I will hand over the Gia and solve the exam in Gushchin. Compiling tests in the systems I will pass the GIA and solve the Unified State Exam. Pages most frequently linked from external sources

Our portal gives you this opportunity!

In this academic year, as in the past, many items have undergone changes and clarifications. We took this into account when selecting materials!

In this section you will find tasks similar to the officially approved ones offered in exams. In addition, we have solutions for all tasks. Any portal user can try their hand at online testing: answer questions, find out the result and receive directions for further preparation, identifying your strengths and weaknesses.

We have organized an applicant calendar especially for applicants, containing the most complete and up-to-date information on all important events for those taking the Unified State Exam and entrance exams. Here you will find a detailed schedule Unified State Exam testing, admission campaigns of higher and special educational institutions, deadlines for submitting documents and dates of enrollment in various educational institutions.

If, after passing the exam, the score obtained is lower than expected, we recommend strengthening your preparation. You can always use resources preparation for the Unified State Exam, developed on our portal especially for you!


The work consists of two modules: “Algebra” and “Geometry”. There are 26 tasks in total. Module "Algebra" "Geometry"

3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

as one digit

, squarecompass Calculators on the exam not used.

passport), pass and capillary or! Allowed to take with you water(in a transparent bottle) and I'm going

The work consists of two modules: “Algebra” and “Geometry”. There are 26 tasks in total. Module "Algebra" contains seventeen tasks: in part 1 - fourteen tasks; in part 2 there are three tasks. Module "Geometry" contains nine tasks: in part 1 - six tasks; in part 2 there are three tasks.

The exam work in mathematics is allotted 3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

Write down the answers to tasks 2, 3, 14 in answer form No. 1 as one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer.

For the remaining tasks of part 1 the answer is a number or sequence of digits. Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to answer form No. 1. If your answer is a fraction, convert it to a decimal.

When completing the work, you can use the formulas containing the basic formulas of the mathematics course, issued along with the work. You are allowed to use a ruler, square, other templates for building geometric shapes (compass). Do not use instruments with reference materials printed on them. Calculators on the exam not used.

You must have an identification document with you during the exam ( passport), pass and capillary or gel pen with black ink! Allowed to take with you water(in a transparent bottle) and I'm going(fruit, chocolate, buns, sandwiches), but they may ask you to leave them in the corridor.

I will solve the GIA 2017 grade 9, this search query is of interest to those who have started preparing for the GIA online based on our textbooks, solution books and GDZ. Our website is an archive and collection of all GIA options for recent years and contains all the tasks that you will meet at the final certification. Decide OGE options you will have to devote 2 to 3 hours every day to this activity throughout the year. This is necessary to do in order to consolidate the material and accurately monitor progress at the stage of preparation for the State Examination. When we say “I’ll solve the GIA in mathematics,” we usually mean the options that Dmitry Gushchin developed and implemented. It was he who created the website where he collected everything OGE tests in mathematics with answers, where you can conveniently solve variants of the OGE and test your skills in solving equations and problems.

I will pass the State Examination Test online, express preparation for the final certification

I will solve the GIA 2017 online - this is a proven collection of exercises where you can dwell on the topic in more detail, help a friend and repeat the material covered. The importance of the Russian language in human life is difficult to overestimate. We all communicate, pass information to each other, read newspapers and tabloids, where all news articles are written in Russian. This is why we use educational process tests and assignments to prepare for the State Academic Examination 2017 in the Russian language. For a deeper perception of information, we recommend solvers and workbooks, which can also be downloaded on our website. I will decide GIA Gushchin 9th grade is in an efficient way test yourself and the quality of teaching with secondary special education educational institutions Russian Federation.

State Examination in the Russian language, tests and assignments to prepare for the State Examination 2017

Russian language teacher Alevtina Ivanovna Sinichko forced us to solve the GIA options online in 2017, when we were young and playful and ran through the cool puddles in the courtyard of our school No. 346 in Moscow. She was right, it was necessary to encourage students to study more, solve theorems, prove equations with three unknowns and be proud that you studied at a Moscow school. In those young years, we poorly understood the importance of the GIA in mathematics and hoped that we would get away with all the pranks, but time passed and the day of judgment came when the savior came and said “I will solve the GIA Gushchin” and all the students fell prostrate before him.

Now that decades have passed, we remember with a smile our state final certification and think about how we were afraid, how we hoped for a high GPA how we dreamed of entering Lomonosov Moscow State University. Now our outlook on life has changed and we see from the height of the years that we have lived that it was enough to say “I will solve the GIA 2017 9th grade in Gushchin” and all doors would be wide open for such a brave applicant. You say “Heresy!”, I will answer “Yes!”. However, let me remind you that you should study your answers, otherwise you will not pass the exam.

