I decided OGE Dmitry Gushchin Social Studies Test. Online tests of GIA in social studies (society). Theory to OGE in social science

We present to your attention a section on preparation for OGE in social science. This item is the third in popularity after the required and the first to popular among the exams to choose from. I am pleased to give you the most useful and necessary material for each task with a detailed explanation and theory. We are confident this section will help you pass the social science exam in the 9th grade on perfectly!

General Exam Information

OGE according to social studies consists of two parts, which in the amount contain 31 tasks.

First part contains 25 tasks with short answer. The second part of - 6 tasks with Expanded answer.

On the execution of examination work on social science is given 3 hours (180 minutes). Answers to Jobs 1-20 are recorded in the form of one digit that corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Answers to Jobs 21-25 are written in the form of a sequence of numbers in the response field in the text of the work.

Part 2 includes text and 6 tasks to it. To perform these tasks you need:

  • select the desired information from the text
  • disclose (including examples) its individual provisions
  • relate information from text with knowledge obtained when studying the course
  • apply existing knowledge to analyze social situations
  • express and justify your own opinion.

Answers to the tasks of part 2 are written on a separate sheet. When performing tasks can use draft. Records in Chernovik are not taken into account when evaluating work.

Theory to OGE in social science

A brief theory for successful tasks (recommended for reading options).

Write down first the task number (26, 27, etc.), and then the detailed answer to it. Answers write out clearly and picking up.

Read the text and execute Tasks 26-31.

We are in a century in which education, knowledge, professional skills will play a decisive role in the fate of a person. Without knowledge, by the way, everything is more complicated, it will simply be necessary to work, to benefit ... A person will make new ideas, think about what the car will not be able to think. And for this, there will be more and more human intelligence of a person, its ability to create a new one and, of course, the moral responsibility, which will not be able to carry the car ... The man will fall on the hardest and most difficult task to be a person, but a man of science, a man morally responsible for Everything that happens in the age of cars and robots. General education can create a person of the future, a man of creative, creator of all new and morally responsible for everything that will be created.

The doctrine is that now you need a young man from the very old age. You always need to learn. Until the end of the life, not only taught, but also studied all the largest scientists. Change to learn - you can not learn. For knowledge is growing and complicated. It is necessary to remember that the most favorable time for teaching is youth. It is in the youth, in childhood, in adolescence, in his youth a person's mind is most susceptible.

Hello not to waste time on trifles, to "rest", which sometimes tires more than the greatest job, do not fill your light mind with muddy flows stupid and aimless "information." Take care of yourself for the teachings, to acquire knowledge and skills, which only in youth you are easy and quick.

And here I hear the grievous sigh of a young man: what kind of boring life you offer our youth! Just learn. And where is the rest, entertainment? What, we and do not rejoice?

No. Acquisition of skills and knowledge is the same sport. Teaching is hard when we do not know how to find joy in it. It is necessary to love to learn and the forms of rest and entertainment choose clever, who can also teach something, to develop some abilities in us, which will be needed in life ...

Learn to love to learn!

(D.S. Likhachyov)

Make up text plan. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and encroach each of them.

Show the answer

The following semantic fragments can be allocated:

1) the role of education in the XXI century;

2) the moral responsibility of man of science;

3) young years - study time;

4) To be able to find joy in study.

Other formulations of points of the plan are possible, not distorting the essence of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fragment, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks

Show the answer

The correct answer must contain the following items:

1) role: a person will make new ideas, think about what the car will not be able to think about;

2) Quality: human intelligence, its ability to create new, moral responsibility.

Response elements can be given in other formulations, loved ones

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The following reasons may be indicated:

1) Knowledge all grow and complicated;

2) It is in the youth of the mind of a person most susceptible.

Causes can be given in other phosphy

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In the correct answer there must be the following items:

2) two examples indicating the qualities, let's say:

Classes in the sports section are developing force, dexterity, volitional qualities, the ability to interact with partners and rivals;

Reading artwork develops imagination, sense of empathy; Expands ideas about the world and man.

The elements of the response can be given in other, similar in the meaning of the wording

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Such explanations may be given.

A man is moral responsibility for "everything that happens in the age of cars and robots", since:

1) The global economic problems faced by humanity in the second half of the 20th century, is largely caused by the intensive conversion activities of a person, the nature and focus of which at the beginning of the XXI century. not changed;

2) Developing technique and technology not only have a positive impact on the development of society, but also carry a potential threat to the existence of humanity.

Other explanations may be given

The author believes that "I always need to learn." Using text and social scientific knowledge, confirm with two arguments (explanations) the need for continuous education throughout the human life.

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The following arguments (explanations) may be presented:

1) In the modern world, knowledge is very quickly stolen, so they have to constantly replenish them, adjust;

2) Modern people often change work, so you have to constantly master new information, activities.

Other arguments (explanations) can be given

The state final certification for graduates of the ninth grades is currently voluntary, you can always refuse and take the usual traditional exams.

