade? At whose expense should practice exam notebooks with tests be purchased, are they considered aids...? After all, they cost a lot of money.

  • Hello. Tell me who should buy textbooks to prepare for the Unified State Exam in 9th grade. Parent or school?

  • Hello! please tell me! The situation is this: my child received a new textbook at school, but after four months of use, the corners of the pages were slightly bent and lost from wear, and now we are forced to buy a new textbook! How can something new ever remain new after use! Should we buy a new textbook in this case?

  • Hello. How many years can a school use a textbook? What regulatory documents determine the period of use?

  • Good afternoon. School, Moscow, Maryino district, from grades 1-3 (2016-2019), the parent committee for the textbooks “School of Russia” through the website of the “Publishing House of Enlightenment” we purchase workbooks, test notebooks, problem book notebooks, etc. in Russian. math, literature, inform, environmental world, art, technology, “chess at school” and “English in focus” (“Spotlight”) workbook and collection of exercises.
    We have repeatedly contacted teachers with the question of providing school for students. notebooks, but they explained to us that the school does not purchase workbooks and manuals in which the child writes, because they are used individually, these are one-time benefits for each child, and therefore these are costs that the school cannot bear every year.
    We are finishing 3rd grade and the issue of purchasing arises again, and since more and more people say that in their schools (for example, schools in the city of Zheleznodorozhny M.O.) notebooks are issued free of charge, but they are not issued anywhere from familiar Moscow schools, I wanted to know:
    — are all workbooks, verification papers, collections related to the “School of Russia” program required to be issued by the school, or are there some among them that parents are required to buy?
    — if the school is obliged to provide workbooks, then in accordance with what order? You can indicate the number and paragraph where it is written and a link to some official website where all this is written.
    - In what form (individually or from the family committee, from the entire class with signatures) should you contact the director with a demand to provide the class with work benefits?
    - if the school refuses to provide a slave. notebooks to whom, to what authority, to what address should the appeal be sent?

  • Good afternoon. Please tell me, should parents purchase notebooks for CDF at their own expense?

  • Hello, after looking through my daughter’s textbooks, I found a geography textbook from 2009. Is this acceptable?

  • Good day! We had a disagreement with our daughter’s class teacher about the uniform. My daughter is finishing seventh grade and for all seven years the uniform has been classic (white/any light top, black/blue/gray bottom), but with the new 2019 school year they suddenly decided to introduce a uniform (BLUE dress with long sleeves, white collar and cuffs, - no higher than 10 cm from the knee, black/white apron, etc.). My daughter’s figure is far from the standards of average students and it is problematic to find such a uniform for her, and sewing at least 2-3 uniforms to order (10-15 tr) is a clear overkill in financial terms for a SCHOOL UNIFORM. In addition, they introduced an article prohibiting manicure, makeup, changing hair color, they also determined what shoes and tights children should wear, etc. I refused to sign the notice that I undertake to purchase the established form and monitor compliance with all the conditions of the notice, now the class teacher takes it out on my daughter, intimidating me with an article and expulsion (considering that my daughter is a good student). What should I do?

  • Hello! Please tell me, at our school you can get notebooks according to the program, free of charge. But, what is the crux of the matter, by order of the director, it is forbidden to write in these notebooks!!! At the end of the school year (at the request of the director), workbooks must be returned to the library unchanged. If there is a violation (presence of inscriptions) in the notebooks, the director will demand reimbursement of the full cost of these benefits (workbooks). Are such demands legal?

  • My son passed all the 4th grade textbooks, but when they came to receive the 5th grade textbooks. They said we had a debt. And I personally glued passports to each textbook. The library claims that my son failed 4 textbooks. WHAT TO DO? Where to contact?


I. General provisions

1.1.In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” Art. 28, paragraph 18, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Art. 13-15,The standard regulation on an educational institution, Article 50, and by decision of the school’s pedagogical council, from September 1, 2013, a school uniform is introduced at the MBOU Volodarskaya Secondary School.

