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6 ways to know yourself. Enlightenment for everyone

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Title: 6 ways to know yourself. Enlightenment for everyone

About the book Oleg Antonov “6 ways to know yourself. Enlightenment for everyone"

At the beginning of the new millennium, wonderful changes began to occur; somewhere visibly, somewhere still hidden, the Earth, and humanity along with it, began to change. The light of the sun has changed, nature is changing, we are changing. The process of enlightenment is underway on a global scale. For some it is joyful, for others it is scary, but always inevitable. “Six ways to know yourself. Enlightenment for everyone" is a book that will help you go through this difficult period of change as easily and with minimal losses, will help you realize your nature, your capabilities, accept what is happening with joy, give you the tools to get through difficult moments in life and return to your real self. After all, for an enlightened person health, good relationship, self-realization and wealth are a natural state, and enlightenment is not an exclusive ability of a small group of people, but a process that occurs with everyone and on the entire planet!

2nd edition.

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Sarah Gio's novel The Salty Wind is primarily about love, but at the same time it covers many areas of life. This is one of those works that make you think about life, about what you should choose: stability without love or bright emotions. He makes you understand: if you feel that life does not bring satisfaction, you need to boldly change something. Also in the novel the theme of attitude towards family, expectations from loved one, female friendship.

The main character of the novel is Anna, a very old woman. One day she receives a letter from a girl who asks her to shed light on an old secret. The girl needs this for her book. Anna herself is in doubt whether she should talk about long-standing terrible events. The granddaughter of the main character finds a box in which old photographs are stored, they make the woman remember the past. The pictures again appear before her eyes, and her granddaughter listens to this story.

Sometime during the war, Anna went to the island to become a military nurse. She left everything behind, including the man who was to become her husband. The girl wanted to be proud of her man and did not understand his reluctance to participate in hostilities. Anna went with her friend Kitty. Their friendship seemed unbreakable, but after some time a misunderstanding arose between the girls and they moved away from each other.

On the island, Anna met a wonderful soldier, they spent time together. The girl felt that she stopped yearning for him; this love inspired her. The couple often walked along the shore, and one day they saw an abandoned hut in the distance. Previously, an artist lived here, but now this place has become their island of love. But one day they witnessed a terrible scene, and no matter how they tried to hide it... sooner or later the secret becomes clear. Even after many years.

On our website you can download the book “The Salty Wind” by Sarah Gio for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Sarah Gio

Salty wind

Jason, in memory of our bungalow.

I love you.

Copyright © Sarah Jio, 2011

© Sorokina D., translation into Russian, 2015

© Edition in Russian, design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

* * *

Place a piece of paper in a thin envelope, seal it with your tongue on the adhesive edge, and mail it to the address. Until the letter gets into the right box, dozens of people will touch it, it will travel thousands of miles, and then quietly settle between the twenty-ninth and thirtieth pages of an unnecessary catalog, waiting for an unsuspecting addressee. But the recipient, with a careless movement of his hand, will throw the magazine with the treasure hidden inside into the trash. There, next to a half-drunk carton of milk, an empty wine bottle and yesterday's newspaper, lies waiting for a piece of paper that can change your whole life.

The letter was intended for me.

- Hello!

I opened my eyes in fear when I heard a familiar voice - pleasant, but completely inappropriate. Jennifer, my granddaughter. Where am I? More precisely, that she doing here? I blinked absentmindedly. I dreamed of sandy beaches and coconut trees. My subconscious always strives there, and this time I was lucky: I managed to find the landscape in the archives of my own memory.

Of course, he was there too - in uniform, with an embarrassed smile. The waves crashed against the shore, I heard their powerful blows and the hiss of billions of bubbles kissing the sand. Squeezing my eyelids, I saw him again, he stood in a sleepy haze that dissipated too quickly. Don’t go, my heart begged. Stay . Well, please. He obediently reappeared, with that same alluring smile, still stretching out his hands to me. A familiar excitement, a passionate desire, awoke within me.

And then he disappeared.

I sighed and, cursing myself, looked at my watch. Half past three. I must have dozed off reading the book. Again. The real curse of old age. A little embarrassed, I sat up in my chair and found the novel I was reading. It was lying on the floor, spine up.

Jennifer appeared on the terrace. A truck thundered down the street, completely shattering the peace.

“Oh, there you are,” she said, smiling with smoky brown eyes, so similar to her grandfather’s. Today she is wearing jeans and a black sweater with a light green belt around her slender waist. Blonde hair reflects the sun's rays. Jennifer has no idea how beautiful she is.