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The educational portal “I WILL SOLVE OGE” is my personal charity project. It is developed by me, as well as by my friends and colleagues, who care about the education of children more than about themselves. Not funded by anyone.

The distance learning system for preparing for the exam “SOLVE OGE” (http://reshuoge.rf, http://site) was created by the creative association “Center for Intellectual Initiatives”. Head - mathematics teacher at gymnasium No. 261 of St. Petersburg, Honorary Worker general education RF, Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2007, member of the Federal Commission for the Development of Testing and Measuring Materials in Mathematics for the Unified state exam in mathematics (2009-2010), expert of the Federal subject commission of the Unified State Exam in mathematics (2011-2012), deputy chairman of the regional subject commission of the Unified State Exam in mathematics (2012-2014), presenter Unified State Exam expert in mathematics (2014-2015), federal expert (2015-2016) Gushchin D. D.


  • To organize thematic repetition, a classifier of examination tasks has been developed, which allows you to sequentially repeat certain small topics and immediately test your knowledge on them.
  • To organize ongoing knowledge monitoring, it is possible to include in training options works of an arbitrary number of tasks of each examination type.
  • To conduct final tests testing is provided in Unified State Exam format this year according to one of the options preset in the system or according to an individual randomly generated option.
  • To control the level of preparation, the system keeps statistics of topics studied and tasks solved.
  • To familiarize yourself with the rules for checking examination papers, it is possible to find out the criteria for checking part C tasks and check open-ended tasks in accordance with them.
  • For a preliminary assessment of the level of preparation, after passing the test, a forecast of the test examination score is reported on a 100-point scale.

The task databases were specially developed for the “SOLVE OGE” portal, and were also compiled on the basis of the following sources: tasks from open banks and official collections for preparing for the OGE; demo versions OGE and examination tasks developed Federal Institute pedagogical measurements; diagnostic work, prepared by the Moscow Institute open education; training work conducted by educational authorities in various regions of the Russian Federation.

All tasks used in the system are provided with answers and detailed solutions.

Copying site materials, including, but not limited to: rubrics, assignments, answers, explanations and solutions, answers to reader questions, reference books is strictly prohibited. You can put a link to the project pages.


  • March 2012: tutor Anastasia Olendskaya (St. Petersburg) copied math assignments from our portal to her website. After our request, the information was deleted.
  • March 2013: tutor Andrey Zavgorodniy (Moscow) posted our assignments in mathematics and physics on his website. After our request, the information was deleted.
  • April 2013: Yaroslav Dombrovsky (Novosibirsk) posted all our tasks and solutions on his website. After our request, the information was deleted.
  • September 2013: Yaroslav Dombrovsky (Novosibirsk) re-posted all our tasks on the pages of his website. After our request, the information was deleted.
  • December 2013: mathematics teacher Elena Kontorova (St. Petersburg) posted our reference materials in the “My Publications” section on your Internet page. After our request, the information was deleted.
  • May 2014: Vladislav Rakovich (Kurgan) posted our solutions to tasks on the pages of his website under his name. After our request, the information was deleted.
  • May 2015: Dmitry Vasiliev (smart dev) copied almost our entire website into his mobile application, taking the trouble to erase the “I will solve the Unified State Exam” markings on all the pictures. After our request, the application was deleted.
  • May 2015: teacher of the Republican Lyceum for Gifted Children (Mordovia) Sazonkin Maxim copied our assignments with solutions in several subjects, signed himself as the author and posted the stolen materials on his portal and on his V_Kontakte page. After our request, the information was deleted.
  • December 2015: mathematics teacher Elena Semenova (MBOU Secondary School No. 5 “School of Health and Development”, Raduzhny Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra) copied several thousand of our tasks with answers on the profile and basic mathematics, signed them with her name and posted the stolen materials on her website. Instead of apologizing, Elena Semenova pretended that she had not received our appeal and did not respond to it. Most of the stolen materials were removed.
  • December 2015: Anna Belkova, a mathematics teacher at school No. 62 from Togliatti, copied our assignments and posted the materials on her website. Our task catalogs, signed by Elena Semyonova from Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, are also posted. After our request, the information was deleted.
  • December 2015: Individual entrepreneur A.B. Lavrentiev completely copied the assignments in eight subjects on our website with solutions and answers and posted them on the website of his online school. At first he refused to remove the materials. Was blocked on tutor selection sites. After this, the information was deleted.
  • March 2016: Faculty student Computer technology And applied mathematics Kubansky state university Valery Shiyan organized the copying of our assignments in several subjects to the V_Kontakte groups he supervised. Copying was carried out over several months, no links to the source were provided. After our appeal, the links were placed, the student was excluded from the group administrators.
  • May 2016: Entrepreneurs from Moscow Alexey Zaychikov and Yuri Povalyaev copied our tasks to their server for testing.
  • September 2016: Mathematics teacher Svetlana Nikolaevna Glazyrina (MKOU Podovinnovskaya Secondary School, Chelyabinsk region) printed out all the math assignments from our website in PDF format and published them on my page on the network of educators. After we contacted the place of work, the information was deleted.
  • January 2017: General Director of Examer LLC Artyom Degtyarev (https://vk.com/ftrmagic) from Taganrog named home page of its website “I WILL SOLVE the Unified State Exam”.