1.2. This Regulation is a local act of the school and is mandatory for compliance by employees, students and their parents (persons replacing them).

1.3. This Regulation establishes the definition of school uniform as one of the ways to create a business atmosphere necessary for educational activities.Form disciplines a person. A school uniform helps you feel like a student and a member of a certain team, and makes it possible to feel your involvement in this particular School.

1.4. All school employees belonging to the administrative, teaching and educational support staff are required to monitor students' compliance with the dress code.

1.5. School uniforms are purchased by parents in stores, or are sewn in accordance with the proposed description.

II. Functions of school uniform

2.1. Ensuring the normal functioning of all structural components of the educational process for the entire educational period.

2.2. Maintaining general discipline and order in the school, in accordance with the Internal Regulations for students and the School Charter.

2.3. Elimination of differences in children's clothing, regardless of the financial and social status of their parents (legal representatives).

2.4. Convenience and comfort of use at different times of the year.

2.5. Compliance with hygienic requirements.

2.6. Formation and development of aesthetic taste, clothing culture.

III. Basic requirements for the uniform and appearance of students

3.1. School clothing must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Hygienic requirements for clothing for children, adolescents and adults, children's products and materials for products (products) in contact with human skin. SanPin 2.4.7/1.1.1286-03”, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on April 17, 2003.

3.2. Clothing style - business, classic, modern strict.

3.3. School uniforms are divided into dress, casual and sports.

3.3.1. Casual uniform:

For boys and young men - classic-cut trousers, a jacket or vest in neutral colors (gray, black, dark blue); plain shirt in matching colors; accessories (tie, waist belt);

For girls and young women - a jacket, vest, skirt or sundress in neutral colors or soft shades of gray, black, dark blue; classic-cut trousers in gray, black, dark blue; opaque blouse (length below the waist) in matching colors; (recommended length of sundresses and skirts: no higher than 10 cm from the top of the knee and no lower than the middle of the shin).

3.3.2. Dress school uniformused by students on holidays and special occasions. For boys and young men, formal school clothes consist of casual school clothes, complemented by a white shirt. For girls and young women, formal school attire consists of casual school attire complemented by a white, opaque blouse (length below the waist).

3.3.2. Sports uniform.

School sports clothing must be appropriate for the weather and location of physical education classes.

For exercise in the gym : sports T-shirt of a single color (the color of the T-shirt is determined by the class team), black sports pants (shorts), sports shoes (sneakers, sneakers) with non-slip soles.

For outdoor activities: sports tights and T-shirt, sports shoes (sneakers, sneakers).

3.4. It is necessary to have clean, replaceable shoes.

3.5. Appearance must comply with generally accepted social norms of business style and be secular in nature.

3.6. Students are prohibited from appearing in an educational institution with extravagant haircuts and hairstyles, with hair dyed in bright unnatural shades, with bright manicures and makeup, or with piercings.For girls and boys, a neat business hairstyle and long hair are required(for girls) collected in a bun or braid.

3.7. School uniforms can be made from fabrics of different structures. The color scheme of school uniforms for students in grades 1-11: black, gray or dark blue, plain, calm colors, without inscriptions or drawings.

3.8. Class groups are allowed to choose the same style and the same color scheme (from those offered) of school uniforms and accessories.

3.9. It is allowed to wear gold and silver earrings.

3.10. Students without a school uniform are not allowed to attend classes.

3.11. The teaching staff of the school should set an example for their students and maintain a business style in their everyday clothes.

IV. Rights and Responsibilities

4.1. Students and parents have the right:

Choose a school uniform in accordance with the options offered.

4.2. Students are required to:

Wear a casual school uniform every day;

You must bring your own sports uniform on the days of physical education lessons;

On days of ceremonial assemblies and holidays, schoolchildren wear ceremonial


Clothes must be clean, fresh, ironed;

Treat the uniforms of other school students with care.

