Test what job is yours. Are you a good worker: test. Which cartoon did you like best as a child?

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  • 1. Remember if you liked answering at the blackboard at school?

    • She was always one of the first to raise her hand, even if she wasn’t ready. The main thing is to demonstrate confidence 3
    • It’s not that this was my favorite activity, but my classmates always told me if something happened 1
    • Everything depended on the subject and the degree of my preparation 2
    • These calls to the board are my entire nightmare. school life 4
  • 2. It’s your colleague’s birthday. What you will do:

    • Congratulations. If we communicate closely, I’ll give you some trinket 2
    • Everything will depend on how useful the birthday boy is to me. For strategically important person I don't mind spending money on something significant 3
    • Perhaps I’ll send an emoticon on Skype, most likely I’ll leave work 5 minutes before the celebration starts 4
    • I’ll choose a gift in advance and congratulate you in the morning 1
  • 3. By the will of fate, you find yourself at an off-site corporate event that will last until at least 8 pm. Your actions:

    • I will spend time in a narrow company of people I like 2
    • I will take this opportunity to resolve any issues that interest me with management in a private setting. 3
    • This is so great! I will participate in all entertainment and actively involve my colleagues 1
    • I'll wait patiently until this whole bacchanalia ends 4
  • 4. A not very smart, but very ambitious employee was hired into your department. How will you interact with him?

    • I will quietly rage, minding my own business. 2
    • At any job, most of my colleagues are like this. Shouldn't I work now? 4
    • I will arrange for this upstart to demonstrate his incompetence to his superiors, and more than once 3
    • I will find an approach in any case, I communicate well with all people 1
  • 5. How do you dress for the office, provided there is no strict dress code?

    • Whatever it takes. It's a pity that you can't come in pajamas 4
    • I stick to common sense: I won’t come in beach shorts, but I won’t mind jeans and sneakers 2
    • Only business suits, pencil skirts and white blouses. This emphasizes my status 3
    • I think over my image, try to look beautiful 1
  • 6. Choose a raccoon

    1 2
    3 4
    • Friendly raccoon 1
    • Classic raccoon 2
    • Purposeful raccoon 3
    • Self-sufficient raccoon 4
  • 7. Which cartoon did you like best as a child?

    1 2
    3 4
    • “Little Raccoon” 1
    • “The Secret of the Third Planet” 4
    • “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel” 3
    • “Well, wait a minute” 2
  • 8. Nine in the morning, the coffee machine has broken down. What are your actions?

    • I'm the person who usually fixes everything in this office. 4
    • I'll call someone who can fix it quickly 2
    • I'll go to the nearest cafe 3
    • I'll hang out with the growing crowd, discuss why the coffee machine broke, the weather and just have a good time 1
  • 9. Your cardigan is stuck in a chair. What will you do?

    • I can definitely reach an agreement with both of them by the end of the day. Then I’ll add the chair as a friend on VKontakte. 1
    • I'll ask one of my colleagues to help me out 2
    • I’ll snatch the cardigan from the tenacious clutches of the furniture and put the chair in the corner 3
    • I'll go home on a chair, fortunately it's on wheels 4
  • 10. You were unexpectedly teamed up with another department to complete a project. How will you behave?

    • I will only deal with my area of ​​responsibility 2
    • I will motivate and encourage everyone 1
    • As usual, I will do and redo everything for everyone 4
    • The main thing is that the boss decides that I did the main work 3
  • Positivity throughout the office

    Thanks to people like you, the sun at least sometimes peeks into the office windows, the chief accountant of Maryivanna forces a smile, and faith in humanity, almost lost, timidly raises its head.

    You radiate such an amount of positive energy that there is enough “recharging” for the entire department and several neighboring ones - even the most dull and gloomy ones.

    The main thing, perhaps, is that behind your behavior there is no intention of “profit in the long term” - you are sincere in your motives. And they are always ready to help out, support and meet halfway. You can safely count on a double response - you are loved at work. There's a reason!

  • Knowledgeable character

    You are the eyes and ears of your office! What would all these people do if you weren't Sherlock and Holmes rolled into one? You are the first to find out all the news - from the good (“this bastard will still be cut”) to the not so good (“and the salary too”) and bring it to your colleagues on your tail, allowing them to prepare, at least morally.

