Stalin and Rockefeller. Observation of Professor Lopatnikov. How Stalin was connected with the Rockefellers and other secrets of the “leader of the peoples”  The bank approved a loan for the coup

The grave of Stalin's mother in Tbilisi and the Jewish cemetery in Brooklyn

Interesting comments on the topic of the confrontation between Ashkenazim and Sephardim to the video by Alexei Menyailov, in which he talks about the general passion of world leaders for ethnology, which the Rockefeller family was engaged in for several generations, studying African sorcerers, and Stalin, comprehending shamanic art in “ethnographic expeditions”, where he was sent by the tsarist government at public expense.
Was it only a hobby that united the Jew Dzhugashvili and the Jew Rockefeller? As you know, Shekel-Gruber, who brought the German goyim to the war, is the son of Rothschild, and Dzhuga-shvili, who brought the Russians, is possibly the son of Rockefeller. Sephardic Rockefeller and Ashkenazi Rothschild competed. Similarly, as in Little Russia, Porshenko, aka Valtsman, and Strelkov, aka Girkin, both do the same thing.

Menyailov correctly places Stalin and Rockefeller side by side. Just family roots. One hobby. Both have a pentagram symbol. They worked together, so to speak, formed a collective brain, maybe they were in the same five, a pentagram, although for Rockefeller it is inverted. The commander of the five was Rockefeller.

In the revolution of 1917, the interests of the Rockefeller group, which included Stalin, collided with the interests of the Rothschild group, which included the Shell oil company. The result of the revolution was the ousting of the Rothschilds, including Shell, from the Russian Soviet oil business in favor of the Rockefeller group. Rockefeller received the refining of Baku oil in Batumi oil pipeline - attention! - BAKU-BATUMI-BATUM (reminds me of nothing?), created the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry and under its auspices American companies received giant concessions... from the hands of Trotsky, who became the head of the concession committee. Rockefeller also provided financial transactions, and the United States became the main trading partner of the USSR.

What happened in March-May 1937? It is clear that this is some kind of critical point! Here's what: the world's first dollar billionaire (trillionaire in modern terms) John Davison Rockefeller fell ill and died on May 23, 1937. Stalin found himself free of certain obligations that, it is possible, had been following him, probably since the time of the Baku strikes in 1903, in the organization of which Stalin took part and which, as is reliably known, were financed by Rockefeller, whom the tsarist government at one time refused to participate in the oil affairs of Baku. In 1903, riots organized by Rockefeller broke out in Baku, during which primarily Rothschild derricks and oil refineries were burned. Stalin was one of the organizers of these uprisings. And that means, almost without a doubt, he had certain obligations to Rockefeller.

Stalin worked for Rockefeller, and for this cause he carried out subversive revolutionary activities against the Russian Empire and our people, organizing strikes and sabotage in the Baku oil fields. Who used whom - Rockefeller's Stalin or vice versa - everyone decides for himself, but usually the one who pays the money takes advantage.
This is the hobby of commodity seekers Dzhugashvili and Rockefeller. This is the commodity-seeking five led by Rockefeller until 1937.

There are a huge number of signs of Stalin’s Jewish origin. One of them, "on the mother's side." Kato's father was a Jewish rag-picker in the Kutaisi mountains. Proof that Stalin's mother, Ekaterina (Keke) Georgievna Dzhugashvili, was Jewish on her grave. The tombstone is a kiddush cup. So not an Ossetian for sure, but perhaps an Ossetian Jew. After all, in every nation there are two peoples.

Rockefeller of English-German-Scottish-Irish Jews. The first known Rockefeller in the family was a fraudster who sold counterfeit medicines. Unlike the Ashkenazi Rothschilds, the Rockefellers' family business is usury. It was their “wise men” who formulated the usurious doctrine of Deuteronomy-Isaiah. It was they who ruled the Old and New Testaments up and down the way they needed, so that it would be ingrained in the minds of current generations of people that usury is not theft, but a respectable business. And, by the way, Jesus in the temple overturned the shops of the money changers, but not the moneylenders. This is what the Sephardic “wise men” wanted.
Menyailov’s propaganda of commodity-seeking capitalism is understandable. Comrade - from the word “look for goods.” That’s why Rockefeller is a respected person, as great as Dzhugashvili (his criminal nickname is Stalin), but they were connected not only by their hobbies. Also joint activities.