4.3. Students are prohibited from:

4.3.1. come to classes without a school uniform;

4.3.2. attend classes without a change of shoes until special order from the director (in

depending on weather stability in September, May);

4.3.3. wear clothes:

Bright colors and shades;

T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, jeans;

Blouses with deep necklines;

With the symbols of asocial informal youth associations, as well as

promoting psychoactive substances and illegal behavior;

Trousers, skirts with a low waist and (or) high slits;

Skirts less than 40 cm long;

Transparent and bright clothes with decorative details in the form of patches, with ruffles

fabrics, with inscriptions and images;

Headwear in the premises of educational institutions;

Beach shoes, chunky shoes with thick platforms, evening shoes and pumps

high heels (more than 5 cm), sneakers or other sports shoes, flip-flops;

4.3.4. wear accessories to school, massive jewelry (beads, brooches, earrings, rings, belts with massive buckles), manicure in bright, extravagant colors (blue, green, black, etc.); manicure with designs in bright colors (drawings, rhinestones, clips); evening makeup options using bright, rich colors.

V. Responsibility

5.1. If a student comes to school without a school uniform, at the request of the administrator on duty (teacher, class teacher), he must write an explanatory note.

5.2. A student without a school uniform is allowed to attend classes, but at the same time provides the administrator on duty (teacher, class teacher) with a diary in which the authorized person makes an entry for parents with a warning that the parents take appropriate measures, i.e. ensured that your child came to school in a school uniform.

5.3. If violations on the part of the student are repeated, the class teacher calls the parents for detailed and repeated instructions on how the students comply with the requirements for school uniform and appearance established by this regulation.

5.4. Disciplinary measures may be applied to students who do not comply with the requirements for school uniform and appearance established by these Regulations - reprimand, reprimand, expulsion from the organization carrying out educational activities (in accordance with Article 43 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273- Federal Law“On education in the Russian Federation”).

VI. Parents' rights

Parents have the right:

6.1. Discuss issues related to school uniforms at the parent committees of the class and school, and submit proposals regarding school uniforms for consideration by the Governing Council.

6.2. Invite parents whose children avoid wearing school uniforms to the class parent committee, the Management Council, the Crime Prevention Council, and apply measures to such parents within their competence.

VI I. Responsibilities of parents

Parents are obliged:

7.1. Purchase school and sports uniforms and second shoes before the start of the school year.

7.2. Monitor the student’s appearance daily before going to school in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations.

7.3. Monitor the condition of your child’s school uniform, i.e. Wash it promptly when it gets dirty.

7.4. Avoid situations where a student explains the reason for the absence of a uniform by saying that it was washed and not dried.

7.5. Check the child’s diary daily regarding a written report about the absence of a school uniform and taking measures to provide the child with a school uniform.

7.6. Come to the Prevention Council on the issue of non-compliance with this Regulation.

VI II. Parental Responsibility

For improper fulfillment or non-fulfillment by parents of this Regulation, parents bear administrative responsibility, determined by the Governing Council within its competence.

IX. Rights of the class teacher

The class teacher has the right to Explain the points of this Regulation to students and parents against signature.

X. Responsibilities of the class teacher

The class teacher is obliged:

10.1. carry out daily monitoring of whether students in their class are wearing school uniforms and replacement shoes before the start of classes;

10.2.With promptly (on the day of the fact) inform parents about the fact that the student does not have a school uniform, and invite them to the Prevention Council;

10.3.d act within the scope of their competence on the basis of the job description.

XI. Responsibility of the class teacher

For failure to perform or improper performance of official duties, he bears responsibility as provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and local acts of the educational institution.

Many parents, despite the fact that school uniforms have long become an obligatory attribute of educational life, are wondering: is a school uniform mandatory? When preparing your child for school, do you need to buy a uniform or can you do without it?