“Hi, honey,” I greeted, extending my hand. She looked around the terrace, simple clay pots with blue pansies. Their adorable heads poked out of the ground, like embarrassed, remorseful children caught playing in an inappropriate place. The view of Lake Washington and the Seattle skyline in the distance is a beautiful landscape, but cold and stiff, like a painting in a dentist's office. I frowned. How did I even end up in this tiny apartment with stark white walls, a telephone in the bathroom and a red panic button next to the toilet?

“I found something in the trash,” Jennifer said. The sound of her voice brought me back to reality.

I smoothed my gray, thin hair.

- What is it, dear?

I couldn't hold back a yawn.

- Leave it on the table. Then I'll look.

I sat down on the sofa and looked from the kitchen to my reflection in the window. Elderly lady. I saw this lady every day, but the reflection never ceased to amaze me. When did I turn into it? I ran my hand over the wrinkles on my face.

Jennifer sat down next to him.

“I hope your day went better than mine?”

My granddaughter was finishing her master's degree at the University of Washington, and she chose unusual topic For thesis: A little-known piece of art located on campus. Bronze sculpture of a young couple, donated by an unknown artist in 1964, with the simple inscription: Pride and Prejudice. This sculpture made such a strong impression on Jennifer that she decided to find out the name of the author and the history of the creation of the sculptural composition, but long research did not bear almost any fruit.

– How are your studies, dear?

“Nothing new,” she said with a sigh. - I'm upset. We worked so hard. “She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t want to admit it, but it looks like we’ve taken the wrong trail.”

“You cannot play a role in life, much less in love. Be yourself and always listen to your heart, even if following its call is painful and very difficult.”

I finally read the third novel by the wonderful author Sarah Gio. For me, this is probably the most long-awaited book of this summer. First I waited for her to be transferred, then for my order to arrive. And the wait was worth it. The book never disappointed me while I was reading it. I liked it, as did her previous two novels: “Blackberry Winter” and “Violets in March,” which I was completely delighted with. But, I must admit, despite the fact that I liked the story, in my opinion, it was still a little inferior to its two predecessors. Or maybe it's just me, since I expected too much from this book?

The novel tells the story of a woman named Anna Godfrey. Suddenly a letter arrives addressed to her from a stranger in Tahiti. Where she asks her to understand a case that happened in 1943, and the stranger thinks that she can shed light on this story and thereby restore justice. And so Anna decides, in her old age, to first open her soul to her granddaughter, remember her youth and talk about the events of that time, what actually happened then, and why it all led to a disaster.

As I already said once, I love stories where our time is intertwined with the past. Where the secrets of the past break out, although they tried to keep them secret for as long as possible. And now you still need to solve the mystery, reveal all the cards. After all, everything secret will definitely someday become apparent... and so, this book is built on the same principle as her other two books. Like the other two heroines of Gio’s previous novels, here main character I also thought that her secret would remain with her forever, but suddenly she had to delve into the past. And, of course, how can we do without Seattle?

The main themes of the novel are:

1) War– the center of all the events taking place in the book is the island of Bora Bora, since during the Second World War, after the attack of Japanese naval aviation on Pearl Harbor, this island became an important US supply base in the southern part Pacific Ocean. And our main character goes there as a military nurse along with her friend Kitty. The heroes saw the consequences of the war, its horrors. The war changed them all.

2) Family relationships and an unsuccessful marriage- this is the part about whether you should pretend that you are happy when your marriage is failing, and the person you live with is not nice to you, you haven’t loved him for a long time. And is it worth taking a risk, leaving your family, leaving your usual lifestyle, and staying with the person who makes you happy?

This part is the smallest, it is about secondary characters. And the secret is right on the surface; you don’t even have to think too much to understand who has loved whom for a long time, but cannot take the responsible step. And the ending between these heroes was obvious.

3) Love- Well, of course, what would we do without her? Here it is different:

Firstly, love is of convenience, by agreement, or simply because the person is good, you have known him for a long time. That case when everything seems to suit you, but you simply don’t love this person, and therefore you no longer notice all his advantages. You are just comfortable with him, since he can offer a good future, although he is boring.

Secondly, the so-called holiday romance, which eventually turned into a real feeling, caused a storm of emotions among the heroes that even after many years they could not forget each other. But does such a novel have a future?

4) Women's friendship– another attempt to figure out whether female friendship exists. At first glance, it may seem that, despite the differences in the characters of the heroines, their friendship is sincere and real. But this is only at first glance.