Shoemaker is a Jewish profession, and in general Georgians are a tribe of Jews, their language is called Kartvelian (kaGtavili).
The same big noses and eyelids.

"qwesdfff" does not correctly translate the meaning of the word comrade, which consists of three bases: tov - good, ar - earth and ish man (man). The semantic translation is fellow countryman, land.

And this is the grave of Brezhnev’s mother (maiden name Mazelova, from the Hebrew mazel - fate. Mazel tov - good luck).

What mysteries did Joseph Stalin leave behind?

Date of birth

The date of birth of Joseph Stalin is a controversial point in his biography. The choice is between two dates: December 21, 1879 and December 18, 1878. The second date is indicated by an extract from the metric book of the Gori Assumption Cathedral Church, which speaks of the birth of a son, Joseph, to the parents of Vissarion Ivanovich Dzhugashvili and his wife Ekaterina Georgievna (maiden name - Geladze).

Stalin's change of the true date of his birth can be explained by both pragmatic and esoteric reasons. On the pragmatic side, the change in the year of birth was due to the fact that celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the “leader” in 1928 was very inappropriate: the year turned out to be incredibly difficult and managed to accommodate everything from the expulsion of Trotsky to peasant riots. But the change of birthday cannot be explained by anything other than esotericism. There is a version that Stalin’s change of date of birth was influenced by Gurdjieff, with whom Stalin studied at the same seminary. Rectification of the date allowed Stalin to take and maintain power.

Why Stalin?

For more than half a century, our country was ruled by people under pseudonyms. One can assume that this is due to the fact that the Soviet leaders came out of underground cells and tsarist hard labor, but if you start to look into it, it turns out that each of the revolutionaries had their own reasons for changing their name. What reasons did Joseph Dzhugashvili have for changing his name?

Throughout his life, Stalin had three dozen pseudonyms. At the same time, it is significant that Joseph Vissarionovich did not make a secret of his surname. Who now remembers Apfelbaum, Rosenfeld and Wallach (Zinoviev, Kamenev, Litvinov)? But Ulyanov-Lenin and Dzhugashvili-Stalin are well known. Stalin chose the pseudonym quite deliberately. According to William Pokhlebkin, who devoted his work “The Great Pseudonym” to this issue, several factors coincided when choosing a pseudonym. The real source when choosing a pseudonym was the surname of a liberal journalist, first close to the populists and then to the Socialist Revolutionaries, Evgeniy Stefanovich Stalinsky, one of the prominent Russian professional publishers of periodicals in the province and translator into Russian of Sh. Rustaveli’s poem “The Knight in the Skin of the Tiger.” Stalin loved this poem very much.

What did you read?

Contrary to the popular belief that of the entire revolutionary cohort, Stalin was almost the simplest, “from the plow,” he was very educated. Don't forget about his studies at the seminary. Stalin could read Plato in the original, and this already says a lot. He had a huge library. He skimmed most of his books and read many of them carefully. Some I read several times. Stalin read books, as a rule, with a pencil, and most often with several colored pencils. Numerous notes, underlining, removal of phrases, comments in the margins eloquently indicate that Stalin read the literature with great attention, and the image of “his guy” was only an image for the proletariat.

Stalin and Matrona

There is a legend that on the eve of the Battle of Moscow in 1941, Joseph Stalin secretly visited Blessed Matrona. Allegedly, the old woman blessed the head of the country, and soon the Germans were driven back from Moscow. It is interesting that this meeting is depicted in the stamps of several hagiographic icons of St. Matrona.

Stalin and oil

One of the most controversial issues regarding Stalin's personality and his successful political career is his connection with oil magnates and, in particular, with the Rockefellers and Standard oil. The fact that oil companies were one of the “customers” of the Russian revolution is no longer a sealed secret today, but Stalin’s role in organizing the riots in Baku, when the Rothschild oil rigs were deliberately burned, is still not clear. The topic of relations between Stalin and the Rockefellers is an endless field for conspiracy theories, but the fact that Stalin until a certain time depended on Western money is unambiguous.