Parents and teachers, graduate students have many arguments for and against. Many people believe that compulsory wearing of a school uniform infringes on the rights and responsibilities of the individual. Others are confident that a school uniform organizes the student, improves discipline in the classroom, and increases the level of attention in class.

Why was school uniform introduced?

  1. To provide students with comfortable and aesthetic clothing in everyday school life.
  2. Eliminating signs of social, property and religious differences between students.
  3. Preventing students from developing psychological discomfort in front of their peers.
  4. Strengthening the general image of the educational organization, the formation of school identity.

Is school uniform compulsory when attending an educational institution?

Since the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the Law) has given educational organizations the opportunity to establish requirements for schoolchildren’s clothing (color, type, size, style, insignia, etc. ), questions regarding the need for school uniforms have become even more numerous.

From a legal point of view, if an educational organization has introduced a school uniform, then it is a necessary condition for attending school. The student’s responsibility is to comply with the Charter of the educational organization and the requirements of local regulations, for example, wearing a school uniform (Article 43 of the Law). Each parent who enrolls their child in 1st grade must familiarize themselves with the Charter of the educational institution against signature. If the Charter contains a clause stating that a school uniform is mandatory, then all students, as participants in the educational process, are obliged to comply with the school’s requirements - to wear a uniform.

In a situation where a student came to school without a uniform, he violated the requirements of the Charter of the educational institution. This situation should not entail such a measure as suspension from school. This is due to the fact that every citizen is guaranteed the right to education. Violations of the Charter of an educational institution may lead to disciplinary action. Most often, in school practice, it is enough to have a conversation with the student or his parents so that the student’s appearance meets the requirements of school etiquette.

It is worth noting here that the school must adopt a local act, taking into account the opinion of the student council, the parent council and the representative body of school employees and students. The introduction of clothing requirements should be made by the decision of all participants in the educational process.

Who determines what uniform children should wear?

This issue falls within the competence of the educational organization, which establishes the types of clothing (sports, formal, casual). Students' clothing may have distinctive signs of the school or class in the form of emblems, ties, and badges. The school can recommend buying clothes of a certain style or color, but does not have the right to demand that you buy a uniform in a specific store, indicating a specific manufacturer.

Special requirements for students' uniforms are provided for educational organizations implementing educational programs in the field of:

  • defense and security of the state;
  • ensuring law and order;
  • customs affairs, etc.

In this case, the rules for wearing uniforms and insignia are established by the founder of the educational organization (Article 38 of the Law).

Can schoolchildren be provided with uniforms for free?

Providing uniforms and other clothing (uniforms) to students at the expense of budgetary allocations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out in cases and in the manner established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, studying at the expense of budgetary allocations of local budgets - local government bodies (Article 38 Law). This means that some categories of schoolchildren can be provided with uniforms at the expense of budgetary funds, if this is provided for by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The decision to introduce requirements for student clothing should take into account the material costs of low-income families (Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 28, 2013 No. DG-65/08 “On establishing requirements for students’ clothing”). Thus, if a subject of the Russian Federation has established strict requirements for the form, then its responsibilities will include providing all low-income citizens with such a form.

The procedure for applying for a subsidy depends on the region of residence of the student’s family. Depending on the territory, you can apply for a subsidy either to the MFC, the district administration, or to the school.

  • Clothing must meet the hygienic requirements for clothing for children, adolescents and adults (SanPiN 2.4/71 1.1.1286-03).
  • Clothing must be appropriate for the weather, the location of the training sessions, and the temperature in the room.
  • It is not recommended to wear shoes, clothes with traumatic accessories, or antisocial symbols.
  • Appearance must comply with generally accepted standards of business style and be of a secular nature.

Of course, students who adhere to certain requirements for appearance comply with the rules of school life. The advantages of a school introducing the wearing of a school uniform are much greater than the disadvantages. Children need to feel that they belong to a certain group or team. This is successfully achieved through the introduction of school uniforms.

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