This story is about how a friend can ruin your whole life. From the very beginning she was not credible. And they had some kind of strange friendship. Even after many years, she did not want to correct her mistake.

Now I can say with complete confidence that Sarah Gio is my author, her stories attract me. Now I have one more favorite author. Although her books have no artistic value, and they are written in simple, pleasant, but not primitive language. Despite the fact that the book is completely devoid of secrets and intrigue (apparently, intriguing the reader is not Gio’s trick), it is still impossible to tear yourself away from her books until the last page is closed. In her book there is no vulgarity, any nonsense like: “I bit my lip, my hands shook, God, he’s so handsome,” etc. the nonsense that many modern romance novels are guilty of. The book reads very quickly.

These were all the pros of the book, now about the cons. I must admit that if I started getting acquainted with the author with this book, then, alas, I would stop further acquaintance there. If you haven't read a book by this author yet, don't start with this one. Compared to all three books, I liked this one the least. She couldn’t hook me, didn’t evoke the same emotions as the previous two. Although I liked the idea of ​​the novel, I liked the ending, and the book is worth the time spent on it.

The main character Anna was sometimes infuriating with her shortsightedness. She thought about the tragedy for 70 years, but could not come to any conclusion. Although everything happened before her eyes. Everything is very, very obvious. I just couldn’t figure out my friend; I didn’t even try to understand anything. All she did was run to the bungalow.

If this book surprised anyone in any way or if someone was shocked by the ending, then I have no words. Because the plot is very, very predictable. I understood about page 100 - 150 what would happen to Kitty, Anna, who was to blame for the tragedy and why they didn’t want to stop him, who this mysterious stranger was, and even how it would all end. Absolutely nothing shocked or surprised me. The destinies of the heroes are closely intertwined with each other. The world is, of course, small, but not that small!

But this is not a detective novel to keep you in suspense, but a sweet romantic story. And, despite the lack of intrigue, it was interesting to read. The perfect summer, sweet, read for those who want to read something romantic. The atmosphere of the book reminded me of Moyes's novel "Ship of Brides"

I also didn’t understand Mary’s action. What happened to her and Edward? What was in the letter? It is a pity that this point was not examined in detail by the author.

And it’s also a pity that the lives of the heroes turned out this way. If one of them had taken the first step to understand what was happening, their lives could have gone differently. But, alas, it also happens in life that a person realizes his mistakes too late and takes some steps.

My rating: 7/ 10

P.S: I would like to end my review with a line from A. Kochetkov’s poem. I think these lines fit the novel perfectly:

Don't part with your loved ones!
Grow into them with all your blood, -
And every time say goodbye forever!
When you leave for a moment!

Jason, in memory of our bungalow.

I love you.

Copyright © Sarah Jio, 2011

© Sorokina D., translation into Russian, 2015

© Edition in Russian, design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

Place a piece of paper in a thin envelope, seal it with your tongue on the adhesive edge, and mail it to the address. Until the letter gets into the right box, dozens of people will touch it, it will travel thousands of miles, and then quietly settle between the twenty-ninth and thirtieth pages of an unnecessary catalog, waiting for an unsuspecting addressee. But the recipient, with a careless movement of his hand, will throw the magazine with the treasure hidden inside into the trash. There, next to a half-drunk carton of milk, an empty wine bottle and yesterday's newspaper, lies waiting for a piece of paper that can change your whole life.

The letter was intended for me.

- Hello!

I opened my eyes in fear when I heard a familiar voice - pleasant, but completely inappropriate. Jennifer, my granddaughter. Where am I? More precisely, that she doing here? I blinked absentmindedly. I dreamed of sandy beaches and coconut trees. My subconscious always strives there, and this time I was lucky: I managed to find the landscape in the archives of my own memory.

Of course, he was there too - in uniform, with an embarrassed smile. The waves crashed against the shore, I heard their powerful blows and the hiss of billions of bubbles kissing the sand. Squeezing my eyelids, I saw him again, he stood in a sleepy haze that dissipated too quickly. Don’t go, my heart begged. Stay . Well, please. He obediently reappeared, with that same alluring smile, still stretching out his hands to me. A familiar excitement, a passionate desire, awoke within me.

And then he disappeared.

I sighed and, cursing myself, looked at my watch. Half past three. I must have dozed off reading the book. Again. The real curse of old age. A little embarrassed, I sat up in my chair and found the novel I was reading. It was lying on the floor, spine up.

Jennifer appeared on the terrace. A truck thundered down the street, completely shattering the peace.