    Without people like you, the office would go crazy with boredom and idleness. What is it... The office would sooner or later turn into ruins if its foundation were not supported by insightful, knowledgeable people who can soberly assess prospects.

    What can we say? You are completely safe, no matter how life and economic vicissitudes rock the boat of your company - knowing (or anticipating) everything in advance, you will always put the hay where you need it and manage your future in the best possible way!

  • Psychologist from God

    If you don't occupy a psychologist's chair, this is a catastrophic injustice. Because you have mastered all its functionality in full. You 100% correctly “read” information about everyone who surrounds you - including in the office.

    You know how to find an approach to everyone - from the secretary to the boss. The rest are amazed: how?
    Maybe connections, cronyism, hypnosis?

    Nothing of the kind! Learn to communicate with people, gentlemen.

    to yours emotional intelligence one can only envy. Thanks to how high he is, impossible tasks - from a salary increase to a promotion - simply do not exist for you. Good luck!

  • Good worker

    You are an exceptionally erudite and qualified professional who copes with your assigned responsibilities inside and out.

    Considering this, your harmless bewilderment is understandable: why don’t your superiors notice your successes?
    Because upstarts have always been in fashion, but modesty has not. But don't worry, justice will prevail! And for this to happen before your retirement, be a little bolder and louder - you can afford it.

  • Irreplaceable employee

    It is customary to say about people like you: “He is an irreplaceable employee!” And it's true.

    Confirmed, so to speak, not by abstract “blah blah blah”, but by your deeds.

    You combine knowledge of theory, practical skills and the ability to competently present yourself in the right proportions.

    When others are either desperately “stupid” or unreasonably “clingy,” you do your best work and talk about it. It's no surprise that management loves you!
    And the team doesn’t seem to throw darts at your photo on the wall, because you care not only about your chair, but also about the fate of the company as a whole.

    In general, you are ideal, go and make yourself some coffee with some chocolates to go with it!

  • Gray cardinal

    By God, you should have the series “Secrets palace coups" take off. And at the same time play all the main roles at the same time. Truly, “in still waters…»

    Life has taught you in time - you shouldn’t report to everyone that you correctly assess and correctly understand absolutely everything that happens around you.

    Otherwise it will be like in that song where “I know too much - it’s time to kill me.”

    Nevertheless, you use the received and meaningful information wisely, to your advantage. Thanks to this, you manage to overcome the most difficult work situations, and sometimes even jump over several steps on the career ladder. You can continue in the same spirit, but... be careful!

  • Honest careerist

    What do people around you like about you?
    Honesty. You do not hide your goals, and your methods of achieving them are absolutely open, there is no pretense or flattering molasses in them.

    What do people around you not like about you?
    Assertiveness. You are a tank. And if you need something (and you, as noted above, always know what you need), you will never change the course you are on. Whatever (and sometimes “who”) is in your way.

    You cannot but be respected, but it is not easy to love you... On the other hand, your family and friends should love you, but your colleagues can only strive for your level of success. Be yourself!

  • Careerist with pitfalls

    Once upon a time you heard the phrase “the ends justify the means.” At first you may not have liked it, but life, which does not pamper you with buns and gingerbread, has proven that this is true.

    And you decided to follow this motto, since everyone whose life is enviably successful does so.

    It cannot be said that you did not reach the very desired goal. Yes, and the people who had to be “moved” on the way to it, quite possibly deserved it, since they were lazy and mediocrity... But be gentle: in the end, your state of mind and a calm conscience will cost the most.

  • Lone wolf

    You are not part of any coalition and do not play “for” or “against” anyone. Your position is neutrality. Sometimes positive, sometimes negative, but always silent.

    And this is perhaps the best strategy for success.

    You just silently and coolly do your job, without being distracted by the tinsel of behind-the-scenes showdowns. Thanks to this, ideas are generated, implementation is “at the level”, and projects do not stand idle.

    You know what? So it won’t be long before you have your own business! Go for it!

  • The Silent Observer

    You are, of course, an introvert. And all this office fuss is not created for you. However, you have successfully adapted to it, while maintaining a very comfortable observer position.

    “Why are these people doing all this?” — you think, perplexed, noting how hard your colleagues try to either please or annoy each other.

    You have neither the strength, nor the time, nor, most importantly, the desire to take part in all this mouse fuss. However, you are good enough at noticing details and analyzing them to remain in your niche and be considered “good.” We support you and suggest you think about organizing your own interesting life without an office and its inhabitants!

