Is knowledge important in a person's life? What is the importance of biological knowledge in human practical activity? With firm confidence we can say yes

* This work is not scientific work, is not a graduation qualifying work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information intended for use as a source of material for self-study educational works.

What role does knowledge play in human life? In life modern man, knowledge plays a vital role. The so-called human capital, namely knowledge, allows us to provide comfortable living conditions, which is also not unimportant. A monotonous life and a reluctance to knowledge leads to the complete degradation of a person as an individual.
An intelligent person, in my opinion, is a person who has a certain knowledge base and a broad outlook. The more knowledge a person has, the more opportunities he will have in his life. Well, what standard of living can an ordinary locksmith provide for himself and his loved ones? The question is rhetorical and does not require an answer. And what level of life can a person who knows a few things have? foreign languages. Definitely an order of magnitude higher at least. And such a person has more prospects and opportunities to improve his financial situation and social status with such capital. But what is just as important is the cultural level. World culture is the treasury of humanity. And if a person does not try to touch this treasury open to anyone, then this is simply a crime against the development of oneself as an individual. Knowledge is painstaking everyday work.

Does the amount of knowledge increase with the course of historical development?

With firm confidence we can say yes!

Over the course of its centuries-old history, humanity has painstakingly accumulated knowledge. Periodically, knowledge was lost and new generations of researchers restored it. Much of humanity's lost knowledge has not yet been rediscovered. There is a lot of evidence of this, among them, for example, the pyramids of the pharaohs in Egypt, built using technologies that modern humanity cannot boast of.

Nevertheless, our civilization, following the path of scientific and technological progress, has achieved enormous progress. knowledge, and every day knowledge increases.

The question of the place of knowledge in human life,

about their importance, significance is very

relevant in the modern environment. WITH

on the one hand, specialists who know

their business, in demand by ours

society; on the other hand, the question is raised

about the truth of human knowledge, about his


Do you need knowledge? This question

were asked by thinkers of various eras and

generations. Let us remember the comedy by A.S.

Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", the title itself

which already speaks for itself.

Enlightened young man

finds himself in a hostile environment,

which does not accept knowledge. And true

understanding the course of things does not help the hero

in conflict resolution. Disappointed,

he runs away from this world, exclaiming:

"A carriage for me! A carriage!"

But I believe that knowledge is necessary

a person on a difficult path in life.

They represent that

building material from which

human experience is formed. This and

necessary condition for existence

individuals in a certain social

environment. Without any kind of knowledge and

skills, a person simply cannot live and

be implemented in modern


Knowledge is not just memorized

teacher's request for a lesson at school. They

aimed at developing mental

human abilities, his logic, skills

talk, think, draw conclusions,

to reveal his hidden abilities.

A person who has a certain

understanding, idea of ​​some

or a phenomenon, will never stop at

achieved. She will not enclose herself in

frameworks that limit cognition.

A person with an inquisitive mind will try

learn more, understand it and apply it in

of your life. We are always developing with

receiving new information. And in this


abilities such as the ability to analyze and

draw conclusions. That is, we can say

that knowledge and its quality

form the culture of the individual, the degree of its


But it is also important to note that knowledge is

colossal work. How much effort

it takes a person to

understand something new! And this work

not feasible for any of us. It scares many people

the process of obtaining is repellent

knowledge, many find it difficult to force themselves

sit with a book or listen to the teacher.

The search for truth is a creative process,

requiring emotional and

intellectual tension. Many

They just don’t see the point in studying

of this kind, they do not understand their importance

for each of us.

IN modern conditions can we talk

not only about the role of knowledge in life

man, but also about their truth. Often

school certificate or higher diploma

education is not talked about

professionalism of a person, about his

real knowledge and understanding of some

or a question.

Undoubtedly, knowledge is necessary for a person

for life, moral development and

cultural education. But it's complicated

a path that not everyone takes,

realizing the need to know something

Biology as a science that studies life in all its manifestations using a variety of methods, consists of many scientific directions, or sections that act as independent sciences. Modern biology is a system of sciences about living nature. It includes botany, zoology, morphology, anatomy, systematics, cytology, physiology, embryology, whose development began a long time ago, and the relatively young modern ones - microbiology, virology, genetics, biochemistry, biophysics, radiobiology, space biology and many other biological sciences. The names of some biological sciences are associated with the names of the organisms they study, in particular algology studies algae, zoology studies animals, botany studies plants, mycology studies fungi, virology studies viruses, bacteriology studies bacteria. The names of other sciences are associated with the structural features and vital functions of organisms: morphology studies external structure organisms, anatomy - internal structure, physiology - life processes, etc. You will study the basics of some of these sciences, get acquainted with others, and perhaps you will only hear about some of them during your life.