“Oh, there you are,” she said, smiling with smoky brown eyes, so similar to her grandfather’s. Today she is wearing jeans and a black sweater with a light green belt around her slender waist. Blonde hair reflects the sun's rays. Jennifer has no idea how beautiful she is.

“Hi, honey,” I greeted, extending my hand. She looked around the terrace, simple clay pots with blue pansies. Their adorable heads poked out of the ground, like embarrassed, remorseful children caught playing in an inappropriate place. The view of Lake Washington and the Seattle skyline in the distance is a beautiful landscape, but cold and stiff, like a painting in a dentist's office. I frowned. How did I even end up in this tiny apartment with stark white walls, a telephone in the bathroom and a red panic button next to the toilet?

“I found something in the trash,” Jennifer said. The sound of her voice brought me back to reality.

I smoothed my gray, thin hair.

- What is it, dear?

I couldn't hold back a yawn.

- Leave it on the table. Then I'll look.

I sat down on the sofa and looked from the kitchen to my reflection in the window. Elderly lady. I saw this lady every day, but the reflection never ceased to amaze me. When did I turn into it? I ran my hand over the wrinkles on my face.

Jennifer sat down next to him.

“I hope your day went better than mine?”

My granddaughter was finishing up her master's degree at the University of Washington, and she had chosen an unusual topic for her thesis: an obscure piece of art located on campus. Bronze sculpture of a young couple, donated by an unknown artist in 1964, with the simple inscription: Pride and Prejudice. This sculpture made such a strong impression on Jennifer that she decided to find out the name of the author and the history of the creation of the sculptural composition, but long research did not bear almost any fruit.

– How are your studies, dear?

“Nothing new,” she said with a sigh. - I'm upset. We worked so hard. “She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t want to admit it, but it looks like we’ve taken the wrong trail.”

I am no stranger to the obsession with art. Jennifer didn't know that I had spent most of my life trying in vain to find the painting that fell into my hands many years ago. The desire to see her again ached in my heart, and all my life I negotiated with art dealers and collectors. But the canvas still slipped away.

“I understand how hard this is to accept, honey,” I began softly and took my granddaughter by the hand, knowing how important the project was to her. “But some stories are never meant to be told.”

Jennifer looked at me.

“You’re probably right, grandma,” she admitted with a sigh. “But I don’t want to give up.” At least not now. This inscription was not made by chance. But the box that the young man is holding is closed, and there is no record of the key in the archives. So,” the granddaughter smiled hopefully, “maybe there is something inside.”

“I admire your tenacity, dear,” I said, feeling the gold chain around my neck. I took care of and wore the medallion for many years. Besides me, only one person knew what was hidden in it.

Jennifer approached the table again.

“Don’t forget about the letter,” she reminded, picking up the envelope. - Look at how bright the brand is. It,” she hesitated, reading the postmark, “with Tahiti.

My heart began to pound and I looked up, stealing a glance at the letter Jennifer was holding in her hands.

- Grandmother, whom do you know in Tahiti?

“Let me see,” I asked, slowly approaching her.

I saw a plain white envelope, slightly damp from the milk that had spilled from the carton, and stained with crimson from the cabernet we had drunk the night before. I don't recognize the handwriting or the return address. Who could write to me from Tahiti? And why? And why now?

- Would you like to open it? – Jennifer hurried, revealing obvious impatience.

I continued to hold the envelope with trembling fingers, looking at the exotic stamp with a Tahitian girl in a yellow dress. I was overwhelmed by memories that seemed ready to overwhelm my consciousness, but with an effort of will I broke free from their captivity.

I decisively opened the envelope:

"Dear Mrs. Godfrey,

Sorry for the intrusiveness. I have been looking for you for many years. I understand that you served as a nurse at the Bora Bora base during the war. . If I'm right and you really are the one I'm looking for, I really need to talk to you. I grew up on the island of Tahiti, but have returned here only now, hoping to solve a mystery that has occupied me since childhood. On the evening of 1943, a terrible murder was committed on the beach of Bora Bora. I was so shocked by this tragedy that I began to write a book about the events leading up to this incident, which in many ways changed the island forever.

I was able to find records of civilian employees and noticed that on that day, the day of the tragedy, you were released from service. Perhaps, quite by chance, you remember that evening, suddenly you saw someone or something on the beach? Many years have passed, but suddenly remember... Every small detail can help restore justice. I pray that you will pay attention to my request and contact me. Also, if you ever decide to return to the island, I found something here that belonged to you, and you might want to see it. I hope to see you.

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