  • An invisible miracle

    “Oh, the photocopier started working on its own! Oh, I found the folder with the documentation! Oh, I didn’t notice the jambs!”

    In the eyes of your colleagues and, most offensively, your superiors, this is exactly how everything looks.

    And only you know that you yourself tinkered with this glitched copier, rummaged through all the archives in search of the right folder and corrected all the inaccuracies in the report before the arrival of that very check.

    However, your successes go unnoticed.

    And do you know why? Because you yourself want it, you holy man! You don't like to attract too much attention, even benevolent attention.

    You just like to know that you are in the right place, that you have overcome another difficulty and achieved a great result...

    Oh, this, of course, deprives you of bonuses... But mental comfort is more expensive!

  • Office sufferer

    Ta-da-da-daaam... It’s actually not clear how you ended up here.

    You are a free artist! Housewife! Cowboy! Yes, anyone, but not office plankton.

    You hate everything here - from the monitors to the “office backs” sitting in front of them.

    Listen, if you don’t change anything, this is exactly how your life will go – from 9 to 6 in an office box.

    What could be worse than living a life that is not yours?
    Give your warm place to someone who really needs it, and let’s go towards your favorite business and adventure! We believe you will succeed!

It often happens that a person is guided through life by the opinions of other people, be it parents, friends or some kind of authority. We all live and make decisions under social pressure. Decisions about choosing a place of work and life partner, place of residence. But are these solutions always optimal? Of course not! Most people in the world do not do what they want. It's as if they are living someone else's life. To be like them, dragging yourself to a job you don’t like every day - is this what you want? You don't have to waste your life doing a job that doesn't suit you! Sometimes it’s enough to look at yourself from the outside and understand that something is wrong with your life, something is high time to change!

Magazine IQR developed a psychological online test « what job suits me " We offer everyone to take our express career guidance test for free - it only takes two minutes. You don't have to waste money and time filling out large, boring forms offered by various career guidance centers. Basic professional inclinations A person can also be identified through a short test.

How to choose a profession - test

How to choose a profession

This choice test type professions. Answering only 12 short questions, you will receive a percentage propensity for various types of employment according to your psychotype. An approximate list of professions that would suit you best will be indicated.

“He is a workhorse” or “He plows like a horse” - we say about hardworking, hard-working people. Our test today is very simple: based on how you drew the horse and the world around it, we will try to understand what kind of worker you are.

Two cardiologists worked in America - Friedman and Rosenman. And they had one office for two, where colleagues took turns seeing patients. One day, a furniture upholsterer came into their reception room - not for a consultation, but to replace the frayed upholstery on the chairs. Taking a professional look at the worn seats, the master thought for a long time. And then he asked Friedman and Rosenman a question: “What are you doing here anyway? And what the strange people do they come to you? The question was not idle: the fact is that the upholstery on the chairs was worn in a certain way: the front of each chair was worn into tatters, while the rest of the space looked like new.

As you might guess, people with heart problems came to cardiologists. But besides this, they were united by something else: while waiting their turn in the waiting room, patients sat on the edge of a chair and began to nervously fidget in their chair, impatiently glancing at their watches. These very busy and impatient gentlemen had no free time. At any second they were ready to take off and run about their important and urgent matters.

So two cardiologists and one curious furniture upholsterer did something important scientific discovery, which was later included in textbooks on psychology and medicine. They discovered two behavioral types - “A” and “B”.

Type A people We are used to always being the first in everything. They are ambitious, assertive and ready to go to the end in everything. The worst punishment for such a person is to wait their turn, because they have so much to do! And the most important thing in their life, of course, is work. People “A” are usually successful in their careers, but often they have to work extremely hard, because they try to redo everything with their own hands and control everyone around them. It is not surprising that they are frequent patients of cardiologists.

Another thing - Type B people. They are calm, unhurried, not too ambitious and not at all eager for competition. Working day and night under pressure or, God forbid, taking work home is not for them. People “B” soberly assess their capabilities, always weigh their strengths and prefer not to strain themselves. They are much less successful in their careers than their opposites, but they also suffer from heart disease much less often.

What to choose – a super successful career or health? Or maybe it’s better to learn how to set priorities correctly, relax in time and save both? It's up to you to decide.

So what kind of worker are you? Diligent or not so diligent? Let's check it now.