At the instigation of Stalin, the five-pointed star became the official symbol of the USSR. Stalin knew that the pentagram had a very powerful energy potential and was one of the most powerful symbols. The swastika, the cult of which was very strong in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, could also become a symbol of the USSR. The swastika was depicted on the “Kerenki”, swastikas were painted on the wall of the Ipatiev House by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna before the execution, but by almost the sole decision of Stalin, the Bolsheviks settled on a five-pointed star. The history of the 20th century will show that the “star” is stronger than the “swastika”... The stars also shone over the Kremlin, replacing double-headed eagles, and the economic activity of the state was determined by five-year plans.

Stalin's prediction

Stalin perfectly understood his importance. He once said: “I know that after my death a heap of rubbish will be placed on my grave, but the wind of history will mercilessly scatter it!” Charles de Gaulle said beautifully about Stalin: “Stalin did not go into the past. Stalin disappeared into the future.”

What mysteries did Joseph Stalin leave behind?

Date of birth

The date of birth of Joseph Stalin is a controversial point in his biography. The choice is between two dates: December 21, 1879 and December 18, 1878. The second date is indicated by an extract from the metric book of the Gori Assumption Cathedral Church, which speaks of the birth of a son, Joseph, to the parents of Vissarion Ivanovich Dzhugashvili and his wife Ekaterina Georgievna (maiden name - Geladze).

Stalin's change of the true date of his birth can be explained by both pragmatic and esoteric reasons. On the pragmatic side, the change in the year of birth was due to the fact that celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the “leader” in 1928 was very inappropriate: the year turned out to be incredibly difficult and managed to accommodate everything from the expulsion of Trotsky to peasant riots. But the change of birthday cannot be explained by anything other than esotericism. There is a version that Stalin’s change of date of birth was influenced by Gurdjieff, with whom Stalin studied at the same seminary. Rectification of the date allowed Stalin to take and maintain power.

Why Stalin?

For more than half a century, our country was ruled by people under pseudonyms. One can assume that this is due to the fact that the Soviet leaders came out of underground cells and tsarist hard labor, but if you start to look into it, it turns out that each of the revolutionaries had their own reasons for changing their name. What reasons did Joseph Dzhugashvili have for changing his name?

Throughout his life, Stalin had three dozen pseudonyms. At the same time, it is significant that Joseph Vissarionovich did not make a secret of his surname. Who now remembers Apfelbaum, Rosenfeld and Wallach (Zinoviev, Kamenev, Litvinov)? But Ulyanov-Lenin and Dzhugashvili-Stalin are well known. Stalin chose the pseudonym quite deliberately. According to William Pokhlebkin, who devoted his work “The Great Pseudonym” to this issue, several factors coincided when choosing a pseudonym. The real source when choosing a pseudonym was the surname of a liberal journalist, first close to the populists and then to the Socialist Revolutionaries, Evgeniy Stefanovich Stalinsky, one of the prominent Russian professional publishers of periodicals in the province and translator into Russian of Sh. Rustaveli’s poem “The Knight in the Skin of the Tiger.” Stalin loved this poem very much.

What did you read?

Contrary to the popular belief that of the entire revolutionary cohort, Stalin was almost the simplest, “from the plow,” he was very educated. Don't forget about his studies at the seminary. Stalin could read Plato in the original, and this already says a lot. He had a huge library. He skimmed most of his books and read many of them carefully. Some I read several times. Stalin read books, as a rule, with a pencil, and most often with several colored pencils. Numerous notes, underlining, removal of phrases, comments in the margins eloquently indicate that Stalin read the literature with great attention, and the image of “his guy” was only an image for the proletariat.

Stalin and Matrona

There is a legend that on the eve of the Battle of Moscow in 1941, Joseph Stalin secretly visited Blessed Matrona. Allegedly, the old woman blessed the head of the country, and soon the Germans were driven back from Moscow. It is interesting that this meeting is depicted in the stamps of several hagiographic icons of St. Matrona.