What is the attractive then the form of OGE (GIA) for graduates of graduates of 2019? Certification directly in this new form allows you to obtain an independent assessment of schoolchildren's training. All tasks of OGE (GIA) are presented in the form of a special form, which includes questions with the choice of response to them. A direct analogy with the exam is carried out. In this case, you can give both short and deployed answers. Our website website It will help you perfectly prepare and evaluate your chances actually. Besides, tests of GIA and OGE online with answers check Help you to decide on the further choice of profile class senior school. You yourself will be able to easily appreciate your knowledge of the selected subject. To do this, our project offers you various tests for a number of disciplines. Our site dedicated preparation for giama 2019 grade 9 onlinefully helps you prepare for the first serious and responsible test in life.

All materials of our site are represented in a simple, accessible form. Whether you are a round excellent student in your class or the usual average student - everything is now in your hands. You will not be unnecessary to visit our. Here you will find answers to all your questions. Be prepared for the difficult OGE test, GIA and the result will exceed all your expectations.

Yeah, and there is a bunch of different services that allow you to arrange a self-test by the solution of OGE. On Rambler. Classroom is good, and there is to pass there. They even put estimates on a five-point or robust system.
There are a bunch of topics you can check ourselves:

1. Society as a form of vital activity of people

2. Biological and social in man; personality; Human activity and its main forms (work, game, doctrine)

3. Society and man (task for appeal to social realities)

4. Society and man (task for analysis of two judgments)

5. Sphere of spiritual culture and its features; Science in the life of modern society

6. Sphere of spiritual culture (task for analysis of two judgments)

7. Economy, its role in the life of society; goods and services, resources and needs, limited resources; Economic Systems and Property

8. Entrepreneurship; Small business and individual labor activity

9. Economic sphere of society (task for appeal to social realities)

10. Economic sphere of society (task for analysis of two judgments)

11. Social structure of society; family as a small group; manifold of social roles in adolescence

12. Social sphere (task for appeal to social realities)

13. Social sphere (task for analysis of two judgments)

14. Power; The role of policies in society; the concept and signs of the state; separation of powers

15. Sphere of politics and social management (task for appeal to social realities)

16. Sphere of politics and social management (task for analysis of two judgments)

17. The right, his role in the life of society and the state; rule of law; Regulatory legal act; Signs and types of offenses

18. Constitution of the Russian Federation; the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation; Federal Device of Russia; Public authorities of the Russian Federation

19. The concept of legal relations; the right to work and labor relations; employment employment minors; Family legal relations

20. Right (task for analysis of two judgments)

21. Different content in different versions: task focused on the verifiable skill (task for comparison)

22. Various content in different versions: task focused on the verifiable skill (setting for conformity)

23. Various content in different versions: task is focused on the verifiable skill (task for establishing facts and opinions)

24. Different content in different versions: The task is focused on the verifiable skill (task to select the right positions from the list)

25. Different content in different versions: The task is focused on the verifiable skill (task to select the right positions from the list)

26 Different content in different versions: The task is focused on the scanned skill (source analysis tasks)

27 Different content in different versions: task focused on the verifiable skill (source analysis tasks)

28 Different content in different versions: Task is focused on the scanned skill (source analysis tasks)

29 Different content in different versions: The task is focused on the verifiable skill (source analysis tasks)

30 Different content in different versions: The task is focused on the verifiable skill (source analysis tasks)
Train, solve OGE 2017 and good luck to the OGE-2018!

Nothing remains to the main stage of OGE in social studies: it will take place on June 8, 2017. Suggested preparation time pushed many on dishonest ways to achieve the desired result, in particular, the thought arises: "And not to search for ready-made answers to OGE on June 8, 2017." The thought is obviously dictated by the same logic at which a person begins to look for a newly released film in the network: "Of course, the film will be legally can not be on the Internet, but I did not postect it, it means that I don't have any questions." Indeed, lies - it means, you can use, some of the same and start to scour in search of an easy life on the exam.

Real Kim Ogue 2017 by Social Studies

Meanwhile, the state final certification in the form of the main state exam - OGE is not a movie. If the film can still be pretending to be a naive fool, not knowing, legally or illegally laid out someone else's intellectual work, then with OGE, such a performance will not pass. This is already quite another responsibility. You know for sure what you go when you buy the original kima 2017.

But the stop. Does anyone still have the tests of this year? It is impossible to exclude such an opportunity for one hundred percent, but the probability is extremely small. It is unlikely that such a malicious crime would remain in secret. Basically, scammers under the guise of original kima sell demonstration versions of the test, which, as you understand, are in the open access. This is a clear water.

Articles on responses to other subjects:

  • Answers to OGE in English (26 and 27 May 2017)
  • Answers to OGE in Spanish (26 and 27 May 2017)
  • Answers to OGE in French (26 and 27 May 2017)
  • Answers to

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