If you plan to use our site regularly, please register. This will allow the system to keep statistics of the tasks you have solved and give recommendations on how to prepare for the exam.

All portal services are free.

Made in St. Petersburg.

There is not much time left for ninth grade graduates before they need to take the main state exam. This is a very important stage in life, since many students will go to study at technical schools and colleges, and to enter the desired budget place you need to do well on tests. I will solve the OGE grade 9 - simply an irreplaceable site. It will help you prepare for testing much faster than with independent studies to hand it over to the very highly appreciated"5".

How to prepare for exams?

In order to prepare for exams, schoolchildren use different methods. It's about learning additional literature, classes with a professional tutor, as well as additional lessons with a school teacher.

Still the most effective method Undoubtedly, the use of specialized sites such as “I will solve the OGE” is considered. It helps prepare both children from the fifth and 9th grade.

Website I will solve the OGE

Why is this service so popular? It gives you the opportunity to feel the same as in the case of the exam itself. For preparation, tests from previous years are given, because according to statistics, most of the “new” tasks will be very similar to those from previous years.

An important advantage is that you do not need to resolve tickets comprehensively each time if this is not necessary. You can complete separate assignments on a specific topic, which will be very convenient if you need to prepare for specific knowledge.

How to find the necessary information on the site?

What does any visitor see as soon as he enters the portal? At the very top of the page is the site header, and under it, in convenient icons, are the names of those subjects that you can choose for the exam. First of all, the following are located:

  • mathematics;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • Russian language;
  • informatics.


This list is incomplete, because to find the necessary subject for which you need to prepare, you just need to go to the website. You can immediately select the desired discipline and then the portal will display all the information on this subject.

Below the list of items are fifteen popular tickets, selected by moderators as indicative ones.

Test options

If a student only goes through them, and then sorts out his mistakes together with the teacher, this will increase his chances of success several times. OGE decision for 9th grade.

Option No. 6561231

New user registration

Such a desire to solve the OGE for 9th grade is natural for any student. This requires good preparation. To use the entire service with already solved tasks in full, you must go through the registration process. This will give you the opportunity not only to take as many tests as you want, but also to keep your own statistics.

Statistics in your personal account

It will allow you to understand which tasks need additional work in order to significantly raise your level of knowledge to the required level. You can also open access to this data to a teacher or tutor so that he can determine which topics are best for the student to pay attention to and what to work on additionally.

Registration details

To register for the site I will solve the OGE grade 9, it is important to indicate certain user data, including the following:

  • address email;
  • password;
  • teacher or student.

The most important thing in this case is to indicate your email. Since the registered address will start receiving useful information for the user. Additionally, it is worth noting the possibility that if a student forgets his password, this information can be restored using email. This means that a new temporary code will be sent to the address, which can then be replaced.

Catalog of popular tasks

Catalog of tasks

After the user has successfully registered on the website I will solve the OGE grade 9, namely, the students of this class will be fully prepared for the exams. In the list on the left you can find a button labeled “Task Catalog” and then click on it.

There, all the tasks are already divided by topic, and you can safely go to the place with which information you need to further work on. For example, select "Actions with ordinary fractions" By clicking on this link, the student will get acquainted with the list of tasks that he may have on the exam.

Useful information for experts

School of Experts

This site is visited not only by students, but also by teachers who will subsequently check assignments. Because each form must be checked in the same way as hundreds of thousands of others without bias towards the student.

To get acquainted with the information in more detail, it is important to go to the “Expert” tab. There are specific guidelines to check each task. Also, for training, you can check specifically selected tasks, and then receive comments on the grading: how to do it correctly, and how to avoid making mistakes next time.

The unique website “I will solve the OGE” will help you prepare more effectively for the main state exam. Each student will know exactly what to expect during testing, and all examiners will be familiar with the requirements for marking papers.

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