Stalin and oil

One of the most controversial issues regarding Stalin's personality and his successful political career is his connection with oil magnates and, in particular, with the Rockefellers and Standard oil. The fact that oil companies were one of the “customers” of the Russian revolution is no longer a sealed secret today, but Stalin’s role in organizing the riots in Baku, when the Rothschild oil rigs were deliberately burned, is still not clear. The topic of relations between Stalin and the Rockefellers is an endless field for conspiracy theories, but the fact that Stalin until a certain time depended on Western money is unambiguous.


At the instigation of Stalin, the five-pointed star became the official symbol of the USSR. Stalin knew that the pentagram has a very powerful energy potential and is one of the most powerful symbols. The swastika, the cult of which was very strong in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, could also become a symbol of the USSR. The swastika was depicted on the “Kerenki”, swastikas were painted on the wall of the Ipatiev House by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna before the execution, but by almost the sole decision of Stalin, the Bolsheviks settled on a five-pointed star. The history of the 20th century will show that the “star” is stronger than the “swastika”... The stars also shone over the Kremlin, replacing double-headed eagles, and the economic activity of the state was determined by five-year plans.

Stalin's prediction

Stalin perfectly understood his importance. He once said: “I know that after my death a heap of rubbish will be placed on my grave, but the wind of history will mercilessly scatter it!” Charles de Gaulle said beautifully about Stalin: “Stalin did not go into the past. Stalin disappeared into the future.”

What mysteries did Joseph Stalin leave behind?

Date of birth

The date of birth of Joseph Stalin is a controversial point in his biography. The choice is between two dates: December 21, 1879 and December 18, 1878. The second date is indicated by an extract from the metric book of the Gori Assumption Cathedral Church, which speaks of the birth of a son, Joseph, to the parents of Vissarion Ivanovich Dzhugashvili and his wife Ekaterina Georgievna (maiden name - Geladze).

Stalin's change of the true date of his birth can be explained by both pragmatic and esoteric reasons. On the pragmatic side, the change in the year of birth was due to the fact that celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the “leader” in 1928 was very inappropriate: the year turned out to be incredibly difficult and managed to accommodate everything from the expulsion of Trotsky to peasant riots. But the change of birthday cannot be explained by anything other than esotericism. There is a version that Stalin’s change of date of birth was influenced by Gurdjieff, with whom Stalin studied at the same seminary. Rectification of the date allowed Stalin to take and maintain power.

Why Stalin?

For more than half a century, our country was ruled by people under pseudonyms. One can assume that this is due to the fact that the Soviet leaders came out of underground cells and tsarist hard labor, but if you start to look into it, it turns out that each of the revolutionaries had their own reasons for changing their name. What reasons did Joseph Dzhugashvili have for changing his name?

Throughout his life, Stalin had three dozen pseudonyms. At the same time, it is significant that Joseph Vissarionovich did not make a secret of his surname. Who now remembers Apfelbaum, Rosenfeld and Wallach (Zinoviev, Kamenev, Litvinov)? But Ulyanov-Lenin and Dzhugashvili-Stalin are well known. Stalin chose the pseudonym quite deliberately. According to William Pokhlebkin, who devoted his work “The Great Pseudonym” to this issue, several factors coincided when choosing a pseudonym. The real source when choosing a pseudonym was the surname of a liberal journalist, first close to the populists and then to the Socialist Revolutionaries, Evgeniy Stefanovich Stalinsky, one of the prominent Russian professional publishers of periodicals in the province and translator into Russian of Sh. Rustaveli’s poem “The Knight in the Skin of the Tiger.” Stalin loved this poem very much.

What did you read?

Contrary to the popular belief that of the entire revolutionary cohort, Stalin was almost the simplest, “from the plow,” he was very educated. Don't forget about his studies at the seminary. Stalin could read Plato in the original, and this already says a lot. He had a huge library. He skimmed most of his books and read many of them carefully. Some I read several times. Stalin read books, as a rule, with a pencil, and most often with several colored pencils. Numerous notes, underlining, removal of phrases, comments in the margins eloquently indicate that Stalin read the literature with great attention, and the image of “his guy” was only an image for the proletariat.