Biological science is the foundation, the basis for the development of many areas of knowledge. Special role biology plays in the development of medicine, agriculture and forestry, etc. It is closely related to other sciences - geography, astronomy, physics, technology, mathematics, cybernetics, chemistry, geology, etc.

Knowledge of general biological laws, features of the development and reproduction of living organisms allows us to develop effective methods and means in the field of medicine aimed at protecting human health. Agricultural science uses biological knowledge to meet human needs for food, etc. Material from the site

The main tasks of modern biology are the study of the relationship between man and environment, the diversity of living organisms and their interactions with each other, the study of the possibilities of extending human life and curing various serious diseases, the study of biological phenomena in order to solve technical problems, the study of life in space conditions, etc.

So biology has an extremely important to solve many problems of the present. She works closely with medicine, agriculture, industry, and therefore it is considered science XXI century.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • zastosuvannya knowledge of biology
  • what is the importance of biology in all living things
  • a story about the role of biological knowledge in life
  • How does a person use biological knowledge?
  • the importance of biological knowledge in my life message

Regional scientific and methodological conference for students, graduate students, young scientists (Dneprodzerzhinsk, February 20-21, 2013)

IV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students (Dnepropetrovsk, March 15-16, 2013)

Regional student scientific and practical conference (Dnepropetrovsk, April 4–5, 2013)

All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Scientific and methodological approaches to teaching management disciplines in the context of labor market requirements” (Dnepropetrovsk, April 11-12, 2013)

VI All-Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Conference " Eastern Slavs: history, language, culture, translation” (Dneprodzerzhinsk, April 17-18, 2013)

All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference " Current issues teaching foreign languages ​​for professional communication" (Dnepropetrovsk, June 7-8, 2013)

Vershkova V.A.

Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, Ukraine


What role does knowledge play in human life? Everyone who thinks about this question finds an answer for themselves. For some, knowledge is power, for others it is recognition in society, for others, acquiring knowledge becomes the meaning of life. From our point of view, knowledge is a vital necessity. The one who owns the information owns the world. This is a well-known fact that applies to every person. Popular wisdom says: “If I knew where to fall, I’d spread a straw.” In the 21st century, we understand the need and value of knowledge. Without them we are unable to survive. It is very difficult to cross the road without knowing how to do it correctly, or to provide yourself with everything you need without knowing or being able to do anything. The knowledge a person possesses defines who he is. The more knowledge he has, the greater opportunities open up in his life. For example, a person who knows several foreign languages ​​with such capital has solid opportunities and prospects to improve his social status and financial situation. Today he is an ordinary translator, and tomorrow he can take a management course and become a manager large company. It is not only the material factor that stimulates. Let us remember M.V. Lomonosov, who walked half the country to be able to study. Two more components of knowledge need to be mentioned. This is freedom and protection. An ignorant person can easily be deceived, deprived of property, and his rights violated. It happened before, it happens now. Knowledgeable person can protect his rights, his property, his life.

As history shows, people understand the value of knowledge at all times. Moreover greatest people They strive not only to gain knowledge, but also to share it. As an example, we can cite the story of G. Bruno. The scientist proudly climbed onto the fire, never betraying himself. He was confident in his knowledge, although it contradicted the established view of life in the society of that time. He paid for his knowledge with the most precious thing he had - his life.

F. Bacon is one of the first thinkers who made experimental knowledge the core of his philosophy. He ends the era of the late Renaissance and, together with R. Descartes, proclaims the main principles of modern philosophy. It is F. Bacon who expresses one of the fundamental commandments of new thinking: “Knowledge is power.” This aphorism contains the slogan and pathos of his entire philosophical system. The relationship between man and nature is understood in a new way, which is transformed into the relationship between subject and object and becomes part of the flesh and blood of the European mentality. Man is represented as a cognizing and active principle (subject), while nature is represented as a principle (object) subject to knowledge and use. Activist utilitarianism believes that with the advent of man, nature splits into subject and object, which are both separated and connected through instrumental activity. The natural scientific method explores nature as a calculable system of forces. F. Bacon sees knowledge and science as a powerful tool for progressive social change. Based on this, he places the "House of Solomon" - the house of wisdom - at the center public life. He calls on all people to engage in wisdom, neither for the sake of scientific disputes, nor for the sake of neglecting others, nor for the sake of self-interest, power and glory, but so that life itself can benefit and succeed from it. A philosopher, like any other person who has such a treasure as knowledge, calls on people and himself tries to make life better.