So, before you is the silhouette of a horse. Your task is to redraw it on a sheet of paper, and then complete the picture, giving it completeness and meaning. Pay attention to the details of the animal's appearance. If you wish, you can also draw a background - try to create an atmosphere around your horse in which it would feel comfortable. Are you done? Let's start with the interpretation.

Key to the test
  • If you only focus on main, characteristic details equine appearance, indicating only hooves, mane, tail, and paid almost no attention to the background - formally you do everything that your position requires of you, but you will never make a cult out of your work. In short, you cannot be called a workaholic.
  • You worked on your painting for a long time and paid a lot of attention little things, carefully drawing every hair in the horse's mane and every blade of grass under her hooves? You are probably a very pedantic person and love hard work. You are diligent, conscientious and demanding of yourself. Unfortunately for those around them, to their labor activity You are also very demanding. And to be honest, sometimes you simply harass your colleagues and subordinates with your nagging.
  • If you are especially carefully painted the horse's facenostrils, mouth, eyes, eyelashes, made her flirty bangs– you look for and find romance in your work. When you take on any project, you are full of enthusiasm and bright hopes. Perhaps you are still very young, and simply have not had time to either “go stale” or “burn out.” If you are a mature and mature person, you are probably just an incorrigible optimist.
  • Your horse is grazing in the meadow or in the field? This means that the most important thing for you is to work in comfortable conditions; it is advisable to generally have a free schedule and not feel any pressure from others. More than anything else, you hate boundaries and restrictions. And you really value independence.
  • If you put a bridle or collar on your horse- you are no stranger to working a lot and hard. Your business comes first. It seems that you can’t even imagine that you can live any other way.
  • If you they put the rider on the horse– you just need a curator who will organize and customize you. Without pressure from above, you quickly lose momentum and begin to skid.
  • If you put food and a trough of water in front of the horse, you are ready for any work, provided that it is well rewarded. And nothing else!
  • The test was prepared for the magazine "Women's Magic"

Who to work with, what better profession choose what specialty to study, what university to choose? On our website there is an excellent test for career guidance: Who should I work with? Now is the time to enter universities and perhaps many students still haven’t decided where to send their documents? Where should they bring themselves as students and think about how to choose the right profession?

The other extreme is if you go, for example, to become an economist, marketer, or accountant. Or do you choose more science education: physics, chemistry, biology, then you have more opportunities to change your profession. There are spontaneous desires, if you liked some subject at school: I want to study at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, or I want to be a physicist, I want to be an actor. You can choose solely based on your desires. And then what, you graduate from university and receive a diploma in physics, geographer or historian or philologist, or you become a psychologist. Imagine for a second: can I go to work in this specialty?

Good advice: just go to some job search site for your development and look at the vacancies that are close to you? I advise you to read analytical reports The most popular TV specialties in Russia The most popular specialties in Russia by salary. You can simply type Google in Yandex profession ratings. The highest paid professions are compiled annually. Maybe analyzing specific proposals will give you an idea about your profession.

When people say “I want to be a geographer”, “I want to be an archaeologist”, “I want to be a doctor”, or something else, they do not fully understand that they will have to work in this specialty. Just try to imagine yourself in the place of a graduate and imagine in which field you would like to go to work. If you want to work in an office and negotiate, for example. Or you like to travel more, then tourism and expedition work will suit you.

What else do you need to pass the career guidance test for who to work with? Imagine yourself in the future +5 years. Will you be comfortable working in your chosen profession? If you like computers, then perhaps you should become an IT specialist. Such professions will always be in demand. In IT you can choose different directions.

As for economists, there are now a lot of economists, but nevertheless these are highly paid positions. You should become an economist if you like to count and it makes you delighted. Related topics are economics and finance. Business analytics, there is money here, but it must be a choice of the soul.

There are financial specialties in which you just need to become a good professional, good specialist and then you will succeed and be prosperous, but always choose a specialty you like.

Think about what your inclinations are, what kind of business you love. For example, I remember myself at school. I didn’t have a particular inclination towards anything in particular, but I liked humanities subjects, I liked science subjects. That's why I became a journalist. I also liked psychology and read various books. I even thought about enrolling as a psychologist. As a result, I am a journalist and a bit of a psychologist for my friends.

Where to work, you can take a career guidance test and receive specific recommendations and a list of professions.

I wish you good luck! Faith.

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