Stalin and Matrona

There is a legend that on the eve of the Battle of Moscow in 1941, Joseph Stalin secretly visited Blessed Matrona. Allegedly, the old woman blessed the head of the country, and soon the Germans were driven back from Moscow. It is interesting that this meeting is depicted in the stamps of several hagiographic icons of St. Matrona.

Stalin and oil

One of the most controversial issues regarding Stalin's personality and his successful political career is his connection with oil magnates and, in particular, with the Rockefellers and Standard oil. The fact that oil companies were one of the “customers” of the Russian revolution is no longer a sealed secret today, but Stalin’s role in organizing the riots in Baku, when the Rothschild oil rigs were deliberately burned, is still not clear. The topic of relations between Stalin and the Rockefellers is an endless field for conspiracy theories, but the fact that Stalin until a certain time depended on Western money is unambiguous.


At the instigation of Stalin, the five-pointed star became the official symbol of the USSR. Stalin knew that the pentagram has a very powerful energy potential and is one of the most powerful symbols. The swastika, the cult of which was very strong in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, could also become a symbol of the USSR. The swastika was depicted on the “Kerenki”, swastikas were painted on the wall of the Ipatiev House by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna before the execution, but by almost the sole decision of Stalin, the Bolsheviks settled on a five-pointed star. The history of the 20th century will show that the “star” is stronger than the “swastika”... The stars also shone over the Kremlin, replacing double-headed eagles, and the economic activity of the state was determined by five-year plans.

Stalin played on the contradiction between the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. -The Western elite is not united: the struggle between the Rockefeller and Rothschild clusters has been going on since 1913. The current situation of their confrontation paradoxically repeats the situation of 1929 and can be taken advantage of, as Stalin did in 29, “playing” on the contradictions of the world elite.

School of Analytics by Andrey Fursov.

Then the Rothschilds “bet” on Trotsky, Stalin bet on the Rockefellers, and they - on him. This course of events was greatly facilitated in 29 by the fact that the director of the Central Bank of England, Montague Norman (a Rothschild man), “closed” the entire British empire from the outside world (i.e. from the United States). Little known to most people, the manager of the main English bank from 20 to 44, on the scales of history, he means as much as Roosevelt, Churchill, Hitler, Mussolini combined. The British Empire accounts for 25% of the world economy. Naturally, a serious blow was dealt to the Rockefellers in 29. In addition there is a global crisis. It was at this time that Comrade Stalin suggested: “Invest in our economy. We will give you Baku and Grozny oil for 50%. And the Rockefellers financed the Union’s five-year plan, winning enormously.

They also won during the war. Although Hitler was actively helped by both the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds on both sides until 1944, the contribution of the Rockefellers was much more significant. That’s why, by the way, the Rockefeller man (Bush Jr.’s grandfather and Bush Sr.’s father) was “dragged” to court in America. This is Preston Bush, who dealt with the Nazis and unwisely invested in Auschwitz. The opposite party, having discovered this, sued him for the income he received from the German “death camp”. The Rockefellers immediately sent lawyer Allen Dulles, a Rockefeller cousin and, by the way, future CIA chief and Kennedy's enemy, to defend Preston Bush. He protected him. True, great damage was done to the reputation of the entire cluster. However, Hitler's entire chemical industry is Rockefeller corporations.

The Rothschilds were also not far behind. Even despite the fact that one of them died in a German concentration camp! The Rothschilds supplied Hitler with industrial diamonds, without which it was impossible to create many types of weapons. This was the De Beers corporation from the Oppenheimer diamond empire, part of the Rothschild cluster and one of the top twenty most noble and wealthy families in the world - in contrast to the Kennedy clan, represented somewhere in the top five hundred significant families in the world. Indeed, the Oppenheimers are at the very top of this hierarchy.

Concept TV

* Additional information: On the issue of Stalin: The Game for World Domination. Nikolay Levashov

Stalin was not a fool; he understood perfectly well by whom and for what purposes militarized Germany was being revived. He simply wanted to outplay his overseas rivals in the game for world domination. But he was beaten. Stalin was deceived by misinformation that Hitler was planning to attack England. Stalin was waiting for the German operation to begin to transport German troops to the British Isles...

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