Much more can be said about the benefits of knowledge, but I would also like to mention its dangers. At all times and under all social systems learned people They are never in power and never rule countries and peoples according to their own understanding and according to their conscience. This led before and is now leading to the fact that learned people are relegated to the level of ordinary workers who, for their own, even specific and complex work, receive wages or any other remuneration, and the fruits of their labors are transferred to the personal discretion of those who pay. From the works and achievements of scientists sometimes, and in lately more and more often, the safety and life of a huge number of people, and the planet as a whole, depends. Textbook examples with atomic, biological and chemical weapons in the twentieth century, unfortunately, humanity is not being cured of irresponsibility. Moreover, these people are quite consciously taught that they are only an instrument of society and the state, which can better manage the fruits of their discoveries. The power of knowledge in the hands of an unprincipled person can lead to disaster. Therefore, I really want to hope for humanity’s understanding of what it already possesses and what it can still master. Knowledge is also responsibility.

Let us emphasize again. Knowledge is a treasure. Without them, a person dooms himself to a low existence. There are examples in history of how people with comprehensive and deep knowledge achieve high altitudes. The biblical king Solomon asked God for the only good - knowledge. For this he was awarded wisdom, love, wealth, and longevity. Highly educated, erudite people were the artist and scientist L. daVinci, commander A.V. Suvorov, poet, writer A.S. Pushkin and many others. These people are prime examples great role knowledge, what it can give to a person and how it can influence his life.

What role does knowledge play in human life? In the life of a modern person, knowledge plays a vital role. The so-called human capital, namely knowledge, allows us to provide comfortable living conditions, which is also not unimportant, because as we know, being determines consciousness. And dull existence, monotonous life and reluctance to knowledge lead to the complete degradation of man as an individual. I am sure that more than one sensible person will not argue with this thesis. But what I’m asking is what I want to say. I don’t want to speak well-known truths passing them off as my thoughts, but I want to compare several concepts that for some reason many people confuse. And in general, it’s amazing how many things people confuse and do not understand the differences between one concept or another.

Well, let's take for example the difference between smart person and immediate. Well, what is the difference between these concepts, which are similar in many opinions?

Smart man- this, in my opinion, is a person who has a certain knowledge base and a broad outlook, but at the same time he is not a mediocre person. He can be very smart, but at the same time very ordinary. And who is a spontaneous person?

Direct person- this is certainly a smart person, that is, not so much smart and educated as smart. A person who thinks quickly and quickly, does not have many of the complexes that the average person has and is not limited by any conventions prevailing in society. That is, a person who thinks vividly, this is how he feels. A person who speaks sincerely and at the same time kindly. And of course, people will always like a spontaneous person more than, for example, a person who is smart, erudite, but boring and uninteresting. One general erudition should be developed from childhood, with the help of books and specialized sites, such as Znayka.

Well, the question arises: why then get an education at all and strive for knowledge? Yes, very simple! You cannot be a spontaneous and at the same time empty person. A spontaneous person is a person with a lively mind. This means that he is passionate about the life process, he is interested in everything around him. And he cannot be uneducated. A spontaneous person is an educated and interesting person. But a smart person is an educated and insipid person. These are the differences that we should not forget about and confuse such different concepts. But let's return to the question of the role of knowledge in the life of every person. what role do they play? Yes, the very main role! Knowledge plays the role of Hamlet in a person's life. The more knowledge a person has, the more opportunities he will have in his life. Well, what standard of living can an ordinary locksmith provide for himself and his loved ones? The question is rhetorical and does not require an answer.

And what standard of living can a person who knows several foreign languages ​​have? Definitely an order of magnitude higher at least. And such a person has more prospects and opportunities to improve his financial situation and social status with such human capital. Today he is an ordinary translator, and tomorrow he can take a management course and become a manager of a large company, in which everything will then depend only on his motivation. But not only more money allow you to gain knowledge, although this is certainly not an unimportant factor. But what is just as important is the cultural level. World culture is the treasury of humanity. And if a person does not try to touch this treasury open to anyone, then this is simply a crime against himself, against the development of himself as an individual. Such a person simply gives up on himself and thereby condemns himself to an unenviable existence. But why is this happening? Do people really dislike themselves so much that they don’t understand the importance of knowledge? Why, instead of going to a museum or theater, do they prefer to go to the cinema or to a disco? Because these problems are much deeper than they seem, and they need to be dealt with at the state level.

Although I am SURE that everything depends on the person’s motivation and understanding of his desires. And many, unfortunately, do not understand their goals and suffer from this. In general, the role of knowledge in human life is difficult to overestimate. Knowledge is power, as they say. But knowledge is not acquired easily, just once or twice. Knowledge is painstaking everyday work. So friends, don’t be lazy, don’t be an Oblomov. Knowledge will open a window for you into another world that you have never seen before; you will begin to look at many familiar things with different eyes. You will begin to notice things that you have never noticed before. You can’t go anywhere without knowledge in our 21st century!

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